def test_markdown(test_data: Tuple[str, str]):
    (the_input, the_expected_output) = test_data
    the_output = run_markdown(the_input)
    print('\n test_markdown():')
    print('  input   : %s' % the_input)
    print('  output  : %s' % the_output)
    print('  expected: %s' % the_expected_output)
    assert the_output == the_expected_output
def test_em():
    print('in test_em')
    assert run_markdown('*this should be wrapped in em tags*') == \
        '<p><em>this should be wrapped in em tags</em></p>'
def test_strong():
    print('in test_strong')
    assert run_markdown('**this should be wrapped in strong tags**') == \
        '<p><strong>this should be wrapped in strong tags</strong></p>'
def test_non_marked_lines():
    print('in test_non_marked_lines')
    assert run_markdown('this line has no special handling') == \
        '<p>this line has no special handling</p>'