def layout_outer_elements(graph):
    root = graph.getRoot()

    comps = [c for c in graph.getNodes() if TYPE_COMPARTMENT == root[TYPE][c]]
    for c in comps:
        c_left_x, c_bottom_y, c_right_x, c_top_y = get_comp_borders(c, root)
        c_w, c_h = (c_right_x - c_left_x) / 2, (c_top_y - c_bottom_y) / 2
        rs = sorted([r for r in graph.getInOutNodes(c)
                     if len([s for s in graph.getInOutNodes(r) if not ub_or_single(s, graph)]) == 1],
                    key=lambda r: -get_n_length(root, r))
        comp_mg = root[VIEW_META_GRAPH][c]
        min_inner_node_x = min(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getX() - root[VIEW_SIZE][s].getW() / 2 for s in comp_mg.getNodes())
        min_inner_node_y = min(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getY() - root[VIEW_SIZE][s].getH() / 2 for s in comp_mg.getNodes())
        coords = set()
        h_jump, v_jump = True, True
        for r in rs:
            r_w, r_h = root[VIEW_SIZE][r].getW() * 3, root[VIEW_SIZE][r].getH() * 3
            inner_r_metabolite_ns = [s for s in root.getInOutNodes(r) if comp_mg.isElement(s)]
            inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub = [s for s in inner_r_metabolite_ns if not ub_or_single(s, comp_mg)]
            if inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub:
                inner_r_metabolite_ns = inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub
                inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub = [s for s in inner_r_metabolite_ns if not root[UBIQUITOUS][s]]
                if inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub:
                    inner_r_metabolite_ns = inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub
            avg_inner_r_metabolite_x, avg_inner_r_metabolite_y = \
                sum(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getX() - min_inner_node_x for s in inner_r_metabolite_ns) / len(inner_r_metabolite_ns), \
                sum(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getY() - min_inner_node_y for s in inner_r_metabolite_ns) / len(inner_r_metabolite_ns)
            x = c_left_x - r_w if avg_inner_r_metabolite_x < c_w else c_right_x + r_h
            y = c_bottom_y - r_h if avg_inner_r_metabolite_y < c_h else c_top_y + r_h

            # if we are closer to the compartment from bottom or top rather than from left or right
            if abs(c_left_x + avg_inner_r_metabolite_x - x) > abs(c_bottom_y + avg_inner_r_metabolite_y - y):
                # stay below/above of the inner metabolites
                r_x = c_left_x + avg_inner_r_metabolite_x
                r_y = y
                while (r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE, r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE) in coords:
                    r_x += 3 * r_w if avg_inner_r_metabolite_x < c_w else -3 * r_w
                    if v_jump:
                        r_y -= r_h if avg_inner_r_metabolite_y < c_h else r_h
                    v_jump = not v_jump
            # we are closer to the compartment from left or right rather than from bottom or top
                # stay to the left/right of the inner metabolites
                r_y = c_bottom_y + avg_inner_r_metabolite_y
                r_x = x
                while (r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE, r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE) in coords:
                    r_y += 3 * r_h if avg_inner_r_metabolite_y < c_h else -3 * r_h
                    if h_jump:
                        r_x -= r_w if avg_inner_r_metabolite_x < c_w else r_w
                    h_jump = not h_jump
            coords.add((r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE, r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE))
            root[VIEW_LAYOUT][r] = tlp.Coord(r_x, r_y)
def layout_inner_elements(graph, c_id, c_left_x, c_bottom_y, c_right_x,
    root = graph.getRoot()

    neighbours_outside_comp = lambda r: [
        n for n in graph.getInOutNodes(r) if root[COMPARTMENT_ID][n] != c_id
    neighbours_inside_comp = lambda r: [
        n for n in graph.getInOutNodes(r)
        if root[COMPARTMENT_ID][n] == c_id and not ub_or_single(n, graph)

    rs = sorted([
        r for r in graph.getNodes() if root[COMPARTMENT_ID][r] == c_id
        and not neighbours_inside_comp(r) and neighbours_outside_comp(r)
                key=lambda r: -get_n_length(root, r))

    coords = set()
    h_jump, v_jump = True, True
    for r in rs:
        r_w, r_h = root[VIEW_SIZE][r].getW(), root[VIEW_SIZE][r].getH()
        outside_r_metabolites = neighbours_outside_comp(r)
        outside_r_metabolites_not_ub = [
            s for s in outside_r_metabolites if not ub_or_single(s, graph)
        if outside_r_metabolites_not_ub:
            outside_r_metabolites = outside_r_metabolites_not_ub
        avg_outside_r_metabolite_x, avg_outside_r_metabolite_y = \
            sum(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getX() for s in outside_r_metabolites) / len(outside_r_metabolites), \
            sum(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getY() for s in outside_r_metabolites) / len(outside_r_metabolites)

        inside_y = c_bottom_y + r_h <= avg_outside_r_metabolite_y <= c_top_y - r_h
        inside_x = c_left_x + r_w <= avg_outside_r_metabolite_x <= c_right_x - r_w

        closer_to_the_compartment_bottom = \
            abs(avg_outside_r_metabolite_y - c_bottom_y) < abs(avg_outside_r_metabolite_y - c_top_y)
        closer_to_the_left_comp_border = \
            abs(avg_outside_r_metabolite_x - c_left_x) < abs(avg_outside_r_metabolite_x - c_right_x)
        if inside_x:
            # stay above/below outside metabolites
            r_x = avg_outside_r_metabolite_x
            r_y = c_bottom_y + r_h if closer_to_the_compartment_bottom else c_top_y - r_h
            while (r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE,
                   r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE) in coords:
                if closer_to_the_left_comp_border:
                    r_x += 3 * r_w
                    r_x -= 3 * r_w
                if v_jump:
                    r_y += -r_w if closer_to_the_compartment_bottom else r_w
                v_jump = not v_jump
        elif inside_y:
            # stay to the left/right of the outside metabolites
            r_y = avg_outside_r_metabolite_y
            r_x = c_left_x + r_w if closer_to_the_left_comp_border else c_right_x - r_w
            while (r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE,
                   r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE) in coords:
                if closer_to_the_compartment_bottom:
                    r_y += 3 * r_h
                    r_y -= 3 * r_h
                if h_jump:
                    r_x += -r_h if closer_to_the_left_comp_border else r_h
                h_jump = not h_jump
            i = 1
            while True:
                r_x = max(c_left_x + i * r_w,
                          min(avg_outside_r_metabolite_x, c_right_x - i * r_w))
                r_y = max(c_bottom_y + i * r_h,
                          min(avg_outside_r_metabolite_y, c_top_y - i * r_h))
                if (r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE,
                        r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE) in coords:
                    i += 1
        coords.add((r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE, r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE))

        root[VIEW_LAYOUT][r] = tlp.Coord(r_x, r_y)

    layout_ub_sps(graph, rs, c_id)

    # open_meta_ns(graph, (r for r in graph.getNodes() if root[FAKE][r]))
def layout_outer_elements(graph):
    root = graph.getRoot()

    comps = [c for c in graph.getNodes() if TYPE_COMPARTMENT == root[TYPE][c]]
    for c in comps:
        c_left_x, c_bottom_y, c_right_x, c_top_y = get_comp_borders(c, root)
        c_w, c_h = (c_right_x - c_left_x) / 2, (c_top_y - c_bottom_y) / 2
        rs = sorted([
            r for r in graph.getInOutNodes(c) if len([
                for s in graph.getInOutNodes(r) if not ub_or_single(s, graph)
            ]) == 1
                    key=lambda r: -get_n_length(root, r))
        comp_mg = root[VIEW_META_GRAPH][c]
        min_inner_node_x = min(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getX() -
                               root[VIEW_SIZE][s].getW() / 2
                               for s in comp_mg.getNodes())
        min_inner_node_y = min(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getY() -
                               root[VIEW_SIZE][s].getH() / 2
                               for s in comp_mg.getNodes())
        coords = set()
        h_jump, v_jump = True, True
        for r in rs:
            r_w, r_h = root[VIEW_SIZE][r].getW() * 3, root[VIEW_SIZE][r].getH(
            ) * 3
            inner_r_metabolite_ns = [
                s for s in root.getInOutNodes(r) if comp_mg.isElement(s)
            inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub = [
                s for s in inner_r_metabolite_ns
                if not ub_or_single(s, comp_mg)
            if inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub:
                inner_r_metabolite_ns = inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub
                inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub = [
                    s for s in inner_r_metabolite_ns if not root[UBIQUITOUS][s]
                if inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub:
                    inner_r_metabolite_ns = inner_r_metabolite_ns_not_ub
            avg_inner_r_metabolite_x, avg_inner_r_metabolite_y = \
                sum(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getX() - min_inner_node_x for s in inner_r_metabolite_ns) / len(inner_r_metabolite_ns), \
                sum(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getY() - min_inner_node_y for s in inner_r_metabolite_ns) / len(inner_r_metabolite_ns)
            x = c_left_x - r_w if avg_inner_r_metabolite_x < c_w else c_right_x + r_h
            y = c_bottom_y - r_h if avg_inner_r_metabolite_y < c_h else c_top_y + r_h

            # if we are closer to the compartment from bottom or top rather than from left or right
            if abs(c_left_x + avg_inner_r_metabolite_x -
                   x) > abs(c_bottom_y + avg_inner_r_metabolite_y - y):
                # stay below/above of the inner metabolites
                r_x = c_left_x + avg_inner_r_metabolite_x
                r_y = y
                while (r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE,
                       r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE) in coords:
                    r_x += 3 * r_w if avg_inner_r_metabolite_x < c_w else -3 * r_w
                    if v_jump:
                        r_y -= r_h if avg_inner_r_metabolite_y < c_h else r_h
                    v_jump = not v_jump
            # we are closer to the compartment from left or right rather than from bottom or top
                # stay to the left/right of the inner metabolites
                r_y = c_bottom_y + avg_inner_r_metabolite_y
                r_x = x
                while (r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE,
                       r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE) in coords:
                    r_y += 3 * r_h if avg_inner_r_metabolite_y < c_h else -3 * r_h
                    if h_jump:
                        r_x -= r_w if avg_inner_r_metabolite_x < c_w else r_w
                    h_jump = not h_jump
            coords.add((r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE, r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE))
            root[VIEW_LAYOUT][r] = tlp.Coord(r_x, r_y)
def layout_inner_elements(graph, c_id, c_left_x, c_bottom_y, c_right_x, c_top_y):
    root = graph.getRoot()

    neighbours_outside_comp = lambda r: [n for n in graph.getInOutNodes(r) if root[COMPARTMENT_ID][n] != c_id]
    neighbours_inside_comp = lambda r: [n for n in graph.getInOutNodes(r) if root[COMPARTMENT_ID][n] == c_id
                                        and not ub_or_single(n, graph)]

    rs = sorted([r for r in graph.getNodes() if root[COMPARTMENT_ID][r] == c_id and not neighbours_inside_comp(r)
                 and neighbours_outside_comp(r)], key=lambda r: -get_n_length(root, r))

    coords = set()
    h_jump, v_jump = True, True
    for r in rs:
        r_w, r_h = root[VIEW_SIZE][r].getW(), root[VIEW_SIZE][r].getH()
        outside_r_metabolites = neighbours_outside_comp(r)
        outside_r_metabolites_not_ub = [s for s in outside_r_metabolites if not ub_or_single(s, graph)]
        if outside_r_metabolites_not_ub:
            outside_r_metabolites = outside_r_metabolites_not_ub
        avg_outside_r_metabolite_x, avg_outside_r_metabolite_y = \
            sum(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getX() for s in outside_r_metabolites) / len(outside_r_metabolites), \
            sum(root[VIEW_LAYOUT][s].getY() for s in outside_r_metabolites) / len(outside_r_metabolites)

        inside_y = c_bottom_y + r_h <= avg_outside_r_metabolite_y <= c_top_y - r_h
        inside_x = c_left_x + r_w <= avg_outside_r_metabolite_x <= c_right_x - r_w

        closer_to_the_compartment_bottom = \
            abs(avg_outside_r_metabolite_y - c_bottom_y) < abs(avg_outside_r_metabolite_y - c_top_y)
        closer_to_the_left_comp_border = \
            abs(avg_outside_r_metabolite_x - c_left_x) < abs(avg_outside_r_metabolite_x - c_right_x)
        if inside_x:
            # stay above/below outside metabolites
            r_x = avg_outside_r_metabolite_x
            r_y = c_bottom_y + r_h if closer_to_the_compartment_bottom else c_top_y - r_h
            while (r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE, r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE) in coords:
                if closer_to_the_left_comp_border:
                    r_x += 3 * r_w
                    r_x -= 3 * r_w
                if v_jump:
                    r_y += -r_w if closer_to_the_compartment_bottom else r_w
                v_jump = not v_jump
        elif inside_y:
            # stay to the left/right of the outside metabolites
            r_y = avg_outside_r_metabolite_y
            r_x = c_left_x + r_w if closer_to_the_left_comp_border else c_right_x - r_w
            while (r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE, r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE) in coords:
                if closer_to_the_compartment_bottom:
                    r_y += 3 * r_h
                    r_y -= 3 * r_h
                if h_jump:
                    r_x += -r_h if closer_to_the_left_comp_border else r_h
                h_jump = not h_jump
            i = 1
            while True:
                r_x = max(c_left_x + i * r_w, min(avg_outside_r_metabolite_x, c_right_x - i * r_w))
                r_y = max(c_bottom_y + i * r_h, min(avg_outside_r_metabolite_y, c_top_y - i * r_h))
                if (r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE, r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE) in coords:
                    i += 1
        coords.add((r_x - r_x % REACTION_SIZE, r_y - r_y % REACTION_SIZE))

        root[VIEW_LAYOUT][r] = tlp.Coord(r_x, r_y)

    layout_ub_sps(graph, rs, c_id)

    # open_meta_ns(graph, (r for r in graph.getNodes() if root[FAKE][r]))