Beispiel #1
def sample_from_nbrs(this, i, x, p_i):
    Sample a new particle by looking at the neighbors. 
    Differently from above, we look at the neighbors and sample the pose and shape deformations.
    We have to consider the model poseDefModelNeighbors, that has variables [z_parent, z_part, r_rel_part, r_rel_child],
    and we want to sample the part pose deformations z_part given the relative pose w.r.t parent and child
    @params this: a dpmp object
    @params i   : the index of the node
    @params x   : the particle array 
    @params p_i : the index of the particle x in the node array b[i]['x']

    pa = this.body.parent[i]
    ch = this.body.child[i]

    # Select the best neighbors particles or at random
    I_pa = np.argmax(this.b[pa]['value'])
    num_x = this.b[pa]['x'].shape[1]
    I_pa = np.random.randint(0,num_x,1)[0]
    x_pa = this.b[pa]['x'][:,I_pa]
    I_ch = np.argmax(this.b[ch]['value'])
    num_x = this.b[ch]['x'].shape[1]
    I_ch = np.random.randint(0,num_x,1)[0]
    x_ch = this.b[ch]['x'][:,I_ch]

    # Select the current best
    I_pa = np.argmax(this.b[pa]['value'])
    I_ch = np.argmax(this.b[ch]['value'])

    proposedParticle = x[:,p_i].copy()
    mu = this.body.poseDefModelNeighbors[i]['mu']
    C = this.body.poseDefModelNeighbors[i]['C']

    # Conditioning varibles
    # Compute the relative Rodrigues vector between the particle and the neightbors. Note that the relative Rodrigues vectors are
    # always defined between the part and its parent, so we need r_rel of i w.r.t pa and of ch w.r.t. i

    x_pa = this.b[pa]['x'][:,I_pa]
    rpa, tpa, zpa, zspa = particles.get_part_params(this.particleIdx[pa], x_pa)

    x_ch = this.b[ch]['x'][:,I_ch]
    rch, tch, zch, zsch = particles.get_part_params(this.particleIdx[ch], x_ch)

    r, t, z, zs = particles.get_part_params(this.particleIdx[i], proposedParticle)

    R0_parent, J = cv2.Rodrigues(rpa)
    R0_part, J = cv2.Rodrigues(r)
    A = np.matrix(R0_part)
    B = np.matrix(R0_parent)

    R = A*B.T*(B*B.T).I

    r_rel_pa, J = cv2.Rodrigues(R)
    R0_child, J = cv2.Rodrigues(rch)
    A = np.matrix(R0_child)
    B = np.matrix(R0_part)

    R = A*B.T*(B*B.T).I

    r_rel_ch, J = cv2.Rodrigues(R)

    X = np.concatenate((r_rel_pa, r_rel_ch))

    # Indexes of the conditioning variables
    na = len(X)
    nmu =
    cInd = xrange(nmu-na,nmu)

    # Indexes of the resulting variables
    nb = this.nB[i]
    rInd = xrange(this.body.nPoseBasis[pa], this.body.nPoseBasis[pa]+nb)
    mu_ab, C_ab = ba.compute_conditioned_gaussian(this.body, rInd, cInd, mu, C, X)
    proposedParticle[this.particleIdx[i]['zPoseIdx']] = mu_ab

    # For the shape parameters, we propagate the same shape from the parent
    proposedParticle[this.particleIdx[i]['zPoseIdx']] = x_pa[this.particleIdx[pa]['zPoseIdx']]

    return proposedParticle
Beispiel #2
def sample_from_nbr(this, i, x, p_i):
    Sample a new particle by looking at the neighbors. We first pick a neighbor, and then generate a particle from the model.
    #pa = this.body.parent[i]
    #ch = this.body.child[i]
    r_min = this.body.rmin
    r_max = this.body.rmax

    ks = np.where(this.A[:,i] >=0)[0]

    nNbrs = len(ks)
    assert nNbrs > 0

    num_x = x.shape[1] 
    x_per_nbr = np.max([1, int(num_x / nNbrs)])
    A = xrange(x_per_nbr,num_x+1,x_per_nbr)
        I_nbr = np.min(np.where(p_i<=np.array(A))[0])
        I_nbr = 0
    k = ks[I_nbr]

    # Select the neighbor particle at random
    num_x = this.b[k]['x'].shape[1]
    I_k = np.random.randint(0,num_x,1)[0]
    x_k = this.b[k]['x'][:,I_k]

    a = k
    b = i
    proposedParticle = np.zeros(this.nodeDim[b])

    za = particles.get_pose_def_params(this.particleIdx[a], x_k)
    na = len(za)
    mu = this.body.poseDefModelA2B[a][b]['mu']
    C = this.body.poseDefModelA2B[a][b]['C']

    # Indexes of the conditioning variables
    if npr.rand()>0.5 or k != this.body.parent[b]: 
        cInd = xrange(0,na)
        X = za
        movedType = MT_NBR_Z_PARENT_COND
        l =
        cInd = np.concatenate((xrange(0,na), xrange(l-3,l)))
        if k == this.body.parent[b]:
            alpha = npr.rand(3)
            r_rel = r_min[b,:] + alpha * (r_max[b,:] - r_min[b,:])
            X = np.concatenate((za, r_rel))
            movedType = MT_NBR_Z_PARENT_AND_ANGLE_COND

    nb = this.nB[b] 
    # Indexes of the resulting variables
    rInd = xrange(this.body.nPoseBasis[a], this.body.nPoseBasis[a]+nb)

    mu_ab, C_ab = ba.compute_conditioned_gaussian(this.body, rInd, cInd, mu, C, np.expand_dims(X, axis=1))
    proposedParticle = particles.set_pose_def_params(this.particleIdx[b], proposedParticle, mu_ab)

    # For the shape parameters, we propagate the same shape
    zs = particles.get_shape_params(this.particleIdx[a], x_k)
    proposedParticle = particles.set_shape_params(this.particleIdx[b], proposedParticle, zs)

    # Get the neighbor points in world frame
    Paw = particles.particle_to_points(this, x_k, a)

    # Get the points of the proposed particle
    Pb = ba.get_part_mesh(this.body, b, mu_ab, zs)

    # Compute the alignment
    R, T, cost = ba.align_to_parent(this.body, b, a, Pb, Paw, None)	

    # Add some noise to the spring
    if this.springSigma != 0:
        T = npr.normal(T, this.springSigma)

    r, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(R)
    proposedParticle = particles.set_pose_params(this.particleIdx[b], proposedParticle, r, T)

    return proposedParticle, movedType
Beispiel #3
def get_sample(this,
    Returns the set of points of a model sample obtained with the specified number of basis components.
    The number of basis components can be a vector of dimension number of parts, or a single value for each part.
    Also returns the model parameters.
    @params: nB_torso, integer, the number of PCA components for the pose-dependent deformation model for the torso 
    @params: nB, integer or array, the number of PCA components for the pose-dependent deformation model for the parts 
    @params: fixedShape, boolean, if to use the mean intrinsic shape
    @params: add_global_rotation, boolean, if to sample a random rotation around the vertical axis for the torso
    @params: init_torso_rotation, 3-dim array, is the orientation of the sample

    torso =['torso']
    Zp = [None] * this.nParts
    # If the number of PCA components for the pose-dependent model is not specified, we consider a fixed pose
    # (this is only used to visualize the model without deformations)
    if nB_torso is not None and nB_pose is not None:
        if np.size(nB_pose) == 1:
            nB_p = nB_pose * np.ones((this.nParts),
            nB_p = nB_pose
        nB_p[torso] = nB_torso
        fixedPose = False
        fixedPose = True

    if fixedPose:
        for b in this.partSet:
            Zp[b] = np.zeros((this.nPoseBasis[b]))
        for b in this.partSet:
            if b ==['torso']:
                idx = np.arange(0, nB_p[torso])
                Zp[b] = npr.normal(np.zeros((nB_p[b])),
                a = this.parent[b]
                x = Zp[a]
                cInd = np.arange(0, nB_p[a])
                rInd = np.arange(this.nPoseBasis[a],
                                 this.nPoseBasis[a] + nB_p[b])
                mu = this.poseDefModelA2B[a][b]['mu']
                C = this.poseDefModelA2B[a][b]['C']
                mu_ab, C_ab = ba.compute_conditioned_gaussian(
                    this, rInd, cInd, mu, C, x)
                Zp[b] = mu_ab
    if fixedShape:
        zs = np.zeros((this.nShapeBasis[b]))
        zs = npr.normal(this.shapePCA[torso]['M'][0:nB_shape],

    # Generate the mesh
    Pw = [None] * this.nParts
    r_abs = np.zeros((this.nParts, 3))

    t = np.zeros((this.nParts, 3))
    for part in this.partSet:

        parent = this.parent[part]
        P = ba.get_part_mesh(this, part, Zp[part], zs)
        if parent >= 0:
            R = None
            R, T, cost = ba.align_to_parent(this, part, parent, P, Pw[parent],
            # Add a global rotation to the torso
            b =['torso']

            if add_global_rotation:
                alpha = npr.rand(1)
                r_abs[b, 1] = -np.pi + alpha * 2.0 * np.pi
                r_abs[b, :] = 0.0

            R1, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(r_abs[b, :])
            R2, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(init_torso_rotation)
            R = np.matrix(R2) * np.matrix(R1)
            r, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(R)
            r_abs[b, :] = r[:, 0]
            T = np.zeros((3))
        Pw[part] = ba.object_to_world(P, R, T)
        r, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(R)
        r_abs[part, :] = r.flatten()
        t[part, :] = T.flatten()

    return Pw, r_abs, t, Zp, zs
def get_sample(this, nB_torso, nB_pose, nB_shape, fixedShape=True, add_global_rotation=True, init_torso_rotation=np.zeros((3))):
    Returns the set of points of a model sample obtained with the specified number of basis components.
    The number of basis components can be a vector of dimension number of parts, or a single value for each part.
    Also returns the model parameters.
    @params: nB_torso, integer, the number of PCA components for the pose-dependent deformation model for the torso 
    @params: nB, integer or array, the number of PCA components for the pose-dependent deformation model for the parts 
    @params: fixedShape, boolean, if to use the mean intrinsic shape
    @params: add_global_rotation, boolean, if to sample a random rotation around the vertical axis for the torso
    @params: init_torso_rotation, 3-dim array, is the orientation of the sample

    torso =['torso']
    Zp = [None] * this.nParts
    # If the number of PCA components for the pose-dependent model is not specified, we consider a fixed pose
    # (this is only used to visualize the model without deformations)
    if nB_torso is not None and nB_pose is not None:
        if np.size(nB_pose) == 1:
            nB_p = nB_pose*np.ones((this.nParts),
            nB_p = nB_pose
        nB_p[torso] = nB_torso
        fixedPose = False
        fixedPose = True

    if fixedPose:
        for b in this.partSet:
            Zp[b] = np.zeros((this.nPoseBasis[b]))
        for b in this.partSet:
            if b ==['torso']:
                idx = np.arange(0, nB_p[torso])
                Zp[b] = npr.normal(np.zeros((nB_p[b])), this.posePCA[torso]['sigma'][idx])
                a = this.parent[b]
                x = Zp[a]
                cInd = np.arange(0,nB_p[a])
                rInd = np.arange(this.nPoseBasis[a],this.nPoseBasis[a]+nB_p[b])
                mu = this.poseDefModelA2B[a][b]['mu']
                C = this.poseDefModelA2B[a][b]['C']
                mu_ab, C_ab = ba.compute_conditioned_gaussian(this, rInd, cInd, mu, C, x)
                Zp[b] = mu_ab
    if fixedShape:
        zs = np.zeros((this.nShapeBasis[b]))
        zs = npr.normal(this.shapePCA[torso]['M'][0:nB_shape], this.shapePCA[torso]['sigma'][0:nB_shape])

    # Generate the mesh
    Pw  = [None]*this.nParts
    r_abs = np.zeros((this.nParts, 3))

    t = np.zeros((this.nParts, 3))
    for part in this.partSet:

        parent = this.parent[part]
        P = ba.get_part_mesh(this, part, Zp[part], zs)
        if parent >= 0:
            R = None
            R, T, cost = ba.align_to_parent(this, part, parent, P, Pw[parent], R)
            # Add a global rotation to the torso
            b =['torso']

            if add_global_rotation:
                alpha = npr.rand(1)
                r_abs[b,1] = -np.pi + alpha * 2.0*np.pi
                r_abs[b,:] = 0.0

            R1, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(r_abs[b,:])
            R2, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(init_torso_rotation)
            R = np.matrix(R2)*np.matrix(R1)
            r, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(R)
            r_abs[b,:] = r[:,0]
            T = np.zeros((3))
        Pw[part] = ba.object_to_world(P, R, T)
        r, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(R)
        r_abs[part, :] = r.flatten()
        t[part,:] = T.flatten()

    return Pw, r_abs, t, Zp, zs
Beispiel #5
def sample_from_nbrs(this, i, x, p_i):
    Sample a new particle by looking at the neighbors. 
    Differently from above, we look at the neighbors and sample the pose and shape deformations.
    We have to consider the model poseDefModelNeighbors, that has variables [z_parent, z_part, r_rel_part, r_rel_child],
    and we want to sample the part pose deformations z_part given the relative pose w.r.t parent and child
    @params this: a dpmp object
    @params i   : the index of the node
    @params x   : the particle array 
    @params p_i : the index of the particle x in the node array b[i]['x']

    pa = this.body.parent[i]
    ch = this.body.child[i]

    # Select the best neighbors particles or at random
    I_pa = np.argmax(this.b[pa]['value'])
    num_x = this.b[pa]['x'].shape[1]
    I_pa = np.random.randint(0,num_x,1)[0]
    x_pa = this.b[pa]['x'][:,I_pa]
    I_ch = np.argmax(this.b[ch]['value'])
    num_x = this.b[ch]['x'].shape[1]
    I_ch = np.random.randint(0,num_x,1)[0]
    x_ch = this.b[ch]['x'][:,I_ch]

    # Select the current best
    I_pa = np.argmax(this.b[pa]['value'])
    I_ch = np.argmax(this.b[ch]['value'])

    proposedParticle = x[:, p_i].copy()
    mu = this.body.poseDefModelNeighbors[i]['mu']
    C = this.body.poseDefModelNeighbors[i]['C']

    # Conditioning varibles
    # Compute the relative Rodrigues vector between the particle and the neightbors. Note that the relative Rodrigues vectors are
    # always defined between the part and its parent, so we need r_rel of i w.r.t pa and of ch w.r.t. i

    x_pa = this.b[pa]['x'][:, I_pa]
    rpa, tpa, zpa, zspa = particles.get_part_params(this.particleIdx[pa], x_pa)

    x_ch = this.b[ch]['x'][:, I_ch]
    rch, tch, zch, zsch = particles.get_part_params(this.particleIdx[ch], x_ch)

    r, t, z, zs = particles.get_part_params(this.particleIdx[i],

    R0_parent, J = cv2.Rodrigues(rpa)
    R0_part, J = cv2.Rodrigues(r)
    A = np.matrix(R0_part)
    B = np.matrix(R0_parent)

    R = A * B.T * (B * B.T).I

    r_rel_pa, J = cv2.Rodrigues(R)
    R0_child, J = cv2.Rodrigues(rch)
    A = np.matrix(R0_child)
    B = np.matrix(R0_part)

    R = A * B.T * (B * B.T).I

    r_rel_ch, J = cv2.Rodrigues(R)

    X = np.concatenate((r_rel_pa, r_rel_ch))

    # Indexes of the conditioning variables
    na = len(X)
    nmu =
    cInd = xrange(nmu - na, nmu)

    # Indexes of the resulting variables
    nb = this.nB[i]
    rInd = xrange(this.body.nPoseBasis[pa], this.body.nPoseBasis[pa] + nb)

    mu_ab, C_ab = ba.compute_conditioned_gaussian(this.body, rInd, cInd, mu, C,
    proposedParticle[this.particleIdx[i]['zPoseIdx']] = mu_ab

    # For the shape parameters, we propagate the same shape from the parent
    proposedParticle[this.particleIdx[i]['zPoseIdx']] = x_pa[

    return proposedParticle
Beispiel #6
def sample_from_nbr(this, i, x, p_i):
    Sample a new particle by looking at the neighbors. We first pick a neighbor, and then generate a particle from the model.

    #pa = this.body.parent[i]
    #ch = this.body.child[i]

    r_min = this.body.rmin
    r_max = this.body.rmax

    ks = np.where(this.A[:, i] >= 0)[0]

    nNbrs = len(ks)
    assert nNbrs > 0

    num_x = x.shape[1]
    x_per_nbr = np.max([1, int(num_x / nNbrs)])

    A = xrange(x_per_nbr, num_x + 1, x_per_nbr)
        I_nbr = np.min(np.where(p_i <= np.array(A))[0])
        I_nbr = 0
    k = ks[I_nbr]

    # Select the neighbor particle at random
    num_x = this.b[k]['x'].shape[1]
    I_k = np.random.randint(0, num_x, 1)[0]
    x_k = this.b[k]['x'][:, I_k]

    a = k
    b = i
    proposedParticle = np.zeros(this.nodeDim[b])

    za = particles.get_pose_def_params(this.particleIdx[a], x_k)
    na = len(za)
    mu = this.body.poseDefModelA2B[a][b]['mu']
    C = this.body.poseDefModelA2B[a][b]['C']

    # Indexes of the conditioning variables
    if npr.rand() > 0.5 or k != this.body.parent[b]:
        cInd = xrange(0, na)
        X = za
        movedType = MT_NBR_Z_PARENT_COND
        l =
        cInd = np.concatenate((xrange(0, na), xrange(l - 3, l)))
        if k == this.body.parent[b]:
            alpha = npr.rand(3)
            r_rel = r_min[b, :] + alpha * (r_max[b, :] - r_min[b, :])
            X = np.concatenate((za, r_rel))
            movedType = MT_NBR_Z_PARENT_AND_ANGLE_COND

    nb = this.nB[b]
    # Indexes of the resulting variables
    rInd = xrange(this.body.nPoseBasis[a], this.body.nPoseBasis[a] + nb)

    mu_ab, C_ab = ba.compute_conditioned_gaussian(this.body, rInd, cInd, mu, C,
                                                  np.expand_dims(X, axis=1))
    proposedParticle = particles.set_pose_def_params(this.particleIdx[b],
                                                     proposedParticle, mu_ab)

    # For the shape parameters, we propagate the same shape
    zs = particles.get_shape_params(this.particleIdx[a], x_k)
    proposedParticle = particles.set_shape_params(this.particleIdx[b],
                                                  proposedParticle, zs)

    # Get the neighbor points in world frame
    Paw = particles.particle_to_points(this, x_k, a)

    # Get the points of the proposed particle
    Pb = ba.get_part_mesh(this.body, b, mu_ab, zs)

    # Compute the alignment
    R, T, cost = ba.align_to_parent(this.body, b, a, Pb, Paw, None)

    # Add some noise to the spring
    if this.springSigma != 0:
        T = npr.normal(T, this.springSigma)

    r, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(R)
    proposedParticle = particles.set_pose_params(this.particleIdx[b],
                                                 proposedParticle, r, T)

    return proposedParticle, movedType