def pre_pipeline(self):

            self.client = soundcloud.Client(access_token = self.token)
        except HTTPError:
            logger.error("Could not retrieve a valid client to the"
                         " soundcloud API. Most likely the access_token"
                         " in the configuration is invalid or expired."
                         " Please check the docs on how to get a new token.\n"
                         "This blueprint is **DISABLED** for this run")
            self.client = None

        self.already_recorded =
            "soundcloud_stored_ids", None)
        if not self.already_recorded:
            self.already_recorded = {}
  ["soundcloud_stored_ids"] = self.already_recorded

        # make an in memor dict with the paths already recorded
        # and their soundcloud id's
            with open(self.record_file) as records_:
                records = csv.reader(records_)
                self.already_recorded = dict((row for row in records))
        except IOError: # likely teh file does not exist:
            self.already_recorded = dict()
        #starts the ID for the comming files
        self.log_uploaded_audio = self._log_uploaded_audio_iter()
        # and wind it to the point of getting the first item on
        # the pipeline:
    def set_options(self):
            self.token = self.options["access_token"]
        except KeyError:
            # FIXME: allow other ways of fetching the access token.
            # TODO: create a Plone view to allow one to get a proper
            # token, to go with the product.
            logger.error("The sc.blueprints.soundcloud.upload blueprint"
                         " needs a valid soundcloud access token with"
                         " upload rights to be able to proceed. For now,"
                         " token should be passed as an \"acces_token\" "
                         "option on the cfg file. "
                         "This blueprint is **DISABLED** for this run")
            self.token = ""
        # Wether to remove the sound datafrom the item before dispacthing
        # it through the pipeline

        self.remove_data = ast.literal_eval(self.options.get(
            "remove_data", "True"))
        self.audio_types = ast.literal_eval(self.options.get(
            "audio_types", """("audio",)"""))
        self.url_template = self.options.get(
            "url_template", SOUNDCLOUD_TEMPLATE_URL)

        self.re_upload_existing = ast.literal_eval(self.options.get(
            "re_upload_existing", "False"))

        self.default_track_name = self.options.get(
                "default_track_name", "Plone audio file")
        # persitent text file to keep track of already uploaded
        # files
        self.record_file=self.options.get("record_file", "/tmp/sc.blueprints.soundcloud.uploaded.csv")