Beispiel #1
def main():
    # if you get KeyErrors on the following lines, it's probably because you're not running in Gitlab CI
    git_ver = env("GIT_VER")  # output of git describe --always
    ci_ver = env("CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME", git_ver)  # branch or tag we're building for (used for 'release' & URL)

    version = sanitize_version(ci_ver)
    print("Git version: {}".format(git_ver))
    print("CI Version: {}".format(ci_ver))
    print("Deployment version: {}".format(version))

    if not version:
        raise RuntimeError("A version is needed to deploy")

    build_dir = env("DOCS_BUILD_DIR")  # top-level local build dir, where docs have already been built

    if not build_dir:
        raise RuntimeError("Valid DOCS_BUILD_DIR is needed to deploy")

    url_base = env("DOCS_DEPLOY_URL_BASE")  # base for HTTP URLs, used to print the URL to the log after deploying

    docs_server = env("DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER")  # ssh server to deploy to
    docs_user = env("DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER_USER")
    docs_path = env("DOCS_DEPLOY_PATH")  # filesystem path on DOCS_SERVER

    if not docs_server:
        raise RuntimeError("Valid DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER is needed to deploy")

    if not docs_user:
        raise RuntimeError("Valid DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER_USER is needed to deploy")

    docs_server = "{}@{}".format(docs_user, docs_server)

    if not docs_path:
        raise RuntimeError("Valid DOCS_DEPLOY_PATH is needed to deploy")

    print("DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER {} DOCS_DEPLOY_PATH {}".format(docs_server, docs_path))

    tarball_path, version_urls = build_doc_tarball(version, git_ver, build_dir)

    deploy(version, tarball_path, docs_path, docs_server)

    print("Docs URLs:")
    doc_deploy_type = os.getenv('TYPE')
    for vurl in version_urls:
        language, _,  = vurl.split('/')
        tag = '{}'.format(language)
        url = "{}/{}/index.html".format(url_base, vurl)  # (index.html needed for the preview server)
        url = re.sub(r"([^:])//", r"\1/", url)  # get rid of any // that isn't in the https:// part
        print('[document {}][{}] {}'.format(doc_deploy_type, tag, url))

    # note: it would be neater to use symlinks for stable, but because of the directory order
    # (language first) it's kind of a pain to do on a remote server, so we just repeat the
    # process but call the version 'stable' this time
    if is_stable_version(version):
        print("Deploying again as stable version...")
        tarball_path, version_urls = build_doc_tarball("stable", git_ver, build_dir)
        deploy("stable", tarball_path, docs_path, docs_server)
Beispiel #2
# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'

# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.

# This is the full exact version, canonical git version description
# visible when you open index.html.
version = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'describe']).strip().decode('utf-8')

# The 'release' version is the same as version for non-CI builds, but for CI
# builds on a branch then it's replaced with the branch name
release = sanitize_version(version)

print('Version: {0}  Release: {1}'.format(version, release))

# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
# today = ''
# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'

# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
exclude_patterns = ['**/inc/**', '_static/', '_build/**']

    'api-guides/blufi.rst', 'api-guides/esp-ble-mesh/**',