Beispiel #1
def demo_program():
    filenames = sys.argv[1:]
    out_filename = filenames.pop()

    images = Image()
    for fn in filenames:
        print "Reading %s ..." % (fn, )
        #img = Image.from_filename(fn)
        #img = Image.from_buffer(open(fn).read())
        img =
        print " %lu frames" % (len(img), )

    if not images:
        raise IOError("Failed to read any images!")

    # Create a thumbnail image sequence
    thumbnails = images.resize(106, 80)
    del img
    del images

    # Write the thumbnail image sequence to file
    if thumbnails:
        print "Writing %s ... %lu frames" % (out_filename, len(thumbnails))
        open(out_filename, 'w').write(thumbnails.to_buffer())
Beispiel #2
    def __call__(self, *frames, **kwargs):
        channel = kwargs.get('channel', lib.DefaultChannels)
        c_channel = ffi.cast('ChannelType', channel)

        steps ="sanpera_evaluate_step[]", self.compiled_steps)
        c_frames ="Image *[]", [f._frame for f in frames] + [ffi.NULL])

        with magick_try() as exc:
            new_frame = ffi.gc(
                lib.sanpera_evaluate_filter(c_frames, steps, c_channel, exc.ptr),

        return Image(new_frame)
Beispiel #3
def unanimate(im):
    Get the non-animated version of a sanpera ``Image``.

        im: A sanpera ``Image``.

        *im*, if it wasn't animated, or a new ``Image`` with just the first
        frame of *im* if it was.
    if len(im) == 1:
        return im
    ret = Image()
    return ret
Beispiel #4
 def __call__(self, *frames, **kwargs):
     return Image(self.impl(*frames, **kwargs))
Beispiel #5
    def __call__(self, *frames, **kwargs):
        channel = kwargs.get('channel', lib.DefaultChannels)
        # TODO force_python should go away and this should become a wrapper for
        # evaluate_python

        # We're gonna be using this a lot, so let's cast it to a C int just
        # once (and get the error early if it's a bogus type)
        c_channel = ffi.cast('ChannelType', channel)

        # TODO any gc concerns in this?
        for f in frames:
            assert isinstance(f, ImageFrame)

        # XXX how to handle frames of different sizes?  gravity?  scaling?  first
        # frame as the master?  hm
        frame = frames[0]

        # TODO does this create a blank image or actually duplicate the pixels??  docs say it actually copies with (0, 0) but the code just refs the same pixel cache?
        # TODO could use an inplace version for, e.g. the SVG-style compose operators
        # TODO also might want a different sized clone!
        with magick_try() as exc:
            new_stack = lib.CloneImage(frame._frame, 0, 0, lib.MagickTrue, exc.ptr)
            exc.check(new_stack == ffi.NULL)

        # TODO: set image to full-color.
        # TODO: work out how this works, how different colorspaces work, and waht the ImageType has to do with anything
        # QUESTION: this doesn't actually do anything.  how does it work?  does it leave indexes populated?  what happens if this isn't done?
        #  if (SetImageStorageClass(fx_image,DirectClass) == MagickFalse) {
        #      InheritException(exception,&fx_image->exception);
        #      fx_image=DestroyImage(fx_image);
        #      return((Image *) NULL);
        #    }

        out_view = lib.AcquireCacheView(new_stack)

        # TODO i need to be a list
        in_view = lib.AcquireCacheView(frame._frame)

        state = FilterState()

        for y in range(frame._frame.rows):

            with magick_try() as exc:
                q = lib.GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(out_view, 0, y, frame._frame.columns, 1, exc.ptr)
                exc.check(q == ffi.NULL)

            # TODO is this useful who knows

            for x in range(frame._frame.columns):
                # TODO per-channel things
                # TODO for usage: see line 1453

                #(void) InterpolateMagickPixelPacket(image,fx_info->view[i],image->interpolate, point.x,point.y,&pixel,exception);

                # Set up state object
                # TODO document that this is reused, or somethin
                state._color = BaseColor._from_pixel(q)
                ret = self.impl(state)

       = c_api.RoundToQuantum(<c_api.MagickRealType> * c_api.QuantumRange)
       = c_api.RoundToQuantum(<c_api.MagickRealType> * c_api.QuantumRange)
       = c_api.RoundToQuantum(<c_api.MagickRealType> * c_api.QuantumRange)
                # TODO black, opacity?
                # TODO seems like this should apply to any set of channels, but
                # IM's -fx only understands RGB

                # TODO this is a little invasive, but given that this inner
                # loop runs for every f*****g pixel, i'd like to avoid method
                # calls as much as possible.  even that rgb() can add up
                rgb = ret.rgb()
                lib.sanpera_pixel_from_doubles_channel(q, rgb._array, c_channel)

                # XXX this is actually black
                #  if (((channel & IndexChannel) != 0) && (fx_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)) {
                #      (void) FxEvaluateChannelExpression(fx_info[id],IndexChannel,x,y, &alpha,exception);
                #      SetPixelIndex(fx_indexes+x,RoundToQuantum((MagickRealType) QuantumRange*alpha));
                #    }

                q += 1  # q++

            with magick_try() as exc:
                lib.SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(in_view, exc.ptr)
                # TODO check exception, return value

        # XXX destroy in_view
        # XXX destroy out_view s

        return Image(new_stack)
Beispiel #6
def unanimate(im):
    if len(im) == 1:
        return im
    ret = Image()
    return ret
Beispiel #7
def test_appending_to_an_empty_image():
    img = Image()

    assert img.size == builtins.rose.size