Beispiel #1
def scan(domain, options):
    logging.debug("[%s][pshtt]" % domain)

    # cache output from pshtt
    cache_pshtt = utils.cache_path(domain, "pshtt", ext="json")

    force = options.get("force", False)
    data = None

    if (force is False) and (os.path.exists(cache_pshtt)):
        raw = open(cache_pshtt).read()
        data = json.loads(raw)
        if (data.__class__ is dict) and data.get('invalid'):
            return None

        logging.debug("\t %s %s" % (command, domain))

        flags = "--json --user-agent \"%s\" --timeout %i --preload-cache %s" % (
            user_agent, timeout, preload_cache)

        # Only useful when debugging interaction between projects.
        # flags = "%s --debug" % flags

        # Give the Python shell environment a pyenv environment.
        pyenv_init = "eval \"$(pyenv init -)\" && pyenv shell %s" % pyenv_version
        # Really un-ideal, but calling out to Python2 from Python 3 is a nightmare.
        # I don't think this tool's threat model includes untrusted CSV, either.
        raw = utils.unsafe_execute("%s && %s %s %s" %
                                   (pyenv_init, command, domain, flags))

        if not raw:
            utils.write(utils.invalid({}), cache_pshtt)
            logging.warn("\tBad news scanning, sorry!")
            return None

        data = json.loads(raw)
        utils.write(utils.json_for(data), utils.cache_path(domain, "pshtt"))

    # pshtt scanner uses JSON arrays, even for single items
    data = data[0]

    row = []
    for field in headers:
        value = data[field]

        # TODO: Fix this upstream
        if (field != "HSTS Header") and (field != "HSTS Max Age") and (
                field != "Redirect To"):
            if value is None:
                value = False


    yield row
Beispiel #2
def scan(domain, options):
    logging.debug("[%s][pshtt]" % domain)

    # cache output from pshtt
    cache_pshtt = utils.cache_path(domain, "pshtt", ext="json")

    force = options.get("force", False)
    data = None

    if (force is False) and (os.path.exists(cache_pshtt)):
        raw = open(cache_pshtt).read()
        data = json.loads(raw)
        if (data.__class__ is dict) and data.get('invalid'):
            return None

        logging.debug("\t %s %s" % (command, domain))

        flags = "--json --user-agent \"%s\" --timeout %i --preload-cache %s" % (user_agent, timeout, preload_cache)

        # Only useful when debugging interaction between projects.
        # flags = "%s --debug" % flags

        # Give the Python shell environment a pyenv environment.
        pyenv_init = "eval \"$(pyenv init -)\" && pyenv shell %s" % pyenv_version
        # Really un-ideal, but calling out to Python2 from Python 3 is a nightmare.
        # I don't think this tool's threat model includes untrusted CSV, either.
        raw = utils.unsafe_execute("%s && %s %s %s" % (pyenv_init, command, domain, flags))

        if not raw:
            utils.write(utils.invalid({}), cache_pshtt)
            logging.warn("\tBad news scanning, sorry!")
            return None

        data = json.loads(raw)
        utils.write(utils.json_for(data), utils.cache_path(domain, "pshtt"))

    # pshtt scanner uses JSON arrays, even for single items
    data = data[0]

    row = []
    for field in headers:
        value = data[field]

        # TODO: Fix this upstream
        if (field != "HSTS Header") and (field != "HSTS Max Age") and (field != "Redirect To"):
            if value is None:
                value = False


    yield row
Beispiel #3
def check_wildcard(subdomain, options):

    wildcard = wildcard_for(subdomain)

    cache = utils.cache_path(subdomain, "subdomains")
    if (options.get("force", False) is False) and (os.path.exists(cache)):
        logging.debug("\tDNS info cached.")
        raw = open(cache).read()
        data = json.loads(raw)

        logging.debug("\t dig +short '%s'" % wildcard)
        raw_wild = utils.unsafe_execute("dig +short '%s'" % wildcard)

        if raw_wild == "":
            raw_wild = None
            raw_self = None
            logging.debug("\t dig +short '%s'" % subdomain)
            raw_self = utils.unsafe_execute("dig +short '%s'" % subdomain)

        if raw_wild:
            parsed_wild = raw_wild.split("\n")
            parsed_wild = None

        if raw_self:
            parsed_self = raw_self.split("\n")
            parsed_self = None

        data = {'response': {'wild': parsed_wild, 'itself': parsed_self}}

    return data['response']
Beispiel #4
def check_wildcard(subdomain, options):

    wildcard = wildcard_for(subdomain)

    cache = utils.cache_path(subdomain, "subdomains")
    if (options.get("force", False) is False) and (os.path.exists(cache)):
        logging.debug("\tDNS info cached.")
        raw = open(cache).read()
        data = json.loads(raw)

        logging.debug("\t dig +short '%s'" % wildcard)
        raw_wild = utils.unsafe_execute("dig +short '%s'" % wildcard)

        if raw_wild == "":
            raw_wild = None
            raw_self = None
            logging.debug("\t dig +short '%s'" % subdomain)
            raw_self = utils.unsafe_execute("dig +short '%s'" % subdomain)

        if raw_wild:
            parsed_wild = raw_wild.split("\n")
            parsed_wild = None

        if raw_self:
            parsed_self = raw_self.split("\n")
            parsed_self = None

        data = {'response': {'wild': parsed_wild, 'itself': parsed_self}}
        utils.write(utils.json_for(data), cache)

    return data['response']
Beispiel #5
def network_check(subdomain, endpoint, options):
    cache = utils.cache_path(subdomain, "subdomains")

    wildcard = wildcard_for(subdomain)

    if (options.get("force", False) is False) and (os.path.exists(cache)):
        logging.debug("\tDNS and content cached.")
        raw = open(cache).read()
        data = json.loads(raw)

    # Hit DNS and HTTP.
        # HTTP content: just use curl.
        # Turn on --insecure because we want to see the content even at sites
        # where the certificate isn't right or proper.
        logging.debug("\t curl --silent --insecure %s" % endpoint)
        content = utils.scan(["curl", "--silent", "--insecure", endpoint])

        # DNS content: just use dig.
        # Not awesome - uses an unsafe shell execution of `dig` to look up DNS,
        # as I couldn't figure out a way to get "+short" to play nice with
        # the more secure execution methods available to me. Since this system
        # isn't expected to process untrusted input, this should be okay.
        logging.debug("\t dig +short '%s'" % wildcard)
        raw_wild = utils.unsafe_execute("dig +short '%s'" % wildcard)

        if raw_wild == "":
            raw_wild = None
            raw_self = None
            logging.debug("\t dig +short '%s'" % subdomain)
            raw_self = utils.unsafe_execute("dig +short '%s'" % subdomain)

        if raw_wild:
            parsed_wild = raw_wild.split("\n")
            parsed_wild = None

        if raw_self:
            parsed_self = raw_self.split("\n")
            parsed_self = None

        # Cache HTTP and DNS data to disk.
        data = {
            'response': {
                'content': content,
                'wildcard_dns': parsed_wild,
                'self_dns': parsed_self

        if (parsed_wild) and (parsed_wild == parsed_self):
            data['response']['matched_wild'] = True
            data['response']['matched_wild'] = False

        utils.write(utils.json_for(data), cache)

    return data['response']
Beispiel #6
def scan(domain, options):
    logging.debug("[%s][sslyze]" % domain)

    # Optional: skip domains which don't support HTTPS in prior inspection
    if utils.domain_doesnt_support_https(domain):
        logging.debug("\tSkipping, HTTPS not supported in inspection.")
        return None

    # Optional: if pshtt data says canonical endpoint uses www and this domain
    # doesn't have it, add it.
    if utils.domain_uses_www(domain):
        scan_domain = "www.%s" % domain
        scan_domain = domain

    # cache XML from sslyze
    cache_xml = utils.cache_path(domain, "sslyze", ext="xml")
    # because sslyze manages its own output (can't yet print to stdout),
    # we have to mkdir_p the path ourselves

    force = options.get("force", False)

    if (force is False) and (os.path.exists(cache_xml)):
        xml = open(cache_xml).read()

        logging.debug("\t %s %s" % (command, scan_domain))
        # use scan_domain (possibly www-prefixed) to do actual scan

        # Give the Python shell environment a pyenv environment.
        pyenv_init = "eval \"$(pyenv init -)\" && pyenv shell %s" % pyenv_version
        # Really un-ideal, but calling out to Python2 from Python 3 is a nightmare.
        # I don't think this tool's threat model includes untrusted CSV, either.
        raw = utils.unsafe_execute(
            "%s && %s --regular --quiet %s --xml_out=%s" %
            (pyenv_init, command, scan_domain, cache_xml))

        if raw is None:
            # TODO: save standard invalid XML data...?
            logging.warn("\tBad news scanning, sorry!")
            return None

        xml = utils.scan(["cat", cache_xml])
        if not xml:
            logging.warn("\tBad news reading XML, sorry!")
            return None

        utils.write(xml, cache_xml)

    data = parse_sslyze(xml)

    if data is None:
        logging.warn("\tNo valid target for scanning, couldn't connect.")
        return None

    utils.write(utils.json_for(data), utils.cache_path(domain, "sslyze"))

    yield [
        data['protocols']['sslv2'], data['protocols']['sslv3'],
        data['protocols']['tlsv1.0'], data['protocols']['tlsv1.1'],
        data['protocols']['tlsv1.2'], data['config'].get('any_dhe'),
        data['config'].get('all_dhe'), data['config'].get('weakest_dh'),
        data['config'].get('any_rc4'), data['config'].get('all_rc4'),
        data['config'].get('ocsp_stapling'), data['certs'].get('key_type'),
        data['certs'].get('key_length'), data['certs'].get('leaf_signature'),
        data['certs'].get('any_sha1'), data['certs'].get('not_before'),
        data['certs'].get('not_after'), data['certs'].get('served_issuer'),
Beispiel #7
def scan(domain, options):
    logging.debug("[%s][sslyze]" % domain)

    # Optional: skip domains which don't support HTTPS in prior inspection
    if utils.domain_doesnt_support_https(domain):
        logging.debug("\tSkipping, HTTPS not supported in inspection.")
        return None

    # Optional: if pshtt data says canonical endpoint uses www and this domain
    # doesn't have it, add it.
    if utils.domain_uses_www(domain):
        scan_domain = "www.%s" % domain
        scan_domain = domain

    # cache XML from sslyze
    cache_xml = utils.cache_path(domain, "sslyze", ext="xml")
    # because sslyze manages its own output (can't yet print to stdout),
    # we have to mkdir_p the path ourselves

    force = options.get("force", False)

    if (force is False) and (os.path.exists(cache_xml)):
        xml = open(cache_xml).read()

        logging.debug("\t %s %s" % (command, scan_domain))
        # use scan_domain (possibly www-prefixed) to do actual scan

        # Give the Python shell environment a pyenv environment.
        pyenv_init = "eval \"$(pyenv init -)\" && pyenv shell %s" % pyenv_version
        # Really un-ideal, but calling out to Python2 from Python 3 is a nightmare.
        # I don't think this tool's threat model includes untrusted CSV, either.
        raw = utils.unsafe_execute("%s && %s --regular --quiet %s --xml_out=%s" % (pyenv_init, command, scan_domain, cache_xml))

        if raw is None:
            # TODO: save standard invalid XML data...?
            logging.warn("\tBad news scanning, sorry!")
            return None

        xml = utils.scan(["cat", cache_xml])
        if not xml:
            logging.warn("\tBad news reading XML, sorry!")
            return None

        utils.write(xml, cache_xml)

    data = parse_sslyze(xml)

    if data is None:
        logging.warn("\tNo valid target for scanning, couldn't connect.")
        return None

    utils.write(utils.json_for(data), utils.cache_path(domain, "sslyze"))

    yield [
        data['protocols']['sslv2'], data['protocols']['sslv3'],
        data['protocols']['tlsv1.0'], data['protocols']['tlsv1.1'],

        data['config'].get('any_dhe'), data['config'].get('all_dhe'),
        data['config'].get('any_rc4'), data['config'].get('all_rc4'),


        data['certs'].get('key_type'), data['certs'].get('key_length'),
        data['certs'].get('leaf_signature'), data['certs'].get('any_sha1'),
        data['certs'].get('not_before'), data['certs'].get('not_after'),

Beispiel #8
def network_check(subdomain, endpoint, options):
    cache = utils.cache_path(subdomain, "subdomains")

    wildcard = wildcard_for(subdomain)

    if (options.get("force", False) is False) and (os.path.exists(cache)):
        logging.debug("\tDNS and content cached.")
        raw = open(cache).read()
        data = json.loads(raw)

    # Hit DNS and HTTP.
        # HTTP content: just use curl.
        # Turn on --insecure because we want to see the content even at sites
        # where the certificate isn't right or proper.
        logging.debug("\t curl --silent --insecure %s" % endpoint)
        content = utils.scan(["curl", "--silent", "--insecure", endpoint])

        # DNS content: just use dig.
        # Not awesome - uses an unsafe shell execution of `dig` to look up DNS,
        # as I couldn't figure out a way to get "+short" to play nice with
        # the more secure execution methods available to me. Since this system
        # isn't expected to process untrusted input, this should be okay.
        logging.debug("\t dig +short '%s'" % wildcard)
        raw_wild = utils.unsafe_execute("dig +short '%s'" % wildcard)

        if raw_wild == "":
            raw_wild = None
            raw_self = None
            logging.debug("\t dig +short '%s'" % subdomain)
            raw_self = utils.unsafe_execute("dig +short '%s'" % subdomain)

        if raw_wild:
            parsed_wild = raw_wild.split("\n")
            parsed_wild = None

        if raw_self:
            parsed_self = raw_self.split("\n")
            parsed_self = None

        # Cache HTTP and DNS data to disk.
        data = {'response': {
            'content': content,
            'wildcard_dns': parsed_wild,
            'self_dns': parsed_self

        if (parsed_wild) and (parsed_wild == parsed_self):
            data['response']['matched_wild'] = True
            data['response']['matched_wild'] = False

        utils.write(utils.json_for(data), cache)

    return data['response']