def parse_row_of_csv(csv_file_to_parse):
        """Gets rows from CSV file""""start reading the csv file line by line")
        # This is to set the separators in the CSV file
        # TODO: This should be in the obp_config
        delimiter = ';'
        quote_char = '"'
        obp_logger.debug("Set CSV delimiter to: %s" % delimiter)
        obp_logger.debug("Set CSV quote_char to: %s" % quote_char)

        # re : \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d
        # This will check if date is formatted like this: 23.01.2001
        obp_logger.debug("Set regular expression to: \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d")
        data_expression = re.compile('\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d')
        obp_logger.debug("starting csv reader")
        transaction_reader = csv.reader(
            open(csv_file_to_parse, 'rb'),

        obp_logger.debug("Start of for loop of transaction_reader")
        for row in transaction_reader:

            # The first valid entry always has a date: check for it.
            # If it doesn't exist, add this row to the csv_header_info and then continue.
            obp_logger.debug("checking for date in first row from csv")
            if data_expression.match(row[0]) == None:
                obp_logger.debug("append row to csv_header_info, row is: %s" % row)
                # When we have a valid date, call get_info_from_row.
                obp_transaction_dict = get_info_from_row(row)
                obp_logger.debug("call get_info_from_row")

            # This will create a hash and return it.
            json_hash = create_hash(json_formatter(obp_transaction_dict))
            obp_logger.debug("create json_hash from obp_transaction_dict")
            # Some debug output. So that we may can see the content of the JSON
            # and the hash.
  "The hash of the JSON is: %s" % json_hash)
            print "%s:The hash of the JSON is: %s" % (date_now_formatted(), json_hash)

            # Insert the hash into the cache. If it worked (the hash did not yet exist)
	    # send it to the API.
            result = insert_hash_to_cache(json_hash, HASH_FILE)
            if result == True:
                result = insert_into_scala(

                obp_logger.debug("HTTP POST result is: %s" % result)
                #obp_logger.debug("HTTP POST text from result is: %s" % result.text)
      "Transaction is already in hash file, not inserting")
                print "%s:Transaction is already in hash file, not inserting" % date_now_formatted()
def parse_row_of_csv(csv_file_to_parse):
    """Gets rows from CSV file""""start reading the csv file line by line")
    # This is to set the separators in the CSV file
    # TODO: This should be in the obp_config
    delimiter = ';'
    quote_char = '"'
    obp_logger.debug("Set CSV delimiter to: %s" % delimiter)
    obp_logger.debug("Set CSV quote_char to: %s" % quote_char)

    # re : \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d
    # This will check if date is formatted like this: 23.01.2001
    obp_logger.debug("Set regular expression to: \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d")
    data_expression = re.compile('\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d')
    obp_logger.debug("starting csv reader")
    transaction_reader = csv.reader(open(csv_file_to_parse, 'rb'),

    obp_logger.debug("Start of for loop of transaction_reader")
    for row in transaction_reader:

        # The first valid entry always has a date: check for it.
        # If it doesn't exist, add this row to the csv_header_info and then continue.
        obp_logger.debug("checking for date in first row from csv")
        if data_expression.match(row[0]) == None:
            obp_logger.debug("append row to csv_header_info, row is: %s" % row)
            # When we have a valid date, call get_info_from_row.
            obp_transaction_dict = get_info_from_row(row)
            obp_logger.debug("call get_info_from_row")

        # This will create a hash and return it.
        json_hash = create_hash(json_formatter(obp_transaction_dict))
        obp_logger.debug("create json_hash from obp_transaction_dict")
        # Some debug output. So that we may can see the content of the JSON
        # and the hash."The hash of the JSON is: %s" % json_hash)
        print "%s:The hash of the JSON is: %s" % (date_now_formatted(),

        # Insert the hash into the cache. If it worked (the hash did not yet exist)
        # send it to the API.
        result = insert_hash_to_cache(json_hash, HASH_FILE)
        if result == True:
            result = insert_into_scala(SCALA_HOST, SCALA_PORT,

            obp_logger.debug("HTTP POST result is: %s" % result)
            #obp_logger.debug("HTTP POST text from result is: %s" % result.text)
                "Transaction is already in hash file, not inserting")
            print "%s:Transaction is already in hash file, not inserting" % date_now_formatted(
def parse_row_of_csv(csv_file_to_parse):
        """Get rows from CSV file"""
        # This is for the speater in the CSV file
        # TODO: This should be in the obp_config
        delimiter = ';'
        quote_char = '"'

        # re : \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d
        # This will check of date formarted lile this: 23.01.2001
        data_expression = re.compile('\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d')
        transactionReader = csv.reader(open(csv_file_to_parse, 'rb'), delimiter=delimiter, quotechar=quote_char)
        for row in transactionReader:

            # The first vaild entry has always a date, checking for it. 
            # When not, add this row to the csv_header_info and then continue. 
            if data_expression.match(row[0]) == None:

                # When we have a valid date, call get_info_from_row. 
                obp_transaction_dict = get_info_from_row(row)
            # This will create a hash and return it. 
            json_hash = create_hash(json_out_correter(obp_transaction_dict))
            # Some debug output. So we may can see the content of the JSON and the Hash.
            print "In the JSON is:\n%s" % json_out_correter(obp_transaction_dict)
            print "The hash of the JSON is: %s" % json_hash
            # Try to inserting the Hash, return inserting it when hash not already exist. Return then True,else False
            # and this Hash was already in var/cache
            result = inserting_hash(json_hash,HASH_FILE)
            if result == True:
                result = insert_into_scala(SCALA_HOST,SCALA_PORT,json_out_correter(obp_transaction_dict))
                print output_with_date(),result
                print output_with_date(), result.text
                print "%s:Transaction is already in hash file, will no inserting" % output_with_date()