Beispiel #1
 def testReturnNewCopy(self):
     '''Point returns a copy of itself.'''
     pt1 = Point(1.1, 2.3)
     pt2 = pt1.copy()
     self.assertEqual(pt1, pt2)
     pt2 += pt1
     self.assert_(not pt1 == pt2)
 def testReturnNewCopy(self):
     '''Point returns a copy of itself.'''
     pt1 = Point(1.1, 2.3)
     pt2 = pt1.copy()
     self.assertEqual(pt1, pt2)
     pt2 += pt1
     self.assertFalse(pt1 == pt2)
Beispiel #3
 def testArgRemoval2(self):
     '''Tests argument removal modifications on Modifications.argRemoval2.'''
     # void [-> PyObject*] argRemoval2(int, bool, Point = Point(1, 2) [removed], Point = Point(3, 4) [removed], int = 333)
     # code-injection: returns tuple with received parameters plus removed ones
     a0, a1, a2 = 1, True, 2
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.argRemoval2(a0, a1), (a0, a1, Point(1, 2), Point(3, 4), 333))
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.argRemoval2(a0, a1, a2), (a0, a1, Point(1, 2), Point(3, 4), a2))
Beispiel #4
 def testDrawTextPointAndStr(self):
     overload = Overload()
     self.assertEqual(overload.drawText(Point(), Str()), Overload.Function0)
     self.assertEqual(overload.drawText(Point(), ''), Overload.Function0)
     self.assertEqual(overload.drawText(PointF(), Str()),
     self.assertEqual(overload.drawText(PointF(), ''), Overload.Function1)
 def testOwnershipTransference(self):
     '''Ownership transference from Python to C++ and back again.'''
     p1 = Point(10, 20)
     bb = BlackBox()
     p1_ticket = bb.keepPoint(p1)
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, p1.x)
     p1_ret = bb.retrievePoint(p1_ticket)
     self.assertEqual(p1_ret, Point(10, 20))
Beispiel #6
 def testReturnConstPointer(self):
     '''Point returns a const pointer for itself.'''
     pt1 = Point(5.0, 2.3)
     refcount1 = sys.getrefcount(pt1)
     pt2 = pt1.getSelf()
     self.assertEqual(pt1, pt2)
     self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(pt1), refcount1 + 1)
     self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(pt1), sys.getrefcount(pt2))
Beispiel #7
 def testNotEqualOperator(self):
     '''Test Point class != operator.'''
     pt1 = Point(5.0, 2.3)
     pt2 = Point(5.0, 2.3)
     # This test no longer makes sense because we always supply default `==`, `!=`.
     #self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, pt1.__ne__, pt2)
     # Since we use the default identity comparison, this results in `!=` .
     self.assertTrue(pt1 != pt2)
Beispiel #8
 def testArgRemoval4(self):
     '''Tests argument removal modifications on Modifications.argRemoval4.'''
     # void [-> PyObject*] argRemoval4(int, Point [removed, new val = Point(6, 9)], bool, Point = Point(3, 4) [removed], int = 333)
     # code-injection: returns tuple with received parameters plus removed ones
     a0, a1, a2 = 1, True, 2
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.mods.argRemoval4, a0)
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.argRemoval4(a0, a1), (a0, Point(6, 9), a1, Point(3, 4), 333))
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.argRemoval4(a0, a1, a2), (a0, Point(6, 9), a1, Point(3, 4), a2))
 def testReturnConstPointer(self):
     '''Point returns a const pointer for itself.'''
     pt1 = Point(5.0, 2.3)
     refcount1 = sys.getrefcount(pt1)
     pt2 = pt1.getSelf()
     self.assertEqual(pt1, pt2)
     self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(pt1), refcount1 + 1)
     self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(pt1), sys.getrefcount(pt2))
Beispiel #10
 def testProtectedValueTypePointerProperty(self):
     '''Writes and reads a protected value type pointer property.'''
     pt1 = Point(12, 34)
     pt2 = Point(12, 34)
     self.obj.protectedValueTypePointerProperty = pt1
     self.assertEqual(self.obj.protectedValueTypePointerProperty, pt1)
     self.assertEqual(self.obj.protectedValueTypePointerProperty, pt2)
     self.assertTrue(self.obj.protectedValueTypePointerProperty is pt1)
     self.assertFalse(self.obj.protectedValueTypePointerProperty is pt2)
Beispiel #11
 def testValueTypeReferenceAndValue(self):
     '''In C++ we have "function(const ValueType&, double)",
     in Python we add "function(ValueType)".'''
     point = Point(10, 20)
     multiplier = 4.0
     control = (point.x() + point.y()) * multiplier
     self.assertEqual(SampleNamespace.passReferenceToValueType(point, multiplier), control)
     control = point.x() + point.y()
     self.assertEqual(SampleNamespace.passReferenceToValueType(point), control)
Beispiel #12
 def testEqualOperator(self):
     '''Test Point class == operator.'''
     pt1 = Point(5.0, 2.3)
     pt2 = Point(5.0, 2.3)
     pt3 = Point(0.5, 3.2)
     self.assertTrue(pt1 == pt1)
     self.assertTrue(pt1 == pt2)
     self.assertFalse(pt1 == pt3)
     self.assertFalse(pt1 == object())
Beispiel #13
 def testArgRemoval5(self):
     '''Tests argument removal modifications on Modifications.argRemoval5.'''
     # void [-> PyObject*] argRemoval5(int [removed, new val = 100], bool,
     #                                 Point = Point(1, 2) [removed],
     #                                 Point = Point(3, 4) [removed], int = 333)
     # code-injection: returns tuple with received parameters plus removed ones
     a0, a1, a2 = True, 2, True
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.argRemoval5(a0), (100, a0, Point(1, 2), Point(3, 4), 333))
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.argRemoval5(a0, a1), (100, a0, Point(1, 2), Point(3, 4), a1))
     # void [-> PyObject*] argRemoval5(int [removed, new val = 200], bool, int, bool)
     # code-injection: returns tuple with received parameters plus removed ones
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.argRemoval5(a0, a1, a2), (200, a0, a1, a2))
Beispiel #14
    def testMonkeyPatchOnVirtualMethod(self):
        '''Injects new 'virtualMethod0' on a VirtualMethods instance and makes C++ call it.'''
        vm = VirtualMethods()
        pt, val, cpx, b = Point(1.1, 2.2), 4, complex(3.3, 4.4), True

        result1 = vm.virtualMethod0(pt, val, cpx, b)
        result2 = vm.callVirtualMethod0(pt, val, cpx, b)
        self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
                         VirtualMethods.virtualMethod0(vm, pt, val, cpx, b))

        def myVirtualMethod0(obj, pt, val, cpx, b):
            self.duck_method_called = True
            return VirtualMethods.virtualMethod0(obj, pt, val, cpx,
                                                 b) * self.multiplier

        vm.virtualMethod0 = MethodTypeCompat(myVirtualMethod0, vm)

        result1 = vm.callVirtualMethod0(pt, val, cpx, b)

        result2 = vm.virtualMethod0(pt, val, cpx, b)
        self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
            VirtualMethods.virtualMethod0(vm, pt, val, cpx, b) *

        # This is done to decrease the refcount of the vm object
        # allowing the object wrapper to be deleted before the
        # BindingManager. This is useful when compiling Shiboken
        # for debug, since the BindingManager destructor has an
        # assert that checks if the wrapper mapper is empty.
        vm.virtualMethod0 = None
    def testConversionRuleForReturnTypeOnExtendedClass(self):
        x, y = 11, 2
        diff = float(abs(x - y))
        point = Point(x, y)
        em = ExtModifications()

        ok, res = em.differenceOfPointCoordinates(point)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(ok, bool))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, float))
        self.assertEqual(res, diff * em.multiplier + em.increment)

        ok, res = em.callDifferenceOfPointCoordinates(point)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(ok, bool))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, float))
        self.assertEqual(res, diff * em.multiplier + em.increment)

        ok, res = em.differenceOfPointCoordinates(None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(ok, bool))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, float))
        self.assertEqual(res, em.increment)

        ok, res = em.callDifferenceOfPointCoordinates(None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(ok, bool))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, float))
        self.assertEqual(res, em.increment)
Beispiel #16
    def testDeepCopy(self):
        '''Deep copy of value types'''
        point = Point(3.1, 4.2)
        new_point = copy.deepcopy([point])[0]

        self.assert_(point is not new_point)
        self.assertEqual(point, new_point)
Beispiel #17
 def testCallWithInvalidParametersSideB(self):
     '''Same as the previous test, but with an integer as first argument,
     just to complicate things for the overload method decisor.'''
     pt = Point()
     # This exception may move from a TypeError to a ValueError.
     self.assertRaises((TypeError, ValueError),
                       SampleNamespace.forceDecisorSideB, 1, pt)
 def testArgumentRemovalAndReturnTypeModificationWithTypesystemTemplates2(
     '''Test modifications to method signature and return value using type system templates (case 2).'''
     result, ok = self.mods.multiplyPointCoordsPlusValue(Point(2, 5), 4.1)
     self.assertEqual(type(ok), bool)
     self.assertEqual(type(result), float)
     self.assertEqual(result, 14.1)
 def testTransform_ValidMatrix(self):
     '''Transform applies successfully.'''
     p = Point(3, 4)
     r = applyHomogeneousTransform(p, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
     self.assertTrue(type(r) is Point)
     self.assertEqual(r.x(), 4)
     self.assertEqual(r.y(), -3)
Beispiel #20
    def testMonkeyPatchOnVirtualMethodWithInheritance(self):
        '''Injects new 'virtualMethod0' on an object that inherits from VirtualMethods and makes C++ call it.'''
        duck = Duck()
        pt, val, cpx, b = Point(1.1, 2.2), 4, complex(3.3, 4.4), True

        result1 = duck.virtualMethod0(pt, val, cpx, b)
        result2 = duck.callVirtualMethod0(pt, val, cpx, b)
        self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
                         VirtualMethods.virtualMethod0(duck, pt, val, cpx, b))

        def myVirtualMethod0(obj, pt, val, cpx, b):
            self.duck_method_called = True
            return VirtualMethods.virtualMethod0(obj, pt, val, cpx,
                                                 b) * self.multiplier

        duck.virtualMethod0 = MethodTypeCompat(myVirtualMethod0, duck)

        result1 = duck.callVirtualMethod0(pt, val, cpx, b)

        result2 = duck.virtualMethod0(pt, val, cpx, b)
        self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
            VirtualMethods.virtualMethod0(duck, pt, val, cpx, b) *

        duck.virtualMethod0 = None
 def testOverloadedMethodModifications(self):
     '''Tests modifications to an overloaded method'''
     # overloaded(int, bool[removed], int, double)
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.overloaded(1, 2, 3.1),
     # overloaded(int, bool, int[removed,default=321], int)
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.overloaded(1, True, 2),
     # the others weren't modified
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.overloaded(1, True, 2, False),
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.overloaded(1, False, 2, Point(3, 4)),
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.mods.overloaded, 1, True,
                       Point(2, 3), Point(4, 5))
     self.assertEqual(self.mods.over(1, True, Point(2, 3), Point(4, 5)),
Beispiel #22
 def testCallWithInvalidParametersSideA(self):
     '''Call a method missing with the last argument missing.
     This can trigger the bug #262, which means using an argument
     not provided by the user.'''
     pt = Point()
     # This exception may move from a TypeError to a ValueError.
     self.assertRaises((TypeError, ValueError),
                       SampleNamespace.forceDecisorSideA, pt)
Beispiel #23
    def testAddedOperator(self):
        p = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        r = p - unicode('Hi')
        self.assertEqual(r, unicode('Hi'))

        # now the reverse op.
        r = unicode('Hi') - p
        self.assertEqual(r, unicode('Hi'))
Beispiel #24
 def testProtectedValueTypeProperty(self):
     '''Writes and reads a protected value type property.'''
     point = Point(12, 34)
     self.obj.protectedValueTypeProperty = point
     self.assertEqual(self.obj.protectedValueTypeProperty, point)
     self.assertFalse(self.obj.protectedValueTypeProperty is point)
     pointProperty = self.obj.protectedValueTypeProperty
     self.assertTrue(self.obj.protectedValueTypeProperty is pointProperty)
Beispiel #25
 def testForInfiniteRecursion(self):
     def myVirtualMethod0(obj, pt, val, cpx, b):
         self.call_counter += 1
         return VirtualMethods.virtualMethod0(obj, pt, val, cpx, b)
     vm = VirtualMethods()
     vm.virtualMethod0 = MethodTypeCompat(myVirtualMethod0, vm)
     pt, val, cpx, b = Point(1.1, 2.2), 4, complex(3.3, 4.4), True
     vm.virtualMethod0(pt, val, cpx, b)
     self.assertEqual(self.call_counter, 1)
Beispiel #26
    def testSimple(self):
        '''Simple pickling and unpickling'''

        point = Point(10.2, 43.5)

        data = pickle.dumps(point)
        new_point = pickle.loads(data)

        self.assertEqual(point, new_point)
        self.assert_(point is not new_point)
 def testArgumentRemovalAndReturnTypeModificationWithTypesystemTemplates1(
     '''Test modifications to method signature and return value using type system templates (case 1).'''
     result, ok = self.mods.pointToPair(Point(2, 5))
     self.assertEqual(type(ok), bool)
     self.assertEqual(type(result), tuple)
     self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)
     self.assertEqual(type(result[0]), float)
     self.assertEqual(type(result[1]), float)
     self.assertEqual(result[0], 2.0)
     self.assertEqual(result[1], 5.0)
 def testValueTypeReferenceAndValue(self):
     '''In C++ we have "function(const ValueType&, double)",
     in Python we add "function(ValueType)".'''
     point = Point(10, 20)
     multiplier = 4.0
     control = (point.x() + point.y()) * multiplier
     self.assertEqual(SampleNamespace.passReferenceToValueType(point, multiplier), control)
     control = point.x() + point.y()
     self.assertEqual(SampleNamespace.passReferenceToValueType(point), control)
Beispiel #29
 def testConversionOfListOfObjectsPassedAsArgument(self):
     '''Calls method with a Python list of wrapped objects to be converted to a C++ list.'''
     mult = 3
     pts0 = (Point(1.0, 2.0), Point(3.3, 4.4), Point(5, 6))
     pts1 = (Point(1.0, 2.0), Point(3.3, 4.4), Point(5, 6))
     ListUser.multiplyPointList(pts1, mult)
     for pt0, pt1 in zip(pts0, pts1):
         self.assertEqual(pt0.x() * mult, pt1.x())
         self.assertEqual(pt0.y() * mult, pt1.y())
Beispiel #30
 def testProtectedValueTypePropertyWrapperRegistration(self):
     '''Access colocated protected value type property.'''
     cache_size = cacheSize()
     point = Point(12, 34)
     obj = createProtectedProperty()
     obj.protectedValueTypeProperty = point
     self.assertEqual(obj.protectedValueTypeProperty, point)
     self.assertFalse(obj.protectedValueTypeProperty is point)
     pointProperty = obj.protectedValueTypeProperty
     self.assertTrue(obj.protectedValueTypeProperty is pointProperty)
     del obj, point, pointProperty
     self.assertEqual(cacheSize(), cache_size)
    def testAccessingValueTypeField(self):
        '''Reads and writes a value type (in this case a 'Point') field.'''
        d = Derived()
        self.assertEqual(type(d.valueTypeField), Point)

        # attribution
        old_value = d.valueTypeField
        new_value = Point(-10, 537)
        d.valueTypeField = new_value
        self.assertEqual(d.valueTypeField, new_value)

        #object modify
        self.assertEqual(d.valueTypeField.x(), 10)
        self.assertEqual(d.valueTypeField.y(), 20)

        # attribution with invalid type
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: setattr(d, 'valueTypeField', 123))
    def testConversionRuleForReturnType(self):
        x, y = 11, 2
        diff = float(abs(x - y))
        point = Point(x, y)

        ok, res = self.mods.differenceOfPointCoordinates(point)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(ok, bool))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, float))
        self.assertEqual(res, diff)

        ok, res = self.mods.callDifferenceOfPointCoordinates(point)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(ok, bool))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, float))
        self.assertEqual(res, diff)

        ok, res = self.mods.differenceOfPointCoordinates(None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(ok, bool))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, float))
        self.assertEqual(res, 0.0)

        ok, res = self.mods.callDifferenceOfPointCoordinates(None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(ok, bool))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, float))
        self.assertEqual(res, 0.0)
Beispiel #33
    def testCopy(self):
        point = Point(0.1, 2.4)
        new_point = copy.copy(point)

        self.assert_(point is not new_point)
        self.assertEqual(point, new_point)
 def testPointTimesInt(self):
     '''sample.Point * int'''
     pt1 = Point(2, 7)
     num = 3
     pt2 = Point(pt1.x() * num, pt1.y() * num)
     self.assertEqual(pt1 * num, pt2)
 def testIntTimesPoint(self):
     '''int * sample.Point'''
     pt1 = Point(2, 7)
     num = 3
     pt2 = Point(pt1.x() * num, pt1.y() * num)
     self.assertEqual(num * pt1, pt2)
Beispiel #36
 def testModifiedMethod(self):
     pt1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
     pt2 = Point(10.0, 10.0)
     expected = Point((pt1.x() + pt2.x()) / 2.0, (pt1.y() + pt2.y()) / 2.0)
     self.assertEqual(pt1.midpoint(pt2), expected)
Beispiel #37
 def testUintOverflow(self):
     pt1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
     self.assertRaises(OverflowError, pt1.setXAsUint, 840835495615213080)
     self.assertEqual(pt1.x(), 0.0)
Beispiel #38
 def testConstructor(self):
     '''Test Point class constructor.'''
     pt = Point(5.0, 2.3)
     self.assertEqual(pt.x(), 5.0)
     self.assertEqual(pt.y(), 2.3)