Beispiel #1
def interpolateNodesCubicHermite(cache, coordinates, xi, normal_scale, \
        node1, derivative1, scale1, cross_derivative1, cross_scale1, \
        node2, derivative2, scale2, cross_derivative2, cross_scale2):
    Interpolates position and first derivative with cubic Hermite basis.
    Interpolates cross derivative linearly.
    :param cache: Field cache to evaluate in.
    :param coordinates: Coordinates field.
    :param xi: Element coordinate to interpolate at.
    :param normal_scale: Magnitude of normal derivative to return.
    :param node1, node2: Start and end nodes.
    :param derivative1, derivative2: Node value label for derivatives.
    :param scale1, scale2: Real value scaling derivatives, to reverse if needed.
    :param cross_derivative1, cross_derivative2: Node value label for cross derivatives.
    :param cross_scale1, cross_scale2: Real value scaling cross_derivatives, to reverse if needed.
    :return: x, dx_ds, dx_ds_cross, dx_ds_normal
    result, v1 = coordinates.getNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                               Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, 3)
    result, d1 = coordinates.getNodeParameters(cache, -1, derivative1, 1, 3)
    result, d1c = coordinates.getNodeParameters(cache, -1, cross_derivative1,
                                                1, 3)
    d1 = [scale1 * d for d in d1]
    d1c = [cross_scale1 * d for d in d1c]
    result, v2 = coordinates.getNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                               Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, 3)
    result, d2 = coordinates.getNodeParameters(cache, -1, derivative2, 1, 3)
    result, d2c = coordinates.getNodeParameters(cache, -1, cross_derivative2,
                                                1, 3)
    d2 = [scale2 * d for d in d2]
    d2c = [cross_scale2 * d for d in d2c]

    arcLength = interp.computeCubicHermiteArcLength(v1, d1, v2, d2, True)
    mag = arcLength / vector.magnitude(d1)
    d1 = [mag * d for d in d1]
    mag = arcLength / vector.magnitude(d2)
    d2 = [mag * d for d in d2]

    xr = 1.0 - xi
    x = interp.interpolateCubicHermite(v1, d1, v2, d2, xi)
    dx_ds = interp.interpolateCubicHermiteDerivative(v1, d1, v2, d2, xi)
    scale = min(xi, xr)
    dx_ds = [scale * d for d in dx_ds]
    dx_ds_cross = [(xr * d1c[c] + xi * d2c[c]) for c in range(3)]

    radialVector = vector.normalise(vector.crossproduct3(dx_ds_cross, dx_ds))
    dx_ds_normal = [normal_scale * d for d in radialVector]

    return x, dx_ds, dx_ds_cross, dx_ds_normal
    def generateBaseMesh(cls, region, options):
        Generate the base tricubic Hermite mesh. See also generateMesh().
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: annotationGroups
        centralPath = options['Central path']
        elementsCountAround = options['Number of elements around']
        elementsCountAlong = options['Number of elements along']
        elementsCountThroughWall = options['Number of elements through wall']
        wallThickness = options['Wall thickness']
        mucosaRelThickness = options['Mucosa relative thickness']
        submucosaRelThickness = options['Submucosa relative thickness']
        circularRelThickness = options[
            'Circular muscle layer relative thickness']
        longitudinalRelThickness = options[
            'Longitudinal muscle layer relative thickness']
        useCrossDerivatives = options['Use cross derivatives']
        useCubicHermiteThroughWall = not (options['Use linear through wall'])

        firstNodeIdentifier = 1
        firstElementIdentifier = 1

        # Central path
        esophagusTermsAlong = [
            None, 'cervical part of esophagus', 'thoracic part of esophagus',
            'abdominal part of esophagus'
        arcLengthOfGroupsAlong = []
        for i in range(len(esophagusTermsAlong)):
            tmpRegion = region.createRegion()
            cxGroup, cd1Group, cd2Group, cd3Group, cd12Group, cd13Group = \
                extractPathParametersFromRegion(tmpRegion, [Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1,
                                                            Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3,
                                                            Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS3],
            arcLength = 0.0
            for e in range(len(cxGroup) - 1):
                arcLength += interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(
                    cxGroup[e], cd1Group[e], cxGroup[e + 1], cd1Group[e + 1])

            if i == 0:
                cx = cxGroup
                cd1 = cd1Group
                cd2 = cd2Group
                cd3 = cd3Group
                cd12 = cd12Group
                cd13 = cd13Group

            del tmpRegion

        # Sample central path
        sx, sd1, se, sxi, ssf = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(
            cx, cd1, elementsCountAlong)
        sd2, sd12 = interp.interpolateSampleCubicHermite(
            cd2, cd12, se, sxi, ssf)
        sd3, sd13 = interp.interpolateSampleCubicHermite(
            cd3, cd13, se, sxi, ssf)

        centralPathLength = arcLengthOfGroupsAlong[0]
        elementAlongLength = centralPathLength / elementsCountAlong

        elementsCountAlongGroups = []
        groupLength = 0.0
        e = 0
        elementsCount = 1
        length = elementAlongLength
        for i in range(1, len(esophagusTermsAlong)):
            groupLength += arcLengthOfGroupsAlong[i]
            if e == elementsCountAlong - 2:
                elementsCount += 1
                while length < groupLength:
                    elementsCount += 1
                    e += 1
                    length += elementAlongLength

                # check which end is grouplength closer to
                distToUpperEnd = abs(length - groupLength)
                distToLowerEnd = abs(groupLength -
                                     (length - elementsCountAlong))
                if distToLowerEnd < distToUpperEnd:
                    elementsCount -= 1
                    e -= 1
                    length -= elementAlongLength
            elementsCount = 0

        majorRadiusElementList = sd2
        minorRadiusElementList = sd3

        # Create annotation groups along esophagus
        esophagusGroup = AnnotationGroup(region,
        cervicalGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            region, get_esophagus_term("cervical part of esophagus"))
        thoracicGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            region, get_esophagus_term("thoracic part of esophagus"))
        abdominalGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            region, get_esophagus_term("abdominal part of esophagus"))

        annotationGroupAlong = [[esophagusGroup, cervicalGroup],
                                [esophagusGroup, thoracicGroup],
                                [esophagusGroup, abdominalGroup]]

        annotationGroupsAlong = []
        for i in range(len(elementsCountAlongGroups)):
            elementsCount = elementsCountAlongGroups[i]
            for n in range(elementsCount):

        annotationGroupsAround = []
        for i in range(elementsCountAround):

        # Groups through wall
        longitudinalMuscleGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            get_esophagus_term("esophagus smooth muscle longitudinal layer"))
        circularMuscleGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            get_esophagus_term("esophagus smooth muscle circular layer"))
        submucosaGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            region, get_esophagus_term("submucosa of esophagus"))
        mucosaGroup = AnnotationGroup(region,
                                      get_esophagus_term("esophagus mucosa"))

        if elementsCountThroughWall == 1:
            relativeThicknessList = [1.0]
            annotationGroupsThroughWall = [[]]
            relativeThicknessList = [
                mucosaRelThickness, submucosaRelThickness,
                circularRelThickness, longitudinalRelThickness
            annotationGroupsThroughWall = [[mucosaGroup], [submucosaGroup],

        xToSample = []
        d1ToSample = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountAlong + 1):
            # Create inner points
            cx = [0.0, 0.0, elementAlongLength * n2]
            axis1 = [vector.magnitude(majorRadiusElementList[n2]), 0.0, 0.0]
            axis2 = [0.0, vector.magnitude(minorRadiusElementList[n2]), 0.0]
            xInner, d1Inner = geometry.createEllipsePoints(cx,
                                                           2 * math.pi,
            xToSample += xInner
            d1ToSample += d1Inner

        d2ToSample = [[0.0, 0.0, elementAlongLength]
                      ] * (elementsCountAround * (elementsCountAlong + 1))

        # Sample along length
        xInnerRaw = []
        d2InnerRaw = []
        xToWarp = []
        d1ToWarp = []
        d2ToWarp = []
        flatWidthList = []
        xiList = []

        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            xForSamplingAlong = []
            d2ForSamplingAlong = []
            for n2 in range(elementsCountAlong + 1):
                idx = n2 * elementsCountAround + n1
            xSampled, d2Sampled = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(

        # Re-arrange sample order & calculate dx_ds1 and dx_ds3 from dx_ds2
        for n2 in range(elementsCountAlong + 1):
            xAround = []
            d2Around = []

            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                x = xInnerRaw[n1][n2]
                d2 = d2InnerRaw[n1][n2]

            d1Around = []
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                v1 = xAround[n1]
                v2 = xAround[(n1 + 1) % elementsCountAround]
                d1 = d2 = [v2[c] - v1[c] for c in range(3)]
                arcLengthAround = interp.computeCubicHermiteArcLength(
                    v1, d1, v2, d2, True)
                dx_ds1 = [c * arcLengthAround for c in vector.normalise(d1)]
            d1Smoothed = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(
                xAround, d1Around)

            xToWarp += xAround
            d1ToWarp += d1Smoothed
            d2ToWarp += d2Around

            # Flat width and xi
            flatWidth = 0.0
            xiFace = []
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                v1 = xAround[n1]
                d1 = d1Smoothed[n1]
                v2 = xAround[(n1 + 1) % elementsCountAround]
                d2 = d1Smoothed[(n1 + 1) % elementsCountAround]
                flatWidth += interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(v1, d1, v2, d2)

            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround + 1):
                xi = 1.0 / elementsCountAround * n1

        # Project reference point for warping onto central path
        sxRefList, sd1RefList, sd2ProjectedListRef, zRefList = \
            tubemesh.getPlaneProjectionOnCentralPath(xToWarp, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
                                                     centralPathLength, sx, sd1, sd2, sd12)

        # Warp points
        segmentAxis = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
        closedProximalEnd = False

        innerRadiusAlong = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountAlong + 1):
            firstNodeAlong = xToWarp[n2 * elementsCountAround]
            midptSegmentAxis = [0.0, 0.0, elementAlongLength * n2]
            radius = vector.magnitude(firstNodeAlong[c] - midptSegmentAxis[c]
                                      for c in range(3))

        xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList = \
            tubemesh.warpSegmentPoints(xToWarp, d1ToWarp, d2ToWarp, segmentAxis, sxRefList, sd1RefList,
                                       sd2ProjectedListRef, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
                                       zRefList, innerRadiusAlong, closedProximalEnd)

        # Create coordinates and derivatives
        transitElementList = [0] * elementsCountAround
        xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList = \
            tubemesh.getCoordinatesFromInner(xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList,
                                             [wallThickness]*(elementsCountAlong+1), relativeThicknessList,
                                             elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall,

        # Create flat coordinates
        xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat = tubemesh.createFlatCoordinates(
            xiList, flatWidthList, length, wallThickness,
            relativeThicknessList, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
            elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

        # Create nodes and elements
        xOrgan = []
        d1Organ = []
        d2Organ = []
        nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier, annotationGroups = \
            tubemesh.createNodesAndElements(region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat,
                                            xOrgan, d1Organ, d2Organ, None, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
                                            elementsCountThroughWall, annotationGroupsAround, annotationGroupsAlong,
                                            annotationGroupsThroughWall, firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier,
                                            useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives, closedProximalEnd)

        # annotation fiducial points
        fm = region.getFieldmodule()
        mesh = fm.findMeshByDimension(3)
        cache = fm.createFieldcache()

        markerGroup = findOrCreateFieldGroup(fm, "marker")
        markerName = findOrCreateFieldStoredString(fm, name="marker_name")
        markerLocation = findOrCreateFieldStoredMeshLocation(
            fm, mesh, name="marker_location")

        nodes = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES)
        markerPoints = findOrCreateFieldNodeGroup(markerGroup,
        markerTemplateInternal = nodes.createNodetemplate()

        markerNames = [
            "proximodorsal midpoint on serosa of upper esophageal sphincter",
            "proximoventral midpoint on serosa of upper esophageal sphincter",
            "distal point of lower esophageal sphincter serosa on the greater curvature of stomach",
            "distal point of lower esophageal sphincter serosa on the lesser curvature of stomach"

        totalElements = elementIdentifier
        radPerElementAround = math.pi * 2.0 / elementsCountAround
        elementAroundHalfPi = int(0.25 * elementsCountAround)
        xi1HalfPi = (math.pi * 0.5 - radPerElementAround *
                     elementAroundHalfPi) / radPerElementAround
        elementAroundPi = int(0.5 * elementsCountAround)
        xi1Pi = (math.pi -
                 radPerElementAround * elementAroundPi) / radPerElementAround

        markerElementIdentifiers = [
            elementsCountAround * elementsCountThroughWall -
            elementAroundHalfPi, elementAroundHalfPi + 1 +
            elementsCountAround * (elementsCountThroughWall - 1),
            totalElements - elementsCountAround,
            totalElements - elementsCountAround + elementAroundPi

        markerXis = [[1.0 - xi1HalfPi, 0.0, 1.0], [xi1HalfPi, 0.0, 1.0],
                     [0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [xi1Pi, 1.0, 1.0]]

        for n in range(len(markerNames)):
            markerGroup = findOrCreateAnnotationGroupForTerm(
                annotationGroups, region, get_esophagus_term(markerNames[n]))
            markerElement = mesh.findElementByIdentifier(
            markerXi = markerXis[n]
            cache.setMeshLocation(markerElement, markerXi)
            markerPoint = markerPoints.createNode(nodeIdentifier,
            nodeIdentifier += 1
            markerName.assignString(cache, markerGroup.getName())
            markerLocation.assignMeshLocation(cache, markerElement, markerXi)
            for group in [esophagusGroup, markerGroup]:


        return annotationGroups
Beispiel #3
    def generateBaseMesh(cls, region, options):
        Generate the base tricubic Hermite mesh.
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: [] empty list of AnnotationGroup
        elementsCountAround = options['Number of elements around']
        elementsCountUp = options['Number of elements up']
        elementsCountRadial = options['Number of elements radial']
        useCrossDerivatives = options['Use cross derivatives']
        radius = 0.5 * options['Diameter']

        fm = region.getFieldmodule()
        coordinates = findOrCreateFieldCoordinates(fm)

        nodes = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES)
        nodetemplateApex = nodes.createNodetemplate()
        nodetemplateApex.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
        nodetemplateApex.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
        nodetemplateApex.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
        nodetemplateApex.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1)
        if useCrossDerivatives:
            nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1)
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D3_DS1DS2DS3, 1)
            nodetemplate = nodetemplateApex

        cache = fm.createFieldcache()

        # Create nodes

        nodeIdentifier = 1
        radiansPerElementAround = 2.0 * math.pi / elementsCountAround
        radiansPerElementUp = math.pi / elementsCountUp

        x = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        dx_ds1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        dx_ds2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        dx_ds3 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        zero = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        cubicArcLengthList = [0.0] * (elementsCountUp + 1)

        # Pre-calculate cubicArcLength along elementsCountUp
        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountUp + 1):
            radiansUp = n2 * radiansPerElementUp
            cosRadiansUp = math.cos(radiansUp)
            sinRadiansUp = math.sin(radiansUp)

            # Calculate cubic hermite arclength linking point on axis to surface on sphere
            v1 = [0.0, 0.0, -radius + n2 * 2.0 * radius / elementsCountUp]
            d1 = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
            v2 = [
                radius * math.cos(math.pi / 2.0) * sinRadiansUp,
                radius * math.sin(math.pi / 2.0) * sinRadiansUp,
                -radius * cosRadiansUp
            d2 = [
                math.cos(math.pi / 2.0) * sinRadiansUp,
                math.sin(math.pi / 2.0) * sinRadiansUp, -cosRadiansUp
            cubicArcLengthList[n2] = interp.computeCubicHermiteArcLength(
                v1, d1, v2, d2, True)

        # Create node for bottom pole
        node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
                                      [0.0, 0.0, -radius])
        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
                                      [radius * radiansPerElementUp, 0.0, 0.0])
        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
                                      [0.0, radius * radiansPerElementUp, 0.0])
            cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1,
            [0.0, 0.0, -radius * 2.0 / elementsCountUp])
        if useCrossDerivatives:
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1, zero)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS3, 1, zero)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, 1, zero)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D3_DS1DS2DS3, 1,
        nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1

        # Create nodes along axis between top and bottom poles
        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountUp):
            node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
                cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
                [0.0, 0.0, -radius + n2 * 2.0 * radius / elementsCountUp])
                cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
                [cubicArcLengthList[n2] / elementsCountRadial, 0.0, 0.0])
                cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
                [0.0, 0.0, radius * 2.0 / elementsCountUp])
                cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1,
                [0.0, cubicArcLengthList[n2] / elementsCountRadial, 0.0])
            if useCrossDerivatives:
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1,
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS3, 1,
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, 1,
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D3_DS1DS2DS3, 1,
            nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1

        # Create nodes for top pole
        node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
                                      [0.0, 0.0, radius])
        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
                                      [radius * radiansPerElementUp, 0.0, 0.0])
        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
                                      [0.0, radius * radiansPerElementUp, 0.0])
            cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1,
            [0.0, 0.0, radius * 2.0 / elementsCountUp])
        if useCrossDerivatives:
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1, zero)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS3, 1, zero)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, 1, zero)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D3_DS1DS2DS3, 1,
        nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1

        # Create other nodes
        for n3 in range(1, elementsCountRadial + 1):
            xi = 1 / elementsCountRadial * n3
            radiansUpArcOriginList = [0.0] * (elementsCountUp)

            # Pre-calculate RC for points on vertical arc running between top and bottom poles
            pt = [0.0, radius * xi, 0.0]
            arcOrigin = (radius * radius - pt[2] * pt[2] -
                         pt[1] * pt[1]) / (-2.0 * pt[1])
            RC = math.sqrt(arcOrigin * arcOrigin + radius * radius)

            radiansUpArcOriginList[0] = math.acos(-radius / RC)

            # Identify nodes on the vertical arc using radiansAround = pi/2
            for n2 in range(1, elementsCountUp):
                radiansUp = n2 * radiansPerElementUp
                cosRadiansUp = math.cos(radiansUp)
                sinRadiansUp = math.sin(radiansUp)

                # Calculate node coordinates on arc using cubic hermite interpolation
                cubicArcLength = cubicArcLengthList[n2]
                v1 = [0.0, 0.0, -radius + n2 * 2.0 * radius / elementsCountUp]
                d1 = [math.cos(math.pi / 2.0), math.sin(math.pi / 2.0), 0.0]
                d1 = vector.normalise(d1)
                d1 = [d * cubicArcLength for d in d1]
                v2 = [
                    radius * math.cos(math.pi / 2.0) * sinRadiansUp,
                    radius * math.sin(math.pi / 2.0) * sinRadiansUp,
                    -radius * cosRadiansUp
                d2 = [
                    math.cos(math.pi / 2.0) * sinRadiansUp,
                    math.sin(math.pi / 2.0) * sinRadiansUp, -cosRadiansUp
                d2 = vector.normalise(d2)
                d2 = [d * cubicArcLength for d in d2]
                x = interp.interpolateCubicHermite(v1, d1, v2, d2, xi)

                # Calculate radiansUp for each point wrt arcOrigin
                radiansUpArcOriginList[n2] = math.acos(x[2] / RC)

            for n2 in range(1, elementsCountUp):
                radiansUp = n2 * radiansPerElementUp
                cosRadiansUp = math.cos(radiansUp)
                sinRadiansUp = math.sin(radiansUp)

                for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
                    cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
                    sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
                    cubicArcLength = cubicArcLengthList[n2]

                    # Calculate node coordinates on arc using cubic hermite interpolation
                    v1 = [
                        0.0, 0.0, -radius + n2 * 2.0 * radius / elementsCountUp
                    d1 = [cosRadiansAround, sinRadiansAround, 0.0]
                    d1 = vector.normalise(d1)
                    d1 = [d * cubicArcLength for d in d1]
                    v2 = [
                        radius * cosRadiansAround * sinRadiansUp,
                        radius * sinRadiansAround * sinRadiansUp,
                        -radius * cosRadiansUp
                    d2 = [
                        cosRadiansAround * sinRadiansUp,
                        sinRadiansAround * sinRadiansUp, -cosRadiansUp
                    d2 = vector.normalise(d2)
                    d2 = [d * cubicArcLength for d in d2]
                    x = interp.interpolateCubicHermite(v1, d1, v2, d2, xi)

                    # For dx_ds1 - Calculate radius wrt origin where interpolated points lie on
                    orthoRadius = vector.magnitude(x)
                    orthoRadiansUp = math.pi - math.acos(x[2] / orthoRadius)
                    sinOrthoRadiansUp = math.sin(orthoRadiansUp)
                    cosOrthoRadiansUp = math.cos(orthoRadiansUp)

                    # For dx_ds2 - Assign radiansUp from radiansUpArcOriginList and calculate diff between radiansUp as we move up
                    radiansUpArcOrigin = radiansUpArcOriginList[n2]
                    sinRadiansUpArcOrigin = math.sin(radiansUpArcOrigin)
                    cosRadiansUpArcOrigin = math.cos(radiansUpArcOrigin)
                    radiansPerElementUpArcOrigin = radiansUpArcOriginList[
                        n2] - radiansUpArcOriginList[n2 - 1]

                    dx_ds1 = [
                        orthoRadius * -sinRadiansAround * sinOrthoRadiansUp *
                        orthoRadius * cosRadiansAround * sinOrthoRadiansUp *
                        radiansPerElementAround, 0.0

                    dx_ds2 = [
                        RC * cosRadiansAround * cosRadiansUpArcOrigin *
                        radiansPerElementUpArcOrigin, RC * sinRadiansAround *
                        cosRadiansUpArcOrigin * radiansPerElementUpArcOrigin,
                        -RC * sinRadiansUpArcOrigin *

                    dx_ds3 = interp.interpolateCubicHermiteDerivative(
                        v1, d1, v2, d2, xi)
                    dx_ds3 = vector.normalise(dx_ds3)
                    dx_ds3 = [
                        d * cubicArcLength / elementsCountRadial
                        for d in dx_ds3

                    node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, x)
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1,
                    if useCrossDerivatives:
                            cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1, zero)
                            cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS3, 1, zero)
                            cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, 1, zero)
                            cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D3_DS1DS2DS3, 1, zero)
                    nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1

        # Create elements

        mesh = fm.findMeshByDimension(3)

        tricubichermite = eftfactory_tricubichermite(mesh, useCrossDerivatives)
        eft = tricubichermite.createEftBasic()

        tricubicHermiteBasis = fm.createElementbasis(
            3, Elementbasis.FUNCTION_TYPE_CUBIC_HERMITE)

        # Regular elements
        elementtemplate = mesh.createElementtemplate()
        elementtemplate.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft)

        # Bottom tetrahedon elements
        elementtemplate1 = mesh.createElementtemplate()

        # Axial elements
        elementtemplate2 = mesh.createElementtemplate()

        # Top tetrahedron elements
        elementtemplate3 = mesh.createElementtemplate()

        # Bottom pyramid elements
        elementtemplate4 = mesh.createElementtemplate()

        # Top pyramid elements
        elementtemplate5 = mesh.createElementtemplate()

        elementIdentifier = 1

        no2 = elementsCountAround
        no3 = elementsCountAround * (elementsCountUp - 1)
        rni = (1 + elementsCountUp) - no3 - no2 + 1  # regular node identifier
        radiansPerElementAround = 2.0 * math.pi / elementsCountAround

        for e3 in range(elementsCountRadial):

            # Create elements on bottom pole
            radiansIncline = math.pi * 0.5 * e3 / elementsCountRadial
            radiansInclineNext = math.pi * 0.5 * (e3 + 1) / elementsCountRadial

            if e3 == 0:
                # Create tetrahedron elements on the bottom pole
                bni1 = elementsCountUp + 2

                for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    va = e1
                    vb = (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                    eft1 = tricubichermite.createEftTetrahedronBottom(
                        va * 100, vb * 100, 10000)
                    elementtemplate1.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft1)
                    element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier,
                    nodeIdentifiers = [1, 2, bni1 + va, bni1 + vb]
                    result1 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(
                        eft1, nodeIdentifiers)
                    # set general linear map coefficients
                    radiansAround = va * radiansPerElementAround
                    radiansAroundNext = vb * radiansPerElementAround
                    scalefactors = [
                        math.sin(radiansAround), radiansPerElementAround,
                        math.sin(radiansAroundNext), radiansPerElementAround,
                        math.sin(radiansAround), radiansPerElementAround,
                        math.sin(radiansAroundNext), radiansPerElementAround,
                    result2 = element.setScaleFactors(eft1, scalefactors)
                    # print('Tetrahedron Bottom element', elementIdentifier, result1, result2, nodeIdentifiers)
                    elementIdentifier = elementIdentifier + 1

                # Create pyramid elements on the bottom pole
                bni4 = elementsCountUp + 1 + (e3 - 1) * no3 + 1

                for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    va = e1
                    vb = (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                    eft4 = tricubichermite.createEftPyramidBottom(
                        va * 100, vb * 100, 100000 + e3 * 2)
                    elementtemplate4.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft4)
                    element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier,
                    nodeIdentifiers = [
                        1, bni4 + va, bni4 + vb, bni4 + no3 + va,
                        bni4 + no3 + vb
                    result1 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(
                        eft4, nodeIdentifiers)
                    # set general linear map coefficients
                    radiansAround = va * radiansPerElementAround
                    radiansAroundNext = vb * radiansPerElementAround
                    scalefactors = [
                        math.sin(radiansAround), radiansPerElementAround,
                        math.sin(radiansAroundNext), radiansPerElementAround,
                    result2 = element.setScaleFactors(eft4, scalefactors)
                    # print('pyramid bottom element', elementIdentifier, result1, result2, nodeIdentifiers)
                    elementIdentifier = elementIdentifier + 1

            # create regular radial elements
            for e2 in range(1, elementsCountUp - 1):
                if e3 == 0:
                    for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                        # create central radial elements: 6 node wedges
                        va = e1
                        vb = (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                        eft2 = tricubichermite.createEftWedgeRadial(
                            va * 100, vb * 100)
                        elementtemplate2.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft2)
                        element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier,
                        bni2 = elementsCountUp + 1 + (e2 - 1) * no2 + 1
                        nodeIdentifiers = [
                            e3 + e2 + 1, e3 + e2 + 2, bni2 + va, bni2 + vb,
                            bni2 + va + elementsCountAround,
                            bni2 + vb + elementsCountAround
                        result1 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(
                            eft2, nodeIdentifiers)
                        # set general linear map coefficients
                        radiansAround = va * radiansPerElementAround
                        radiansAroundNext = vb * radiansPerElementAround
                        scalefactors = [
                            math.sin(radiansAround), radiansPerElementAround,
                            math.sin(radiansAround), radiansPerElementAround,
                        result2 = element.setScaleFactors(eft2, scalefactors)
                        # print('axis element', elementIdentifier, result1, result2, nodeIdentifiers)
                        elementIdentifier = elementIdentifier + 1
                    # Regular elements
                    bni = rni + e3 * no3 + e2 * no2

                    for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                        element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier,
                        na = e1
                        nb = (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                        nodeIdentifiers = [
                            bni + na, bni + nb, bni + no2 + na, bni + no2 + nb,
                            bni + no3 + na, bni + no3 + nb,
                            bni + no3 + no2 + na, bni + no3 + no2 + nb
                        result = element.setNodesByIdentifier(
                            eft, nodeIdentifiers)
                        # print('regular element', elementIdentifier, result, nodeIdentifiers)
                        elementIdentifier = elementIdentifier + 1

            # Create elements on top pole
            radiansIncline = math.pi * 0.5 * e3 / elementsCountRadial
            radiansInclineNext = math.pi * 0.5 * (e3 + 1) / elementsCountRadial

            if e3 == 0:
                # # Create tetrahedron elements on the top pole
                bni3 = elementsCountUp + 1 + (elementsCountUp - 2) * no2 + 1

                for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    va = e1
                    vb = (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                    eft3 = tricubichermite.createEftTetrahedronTop(
                        va * 100, vb * 100, 100000)
                    elementtemplate3.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft3)
                    element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier,
                    nodeIdentifiers = [
                        elementsCountUp, elementsCountUp + 1, bni3 + va,
                        bni3 + vb
                    result1 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(
                        eft3, nodeIdentifiers)
                    # set general linear map coefficients
                    radiansAround = va * radiansPerElementAround
                    radiansAroundNext = vb * radiansPerElementAround
                    scalefactors = [
                        math.sin(radiansAround), radiansPerElementAround,
                        math.sin(radiansAroundNext), radiansPerElementAround,
                        math.sin(radiansAround), radiansPerElementAround,
                        math.sin(radiansAroundNext), radiansPerElementAround,
                    result2 = element.setScaleFactors(eft3, scalefactors)
                    # print('Tetrahedron top element', elementIdentifier, result1, result2, nodeIdentifiers)
                    elementIdentifier = elementIdentifier + 1

                # Create pyramid elements on the top pole
                bni5 = elementsCountUp + 1 + (e3 - 1) * no3 + (
                    elementsCountUp - 2) * no2 + 1

                for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    va = e1
                    vb = (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                    eft5 = tricubichermite.createEftPyramidTop(
                        va * 100, vb * 100, 100000 + e3 * 2)

                    elementtemplate5.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft5)
                    element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier,
                    nodeIdentifiers = [
                        bni5 + va, bni5 + vb, elementsCountUp + 1,
                        bni5 + no3 + va, bni5 + no3 + vb
                    result1 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(
                        eft5, nodeIdentifiers)
                    # set general linear map coefficients
                    radiansAround = va * radiansPerElementAround
                    radiansAroundNext = vb * radiansPerElementAround
                    scalefactors = [
                        math.sin(radiansAround), radiansPerElementAround,
                        math.sin(radiansAroundNext), radiansPerElementAround,
                    result2 = element.setScaleFactors(eft5, scalefactors)
                    # print('pyramid top element', elementIdentifier, result1, result2, nodeIdentifiers)
                    elementIdentifier = elementIdentifier + 1

        return []
Beispiel #4
def createFlatCoordinates(xiList, lengthAroundList, totalLengthAlong,
                          wallThickness, relativeThicknessList,
                          elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
                          elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList):
    Calculates flat coordinates for a tube when it is opened into a flat preparation.
    :param xiList: List containing xi for each point around the outer surface of the tube.
    :param lengthAroundList: List of total arclength around the outer surface for each element along.
    :param totalLengthAlong: Total length along tube.
    :param wallThickness: Thickness of wall.
    :param elementsCountAround: Number of elements around tube.
    :param elementsCountAlong: Number of elements along tube.
    :param elementsCountThroughWall: Number of elements through wall.
    :param transitElementList: stores true if element around is a
    transition element between a big and small element.
    :return: coordinates and derivatives of flat coordinates field.
    if relativeThicknessList:
        xi3 = 0.0
        xi3List = [0.0]
        for n3 in range(elementsCountThroughWall):
            xi3 += relativeThicknessList[n3]

    # Calculate flat coordinates and derivatives
    xFlatList = []
    d1FlatList = []
    d2FlatList = []
    for n2 in range(elementsCountAlong + 1):
        xiFace = xiList[n2]
        lengthAround = lengthAroundList[n2]
        d1List = []
        for n1 in range(len(xiFace)):
            d1 = (xiFace[n1] - xiFace[n1 - 1]) if n1 > 0 else (xiFace[n1 + 1] -

        # To modify derivative along transition elements
        for i in range(len(transitElementList)):
            if transitElementList[i]:
                d1List[i + 1] = d1List[i + 2]

        xPad = (lengthAroundList[0] - lengthAround) * 0.5
        for n3 in range(elementsCountThroughWall + 1):
            z = wallThickness * (xi3List[n3] if relativeThicknessList else
                                 1.0 / elementsCountThroughWall * n3)
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround + 1):
                xFlat = [
                    xPad + xiFace[n1] * lengthAround,
                    totalLengthAlong / elementsCountAlong * n2, z
                d1Flat = [d1List[n1] * lengthAround, 0.0, 0.0]

    for n2 in range(elementsCountAlong):
        for n3 in range(elementsCountThroughWall + 1):
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround + 1):
                nodeIdx = n2 * (elementsCountAround +
                                1) * (elementsCountThroughWall +
                                      1) + n3 * (elementsCountAround + 1) + n1
                nodeNextElementAlong = nodeIdx + (elementsCountAround + 1) * (
                    elementsCountThroughWall + 1)
                # print(nodeIdx + 1, nodeNextElementAlong + 1)
                v1 = xFlatList[nodeNextElementAlong]
                v2 = xFlatList[nodeIdx]
                d1 = d2 = [v1[i] - v2[i] for i in range(3)]
                arclength = interp.computeCubicHermiteArcLength(
                    v1, d1, v2, d2, True)
                d2Flat = vector.setMagnitude(d1, arclength)
    d2FlatList = d2FlatList + d2FlatList[-(elementsCountAround + 1) *
                                         (elementsCountThroughWall + 1):]

    return xFlatList, d1FlatList, d2FlatList
def createAnnulusMesh3d(nodes, mesh, nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier,
    startPointsx, startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3, startNodeId, startDerivativesMap,
    endPointsx, endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3, endNodeId, endDerivativesMap,
    forceStartLinearXi3 = False, forceMidLinearXi3 = False, forceEndLinearXi3 = False,
    maxStartThickness = None, maxEndThickness = None, useCrossDerivatives = False,
    elementsCountRadial = 1, meshGroups = []):
    Create an annulus mesh from a loop of start points/nodes with specified derivative mappings to
    a loop of end points/nodes with specified derivative mappings.
    Derivative d3 is through the wall. Currently limited to single element layer through wall.
    Points/nodes order cycles fastest around the annulus, then through the wall.
    Note doesn't support cross derivatives.
    Arrays are indexed by n3 (node through wall, size 2), n2 (node along/radial), n1 (node around, variable size)
    and coordinate component c.
    :param nodes: The nodeset to create nodes in.
    :param mesh: The mesh to create elements in.
    :param nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier: Next identifiers to use and increment.
    :param startPointsx, startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3, endPointsx, endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3:
        List array[n3][n1][c] or start/point coordinates and derivatives. To linearise through the wall, pass None to d3.
        If both ends are linear through the wall, interior points are linear through the wall.
    :param startNodeId, endNodeId: List array [n3][n1] of existing node identifiers to use at start/end. Pass None for
        argument if no nodes are specified at end. These arguments are 'all or nothing'.
    :param startDerivativesMap, endDerivativesMap: List array[n3][n1] of mappings for d/dxi1, d/dxi2, d/dxi3 at start/end of form:
        ( (1, -1, 0), (1, 0, 0), None ) where the first tuple means d/dxi1 = d/ds1 - d/ds2. Only 0, 1 and -1 may be used.
        None means use default e.g. d/dxi2 = d/ds2.
        Pass None for the entire argument to use the defaults d/dxi1 = d/ds1, d/dxi2 = d/ds2, d/dxi3 = d/ds3.
        Pass a 4th mapping to apply to d/dxi1 on other side of node; if not supplied first mapping applies both sides.
    :param nodetemplate: Full tricubic Hermite node template, can omit cross derivatives.
    :param forceStartLinearXi3, forceMidLinearXi3, forceEndLinearXi3: Force start, middle or
        end elements to be linear through the wall, even if d3 is supplied at either end.
        Can only use forceMidLinearXi3 only if at least one end is linear in d3.
    :param maxStartThickness, maxEndThickness: Optional maximum override on start/end thicknesses.
    :param useCrossDerivatives: May only be True if no derivatives maps are in use.
    :param elementsCountRadial: Optional number of elements in radial direction between start and end.
    :param meshGroups:  Optional list of Zinc MeshGroup for adding new elements to.
    :return: Final values of nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier
    assert (elementsCountRadial >= 1), 'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Invalid number of radial elements'
    startLinearXi3 = (not startPointsd3) or forceStartLinearXi3
    endLinearXi3 = (not endPointsd3) or forceEndLinearXi3
    midLinearXi3 = (startLinearXi3 and endLinearXi3) or ((startLinearXi3 or endLinearXi3) and forceMidLinearXi3)
    # get list whether each row of nodes in elements is linear in Xi3
    # this is for element use; start/end nodes may have d3 even if element is linear
    rowLinearXi3 = [ startLinearXi3 ] + [ midLinearXi3 ]*(elementsCountRadial - 1) + [ endLinearXi3 ]
    assert (not useCrossDerivatives) or ((not startDerivativesMap) and (not endDerivativesMap)), \
        'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Cannot use cross derivatives with derivatives map'
    elementsCountWall = 1
    nodesCountWall = elementsCountWall + 1
    assert (len(startPointsx) == nodesCountWall) and (len(startPointsd1) == nodesCountWall) and (len(startPointsd2) == nodesCountWall) and \
        (startLinearXi3 or (len(startPointsd3) == nodesCountWall)) and \
        (len(endPointsx) == nodesCountWall) and (len(endPointsd1) == nodesCountWall) and (len(endPointsd2) == nodesCountWall) and \
        (endLinearXi3 or (len(endPointsd3) == nodesCountWall)) and \
        ((startNodeId is None) or (len(startNodeId) == nodesCountWall)) and \
        ((endNodeId is None) or (len(endNodeId) == nodesCountWall)) and \
        ((startDerivativesMap is None) or (len(startDerivativesMap) == nodesCountWall)) and \
        ((endDerivativesMap is None) or (len(endDerivativesMap) == nodesCountWall)), \
        'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Mismatch in number of layers through wall'
    elementsCountAround = nodesCountAround = len(startPointsx[0])
    assert (nodesCountAround > 1), 'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Invalid number of points/nodes around annulus'
    for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
        assert (len(startPointsx[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(startPointsd1[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(startPointsd2[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
            (startLinearXi3 or (len(startPointsd3[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
            (len(endPointsx[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(endPointsd1[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(endPointsd2[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
            (endLinearXi3 or (len(endPointsd3[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
            ((startNodeId is None) or (len(startNodeId[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
            ((endNodeId is None) or (len(endNodeId[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
            ((startDerivativesMap is None) or (len(startDerivativesMap[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
            ((endDerivativesMap is None) or (len(endDerivativesMap[n3]) == nodesCountAround)), \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Mismatch in number of points/nodes in layers through wall'

    fm = mesh.getFieldmodule()
    cache = fm.createFieldcache()
    coordinates = zinc_utils.getOrCreateCoordinateField(fm)

    # Build arrays of points from start to end
    px  = [ [], [] ]
    pd1 = [ [], [] ]
    pd2 = [ [], [] ]
    pd3 = [ [], [] ]
    for n3 in range(2):
        px [n3] = [ startPointsx [n3], endPointsx [n3] ]
        pd1[n3] = [ startPointsd1[n3], endPointsd1[n3] ]
        pd2[n3] = [ startPointsd2[n3], endPointsd2[n3] ]
        pd3[n3] = [ startPointsd3[n3] if (startPointsd3 is not None) else None, \
                    endPointsd3[n3] if (endPointsd3 is not None) else None ]
    if elementsCountRadial > 1:
        # add in-between points
        startPointsd = [ startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3 ]
        startPointsdslimit = 2 if (startPointsd3 is None) else 3
        endPointsd = [ endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3 ]
        endPointsdslimit = 2 if (endPointsd3 is None) else 3
        for n3 in range(2):
            for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
                px [n3].insert(n2, [ None ]*nodesCountAround)
                pd1[n3].insert(n2, [ None ]*nodesCountAround)
                pd2[n3].insert(n2, [ None ]*nodesCountAround)
                pd3[n3].insert(n2, None if midLinearXi3 else [ None ]*nodesCountAround)
        # compute on outside / n3 = 1, then map to inside using thickness
        thicknesses = []
        thicknesses.append([ vector.magnitude([ (startPointsx[1][n1][c] - startPointsx[0][n1][c]) for c in range(3) ]) for n1 in range(nodesCountAround) ])
        if maxStartThickness:
            for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                thicknesses[0][n1] = min(thicknesses[0][n1], maxStartThickness)
        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
            thicknesses.append([ None ]*nodesCountAround)
        thicknesses.append([ vector.magnitude([ (endPointsx[1][n1][c] - endPointsx[0][n1][c]) for c in range(3) ]) for n1 in range(nodesCountAround) ])
        if maxEndThickness:
            for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                thicknesses[-1][n1] = min(thicknesses[-1][n1], maxEndThickness)
        n3 == 1
        for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
            ax  = startPointsx [n3][n1]
            if (startDerivativesMap is None) or (startDerivativesMap[n3][n1][0] is None):
                ad1 = startPointsd1[n3][n1]
                derivativesMap = startDerivativesMap[n3][n1][0]
                ad1 = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
                for ds in range(startPointsdslimit):
                    if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                        for c in range(3):
                            ad1[c] += derivativesMap[ds]*startPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]
                if len(startDerivativesMap[n3][n1]) > 3:
                    # average with d1 map for other side
                    derivativesMap = startDerivativesMap[n3][n1][3]
                    ad1 = [ 0.5*d for d in ad1 ]
                    if not derivativesMap:
                        for c in range(3):
                            ad1[c] += 0.5*startPointsd[0][n3][n1][c]
                        for ds in range(startPointsdslimit):
                            if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                                for c in range(3):
                                    ad1[c] += 0.5*derivativesMap[ds]*startPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]
            if (startDerivativesMap is None) or (startDerivativesMap[n3][n1][1] is None):
                ad2 = startPointsd2[n3][n1]
                derivativesMap = startDerivativesMap[n3][n1][1]
                ad2 = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
                for ds in range(startPointsdslimit):
                    if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                        for c in range(3):
                            ad2[c] += derivativesMap[ds]*startPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]

            bx  = endPointsx [n3][n1]
            if (endDerivativesMap is None) or (endDerivativesMap[n3][n1][0] is None):
                bd1 = endPointsd1[n3][n1]
                derivativesMap = endDerivativesMap[n3][n1][0]
                bd1 = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
                for ds in range(endPointsdslimit):
                    if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                        for c in range(3):
                            bd1[c] += derivativesMap[ds]*endPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]
                if len(endDerivativesMap[n3][n1]) > 3:
                    # average with d1 map for other side
                    derivativesMap = endDerivativesMap[n3][n1][3]
                    bd1 = [ 0.5*d for d in bd1 ]
                    if not derivativesMap:
                        for c in range(3):
                            bd1[c] += 0.5*endPointsd[0][n3][n1][c]
                        for ds in range(endPointsdslimit):
                            if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                                for c in range(3):
                                    bd1[c] += 0.5*derivativesMap[ds]*endPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]
            if (endDerivativesMap is None) or (endDerivativesMap[n3][n1][1] is None):
                bd2 = endPointsd2[n3][n1]
                derivativesMap = endDerivativesMap[n3][n1][1]
                bd2 = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
                for ds in range(endPointsdslimit):
                    if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                        for c in range(3):
                            bd2[c] += derivativesMap[ds]*endPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]

            # scaling end derivatives to arc length gives even curvature along the curve
            arcLength = interp.computeCubicHermiteArcLength(ax, ad2, bx, bd2, rescaleDerivatives = False)
            scaledDerivatives = [ vector.setMagnitude(d2, arcLength) for d2 in [ ad2, bd2 ]]
            mx, md2, me, mxi = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurvesSmooth([ ax, bx ], scaledDerivatives, elementsCountRadial,
                derivativeMagnitudeStart = vector.magnitude(ad2),
                derivativeMagnitudeEnd = vector.magnitude(bd2))[0:4]
            md1 = interp.interpolateSampleLinear([ ad1, bd1 ], me, mxi)
            thi = interp.interpolateSampleLinear([ thicknesses[0][n1], thicknesses[-1][n1] ], me, mxi)
            #md2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(mx, md2, fixStartDerivative = True, fixEndDerivative = True)
            for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
                px [n3][n2][n1] = mx [n2]
                pd1[n3][n2][n1] = md1[n2]
                pd2[n3][n2][n1] = md2[n2]
                thicknesses[n2][n1] = thi[n2]

        # now get inner positions from normal and thickness, derivatives from curvature
        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
            # first smooth derivative 1 around outer loop
            pd1[1][n2] = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(px[1][n2], pd1[1][n2], magnitudeScalingMode = interp.DerivativeScalingMode.HARMONIC_MEAN)

            for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                normal = vector.normalise(vector.crossproduct3(pd1[1][n2][n1], pd2[1][n2][n1]))
                thickness = thicknesses[n2][n1]
                d3 = [ d*thickness for d in normal ]
                px [0][n2][n1] = [ (px [1][n2][n1][c] - d3[c]) for c in range(3) ]
                # calculate inner d1 from curvature around
                n1m = n1 - 1
                n1p = (n1 + 1)%nodesCountAround
                curvature = 0.5*(
                    interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(px[1][n2][n1m], pd1[1][n2][n1m], px[1][n2][n1 ], pd1[1][n2][n1 ], normal, 1.0) +
                    interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(px[1][n2][n1 ], pd1[1][n2][n1 ], px[1][n2][n1p], pd1[1][n2][n1p], normal, 0.0))
                factor = 1.0 + curvature*thickness
                pd1[0][n2][n1] = [ factor*d for d in pd1[1][n2][n1] ]
                # calculate inner d2 from curvature radially
                n2m = n2 - 1
                n2p = n2 + 1
                curvature = 0.5*(
                    interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(px[1][n2m][n1], pd2[1][n2m][n1], px[1][n2 ][n1], pd2[1][n2 ][n1], normal, 1.0) +
                    interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(px[1][n2 ][n1], pd2[1][n2 ][n1], px[1][n2p][n1], pd2[1][n2p][n1], normal, 0.0))
                factor = 1.0 + curvature*thickness
                pd2[0][n2][n1] = [ factor*d for d in pd2[1][n2][n1] ]
                if not midLinearXi3:
                    pd3[0][n2][n1] = pd3[1][n2][n1] = d3

            # smooth derivative 1 around inner loop
            pd1[0][n2] = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(px[0][n2], pd1[0][n2], magnitudeScalingMode = interp.DerivativeScalingMode.HARMONIC_MEAN)

        for n3 in range(0, 1):  # was (0, nodesCountWall)
            # smooth derivative 2 radially/along annulus
            for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                sd2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
                    [ px [n3][n2][n1] for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1) ],
                    [ pd2[n3][n2][n1] for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1) ],
                    fixAllDirections = True, fixStartDerivative = True, fixEndDerivative = True,
                    magnitudeScalingMode = interp.DerivativeScalingMode.HARMONIC_MEAN)
                for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
                    pd2[n3][n2][n1] = sd2[n2]

    # Create nodes

    nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS3, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D3_DS1DS2DS3, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3 = nodes.createNodetemplate()
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
        nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1)

    nodeIdentifier = nextNodeIdentifier
    nodeId = [ [], [] ]
    for n3 in range(2):
        for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
            if (n2 == 0) and (startNodeId is not None):
                rowNodeId = copy.deepcopy(startNodeId[n3])
            elif (n2 == elementsCountRadial) and (endNodeId is not None):
                rowNodeId = copy.deepcopy(endNodeId[n3])
                rowNodeId = []
                nodetemplate1 = nodetemplate if pd3[n3][n2] else nodetemplateLinearS3
                for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                    node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate1)
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, px[n3][n2][n1])
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1, pd1[n3][n2][n1])
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1, pd2[n3][n2][n1])
                    if pd3[n3][n2]:
                        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1, pd3[n3][n2][n1])
                    nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1

    # Create elements

    tricubichermite = eftfactory_tricubichermite(mesh, useCrossDerivatives)
    bicubichermitelinear = eftfactory_bicubichermitelinear(mesh, useCrossDerivatives)

    elementIdentifier = nextElementIdentifier

    elementtemplateStandard = mesh.createElementtemplate()
    elementtemplateX = mesh.createElementtemplate()

    for e2 in range(elementsCountRadial):
        nonlinearXi3 = (not rowLinearXi3[e2]) or (not rowLinearXi3[e2 + 1])
        eftFactory = tricubichermite if nonlinearXi3 else bicubichermitelinear
        eftStandard = eftFactory.createEftBasic()
        elementtemplateStandard.defineField(coordinates, -1, eftStandard)
        mapStartDerivatives = (e2 == 0) and (startDerivativesMap is not None)
        mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3 = nonlinearXi3 and rowLinearXi3[e2]
        mapEndDerivatives = (e2 == (elementsCountRadial - 1)) and (endDerivativesMap is not None)
        mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3 = nonlinearXi3 and rowLinearXi3[e2 + 1]
        mapDerivatives = mapStartDerivatives or mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3 or mapEndDerivatives or mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3
        for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            en = (e1 + 1)%elementsCountAround
            nids = [ nodeId[0][e2][e1], nodeId[0][e2][en], nodeId[0][e2 + 1][e1], nodeId[0][e2 + 1][en],
                     nodeId[1][e2][e1], nodeId[1][e2][en], nodeId[1][e2 + 1][e1], nodeId[1][e2 + 1][en] ]

            if mapDerivatives:
                eft1 = eftFactory.createEftNoCrossDerivatives()
                setEftScaleFactorIds(eft1, [1], [])
                if mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3:
                    eftFactory.setEftLinearDerivative(eft1, [ 1, 5 ], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1, 5, 1)
                    eftFactory.setEftLinearDerivative(eft1, [ 2, 6 ], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 2, 6, 1)
                if mapStartDerivatives:
                    for i in range(2):
                        lns = [ 1, 5 ] if (i == 0) else [ 2, 6 ]
                        for n3 in range(2):
                            derivativesMap = startDerivativesMap[n3][e1] if (i == 0) else startDerivativesMap[n3][en]
                            # handle different d1 on each side of node
                            d1Map = derivativesMap[0] if ((i == 1) or (len(derivativesMap) < 4)) else derivativesMap[3]
                            d2Map = derivativesMap[1]
                            d3Map = derivativesMap[2]
                            # use temporary to safely swap DS1 and DS2:
                            ln = [ lns[n3] ]
                            if d1Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [ ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, [] ) ])
                            if d3Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, [ ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, [] ) ])
                            if d2Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d2Map))
                            if d1Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d1Map))
                            if d3Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d3Map))
                if mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3:
                    eftFactory.setEftLinearDerivative(eft1, [ 3, 7 ], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 3, 7, 1)
                    eftFactory.setEftLinearDerivative(eft1, [ 4, 8 ], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 4, 8, 1)
                if mapEndDerivatives:
                    for i in range(2):
                        lns = [ 3, 7 ] if (i == 0) else [ 4, 8 ]
                        for n3 in range(2):
                            derivativesMap = endDerivativesMap[n3][e1] if (i == 0) else endDerivativesMap[n3][en]
                            # handle different d1 on each side of node
                            d1Map = derivativesMap[0] if ((i == 1) or (len(derivativesMap) < 4)) else derivativesMap[3]
                            d2Map = derivativesMap[1]
                            d3Map = derivativesMap[2]
                            # use temporary to safely swap DS1 and DS2:
                            ln = [ lns[n3] ]
                            if d1Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [ ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, [] ) ])
                            if d3Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, [ ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, [] ) ])
                            if d2Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d2Map))
                            if d1Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d1Map))
                            if d3Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d3Map))
                elementtemplateX.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft1)
                elementtemplate1 = elementtemplateX
                eft1 = eftStandard
                elementtemplate1 = elementtemplateStandard

            element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier, elementtemplate1)
            result2 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft1, nids)
            if mapDerivatives:
                result3 = element.setScaleFactors(eft1, [ -1.0 ])
            #    result3 = '-'
            #print('create element annulus', element.isValid(), elementIdentifier, result2, result3, nids)
            elementIdentifier += 1

            for meshGroup in meshGroups:


    return nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier