Beispiel #1
def get_bifurcation_triple_point(p1x, p1d, p2x, p2d, p3x, p3d):
    Get coordinates and derivatives of triple point between p1, p2 and p3 with derivatives.
    :param p1x..p3d: Point coordinates and derivatives, numbered anticlockwise around triple point.
    All derivatives point away from triple point.
    Returned d1 points from triple point to p2, d2 points from triple point to p3.
    :return: x, d1, d2
    trx1 = interpolateCubicHermite(p1x, mult(p1d, -2.0), p2x, mult(p2d, 2.0), 0.5)
    trx2 = interpolateCubicHermite(p2x, mult(p2d, -2.0), p3x, mult(p3d, 2.0), 0.5)
    trx3 = interpolateCubicHermite(p3x, mult(p3d, -2.0), p1x, mult(p1d, 2.0), 0.5)
    trx = [ (trx1[c] + trx2[c] + trx3[c])/3.0 for c in range(3) ]
    td1 = interpolateLagrangeHermiteDerivative(trx, p1x, p1d, 0.0)
    td2 = interpolateLagrangeHermiteDerivative(trx, p2x, p2d, 0.0)
    td3 = interpolateLagrangeHermiteDerivative(trx, p3x, p3d, 0.0)
    n12 = cross(td1, td2)
    n23 = cross(td2, td3)
    n31 = cross(td3, td1)
    norm = normalize([ (n12[c] + n23[c] + n31[c]) for c in range(3) ])
    sd1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine([ trx, p1x ], [ normalize(cross(norm, cross(td1, norm))), p1d ], fixStartDirection=True, fixEndDerivative=True)[0]
    sd2 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine([ trx, p2x ], [ normalize(cross(norm, cross(td2, norm))), p2d ], fixStartDirection=True, fixEndDerivative=True)[0]
    sd3 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine([ trx, p3x ], [ normalize(cross(norm, cross(td3, norm))), p3d ], fixStartDirection=True, fixEndDerivative=True)[0]
    trd1 = mult(sub(sd2, add(sd3, sd1)), 0.5)
    trd2 = mult(sub(sd3, add(sd1, sd2)), 0.5)
    return trx, trd1, trd2
Beispiel #2
    def smoothTriplePointsCurves(self, n2b, n1b, m1a):
        Smooth row and column curves passing triple points (i.e., row 1 and columns 1 and -2).
        btx = self.px
        btd1 = self.pd1
        btd2 = self.pd2
        btd3 = self.pd3

        # smooth shield row 1
        btd3[n2b][n1b:m1a] = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
            btx[n2b][n1b:m1a], btd3[n2b][n1b:m1a])

        # smooth Shield columns 1, -2
        for n1 in [1, -2]:
            tx = []
            td1 = []
            for n2 in range(1, self.elementsCountUp + 1):
            td1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(tx,
            for n in range(self.elementsCountUp):
                btd1[n + 1][n1] = td1[n]
Beispiel #3
    def smoothTriplePointsCurves(self):
        Smooth row and column curves passing triple points (i.e., row 1 and columns 1 and -2).
        btx = self.px
        btd1 = self.pd1
        btd2 = self.pd2
        btd3 = self.pd3

        n1c = 1 + self.elementsCountAcrossRim
        n1y = self.elementsCountAcrossMinor - self.elementsCountAcrossRim
        n1x = n1y - 1
        n2a = self.elementsCountAcrossShell
        n2c = 1 + self.elementsCountAcrossRim
        n2m = self.elementsCountUp

        # smooth shield row n2c
        btd3[n2c][n1c:n1y] = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
            btx[n2c][n1c:n1y], btd3[n2c][n1c:n1y])

        # smooth Shield columns n1c, n1x
        for n1 in [n1c, n1x]:
            tx = []
            td1 = []
            for n2 in range(n2c, n2m + 1):
            td1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(tx,
            for n in range(n2m - n2c + 1):
                btd1[n + n2c][n1] = td1[n]

        # sample nodes to triple points
        for n1 in [n1c, n1x]:
            c1 = 1 if n1 == n1c else -1
            txm, td3m, pe, pxi, psf = sampleCubicHermiteCurves(
                [btx[n2a][n1], btx[n2c][n1]],
                [[-btd3[n2a][n1][c] for c in range(3)],
                 [btd1[n2c][n1][c] + c1 * btd3[n2c][n1][c] for c in range(3)]],
                1 + self.elementsCountAcrossTransition - 1,
            td1m = interpolateSampleCubicHermite(
                [btd1[n2a][n1], [-c1 * d for d in btd1[n2c][n1]]],
                [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] * 2, pe, pxi, psf)[0]

            for n2 in range(n2a + 1, n2c):
                btx[n2][n1] = txm[n2 - n2a]
                btd1[n2][n1] = td1m[n2 - n2a]
                btd3[n2][n1] = [-d for d in td3m[n2 - n2a]]

        # smooth
        self.__shield.smoothDerivativesToTriplePoints(0, fixAllDirections=True)
def getSemilunarValveSinusPoints(centre, axisSide1, axisSide2, radius, sinusRadialDisplacement, startMidCusp, elementsCountAround = 6):
    Get points around a circle of radius with every second point displaced radially.
    :return: x[], d1[] for 6 points around
    assert elementsCountAround == 6, 'getArterialRootLowerPoints.  Only supports 6 elements around'
    px = []
    pd1 = []
    # every second outer points is displaced by sinusRadialDisplacement to make sinus dilatation
    nMidCusp = 0 if startMidCusp else 1
    radiusPlus = radius + sinusRadialDisplacement
    radiansPerElementAround = 2.0*math.pi/elementsCountAround
    for n in range(elementsCountAround):
        radiansAround = n*radiansPerElementAround
        midCusp = (n % 2) == nMidCusp
        r = radiusPlus if midCusp else radius
        rcosRadiansAround = r*math.cos(radiansAround)
        rsinRadiansAround = r*math.sin(radiansAround)
        px.append([ (centre[c] + rcosRadiansAround*axisSide1[c] + rsinRadiansAround*axisSide2[c]) for c in range(3) ])
        pd1.append([ radiansPerElementAround*(-rsinRadiansAround*axisSide1[c] + rcosRadiansAround*axisSide2[c]) for c in range(3) ])
    # smooth to get derivative in sinus
    sd1 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(px[1 - nMidCusp:3 - nMidCusp], pd1[1 - nMidCusp:3 - nMidCusp], fixStartDerivative=True, fixEndDirection=True)
    magSinus = vector.magnitude(sd1[1])
    for n in range(nMidCusp, elementsCountAround, 2):
        pd1[n] = vector.setMagnitude(pd1[n], magSinus)

    return px, pd1
Beispiel #5
 def smoothDerivativesAroundRim(self, n3, n3d=None, rx=0):
     Smooth derivatives around rim.
     :param n3: Index of through-wall coordinates to use.
     :param n3d: Which n3 index to copy initial derivatives from. If None, use n3.
     :param rx: rim index from 0 (around outside) to self.elementsCountRim
     assert 0 <= rx <= self.elementsCountRim
     if not n3d:
         n3d = n3
     tx = []
     td1 = []
     for ix in range(self.elementsCountAroundFull + 1):
         n1, n2 = self.convertRimIndex(ix, rx)
         if n2 > self.elementsCountRim:  # regular rows
             if n1 <= self.elementsCountRim:
                 td1.append([-d for d in self.pd2[n3d][n2][n1]])
     td1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(tx, td1)
     for ix in range(self.elementsCountAroundFull + 1):
         n1, n2 = self.convertRimIndex(ix, rx)
         if n2 > self.elementsCountRim:  # regular rows
             if n1 <= self.elementsCountRim:
                 self.pd2[n3][n2][n1] = [-d for d in td1[ix]]
                 self.pd2[n3][n2][n1] = td1[ix]
             self.pd1[n3][n2][n1] = td1[ix]
Beispiel #6
    def createRegularColumnCurves(self):
        up regular columns of shield: get d1, initial d3 below regular rows
        btx = self.px
        btd1 = self.pd1
        btd2 = self.pd2
        btd3 = self.pd3

        elementsCountRim = self.elementsCountAcrossRim
        n1d = elementsCountRim + 2
        n1x = self.elementsCountAcrossMinor - elementsCountRim - 1
        n2a = self.elementsCountAcrossShell
        n2b = elementsCountRim
        n2d = 2 + n2b
        n2m = self.elementsCountUp
        for n1 in range(n1d, n1x):
            txm, td1m, pe, pxi, psf = sampleCubicHermiteCurves(
                [btx[n2a][n1], btx[n2d][n1]],
                [[-btd3[n2a][n1][c] for c in range(3)], btd1[n2d][n1]],
                2 + self.elementsCountAcrossTransition - 1,
            td3m = interpolateSampleCubicHermite(
                [btd1[n2a][n1], btd3[n2d][n1]], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] * 2, pe, pxi,

            tx = []
            td1 = []
            for n2 in range(n2m + 1):
                if n2 <= n2a:
                    td1.append([-btd3[n2][n1][c] for c in range(3)])
                elif (n2 > n2a) and (n2 < n2d):
                    tx.append(txm[n2 - n2a])
                    td1.append(td1m[n2 - n2a])

            td1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(tx,

            for n2 in range(n2m + 1):
                if n2 <= n2a:
                    btd3[n2][n1] = [-td1[n2][c] for c in range(3)]
                elif (n2 > n2a) and (n2 < n2d):
                    btx[n2][n1] = tx[n2]
                    if n2 <= n2b:
                        btd1[n2][n1] = td3m[n2 - n2a]
                        btd3[n2][n1] = [-d for d in td1[n2]]
                        btd1[n2][n1] = td1[n2]
                        btd3[n2][n1] = td3m[n2 - n2a]
                    btd1[n2][n1] = td1[n2]
Beispiel #7
 def smoothPath(cls, region, options, editGroupName,
                mode: DerivativeScalingMode):
     x, d1 = extractPathParametersFromRegion(
         region, [Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1])
     d1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(x,
     setPathParameters(region, [Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1], [d1],
     return False, True  # settings not changed, nodes changed
Beispiel #8
 def smoothd2Derivatives(self):
     smooth d2 derivatives using initial values calculated by calculateD2Derivatives
     btx = self._shield.px
     btd1 = self._shield.pd1
     btd2 = self._shield.pd2
     btd3 = self._shield.pd3
     for n2 in range(self._elementsCountAcrossMajor + 1):
         for n1 in range(self._elementsCountAcrossMinor + 1):
             td2 = []
             tx = []
             if btx[0][n2][n1]:
                 for n3 in range(self._elementsCountAlong + 1):
                 td2 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
                     tx, td2, fixStartDirection=True)
                 for n3 in range(self._elementsCountAlong + 1):
                     btd2[n3][n2][n1] = td2[n3]
Beispiel #9
    def createRegularColumnCurves(self):
        up regular columns of shield: get d1, initial d3 below regular rows
        btx = self.px
        btd1 = self.pd1
        btd2 = self.pd2
        btd3 = self.pd3

        for n1 in range(2, self.elementsCountAcrossMinor - 1):
            tx, td1, pe, pxi, psf = sampleCubicHermiteCurves(
                [btx[0][n1], btx[2][n1]],
                [[-btd3[0][n1][c] for c in range(3)], btd1[2][n1]],
            for n2 in range(3, self.elementsCountUp + 1):
            td1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(tx,
            td3 = \
                interpolateSampleCubicHermite([btd1[0][n1], btd3[2][n1]], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] * 2, pe, pxi, psf)[
            for n2 in range(self.elementsCountUp + 1):
                if n2 < 2:
                    btx[n2][n1] = tx[n2]
                    if n2 == 0:
                        btd3[n2][n1] = [-td1[0][c] for c in range(3)]
                        btd3[n2][n1] = td3[n2]
                if n2 == 0:
                    btd1[n2][n1] = td3[n2]
                    btd1[n2][n1] = td1[n2]
    def generateBaseMesh(cls, region, options):
        Generate the base tricubic Hermite mesh. See also generateMesh().
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: annotationGroups
        centralPath = options['Central path']
        segmentCount = options['Number of segments']
        elementsCountAround = options['Number of elements around']
        elementsCountAlongSegment = options['Number of elements along segment']
        elementsCountThroughWall = options['Number of elements through wall']
        duodenumLength = options['Duodenum length']
        jejunumLength = options['Jejunum length']
        duodenumInnerRadius = options['Duodenum inner radius']
        duodenumJejunumInnerRadius = options['Duodenum-jejunum inner radius']
        jejunumIleumInnerRadius = options['Jejunum-ileum inner radius']
        ileumInnerRadius = options['Ileum inner radius']
        wallThickness = options['Wall thickness']
        useCrossDerivatives = options['Use cross derivatives']
        useCubicHermiteThroughWall = not(options['Use linear through wall'])
        elementsCountAlong = int(elementsCountAlongSegment*segmentCount)
        startPhase = 0.0

        firstNodeIdentifier = 1
        firstElementIdentifier = 1

        # Central path
        tmpRegion = region.createRegion()
        cx, cd1, cd2, cd12 = extractPathParametersFromRegion(tmpRegion)
        # for i in range(len(cx)):
        #     print(i, '[', cx[i], ',', cd1[i], ',', cd2[i],',', cd12[i], '],')
        del tmpRegion

        # find arclength of colon
        length = 0.0
        elementsCountIn = len(cx) - 1
        sd1 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(cx, cd1, fixAllDirections = True,
            magnitudeScalingMode = interp.DerivativeScalingMode.HARMONIC_MEAN)
        for e in range(elementsCountIn):
            arcLength = interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(cx[e], sd1[e], cx[e + 1], sd1[e + 1])
            # print(e+1, arcLength)
            length += arcLength
        segmentLength = length / segmentCount
        elementAlongLength = length / elementsCountAlong
        # print('Length = ', length)

        # Sample central path
        sx, sd1, se, sxi, ssf = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(cx, cd1, elementsCountAlongSegment*segmentCount)
        sd2, sd12 = interp.interpolateSampleCubicHermite(cd2, cd12, se, sxi, ssf)

        # Generate variation of radius & tc width along length
        lengthList = [0.0, duodenumLength, duodenumLength + jejunumLength, length]
        innerRadiusList = [duodenumInnerRadius, duodenumJejunumInnerRadius, jejunumIleumInnerRadius, ileumInnerRadius]
        innerRadiusSegmentList, dInnerRadiusSegmentList = interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(lengthList, innerRadiusList,

        # Create annotation groups for small intestine sections
        elementsAlongDuodenum = round(duodenumLength / elementAlongLength)
        elementsAlongJejunum = round(jejunumLength / elementAlongLength)
        elementsAlongIleum = elementsCountAlong - elementsAlongDuodenum - elementsAlongJejunum
        elementsCountAlongGroups = [elementsAlongDuodenum, elementsAlongJejunum, elementsAlongIleum]

        smallintestineGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_smallintestine_term("small intestine"))
        duodenumGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_smallintestine_term("duodenum"))
        jejunumGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_smallintestine_term("jejunum"))
        ileumGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_smallintestine_term("ileum"))

        annotationGroupAlong = [[smallintestineGroup, duodenumGroup],
                                [smallintestineGroup, jejunumGroup],
                                [smallintestineGroup, ileumGroup]]

        annotationGroupsAlong = []
        for i in range(len(elementsCountAlongGroups)):
            elementsCount = elementsCountAlongGroups[i]
            for n in range(elementsCount):

        annotationGroupsAround = []
        for i in range(elementsCountAround):
            annotationGroupsAround.append([ ])

        annotationGroupsThroughWall = []
        for i in range(elementsCountThroughWall):
            annotationGroupsThroughWall.append([ ])

        xExtrude = []
        d1Extrude = []
        d2Extrude = []
        d3UnitExtrude = []

        # Create object
        smallIntestineSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints = CylindricalSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints(
            elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment, segmentLength,
            wallThickness, innerRadiusSegmentList, dInnerRadiusSegmentList, startPhase)

        for nSegment in range(segmentCount):
            # Create inner points
            xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, transitElementList, segmentAxis, radiusAlongSegmentList = \

            # Project reference point for warping onto central path
            start = nSegment*elementsCountAlongSegment
            end = (nSegment + 1)*elementsCountAlongSegment + 1
            sxRefList, sd1RefList, sd2ProjectedListRef, zRefList = \
                tubemesh.getPlaneProjectionOnCentralPath(xInner, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment,
                                                         segmentLength, sx[start:end], sd1[start:end], sd2[start:end],

            # Warp segment points
            xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList = tubemesh.warpSegmentPoints(
                xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, segmentAxis, sxRefList, sd1RefList, sd2ProjectedListRef,
                elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment, zRefList, radiusAlongSegmentList,

            # Store points along length
            xExtrude = xExtrude + (xWarpedList if nSegment == 0 else xWarpedList[elementsCountAround:])
            d1Extrude = d1Extrude + (d1WarpedList if nSegment == 0 else d1WarpedList[elementsCountAround:])

            # Smooth d2 for nodes between segments and recalculate d3
            if nSegment == 0:
                d2Extrude = d2Extrude + (d2WarpedList[:-elementsCountAround])
                d3UnitExtrude = d3UnitExtrude + (d3WarpedUnitList[:-elementsCountAround])
                xSecondFace = xWarpedList[elementsCountAround:elementsCountAround*2]
                d2SecondFace = d2WarpedList[elementsCountAround:elementsCountAround*2]
                for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    nx = [xLastTwoFaces[n1], xLastTwoFaces[n1 + elementsCountAround], xSecondFace[n1]]
                    nd2 = [d2LastTwoFaces[n1], d2LastTwoFaces[n1 + elementsCountAround], d2SecondFace[n1]]
                    d2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(nx, nd2, fixStartDerivative = True,
                                                                  fixEndDerivative = True)[1]
                    d3Unit = vector.normalise(vector.crossproduct3(vector.normalise(d1LastTwoFaces[n1 + elementsCountAround]),
                d2Extrude = d2Extrude + \
                            (d2WarpedList[elementsCountAround:-elementsCountAround] if nSegment < segmentCount - 1 else
                d3UnitExtrude = d3UnitExtrude + \
                                (d3WarpedUnitList[elementsCountAround:-elementsCountAround] if nSegment < segmentCount - 1 else
            xLastTwoFaces = xWarpedList[-elementsCountAround*2:]
            d1LastTwoFaces = d1WarpedList[-elementsCountAround*2:]
            d2LastTwoFaces = d2WarpedList[-elementsCountAround*2:]

        # Create coordinates and derivatives
        xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList = tubemesh.getCoordinatesFromInner(xExtrude, d1Extrude,
            d2Extrude, d3UnitExtrude, [wallThickness]*(elementsCountAlong+1),
            elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

        flatWidthList, xiList = smallIntestineSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getFlatWidthAndXiList()

        # Create flat and texture coordinates
        xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture = tubemesh.createFlatAndTextureCoordinates(
            xiList, flatWidthList, length, wallThickness, elementsCountAround,
            elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

        # Create nodes and elements
        nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, annotationGroups = tubemesh.createNodesAndElements(
            region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture,
            elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall,
            annotationGroupsAround, annotationGroupsAlong, annotationGroupsThroughWall,
            firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier, useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives,

        return annotationGroups
Beispiel #11
    def createRegularRowCurves(self, rscx, rscd1, rscd3):
        generate curves along regular rows using the mirror curve obtained from createMirrorCurve.
        :param rscx: Coordinates of the nodes on the middle curve.
        :param rscd1: d1 derivatives of the nodes on the middle curve.
        :param rscd3: d3 derivatives of the nodes on the middle curve.
        btx = self.px
        btd1 = self.pd1
        btd2 = self.pd2
        btd3 = self.pd3

        elementsCountRim = self.elementsCountAcrossRim
        n2a = self.elementsCountAcrossShell
        n2b = elementsCountRim
        n2d = n2b + 2
        n2m = self.elementsCountUp
        n1a = self.elementsCountAcrossShell
        n1b = elementsCountRim
        n1z = self.elementsCountAcrossMinor - self.elementsCountAcrossShell
        for n2 in range(n2d, n2m + 1):
            txm, td3m, pe, pxi, psf = sampleCubicHermiteCurves(
                [btx[n2][n1a], rscx[n2 - n2a], btx[n2][n1z]], [
                    vector.setMagnitude(btd3[n2][n1a], -1.0), rscd3[n2 - n2a],
                self.elementsCountAcrossMinor -
                2 * self.elementsCountAcrossShell,
            td1m = interpolateSampleCubicHermite(
                  for c in range(3)], rscd1[n2 - n2a], btd1[n2][n1z]],
                [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] * 3, pe, pxi, psf)[0]

            tx = []
            td3 = []
            for n1 in range(self.elementsCountAcrossMinor + 1):
                if n1 <= n1a:
                    td3.append([-btd3[n2][n1][c] for c in range(3)])
                elif (n1 > n1a) and (n1 < n1z):
                    tx.append(txm[n1 - n1a])
                    td3.append(td3m[n1 - n1a])

            td3 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(tx,

            for n1 in range(self.elementsCountAcrossMinor + 1):
                if n1 <= n1a:
                    btd3[n2][n1] = [-td3[n1][c] for c in range(3)]
                elif (n1 > n1a) and (n1 < n1z):
                    btx[n2][n1] = tx[n1]
                    if n2 == n2m:
                        if n1 <= n1b:
                            btd1[n2][n1] = vector.setMagnitude(
                                btd1[n2m][-1], -1.0)
                            btd1[n2][n1] = vector.setMagnitude(
                                btd1[n2m][-1], 1.0)
                        if n1 <= n1b:
                            btd1[n2][n1] = [-d for d in td1m[n1 - n1a]]
                            btd1[n2][n1] = td1m[n1 - n1a]
                    if n1 <= n1b:
                        btd3[n2][n1] = [-d for d in td3[n1]]
                        btd3[n2][n1] = td3[n1]
                    btd3[n2][n1] = td3[n1]
    def generateBaseMesh(cls,
                         baseCentre=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                         axisSide1=[0.0, -1.0, 0.0],
                         axisUp=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]):
        Generate the base bicubic-linear Hermite mesh. See also generateMesh().
        Optional extra parameters allow centre and axes to be set.
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :param baseCentre: Centre of valve on ventriculo-arterial junction.
        :param axisSide: Unit vector in first side direction where angle around starts.
        :param axisUp: Unit vector in outflow direction of valve.
        :return: list of AnnotationGroup
        unitScale = options['Unit scale']
        outerHeight = unitScale * options['Outer height']
        innerDepth = unitScale * options['Inner depth']
        cuspHeight = unitScale * options['Cusp height']
        innerRadius = unitScale * 0.5 * options['Inner diameter']
        sinusRadialDisplacement = unitScale * options[
            'Sinus radial displacement']
        wallThickness = unitScale * options['Wall thickness']
        cuspThickness = unitScale * options['Cusp thickness']
        aorticNotPulmonary = options['Aortic not pulmonary']
        useCrossDerivatives = False

        fm = region.getFieldmodule()
        coordinates = zinc_utils.getOrCreateCoordinateField(fm)
        cache = fm.createFieldcache()

        if aorticNotPulmonary:
            arterialRootGroup = AnnotationGroup(region,
                                                'root of aorta',
                                                lyphID='Lyph ID unknown')
            cuspGroups = [
                                'posterior cusp of aortic valve',
                                lyphID='Lyph ID unknown'),
                                'right cusp of aortic valve',
                                lyphID='Lyph ID unknown'),
                                'left cusp of aortic valve',
                                lyphID='Lyph ID unknown')
            arterialRootGroup = AnnotationGroup(region,
                                                'root of pulmonary trunk',
                                                lyphID='Lyph ID unknown')
            cuspGroups = [
                                'right cusp of pulmonary valve',
                                lyphID='Lyph ID unknown'),
                                'anterior cusp of pulmonary valve',
                                lyphID='Lyph ID unknown'),
                                'left cusp of pulmonary valve',
                                lyphID='Lyph ID unknown')

        allGroups = [arterialRootGroup
                     ]  # groups that all elements in scaffold will go in
        annotationGroups = allGroups + cuspGroups

        # annotation fiducial points
        fiducialGroup = zinc_utils.getOrCreateGroupField(fm, 'fiducial')
        fiducialCoordinates = zinc_utils.getOrCreateCoordinateField(
            fm, 'fiducial_coordinates')
        fiducialLabel = zinc_utils.getOrCreateLabelField(fm, 'fiducial_label')
        #fiducialElementXi = zinc_utils.getOrCreateElementXiField(fm, 'fiducial_element_xi')

        datapoints = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(
        fiducialPoints = zinc_utils.getOrCreateNodesetGroup(
            fiducialGroup, datapoints)
        datapointTemplateExternal = datapoints.createNodetemplate()

        # Create nodes

        nodes = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES)

        nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1)
        # most nodes in this scaffold do not have a DS3 derivative
        nodetemplateLinearS3 = nodes.createNodetemplate()
        nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
        nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
        nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
        # several only have a DS1 derivative
        nodetemplateLinearS2S3 = nodes.createNodetemplate()
            coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
            coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)

        nodeIdentifier = max(1, zinc_utils.getMaximumNodeIdentifier(nodes) + 1)

        elementsCountAround = 6
        radiansPerElementAround = 2.0 * math.pi / elementsCountAround
        axisSide2 = vector.crossproduct3(axisUp, axisSide1)
        outerRadius = innerRadius + wallThickness
        cuspOuterLength2 = 0.5 * getApproximateEllipsePerimeter(
            innerRadius, cuspHeight)
        cuspOuterWallArcLength = cuspOuterLength2 * innerRadius / (
            innerRadius + cuspHeight)
        noduleOuterAxialArcLength = cuspOuterLength2 - cuspOuterWallArcLength
        noduleOuterRadialArcLength = innerRadius
        cuspOuterWalld1 = interp.interpolateLagrangeHermiteDerivative(
            [innerRadius, outerHeight + innerDepth - cuspHeight], [0.0, 0.0],
            [-innerRadius, 0.0], 0.0)

        sin60 = math.sin(math.pi / 3.0)
        cuspThicknessLowerFactor = 4.5  # GRC fudge factor
        cuspInnerLength2 = 0.5 * getApproximateEllipsePerimeter(
            innerRadius - cuspThickness / sin60,
            cuspHeight - cuspThicknessLowerFactor * cuspThickness)

        noduleInnerAxialArcLength = cuspInnerLength2 * (
            cuspHeight - cuspThicknessLowerFactor * cuspThickness) / (
                innerRadius - cuspThickness / sin60 + cuspHeight -
                cuspThicknessLowerFactor * cuspThickness)
        noduleInnerRadialArcLength = innerRadius - cuspThickness / math.tan(
            math.pi / 3.0)
        nMidCusp = 0 if aorticNotPulmonary else 1

        # lower points
        ix, id1 = createCirclePoints(
            [(baseCentre[c] - axisUp[c] * innerDepth) for c in range(3)],
            [axisSide1[c] * innerRadius for c in range(3)],
            [axisSide2[c] * innerRadius
             for c in range(3)], elementsCountAround)
        ox, od1 = getSemilunarValveSinusPoints(baseCentre,
        lowerx, lowerd1 = [ix, ox], [id1, od1]

        # upper points
        topCentre = [(baseCentre[c] + axisUp[c] * outerHeight)
                     for c in range(3)]
        # twice as many on inner:
        ix, id1 = createCirclePoints(
            topCentre, [axisSide1[c] * innerRadius for c in range(3)],
            [axisSide2[c] * innerRadius
             for c in range(3)], elementsCountAround * 2)
        # tweak inner points so elements attached to cusps are narrower
        cuspRadiansFactor = 0.25  # GRC fudge factor
        midDerivativeFactor = 1.0 + 0.5 * (1.0 - cuspRadiansFactor
                                           )  # GRC test compromise
        cuspAttachmentRadians = cuspRadiansFactor * radiansPerElementAround
        cuspAttachmentRadialDisplacement = wallThickness * 0.333  # GRC fudge factor
        cuspAttachmentRadius = innerRadius - cuspAttachmentRadialDisplacement
        for cusp in range(3):
            n1 = cusp * 2 - 1 + nMidCusp
            n2 = n1 * 2
            id1[n2 + 2] = [2.0 * d for d in id1[n2 + 2]]
            # side 1
            radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround + cuspAttachmentRadians
            rcosRadiansAround = cuspAttachmentRadius * math.cos(radiansAround)
            rsinRadiansAround = cuspAttachmentRadius * math.sin(radiansAround)
            ix[n2 + 1] = [(topCentre[c] + rcosRadiansAround * axisSide1[c] +
                           rsinRadiansAround * axisSide2[c]) for c in range(3)]
            id1[n2 + 1] = interp.interpolateLagrangeHermiteDerivative(
                ix[n2 + 1], ix[n2 + 2], id1[n2 + 2], 0.0)
            # side 2
            n1 = ((cusp + 1) * 2 - 1 + nMidCusp) % elementsCountAround
            n2 = n1 * 2
            radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround - cuspAttachmentRadians
            rcosRadiansAround = cuspAttachmentRadius * math.cos(radiansAround)
            rsinRadiansAround = cuspAttachmentRadius * math.sin(radiansAround)
            ix[n2 - 1] = [(topCentre[c] + rcosRadiansAround * axisSide1[c] +
                           rsinRadiansAround * axisSide2[c]) for c in range(3)]
            id1[n2 - 1] = interp.interpolateHermiteLagrangeDerivative(
                ix[n2 - 2], id1[n2 - 2], ix[n2 - 1], 1.0)
        ox, od1 = createCirclePoints(
            topCentre, [axisSide1[c] * outerRadius for c in range(3)],
            [axisSide2[c] * outerRadius
             for c in range(3)], elementsCountAround)
        upperx, upperd1 = [ix, ox], [id1, od1]

        # get lower and upper derivative 2
        zero = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        upperd2factor = outerHeight
        upd2 = [d * upperd2factor for d in axisUp]
        lowerOuterd2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
            [lowerx[1][nMidCusp], upperx[1][nMidCusp]], [upd2, upd2],
        lowerd2factor = 2.0 * (outerHeight + innerDepth) - upperd2factor
        lowerInnerd2 = [d * lowerd2factor for d in axisUp]
        lowerd2 = [[lowerInnerd2] * elementsCountAround,
                   [lowerOuterd2] * elementsCountAround
                   ]  # some lowerd2[0] to be fitted below
        upperd2 = [[upd2] * (elementsCountAround * 2),
                   [upd2] * elementsCountAround]

        # get lower and upper derivative 1 or 2 pointing to/from cusps
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
            cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
            sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
            if (n1 % 2) == nMidCusp:
                lowerd2[0][n1] = [
                    -cuspOuterWallArcLength *
                    (cosRadiansAround * axisSide1[c] +
                     sinRadiansAround * axisSide2[c]) for c in range(3)
                upperd1[0][n1 * 2] = [
                    (cuspOuterWalld1[0] * (cosRadiansAround * axisSide1[c] +
                                           sinRadiansAround * axisSide2[c]) +
                     cuspOuterWalld1[1] * axisUp[c]) for c in range(3)

        # inner wall and mid sinus points; only every second one is used
        sinusDepth = innerDepth - cuspThicknessLowerFactor * cuspThickness  # GRC test
        sinusCentre = [(baseCentre[c] - sinusDepth * axisUp[c])
                       for c in range(3)]
        sinusx, sinusd1 = createCirclePoints(
            sinusCentre, [axisSide1[c] * innerRadius for c in range(3)],
            [axisSide2[c] * innerRadius
             for c in range(3)], elementsCountAround)
        # get sinusd2, parallel to lower inclined lines
        sd2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
            [[innerRadius, -sinusDepth], [innerRadius, outerHeight]],
            [[wallThickness + sinusRadialDisplacement, innerDepth],
             [0.0, upperd2factor]],
        sinusd2 = [None] * elementsCountAround
        for cusp in range(3):
            n1 = cusp * 2 + nMidCusp
            radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
            cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
            sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
            sinusd2[n1] = [(sd2[0] * (cosRadiansAround * axisSide1[c] +
                                      sinRadiansAround * axisSide2[c]) +
                            sd2[1] * axisUp[c]) for c in range(3)]

        # get points on arc between mid sinus and upper cusp points
        arcx = []
        arcd1 = []
        scaled1 = 2.5  # GRC fudge factor
        for cusp in range(3):
            n1 = cusp * 2 + nMidCusp
            n1m = n1 - 1
            n1p = (n1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
            n2m = n1m * 2 + 1
            n2p = n1p * 2 - 1
            ax, ad1 = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(
                [upperx[0][n2m], sinusx[n1]],
                [[-scaled1 * d for d in upperd2[0][n2m]],
                 [scaled1 * d for d in sinusd1[n1]]],
                addLengthStart=0.5 * vector.magnitude(upperd2[0][n2m]),
                addLengthEnd=0.5 * vector.magnitude(sinusd1[n1]),
            ax, ad1 = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(
                ], [[scaled1 * d for d in sinusd1[n1]],
                    [scaled1 * d for d in upperd2[0][n2p]]],
                addLengthStart=0.5 * vector.magnitude(sinusd1[n1]),
                addLengthEnd=0.5 * vector.magnitude(upperd2[0][n2p]),
        if nMidCusp == 0:

        # cusp nodule points
        noduleCentre = [(baseCentre[c] + axisUp[c] * (cuspHeight - innerDepth))
                        for c in range(3)]
        nodulex = [[], []]
        noduled1 = [[], []]
        noduled2 = [[], []]
        noduled3 = [[], []]
        cuspRadialThickness = cuspThickness / sin60
        for i in range(3):
            n1 = i * 2 + nMidCusp
            radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
            cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
            sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
            nodulex[1].append([(noduleCentre[c] + cuspRadialThickness *
                                (cosRadiansAround * axisSide1[c] +
                                 sinRadiansAround * axisSide2[c]))
                               for c in range(3)])
            n1 = i * 2 - 1 + nMidCusp
            radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
            cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
            sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
                noduleOuterRadialArcLength * (cosRadiansAround * axisSide1[c] +
                                              sinRadiansAround * axisSide2[c])
                for c in range(3)
            n1 = i * 2 + 1 + nMidCusp
            radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
            cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
            sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
                noduleOuterRadialArcLength * (cosRadiansAround * axisSide1[c] +
                                              sinRadiansAround * axisSide2[c])
                for c in range(3)
                [noduleOuterAxialArcLength * axisUp[c] for c in range(3)])
                [noduleInnerAxialArcLength * axisUp[c] for c in range(3)])

        # Create nodes

        lowerNodeId = [[], []]
        for n3 in range(2):
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplateLinearS3)
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
                nodeIdentifier += 1

        sinusNodeId = []
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            if (n1 % 2) != nMidCusp:
            node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplateLinearS3)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
            nodeIdentifier += 1

        arcNodeId = []
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplateLinearS2S3)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
            nodeIdentifier += 1

        noduleNodeId = [[], []]
        for n3 in range(2):
            for n1 in range(3):
                node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1,
                nodeIdentifier += 1

        upperNodeId = [[], []]
        for n3 in range(2):
            for n1 in range(len(upperx[n3])):
                node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplateLinearS3)
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
                nodeIdentifier += 1

        # Create elements

        mesh = fm.findMeshByDimension(3)

        allMeshGroups = [allGroup.getMeshGroup(mesh) for allGroup in allGroups]
        cuspMeshGroups = [
            cuspGroup.getMeshGroup(mesh) for cuspGroup in cuspGroups

        linearHermiteLinearBasis = fm.createElementbasis(
            3, Elementbasis.FUNCTION_TYPE_LINEAR_LAGRANGE)
            2, Elementbasis.FUNCTION_TYPE_CUBIC_HERMITE)

        hermiteLinearLinearBasis = fm.createElementbasis(
            3, Elementbasis.FUNCTION_TYPE_LINEAR_LAGRANGE)
            1, Elementbasis.FUNCTION_TYPE_CUBIC_HERMITE)

        bicubichermitelinear = eftfactory_bicubichermitelinear(
            mesh, useCrossDerivatives)
        eftDefault = bicubichermitelinear.createEftNoCrossDerivatives()

        elementIdentifier = max(
            zinc_utils.getMaximumElementIdentifier(mesh) + 1)

        elementtemplate1 = mesh.createElementtemplate()

        # wall elements
        for cusp in range(3):
            n1 = cusp * 2 - 1 + nMidCusp
            n2 = n1 * 2
            for e in range(6):
                eft1 = None
                scalefactors = None

                if (e == 0) or (e == 5):
                    # 6 node linear-hermite-linear collapsed wedge element expanding from zero width on outer wall of root, attaching to vertical part of cusp
                    eft1 = mesh.createElementfieldtemplate(
                    # switch mappings to use DS2 instead of default DS1
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, [])])
                    if e == 0:
                        nids = [
                            lowerNodeId[0][n1], arcNodeId[n1],
                            upperNodeId[0][n2], upperNodeId[0][n2 + 1],
                            lowerNodeId[1][n1], upperNodeId[1][n1]
                        setEftScaleFactorIds(eft1, [1], [])
                        scalefactors = [-1.0]
                        remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [2],
                                               [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [1])])
                        nids = [
                            arcNodeId[n1 + 1], lowerNodeId[0][n1 - 4],
                            upperNodeId[0][n2 + 3], upperNodeId[0][n2 - 8],
                            lowerNodeId[1][n1 - 4], upperNodeId[1][n1 - 4]
                        remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [1],
                                               [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [])])
                    ln_map = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6]
                    remapEftLocalNodes(eft1, 6, ln_map)
                elif (e == 1) or (e == 4):
                    # 6 node hermite-linear-linear collapsed wedge element on lower wall
                    eft1 = mesh.createElementfieldtemplate(
                    if e == 1:
                        nids = [
                            lowerNodeId[0][n1], lowerNodeId[0][n1 + 1],
                            arcNodeId[n1], sinusNodeId[n1 + 1],
                            lowerNodeId[1][n1], lowerNodeId[1][n1 + 1]
                        nids = [
                            lowerNodeId[0][n1 + 1], lowerNodeId[0][n1 - 4],
                            sinusNodeId[n1 + 1], arcNodeId[n1 + 1],
                            lowerNodeId[1][n1 + 1], lowerNodeId[1][n1 - 4]
                    ln_map = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 6]
                    remapEftLocalNodes(eft1, 6, ln_map)
                    # 8 node elements with wedges on two sides
                    if e == 2:
                        eft1 = bicubichermitelinear.createEftNoCrossDerivatives(
                        setEftScaleFactorIds(eft1, [1], [])
                        scalefactors = [-1.0]
                        nids = [
                            arcNodeId[n1], sinusNodeId[n1 + 1],
                            upperNodeId[0][n2 + 1], upperNodeId[0][n2 + 2],
                            lowerNodeId[1][n1], lowerNodeId[1][n1 + 1],
                            upperNodeId[1][n1], upperNodeId[1][n1 + 1]
                        remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [1],
                                               [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [1])])
                        eft1 = eftDefault
                        nids = [
                            sinusNodeId[n1 + 1], arcNodeId[n1 + 1],
                            upperNodeId[0][n2 + 2], upperNodeId[0][n2 + 3],
                            lowerNodeId[1][n1 + 1], lowerNodeId[1][n1 - 4],
                            upperNodeId[1][n1 + 1], upperNodeId[1][n1 - 4]
                        remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [2],
                                               [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [])])

                result = elementtemplate1.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft1)
                element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier,
                result2 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft1, nids)
                if scalefactors:
                    result3 = element.setScaleFactors(eft1, scalefactors)
                    result3 = 7
                #print('create arterial root wall', cusp, e, 'element',elementIdentifier, result, result2, result3, nids)
                elementIdentifier += 1

                for meshGroup in allMeshGroups:

        # cusps (leaflets)
        for cusp in range(3):
            n1 = cusp * 2 - 1 + nMidCusp
            n2 = n1 * 2
            meshGroups = allMeshGroups + [cuspMeshGroups[cusp]]
            for e in range(2):
                eft1 = bicubichermitelinear.createEftNoCrossDerivatives()
                setEftScaleFactorIds(eft1, [1], [])
                scalefactors = [-1.0]

                if e == 0:
                    nids = [
                        lowerNodeId[0][n1], lowerNodeId[0][n1 + 1],
                        upperNodeId[0][n2], noduleNodeId[0][cusp],
                        arcNodeId[n1], sinusNodeId[n1 + 1],
                        upperNodeId[0][n2 + 1], noduleNodeId[1][cusp]
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [4, 8],
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [1])])
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [4, 8],
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, [])])
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [5], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2,
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [1])])
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [6], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2,
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, [1])])
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [7], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1,
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [1])])
                    nids = [
                        lowerNodeId[0][n1 + 1], lowerNodeId[0][n1 - 4],
                        noduleNodeId[0][cusp], upperNodeId[0][n2 - 8],
                        sinusNodeId[n1 + 1], arcNodeId[n1 + 1],
                        noduleNodeId[1][cusp], upperNodeId[0][n2 + 3]
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [3, 7],
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, [])])
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [3, 7],
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, [])])
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [4, 8],
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [1])])
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [5], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2,
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, [1])])
                    remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, [6], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2,
                                           [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [])])

                result = elementtemplate1.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft1)
                element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier,
                result2 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft1, nids)
                if scalefactors:
                    result3 = element.setScaleFactors(eft1, scalefactors)
                    result3 = 7
                #print('create semilunar cusp', cusp, e, 'element',elementIdentifier, result, result2, result3, nids)
                elementIdentifier += 1

                for meshGroup in meshGroups:

        # create annotation points

        datapoint = fiducialPoints.createNode(-1, datapointTemplateExternal)
        fiducialCoordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
            cache, 'aortic valve ctr'
            if aorticNotPulmonary else 'pulmonary valve ctr')

        return annotationGroups
Beispiel #13
def getCylindricalSegmentInnerPoints(elementsCountAround,
                                     elementsCountAlongSegment, segmentLength,
                                     wallThickness, startRadius,
                                     startRadiusDerivative, endRadius,
                                     endRadiusDerivative, startPhase):
    Generates a 3-D cylindrical segment mesh with variable numbers of elements
    around, along the central path, and through wall.
    :param elementsCountAround: Number of elements around.
    :param elementsCountAlongSegment: Number of elements along cylindrical segment.
    :param segmentLength: Length of a cylindrical segment.
    :param wallThickness: Thickness of wall.
    :param startRadius: Inner radius at proximal end.
    :param startRadiusDerivative: Rate of change of inner radius at proximal end.
    :param endRadius: Inner radius at distal end.
    :param endRadiusDerivative: Rate of change of inner radius at distal end.
    :param startPhase: Phase at start.
    :return coordinates, derivatives on inner surface of a cylindrical segment.
    :return transitElementList: stores true if element around is an element that
    transits between a big and small element.
    :return xiList: List of xi for each node around. xi refers to node position
    along the width when cylindrical segment is opened into a flat preparation,
    nominally in [0.0, 1.0].
    :return flatWidthList: List of width around elements for each element
    along cylindrical segment when the segment is opened into a flat preparation.
    :return segmentAxis: Axis of segment.
    :return sRadiusAlongSegment: radius of each element along segment.

    transitElementList = [0] * elementsCountAround

    # create nodes
    segmentAxis = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

    xFinal = []
    d1Final = []
    d2Final = []
    xiList = []
    flatWidthList = []
    sRadiusAlongSegment = []

    for n2 in range(elementsCountAlongSegment + 1):
        phase = startPhase + n2 * 360.0 / elementsCountAlongSegment
        xi = (phase if phase <= 360.0 else phase - 360.0) / 360.0
        radius = interp.interpolateCubicHermite([startRadius],
                                                [endRadiusDerivative], xi)[0]
        z = segmentLength / elementsCountAlongSegment * n2 + startPhase / 360.0 * segmentLength

        xLoop, d1Loop = createCirclePoints([0.0, 0.0, z], [radius, 0.0, 0.0],
                                           [0.0, radius, 0.0],
        xFinal = xFinal + xLoop
        d1Final = d1Final + d1Loop

    # Smooth d2 for segment
    smoothd2Raw = []
    for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
        nx = []
        nd2 = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountAlongSegment + 1):
            n = n2 * elementsCountAround + n1
        smoothd2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(nx, nd2)

    # Re-arrange smoothd2
    for n2 in range(elementsCountAlongSegment + 1):
        radius = sRadiusAlongSegment[n2]
        flatWidth = 2.0 * math.pi * (radius + wallThickness)
        xiFace = []
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround + 1):
            xi = 1.0 / elementsCountAround * n1

    return xFinal, d1Final, d2Final, transitElementList, xiList, flatWidthList, segmentAxis, sRadiusAlongSegment
Beispiel #14
def warpSegmentPoints(xList, d1List, d2List, segmentAxis, sx, sd1, sd2,
                      elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment,
                      refPointZ, innerRadiusAlong, closedProximalEnd):
    Warps points in segment to account for bending and twisting
    along central path defined by nodes sx and derivatives sd1 and sd2.
    :param xList: coordinates of segment points.
    :param d1List: derivatives around axis of segment.
    :param d2List: derivatives along axis of segment.
    :param segmentAxis: axis perpendicular to segment plane.
    :param sx: coordinates of points on central path.
    :param sd1: derivatives of points along central path.
    :param sd2: derivatives representing cross axes.
    :param elementsCountAround: Number of elements around segment.
    :param elementsCountAlongSegment: Number of elements along segment.
    :param refPointZ: z-coordinate of reference point for each element
    groups along the segment to be used for transformation.
    :param innerRadiusAlong: radius of segment along length.
    :param closedProximalEnd: True if proximal end of segment is a closed end.
    :return coordinates and derivatives of warped points.

    xWarpedList = []
    d1WarpedList = []
    d2WarpedList = []
    d2WarpedListFinal = []
    d3WarpedUnitList = []

    for nAlongSegment in range(elementsCountAlongSegment + 1):
        xElementAlongSegment = xList[elementsCountAround *
                                     nAlongSegment:elementsCountAround *
                                     (nAlongSegment + 1)]
        d1ElementAlongSegment = d1List[elementsCountAround *
                                       nAlongSegment:elementsCountAround *
                                       (nAlongSegment + 1)]
        d2ElementAlongSegment = d2List[elementsCountAround *
                                       nAlongSegment:elementsCountAround *
                                       (nAlongSegment + 1)]

        centroid = [0.0, 0.0, refPointZ[nAlongSegment]]

        # Rotate to align segment axis with tangent of central line
        unitTangent = vector.normalise(sd1[nAlongSegment])
        cp = vector.crossproduct3(segmentAxis, unitTangent)
        dp = vector.dotproduct(segmentAxis, unitTangent)
        if vector.magnitude(
                cp) > 0.0:  # path tangent not parallel to segment axis
            axisRot = vector.normalise(cp)
            thetaRot = math.acos(vector.dotproduct(segmentAxis, unitTangent))
            rotFrame = matrix.getRotationMatrixFromAxisAngle(axisRot, thetaRot)
            centroidRot = [
                rotFrame[j][0] * centroid[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * centroid[1] +
                rotFrame[j][2] * centroid[2] for j in range(3)

        else:  # path tangent parallel to segment axis (z-axis)
            if dp == -1.0:  # path tangent opposite direction to segment axis
                thetaRot = math.pi
                axisRot = [1.0, 0, 0]
                rotFrame = matrix.getRotationMatrixFromAxisAngle(
                    axisRot, thetaRot)
                centroidRot = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * centroid[0] +
                    rotFrame[j][1] * centroid[1] + rotFrame[j][2] * centroid[2]
                    for j in range(3)

            else:  # segment axis in same direction as unit tangent
                rotFrame = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
                centroidRot = centroid

        translateMatrix = [
            sx[nAlongSegment][j] - centroidRot[j] for j in range(3)

        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            x = xElementAlongSegment[n1]
            d1 = d1ElementAlongSegment[n1]
            d2 = d2ElementAlongSegment[n1]

            if vector.magnitude(
                    cp) > 0.0:  # path tangent not parallel to segment axis
                xRot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * x[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * x[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * x[2] for j in range(3)
                d1Rot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * d1[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * d1[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * d1[2] for j in range(3)
                d2Rot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * d2[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * d2[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * d2[2] for j in range(3)
                # xTranslate = [xRot1[j] + translateMatrix[j] for j in range(3)]

            else:  # path tangent parallel to segment axis
                xRot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * x[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * x[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * x[2] for j in range(3)
                ] if dp == -1.0 else x
                d1Rot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * d1[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * d1[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * d1[2] for j in range(3)
                ] if dp == -1.0 else d1
                d2Rot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * d2[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * d2[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * d2[2] for j in range(3)
                ] if dp == -1.0 else d2
                # xTranslate = [xRot1[j] + translateMatrix[j] for j in range(3)]

            if n1 == 0:  # Find angle between xCentroidRot and first node in the face
                vectorToFirstNode = [
                    xRot1[c] - centroidRot[c] for c in range(3)
                if vector.magnitude(vectorToFirstNode) > 0.0:
                    cp = vector.crossproduct3(
                    if vector.magnitude(cp) > 1e-7:
                        cp = vector.normalise(cp)
                        signThetaRot2 = vector.dotproduct(unitTangent, cp)
                        thetaRot2 = math.acos(
                        axisRot2 = unitTangent
                        rotFrame2 = matrix.getRotationMatrixFromAxisAngle(
                            axisRot2, signThetaRot2 * thetaRot2)
                        rotFrame2 = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
                    rotFrame2 = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]

            xRot2 = [
                rotFrame2[j][0] * xRot1[0] + rotFrame2[j][1] * xRot1[1] +
                rotFrame2[j][2] * xRot1[2] for j in range(3)
            d1Rot2 = [
                rotFrame2[j][0] * d1Rot1[0] + rotFrame2[j][1] * d1Rot1[1] +
                rotFrame2[j][2] * d1Rot1[2] for j in range(3)
            d2Rot2 = [
                rotFrame2[j][0] * d2Rot1[0] + rotFrame2[j][1] * d2Rot1[1] +
                rotFrame2[j][2] * d2Rot1[2] for j in range(3)
            xTranslate = [xRot2[j] + translateMatrix[j] for j in range(3)]


    # Scale d2 with curvature of central path
    d2WarpedListScaled = []
    vProjectedList = []
    for nAlongSegment in range(elementsCountAlongSegment + 1):
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            n = nAlongSegment * elementsCountAround + n1
            # Calculate norm
            sd1Normalised = vector.normalise(sd1[nAlongSegment])
            v = [xWarpedList[n][c] - sx[nAlongSegment][c] for c in range(3)]
            dp = vector.dotproduct(v, sd1Normalised)
            dpScaled = [dp * c for c in sd1Normalised]
            vProjected = [v[c] - dpScaled[c] for c in range(3)]
            if vector.magnitude(vProjected) > 0.0:
                vProjectedNormlised = vector.normalise(vProjected)
                vProjectedNormlised = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

            # Calculate curvature along at each node
            if nAlongSegment == 0:
                curvature = interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                    sx[0], sd1[0], sx[1], sd1[1], vProjectedNormlised, 0.0)
            elif nAlongSegment == elementsCountAlongSegment:
                curvature = interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                    sx[-2], sd1[-2], sx[-1], sd1[-1], vProjectedNormlised, 1.0)
                curvature = 0.5 * (interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                    sx[nAlongSegment - 1], sd1[nAlongSegment - 1],
                    sx[nAlongSegment], sd1[nAlongSegment], vProjectedNormlised,
                    1.0) + interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                        sx[nAlongSegment], sd1[nAlongSegment],
                        sx[nAlongSegment + 1], sd1[nAlongSegment + 1],
                        vProjectedNormlised, 0.0))
            # Scale
            factor = 1.0 - curvature * innerRadiusAlong[nAlongSegment]
            d2 = [factor * c for c in d2WarpedList[n]]

    # Smooth d2 for segment
    smoothd2Raw = []
    for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
        nx = []
        nd2 = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountAlongSegment + 1):
            n = n2 * elementsCountAround + n1
        smoothd2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
            nx, nd2, fixStartDerivative=True, fixEndDerivative=True)

    # Re-arrange smoothd2
    for n2 in range(elementsCountAlongSegment + 1):
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):

    # Calculate unit d3
    for n in range(len(xWarpedList)):
        d3Unit = vector.normalise(

    return xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedListFinal, d3WarpedUnitList
Beispiel #15
    def generateBaseMesh(cls, region, options):
        Generate the base bicubic Hermite mesh.
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: list of AnnotationGroup
        elementsCountUpNeck = options['Number of elements up neck']
        elementsCountUpBody = options['Number of elements up body']
        elementsCountAround = options['Number of elements around']
        height = options['Height']
        majorDiameter = options['Major diameter']
        minorDiameter = options['Minor diameter']
        radius = 0.5 * options['Urethra diameter']
        bladderWallThickness = options['Bladder wall thickness']
        useCrossDerivatives = options['Use cross derivatives']
        elementsCountAroundOstium = options['Number of elements around ostium']
        elementsCountAnnulusRadially = options['Number of elements radially on annulus']
        ostiumPositionAround = options['Ostium position around']
        ostiumPositionUp = options['Ostium position up']

        ostiumOptions = options['Ureter']
        ostiumDefaultOptions = ostiumOptions.getScaffoldSettings()

        fm = region.getFieldmodule()
        coordinates = findOrCreateFieldCoordinates(fm)
        cache = fm.createFieldcache()

        mesh = fm.findMeshByDimension(3)

        nodes = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES)
        nodetemplateApex = nodes.createNodetemplate()
        nodetemplateApex.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
        nodetemplateApex.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
        nodetemplateApex.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
        if useCrossDerivatives:
            nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
            nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1)
            nodetemplate = nodetemplateApex

        eftfactory = eftfactory_bicubichermitelinear(mesh, useCrossDerivatives)
        eft = eftfactory.createEftBasic()

        elementtemplate = mesh.createElementtemplate()
        elementtemplate.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft)

        neckGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_bladder_term("neck of urinary bladder"))
        bodyGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_bladder_term("dome of the bladder"))
        urinaryBladderGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_bladder_term("urinary bladder"))
        annotationGroups = [neckGroup, bodyGroup, urinaryBladderGroup]

        neckMeshGroup = neckGroup.getMeshGroup(mesh)
        bodyMeshGroup = bodyGroup.getMeshGroup(mesh)
        urinaryBladderMeshGroup = urinaryBladderGroup.getMeshGroup(mesh)

        # create nodes
        # create neck of the bladder
        nodeIdentifier = 1
        radiansPerElementAround = 2.0*math.pi/elementsCountAround
        radiansPerElementUpNeck = (math.pi/4)/elementsCountUpNeck

        # create lower part of the ellipsoidal
        neckHeight = height - height * math.cos(math.pi / 4)
        ellipsoidal_x = []
        ellipsoidal_d1 = []
        ellipsoidal_d2 = []
        for n2 in range(0, elementsCountUpNeck+1):
            radiansUp = n2 * radiansPerElementUpNeck
            cosRadiansUp = math.cos(radiansUp)
            sinRadiansUp = math.sin(radiansUp)
            majorRadius = 0.5 * majorDiameter * sinRadiansUp
            minorRadius = 0.5 * minorDiameter * sinRadiansUp
            if n2 == 0:
                for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
                    cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
                    sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
                    x = [
                        -majorRadius * sinRadiansAround,
                        minorRadius * cosRadiansAround,
                        -height - neckHeight
                    dx_ds1 = [
                        -majorRadius * cosRadiansAround * radiansPerElementAround,
                        minorRadius * -sinRadiansAround * radiansPerElementAround,
                    dx_ds2 = [
                        -0.5 * majorDiameter * sinRadiansAround * cosRadiansUp * radiansPerElementUpNeck,
                        0.5 * minorDiameter * cosRadiansAround * cosRadiansUp * radiansPerElementUpNeck,
                        height * sinRadiansUp * radiansPerElementUpNeck
                for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    neckHeight = height - height * math.cos(math.pi/4)
                    radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
                    cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
                    sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
                    x = [
                        -majorRadius * sinRadiansAround,
                        minorRadius * cosRadiansAround,
                        -height - neckHeight + n2 * 2 * neckHeight / elementsCountUpNeck
                    dx_ds1 = [
                        -majorRadius * cosRadiansAround * radiansPerElementAround,
                        minorRadius * -sinRadiansAround * radiansPerElementAround,
                    dx_ds2 = [
                        -0.5 * majorDiameter * sinRadiansAround * cosRadiansUp * radiansPerElementUpNeck,
                        0.5 * minorDiameter * cosRadiansAround * cosRadiansUp * radiansPerElementUpNeck,
                        height * sinRadiansUp * radiansPerElementUpNeck

        # create tube nodes
        radiansPerElementAround = 2.0 * math.pi / elementsCountAround
        tube_x = []
        tube_d1 = []
        tube_d2 = []
        for n2 in range(0, elementsCountUpNeck + 1):
            radiansUp = n2 * radiansPerElementUpNeck
            cosRadiansUp = math.cos(radiansUp)
            sinRadiansUp = math.sin(radiansUp)
            if n2 == 0:
                for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
                    cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
                    sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
                    x = [
                        -radius * sinRadiansAround,
                        radius * cosRadiansAround,
                        -height - neckHeight
                    dx_ds1 = [
                        -radiansPerElementAround * radius * cosRadiansAround,
                        radiansPerElementAround * radius * -sinRadiansAround,
                    dx_ds2 = [0, 0, height / (2 * elementsCountUpNeck)]
                for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    neckHeight = height - height* math.cos(math.pi/4)
                    radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
                    cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
                    sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
                    x = [
                        -radius * sinRadiansAround,
                        radius * cosRadiansAround,
                        -height - neckHeight + n2 * 2 * neckHeight / elementsCountUpNeck
                    dx_ds1 = [
                        -radiansPerElementAround * radius * cosRadiansAround,
                        radiansPerElementAround * radius * -sinRadiansAround,
                    dx_ds2 = [0, 0, height / elementsCountUpNeck]

        # interpolation between the lower part of the ellipsoidal and the tube
        m1 = 0
        z_bottom = ellipsoidal_x[-1][2]
        z_top = ellipsoidal_x[0][2]
        delta_z = z_top - z_bottom
        interpolatedNodes = []
        interpolatedNodes_d1 = []
        interpolatedNodes_d2 = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountUpNeck+1):
            xi = 1.0 - (ellipsoidal_x[m1][2] - z_bottom) / delta_z
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                phi_inner, _, phi_outer, _ = getCubicHermiteBasis(xi)
                x = [(phi_inner*tube_x[m1][c] + phi_outer*ellipsoidal_x[m1][c]) for c in range(3)]
                d1 = [(phi_inner*tube_d1[m1][c] + phi_outer*ellipsoidal_d1[m1][c]) for c in range(3)]
                d2 = [(phi_inner*tube_d2[m1][c] + phi_outer*ellipsoidal_d2[m1][c]) for c in range(3)]
                m1 += 1

        # smoothing the derivatives
        sd2Raw = []
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            lineSmoothingNodes = []
            lineSmoothingNodes_d2 = []
            for n2 in range(elementsCountUpNeck+1):
                    lineSmoothingNodes.append(interpolatedNodes[n1 + n2 * elementsCountAround])
                    lineSmoothingNodes_d2.append(interpolatedNodes_d2[n1 + n2 * elementsCountAround])
            sd2 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(lineSmoothingNodes, lineSmoothingNodes_d2,
                                                    fixStartDerivative=True, fixEndDerivative=True,
                                                    fixStartDirection=False, fixEndDirection=False)

        # re-arrange the derivatives order
        d2RearrangedList = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountUpNeck+1):
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                d2 = sd2Raw[n1][n2]

        # create tracksurface at the outer layer of the neck
        nodesOnTrackSurface = []
        nodesOnTrackSurface_d1 = []
        nodesOnTrackSurface_d2 = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountUpNeck+1):
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                if (n1 <= elementsCountAround / 2):
                    nodesOnTrackSurface.append(interpolatedNodes[n2 * elementsCountAround + n1])
                    nodesOnTrackSurface_d1.append(interpolatedNodes_d1[n2 * elementsCountAround + n1])
                    nodesOnTrackSurface_d2.append(d2RearrangedList[n2 * elementsCountAround + n1])

        # nodes and derivatives of the neck of the bladder
        listOuterNeck_x = []
        listOuterNeck_d1 = []
        listOuterNeck_d2 = []
        elementsCount1 = elementsCountAround // 2
        elementsCount2 = elementsCountUpNeck
        tracksurfaceOstium1 = TrackSurface(elementsCount1, elementsCount2, nodesOnTrackSurface, nodesOnTrackSurface_d1,
        ostium1Position = tracksurfaceOstium1.createPositionProportion(ostiumPositionAround, ostiumPositionUp)
        ostium1Position.xi1 = 1.0
        ostium1Position.xi2 = 1.0
        ostiumElementPositionAround = ostium1Position.e1
        ostiumElementPositionUp = ostium1Position.e2
        for n2 in range(len(interpolatedNodes)):

        # create body of the bladder
        radiansPerElementAround = 2.0 * math.pi / elementsCountAround
        radiansPerElementUpBody = (3 * math.pi / 4) / elementsCountUpBody
        # create regular rows
        listOuterBody_x = []
        listOuterBody_d1 = []
        listOuterBody_d2 = []
        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountUpBody):
            radiansUp = (math.pi / 4) + n2 * radiansPerElementUpBody
            cosRadiansUp = math.cos(radiansUp)
            sinRadiansUp = math.sin(radiansUp)
            majorRadius = 0.5 * majorDiameter * sinRadiansUp
            minorRadius = 0.5 * minorDiameter * sinRadiansUp
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
                cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
                sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
                x = [
                    -majorRadius * sinRadiansAround,
                    minorRadius * cosRadiansAround,
                    -height * cosRadiansUp
                dx_ds1 = [
                    -majorRadius * cosRadiansAround * radiansPerElementAround,
                    minorRadius * -sinRadiansAround * radiansPerElementAround,
                dx_ds2 = [
                    -0.5 * majorDiameter * sinRadiansAround * cosRadiansUp * radiansPerElementUpBody,
                    0.5 * minorDiameter * cosRadiansAround * cosRadiansUp * radiansPerElementUpBody,
                    height*sinRadiansUp * radiansPerElementUpBody

        # create outer apex node
        outerApexNode_x = []
        outerApexNode_d1 = []
        outerApexNode_d2 = []
        x = [0.0, 0.0, height]
        dx_ds1 = [height*radiansPerElementUpBody/2, 0.0, 0.0]
        dx_ds2 = [0.0, height*radiansPerElementUpBody/2, 0.0]

        # set nodes of outer layer of the bladder
        listTotalOuter_x = listOuterNeck_x + listOuterBody_x + outerApexNode_x
        listTotalOuter_d1 = listOuterNeck_d1 + listOuterBody_d1 + outerApexNode_d1
        listTotalOuter_d2 = listOuterNeck_d2 + listOuterBody_d2 + outerApexNode_d2

        outerLayer_x = []
        outerLayer_d1 = []
        outerLayer_d2 = []
        for n2 in range(len(listTotalOuter_x)):
            if (n2 != (ostiumElementPositionUp + 1) * elementsCountAround + ostiumElementPositionAround + 1) and\
                    (n2 != (ostiumElementPositionUp + 1) * elementsCountAround + elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 1):
                node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, listTotalOuter_x[n2])
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1, listTotalOuter_d1[n2])
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1, listTotalOuter_d2[n2])
                nodeIdentifier += 1

        # create and set nodes of inner layer of the bladder
        listTotalInner_x = []
        listTotalInner_d1 = []
        listTotalInner_d2 = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody):
            loop_x = [listTotalOuter_x[n2 * elementsCountAround + n1] for n1 in range(elementsCountAround)]
            loop_d1 = [listTotalOuter_d1[n2 * elementsCountAround + n1] for n1 in range(elementsCountAround)]
            loop_d2 = [listTotalOuter_d2[n2 * elementsCountAround + n1] for n1 in range(elementsCountAround)]
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                x, d1, _, _ = interp.projectHermiteCurvesThroughWall(loop_x, loop_d1, loop_d2, n1,
                                                                     -bladderWallThickness, loop=True)

        listInner_d2 = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountAround):
            nx = [listTotalOuter_x[n1 * elementsCountAround + n2] for n1 in range(elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody)]
            nd1 = [listTotalOuter_d1[n1 * elementsCountAround + n2] for n1 in range(elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody)]
            nd2 = [listTotalOuter_d2[n1 * elementsCountAround + n2] for n1 in range(elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody)]
            for n1 in range(elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody):
                _, d2, _, _ = interp.projectHermiteCurvesThroughWall(nx, nd2, nd1, n1,
                                                                     bladderWallThickness, loop=False)

        # re-arrange the derivatives order
        for n2 in range(elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody):
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                rearranged_d2 = listInner_d2[n1 * (elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody) + n2]

        innerLayer_x = []
        innerLayer_d1 = []
        innerLayer_d2 = []
        for n2 in range(len(listTotalInner_x)):
            if (n2 != (ostiumElementPositionUp + 1) * elementsCountAround + ostiumElementPositionAround + 1) and \
                    (n2 != (ostiumElementPositionUp + 1) * elementsCountAround + elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 1):
                node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, listTotalInner_x[n2])
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1, listTotalInner_d1[n2])
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1, listTotalInner_d2[n2])
                nodeIdentifier += 1


        # create inner apex node
        x = [0.0, 0.0, height - bladderWallThickness]
        dx_ds1 = [height*radiansPerElementUpBody/2, 0.0, 0.0]
        dx_ds2 = [0.0, height*radiansPerElementUpBody/2, 0.0]
        node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, x)
        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1, dx_ds1)
        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1, dx_ds2)
        nodeIdentifier += 1

        # create ureters on the surface
        elementIdentifier = 1
        # ureter 1
        centerUreter1_x, centerUreter1_d1, centerUreter1_d2 = tracksurfaceOstium1.evaluateCoordinates(ostium1Position, derivatives=True)
        td1, td2, td3 = calculate_surface_axes(centerUreter1_d1, centerUreter1_d2, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        m1 = ostiumElementPositionUp * elementsCountAround + ostiumElementPositionAround
        ureter1StartCornerx = listOuterNeck_x[m1]
        v1 = [(ureter1StartCornerx[c] - centerUreter1_x[c]) for c in range(3)]
        ostium1Direction = vector.crossproduct3(td3, v1)
        nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier, (o1_x, o1_d1, o1_d2, _, o1_NodeId, o1_Positions) = \
            generateOstiumMesh(region, ostiumDefaultOptions, tracksurfaceOstium1, ostium1Position, ostium1Direction,
            startNodeIdentifier=nodeIdentifier, startElementIdentifier=elementIdentifier)

        # ureter 2
        tracksurfaceOstium2 = tracksurfaceOstium1.createMirrorX()
        ostium2Position = TrackSurfacePosition(elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround, ostiumElementPositionUp - 1, 0.0, 1.0)
        centerUreter2_x, centerUreter2_d1, centerUreter2_d2 = tracksurfaceOstium2.evaluateCoordinates(ostium2Position, derivatives =True)
        ad1, ad2, ad3 = calculate_surface_axes(centerUreter2_d1, centerUreter2_d2, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        if elementsCountAroundOstium == 4:
            m2 = ostiumElementPositionUp * elementsCountAround + elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 1
            m2 = ostiumElementPositionUp * elementsCountAround + elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 2
        ureter2StartCornerx = listOuterNeck_x[m2]
        v2 = [(ureter2StartCornerx[c] - centerUreter2_x[c]) for c in range(3)]
        ostium2Direction = vector.crossproduct3(ad3, v2)
        nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier, (o2_x, o2_d1, o2_d2, _, o2_NodeId, o2_Positions) = \
            generateOstiumMesh(region, ostiumDefaultOptions, tracksurfaceOstium2, ostium2Position, ostium2Direction,
            startNodeIdentifier=nodeIdentifier, startElementIdentifier=elementIdentifier)

        # create annulus mesh around ostium
        endPoints1_x = [[None] * elementsCountAroundOstium, [None] * elementsCountAroundOstium]
        endPoints1_d1 = [[None] * elementsCountAroundOstium, [None] * elementsCountAroundOstium]
        endPoints1_d2 = [[None] * elementsCountAroundOstium, [None] * elementsCountAroundOstium]
        endNode1_Id = [[None] * elementsCountAroundOstium, [None] * elementsCountAroundOstium]
        endDerivativesMap = [[None] * elementsCountAroundOstium, [None] * elementsCountAroundOstium]
        endPoints2_x = [[None] * elementsCountAroundOstium, [None] * elementsCountAroundOstium]
        endPoints2_d1 = [[None] * elementsCountAroundOstium, [None] * elementsCountAroundOstium]
        endPoints2_d2 = [[None] * elementsCountAroundOstium, [None] * elementsCountAroundOstium]
        endNode2_Id = [[None] * elementsCountAroundOstium, [None] * elementsCountAroundOstium]

        nodeCountsEachWallLayer = (elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody) * elementsCountAround - 1
        for n3 in range(2):
            n1 = 0
            endNode1_Id[n3][n1] = ((1 - n3) * nodeCountsEachWallLayer) + (ostiumElementPositionUp * elementsCountAround) + ostiumElementPositionAround + 1
            endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 1] = endNode1_Id[n3][n1] + elementsCountAround
            endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 2] = endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 1] + elementsCountAround - 2
            endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 3] = endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 2] + 1
            endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 4] = endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 3] + 1
            endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 5] = endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 1] + 1
            endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 6] = endNode1_Id[n3][n1] + 2
            endNode1_Id[n3][n1 + 7] = endNode1_Id[n3][n1] + 1
            if ostiumElementPositionAround == 0:
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1] = ((1 - n3) * nodeCountsEachWallLayer) + (ostiumElementPositionUp * elementsCountAround)\
                                        + elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 1] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1] + elementsCountAround - 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 2] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 1] + elementsCountAround - 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 3] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 2] + 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 4] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 3] - elementsCountAround + 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 5] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 4] - elementsCountAround + 2
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 6] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 5] - elementsCountAround
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 7] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1] + 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1] = ((1 - n3) * nodeCountsEachWallLayer) + (ostiumElementPositionUp * elementsCountAround)\
                                        + elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 1] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1] + elementsCountAround - 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 2] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 1] + elementsCountAround - 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 3] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 2] + 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 4] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 3] + 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 5] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 1] + 1
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 6] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1] + 2
                endNode2_Id[n3][n1 + 7] = endNode2_Id[n3][n1] + 1

        for n3 in range(2):
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAroundOstium):
                nc1 = endNode1_Id[n3][n1] - (1 - n3) * nodeCountsEachWallLayer - 1
                endPoints1_x[n3][n1] = innerLayer_x[nc1]
                endPoints1_d1[n3][n1] = innerLayer_d1[nc1]
                endPoints1_d2[n3][n1] = [innerLayer_d2[nc1][c] for c in range(3)]
                nc2 = endNode2_Id[n3][n1] - (1 - n3) * nodeCountsEachWallLayer - 1
                endPoints2_x[n3][n1] = innerLayer_x[nc2]
                endPoints2_d1[n3][n1] = innerLayer_d1[nc2]
                endPoints2_d2[n3][n1] = innerLayer_d2[nc2]

        for n1 in range(elementsCountAroundOstium):
            if n1 == 0:
                endDerivativesMap[0][n1] = ((-1, 0, 0), (-1, -1, 0), None, (0, 1, 0))
                endDerivativesMap[1][n1] = ((-1, 0, 0), (-1, -1, 0), None, (0, 1, 0))
            elif n1 == 1:
                endDerivativesMap[0][n1] = ((0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), None)
                endDerivativesMap[1][n1] = ((0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), None)
            elif n1 == 2:
                endDerivativesMap[0][n1] = ((0, 1, 0), (-1, 1, 0), None, (1, 0, 0))
                endDerivativesMap[1][n1] = ((0, 1, 0), (-1, 1, 0), None, (1, 0, 0))
            elif n1 == 3:
                endDerivativesMap[0][n1] = ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), None)
                endDerivativesMap[1][n1] = ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), None)
            elif n1 == 4:
                endDerivativesMap[0][n1] = ((1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), None, (0, -1, 0))
                endDerivativesMap[1][n1] = ((1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), None, (0, -1, 0))
            elif n1 == 5:
                endDerivativesMap[0][n1] = ((0, -1, 0), (1, 0, 0), None)
                endDerivativesMap[1][n1] = ((0, -1, 0), (1, 0, 0), None)
            elif n1 == 6:
                endDerivativesMap[0][n1] = ((0, -1, 0), (1, -1, 0), None, (-1, 0, 0))
                endDerivativesMap[1][n1] = ((0, -1, 0), (1, -1, 0), None, (-1, 0, 0))
                endDerivativesMap[0][n1] = ((-1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), None)
                endDerivativesMap[1][n1] = ((-1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), None)

        nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier = createAnnulusMesh3d(
            nodes, mesh, nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier,
            o1_x, o1_d1, o1_d2, None, o1_NodeId, None,
            endPoints1_x, endPoints1_d1, endPoints1_d2, None, endNode1_Id, endDerivativesMap,
            elementsCountRadial=elementsCountAnnulusRadially, meshGroups=[neckMeshGroup, urinaryBladderMeshGroup])

        nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier = createAnnulusMesh3d(
            nodes, mesh, nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier,
            o2_x, o2_d1, o2_d2, None, o2_NodeId, None,
            endPoints2_x, endPoints2_d1, endPoints2_d2, None, endNode2_Id, endDerivativesMap,
            elementsCountRadial=elementsCountAnnulusRadially, meshGroups=[neckMeshGroup, urinaryBladderMeshGroup])

        # create elements
        for e3 in range(1):
            newl = (e3 + 1) * ((elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody) * elementsCountAround - 1)
            # create bladder neck elements
            for e2 in range(elementsCountUpNeck):
                for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    if e2 == ostiumElementPositionUp:
                        if (e1 == ostiumElementPositionAround or e1 == ostiumElementPositionAround + 1):
                        elif (e1 == elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 2 or e1 == elementsCountAround - 1 - ostiumElementPositionAround):
                            bni1 = e2 * elementsCountAround + e1 + 1
                            bni2 = e2 * elementsCountAround + (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround + 1
                            if e1 < ostiumElementPositionAround:
                                bni3 = bni1 + elementsCountAround
                                bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround
                            elif (ostiumElementPositionAround + 1 < e1 < elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 2):
                                bni3 = bni1 + elementsCountAround - 1
                                bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround - 1
                            elif e1 > elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 1:
                                bni3 = bni1 + elementsCountAround - 2
                                if e1 == elementsCountAround - 1:
                                    bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround
                                    bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround - 2
                            element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier, elementtemplate)
                            nodeIdentifiers = [bni1 + newl, bni2 + newl, bni3 + newl, bni4 + newl,
                                               bni1, bni2, bni3, bni4]
                            result = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft, nodeIdentifiers)
                            elementIdentifier += 1
                    elif e2 == ostiumElementPositionUp + 1:
                        if (e1 == ostiumElementPositionAround or e1 == ostiumElementPositionAround + 1):
                        elif (e1 == elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 2 or e1 == elementsCountAround - 1 - ostiumElementPositionAround):
                            if e1 < ostiumElementPositionAround:
                                bni1 = e2 * elementsCountAround + e1 + 1
                                bni2 = e2 * elementsCountAround + (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround + 1
                                bni3 = bni1 + elementsCountAround - 2
                                bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround - 2
                            elif (ostiumElementPositionAround + 1 < e1 < elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 2):
                                bni1 = e2 * elementsCountAround + e1
                                bni2 = e2 * elementsCountAround + (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                                bni3 = bni1 + elementsCountAround - 1
                                bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround - 1
                            elif e1 > elementsCountAround - ostiumElementPositionAround - 1:
                                bni1 = e2 * elementsCountAround + e1 - 1
                                bni3 = bni1 + elementsCountAround
                                if e1 == elementsCountAround - 1:
                                    bni2 = e2 * elementsCountAround + (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround + 1
                                    bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround - 2
                                    bni2 = e2 * elementsCountAround + (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround - 1
                                    bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround
                            element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier, elementtemplate)
                            nodeIdentifiers = [bni1 + newl, bni2 + newl, bni3 + newl, bni4 + newl,
                                               bni1, bni2, bni3, bni4]
                            result = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft, nodeIdentifiers)
                            elementIdentifier += 1
                    elif e2 > ostiumElementPositionUp + 1:
                        element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier, elementtemplate)
                        bni1 = e2 * elementsCountAround + e1 - 1
                        bni2 = e2 * elementsCountAround + (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround - 1
                        bni3 = bni1 + elementsCountAround
                        bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround
                        nodeIdentifiers = [bni1 + newl, bni2 + newl, bni3 + newl, bni4 + newl,
                                           bni1, bni2, bni3, bni4]
                        result = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft, nodeIdentifiers)
                        elementIdentifier += 1
                        element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier, elementtemplate)
                        bni1 = e2 * elementsCountAround + e1 + 1
                        bni2 = e2 * elementsCountAround + (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround + 1
                        bni3 = bni1 + elementsCountAround
                        bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround
                        nodeIdentifiers = [bni1 + newl, bni2 + newl, bni3 + newl, bni4 + newl,
                                           bni1, bni2, bni3, bni4]
                        result = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft, nodeIdentifiers)
                        elementIdentifier += 1

            # create bladder body elements
            for e2 in range(elementsCountUpNeck, (elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody - 1)):
                for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier, elementtemplate)
                    bni1 = e2 * elementsCountAround + e1 - 1
                    bni2 = e2 * elementsCountAround + (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround - 1
                    bni3 = bni1 + elementsCountAround
                    bni4 = bni2 + elementsCountAround
                    nodeIdentifiers = [bni1 + newl, bni2 + newl, bni3 + newl, bni4 + newl,
                                       bni1, bni2, bni3, bni4]
                    result = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft, nodeIdentifiers)
                    elementIdentifier += 1
            # create apex elements
            bni3 = (elementsCountUpNeck + elementsCountUpBody) * elementsCountAround - 1
            elementtemplateApex = mesh.createElementtemplate()
            for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                va = e1
                vb = (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                eftApex = eftfactory.createEftShellPoleTop(va, vb)
                elementtemplateApex.defineField(coordinates, -1, eftApex)
                # redefine field in template for changes to eftApex:
                element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier, elementtemplateApex)
                bni1 = bni3 - elementsCountAround + e1
                bni2 = bni3 - elementsCountAround + (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                nodeIdentifiers = [bni1 + newl, bni2 + newl, bni3 + newl, bni1, bni2, bni3]
                result = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eftApex, nodeIdentifiers)
                elementIdentifier += 1

        return annotationGroups
Beispiel #16
def make_tube_bifurcation_points(paCentre, pax, pad2, c1Centre, c1x, c1d2,
                                 c2Centre, c2x, c2d2):
    Gets first ring of coordinates and derivatives between parent pa and
    children c1, c2, and over the crotch between c1 and c2.
    :return rox, rod1, rod2, cox, cod1, cod2
    paCount = len(pax)
    c1Count = len(c1x)
    c2Count = len(c2x)
    pac1Count, pac2Count, c1c2Count = get_tube_bifurcation_connection_elements_counts(
        paCount, c1Count, c2Count)
    # convert to number of nodes, includes both 6-way points
    pac1NodeCount = pac1Count + 1
    pac2NodeCount = pac2Count + 1
    c1c2NodeCount = c1c2Count + 1
    paStartIndex = 0
    c1StartIndex = 0
    c2StartIndex = 0
    pac1x = [None] * pac1NodeCount
    pac1d1 = [None] * pac1NodeCount
    pac1d2 = [None] * pac1NodeCount
    for n in range(pac1NodeCount):
        pan = (paStartIndex + n) % paCount
        c1n = (c1StartIndex + n) % c1Count
        x1, d1, x2, d2 = pax[pan], mult(pad2[pan],
                                        2.0), c1x[c1n], mult(c1d2[c1n], 2.0)
        pac1x[n] = interpolateCubicHermite(x1, d1, x2, d2, 0.5)
        pac1d1[n] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        pac1d2[n] = mult(
            interpolateCubicHermiteDerivative(x1, d1, x2, d2, 0.5), 0.5)
    paStartIndex2 = paStartIndex + pac1Count
    c1StartIndex2 = c1StartIndex + pac1Count
    c2StartIndex2 = c2StartIndex + c1c2Count
    pac2x = [None] * pac2NodeCount
    pac2d1 = [None] * pac2NodeCount
    pac2d2 = [None] * pac2NodeCount
    for n in range(pac2NodeCount):
        pan = (paStartIndex2 + n) % paCount
        c2n = (c2StartIndex2 + n) % c2Count
        x1, d1, x2, d2 = pax[pan], mult(pad2[pan],
                                        2.0), c2x[c2n], mult(c2d2[c2n], 2.0)
        pac2x[n] = interpolateCubicHermite(x1, d1, x2, d2, 0.5)
        pac2d1[n] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        pac2d2[n] = mult(
            interpolateCubicHermiteDerivative(x1, d1, x2, d2, 0.5), 0.5)
    c1c2x = [None] * c1c2NodeCount
    c1c2d1 = [None] * c1c2NodeCount
    c1c2d2 = [None] * c1c2NodeCount
    for n in range(c1c2NodeCount):
        c1n = (c1StartIndex2 + n) % c1Count
        c2n = (c2StartIndex2 - n) % c2Count  # note: reversed
        x1, d1, x2, d2 = c2x[c2n], mult(c2d2[c2n],
                                        -2.0), c1x[c1n], mult(c1d2[c1n], 2.0)
        c1c2x[n] = interpolateCubicHermite(x1, d1, x2, d2, 0.5)
        c1c2d1[n] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        c1c2d2[n] = mult(
            interpolateCubicHermiteDerivative(x1, d1, x2, d2, 0.5), 0.5)
    # get hex triple points
    hex1, hex1d1, hex1d2 = get_bifurcation_triple_point(
        pax[paStartIndex], mult(pad2[paStartIndex], -1.0), c1x[c1StartIndex],
        c1d2[c1StartIndex], c2x[c1StartIndex], c2d2[c2StartIndex])
    hex2, hex2d1, hex2d2 = get_bifurcation_triple_point(
        pax[paStartIndex2], mult(pad2[paStartIndex2],
                                 -1.0), c2x[c2StartIndex2],
        c2d2[c2StartIndex2], c1x[c1StartIndex2], c1d2[c1StartIndex2])
    # smooth around loops through hex points to get d1
    loop1x = [hex2] + pac2x[1:-1] + [hex1]
    loop1d1 = [[-d for d in hex2d2]] + pac2d1[1:-1] + [hex1d1]
    loop2x = [hex1] + pac1x[1:-1] + [hex2]
    loop2d1 = [[-d for d in hex1d2]] + pac1d1[1:-1] + [hex2d1]
    loop1d1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
    loop2d1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
    # smooth over "crotch" between c1 and c2
    crotchx = [hex2] + c1c2x[1:-1] + [hex1]
    crotchd1 = [add(hex2d1, hex2d2)] + c1c2d1[1:-1] + [[
        (-hex1d1[c] - hex1d2[c]) for c in range(3)
    crotchd1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
    rox = [hex1] + pac1x[1:-1] + [hex2] + pac2x[1:-1]
    rod1 = [loop1d1[-1]] + loop2d1[1:] + loop1d1[1:-1]
    rod2 = [[-d for d in loop2d1[0]]
            ] + pac1d2[1:-1] + [[-d for d in loop1d1[0]]] + pac2d2[1:-1]
    cox = crotchx[1:-1]
    cod1 = crotchd1[1:-1]
    cod2 = c1c2d2[1:-1]
    return rox, rod1, rod2, cox, cod1, cod2, paStartIndex, c1StartIndex, c2StartIndex
def createAnnulusMesh3d(nodes, mesh, nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier,
    startPointsx, startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3, startNodeId, startDerivativesMap,
    endPointsx, endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3, endNodeId, endDerivativesMap,
    forceStartLinearXi3 = False, forceMidLinearXi3 = False, forceEndLinearXi3 = False,
    maxStartThickness = None, maxEndThickness = None, useCrossDerivatives = False,
    elementsCountRadial = 1, meshGroups = []):
    Create an annulus mesh from a loop of start points/nodes with specified derivative mappings to
    a loop of end points/nodes with specified derivative mappings.
    Derivative d3 is through the wall. Currently limited to single element layer through wall.
    Points/nodes order cycles fastest around the annulus, then through the wall.
    Note doesn't support cross derivatives.
    Arrays are indexed by n3 (node through wall, size 2), n2 (node along/radial), n1 (node around, variable size)
    and coordinate component c.
    :param nodes: The nodeset to create nodes in.
    :param mesh: The mesh to create elements in.
    :param nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier: Next identifiers to use and increment.
    :param startPointsx, startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3, endPointsx, endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3:
        List array[n3][n1][c] or start/point coordinates and derivatives. To linearise through the wall, pass None to d3.
        If both ends are linear through the wall, interior points are linear through the wall.
    :param startNodeId, endNodeId: List array [n3][n1] of existing node identifiers to use at start/end. Pass None for
        argument if no nodes are specified at end. These arguments are 'all or nothing'.
    :param startDerivativesMap, endDerivativesMap: List array[n3][n1] of mappings for d/dxi1, d/dxi2, d/dxi3 at start/end of form:
        ( (1, -1, 0), (1, 0, 0), None ) where the first tuple means d/dxi1 = d/ds1 - d/ds2. Only 0, 1 and -1 may be used.
        None means use default e.g. d/dxi2 = d/ds2.
        Pass None for the entire argument to use the defaults d/dxi1 = d/ds1, d/dxi2 = d/ds2, d/dxi3 = d/ds3.
        Pass a 4th mapping to apply to d/dxi1 on other side of node; if not supplied first mapping applies both sides.
    :param nodetemplate: Full tricubic Hermite node template, can omit cross derivatives.
    :param forceStartLinearXi3, forceMidLinearXi3, forceEndLinearXi3: Force start, middle or
        end elements to be linear through the wall, even if d3 is supplied at either end.
        Can only use forceMidLinearXi3 only if at least one end is linear in d3.
    :param maxStartThickness, maxEndThickness: Optional maximum override on start/end thicknesses.
    :param useCrossDerivatives: May only be True if no derivatives maps are in use.
    :param elementsCountRadial: Optional number of elements in radial direction between start and end.
    :param meshGroups:  Optional list of Zinc MeshGroup for adding new elements to.
    :return: Final values of nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier
    assert (elementsCountRadial >= 1), 'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Invalid number of radial elements'
    startLinearXi3 = (not startPointsd3) or forceStartLinearXi3
    endLinearXi3 = (not endPointsd3) or forceEndLinearXi3
    midLinearXi3 = (startLinearXi3 and endLinearXi3) or ((startLinearXi3 or endLinearXi3) and forceMidLinearXi3)
    # get list whether each row of nodes in elements is linear in Xi3
    # this is for element use; start/end nodes may have d3 even if element is linear
    rowLinearXi3 = [ startLinearXi3 ] + [ midLinearXi3 ]*(elementsCountRadial - 1) + [ endLinearXi3 ]
    assert (not useCrossDerivatives) or ((not startDerivativesMap) and (not endDerivativesMap)), \
        'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Cannot use cross derivatives with derivatives map'
    elementsCountWall = 1
    nodesCountWall = elementsCountWall + 1
    assert (len(startPointsx) == nodesCountWall) and (len(startPointsd1) == nodesCountWall) and (len(startPointsd2) == nodesCountWall) and \
        (startLinearXi3 or (len(startPointsd3) == nodesCountWall)) and \
        (len(endPointsx) == nodesCountWall) and (len(endPointsd1) == nodesCountWall) and (len(endPointsd2) == nodesCountWall) and \
        (endLinearXi3 or (len(endPointsd3) == nodesCountWall)) and \
        ((startNodeId is None) or (len(startNodeId) == nodesCountWall)) and \
        ((endNodeId is None) or (len(endNodeId) == nodesCountWall)) and \
        ((startDerivativesMap is None) or (len(startDerivativesMap) == nodesCountWall)) and \
        ((endDerivativesMap is None) or (len(endDerivativesMap) == nodesCountWall)), \
        'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Mismatch in number of layers through wall'
    elementsCountAround = nodesCountAround = len(startPointsx[0])
    assert (nodesCountAround > 1), 'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Invalid number of points/nodes around annulus'
    for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
        assert (len(startPointsx[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(startPointsd1[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(startPointsd2[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
            (startLinearXi3 or (len(startPointsd3[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
            (len(endPointsx[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(endPointsd1[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(endPointsd2[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
            (endLinearXi3 or (len(endPointsd3[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
            ((startNodeId is None) or (len(startNodeId[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
            ((endNodeId is None) or (len(endNodeId[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
            ((startDerivativesMap is None) or (len(startDerivativesMap[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
            ((endDerivativesMap is None) or (len(endDerivativesMap[n3]) == nodesCountAround)), \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Mismatch in number of points/nodes in layers through wall'

    fm = mesh.getFieldmodule()
    cache = fm.createFieldcache()
    coordinates = zinc_utils.getOrCreateCoordinateField(fm)

    # Build arrays of points from start to end
    px  = [ [], [] ]
    pd1 = [ [], [] ]
    pd2 = [ [], [] ]
    pd3 = [ [], [] ]
    for n3 in range(2):
        px [n3] = [ startPointsx [n3], endPointsx [n3] ]
        pd1[n3] = [ startPointsd1[n3], endPointsd1[n3] ]
        pd2[n3] = [ startPointsd2[n3], endPointsd2[n3] ]
        pd3[n3] = [ startPointsd3[n3] if (startPointsd3 is not None) else None, \
                    endPointsd3[n3] if (endPointsd3 is not None) else None ]
    if elementsCountRadial > 1:
        # add in-between points
        startPointsd = [ startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3 ]
        startPointsdslimit = 2 if (startPointsd3 is None) else 3
        endPointsd = [ endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3 ]
        endPointsdslimit = 2 if (endPointsd3 is None) else 3
        for n3 in range(2):
            for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
                px [n3].insert(n2, [ None ]*nodesCountAround)
                pd1[n3].insert(n2, [ None ]*nodesCountAround)
                pd2[n3].insert(n2, [ None ]*nodesCountAround)
                pd3[n3].insert(n2, None if midLinearXi3 else [ None ]*nodesCountAround)
        # compute on outside / n3 = 1, then map to inside using thickness
        thicknesses = []
        thicknesses.append([ vector.magnitude([ (startPointsx[1][n1][c] - startPointsx[0][n1][c]) for c in range(3) ]) for n1 in range(nodesCountAround) ])
        if maxStartThickness:
            for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                thicknesses[0][n1] = min(thicknesses[0][n1], maxStartThickness)
        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
            thicknesses.append([ None ]*nodesCountAround)
        thicknesses.append([ vector.magnitude([ (endPointsx[1][n1][c] - endPointsx[0][n1][c]) for c in range(3) ]) for n1 in range(nodesCountAround) ])
        if maxEndThickness:
            for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                thicknesses[-1][n1] = min(thicknesses[-1][n1], maxEndThickness)
        n3 == 1
        for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
            ax  = startPointsx [n3][n1]
            if (startDerivativesMap is None) or (startDerivativesMap[n3][n1][0] is None):
                ad1 = startPointsd1[n3][n1]
                derivativesMap = startDerivativesMap[n3][n1][0]
                ad1 = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
                for ds in range(startPointsdslimit):
                    if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                        for c in range(3):
                            ad1[c] += derivativesMap[ds]*startPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]
                if len(startDerivativesMap[n3][n1]) > 3:
                    # average with d1 map for other side
                    derivativesMap = startDerivativesMap[n3][n1][3]
                    ad1 = [ 0.5*d for d in ad1 ]
                    if not derivativesMap:
                        for c in range(3):
                            ad1[c] += 0.5*startPointsd[0][n3][n1][c]
                        for ds in range(startPointsdslimit):
                            if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                                for c in range(3):
                                    ad1[c] += 0.5*derivativesMap[ds]*startPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]
            if (startDerivativesMap is None) or (startDerivativesMap[n3][n1][1] is None):
                ad2 = startPointsd2[n3][n1]
                derivativesMap = startDerivativesMap[n3][n1][1]
                ad2 = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
                for ds in range(startPointsdslimit):
                    if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                        for c in range(3):
                            ad2[c] += derivativesMap[ds]*startPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]

            bx  = endPointsx [n3][n1]
            if (endDerivativesMap is None) or (endDerivativesMap[n3][n1][0] is None):
                bd1 = endPointsd1[n3][n1]
                derivativesMap = endDerivativesMap[n3][n1][0]
                bd1 = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
                for ds in range(endPointsdslimit):
                    if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                        for c in range(3):
                            bd1[c] += derivativesMap[ds]*endPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]
                if len(endDerivativesMap[n3][n1]) > 3:
                    # average with d1 map for other side
                    derivativesMap = endDerivativesMap[n3][n1][3]
                    bd1 = [ 0.5*d for d in bd1 ]
                    if not derivativesMap:
                        for c in range(3):
                            bd1[c] += 0.5*endPointsd[0][n3][n1][c]
                        for ds in range(endPointsdslimit):
                            if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                                for c in range(3):
                                    bd1[c] += 0.5*derivativesMap[ds]*endPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]
            if (endDerivativesMap is None) or (endDerivativesMap[n3][n1][1] is None):
                bd2 = endPointsd2[n3][n1]
                derivativesMap = endDerivativesMap[n3][n1][1]
                bd2 = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
                for ds in range(endPointsdslimit):
                    if derivativesMap[ds] != 0.0:
                        for c in range(3):
                            bd2[c] += derivativesMap[ds]*endPointsd[ds][n3][n1][c]

            # scaling end derivatives to arc length gives even curvature along the curve
            arcLength = interp.computeCubicHermiteArcLength(ax, ad2, bx, bd2, rescaleDerivatives = False)
            scaledDerivatives = [ vector.setMagnitude(d2, arcLength) for d2 in [ ad2, bd2 ]]
            mx, md2, me, mxi = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurvesSmooth([ ax, bx ], scaledDerivatives, elementsCountRadial,
                derivativeMagnitudeStart = vector.magnitude(ad2),
                derivativeMagnitudeEnd = vector.magnitude(bd2))[0:4]
            md1 = interp.interpolateSampleLinear([ ad1, bd1 ], me, mxi)
            thi = interp.interpolateSampleLinear([ thicknesses[0][n1], thicknesses[-1][n1] ], me, mxi)
            #md2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(mx, md2, fixStartDerivative = True, fixEndDerivative = True)
            for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
                px [n3][n2][n1] = mx [n2]
                pd1[n3][n2][n1] = md1[n2]
                pd2[n3][n2][n1] = md2[n2]
                thicknesses[n2][n1] = thi[n2]

        # now get inner positions from normal and thickness, derivatives from curvature
        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
            # first smooth derivative 1 around outer loop
            pd1[1][n2] = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(px[1][n2], pd1[1][n2], magnitudeScalingMode = interp.DerivativeScalingMode.HARMONIC_MEAN)

            for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                normal = vector.normalise(vector.crossproduct3(pd1[1][n2][n1], pd2[1][n2][n1]))
                thickness = thicknesses[n2][n1]
                d3 = [ d*thickness for d in normal ]
                px [0][n2][n1] = [ (px [1][n2][n1][c] - d3[c]) for c in range(3) ]
                # calculate inner d1 from curvature around
                n1m = n1 - 1
                n1p = (n1 + 1)%nodesCountAround
                curvature = 0.5*(
                    interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(px[1][n2][n1m], pd1[1][n2][n1m], px[1][n2][n1 ], pd1[1][n2][n1 ], normal, 1.0) +
                    interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(px[1][n2][n1 ], pd1[1][n2][n1 ], px[1][n2][n1p], pd1[1][n2][n1p], normal, 0.0))
                factor = 1.0 + curvature*thickness
                pd1[0][n2][n1] = [ factor*d for d in pd1[1][n2][n1] ]
                # calculate inner d2 from curvature radially
                n2m = n2 - 1
                n2p = n2 + 1
                curvature = 0.5*(
                    interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(px[1][n2m][n1], pd2[1][n2m][n1], px[1][n2 ][n1], pd2[1][n2 ][n1], normal, 1.0) +
                    interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(px[1][n2 ][n1], pd2[1][n2 ][n1], px[1][n2p][n1], pd2[1][n2p][n1], normal, 0.0))
                factor = 1.0 + curvature*thickness
                pd2[0][n2][n1] = [ factor*d for d in pd2[1][n2][n1] ]
                if not midLinearXi3:
                    pd3[0][n2][n1] = pd3[1][n2][n1] = d3

            # smooth derivative 1 around inner loop
            pd1[0][n2] = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(px[0][n2], pd1[0][n2], magnitudeScalingMode = interp.DerivativeScalingMode.HARMONIC_MEAN)

        for n3 in range(0, 1):  # was (0, nodesCountWall)
            # smooth derivative 2 radially/along annulus
            for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                sd2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
                    [ px [n3][n2][n1] for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1) ],
                    [ pd2[n3][n2][n1] for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1) ],
                    fixAllDirections = True, fixStartDerivative = True, fixEndDerivative = True,
                    magnitudeScalingMode = interp.DerivativeScalingMode.HARMONIC_MEAN)
                for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
                    pd2[n3][n2][n1] = sd2[n2]

    # Create nodes

    nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS3, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D3_DS1DS2DS3, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3 = nodes.createNodetemplate()
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
        nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1)

    nodeIdentifier = nextNodeIdentifier
    nodeId = [ [], [] ]
    for n3 in range(2):
        for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
            if (n2 == 0) and (startNodeId is not None):
                rowNodeId = copy.deepcopy(startNodeId[n3])
            elif (n2 == elementsCountRadial) and (endNodeId is not None):
                rowNodeId = copy.deepcopy(endNodeId[n3])
                rowNodeId = []
                nodetemplate1 = nodetemplate if pd3[n3][n2] else nodetemplateLinearS3
                for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                    node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate1)
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, px[n3][n2][n1])
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1, pd1[n3][n2][n1])
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1, pd2[n3][n2][n1])
                    if pd3[n3][n2]:
                        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1, pd3[n3][n2][n1])
                    nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1

    # Create elements

    tricubichermite = eftfactory_tricubichermite(mesh, useCrossDerivatives)
    bicubichermitelinear = eftfactory_bicubichermitelinear(mesh, useCrossDerivatives)

    elementIdentifier = nextElementIdentifier

    elementtemplateStandard = mesh.createElementtemplate()
    elementtemplateX = mesh.createElementtemplate()

    for e2 in range(elementsCountRadial):
        nonlinearXi3 = (not rowLinearXi3[e2]) or (not rowLinearXi3[e2 + 1])
        eftFactory = tricubichermite if nonlinearXi3 else bicubichermitelinear
        eftStandard = eftFactory.createEftBasic()
        elementtemplateStandard.defineField(coordinates, -1, eftStandard)
        mapStartDerivatives = (e2 == 0) and (startDerivativesMap is not None)
        mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3 = nonlinearXi3 and rowLinearXi3[e2]
        mapEndDerivatives = (e2 == (elementsCountRadial - 1)) and (endDerivativesMap is not None)
        mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3 = nonlinearXi3 and rowLinearXi3[e2 + 1]
        mapDerivatives = mapStartDerivatives or mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3 or mapEndDerivatives or mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3
        for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            en = (e1 + 1)%elementsCountAround
            nids = [ nodeId[0][e2][e1], nodeId[0][e2][en], nodeId[0][e2 + 1][e1], nodeId[0][e2 + 1][en],
                     nodeId[1][e2][e1], nodeId[1][e2][en], nodeId[1][e2 + 1][e1], nodeId[1][e2 + 1][en] ]

            if mapDerivatives:
                eft1 = eftFactory.createEftNoCrossDerivatives()
                setEftScaleFactorIds(eft1, [1], [])
                if mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3:
                    eftFactory.setEftLinearDerivative(eft1, [ 1, 5 ], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1, 5, 1)
                    eftFactory.setEftLinearDerivative(eft1, [ 2, 6 ], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 2, 6, 1)
                if mapStartDerivatives:
                    for i in range(2):
                        lns = [ 1, 5 ] if (i == 0) else [ 2, 6 ]
                        for n3 in range(2):
                            derivativesMap = startDerivativesMap[n3][e1] if (i == 0) else startDerivativesMap[n3][en]
                            # handle different d1 on each side of node
                            d1Map = derivativesMap[0] if ((i == 1) or (len(derivativesMap) < 4)) else derivativesMap[3]
                            d2Map = derivativesMap[1]
                            d3Map = derivativesMap[2]
                            # use temporary to safely swap DS1 and DS2:
                            ln = [ lns[n3] ]
                            if d1Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [ ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, [] ) ])
                            if d3Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, [ ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, [] ) ])
                            if d2Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d2Map))
                            if d1Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d1Map))
                            if d3Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d3Map))
                if mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3:
                    eftFactory.setEftLinearDerivative(eft1, [ 3, 7 ], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 3, 7, 1)
                    eftFactory.setEftLinearDerivative(eft1, [ 4, 8 ], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 4, 8, 1)
                if mapEndDerivatives:
                    for i in range(2):
                        lns = [ 3, 7 ] if (i == 0) else [ 4, 8 ]
                        for n3 in range(2):
                            derivativesMap = endDerivativesMap[n3][e1] if (i == 0) else endDerivativesMap[n3][en]
                            # handle different d1 on each side of node
                            d1Map = derivativesMap[0] if ((i == 1) or (len(derivativesMap) < 4)) else derivativesMap[3]
                            d2Map = derivativesMap[1]
                            d3Map = derivativesMap[2]
                            # use temporary to safely swap DS1 and DS2:
                            ln = [ lns[n3] ]
                            if d1Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, [ ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, [] ) ])
                            if d3Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, [ ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, [] ) ])
                            if d2Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d2Map))
                            if d1Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d1Map))
                            if d3Map is not None:
                                remapEftNodeValueLabel(eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, \
                                    derivativeSignsToExpressionTerms( ( Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3 ), d3Map))
                elementtemplateX.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft1)
                elementtemplate1 = elementtemplateX
                eft1 = eftStandard
                elementtemplate1 = elementtemplateStandard

            element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier, elementtemplate1)
            result2 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft1, nids)
            if mapDerivatives:
                result3 = element.setScaleFactors(eft1, [ -1.0 ])
            #    result3 = '-'
            #print('create element annulus', element.isValid(), elementIdentifier, result2, result3, nids)
            elementIdentifier += 1

            for meshGroup in meshGroups:


    return nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier
Beispiel #18
 def smoothDerivativesToTriplePoints(self, n3, fixAllDirections=False):
     Smooth derivatives leading to triple points where 3 square elements merge.
     :param n3: Index of through-wall coordinates to use.
     n1a = self.elementsCountRim
     n1b = n1a + 1
     m1a = self.elementsCountAcross - self.elementsCountRim
     m1b = m1a - 1
     n2a = self.elementsCountRim
     n2b = n2a + 1
     n2c = n2a + 2
     if self._type == ShieldRimDerivativeMode.SHIELD_RIM_DERIVATIVE_MODE_AROUND:
         # left
         tx = []
         td3 = []
         for n2 in range(0, n2c):
             td3.append([-d for d in self.pd3[n3][n2][n1b]] if (
                 n2 < n2b) else [(self.pd1[n3][n2][n1b][c] +
                                 for c in range(3)])
         td3 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
         for n2 in range(0, n2b):
             self.pd3[n3][n2][n1b] = [-d for d in td3[n2]]
         # right
         tx = []
         td3 = []
         for n2 in range(0, n2c):
             td3.append([-d for d in self.pd3[n3][n2][m1b]] if (
                 n2 < n2b) else [(-self.pd3[n3][n2][m1b][c] +
                                 for c in range(3)])
         td3 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
         for n2 in range(0, n2b):
             self.pd3[n3][n2][m1b] = [-d for d in td3[n2]]
     elif self._type == ShieldRimDerivativeMode.SHIELD_RIM_DERIVATIVE_MODE_REGULAR:
         # left
         tx = []
         td2 = []
         for n2 in range(0, n2c):
             td2.append(self.pd2[n3][n2][n1b] if (
                 n2 < n2b) else [(self.pd1[n3][n2][n1b][c] +
                                 for c in range(3)])
         td2 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
         for n2 in range(0, n2b):
             self.pd2[n3][n2][n1b] = td2[n2]
         # right
         tx = []
         td2 = []
         for n2 in range(0, n2c):
             td2.append(self.pd2[n3][n2][m1b] if (
                 n2 < n2b) else [(-self.pd1[n3][n2][m1b][c] +
                                 for c in range(3)])
         td2 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
         for n2 in range(0, n2b):
             self.pd2[n3][n2][m1b] = td2[n2]
    def generateBaseMesh(region, options):
        Generate the base tricubic Hermite mesh. See also generateMesh().
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: annotationGroups
        centralPath = options['Central path']
        segmentProfile = options['Segment profile']
        segmentCount = options['Number of segments']
        startPhase = options['Start phase'] % 360.0
        proximalLength = options['Proximal length']
        transverseLength = options['Transverse length']
        distalLength = options['Distal length']
        proximalInnerRadius = options['Proximal inner radius']
        proximalTCWidth = options['Proximal tenia coli width']
        proximalTransverseInnerRadius = options[
            'Proximal-transverse inner radius']
        proximalTransverseTCWidth = options[
            'Proximal-transverse tenia coli width']
        transverseDistalInnerRadius = options['Transverse-distal inner radius']
        transverseDistalTCWidth = options['Transverse-distal tenia coli width']
        distalInnerRadius = options['Distal inner radius']
        distalTCWidth = options['Distal tenia coli width']
        segmentSettings = segmentProfile.getScaffoldSettings()

        elementsCountAroundTC = segmentSettings[
            'Number of elements around tenia coli']
        elementsCountAroundHaustrum = segmentSettings[
            'Number of elements around haustrum']
        cornerInnerRadiusFactor = segmentSettings['Corner inner radius factor']
        haustrumInnerRadiusFactor = segmentSettings[
            'Haustrum inner radius factor']
        segmentLengthEndDerivativeFactor = segmentSettings[
            'Segment length end derivative factor']
        segmentLengthMidDerivativeFactor = segmentSettings[
            'Segment length mid derivative factor']
        tcCount = segmentSettings['Number of tenia coli']
        tcThickness = segmentSettings['Tenia coli thickness']
        elementsCountAround = (elementsCountAroundTC +
                               elementsCountAroundHaustrum) * tcCount

        elementsCountAlongSegment = segmentSettings[
            'Number of elements along segment']
        elementsCountThroughWall = segmentSettings[
            'Number of elements through wall']
        wallThickness = segmentSettings['Wall thickness']
        useCrossDerivatives = segmentSettings['Use cross derivatives']
        useCubicHermiteThroughWall = not (
            segmentSettings['Use linear through wall'])
        elementsCountAlong = int(elementsCountAlongSegment * segmentCount)

        firstNodeIdentifier = 1
        firstElementIdentifier = 1

        # Central path
        tmpRegion = region.createRegion()
        cx, cd1, cd2, cd12 = extractPathParametersFromRegion(tmpRegion)
        # for i in range(len(cx)):
        # print(i, '[', cx[i], ',', cd1[i], ',', cd2[i], ',', cd12[i], '],')
        del tmpRegion

        # find arclength of colon
        length = 0.0
        elementsCountIn = len(cx) - 1
        sd1 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
        for e in range(elementsCountIn):
            arcLength = interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(
                cx[e], sd1[e], cx[e + 1], sd1[e + 1])
            # print(e+1, arcLength)
            length += arcLength
        segmentLength = length / segmentCount
        # print('Length = ', length)

        # Sample central path
        sx, sd1, se, sxi, ssf = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(
            cx, cd1, elementsCountAlongSegment * segmentCount)
        sd2 = interp.interpolateSampleCubicHermite(cd2, cd12, se, sxi, ssf)[0]

        # Generate variation of radius & tc width along length
        lengthList = [
            0.0, proximalLength, proximalLength + transverseLength, length
        innerRadiusList = [
            proximalInnerRadius, proximalTransverseInnerRadius,
            transverseDistalInnerRadius, distalInnerRadius
        innerRadiusAlongElementList, dInnerRadiusAlongElementList = interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(
            lengthList, innerRadiusList, elementsCountAlong)

        tcWidthList = [
            proximalTCWidth, proximalTransverseTCWidth,
            transverseDistalTCWidth, distalTCWidth
        tcWidthAlongElementList, dTCWidthAlongElementList = interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(
            lengthList, tcWidthList, elementsCountAlong)

        xExtrude = []
        d1Extrude = []
        d2Extrude = []
        d3UnitExtrude = []

        # Create object
        colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints = ColonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints(
            region, elementsCountAroundTC, elementsCountAroundHaustrum,
            elementsCountAlongSegment, tcCount,
            segmentLengthEndDerivativeFactor, segmentLengthMidDerivativeFactor,
            segmentLength, wallThickness, cornerInnerRadiusFactor,
            haustrumInnerRadiusFactor, innerRadiusAlongElementList,
            dInnerRadiusAlongElementList, tcWidthAlongElementList, startPhase)

        for nSegment in range(segmentCount):
            # Create inner points
            xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, transitElementList, segmentAxis, annotationGroups, annotationArray, \
                faceMidPointsZ = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getColonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints(nSegment)

            # Warp segment points
            xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList = tubemesh.warpSegmentPoints(
                xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, segmentAxis, segmentLength, sx, sd1,
                sd2, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment, nSegment,

            # Store points along length
            xExtrude = xExtrude + (xWarpedList if nSegment == 0 else
            d1Extrude = d1Extrude + (d1WarpedList if nSegment == 0 else
            d2Extrude = d2Extrude + (d2WarpedList if nSegment == 0 else
            d3UnitExtrude = d3UnitExtrude + (
                if nSegment == 0 else d3WarpedUnitList[elementsCountAround:])

        contractedWallThicknessList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getContractedWallThicknessList(

        # Create coordinates and derivatives
        xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList = tubemesh.getCoordinatesFromInner(
            xExtrude, d1Extrude, d2Extrude, d3UnitExtrude,
            contractedWallThicknessList, elementsCountAround,
            elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

        relaxedLengthList, xiList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getRelaxedLengthAndXiList(

        if tcThickness > 0:
            tubeTCWidthList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getTubeTCWidthList(
            xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, annotationGroups, annotationArray = getTeniaColi(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList, tcCount,
                elementsCountAroundTC, elementsCountAroundHaustrum,
                elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, tubeTCWidthList,
                tcThickness, sx, annotationGroups, annotationArray)

            # Create flat and texture coordinates
            xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture = createFlatAndTextureCoordinatesTeniaColi(
                xiList, relaxedLengthList, length, wallThickness, tcCount,
                tcThickness, elementsCountAroundTC,
                elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlong,
                elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

            # Create nodes and elements
            nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, annotationGroups = createNodesAndElementsTeniaColi(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat,
                xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture, elementsCountAroundTC,
                elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlong,
                elementsCountThroughWall, tcCount, annotationGroups,
                annotationArray, firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier,
                useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives)

            # Create flat and texture coordinates
            xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture = tubemesh.createFlatAndTextureCoordinates(
                xiList, relaxedLengthList, length, wallThickness,
                elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
                elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

            # Create nodes and elements
            nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, annotationGroups = tubemesh.createNodesAndElements(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat,
                xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture, elementsCountAround,
                elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, annotationGroups,
                annotationArray, firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier,
                useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives)

        return annotationGroups
    def generateBaseMesh(cls, region, options):
        Generate the base tricubic Hermite mesh. See also generateMesh().
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: annotationGroups
        centralPath = options['Central path']
        segmentProfile = options['Segment profile']
        segmentCount = options['Number of segments']
        startPhase = options['Start phase'] % 360.0
        proximalLength = options['Proximal length']
        transverseLength = options['Transverse length']
        proximalInnerRadius = options['Proximal inner radius']
        proximalTCWidth = options['Proximal tenia coli width']
        proximalTransverseInnerRadius = options['Proximal-transverse inner radius']
        proximalTransverseTCWidth = options['Proximal-transverse tenia coli width']
        transverseDistalInnerRadius = options['Transverse-distal inner radius']
        transverseDistalTCWidth = options['Transverse-distal tenia coli width']
        distalInnerRadius = options['Distal inner radius']
        distalTCWidth = options['Distal tenia coli width']
        segmentSettings = segmentProfile.getScaffoldSettings()

        elementsCountAroundTC = segmentSettings['Number of elements around tenia coli']
        elementsCountAroundHaustrum = segmentSettings['Number of elements around haustrum']
        cornerInnerRadiusFactor = segmentSettings['Corner inner radius factor']
        haustrumInnerRadiusFactor = segmentSettings['Haustrum inner radius factor']
        segmentLengthEndDerivativeFactor = segmentSettings['Segment length end derivative factor']
        segmentLengthMidDerivativeFactor = segmentSettings['Segment length mid derivative factor']
        tcCount = segmentSettings['Number of tenia coli']
        tcThickness = segmentSettings['Tenia coli thickness']
        elementsCountAround = (elementsCountAroundTC + elementsCountAroundHaustrum)*tcCount

        elementsCountAlongSegment = segmentSettings['Number of elements along segment']
        elementsCountThroughWall = segmentSettings['Number of elements through wall']
        wallThickness = segmentSettings['Wall thickness']
        useCrossDerivatives = segmentSettings['Use cross derivatives']
        useCubicHermiteThroughWall = not(segmentSettings['Use linear through wall'])
        elementsCountAlong = int(elementsCountAlongSegment*segmentCount)

        firstNodeIdentifier = 1
        firstElementIdentifier = 1

        # Central path
        tmpRegion = region.createRegion()
        cx, cd1, cd2, cd12 = extractPathParametersFromRegion(tmpRegion)
        # for i in range(len(cx)):
        #     print(i, '[', cx[i], ',', cd1[i], ',', cd2[i], ',', cd12[i], '],')
        del tmpRegion

        # find arclength of colon
        length = 0.0
        elementsCountIn = len(cx) - 1
        sd1 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(cx, cd1, fixAllDirections = True,
            magnitudeScalingMode = interp.DerivativeScalingMode.HARMONIC_MEAN)
        for e in range(elementsCountIn):
            arcLength = interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(cx[e], sd1[e], cx[e + 1], sd1[e + 1])
            # print(e+1, arcLength)
            length += arcLength
        segmentLength = length / segmentCount
        # print('Length = ', length)
        elementAlongLength = length / elementsCountAlong

        # Sample central path
        sx, sd1, se, sxi, ssf = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(cx, cd1, elementsCountAlong)
        sd2, sd12 = interp.interpolateSampleCubicHermite(cd2, cd12, se, sxi, ssf)

        # Generate variation of radius & tc width along length
        lengthList = [0.0, proximalLength, proximalLength + transverseLength, length]
        innerRadiusList = [proximalInnerRadius, proximalTransverseInnerRadius,
                           transverseDistalInnerRadius, distalInnerRadius]
        innerRadiusAlongElementList, dInnerRadiusAlongElementList = interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(lengthList,

        tcWidthList = [proximalTCWidth, proximalTransverseTCWidth, transverseDistalTCWidth, distalTCWidth]
        tcWidthAlongElementList, dTCWidthAlongElementList = interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(lengthList,

        # Account for reduced haustrum appearance in transverse and distal pig colon
        if tcCount == 2:
            haustrumInnerRadiusFactorList = [haustrumInnerRadiusFactor, haustrumInnerRadiusFactor*0.75,
                                             haustrumInnerRadiusFactor*0.5, haustrumInnerRadiusFactor*0.2]
            haustrumInnerRadiusFactorAlongElementList = \
                interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(lengthList, haustrumInnerRadiusFactorList, elementsCountAlong)[0]
            haustrumInnerRadiusFactorAlongElementList = [haustrumInnerRadiusFactor]*(elementsCountAlong+1)

        # Create annotation groups for colon sections
        elementsAlongInProximal = round(proximalLength/elementAlongLength)
        elementsAlongInTransverse = round(transverseLength/elementAlongLength)
        elementsAlongInDistal = elementsCountAlong - elementsAlongInProximal - elementsAlongInTransverse
        elementsCountAlongGroups = [elementsAlongInProximal, elementsAlongInTransverse, elementsAlongInDistal]

        colonGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("colon"))

        if tcCount == 1:
            proximalGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("proximal colon"))
            transverseGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("transverse colon"))
            distalGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("distal colon"))
            annotationGroupAlong = [[colonGroup, proximalGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, transverseGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, distalGroup]]

        elif tcCount == 2:
            spiralGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("spiral colon"))
            transverseGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("transverse colon"))
            distalGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("distal colon"))
            annotationGroupAlong = [[colonGroup, spiralGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, transverseGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, distalGroup]]

        elif tcCount == 3:
            ascendingGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("ascending colon"))
            transverseGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("transverse colon"))
            descendingGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("descending colon"))
            annotationGroupAlong = [[colonGroup, ascendingGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, transverseGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, descendingGroup]]

        annotationGroupsAlong = []
        for i in range(len(elementsCountAlongGroups)):
            elementsCount = elementsCountAlongGroups[i]
            for n in range(elementsCount):

        annotationGroupsThroughWall = []
        for i in range(elementsCountThroughWall):
            annotationGroupsThroughWall.append([ ])

        xExtrude = []
        d1Extrude = []
        d2Extrude = []
        d3UnitExtrude = []
        sxRefExtrudeList = []

        # Create object
        colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints = ColonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints(
            region, elementsCountAroundTC, elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlongSegment,
            tcCount, segmentLengthEndDerivativeFactor, segmentLengthMidDerivativeFactor,
            segmentLength, wallThickness, cornerInnerRadiusFactor, haustrumInnerRadiusFactorAlongElementList,
            innerRadiusAlongElementList, dInnerRadiusAlongElementList, tcWidthAlongElementList,

        for nSegment in range(segmentCount):
            # Create inner points
            xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, transitElementList, segmentAxis, annotationGroupsAround \
                = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getColonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints(nSegment)

            # Project reference point for warping onto central path
            start = nSegment * elementsCountAlongSegment
            end = (nSegment + 1) * elementsCountAlongSegment + 1
            sxRefList, sd1RefList, sd2ProjectedListRef, zRefList = \
                tubemesh.getPlaneProjectionOnCentralPath(xInner, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment,
                                                         segmentLength, sx[start:end], sd1[start:end], sd2[start:end],

            # Warp segment points
            xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList = tubemesh.warpSegmentPoints(
                xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, segmentAxis, sxRefList, sd1RefList, sd2ProjectedListRef,
                elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment, zRefList, innerRadiusAlongElementList[start:end],

            # Store points along length
            xExtrude +=  xWarpedList if nSegment == 0 else xWarpedList[elementsCountAround:]
            d1Extrude += d1WarpedList if nSegment == 0 else d1WarpedList[elementsCountAround:]
            d2Extrude += d2WarpedList if nSegment == 0 else d2WarpedList[elementsCountAround:]
            d3UnitExtrude += d3WarpedUnitList if nSegment == 0 else d3WarpedUnitList[elementsCountAround:]
            sxRefExtrudeList += sxRefList if nSegment == 0 else sxRefList[elementsCountAround:]

        contractedWallThicknessList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getContractedWallThicknessList()

        # Create coordinates and derivatives
        xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList = tubemesh.getCoordinatesFromInner(xExtrude, d1Extrude,
            d2Extrude, d3UnitExtrude, contractedWallThicknessList,
            elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

        relaxedLengthList, xiList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getRelaxedLengthAndXiList()

        closedProximalEnd = False

        if tcThickness > 0:
            tubeTCWidthList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getTubeTCWidthList()
            xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, annotationArrayAround = getTeniaColi(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList, tcCount, elementsCountAroundTC,
                elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall,
                tubeTCWidthList, tcThickness, sxRefExtrudeList, annotationGroupsAround,

            # Create flat and texture coordinates
            xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture = createFlatAndTextureCoordinatesTeniaColi(
                xiList, relaxedLengthList, length, wallThickness, tcCount, tcThickness,
                elementsCountAroundTC, elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlong,
                elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList, closedProximalEnd)

            # Create nodes and elements
            nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, annotationGroups = createNodesAndElementsTeniaColi(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture,
                elementsCountAroundTC, elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall,
                tcCount, annotationGroupsAround, annotationGroupsAlong, annotationGroupsThroughWall,
                firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier, useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives,

            # Create flat and texture coordinates
            xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture = tubemesh.createFlatAndTextureCoordinates(
                xiList, relaxedLengthList, length, wallThickness, elementsCountAround,
                elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

            # Create nodes and elements
            nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, annotationGroups = tubemesh.createNodesAndElements(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture,
                elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall,
                annotationGroupsAround, annotationGroupsAlong, annotationGroupsThroughWall,
                firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier, useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives,

        return annotationGroups
    def getPoints(cls, options):
        Get point coordinates and derivatives for the arterial valve ring.
        Optional extra parameters allow origin and orientation to be set.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: x, d1, d2, d3 all indexed by [n3=wall][n2=inlet->outlet][n1=around] where
        d1 is around, d2 is in direction inlet->outlet.
        d3 is radial and undefined at n2 == 1.
        unitScale = options['Unit scale']
        innerRadius = unitScale * 0.5 * options['Inner diameter']
        innerRadialDisplacement = unitScale * options[
            'Inner radial displacement']
        innerSinusRadialDisplacement = unitScale * options[
            'Inner sinus radial displacement']
        outerAngleRadians = math.radians(options['Outer angle degrees'])
        outerHeight = unitScale * options['Outer height']
        outerRadialDisplacement = unitScale * options[
            'Outer radial displacement']
        outerSinusRadialDisplacement = unitScale * options[
            'Outer sinus radial displacement']
        outletLength = unitScale * options['Outlet length']
        sinusAngleRadians = math.radians(options['Sinus angle degrees'])
        sinusDepth = unitScale * options['Sinus depth']
        wallThickness = unitScale * options['Wall thickness']
        rotationAzimuthRadians = math.radians(
            options['Rotation azimuth degrees'])
        rotationElevationRadians = math.radians(
            options['Rotation elevation degrees'])
        rotationRollRadians = math.radians(options['Rotation roll degrees'])
        centre = [
            unitScale * options['Translation x'],
            unitScale * options['Translation y'],
            unitScale * options['Translation z']
        outerRadius = innerRadius + wallThickness
        innerInletRadius = innerRadius + innerRadialDisplacement
        innerInletSinusRadius = innerRadius + innerSinusRadialDisplacement

        elementsCountAround = 6  # fixed
        radiansPerElementAround = 2.0 * math.pi / elementsCountAround
        pi_3 = radiansPerElementAround

        #centre = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
        #axis1 = [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
        #axis2 = [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
        #axis3 = vector.crossproduct3(axis1, axis2)
        axis1, axis2, axis3 = eulerToRotationMatrix3([
            rotationAzimuthRadians, rotationElevationRadians,

        x = [[None, None], [None, None]]
        d1 = [[None, None], [None, None]]
        d2 = [[None, None], [None, None]]
        d3 = [[None, None], [None, None]]

        # inlet
        # inner layer, with sinuses
        outletz = outerHeight
        inletz = outletz - outletLength
        sinusz = -sinusDepth
        outletCentre = [(centre[c] + outletz * axis3[c]) for c in range(3)]
        inletCentre = [(centre[c] + inletz * axis3[c]) for c in range(3)]
        sinusCentre = [(centre[c] + sinusz * axis3[c]) for c in range(3)]
        # calculate magnitude of d1, d2 at inner sinus
        leafd1mag = innerInletRadius * radiansPerElementAround  # was 0.5*
        leafd2r, leafd2z = interpolateLagrangeHermiteDerivative(
            [innerRadialDisplacement, 0.0], [0.0, outletLength],
            [0.0, outletLength], 0.0)
        sinusd1mag = innerInletSinusRadius * radiansPerElementAround  # initial value only
        sinusd1mag = vector.magnitude(
                [[innerInletRadius, 0.0, inletz],
                     innerInletSinusRadius * math.cos(pi_3),
                     innerInletSinusRadius * math.sin(pi_3), sinusz
                 ]], [[0.0, leafd1mag, 0.0],
                          -sinusd1mag * math.sin(pi_3),
                          sinusd1mag * math.cos(pi_3), 0.0
        sinusd2r, sinusd2z = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
            [[innerInletSinusRadius, -sinusDepth],
             [innerInletRadius, outerHeight]], [[
                 outletLength * math.sin(sinusAngleRadians),
                 outletLength * math.cos(sinusAngleRadians)
             ], [0.0, outletLength]],
        magd3 = wallThickness + outerRadialDisplacement - innerRadialDisplacement
        x[0][0] = []
        d1[0][0] = []
        d2[0][0] = []
        d3[0][0] = []
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
            cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
            sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
            if (n1 % 2) == 0:
                # leaflet junction
                cx = inletCentre
                r = innerInletRadius
                d1mag = leafd1mag
                d2mag1 = leafd2r * cosRadiansAround
                d2mag2 = leafd2r * sinRadiansAround
                d2mag3 = leafd2z
                # sinus / leaflet centre
                cx = sinusCentre
                r = innerInletSinusRadius
                d1mag = sinusd1mag
                d2mag1 = sinusd2r * cosRadiansAround
                d2mag2 = sinusd2r * sinRadiansAround
                d2mag3 = sinusd2z
            d3mag1 = magd3 * cosRadiansAround
            d3mag2 = magd3 * sinRadiansAround
            d3mag3 = 0.0
                (cx[c] + r *
                 (cosRadiansAround * axis1[c] + sinRadiansAround * axis2[c]))
                for c in range(3)
                d1mag *
                (-sinRadiansAround * axis1[c] + cosRadiansAround * axis2[c])
                for c in range(3)
                (d2mag1 * axis1[c] + d2mag2 * axis2[c] + d2mag3 * axis3[c])
                for c in range(3)
                (d3mag1 * axis1[c] + d3mag2 * axis2[c] + d3mag3 * axis3[c])
                for c in range(3)
        # outer layer
        extRadius = outerRadius + outerRadialDisplacement
        leafd2r, leafd2z = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
            [[extRadius, 0.0], [outerRadius, outerHeight]], [[
                -outerHeight * math.sin(outerAngleRadians),
                outerHeight * math.cos(outerAngleRadians)
            ], [0.0, outletLength]],
        # calculate magnitude of d1, d2 at outer sinus
        extSinusRadius = outerRadius + outerSinusRadialDisplacement
        leafd1mag = extRadius * radiansPerElementAround
        sinusd1mag = extSinusRadius * radiansPerElementAround  # initial value only
        sinusd1mag = vector.magnitude(
                [[extRadius, 0.0, 0.0],
                     extSinusRadius * math.cos(pi_3),
                     extSinusRadius * math.sin(pi_3), 0.0
                 ]], [[0.0, leafd1mag, 0.0],
                          -sinusd1mag * math.sin(pi_3),
                          sinusd1mag * math.cos(pi_3), 0.0
        sinusd2r, sinusd2z = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
            [[extSinusRadius, 0.0], [outerRadius, outerHeight]], [[
                -outerHeight * math.sin(outerAngleRadians),
                outerHeight * math.cos(outerAngleRadians)
            ], [0.0, outletLength]],
        centre = centre
        x[1][0] = []
        d1[1][0] = []
        d2[1][0] = []
        d3[1][0] = []
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            radiansAround = n1 * radiansPerElementAround
            cosRadiansAround = math.cos(radiansAround)
            sinRadiansAround = math.sin(radiansAround)
            if (n1 % 2) == 0:
                # leaflet junction
                cx = inletCentre
                r = extRadius
                d1mag = leafd1mag
                d2mag1 = leafd2r * cosRadiansAround
                d2mag2 = leafd2r * sinRadiansAround
                d2mag3 = leafd2z
                # sinus / leaflet centre
                cx = sinusCentre
                r = extSinusRadius
                d1mag = sinusd1mag
                d2mag1 = sinusd2r * cosRadiansAround
                d2mag2 = sinusd2r * sinRadiansAround
                d2mag3 = sinusd2z
            d3mag1 = magd3 * cosRadiansAround
            d3mag2 = magd3 * sinRadiansAround
            d3mag3 = 0.0
                (centre[c] + r *
                 (cosRadiansAround * axis1[c] + sinRadiansAround * axis2[c]))
                for c in range(3)
                d1mag *
                (-sinRadiansAround * axis1[c] + cosRadiansAround * axis2[c])
                for c in range(3)
                (d2mag1 * axis1[c] + d2mag2 * axis2[c] + d2mag3 * axis3[c])
                for c in range(3)
                (d3mag1 * axis1[c] + d3mag2 * axis2[c] + d3mag3 * axis3[c])
                for c in range(3)

        # outlet
        x[0][1], d1[0][1] = createCirclePoints(
            outletCentre, [axis1[c] * innerRadius for c in range(3)],
            [axis2[c] * innerRadius for c in range(3)], elementsCountAround)
        x[1][1], d1[1][1] = createCirclePoints(
            outletCentre, [axis1[c] * outerRadius for c in range(3)],
            [axis2[c] * outerRadius for c in range(3)], elementsCountAround)
        d2[1][1] = d2[0][1] = [[axis3[c] * outletLength
                                for c in range(3)]] * elementsCountAround
        d3[1][1] = d3[0][1] = None

        return x, d1, d2, d3
def createArm(halfArmArcAngleRadians, elementLengths, elementLengthCentral,
              elementsCount, dipMultiplier, armCount, armIndex):
    Create single arm unit.
    Base length of element is 1.
    Direction: anticlockwise.
    Minimum arm length is 2 elements.
    :param halfArmArcAngleRadians: angle arising from base node (rad)
    :param elementLengths: [Element length along arm, half Element width across arm, Element thickness]
    :param elementLengthCentral: Radial element length about central node.
    :param elementsCount: list of numbers of elements along arm length, across width and through thickness directions
    :param dipMultiplier: factor that wheel nodes protrude by, relative to unit length
    :param armCount: number of arms in body
    :param armIndex: 0-based
    :return: x: positions of nodes in arm
    :return: nodeIdentifier: number of last node in arm +1
    :return: xnodes_ds1: ds1 derivatives of nodes associated with x
    :return: xnodes_ds2: ds2 derivatives of nodes associated with y
    :return: rmVertexNodes: indices of nodes at arm vertices around central node (including central node)

    elementsCount1, elementsCount2, elementsCount3 = elementsCount
    [elementLength, elementWidth, elementHeight] = elementLengths

    shorterArmEnd = True
    armAngle = 2 * halfArmArcAngleRadians * armIndex
    armAngleConst = 2 * halfArmArcAngleRadians

    xnodes_ds1 = []
    xnodes_ds2 = []
    dx_ds1 = [elementLength, 0.0, 0.0]
    dx_ds2 = [0.0, elementWidth, 0.0]

    nodes_per_layer = (elementsCount1 + 1) * (
        elementsCount2 + 1) - 2  # discount 2 armEnd corners
    x = []

    # nCentre and rmVertexNodes are in pythonic indexing
    nCentre = elementsCount1
    nCentre = [nCentre, nCentre + nodes_per_layer]
    if armIndex == 0:
        rmVertexNodes = []
    elif armIndex != armCount - 1:
        rmVertexNodes = nCentre + [0, nodes_per_layer]
        rmVertexNodes = nCentre + [
            0, nodes_per_layer, 2 * (elementsCount1 + 1) - 1, 2 *
            (elementsCount1 + 1) - 1 + nodes_per_layer
    dcent = [
        elementLengthCentral * math.cos(armAngleConst / 2),
        elementLengthCentral * math.sin(armAngleConst / 2), 0.0
    dvertex = [
        elementLengthCentral * dipMultiplier *
        elementLengthCentral * dipMultiplier * math.sin(halfArmArcAngleRadians)

    dipLength = 0.5 * (elementLengthCentral + elementWidth) * dipMultiplier
    dvertex = [
        dipLength * math.cos(halfArmArcAngleRadians),
        dipLength * math.sin(halfArmArcAngleRadians)
    dipMag = 2 * dipLength - elementLengthCentral

    nid = 0
    for e3 in range(elementsCount3 + 1):
        x3 = e3 * elementHeight
        for e2 in range(elementsCount2 + 1):
            for e1 in range(elementsCount1 + 1):
                # ignore if armEnd corner nodes
                if (e1 == elementsCount1) and ((e2 == 0) or
                                               (e2 == elementsCount2)):
                    if e1 == 0 and e2 == 0:
                        x1 = dvertex[0]
                        x2 = -dvertex[1]
                    elif e1 == 0 and e2 == elementsCount2:
                        x1 = dvertex[0]
                        x2 = dvertex[1]
                        if e1 == elementsCount1 and shorterArmEnd:
                            x1 = 0.5 * (elementLength + elementWidth
                                        ) + elementLength * (e1 - 1)
                            x1 = elementLength * e1
                        x2 = (e2 - 1) * elementWidth
                    x.append([x1, x2, x3])

                    # DERIVATIVES
                    ds1 = dx_ds1.copy()
                    ds2 = dx_ds2.copy()
                    if e2 == 1 and e1 == 0:
                        ds2 = dcent
                        ds1 = [dcent[0], -dcent[1], dcent[2]]
                    elif (e1 == 0) and ((e2 == 0) or (e2 == elementsCount2)):
                        ds2 = [dcent[0], -dcent[1], dcent[2]
                               ] if (e2 == 0) else dcent
                        ds2 = setMagnitude(ds2, dipMag)
                        ds1 = rotateAboutZAxis(ds2, -math.pi / 2)
                    elif e1 == elementsCount1 and e2 == elementsCount2 - 1:  # armEnd
                        ds1 = [elementWidth, 0, 0]
                        ds2 = [0, 1 * (elementLength + elementWidth), 0]
                        if shorterArmEnd:
                            ds2 = [0, 0.5 * (elementLength + elementWidth), 0]
                    nid += 1

    # d1 derivatives at dips around central node
    nidDip = [
        0, elementsCount1 * 2 + 1, nodes_per_layer,
        elementsCount1 * 2 + 1 + nodes_per_layer
    for nid in nidDip:
        nx = [x[nid], x[nid + 1]]
        nd1 = [xnodes_ds1[nid], xnodes_ds1[nid + 1]]
        ds1Smooth = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(nx,
        xnodes_ds1[nid] = ds1Smooth[0]

    # rotate entire arm about origin by armAngle except for centre nodes
    tol = 1e-12
    for j, n in enumerate(x):
        xynew = rotateAboutZAxis(n, armAngle)
        [xnew, ynew] = [r for r in xynew][:2]
        if (abs(xnew) < tol):
            xnew = 0
        if (abs(ynew) < tol):
            ynew = 0
        x[j] = [xnew, ynew, x[j][2]]

        xnodes_ds1[j] = rotateAboutZAxis(xnodes_ds1[j], armAngle)
        xnodes_ds2[j] = rotateAboutZAxis(xnodes_ds2[j], armAngle)

    return (x, xnodes_ds1, xnodes_ds2, rmVertexNodes)
def generateOstiumMesh(region, options, trackSurface, centrePosition, axis1, startNodeIdentifier = 1, startElementIdentifier = 1,
        vesselMeshGroups = None):
    :param vesselMeshGroups: List (over number of vessels) of list of mesh groups to add vessel elements to.
    :return: nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, Ostium points tuple
    (ox[n3][n1][c], od1[n3][n1][c], od2[n3][n1][c], od3[n3][n1][c], oNodeId[n3][n1], oPositions).
    vesselsCount = options['Number of vessels']
    elementsCountAroundOstium = options['Number of elements around ostium']
    elementsCountAcross = options['Number of elements across common']
    elementsCountsAroundVessels, elementsCountAroundMid = getOstiumElementsCountsAroundVessels(elementsCountAroundOstium, elementsCountAcross, vesselsCount)
    elementsCountAroundEnd = (elementsCountAroundOstium - 2*elementsCountAroundMid)//2
    #print('\nvesselsCount', vesselsCount, 'elementsCountsAroundOstium', elementsCountAroundOstium, 'elementsCountAcross', elementsCountAcross)
    #print('--> elementsCountsAroundVessels', elementsCountsAroundVessels, 'elementsCountAroundMid', elementsCountAroundMid)
    elementsCountAlong = options['Number of elements along']
    elementsCountThroughWall = options['Number of elements through wall']
    unitScale = options['Unit scale']

    isOutlet = options['Outlet']
    ostiumRadius = 0.5*unitScale*options['Ostium diameter']
    ostiumLength = unitScale*options['Ostium length']
    ostiumWallThickness = unitScale*options['Ostium wall thickness']
    interVesselHeight = unitScale*options['Ostium inter-vessel height']
    interVesselDistance = unitScale*options['Ostium inter-vessel distance'] if (vesselsCount > 1) else 0.0
    halfInterVesselDistance = 0.5*interVesselDistance
    useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall = not(options['Use linear through ostium wall'])
    vesselEndDerivative = ostiumLength*options['Vessel end length factor']/elementsCountAlong
    vesselInnerRadius = 0.5*unitScale*options['Vessel inner diameter']
    vesselWallThickness = unitScale*options['Vessel wall thickness']
    vesselOuterRadius = vesselInnerRadius + vesselWallThickness
    vesselAngle1Radians = math.radians(options['Vessel angle 1 degrees'])
    vesselAngle1SpreadRadians = math.radians(options['Vessel angle 1 spread degrees'])
    vesselAngle2Radians = math.radians(options['Vessel angle 2 degrees'])
    useCubicHermiteThroughVesselWall = not(options['Use linear through vessel wall'])
    useCrossDerivatives = False  # options['Use cross derivatives']  # not implemented

    fm = region.getFieldmodule()
    coordinates = findOrCreateFieldCoordinates(fm)
    cache = fm.createFieldcache()

    # track points in shape of ostium

    # get directions in plane of surface at centre:
    cx, cd1, cd2 = trackSurface.evaluateCoordinates(centrePosition, True)
    trackDirection1, trackDirection2, centreNormal = calculate_surface_axes(cd1, cd2, axis1)
    trackDirection2reverse = [ -d for d in trackDirection2 ]

    halfCircumference = math.pi*ostiumRadius
    circumference = 2.0*halfCircumference
    distance = 0.0
    elementLengthAroundOstiumMid = 0.0
    vesselsSpanAll = interVesselDistance*(vesselsCount - 1)
    vesselsSpanMid = interVesselDistance*(vesselsCount - 2)
    if vesselsCount == 1:
        elementLengthAroundOstiumEnd = circumference/elementsCountAroundOstium
        vesselOstiumPositions = [ centrePosition ]
        ocx  = [ cx ]
        ocd1 = [ trackDirection1 ]
        ocd2 = [ trackDirection2 ]
        ocd3 = [ centreNormal ]
        elementLengthAroundOstiumEnd = (circumference + 2.0*interVesselDistance)/(elementsCountAroundOstium - 2*elementsCountAroundMid)
        if elementsCountAroundMid > 0:
            elementLengthAroundOstiumMid = interVesselDistance*(vesselsCount - 2)/elementsCountAroundMid
        vesselOstiumPositions = []
        ocx  = []
        ocd1 = []
        ocd2 = []
        ocd3 = []
        for v in range(vesselsCount):
            vesselOstiumPositions.append(trackSurface.trackVector(centrePosition, trackDirection1, (v/(vesselsCount - 1) - 0.5)*vesselsSpanAll))
            x, d1, d2 = trackSurface.evaluateCoordinates(vesselOstiumPositions[-1], -1)
            d1, d2, d3 = calculate_surface_axes(d1, d2, trackDirection1)
            ocx .append(x)

    # coordinates around ostium
    ox = [ [], [] ]
    od1 = [ [], [] ]
    od2 = [ [], [] ]
    od3 = [ [], [] ]
    oPositions = []
    for n1 in range(elementsCountAroundOstium):
        elementLength = elementLengthAroundOstiumEnd
        if distance <= (vesselsSpanMid + halfInterVesselDistance):
            position = trackSurface.trackVector(centrePosition, trackDirection1, 0.5*vesselsSpanMid - distance)
            sideDirection = trackDirection2reverse
            if n1 < elementsCountAroundMid:
                elementLength = elementLengthAroundOstiumMid
        elif distance < (vesselsSpanMid + halfInterVesselDistance + halfCircumference):
            position = vesselOstiumPositions[0]
            angleRadians = (distance - (vesselsSpanMid + halfInterVesselDistance))/ostiumRadius
            w1 = -math.sin(angleRadians)
            w2 = -math.cos(angleRadians)
            sideDirection = [ (w1*trackDirection1[c] + w2*trackDirection2[c]) for c in range(3) ]
        elif distance < (2.0*vesselsSpanMid + halfInterVesselDistance + halfCircumference + interVesselDistance):
            position = trackSurface.trackVector(centrePosition, trackDirection1, distance - (1.5*vesselsSpanMid + interVesselDistance + halfCircumference))
            sideDirection = trackDirection2
            if 0 <= (n1 - elementsCountAroundEnd - elementsCountAroundMid) < elementsCountAroundMid:
                elementLength = elementLengthAroundOstiumMid
        elif distance < (2.0*vesselsSpanMid + halfInterVesselDistance + circumference + interVesselDistance):
            position = vesselOstiumPositions[-1]
            angleRadians = (distance - (2.0*vesselsSpanMid + halfInterVesselDistance + halfCircumference + interVesselDistance))/ostiumRadius
            w1 = math.sin(angleRadians)
            w2 = math.cos(angleRadians)
            sideDirection = [ (w1*trackDirection1[c] + w2*trackDirection2[c]) for c in range(3) ]
            position = trackSurface.trackVector(centrePosition, trackDirection1, 0.5*vesselsSpanMid + (circumference + 2.0*(vesselsSpanMid + interVesselDistance)) - distance)
            sideDirection = trackDirection2reverse
        position = trackSurface.trackVector(position, sideDirection, ostiumRadius)
        px, d1, d2 = trackSurface.evaluateCoordinates(position, True)
        pd2, pd1, pd3 = calculate_surface_axes(d1, d2, sideDirection)
        # get outer coordinates
        opx = px
        opd1 = vector.setMagnitude([ -d for d in pd1 ], elementLengthAroundOstiumEnd)
        opd2 = vector.setMagnitude(pd2, elementLengthAroundOstiumEnd)  # smoothed later
        opd3 = vector.setMagnitude(pd3, ostiumWallThickness)
        # set inner and outer coordinates (use copy to avoid references to same list later)
        ox [0].append([ (opx[c] - opd3[c]) for c in range(3) ])
        ox [1].append(opx)
        if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
        distance += elementLength
    for n3 in range(2):
        od1[n3] = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(ox[n3], od1[n3], fixAllDirections = True)

    xx  = []
    xd1 = []
    xd2 = []
    xd3 = []
    # coordinates across common ostium, between vessels
    nodesCountFreeEnd = elementsCountsAroundVessels[0] + 1 - elementsCountAcross
    oinc = 0 if (vesselsCount <= 2) else elementsCountAroundMid//(vesselsCount - 2)
    for iv in range(vesselsCount - 1):
        xx .append([ None, None ])
        xd1.append([ None, None ])
        xd2.append([ None, None ])
        xd3.append([ None, None ])
        oa = elementsCountAroundMid - iv*oinc
        ob = elementsCountAroundMid + nodesCountFreeEnd - 1 + iv*oinc
        nx = [ ox[1][oa], ox[1][ob] ]
        nd1 = [ [ -d for d in od1[1][oa] ], od1[1][ob] ]
        nd2 = [ [ -d for d in od2[1][oa] ], od2[1][ob] ]
        if elementsCountAcross > 1:
            # add centre point, displaced by interVesselHeight
            if vesselsCount == 2:
                position = centrePosition
                position = trackSurface.trackVector(centrePosition, trackDirection1, (iv/(vesselsCount - 2) - 0.5)*vesselsSpanMid)
            mx, d1, d2 = trackSurface.evaluateCoordinates(position, derivatives = True)
            md1, md2, md3 = calculate_surface_axes(d1, d2, trackDirection1)
            nx .insert(1, [ (mx[c] + interVesselHeight*md3[c]) for c in range(3) ])
            nd1.insert(1, vector.setMagnitude(md1, elementLengthAroundOstiumMid if (0 < iv < (vesselsCount - 2)) else elementLengthAroundOstiumEnd))
            nd2.insert(1, vector.setMagnitude(md2, ostiumRadius))
        nd2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(nx, nd2, fixAllDirections = True)
        px, pd2, pe, pxi = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(nx, nd2, elementsCountAcross)[0:4]
        pd1 = interp.interpolateSampleLinear(nd1, pe, pxi)
        pd3 = [ vector.setMagnitude(vector.crossproduct3(pd1[n2], pd2[n2]), ostiumWallThickness) for n2 in range(elementsCountAcross + 1) ]
        lx = [ ([ (px[n2][c] - pd3[n2][c]) for c in range(3) ]) for n2 in range(elementsCountAcross + 1) ]
        ld2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(lx, pd2, fixAllDirections = True)
        xx [iv][0] = lx [1:elementsCountAcross]
        xd1[iv][0] = copy.deepcopy(pd1[1:elementsCountAcross])  # to be smoothed later
        xd2[iv][0] = ld2[1:elementsCountAcross]
        xx [iv][1] = px [1:elementsCountAcross]
        xd1[iv][1] = pd1[1:elementsCountAcross]  # to be smoothed later
        xd2[iv][1] = pd2[1:elementsCountAcross]
        if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
            xd3[iv][0] = copy.deepcopy(pd3[1:elementsCountAcross])
            xd3[iv][1] = pd3[1:elementsCountAcross]
        # set smoothed d2 on ostium circumference
        od2[0][oa] = [ -d for d in ld2[0] ]
        od2[1][oa] = [ -d for d in pd2[0] ]
        od2[0][ob] = ld2[-1]
        od2[1][ob] = pd2[-1]

    # get positions of vessel end centres and rings
    vcx = []
    vcd1 = []
    vcd2 = []
    vcd3 = []
    vox = []
    vod1 = []
    vod2 = []
    vod3 = []
    for v in range(vesselsCount):
        elementsCountAroundVessel = elementsCountsAroundVessels[v]
        radiansPerElementVessel = 2.0*math.pi/elementsCountAroundVessel
        useVesselAngleRadians = vesselAngle1Radians
        if vesselsCount > 1:
            useVesselAngleRadians += (v/(vesselsCount - 1) - 0.5)*vesselAngle1SpreadRadians
        vx, vd1, vd2, vd3 = getCircleProjectionAxes(ocx[v], ocd1[v], ocd2[v], ocd3[v], ostiumLength, useVesselAngleRadians, vesselAngle2Radians)
        vd1 = [    vesselOuterRadius*d for d in vd1 ]
        vd2 = [   -vesselOuterRadius*d for d in vd2 ]
        vd3 = [ -vesselEndDerivative*d for d in vd3 ]
        for n3 in range(2):
            radius = vesselInnerRadius if (n3 == 0) else vesselOuterRadius
            vAxis1 = vector.setMagnitude(vd1, radius)
            vAxis2 = vector.setMagnitude(vd2, radius)
            if vesselsCount == 1:
                startRadians = 0.5*math.pi
                startRadians = 0.5*radiansPerElementVessel*elementsCountAcross
                if v == (vesselsCount - 1):
                    startRadians -= math.pi
            px, pd1 = createCirclePoints(vx, vAxis1, vAxis2, elementsCountAroundVessel, startRadians)
            vox [-1].append(px)
            vod2[-1].append([ vd3 ]*elementsCountAroundVessel)
            if useCubicHermiteThroughVesselWall:
                vod3[-1].append([ vector.setMagnitude(vector.crossproduct3(d1, vd3), vesselWallThickness) for d1 in pd1 ])

    # calculate common ostium vessel node derivatives map
    mvPointsx = [ None ]*vesselsCount
    mvPointsd1 = [ None ]*vesselsCount
    mvPointsd2 = [ None ]*vesselsCount
    mvPointsd3 = [ None ]*vesselsCount
    mvDerivativesMap = [ None ]*vesselsCount
    mvMeanCount = [ None ]*vesselsCount  # stores 1 if first reference to common point between vessels, 2 if second. Otherwise 0.
    for v in range(vesselsCount):
        if vesselsCount == 1:
            mvPointsx[v], mvPointsd1[v], mvPointsd2[v], mvPointsd3[v], mvDerivativesMap[v] = \
                ox, od1, od2, od3 if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall else None, None
            mvMeanCount[v] = [ 0 ]*elementsCountsAroundVessels[v]
            iv = max(0, v - 1)
            oa = elementsCountAroundMid - iv*oinc
            ob = elementsCountAroundMid + nodesCountFreeEnd - 1 + iv*oinc
            mvPointsx [v] = []
            mvPointsd1[v] = []
            mvPointsd2[v] = []
            mvPointsd3[v] = [] if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall else None
            mvDerivativesMap[v] = []
            for n3 in range(2):
                mvPointsx [v].append([])
                if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                if v == 0:  # first end vessel
                    mvPointsd1[v][n3] += od1[n3][oa:ob + 1]
                    mvPointsd2[v][n3] += od2[n3][oa:ob + 1]
                    mvPointsx [v][n3] += ox [n3][oa:ob + 1]
                    if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                        mvPointsd3[v][n3] += od3[n3][oa:ob + 1]
                    mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (0, 1, 0), (-1, 1, 0), None, (1, 0, 0) ) )
                    for i in range(nodesCountFreeEnd - 2):
                        mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( None, None, None ) )
                    mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), None, (0, -1, 0) ) )
                    mvPointsx [v][n3] += reversed(xx [iv][n3])
                    mvPointsd1[v][n3] += reversed(xd1[iv][n3])
                    mvPointsd2[v][n3] += reversed(xd2[iv][n3])
                    if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                        mvPointsd3[v][n3] += reversed(xd3[iv][n3])
                    for i in range(elementsCountAcross - 1):
                        mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (0, -1, 0), (1, 0, 0), None ) )
                    if n3 == 0:
                        mvMeanCount[v] = [ 1 ] + [ 0 ]*(nodesCountFreeEnd - 2) + [ 1 ]*elementsCountAcross
                elif v < (vesselsCount - 1):  # middle vessels
                    # left:
                    mvPointsx [v][n3] += ox [n3][oa - oinc:oa + 1]
                    mvPointsd1[v][n3] += od1[n3][oa - oinc:oa + 1]
                    mvPointsd2[v][n3] += od2[n3][oa - oinc:oa + 1]
                    if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                        mvPointsd3[v][n3] += od3[n3][oa - oinc:oa + 1]
                    mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (0, 1, 0), (-1, 1, 0), None, (1, 0, 0) ) )
                    for i in range(oinc - 1):
                        mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( None, None, None ) )
                    mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), None, (0, -1, 0) ) )
                    # across
                    mvPointsx [v][n3] += xx [iv][n3]
                    mvPointsd1[v][n3] += xd1[iv][n3]
                    mvPointsd2[v][n3] += xd2[iv][n3]
                    if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                        mvPointsd3[v][n3] += xd3[iv][n3]
                    for i in range(elementsCountAcross - 1):
                        mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), None ) )
                    # right
                    mvPointsx [v][n3] += ox [n3][ob:ob + oinc + 1]
                    mvPointsd1[v][n3] += od1[n3][ob:ob + oinc + 1]
                    mvPointsd2[v][n3] += od2[n3][ob:ob + oinc + 1]
                    if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                        mvPointsd3[v][n3] += od3[n3][ob:ob + oinc + 1]
                    mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (0, 1, 0), (-1, 1, 0), None, (1, 0, 0) ) )
                    for i in range(oinc - 1):
                        mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( None, None, None ) )
                    mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), None, (0, -1, 0) ) )
                    # across reverse
                    mvPointsx [v][n3] += reversed(xx [iv + 1][n3])
                    mvPointsd1[v][n3] += reversed(xd1[iv + 1][n3])
                    mvPointsd2[v][n3] += reversed(xd2[iv + 1][n3])
                    if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                        mvPointsd3[v][n3] += reversed(xd3[iv + 1][n3])
                    for i in range(elementsCountAcross - 1):
                        mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (0, -1, 0), (1, 0, 0), None ) )
                    if n3 == 0:
                        mvMeanCount[v] = [ 1 ] + [ 0 ]*(oinc - 1) + [ 2 ]*(elementsCountAcross + 1) + [ 0 ]*(oinc - 1) + [ 1 ]*elementsCountAcross
                else:  # last end vessel
                    mvPointsx [v][n3] += ox [n3][ob:] + [ ox [n3][0] ]
                    mvPointsd1[v][n3] += od1[n3][ob:] + [ od1[n3][0] ]
                    mvPointsd2[v][n3] += od2[n3][ob:] + [ od2[n3][0] ]
                    if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                        mvPointsd3[v][n3] += od3[n3][ob:] + [ od3[n3][0] ]
                    mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (0, 1, 0), (-1, 1, 0), None, (1, 0, 0) ) )
                    for i in range(nodesCountFreeEnd - 2):
                        mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( None, None, None ) )
                    mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), None, (0, -1, 0) ) )
                    mvPointsx [v][n3] += xx [iv][n3]
                    mvPointsd1[v][n3] += xd1[iv][n3]
                    mvPointsd2[v][n3] += xd2[iv][n3]
                    if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                        mvPointsd3[v][n3] += xd3[iv][n3]
                    for i in range(elementsCountAcross - 1):
                        mvDerivativesMap[v][n3].append( ( (0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), None ) )
                    if n3 == 0:
                        mvMeanCount[v] = [ 2 ] + [ 0 ]*(nodesCountFreeEnd - 2) + [ 2 ]*elementsCountAcross

    # calculate derivative 2 around free sides of inlets to fit vessel derivatives
    for v in range(vesselsCount):
        for n3 in range(2):
            #print('mvPointsx [v][n3]', mvPointsx [v][n3])
            #print('mvPointsd1[v][n3]', mvPointsd1[v][n3])
            #print('mvPointsd2[v][n3]', mvPointsd2[v][n3])
            #print('mvDerivativesMap[v][n3]', mvDerivativesMap[v][n3])
            for n1 in range(elementsCountsAroundVessels[v]):
                d2Map = mvDerivativesMap[v][n3][n1][1] if (mvDerivativesMap[v] and mvDerivativesMap[v][n3][n1]) else None
                sf1 = d2Map[0] if d2Map else 0.0
                sf2 = d2Map[1] if d2Map else 1.0
                nx = [ vox[v][n3][n1], mvPointsx[v][n3][n1] ]
                nd2 = [ [ d*elementsCountAlong for d in vod2[v][n3][n1] ], [ (sf1*mvPointsd1[v][n3][n1][c] + sf2*mvPointsd2[v][n3][n1][c]) for c in range(3) ] ]
                nd2f = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(nx, nd2, fixStartDerivative = True, fixEndDirection = True)
                ndf = [ d/elementsCountAlong for d in nd2f[1] ]
                # assign components to set original values:
                if sf1 == 0:
                    for c in range(3):
                        mvPointsd2[v][n3][n1][c] = sf2*ndf[c]
                elif sf2 == 0:
                    if mvMeanCount[v][n1] < 2:
                        for c in range(3):
                            mvPointsd1[v][n3][n1][c] = sf1*ndf[c]
                        # take mean of values from this and last vessel
                        for c in range(3):
                            mvPointsd1[v][n3][n1][c] = 0.5*(mvPointsd1[v][n3][n1][c] + sf1*ndf[c])
                    #print('v', v, 'n3', n3, 'n1', n1, ':', vector.magnitude(ndf), 'vs.', vector.magnitude(nd2[1]), 'd2Map', d2Map)

    if isOutlet:
        # reverse directions of d1 and d2 on vessels and ostium base
        for c in range(3):
            for n3 in range(2):
                for n1 in range(elementsCountAroundOstium):
                    od1[n3][n1][c] = -od1[n3][n1][c]
                    od2[n3][n1][c] = -od2[n3][n1][c]
                for iv in range(vesselsCount - 1):
                    for n1 in range(elementsCountAcross - 1):
                        xd1[iv][n3][n1][c] = -xd1[iv][n3][n1][c]
                        xd2[iv][n3][n1][c] = -xd2[iv][n3][n1][c]
                for v in range(vesselsCount):
                    for n1 in range(elementsCountsAroundVessels[v]):
                        vod1[v][n3][n1][c] = -vod1[v][n3][n1][c]
            # d2 is referenced all around, so only change once per vessel
            for v in range(vesselsCount):
                vod2[v][0][0][c] = -vod2[v][0][0][c]

    # Create nodes

    nodes = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES)

    nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3 = nodes.createNodetemplate()
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)

    nodeIdentifier = startNodeIdentifier

    oNodeId = []
    for n3 in range(2):
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAroundOstium):
            node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall else nodetemplateLinearS3)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, ox [n3][n1])
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1, od1[n3][n1])
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1, od2[n3][n1])
            if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1, od3[n3][n1])
            nodeIdentifier += 1

    xNodeId = []
    for iv in range(vesselsCount - 1):
        for n3 in range(2):
            for n2 in range(elementsCountAcross - 1):
                node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall else nodetemplateLinearS3)
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, xx [iv][n3][n2])
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1, xd1[iv][n3][n2])
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1, xd2[iv][n3][n2])
                if useCubicHermiteThroughOstiumWall:
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1, xd3[iv][n3][n2])
                nodeIdentifier += 1

    #for v in range(vesselsCount):
    #    node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
    #    cache.setNode(node)
    #    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, vcx [v])
    #    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1, vcd1[v])
    #    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1, vcd2[v])
    #    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1, vcd3[v])
    #    nodeIdentifier += 1
    #    for n3 in range(2):
    #        for n1 in range(elementsCountsAroundVessels[v]):
    #            node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate if useCubicHermiteThroughVesselWall else nodetemplateLinearS3)
    #            cache.setNode(node)
    #            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, vox [v][n3][n1])
    #            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1, vod1[v][n3][n1])
    #            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1, vod2[v][n3][n1])
    #            if useCubicHermiteThroughVesselWall:
    #                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1, vod3[v][n3][n1])
    #            #vNodeId.append(nodeIdentifier)
    #            nodeIdentifier += 1

    # get identifiers of nodes around each vessel at ostium end
    mvNodeId = [ None ]*vesselsCount
    for v in range(vesselsCount):
        if vesselsCount == 1:
            mvNodeId[v] = oNodeId
            iv = max(0, v - 1)
            mvNodeId[v] = [ None, None ]
            oa = elementsCountAroundMid - iv*oinc
            ob = elementsCountAroundMid + nodesCountFreeEnd - 1 + iv*oinc
            for n3 in range(2):
                if v == 0:  # first end vessel
                    mvNodeId[v][n3] = oNodeId[n3][oa:ob + 1] + (list(reversed(xNodeId[iv][n3])) if (v == 0) else xNodeId[iv][n3])
                elif v == (vesselsCount - 1):  # last end vessels
                    mvNodeId[v][n3] = oNodeId[n3][ob:] + [ oNodeId[n3][0] ] + (list(reversed(xNodeId[iv][n3])) if (v == 0) else xNodeId[iv][n3])
                else:  # mid vessels
                    mvNodeId[v][n3] = oNodeId[n3][oa - oinc:oa + 1] + xNodeId[iv][n3] + oNodeId[n3][ob:ob + oinc + 1] + list(reversed(xNodeId[iv + 1][n3]))

    # Create elementss

    mesh = fm.findMeshByDimension(3)
    elementIdentifier = startElementIdentifier

    tricubichermite = eftfactory_tricubichermite(mesh, useCrossDerivatives)
    #tricubicHermiteBasis = fm.createElementbasis(3, Elementbasis.FUNCTION_TYPE_CUBIC_HERMITE)

    #eft = tricubichermite.createEftBasic()
    #elementtemplate = mesh.createElementtemplate()
    #elementtemplate.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft)

    #elementtemplateX = mesh.createElementtemplate()

    for v in range(vesselsCount):
        if isOutlet:
            startPointsx, startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3, startNodeId, startDerivativesMap = \
                mvPointsx[v], mvPointsd1[v], mvPointsd2[v], mvPointsd3[v], mvNodeId[v], mvDerivativesMap[v]
            endPointsx, endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3, endNodeId, endDerivativesMap = \
                vox[v], vod1[v], vod2[v], vod3[v] if useCubicHermiteThroughVesselWall else None, None, None
            # reverse order of nodes around:
            for px in [ startPointsx, startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3, startNodeId, startDerivativesMap, \
                        endPointsx, endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3, endNodeId, endDerivativesMap ]:
                if px:
                    for n3 in range(2):
                        px[n3] = [ px[n3][0] ] + px[n3][len(px[n3]) - 1:0:-1]
            if vesselsCount > 1:
                # must switch in and out xi1 maps around corners in startDerivativesMap
                for n3 in range(2):
                    for n1 in range(elementsCountsAroundVessels[v]):
                        derivativesMap = startDerivativesMap[n3][n1]
                        if len(derivativesMap) == 4:
                            startDerivativesMap[n3][n1] = derivativesMap[3], derivativesMap[1], derivativesMap[2], derivativesMap[0]
            startPointsx, startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3, startNodeId, startDerivativesMap = \
                vox[v], vod1[v], vod2[v], vod3[v] if useCubicHermiteThroughVesselWall else None, None, None
            endPointsx, endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3, endNodeId, endDerivativesMap = \
                mvPointsx[v], mvPointsd1[v], mvPointsd2[v], mvPointsd3[v], mvNodeId[v], mvDerivativesMap[v]
        #print('endPointsx ', endPointsx )
        #print('endPointsd1', endPointsd1)
        #print('endPointsd2', endPointsd2)
        #print('endPointsd3', endPointsd3)
        #print('endNodeId', endNodeId)
        #print('endDerivativesMap', endDerivativesMap)
        nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier = createAnnulusMesh3d(
            nodes, mesh, nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier,
            startPointsx, startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3, startNodeId, startDerivativesMap,
            endPointsx, endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3, endNodeId, endDerivativesMap,
            forceMidLinearXi3 = not useCubicHermiteThroughVesselWall,
            elementsCountRadial = elementsCountAlong,
            meshGroups = vesselMeshGroups[v] if vesselMeshGroups else [])

    return nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier, (ox, od1, od2, od3, oNodeId, oPositions)
Beispiel #24
def createAnnulusMesh3d(nodes,
    Create an annulus mesh from a loop of start points/nodes with specified derivative mappings to
    a loop of end points/nodes with specified derivative mappings.
    Derivative d3 is through the wall. Currently limited to single element layer through wall.
    Points/nodes order cycles fastest around the annulus, then through the wall.
    Note doesn't support cross derivatives.
    Arrays are indexed by n3 (node through wall, size 2), n2 (node along/radial), n1 (node around, variable size)
    and coordinate component c.
    :param nodes: The nodeset to create nodes in.
    :param mesh: The mesh to create elements in.
    :param nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier: Next identifiers to use and increment.
    :param startPointsx, startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3, endPointsx, endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3:
        List array[n3][n1][c] or start/point coordinates and derivatives. To linearise through the wall, pass None to
        d3. If both ends are linear through the wall, interior points are linear through the wall.
    :param startNodeId, endNodeId: List array [n3][n1] of existing node identifiers to use at start/end. Pass None for
        argument if no nodes are specified at end. These arguments are 'all or nothing'.
    :param startDerivativesMap, endDerivativesMap: List array[n3][n1] of mappings for d/dxi1, d/dxi2, d/dxi3 at
        start/end of form:
        ( (1, -1, 0), (1, 0, 0), None ) where the first tuple means d/dxi1 = d/ds1 - d/ds2. Only 0, 1 and -1 may be
        None means use default e.g. d/dxi2 = d/ds2.
        Pass None for the entire argument to use the defaults d/dxi1 = d/ds1, d/dxi2 = d/ds2, d/dxi3 = d/ds3.
        Pass a 4th mapping to apply to d/dxi1 on other side of node; if not supplied first mapping applies both sides.
    :param forceStartLinearXi3, forceMidLinearXi3, forceEndLinearXi3: Force start, middle or
        end elements to be linear through the wall, even if d3 is supplied at either end.
        Can only use forceMidLinearXi3 only if at least one end is linear in d3.
    :param maxStartThickness, maxEndThickness: Optional maximum override on start/end thicknesses.
    :param useCrossDerivatives: May only be True if no derivatives maps are in use.
    :param elementsCountRadial: Optional number of elements in radial direction between start and end.
    :param meshGroups:  Optional sequence of Zinc MeshGroup for adding all new elements to, or a sequence of
    length elementsCountRadial containing sequences of mesh groups to add rows of radial elements to
    from start to end.
    :param wallAnnotationGroups: Annotation groups for adding all new elements to a sequence
    of groups to add to elements through wall.
    :param tracksurface: Description for outer surface representation used for creating annulus mesh. Provides
    information for creating radial nodes on annulus that sit on tracksurface. Need startProportions and endProportions
    to work.
    :param startProportions: Proportion around and along of startPoints on tracksurface. These vary with nodes
    around as for startPoints. Values only given for tracksurface for outer layer (xi3 == 1).
    :param endProportions: Proportion around and along of endPoints on track surface. These vary with nodes
    around as for endPoints. Values only given for tracksurface for outer layer (xi3 == 1).
    :param rescaleStartDerivatives, rescaleEndDerivatives: Optional flags to compute and multiply additional scale
    factors on start, end or both radial derivatives to fit arc length, needed if derivatives are of the wrong scale
    for the radial distances and the chosen elementsCountRadial. If either is True, derivatives and sampled radial
    nodes are spaced for a gradual change of derivative from that at the other end. If both are True, scaling is set to
    give even sampling and arclength derivatives.
    :param sampleBlend: Real value varying from 0.0 to 1.0 controlling weighting of start and end
    derivatives when interpolating extra points in-between, where 0.0 = sample with equal end derivatives,
    and 1.0 = proportional to current magnitudes, interpolated in between.
    :return: Final values of nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier
    assert (elementsCountRadial >=
            1), 'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Invalid number of radial elements'
    startLinearXi3 = (not startPointsd3) or forceStartLinearXi3
    endLinearXi3 = (not endPointsd3) or forceEndLinearXi3
    midLinearXi3 = (startLinearXi3 and endLinearXi3) or (
        (startLinearXi3 or endLinearXi3) and forceMidLinearXi3)
    # get list whether each row of nodes in elements is linear in Xi3
    # this is for element use; start/end nodes may have d3 even if element is linear
    rowLinearXi3 = [
    ] + [midLinearXi3] * (elementsCountRadial - 1) + [endLinearXi3]
    assert (not useCrossDerivatives) or ((not startDerivativesMap) and (not endDerivativesMap)), \
        'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Cannot use cross derivatives with derivatives map'
    nodesCountWall = len(startPointsx)
    assert (len(startPointsd1) == nodesCountWall) and (len(startPointsd2) == nodesCountWall) and \
           (startLinearXi3 or (len(startPointsd3) == nodesCountWall)) and \
           (len(endPointsx) == nodesCountWall) and (len(endPointsd1) == nodesCountWall) and \
           (len(endPointsd2) == nodesCountWall) and (endLinearXi3 or (len(endPointsd3) == nodesCountWall)) and \
           ((startNodeId is None) or (len(startNodeId) == nodesCountWall)) and \
           ((endNodeId is None) or (len(endNodeId) == nodesCountWall)) and \
           ((startDerivativesMap is None) or (len(startDerivativesMap) == nodesCountWall)) and \
           ((endDerivativesMap is None) or (len(endDerivativesMap) == nodesCountWall)),\
        'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Mismatch in number of layers through wall'
    elementsCountAround = nodesCountAround = len(startPointsx[0])
    assert (
        nodesCountAround > 1
    ), 'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Invalid number of points/nodes around annulus'
    for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
        assert (len(startPointsx[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(startPointsd1[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
               (len(startPointsd2[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
               (startLinearXi3 or (len(startPointsd3[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and\
               (len(endPointsx[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(endPointsd1[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
               (len(endPointsd2[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
               (endLinearXi3 or (len(endPointsd3[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
               ((startNodeId is None) or (len(startNodeId[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and\
               ((endNodeId is None) or (len(endNodeId[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
               ((startDerivativesMap is None) or (len(startDerivativesMap[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
               ((endDerivativesMap is None) or (len(endDerivativesMap[n3]) == nodesCountAround)), \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Mismatch in number of points/nodes in layers through wall'
    rowMeshGroups = meshGroups
    if meshGroups:
        assert isinstance(
            Sequence), 'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Mesh groups is not a sequence'
        if (len(meshGroups) == 0) or (not isinstance(meshGroups[0], Sequence)):
            rowMeshGroups = [meshGroups] * elementsCountRadial
            assert len(meshGroups) == elementsCountRadial, \
                'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Length of meshGroups sequence does not equal elementsCountRadial'
    if wallAnnotationGroups:
        assert len(wallAnnotationGroups) == nodesCountWall - 1, \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Length of wallAnnotationGroups sequence does not equal elementsCountThroughWall'
    if tracksurface:
        assert startProportions and endProportions, \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d: Missing start and/or end proportions for use with tracksurface'
        assert len(startProportions) == nodesCountAround, \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d: Length of startProportions does not equal nodesCountAround'
        assert len(endProportions) == nodesCountAround, \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d: Length of endProportions does not equal nodesCountAround'

    fm = mesh.getFieldmodule()
    cache = fm.createFieldcache()
    coordinates = findOrCreateFieldCoordinates(fm)

    # Build arrays of points from start to end
    px = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    pd1 = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    pd2 = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    pd3 = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]

    # Find total wall thickness
    thicknessProportions = []
    thicknesses = []
            (startPointsx[nodesCountWall - 1][n1][c] - startPointsx[0][n1][c])
            for c in range(3)
        ]) for n1 in range(nodesCountAround)
    for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
        thicknesses.append([None] * nodesCountAround)
            (endPointsx[nodesCountWall - 1][n1][c] - endPointsx[0][n1][c])
            for c in range(3)
        ]) for n1 in range(nodesCountAround)

    for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
        px[n3] = [startPointsx[n3], endPointsx[n3]]
        pd1[n3] = [startPointsd1[n3], endPointsd1[n3]]
        pd2[n3] = [startPointsd2[n3], endPointsd2[n3]]
        pd3[n3] = [
            startPointsd3[n3] if (startPointsd3 is not None) else None,
            endPointsd3[n3] if (endPointsd3 is not None) else None

        startThicknessList = \
            [vector.magnitude([(startPointsx[n3][n1][c] - startPointsx[n3 - (1 if n3 > 0 else 0)][n1][c])
                               for c in range(3)]) for n1 in range(len(startPointsx[n3]))]
        endThicknessList = \
            [vector.magnitude([(endPointsx[n3][n1][c] - endPointsx[n3 - (1 if n3 > 0 else 0)][n1][c])
                               for c in range(3)]) for n1 in range(len(endPointsx[n3]))]
        thicknessList = [startThicknessList,
                         endThicknessList]  # thickness of each layer

        startThicknessProportions = [
            thicknessList[0][c] / thicknesses[0][c]
            for c in range(nodesCountAround)
        endThicknessProportions = [
            thicknessList[1][c] / thicknesses[-1][c]
            for c in range(nodesCountAround)
            [startThicknessProportions, endThicknessProportions])

    if rescaleStartDerivatives:
        scaleFactorMapStart = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    if rescaleEndDerivatives:
        scaleFactorMapEnd = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]

    # following code adds in-between points, but also handles rescaling for 1 radial element
    for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
            px[n3].insert(n2, [None] * nodesCountAround)
            pd1[n3].insert(n2, [None] * nodesCountAround)
            pd2[n3].insert(n2, [None] * nodesCountAround)
                           None if midLinearXi3 else [None] * nodesCountAround)
            thicknessProportions[n3].insert(n2, [None] * nodesCountAround)

    if maxStartThickness:
        for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
            thicknesses[0][n1] = min(thicknesses[0][n1], maxStartThickness)
    if maxEndThickness:
        for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
            thicknesses[-1][n1] = min(thicknesses[-1][n1], maxEndThickness)
    n3 = nodesCountWall - 1
    for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
        ax = startPointsx[n3][n1]
        ad1, ad2 = getMappedD1D2(
            [startPointsd1[n3][n1], startPointsd2[n3][n1]] +
            ([startPointsd3[n3][n1]] if startPointsd3 else []),
            startDerivativesMap[n3][n1] if startDerivativesMap else None)
        bx = endPointsx[n3][n1]
        bd1, bd2 = getMappedD1D2(
            [endPointsd1[n3][n1], endPointsd2[n3][n1]] +
            ([endPointsd3[n3][n1]] if endPointsd3 else []),
            endDerivativesMap[n3][n1] if endDerivativesMap else None)

        # sample between start and end points and derivatives
        # scaling end derivatives to arc length gives even curvature along the curve
        aMag = vector.magnitude(ad2)
        bMag = vector.magnitude(bd2)
        ad2Scaled = vector.setMagnitude(
            0.5 * ((1.0 + sampleBlend) * aMag + (1.0 - sampleBlend) * bMag))
        bd2Scaled = vector.setMagnitude(
            0.5 * ((1.0 + sampleBlend) * bMag + (1.0 - sampleBlend) * aMag))
        scaling = interp.computeCubicHermiteDerivativeScaling(
            ax, ad2Scaled, bx, bd2Scaled)
        ad2Scaled = [d * scaling for d in ad2Scaled]
        bd2Scaled = [d * scaling for d in bd2Scaled]
        derivativeMagnitudeStart = None if rescaleStartDerivatives else vector.magnitude(
        derivativeMagnitudeEnd = None if rescaleEndDerivatives else vector.magnitude(
        if tracksurface:
            mx, md2, md1, md3, mProportions = \
                tracksurface.createHermiteCurvePoints(startProportions[n1][0], startProportions[n1][1],
                                                      endProportions[n1][0], endProportions[n1][1], elementsCountRadial,
                                                      derivativeStart=[d / elementsCountRadial for d in ad2Scaled],
                                                      derivativeEnd=[d / elementsCountRadial for d in bd2Scaled])
            mx, md2, md1 = \
                tracksurface.resampleHermiteCurvePointsSmooth(mx, md2, md1, md3, mProportions,
                                                              derivativeMagnitudeStart, derivativeMagnitudeEnd)[0:3]
            # interpolate thicknesses using xi calculated from radial arclength distances to points
            arcLengthInsideToRadialPoint = \
                [0.0] + [interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(mx[n2], md2[n2], mx[n2 + 1], md2[n2 + 1])
                         for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial)]
            arclengthInsideToOutside = sum(arcLengthInsideToRadialPoint)
            thi = []
            for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
                xi2 = arcLengthInsideToRadialPoint[
                    n2 - 1] / arclengthInsideToOutside
                thi.append(thicknesses[-1][n1] * xi2 + thicknesses[0][n1] *
                           (1.0 - xi2))
            thiProportion = []
            for m3 in range(nodesCountWall):
                thiProportionRadial = []
                for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
                    xi2 = arcLengthInsideToRadialPoint[
                        n2 - 1] / arclengthInsideToOutside
                        thicknessProportions[m3][-1][n1] * xi2 +
                        thicknessProportions[m3][0][n1] * (1.0 - xi2))
            mx, md2, me, mxi = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurvesSmooth(
                [ax, bx], [ad2Scaled, bd2Scaled], elementsCountRadial,
                derivativeMagnitudeStart, derivativeMagnitudeEnd)[0:4]
            md1 = interp.interpolateSampleLinear([ad1, bd1], me, mxi)
            thi = interp.interpolateSampleLinear(
                [thicknesses[0][n1], thicknesses[-1][n1]], me, mxi)
            thiProportion = []
            for m3 in range(nodesCountWall):
                    ], me, mxi))

        # set scalefactors if rescaling, make same on inside for now
        if rescaleStartDerivatives:
            scaleFactor = vector.magnitude(md2[0]) / vector.magnitude(ad2)
        if rescaleEndDerivatives:
            scaleFactor = vector.magnitude(md2[-1]) / vector.magnitude(bd2)

        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
            px[n3][n2][n1] = mx[n2]
            pd1[n3][n2][n1] = md1[n2]
            pd2[n3][n2][n1] = md2[n2]
            thicknesses[n2][n1] = thi[n2]
            for m3 in range(nodesCountWall):
                thicknessProportions[m3][n2][n1] = thiProportion[m3][n2]

    xi3List = [[[[] for n1 in range(nodesCountAround)]
                for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1)]
               for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
        for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
            xi3 = 0.0
            for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
                xi3 += thicknessProportions[n3][n2][n1]
                xi3List[n3][n2][n1] = xi3

    # now get inner positions from normal and thickness, derivatives from curvature
    for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
        # first smooth derivative 1 around outer loop
        pd1[-1][n2] = \
            interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(px[-1][n2], pd1[-1][n2],

        for n3 in range(0, nodesCountWall - 1):
            for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                xi3 = 1 - xi3List[n3][n2][n1]
                normal = vector.normalise(
                    vector.crossproduct3(pd1[-1][n2][n1], pd2[-1][n2][n1]))
                thickness = thicknesses[n2][n1] * xi3
                d3 = [d * thickness for d in normal]
                px[n3][n2][n1] = [(px[-1][n2][n1][c] - d3[c])
                                  for c in range(3)]
                # calculate inner d1 from curvature around
                n1m = n1 - 1
                n1p = (n1 + 1) % nodesCountAround
                curvature = 0.5 * (interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                    px[-1][n2][n1m], pd1[-1][n2][n1m], px[-1][n2][n1], pd1[-1]
                    [n2][n1], normal, 1.0) + interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                        px[-1][n2][n1], pd1[-1][n2][n1], px[-1][n2][n1p],
                        pd1[-1][n2][n1p], normal, 0.0))
                factor = 1.0 + curvature * thickness
                pd1[n3][n2][n1] = [factor * d for d in pd1[-1][n2][n1]]
                # calculate inner d2 from curvature radially
                n2m = n2 - 1
                n2p = n2 + 1
                curvature = 0.5 * (interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                    px[-1][n2m][n1], pd2[-1][n2m][n1], px[-1][n2][n1], pd2[-1]
                    [n2][n1], normal, 1.0) + interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                        px[-1][n2][n1], pd2[-1][n2][n1], px[-1][n2p][n1],
                        pd2[-1][n2p][n1], normal, 0.0))
                factor = 1.0 + curvature * thickness
                pd2[n3][n2][n1] = [factor * d for d in pd2[-1][n2][n1]]
                d2Scaled = [factor * d for d in pd2[-1][n2][n1]]
                if vector.dotproduct(vector.normalise(pd2[-1][n2][n1]),
                                     vector.normalise(d2Scaled)) == -1:
                    pd2[n3][n2][n1] = [-factor * d for d in pd2[-1][n2][n1]]
                if not midLinearXi3:
                    pd3[n3][n2][n1] = pd3[-1][n2][n1] = \
                        [d * thicknesses[n2][n1] * thicknessProportions[n3 + 1][n2][n1] for d in normal]

            # smooth derivative 1 around inner loop
            pd1[n3][n2] = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(

    for n3 in range(0, nodesCountWall):
        # smooth derivative 2 radially/along annulus
        for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
            mx = [px[n3][n2][n1] for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1)]
            md2 = [pd2[n3][n2][n1] for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1)]
            # replace mapped start/end d2
            md2[0] = getMappedD1D2(
                [startPointsd1[n3][n1], startPointsd2[n3][n1]] +
                ([startPointsd3[n3][n1]] if startPointsd3 else []),
                if startDerivativesMap else None)[1]
            md2[-1] = getMappedD1D2(
                [endPointsd1[n3][n1], endPointsd2[n3][n1]] +
                ([endPointsd3[n3][n1]] if endPointsd3 else []),
                endDerivativesMap[n3][n1] if endDerivativesMap else None)[1]

            sd2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
                fixStartDerivative=not rescaleStartDerivatives,
                fixEndDerivative=not rescaleEndDerivatives,
            if rescaleStartDerivatives:
                scaleFactor = vector.magnitude(sd2[0]) / vector.magnitude(
            if rescaleEndDerivatives:
                scaleFactor = vector.magnitude(sd2[-1]) / vector.magnitude(

            for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
                pd2[n3][n2][n1] = sd2[n2]

    # Create nodes

    nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS3, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D3_DS1DS2DS3, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3 = nodes.createNodetemplate()
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
            coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1)

    nodeIdentifier = nextNodeIdentifier
    nodeId = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
        for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
            if (n2 == 0) and (startNodeId is not None):
                rowNodeId = copy.deepcopy(startNodeId[n3])
            elif (n2 == elementsCountRadial) and (endNodeId is not None):
                rowNodeId = copy.deepcopy(endNodeId[n3])
                rowNodeId = []
                nodetemplate1 = nodetemplate if pd3[n3][
                    n2] else nodetemplateLinearS3
                for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                    node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate1)
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
                    if pd3[n3][n2]:
                        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                      1, pd3[n3][n2][n1])
                    nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1

    # Create elements

    tricubichermite = eftfactory_tricubichermite(mesh, useCrossDerivatives)
    bicubichermitelinear = eftfactory_bicubichermitelinear(
        mesh, useCrossDerivatives)

    elementIdentifier = nextElementIdentifier

    elementtemplateStandard = mesh.createElementtemplate()
    elementtemplateX = mesh.createElementtemplate()
    elementsCountWall = nodesCountWall - 1

    for e2 in range(elementsCountRadial):
        nonlinearXi3 = (not rowLinearXi3[e2]) or (not rowLinearXi3[e2 + 1])
        eftFactory = tricubichermite if nonlinearXi3 else bicubichermitelinear
        eftStandard = eftFactory.createEftBasic()
        elementtemplateStandard.defineField(coordinates, -1, eftStandard)
        mapStartDerivatives = (e2 == 0) and (startDerivativesMap
                                             or rescaleStartDerivatives)
        mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3 = nonlinearXi3 and rowLinearXi3[e2]
        mapEndDerivatives = (e2 == (elementsCountRadial - 1)) and (
            endDerivativesMap or rescaleEndDerivatives)
        mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3 = nonlinearXi3 and rowLinearXi3[e2 + 1]
        mapDerivatives = mapStartDerivatives or mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3 or \
                         mapEndDerivatives or mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3
        for e3 in range(elementsCountWall):
            for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                en = (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                nids = [
                    nodeId[e3][e2][e1], nodeId[e3][e2][en],
                    nodeId[e3][e2 + 1][e1], nodeId[e3][e2 + 1][en],
                    nodeId[e3 + 1][e2][e1], nodeId[e3 + 1][e2][en],
                    nodeId[e3 + 1][e2 + 1][e1], nodeId[e3 + 1][e2 + 1][en]
                scaleFactors = []

                if mapDerivatives:
                    eft1 = eftFactory.createEftNoCrossDerivatives()
                    # work out if scaling by global -1
                    scaleMinus1 = mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3 or mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3
                    if (not scaleMinus1
                        ) and mapStartDerivatives and startDerivativesMap:
                        for n3 in range(2):
                            n3Idx = n3 + e3
                            # need to handle 3 or 4 maps (e1 uses last 3, en uses first 3)
                            for map in startDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1][-3:]:
                                if map and (-1 in map):
                                    scaleMinus1 = True
                            for map in startDerivativesMap[n3Idx][en][:3]:
                                if map and (-1 in map):
                                    scaleMinus1 = True
                    if (not scaleMinus1
                        ) and mapEndDerivatives and endDerivativesMap:
                        for n3 in range(2):
                            n3Idx = n3 + e3
                            # need to handle 3 or 4 maps (e1 uses last 3, en uses first 3)
                            for map in endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1][-3:]:
                                if map and (-1 in map):
                                    scaleMinus1 = True
                            for map in endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][en][:3]:
                                if map and (-1 in map):
                                    scaleMinus1 = True
                    # make node scale factors vary fastest by local node varying across lower xi
                    nodeScaleFactorIds = []
                    for n3 in range(2):
                        n3Idx = n3 + e3
                        if mapStartDerivatives and rescaleStartDerivatives:
                            for i in range(2):
                                derivativesMap = (
                                    startDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1][1] if
                                    (i == 0) else startDerivativesMap[n3Idx]
                                    [en][1]) if startDerivativesMap else None
                                                  if derivativesMap else (0, 1,
                        if mapEndDerivatives and rescaleEndDerivatives:
                            for i in range(2):
                                derivativesMap = (
                                    endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1][1] if
                                    (i == 0) else endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][en]
                                    [1]) if endDerivativesMap else None
                                                  if derivativesMap else (0, 1,
                    setEftScaleFactorIds(eft1, [1] if scaleMinus1 else [],
                    firstNodeScaleFactorIndex = 2 if scaleMinus1 else 1
                    firstStartNodeScaleFactorIndex = \
                        firstNodeScaleFactorIndex if (mapStartDerivatives and rescaleStartDerivatives) else None
                    firstEndNodeScaleFactorIndex = \
                        (firstNodeScaleFactorIndex + (2 if firstStartNodeScaleFactorIndex else 0)) \
                            if (mapEndDerivatives and rescaleEndDerivatives) else None
                    layerNodeScaleFactorIndexOffset = \
                        4 if (firstStartNodeScaleFactorIndex and firstEndNodeScaleFactorIndex) else 2
                    if scaleMinus1:
                    for n3 in range(2):
                        n3Idx = n3 + e3
                        if firstStartNodeScaleFactorIndex:
                        if firstEndNodeScaleFactorIndex:

                    if mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3:
                            eft1, [1, 5, 2, 6], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3,
                    if mapStartDerivatives:
                        for i in range(2):
                            lns = [1, 5] if (i == 0) else [2, 6]
                            for n3 in range(2):
                                n3Idx = n3 + e3
                                derivativesMap = \
                                    (startDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1] if (i == 0) else startDerivativesMap[n3Idx][en]) \
                                        if startDerivativesMap else (None, None, None)
                                # handle different d1 on each side of node
                                d1Map = \
                                    derivativesMap[0] if ((i == 1) or (len(derivativesMap) < 4)) else derivativesMap[3]
                                d2Map = derivativesMap[1] if derivativesMap[
                                    1] else (0, 1, 0)
                                d3Map = derivativesMap[2]
                                # use temporary to safely swap DS1 and DS2:
                                ln = [lns[n3]]
                                if d1Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1,
                                        [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, [])])
                                if d3Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3,
                                        [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, [])])
                                if d2Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d2Map,
                                            (firstStartNodeScaleFactorIndex +
                                             i + n3 *
                                            if rescaleStartDerivatives else
                                if d1Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d1Map))
                                if d3Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d3Map))
                    if mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3:
                            eft1, [3, 7, 4, 8], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3,
                    if mapEndDerivatives:
                        for i in range(2):
                            lns = [3, 7] if (i == 0) else [4, 8]
                            for n3 in range(2):
                                n3Idx = n3 + e3
                                derivativesMap = \
                                    (endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1] if (i == 0) else endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][en]) \
                                        if endDerivativesMap else (None, None, None)
                                # handle different d1 on each side of node
                                d1Map = derivativesMap[0] if ((i == 1) or (len(derivativesMap) < 4)) else \
                                d2Map = derivativesMap[1] if derivativesMap[
                                    1] else (0, 1, 0)
                                d3Map = derivativesMap[2]

                                # use temporary to safely swap DS1 and DS2:
                                ln = [lns[n3]]
                                if d1Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1,
                                        [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, [])])
                                if d3Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3,
                                        [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, [])])
                                if d2Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d2Map,
                                            (firstEndNodeScaleFactorIndex + i +
                                             n3 *
                                            if rescaleEndDerivatives else
                                if d1Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d1Map))
                                if d3Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d3Map))

                    elementtemplateX.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft1)
                    elementtemplate1 = elementtemplateX
                    eft1 = eftStandard
                    elementtemplate1 = elementtemplateStandard

                element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier,
                result2 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft1, nids)
                if scaleFactors:
                    result3 = element.setScaleFactors(eft1, scaleFactors)
                # print('create element annulus', element.isValid(), elementIdentifier, eft1.validate(),
                #       result2, result3 if scaleFactors else None, nids)
                elementIdentifier += 1

                if rowMeshGroups:
                    for meshGroup in rowMeshGroups[e2]:

                if wallAnnotationGroups:
                    for annotationGroup in wallAnnotationGroups[e3]:
                        meshGroup = annotationGroup.getMeshGroup(mesh)


    return nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier
Beispiel #25
def warpSegmentPoints(xList, d1List, d2List, segmentAxis, segmentLength, sx,
                      sd1, sd2, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment,
                      nSegment, faceMidPointZ):
    Warps points in segment to account for bending and twisting
    along central path defined by nodes sx and derivatives sd1 and sd2.
    :param xList: coordinates of segment points.
    :param d1List: derivatives around axis of segment.
    :param d2List: derivatives along axis of segment.
    :param segmentAxis: axis perpendicular to segment plane.
    :param sx: coordinates of points on central path.
    :param sd1: derivatives of points along central path.
    :param sd2: derivatives representing cross axes.
    :param elementsCountAround: Number of elements around segment.
    :param elementsCountAlongSegment: Number of elements along segment.
    :param nSegment: Segment index along central path.
    :param faceMidPointZ: z-coordinate of midpoint for each element
    groups along the segment.
    :return coordinates and derivatives of warped points.
    xWarpedList = []
    d1WarpedList = []
    d2WarpedList = []
    smoothd2WarpedList = []
    d3WarpedUnitList = []

    for nAlongSegment in range(elementsCountAlongSegment + 1):
        n2 = elementsCountAlongSegment * nSegment + nAlongSegment
        xElementAlongSegment = xList[elementsCountAround *
                                     nAlongSegment:elementsCountAround *
                                     (nAlongSegment + 1)]
        d1ElementAlongSegment = d1List[elementsCountAround *
                                       nAlongSegment:elementsCountAround *
                                       (nAlongSegment + 1)]
        d2ElementAlongSegment = d2List[elementsCountAround *
                                       nAlongSegment:elementsCountAround *
                                       (nAlongSegment + 1)]
        xMid = [0.0, 0.0, faceMidPointZ[nAlongSegment]]

        # Rotate to align segment axis with tangent of central line
        unitTangent = vector.normalise(sd1[n2])
        cp = vector.crossproduct3(segmentAxis, unitTangent)
        dp = vector.dotproduct(segmentAxis, unitTangent)
        if vector.magnitude(
                cp) > 0.0:  # path tangent not parallel to segment axis
            axisRot = vector.normalise(cp)
            thetaRot = math.acos(vector.dotproduct(segmentAxis, unitTangent))
            rotFrame = matrix.getRotationMatrixFromAxisAngle(axisRot, thetaRot)
            midRot = [
                rotFrame[j][0] * xMid[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * xMid[1] +
                rotFrame[j][2] * xMid[2] for j in range(3)
        else:  # path tangent parallel to segment axis (z-axis)
            if dp == -1.0:  # path tangent opposite direction to segment axis
                thetaRot = math.pi
                axisRot = [1.0, 0, 0]
                rotFrame = matrix.getRotationMatrixFromAxisAngle(
                    axisRot, thetaRot)
                midRot = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * xMid[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * xMid[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * xMid[2] for j in range(3)
            else:  # segment axis in same direction as unit tangent
                midRot = xMid
        translateMatrix = [sx[n2][j] - midRot[j] for j in range(3)]

        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            x = xElementAlongSegment[n1]
            d1 = d1ElementAlongSegment[n1]
            d2 = d2ElementAlongSegment[n1]

            if vector.magnitude(
                    cp) > 0.0:  # path tangent not parallel to segment axis
                xRot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * x[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * x[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * x[2] for j in range(3)
                d1Rot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * d1[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * d1[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * d1[2] for j in range(3)
                d2Rot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * d2[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * d2[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * d2[2] for j in range(3)

                if n1 == 0:
                    # Project sd2 onto plane normal to sd1
                    v = sd2[n2]
                    pt = [midRot[j] + sd2[n2][j] for j in range(3)]
                    dist = vector.dotproduct(v, unitTangent)
                    ptOnPlane = [
                        pt[j] - dist * unitTangent[j] for j in range(3)
                    newVector = [ptOnPlane[j] - midRot[j] for j in range(3)]
                    # Rotate first point to align with planar projection of sd2
                    firstVector = vector.normalise(
                        [xRot1[j] - midRot[j] for j in range(3)])
                    thetaRot2 = math.acos(
                    cp2 = vector.crossproduct3(vector.normalise(newVector),
                    if vector.magnitude(cp2) > 0.0:
                        cp2 = vector.normalise(cp2)
                        signThetaRot2 = vector.dotproduct(unitTangent, cp2)
                        axisRot2 = unitTangent
                        rotFrame2 = matrix.getRotationMatrixFromAxisAngle(
                            axisRot2, -signThetaRot2 * thetaRot2)
                        rotFrame2 = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]

            else:  # path tangent parallel to segment axis
                xRot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * x[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * x[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * x[2] for j in range(3)
                ] if dp == -1.0 else x
                d1Rot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * d1[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * d1[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * d1[2] for j in range(3)
                ] if dp == -1.0 else d1
                d2Rot1 = [
                    rotFrame[j][0] * d2[0] + rotFrame[j][1] * d2[1] +
                    rotFrame[j][2] * d2[2] for j in range(3)
                ] if dp == -1.0 else d2

                # Rotate to align start of elementsAround with sd2
                if n1 == 0:
                    v = vector.normalise(sd2[n2])
                    startVector = vector.normalise(
                        [xRot1[j] - midRot[j] for j in range(3)])
                    axisRot2 = unitTangent
                    thetaRot2 = dp * -math.acos(
                        vector.dotproduct(v, startVector))
                    rotFrame2 = matrix.getRotationMatrixFromAxisAngle(
                        axisRot2, thetaRot2)

            xRot2 = [
                rotFrame2[j][0] * xRot1[0] + rotFrame2[j][1] * xRot1[1] +
                rotFrame2[j][2] * xRot1[2] for j in range(3)
            d1Rot2 = [
                rotFrame2[j][0] * d1Rot1[0] + rotFrame2[j][1] * d1Rot1[1] +
                rotFrame2[j][2] * d1Rot1[2] for j in range(3)
            d2Rot2 = [
                rotFrame2[j][0] * d2Rot1[0] + rotFrame2[j][1] * d2Rot1[1] +
                rotFrame2[j][2] * d2Rot1[2] for j in range(3)
            xTranslate = [xRot2[j] + translateMatrix[j] for j in range(3)]


    # Smooth d2 for segment
    smoothd2Raw = []
    for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
        nx = []
        nd2 = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountAlongSegment + 1):
            n = n2 * elementsCountAround + n1
        smoothd2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
            nx, nd2, fixStartDerivative=True, fixEndDerivative=True)

    # Re-arrange smoothd2
    for n2 in range(elementsCountAlongSegment + 1):
        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):

    # Calculate unit d3
    for n in range(len(xWarpedList)):
        d3Unit = vector.normalise(

    return xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, smoothd2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList