Beispiel #1
def read_GOES_satpy(date_str, channel, zoom = True):

    # Extract the channel wavelength using the input string
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    channel = channel_dict[str(channel)]['wavelength']

    # Determine the correct GOES files associated with the date
    # ---------------------------------------------------------
    dt_date_str = datetime.strptime(date_str,"%Y%m%d%H%M")
    dt_date_str_end = dt_date_str + timedelta(minutes = 10)

    # Use the Satpy find_files_and_readers to grab the files
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    files = find_files_and_readers(start_time = dt_date_str, \
        end_time = dt_date_str_end, base_dir = data_dir, reader = 'abi_l1b')


    # Extract the goes true-color plot limits
    # ----------------------------------------
    lat_lims = [29.5, 48.0]
    lon_lims = [-122.0, -100.5]

    # Use satpy (Scene) to open the file
    # ----------------------------------
    scn = Scene(reader = 'abi_l1b', filenames = files)

    # Load the desired channel data
    # -----------------------------
    scn.load([channel], calibration = [calib_dict[channel]])

    ## Set the map projection and center the data
    ## ------------------------------------------
    #my_area = scn[channel].attrs['area'].compute_optimal_bb_area({\
    #    'proj':'lcc', 'lon_0': lon_lims[0], 'lat_0': lat_lims[0], \
    #    'lat_1': lat_lims[0], 'lat_2': lat_lims[0]})
    #new_scn = scn.resample(my_area)

    ##!## Enhance the image for plotting
    ##!## ------------------------------
    ##!#var = get_enhanced_image(scn[channel]).data
    ##!#var = var.transpose('y','x','bands')

    # Zoom the image on the desired area
    # ----------------------------------
        scn = scn.crop(ll_bbox = (lon_lims[0] + 0.65, lat_lims[0], \
            lon_lims[1] - 0.65, lat_lims[1]))

    # Extract the lats, lons, and data
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    lons, lats = scn[channel].attrs['area'].get_lonlats()
    var = scn[channel].data

    # Extract the map projection from the data for plotting
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    crs = scn[channel].attrs['area'].to_cartopy_crs()

    # Extract the appropriate units
    # -----------------------------
    units = label_dict[channel]
    #units = scn[channel].units
    plabel = calib_dict[channel].title() + ' [' + units + ']'

    return var, crs, lons, lats, lat_lims, lon_lims, plabel