Beispiel #1
def get_menu_commands(request):
    result = "[]"
    if request.is_ajax():
        sctp_client = sctpClient()
        sctp_client.initialize(sc_web.settings.SCTP_HOST, sc_web.settings.SCTP_PORT)

        keys = Keynodes(sctp_client)

        keynode_ui_main_menu = keys[KeynodeSysIdentifiers.ui_main_menu]

        # try to find main menu node
        result = parse_menu_command(keynode_ui_main_menu, sctp_client, keys)
        if result is None:
            print "There are no main menu in knowledge base"
            result = "[]"
            result = json.dumps(result)

    return HttpResponse(result, 'application/json')
Beispiel #2
def keynode(request, name):
    t = loader.get_template("home.html")

    sctp_client = sctpClient()
    sctp_client.initialize(settings.SCTP_HOST, settings.SCTP_PORT)

    arg_idtf = str(name.encode('utf-8'))
    arg_addr = sctp_client.find_element_by_system_identifier(arg_idtf)

    output = ""
    if arg_addr is None:
        output = "Error: sc-element with system identifier %s doesn't exist" % name
        # resolve keynodes
        keys = Keynodes(sctp_client)

        keynode_question = keys[KeynodeSysIdentifiers.question]
        keynode_question_initiated = keys[KeynodeSysIdentifiers.question_initiated]
        keynode_ui_user = keys[KeynodeSysIdentifiers.ui_user]
        keynode_nrel_answer = keys[KeynodeSysIdentifiers.question_nrel_answer]
        keynode_nrel_author = keys[KeynodeSysIdentifiers.nrel_author]
        keynode_format_scs = keys[KeynodeSysIdentifiers.format_scs]
        keynode_ui_nrel_user_answer_formats = keys[KeynodeSysIdentifiers.ui_nrel_user_answer_formats]
        keynode_nrel_translation = keys[KeynodeSysIdentifiers.nrel_translation]

        # create question in sc-memory
        question_node = sctp_client.create_node(ScElementType.sc_type_node | ScElementType.sc_type_const)
        sctp_client.create_arc(ScElementType.sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, keynode_question, question_node)
        sctp_client.create_arc(ScElementType.sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, question_node, arg_addr)

        # create author
        user_node = sctp_client.create_node(ScElementType.sc_type_node | ScElementType.sc_type_const)
        sctp_client.create_arc(ScElementType.sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, keynode_ui_user, user_node)

        author_arc = sctp_client.create_arc(ScElementType.sc_type_arc_common | ScElementType.sc_type_const,
            question_node, user_node)
        sctp_client.create_arc(ScElementType.sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, keynode_nrel_author, author_arc)

        # create otput formats set
        output_formats_node = sctp_client.create_node(ScElementType.sc_type_node | ScElementType.sc_type_const)
        sctp_client.create_arc(ScElementType.sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, output_formats_node, keynode_format_scs)

        format_arc = sctp_client.create_arc(ScElementType.sc_type_arc_common | ScElementType.sc_type_const,
            question_node, output_formats_node)
        sctp_client.create_arc(ScElementType.sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, keynode_ui_nrel_user_answer_formats,

        # initiate question
        sctp_client.create_arc(ScElementType.sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, keynode_question_initiated, question_node)

        # first of all we need to wait answer to this question
        #print sctp_client.iterate_elements(sctpIteratorType.SCTP_ITERATOR_3F_A_A, keynode_question_initiated, 0, 0)

        answer = findAnswer(question_node, keynode_nrel_answer, sctp_client)
        while answer is None:
            answer = findAnswer(question_node, keynode_nrel_answer, sctp_client)

        answer_addr = answer[0][2]
        translation = findTranslation(answer_addr, keynode_nrel_translation, sctp_client)
        while translation is None:
            translation = findTranslation(answer_addr, keynode_nrel_translation, sctp_client)

        # get output string
        translation_addr = translation[0][2]
        output = sctp_client.get_link_content(translation_addr)
        output = output.replace('\n', '<br/>')

        res = sctp_client.iterate_elements(sctpIteratorType.SCTP_ITERATOR_3F_A_A, arg_addr, 0, 0)
        if res is None:
            output += "must be: 0"
            output += "must be: %d" % len(res)

            #	data = str(name.encode('utf-8'))
            #	res = sctp_client.find_element_by_system_identifier(data)
            #	output = "Result: "
            #	if res is None:
            #		output += str(res)
            #	else:
            #		output += "%d, %d <br/>" % (res.seg, res.offset)
            #	res = sctp_client.find_links_with_content(data)
            #	output += "<br/><br/>Result: "
            #	if res is None:
            #		output += str(res)
            #	else:
            #		for addr in res:
            #			output += "%d, %d <br/>" % (addr.seg, addr.offset)

            #	addr = ScAddr(0, int(name))
            #	output = "<h3>%s</h3>" % name
            #	output += "Exist: %s<br/>" % str(sctp_client.check_element(addr))
            #	el_type = sctp_client.get_element_type(addr)
            #	s_type = ""
            #	if el_type & ScElementType.sc_type_node:
            #		s_type += "node "
            #	elif el_type & ScElementType.sc_type_arc_common:
            #		s_type += "arc_common "
            #	elif el_type & ScElementType.sc_type_edge_common:
            #		s_type += "edge "
            #	elif el_type & ScElementType.sc_type_arc_access:
            #		s_type += "arc_access "
            #	elif el_type & ScElementType.sc_type_link:
            #		s_type += "link "
            #	output += "Type: %s<br/>" % s_type
            #	content = sctp_client.get_link_content(addr)
            #	if content is not None:
            #		content = content.decode('utf-8')
            #	else:
            #		content = str(content)
            #	output += "Content: %s" % content

    c = Context({"data": output
    return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
Beispiel #3
def newSctpClient():
    sctp_client = sctpClient()
    sctp_client.initialize(sc_web.settings.SCTP_HOST, sc_web.settings.SCTP_PORT)
    return sctp_client