Beispiel #1

import itertools

import satx

n, m = 5, 8

opt = 1
while True:
    print('OPTIMAL? : {}'.format(opt))

    satx.engine(opt.bit_length(), cnf_path='aux.cnf')

    # x[i][j] is the color at row i and column j
    x = satx.matrix(dimensions=(n, m))

    # at least one corners of different color for any rectangle inside the board
    for i1, i2 in itertools.combinations(range(n), 2):
        for j1, j2 in itertools.combinations(range(m), 2):
            assert satx.one_of([x[i1][j1], x[i1][j2], x[i2][j1], x[i2][j2]]) != \
                   satx.one_of([x[i1][j1], x[i1][j2], x[i2][j1], x[i2][j2]])

    satx.apply_single(satx.flatten(x), lambda t: t < opt)

    if satx.satisfy('slime'):
        opt += 1
Beispiel #2
import satx

k = 33
e = 80

satx.engine(bits=3 * e, cnf_path='sum_of_three_cubes_33_unknown_representation.cnf', simplify=True, signed=True)

x = satx.integer()
y = satx.integer()
z = satx.integer()

assert satx.one_of([x ** 3 - y ** 3 - z ** 3, x ** 3 + y ** 3 - z ** 3]) == k

assert x > 8866128975287528

if satx.satisfy(solver='./slime', log=True):
    print(x, y, z, x ** 3 - y ** 3 - z ** 3, x ** 3 + y ** 3 - z ** 3)
Beispiel #3
import satx

satx.engine(32, cnf_path='aux.cnf')

mapping = {1: 'r', 2: 'ry', 3: 'g', 4: 'y'}

R, RY, G, Y = 1, 2, 3, 4

table = [(R, R, G, G), (RY, R, Y, R), (G, G, R, R), (Y, R, RY, R)]

# v[i] is the color for the ith vehicle traffic light
v = satx.vector(size=4)
# p[i] is the color for the ith pedestrian traffic light
p = satx.vector(size=4)

satx.apply_single(v, lambda t: t.is_in([R, RY, G, Y]))
satx.apply_single(p, lambda t: t.is_in([R, G]))

for i in range(4):
    assert[v[i], p[i], v[(i + 1) % 4], p[(i + 1) % 4]],
                    [1, 10, 100, 1000]) == satx.one_of(
                        [, [1, 10, 100, 1000]) for t in table])

while satx.satisfy('kissat'):
    vv = [mapping[t.value] for t in v]
    pp = [mapping[t.value] for t in p]
    for a, b in zip(vv, pp):
        print(a, b, end=', ')
    print(80 * '-')