def parse(self):
        self.__read_time = time.time()

                # First read the file.  This makes sure it exists and can be parsed.
                self.__config = scalyr_util.read_file_as_json(self.__file_path)

                # What implicit entries do we need to add?  metric monitor, agent.log, and then logs from all monitors.
            except JsonReadFileException, e:
                raise BadConfiguration(str(e), None, 'fileParseError')

            # Import any requested variables from the shell and use them for substitutions.

            self.__verify_main_config_and_apply_defaults(self.__config, self.__file_path)
            self.__verify_logs_and_monitors_configs_and_apply_defaults(self.__config, self.__file_path)

            # Now, look for any additional configuration in the config fragment directory.
            for fp in self.__list_files(self.config_directory):
                content = scalyr_util.read_file_as_json(fp)
                for k in content.keys():
                    if k not in ('logs', 'monitors', 'server_attributes'):
                        self.__last_error = BadConfiguration(
                            'Configuration fragment file "%s" contains an invalid key "%s".  The config files in the '
                            'configuration directory can only contain "logs", "monitors", and "server_attributes" '
                            'entries.' % (fp, k), k, 'badFragmentKey')
                        raise self.__last_error

                self.__verify_logs_and_monitors_configs_and_apply_defaults(content, fp)

                self.__add_elements_from_array('logs', content, self.__config)
                self.__add_elements_from_array('monitors', content, self.__config)
                self.__merge_server_attributes(fp, content, self.__config)

            # Add in 'serverHost' to server_attributes if it is not set.  We must do this after merging any
            # server attributes from the config fragments.
            if 'serverHost' not in self.server_attributes:
                self.__config['server_attributes']['serverHost'] = socket.gethostname()

            # Add in implicit entry to collect the log generated by this agent.
            agent_log = None
            if self.implicit_agent_log_collection:
                config = JsonObject(path='agent.log')
                self.__verify_log_entry_and_set_defaults(config, description='implicit rule')
                agent_log = config

            # Add in any platform-specific monitors.
            platform_monitors = []
            for monitor in self.__default_monitors:
                config = JsonObject(content=monitor)
                self.__verify_monitor_entry_and_set_defaults(config, 'default monitors for platform', -1)

            all_logs = list(self.__config.get_json_array('logs'))
            if agent_log is not None:

            # We need to go back and fill in the monitor id if it is not set.  We do this by keeping a count of
            # how many monitors we have with the same module name (just considering the last element of the module
            # path).  We use the shortened form of the module name because that is used when emitting lines for
            # this monitor in the logs -- see
            monitors_by_module_name = {}
            # Tracks which modules already had an id present in the module config.
            had_id = {}
            all_monitors = list(self.__config.get_json_array('monitors'))
            for monitor in platform_monitors:

            for entry in all_monitors:
                module_name = entry['module'].split('.')[-1]
                if not module_name in monitors_by_module_name:
                    index = 1
                    index = monitors_by_module_name[module_name] + 1
                if 'id' not in entry:
                    entry['id'] = index
                    had_id[module_name] = True

                monitors_by_module_name[module_name] = index

            # Just as a simplification, if there is only one monitor with a given name, we remove the monitor_id
            # to clean up it's name in the logs.
            for entry in all_monitors:
                module_name = entry['module'].split('.')[-1]
                if monitors_by_module_name[module_name] == 1 and not module_name in had_id:
                    entry['id'] = ''

            # Now build up __logs to have an object created for each log entry, and __monitors to have an object
            # created for each monitor entry.
            for entry in all_logs:
                # Automatically add in the parser to the attributes section.  We make a copy of the object first
                # just to be safe.
                entry = JsonObject(content=entry)
                if 'parser' in entry:
                    entry['attributes']['parser'] = entry['parser']

                if self.__log_factory is not None:

            if self.__monitor_factory is not None:
                for entry in all_monitors:
                    self.__monitors.append(self.__monitor_factory(entry, self.additional_monitor_module_paths))

            # Get all of the paths for the logs currently being copied.
            all_paths = {}
            for entry in self.__logs:
                all_paths[entry.log_path] = True

            # Now add in a logs entry for each monitor's log file if there is not already
            # an entry for it.
            for entry in self.__monitors:
                log_config = entry.log_config
                if type(log_config) is dict:
                    log_config = JsonObject(content=log_config)

                # If the log config does not specify a parser, we add it in.
                self.__verify_or_set_optional_string(log_config, 'parser', 'agent-metrics',
                                                     'log entry requested by module "%s"' % entry.module_name)
                    log_config, description='log entry requested by module "%s"' % entry.module_name)

                path = log_config['path']
                # Update the monitor to have the complete log config entry.  This also guarantees that the path
                # is absolute.
                entry.log_config = log_config
                if not path in all_paths:
                    if 'parser' in log_config:
                        log_config['attributes']['parser'] = log_config['parser']
                    if self.__log_factory is not None:
                    all_paths[path] = True