def __init__(self, imgMarginWidth=320, historyDepth=5, margin=100, windowSplit=2, winCount=9,
                 searchPortion=1., veHiDepth=30, pointSize=64,
                 groupThrd=10, groupDiff=.1, confidenceThrd=.7):
        self.imgProcessor = ip.Processing()
        self.warper = ip.Warping()
        self.imgMarginWidth = imgMarginWidth
        self.lineLeft = Line(lineSpace=LineSpace.LEFT, historyDepth=historyDepth,
                             margin=margin, windowSplit=windowSplit, winCount=winCount,
        self.lineRight = Line(lineSpace=LineSpace.RIGHT, historyDepth=historyDepth,
                              margin=margin, windowSplit=windowSplit, winCount=winCount,
        self.fitHistory = []

        # ====| PROJECT 5 - VEHICLE DETECTION |====
        # Adding Vehicle scanner
        self.scanner = VehicleScanner(pointSize=pointSize,
                                      veHiDepth=veHiDepth, groupThrd=groupThrd, groupDiff=groupDiff,
class Detector:
    def __init__(self, imgMarginWidth=320, historyDepth=5, margin=100, windowSplit=2, winCount=9,
                 searchPortion=1., veHiDepth=30, pointSize=64,
                 groupThrd=10, groupDiff=.1, confidenceThrd=.7):
        self.imgProcessor = ip.Processing()
        self.warper = ip.Warping()
        self.imgMarginWidth = imgMarginWidth
        self.lineLeft = Line(lineSpace=LineSpace.LEFT, historyDepth=historyDepth,
                             margin=margin, windowSplit=windowSplit, winCount=winCount,
        self.lineRight = Line(lineSpace=LineSpace.RIGHT, historyDepth=historyDepth,
                              margin=margin, windowSplit=windowSplit, winCount=winCount,
        self.fitHistory = []

        # ====| PROJECT 5 - VEHICLE DETECTION |====
        # Adding Vehicle scanner
        self.scanner = VehicleScanner(pointSize=pointSize,
                                      veHiDepth=veHiDepth, groupThrd=groupThrd, groupDiff=groupDiff,

    def preProcess(self, src):
        Creates binary with combined threshold and applies
        perspective transform for bird-eye view
        :param src: source color image (assuming it's been previously undistorted)
        :return: bird-eye view binary
        imgHeight = src.shape[0]

        binary = ip.Thresholding.combiThreshold(src=src)

        filler = np.zeros((imgHeight, self.imgMarginWidth), dtype=np.uint8)
        binary = np.hstack((filler, binary, filler))

        binaryWarp = self.warper.birdEye(img=binary, leftShift=self.imgMarginWidth)

        return binaryWarp

    def sanityCheckPass(fitL, fitR):
        Checking for left and right curvatures similarity and lane width to be within a given range
        :param fitL: left curve polynomial parameters
        :param fitR: right curve polynomial parameters
        :return: True or False
        tolerance = 1.2
        maxCurvDelta = 0.006  # 0.000666 * tolerance
        laneWidthRange = (800 / tolerance, 1000 * tolerance)
        imgBottom = 719

        if fitR is None or fitL is None:
            return False

        al = fitL[0]
        ar = fitR[0]

        curvDelta = abs(ar - al)
        if curvDelta > maxCurvDelta:
            return False

            bl = fitL[1]
            br = fitR[1]

            cl = fitL[2]
            cr = fitR[2]

            leftBottomX = al * (imgBottom ** 2) + bl * imgBottom + cl
            rightBottomX = ar * (imgBottom ** 2) + br * imgBottom + cr

            laneWidth = rightBottomX - leftBottomX

            return (rightBottomX > leftBottomX) & (
                laneWidthRange[1] >= laneWidth >= int(laneWidthRange[0]))

    def addLanePoly(self, srcShape, dst, fitLeft, fitRight):
        Adding lane polygon to an empty image with the shape of bird-eye view with 
        subsequent perspective projection to destination image (clipping previously added left and right fillers)
        :param srcShape: shape of bird-eye view (may be wider than original image)
        :param dst: original color (assumed previously undistorted) image
        :param fitLeft: left curve polynomial parameters
        :param fitRight: right curve polynomial parameters
        :return: color image with projected lane
        lanePolyImg, leftOutstand, _ = ip.Drawing.addPolygon(srcShape=srcShape, lFit=fitLeft,
                                                             rFit=fitRight, stepCount=10, color=(0, 255, 0))
        imgH = dst.shape[1]

        lShift = self.imgMarginWidth + leftOutstand
        perspective = self.warper.perspective(lanePolyImg,
                                              leftShift=lShift)[:, lShift:lShift + imgH, :]
        return cv2.addWeighted(dst, 1, perspective, 0.5, 0)

    def addPip(self, pipImage, dstImage, pipAlpha=0.5, pipResizeRatio=0.3, origin=(20, 20)):
        Adding small Picture-in-picture binary bird-eye projection with search areas and found lines embedded
        :param pipImage: original binary bird-eye projection with search areas and found lines embedded
        :param dstImage: destination color image (assumed undistorted)
        :param pipAlpha: pip alpha
        :param pipResizeRatio: pip scale
        :param origin: coordinates of upper-left corner of small picture
        :return: color image with P-i-P embedded
        smallPip = self.imgProcessor.resize(src=pipImage, ratio=pipResizeRatio)

        pipHeight = smallPip.shape[0]
        pipWidth = smallPip.shape[1]

        backGround = dstImage[origin[1]:origin[1] + pipHeight, origin[0]:origin[0] + pipWidth]

        blend = np.round(backGround * (1 - pipAlpha), 0) + np.round(smallPip * pipAlpha, 0)

        blend = np.minimum(blend, 255)

        dstImage[origin[1]:origin[1] + pipHeight, origin[0]:origin[0] + pipWidth] = blend

        # return dstImage

    def addOffsetStamp(self, leftFit, rightFit, image, origin, color=(255, 255, 255), fontScale=1.0, thickness=1):
        Evaluating camera offset and adding it to a given image
        :param thickness: line thickness
        :param leftFit: left curve polynomial parameters
        :param rightFit: right curve polynomial parameters
        :param image: image where data being added
        :param origin: upper-left corner of the offset stamp
        :param color: stamp color
        :param fontScale: font scale
        :return: void (adds text to passed image)

        imgW = image.shape[1]
        imgH = image.shape[0]

        yBottom = imgH - 1
        cameraCenter = imgW / 2
        lBottomX = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=yBottom, fitParams=leftFit) - self.imgMarginWidth
        rBottomX = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=yBottom, fitParams=rightFit) - self.imgMarginWidth
        laneWidth = rBottomX - lBottomX
        scaleX = 3.7 / laneWidth
        laneCenter = (lBottomX + rBottomX) / 2
        offSet = (cameraCenter - laneCenter) * scaleX
        aux.putText(img=image, text='Estimated Vehicle Offset: {:.2f} m'.format(offSet),
                    origin=origin, color=color, scale=fontScale, thickness=thickness)

    def addCurvatureStamp(leftFit, rightFit, image, origin, color=(255, 255, 255), fontScale=1.0, thickness=1):

        Evaluating lane curvature and adding it to a given image
        :param thickness: text thickness
        :param leftFit: left curve polynomial parameters
        :param rightFit: right curve polynomial parameters
        :param image: image where data being added
        :param origin: upper-left corner of the offset stamp
        :param color: stamp color
        :param fontScale: font scale
        :return: void (adds text to passed image)

        imgH = image.shape[0]

        yBottom = imgH - 1
        scaleY = 27 / imgH  # meters per pixel
        leftCurvature = aux.curvature(fitParams=leftFit, variable=yBottom, scale=scaleY)
        rightCurvature = aux.curvature(fitParams=rightFit, variable=yBottom, scale=scaleY)
        curvature = (leftCurvature + rightCurvature) / 2
        aux.putText(img=image, text='Estimated Lane Curvature: {:.1f} m'.format(round(curvature / 100, 1) * 100),
                    origin=origin, color=color, scale=fontScale, thickness=thickness)

    def embedDetections(self, src, pipParams=None):
        Main 'pipeline' for adding Lane polygon AND detected vehicles to the original image
        :param src: original image
        :param pipParams: alpha and scale ratios
        :return: undistorted color image with the Lane embedded.

        # 1. Undistortion
        img = self.imgProcessor.undistort(src=src)

        1a. ====| PROJECT 5 - VEHICLE DETECTION |====
        Getting vehicle boxes
        vBoxes, heatMap = self.scanner.relevantBoxes(src=img)

        # 2. Binary (bird-eye projection)
        binary = self.preProcess(src=img)

        # 3. Getting fits
        #currFitLeft, leftFitType, leftBin = self.lineLeft.getFit(src=binary)
        #currFitRight, rightFitType, rightBin = self.lineRight.getFit(src=binary)

        # 4. Evaluation
        sanityPass = self.sanityCheckPass(currFitLeft, currFitRight)

        if sanityPass:
            # Adding Lane polygon if sanity check passed
            img = self.addLanePoly(srcShape=binary.shape, dst=img, fitLeft=currFitLeft, fitRight=currFitRight)

            # Evaluation if box-search re-scan justified without resetting history of previous fits
            if self.lineLeft.reScanJustified():
                currFitLeft, leftFitType, leftBin = self.lineLeft.reScanWithPrimary(src=binary)
                # Resetting fits and starting from scratch with box-search
                currFitLeft, leftFitType, leftBin = self.lineLeft.getFit(src=binary)

            # Same for right fit.
            if self.lineRight.reScanJustified():
                currFitRight, rightFitType, rightBin = self.lineRight.reScanWithPrimary(src=binary)
                currFitRight, rightFitType, rightBin = self.lineRight.getFit(src=binary)

            # Evaluation after second search attempt
            # sanityPass, laneWidth = self.sanityCheckPass(currFitLeft, currFitRight)
            sanityPass = self.sanityCheckPass(currFitLeft, currFitRight)

            # Adding Lane polygon if sanity check passed. Otherwise, simply no poly added
            if sanityPass:
                img = self.addLanePoly(srcShape=binary.shape, dst=img, fitLeft=currFitLeft, fitRight=currFitRight)
        # ====| PROJECT 5 - VEHICLE DETECTION |====
        # Drawing vehicle boxes
        aux.drawBoxes(img=img, bBoxes=vBoxes)

        # Upper left corner where starting to add pip and telemetry
        origin = (20, 20)

        # Adding PIP
        if pipParams is not None:
            alpha = pipParams['alpha']
            ratio = pipParams['scaleRatio']

            # Combining bins from left and right fit searches
            #commonBin = cv2.addWeighted(src1=leftBin, alpha=0.5, src2=rightBin, beta=0.5, gamma=1.0)

            # To keep for subsequent telemetry stamps
            #pipHeight = int(commonBin.shape[0] * ratio)
            heatWidth = int(heatMap.shape[1] * ratio)

            # Lane Detection Picture-in-Picture
            self.addPip(pipImage=commonBin, dstImage=img,
                        pipAlpha=alpha, pipResizeRatio=ratio, origin=origin)

            # ====| PROJECT 5 - VEHICLE DETECTION |====
            # Vehicle Detection Picture-in-Picture
            self.addPip(pipImage=heatMap, dstImage=img,
                        pipAlpha=alpha, pipResizeRatio=ratio,
                        origin=(img.shape[1] - heatWidth - 20, 20))

            if currFitLeft is not None and currFitRight is not None:
                self.addCurvatureStamp(leftFit=currFitLeft, rightFit=currFitRight,
                                       image=img, origin=(20, pipHeight + 40), fontScale=0.66, thickness=2,
                                       color=(0, 255, 0))

                self.addOffsetStamp(leftFit=currFitLeft, rightFit=currFitRight,
                                    image=img, origin=(20, pipHeight + 70), fontScale=0.66, thickness=2,
                                    color=(0, 255, 0))
        return img