Beispiel #1
def add_httplog(fqdn, db, c):
    for fqdn_part in iterate_fqdn_parts(fqdn):
        execute_with_retry(db, c, """
INSERT INTO httplog ( host, numconnections, firstconnectdate ) 
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE numconnections = numconnections + 1""", ( fqdn_part, ))

Beispiel #2
def add_httplog(fqdn):
    with get_db_connection('brocess') as db:
        c = db.cursor()
        for fqdn_part in iterate_fqdn_parts(fqdn):
                """INSERT INTO httplog ( host, numconnections, firstconnectdate ) 
                         VALUES ( LOWER(%s), 1, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) )
                         ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE numconnections = numconnections + 1""",
                (fqdn_part, ))

Beispiel #3
    def _is_uncommon_fqdn(self, fqdn):
        """Returns True if the given fqnd is considered "uncommon"."""
        # consider a.b.c.d
        # if d is common then we want to see if c.d is uncommon
        # if c.d is common then we look at b.c.d, and so forth
        # if they are all common then we return False
        for partial_fqdn in iterate_fqdn_parts(fqdn):
            count = query_brocess_by_fqdn(partial_fqdn)

            if count is None:

            if count < saq.CONFIG[analysis_module].getint('uncommon_network_threshold'):
      "{} is an uncommon network with count {}".format(partial_fqdn, count))
                return True
                #logging.debug("{} is a common network with count {}".format(partial_fqdn, count))

        return False
Beispiel #4
    def is_in_cache_db(self, value, cache_path):
        """Is this URL in crits?  value is the result of calling process_url on a URL."""
        assert isinstance(value, ParseResult)

        with sqlite3.connect('file:{}?mode=ro'.format(cache_path), uri=True) as db:
            db_cursor = db.cursor()
            row = None

            # check ipv4
            if is_ipv4(value.hostname):
                db_cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM indicators WHERE type = ? AND value = ?", 
                                 (CRITS_IPV4, value.hostname))

                row = db_cursor.fetchone()
                if row:
                    logging.debug("{} matched ipv4 indicator {}".format(value.hostname, row[0]))
                    return True
                # check fqdn
                for partial_fqdn in iterate_fqdn_parts(value.hostname):
                    #logging.debug("checking crits for {}".format(partial_fqdn))
                    db_cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM indicators WHERE type = ? AND value = ?",
                                     (CRITS_FQDN, partial_fqdn.lower()))

                    row = db_cursor.fetchone()
                    if row:
                        logging.debug("{} matched fqdn indicator {}".format(partial_fqdn, row[0]))
                        return True
            # check full url
            db_cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM indicators WHERE type = ? AND value = LOWER(?)",
                             (CRITS_URL, value.geturl()))

            row = db_cursor.fetchone()
            if row:
                logging.debug("{} matched url indicator{}".format(value.geturl(), row[0]))
                return True

            # check url path
            path = urlunparse(('', '', value.path, value.params, value.query, value.fragment))
            if path:
                db_cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM indicators WHERE type = ? AND value = LOWER(?)",
                                 (CRITS_URL_PATH, path))

                row = db_cursor.fetchone()
                if row:
                    logging.debug("{} matched url_path indicator {}".format(value.path, row[0]))
                    return True

            # check url file name
            if value.path:
                if not value.path.endswith('/'):
                    file_name = value.path.split('/')[-1]
                    db_cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM indicators WHERE type = ? AND value = LOWER(?)",
                                     (CRITS_FILE_NAME, file_name))

                    row = db_cursor.fetchone()
                    if row:
                        logging.debug("{} matched file_name indicator {}".format(file_name, row[0]))
                        return True

            return False