Beispiel #1
def flip_if_needed(data_selection, nii_path, ind,
	"""Check based on a SAMRI data selection of Bruker Paravision scans, if the orientation is incorrect (“Prone”, terminologically correct, but corresponding to an incorrect “Supine” representation in Bruker ParaVision small animal scans), and flip the scan with respect to the axial axis if so.


	data_selection : pandas.DataFrame
		Pandas Dataframe object, with indices corresponding to the SAMRI data source iterator and columns including 'PV_position'.
	nii_path : str
		Path to a NIfTI file.
	ind : int
		Index of the `data_selection` entry.
	output_filename : str, optional
		String specifying the desired flipped NIfTI filename for potential flipped output.

	from os import path
	from samri.manipulations import flip_axis
	position = data_selection.iloc[ind]['PV_position']
	output_filename = path.abspath(path.expanduser(output_filename))
	nii_path = path.abspath(path.expanduser(nii_path))
	# The output_filename variable may not contain a format suffix, as it is used to generate associated files.
	if output_filename[-7:] != '.nii.gz' and output_filename[-4:] != '.nii':
		output_filename = '{}.nii.gz'.format(output_filename)
	if position == 'Prone':
		output_filename = flip_axis(nii_path, axis=2, out_path=output_filename)
		output_filename = nii_path
	return output_filename
Beispiel #2
def test_flip_axis():
    nii_path = '/usr/share/samri_bidsdata/bids_collapsed/sub-4007/ses-ofM/func/sub-4007_ses-ofM_task-JogB_acq-EPIlowcov_run-0_bold.nii.gz'