Beispiel #1
def _isDestFull(dest):
    r'Checks whether all required attributes present for discovery'
    return (dest.targetHost
            and sap.isCorrectSapInstanceNumber(dest.instNr)
            # check for substitution variable
            and dest.targetHost.find('%') == -1
            # check for route string
            and dest.targetHost.find('/') == -1)
Beispiel #2
 def updateInstanceNumber(self, instanceOsh, number):
     r'@types: ObjectStateHolder, str -> ObjectStateHolder'
     if not instanceOsh:
         raise ValueError("Instance OSH is not specified")
     if not (number and sap.isCorrectSapInstanceNumber(number)):
         raise ValueError("Instance number is not correct")
     instanceOsh.setAttribute('number', number)
     return instanceOsh
Beispiel #3
 def updateInstanceNumber(self, instanceOsh, number):
     r'@types: ObjectStateHolder, str -> ObjectStateHolder'
     if not instanceOsh:
         raise ValueError("Instance OSH is not specified")
     if not (number and sap.isCorrectSapInstanceNumber(number)):
         raise ValueError("Instance number is not correct")
     instanceOsh.setAttribute('number', number)
     return instanceOsh
Beispiel #4
def composeGatewayServerPort(inst_nr):
    '''Compose gateway insecure port using patter 33xx based on instance number
    @types: str -> int

    >>> composeGatewayServerPort("00")
    >>> composeGatewayServerPort("91")
    if not sap.isCorrectSapInstanceNumber(inst_nr):
        raise ValueError("Specified instance number '%s' is not correct" % inst_nr)
    return int("33%s" % inst_nr)
Beispiel #5
def composeGatewayServerPort(inst_nr):
    '''Compose gateway insecure port using patter 33xx based on instance number
    @types: str -> int

    >>> composeGatewayServerPort("00")
    >>> composeGatewayServerPort("91")
    if not sap.isCorrectSapInstanceNumber(inst_nr):
        raise ValueError("Specified instance number '%s' is not correct" %
    return int("33%s" % inst_nr)
Beispiel #6
def _parseJavaScsDetails(doc):
    ''' Find Java SCS information in profiles
    SCS details must be always present in Java and Double Stack

    @types: IniDocument -> tuple[str?, str?]
    @raise ValueError: Instance number is not valid
    @return: instance information in such order: hostname, number
    hostname = doc.get('j2ee/scs/host')
    number = doc.get('j2ee/scs/system')
    if not sap.isCorrectSapInstanceNumber(number):
        raise ValueError("Instance number is not valid")
    return (hostname, number)
Beispiel #7
 def _parseServerNameWithSpaces(name):
     Parse name of format
     <hostname> <SID> <NR>
     @return: tuple of isScs (False), NR, SID, hostname, nodeServerId as None
              or None if doesn't match expected format
     tokens = name.split()
     if len(tokens) == 3:
         hostname, sid, nr = tokens
         if (sap.isCorrectSystemName(sid)
             and sap.isCorrectSapInstanceNumber(nr)):
             return False, hostname, sid, nr, None
Beispiel #8
def parseSystemAndInstanceDetails(value):
    '''Parse string string of format <SAPLOCALHOST>_<SAPSYSTEMNAME>_<SAPSYSTEM>
    @types: str -> tuple[sap.System, str, str]
    @return: Tuple of SAP System, hostname and instance number respectively
    if not value:
        raise ValueError("Value to parse is not specified")
    tokens = value.rsplit('_', 2)
    if len(tokens) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Value is not of supported format")
    hostname, sid, number = tokens
    if not sap.isCorrectSapInstanceNumber(number):
        raise ValueError("Instance number is not valid")
    return sap.System(sid), hostname, number
Beispiel #9
def parseSystemAndInstanceDetails(value):
    '''Parse string string of format <SAPLOCALHOST>_<SAPSYSTEMNAME>_<SAPSYSTEM>
    @types: str -> tuple[sap.System, str, str]
    @return: Tuple of SAP System, hostname and instance number respectively
    if not value:
        raise ValueError("Value to parse is not specified")
    tokens = value.rsplit('_', 2)
    if len(tokens) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Value is not of supported format")
    hostname, sid, number = tokens
    if not sap.isCorrectSapInstanceNumber(number):
        raise ValueError("Instance number is not valid")
    return sap.System(sid), hostname, number