Beispiel #1
def test_publish_and_execute(tmpdir):
    import pickle
    from sasctl.utils.pymas import from_pickle
    from import microanalytic_score as mas

    sklearn = pytest.importorskip('sklearn')
    from sklearn import datasets
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
    pd = pytest.importorskip('pandas')
    data = sklearn.datasets.load_boston()
    X = pd.DataFrame(, columns=data.feature_names)
    y = pd.DataFrame(, columns=['Price'])

    lm = LinearRegression(), y)
    pkl = pickle.dumps(lm)
    p = from_pickle(pkl, 'predict', X, array_input=True)

    mas.create_module('sasctl_test', source=p.score_code(), language='ds2')
    x1 = {k.lower(): v for k, v in X.iloc[0, :].items()}
    result = mas.execute_module_step('sasctl_test', 'score', **x1)

    assert result['rc'] == 0
    assert result['var1'] == 24
    assert result['msg'] is None
Beispiel #2
def test_with_sklearn_pipeline(train_data, sklearn_pipeline):
    from sasctl.utils.pymas import PyMAS, from_pickle

    X, y = train_data
    p = from_pickle(pickle.dumps(sklearn_pipeline),

    assert isinstance(p, PyMAS)
    assert len(p.variables) > 4  # 4 input features in Iris data set
Beispiel #3
def test_from_pickle_with_class():
    """Create a PyMAS instance from a pickled object."""

    import pickle
    from sasctl.utils.pymas import from_pickle

    data = pickle.dumps(DummyClass())

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        result = from_pickle(data)  # No function specified

    with mock.patch('sasctl.utils.pymas.core.PyMAS', autospec=True) as mocked:
        result = from_pickle(data, 'func')
        assert 1 == mocked.call_count
        call_args = mocked.call_args[0]
        assert [DS2Variable('x1', 'str', False),
                DS2Variable('x2', 'int', False),
                DS2Variable('out1', 'float', True)] == call_args[1]   # Variables

    assert isinstance(result, PyMAS)
Beispiel #4
def test_from_pickle_with_func():
    """Create a PyMAS instance from a pickled object."""

    import pickle
    from sasctl.utils.pymas import from_pickle

    data = pickle.dumps(dummy_func)

    with mock.patch('sasctl.utils.pymas.core.PyMAS', autospec=True) as mocked:
        result = from_pickle(data)
        assert 1 == mocked.call_count
        call_args = mocked.call_args[0]
        assert [DS2Variable('x1', 'str', False),
                DS2Variable('x2', 'int', False),
                DS2Variable('out1', 'float', True)] == call_args[1]   # Variables

    assert isinstance(result, PyMAS)
def test_publish_and_execute(tmpdir, boston_dataset):
    import pickle
    from sasctl.utils.pymas import from_pickle
    from import microanalytic_score as mas
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

    X = boston_dataset[boston_dataset.columns[:-1]]
    y = boston_dataset[boston_dataset.columns[-1]]

    lm = LinearRegression(), y)
    pkl = pickle.dumps(lm)
    p = from_pickle(pkl, 'predict', X, array_input=True)

    # Generate the score code & publish as a model
    code = p.score_code()
    mas.create_module('sasctl_test', source=code, language='ds2')

    x1 = {k.lower(): v for k, v in X.iloc[0, :].items()}
    result = mas.execute_module_step('sasctl_test', 'predict', **x1)

    assert round(result['var1'], 3) == 30.004

Beispiel #6
def test_from_pickle_stream(train_data, pickle_stream):
    from sasctl.utils.pymas import PyMAS, from_pickle

    X, y = train_data
    p = from_pickle(pickle_stream, func_name='predict', input_types=X)
    assert isinstance(p, PyMAS)
Beispiel #7
def test_from_pickle(train_data, pickle_file):
    import re
    from sasctl.utils.pymas import PyMAS, from_pickle

    X, y = train_data

    with mock.patch('uuid.uuid4') as mocked:
        mocked.return_value.hex = 'DF74A4B18C9E41A2A34B0053E123AA67'
        p = from_pickle(pickle_file, func_name='predict',
                        input_types=X, array_input=True)

    target = """
package _DF74A4B18C9E41A2A34B0053E123AA6 / overwrite=yes;
    dcl package pymas py;
    dcl package logger logr('');
    dcl varchar(67108864) character set utf8 pycode;
    dcl int revision;

    method score(
        double SepalLength,
        double SepalWidth,
        double PetalLength,
        double PetalWidth,
        in_out char var1,
        in_out integer rc,
        in_out char msg
        if null(py) then do;
            py = _new_ pymas();
            rc = py.useModule('mypymodule', 1);
            if rc then do;
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('try:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    import pickle, base64');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    bytes = "X"');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    obj = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(bytes))');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    _compile_error = None');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('except Exception as e:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    _compile_error = e');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('def wrapper(SepalLength, SepalWidth, PetalLength, PetalWidth):');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    "Output: var1, msg"');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    result = None');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    try:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        global _compile_error');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if _compile_error is not None:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            raise _compile_error');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        msg = ""');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        import numpy as np');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        result = obj.predict(np.array([SepalLength,SepalWidth,PetalLength,PetalWidth]).reshape((1, -1)))');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if result.size == 1:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            result = np.asscalar(result)');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    except Exception as e:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        msg = str(e)');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if result is None:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            result = tuple(None for i in range(1))');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    if isinstance(result, tuple):');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        return tuple(x for x in list(result) + [msg])');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    else: ');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        return result, msg');
                pycode = py.getSource();
                revision = py.publish(pycode, 'mypymodule');
                if revision lt 1 then do;
                    logr.log('e', 'py.publish() failed.');
                    rc = -1;
            rc = py.useMethod('wrapper');
            if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('SepalLength', SepalLength);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('SepalWidth', SepalWidth);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('PetalLength', PetalLength);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('PetalWidth', PetalWidth);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.execute();    if rc then return;
        var1 = py.getString('var1');
        msg = py.getString('msg');

    assert isinstance(p, PyMAS)

    # Drop leading \n caused by multiline comment formatting
    result = p.score_code()

    # Ignore byte string during comparison.  Pickle seems to change with
    # time / Python versions
    result = re.sub('bytes = .*', 'bytes = "X"\');', result)
    assert result == target.lstrip('\n')
def test_from_pickle_2(train_data, pickle_file):
    import re
    from sasctl.utils.pymas import PyMAS, from_pickle

    X, _ = train_data

    with mock.patch('uuid.uuid4') as mocked:
        mocked.return_value.hex = 'DF74A4B18C9E41A2A34B0053E123AA67'
        p = from_pickle(pickle_file,
                        func_name=['predict', 'predict_proba'],

    target = """
package _DF74A4B18C9E41A2A34B0053E123AA6 / overwrite=yes;
    dcl package pymas py;
    dcl package logger logr('');
    dcl varchar(67108864) character set utf8 pycode;
    dcl int revision;

    method init();
        dcl integer rc;
        if null(py) then do;
            py = _new_ pymas();
            rc = py.useModule('DF74A4B18C9E41A2A34B0053E123AA67', 1);
            if rc then do;
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('try:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    import pickle, base64');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    bytes = b"X"');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    obj = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(bytes))');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    _compile_error = None');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('except Exception as e:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    _compile_error = e');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('def predict(SepalLength, SepalWidth, PetalLength, PetalWidth):');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    "Output: var1, msg"');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    result = None');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    msg = None');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    try:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        global _compile_error');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if _compile_error is not None:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            raise _compile_error');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        import numpy as np');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        import pandas as pd');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if SepalLength is None: SepalLength = np.nan');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if SepalWidth is None: SepalWidth = np.nan');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if PetalLength is None: PetalLength = np.nan');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if PetalWidth is None: PetalWidth = np.nan');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        input_array = np.array([SepalLength, SepalWidth, PetalLength, PetalWidth]).reshape((1, -1))');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        columns = ["SepalLength", "SepalWidth", "PetalLength", "PetalWidth"]');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        input_df = pd.DataFrame(data=input_array, columns=columns)');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        result = obj.predict(input_df)');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        result = tuple(result.ravel()) if hasattr(result, "ravel") else tuple(result)');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if len(result) == 0:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            result = tuple(None for i in range(1))');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        elif "numpy" in str(type(result[0])):');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            result = tuple(np.asscalar(i) for i in result)');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    except Exception as e:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        from traceback import format_exc');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        msg = str(e) + format_exc()');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if result is None:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            result = tuple(None for i in range(1))');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    return result + (msg, )');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('def predict_proba(SepalLength, SepalWidth, PetalLength, PetalWidth):');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    "Output: P_1, P_2, P_3, msg"');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    result = None');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    msg = None');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    try:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        global _compile_error');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if _compile_error is not None:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            raise _compile_error');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        import numpy as np');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        import pandas as pd');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if SepalLength is None: SepalLength = np.nan');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if SepalWidth is None: SepalWidth = np.nan');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if PetalLength is None: PetalLength = np.nan');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if PetalWidth is None: PetalWidth = np.nan');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        input_array = np.array([SepalLength, SepalWidth, PetalLength, PetalWidth]).reshape((1, -1))');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        columns = ["SepalLength", "SepalWidth", "PetalLength", "PetalWidth"]');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        input_df = pd.DataFrame(data=input_array, columns=columns)');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        result = obj.predict_proba(input_df)');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        result = tuple(result.ravel()) if hasattr(result, "ravel") else tuple(result)');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if len(result) == 0:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            result = tuple(None for i in range(3))');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        elif "numpy" in str(type(result[0])):');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            result = tuple(np.asscalar(i) for i in result)');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    except Exception as e:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        from traceback import format_exc');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        msg = str(e) + format_exc()');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('        if result is None:');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('            result = tuple(None for i in range(3))');
                rc = py.appendSrcLine('    return result + (msg, )');
                pycode = py.getSource();
                revision = py.publish(pycode, 'DF74A4B18C9E41A2A34B0053E123AA67');
                if revision lt 1 then do;
                    logr.log('e', 'py.publish() failed.');
                    rc = -1;
    method predict(
        double SepalLength,
        double SepalWidth,
        double PetalLength,
        double PetalWidth,
        in_out char var1
        dcl integer rc;
        dcl varchar(4068) msg;
        rc = py.useMethod('predict');
        if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('SepalLength', SepalLength);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('SepalWidth', SepalWidth);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('PetalLength', PetalLength);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('PetalWidth', PetalWidth);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.execute();    if rc then return;
        var1 = py.getString('var1');
        msg = py.getString('msg');
        if not null(msg) then logr.log('e', 'Error executing Python function "predict": $s', msg);
    method predict_proba(
        double SepalLength,
        double SepalWidth,
        double PetalLength,
        double PetalWidth,
        in_out double P_1,
        in_out double P_2,
        in_out double P_3
        dcl integer rc;
        dcl varchar(4068) msg;
        rc = py.useMethod('predict_proba');
        if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('SepalLength', SepalLength);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('SepalWidth', SepalWidth);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('PetalLength', PetalLength);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.setDouble('PetalWidth', PetalWidth);    if rc then return;
        rc = py.execute();    if rc then return;
        P_1 = py.getDouble('P_1');
        P_2 = py.getDouble('P_2');
        P_3 = py.getDouble('P_3');
        msg = py.getString('msg');
        if not null(msg) then logr.log('e', 'Error executing Python function "predict_proba": $s', msg);

    assert isinstance(p, PyMAS)

    # Drop leading \n caused by multiline comment formatting
    result = p.score_code()

    # Ignore byte string during comparison.  Pickle seems to change with
    # time / Python versions
    result = re.sub('bytes = .*', 'bytes = b"X"\');', result)
    assert result == target