Beispiel #1
class HCSIPacket(six.with_metaclass(_Geotag_metaclass, PPI_Element)):
    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        if self.geotag_len is None:
            sl_g = struct.pack('<H', len(p))
            p = p[:2] + sl_g + p[4:]
        p += pay
        return p
Beispiel #2
class _GenericHMAC(six.with_metaclass(_GenericHMACMetaclass, object)):
    def __init__(self, key=None):
        if key is None:
            self.key = b""
            self.key = bytes_encode(key)

    def digest(self, tbd):
        if self.key is None:
            raise HMACError
        tbd = bytes_encode(tbd)
        return, tbd, self.hash_alg.hash_cls).digest()

    def digest_sslv3(self, tbd):
        if self.key is None:
            raise HMACError

        h = self.hash_alg()
        if == "SHA":
            pad1 = _SSLv3_PAD1_SHA1
            pad2 = _SSLv3_PAD2_SHA1
        elif == "MD5":
            pad1 = _SSLv3_PAD1_MD5
            pad2 = _SSLv3_PAD2_MD5
            raise HMACError("Provided hash does not work with SSLv3.")

        return h.digest(self.key + pad2 + h.digest(self.key + pad1 + tbd))
Beispiel #3
class PubKey(six.with_metaclass(_PubKeyFactory, object)):
    Parent class for both PubKeyRSA and PubKeyECDSA.
    Provides a common verifyCert() method.
    def verifyCert(self, cert):
        """ Verifies either a Cert or an X509_Cert. """
        tbsCert = cert.tbsCertificate
        sigAlg = tbsCert.signature
        h = hash_by_oid[sigAlg.algorithm.val]
        sigVal = raw(cert.signatureValue)
        return self.verify(raw(tbsCert), sigVal, h=h, t='pkcs')
Beispiel #4
class _GenericCipherSuite(
                           object)):  # noqa: E501
    def __init__(self, tls_version=0x0303):
        Most of the attributes are fixed and have already been set by the
        metaclass, but we still have to provide tls_version differentiation.

        For now, the key_block_len remains the only application if this.
        Indeed for TLS 1.1+, when using a block cipher, there are no implicit
        IVs derived from the master secret. Note that an overlong key_block_len
        would not affect the secret generation (the trailing bytes would
        simply be discarded), but we still provide this for completeness.
        super(_GenericCipherSuite, self).__init__()
        if tls_version <= 0x301:
            self.key_block_len = self._key_block_len_v1_0
Beispiel #5
class PrivKey(six.with_metaclass(_PrivKeyFactory, object)):
    Parent class for both PrivKeyRSA and PrivKeyECDSA.
    Provides common signTBSCert() and resignCert() methods.
    def signTBSCert(self, tbsCert, h="sha256"):
        Note that this will always copy the signature field from the
        tbsCertificate into the signatureAlgorithm field of the result,
        regardless of the coherence between its contents (which might
        indicate ecdsa-with-SHA512) and the result (e.g. RSA signing MD2).

        There is a small inheritance trick for the computation of sigVal
        below: in order to use a sign() method which would apply
        to both PrivKeyRSA and PrivKeyECDSA, the sign() methods of the
        subclasses accept any argument, be it from the RSA or ECDSA world,
        and then they keep the ones they're interested in.
        Here, t will be passed eventually to pkcs1._DecryptAndSignRSA.sign().
        sigAlg = tbsCert.signature
        h = h or hash_by_oid[sigAlg.algorithm.val]
        sigVal = self.sign(raw(tbsCert), h=h, t='pkcs')
        c = X509_Cert()
        c.tbsCertificate = tbsCert
        c.signatureAlgorithm = sigAlg
        c.signatureValue = _Raw_ASN1_BIT_STRING(sigVal, readable=True)
        return c

    def resignCert(self, cert):
        """ Rewrite the signature of either a Cert or an X509_Cert. """
        return self.signTBSCert(cert.tbsCertificate, h=None)

    def verifyCert(self, cert):
        """ Verifies either a Cert or an X509_Cert. """
        tbsCert = cert.tbsCertificate
        sigAlg = tbsCert.signature
        h = hash_by_oid[sigAlg.algorithm.val]
        sigVal = raw(cert.signatureValue)
        return self.verify(raw(tbsCert), sigVal, h=h, t='pkcs')
Beispiel #6
class _StreamCipher(six.with_metaclass(_StreamCipherMetaclass, object)):
    type = "stream"

    def __init__(self, key=None):
        Note that we have to keep the encryption/decryption state in unique
        encryptor and decryptor objects. This differs from _BlockCipher.

        In order to do connection state snapshots, we need to be able to
        recreate past cipher contexts. This is why we feed _enc_updated_with
        and _dec_updated_with every time encrypt() or decrypt() is called.
        self.ready = {"key": True}
        if key is None:
            self.ready["key"] = False
            if hasattr(self, "expanded_key_len"):
                tmp_len = self.expanded_key_len
                tmp_len = self.key_len
            key = b"\0" * tmp_len

        # we use super() in order to avoid any deadlock with __setattr__
        super(_StreamCipher, self).__setattr__("key", key)

        self._cipher = Cipher(self.pc_cls(key),
        self.encryptor = self._cipher.encryptor()
        self.decryptor = self._cipher.decryptor()
        self._enc_updated_with = b""
        self._dec_updated_with = b""

    def __setattr__(self, name, val):
        We have to keep the encryptor/decryptor for a long time,
        however they have to be updated every time the key is changed.
        if name == "key":
            if self._cipher is not None:
                self._cipher.algorithm.key = val
                self.encryptor = self._cipher.encryptor()
                self.decryptor = self._cipher.decryptor()
            self.ready["key"] = True
        super(_StreamCipher, self).__setattr__(name, val)

    def encrypt(self, data):
        if False in six.itervalues(self.ready):
            raise CipherError(data)
        self._enc_updated_with += data
        return self.encryptor.update(data)

    def decrypt(self, data):
        if False in six.itervalues(self.ready):
            raise CipherError(data)
        self._dec_updated_with += data
        return self.decryptor.update(data)

    def snapshot(self):
        c = self.__class__(self.key)
        c.ready = self.ready.copy()
        c._enc_updated_with = self._enc_updated_with
        c._dec_updated_with = self._dec_updated_with
        return c
Beispiel #7
class _FFDHParams(six.with_metaclass(_FFDHParamsMetaclass)):
Beispiel #8
class _BlockCipher(six.with_metaclass(_BlockCipherMetaclass, object)):
    type = "block"

    def __init__(self, key=None, iv=None):
        self.ready = {"key": True, "iv": True}
        if key is None:
            self.ready["key"] = False
            if hasattr(self, "expanded_key_len"):
                key_len = self.expanded_key_len
                key_len = self.key_len
            key = b"\0" * key_len
        if not iv:
            self.ready["iv"] = False
            iv = b"\0" * self.block_size

        # we use super() in order to avoid any deadlock with __setattr__
        super(_BlockCipher, self).__setattr__("key", key)
        super(_BlockCipher, self).__setattr__("iv", iv)

        self._cipher = Cipher(self.pc_cls(key),

    def __setattr__(self, name, val):
        if name == "key":
            if self._cipher is not None:
                self._cipher.algorithm.key = val
            self.ready["key"] = True
        elif name == "iv":
            if self._cipher is not None:
                self._cipher.mode._initialization_vector = val
            self.ready["iv"] = True
        super(_BlockCipher, self).__setattr__(name, val)

    def encrypt(self, data):
        Encrypt the data. Also, update the cipher iv. This is needed for SSLv3
        and TLS 1.0. For TLS 1.1/1.2, it is overwritten in TLS.post_build().
        if False in six.itervalues(self.ready):
            raise CipherError(data)
        encryptor = self._cipher.encryptor()
        tmp = encryptor.update(data) + encryptor.finalize()
        self.iv = tmp[-self.block_size:]
        return tmp

    def decrypt(self, data):
        Decrypt the data. Also, update the cipher iv. This is needed for SSLv3
        and TLS 1.0. For TLS 1.1/1.2, it is overwritten in TLS.pre_dissect().
        If we lack the key, we raise a CipherError which contains the input.
        if False in six.itervalues(self.ready):
            raise CipherError(data)
        decryptor = self._cipher.decryptor()
        tmp = decryptor.update(data) + decryptor.finalize()
        self.iv = data[-self.block_size:]
        return tmp

    def snapshot(self):
        c = self.__class__(self.key, self.iv)
        c.ready = self.ready.copy()
        return c
Beispiel #9
class _GenericKX(six.with_metaclass(_GenericKXMetaclass)):
Beispiel #10
class _GenericHash(six.with_metaclass(_GenericHashMetaclass, object)):
    def digest(self, tbd):
        return self.hash_cls(tbd).digest()
Beispiel #11
class _AEADCipher(six.with_metaclass(_AEADCipherMetaclass, object)):
    The hasattr(self, "pc_cls") tests correspond to the legacy API of the
    crypto library. With cryptography v2.0, both CCM and GCM should follow
    the else case.

    Note that the "fixed_iv" in TLS RFCs is called "salt" in the AEAD RFC 5116.
    type = "aead"
    fixed_iv_len = 4
    nonce_explicit_len = 8

    def __init__(self, key=None, fixed_iv=None, nonce_explicit=None):
        'key' and 'fixed_iv' are to be provided as strings, whereas the internal  # noqa: E501
        'nonce_explicit' is an integer (it is simpler for incrementation).
        !! The whole 'nonce' may be called IV in certain RFCs.
        self.ready = {"key": True, "fixed_iv": True, "nonce_explicit": True}
        if key is None:
            self.ready["key"] = False
            key = b"\0" * self.key_len
        if fixed_iv is None:
            self.ready["fixed_iv"] = False
            fixed_iv = b"\0" * self.fixed_iv_len
        if nonce_explicit is None:
            self.ready["nonce_explicit"] = False
            nonce_explicit = 0

        if isinstance(nonce_explicit, str):
            nonce_explicit = pkcs_os2ip(nonce_explicit)

        # we use super() in order to avoid any deadlock with __setattr__
        super(_AEADCipher, self).__setattr__("key", key)
        super(_AEADCipher, self).__setattr__("fixed_iv", fixed_iv)
        super(_AEADCipher, self).__setattr__("nonce_explicit", nonce_explicit)

        if hasattr(self, "pc_cls"):
            if isinstance(self.pc_cls, AESCCM):
                self._cipher = Cipher(self.pc_cls(key),
                self._cipher = Cipher(self.pc_cls(key),
            self._cipher = self.cipher_cls(key)

    def __setattr__(self, name, val):
        if name == "key":
            if self._cipher is not None:
                if hasattr(self, "pc_cls"):
                    self._cipher.algorithm.key = val
                    self._cipher._key = val
            self.ready["key"] = True
        elif name == "fixed_iv":
            self.ready["fixed_iv"] = True
        elif name == "nonce_explicit":
            if isinstance(val, str):
                val = pkcs_os2ip(val)
            self.ready["nonce_explicit"] = True
        super(_AEADCipher, self).__setattr__(name, val)

    def _get_nonce(self):
        return (self.fixed_iv +
                pkcs_i2osp(self.nonce_explicit, self.nonce_explicit_len))

    def _update_nonce_explicit(self):
        Increment the explicit nonce while avoiding any overflow.
        ne = self.nonce_explicit + 1
        self.nonce_explicit = ne % 2**(self.nonce_explicit_len * 8)

    def auth_encrypt(self, P, A, seq_num=None):
        Encrypt the data then prepend the explicit part of the nonce. The
        authentication tag is directly appended with the most recent crypto
        API. Additional data may be authenticated without encryption (as A).

        The 'seq_num' should never be used here, it is only a safeguard needed
        because one cipher (ChaCha20Poly1305) using TLS 1.2 logic in
        actually is a _AEADCipher_TLS13 (even though others are not).
        if False in six.itervalues(self.ready):
            raise CipherError(P, A)

        if hasattr(self, "pc_cls"):
            self._cipher.mode._initialization_vector = self._get_nonce()
            self._cipher.mode._tag = None
            encryptor = self._cipher.encryptor()
            res = encryptor.update(P) + encryptor.finalize()
            res += encryptor.tag
            res = self._cipher.encrypt(self._get_nonce(), P, A)

        nonce_explicit = pkcs_i2osp(self.nonce_explicit,
        return nonce_explicit + res

    def auth_decrypt(self, A, C, seq_num=None, add_length=True):
        Decrypt the data and authenticate the associated data (i.e. A).
        If the verification fails, an AEADTagError is raised. It is the user's
        responsibility to catch it if deemed useful. If we lack the key, we
        raise a CipherError which contains the encrypted input.

        Note that we add the TLSCiphertext length to A although we're supposed
        to add the TLSCompressed length. Fortunately, they are the same,
        but the specifications actually messed up here. :'(

        The 'add_length' switch should always be True for TLS, but we provide
        it anyway (mostly for test cases, hum).

        The 'seq_num' should never be used here, it is only a safeguard needed
        because one cipher (ChaCha20Poly1305) using TLS 1.2 logic in
        actually is a _AEADCipher_TLS13 (even though others are not).
        nonce_explicit_str, C, mac = (C[:self.nonce_explicit_len],

        if False in six.itervalues(self.ready):
            raise CipherError(nonce_explicit_str, C, mac)

        self.nonce_explicit = pkcs_os2ip(nonce_explicit_str)
        if add_length:
            A += struct.pack("!H", len(C))

        if hasattr(self, "pc_cls"):
            self._cipher.mode._initialization_vector = self._get_nonce()
            self._cipher.mode._tag = mac
            decryptor = self._cipher.decryptor()
            P = decryptor.update(C)
            except InvalidTag:
                raise AEADTagError(nonce_explicit_str, P, mac)
                P = self._cipher.decrypt(self._get_nonce(), C + mac, A)
            except InvalidTag:
                raise AEADTagError(nonce_explicit_str,
                                   "<unauthenticated data>",
        return nonce_explicit_str, P, mac

    def snapshot(self):
        c = self.__class__(self.key, self.fixed_iv, self.nonce_explicit)
        c.ready = self.ready.copy()
        return c
Beispiel #12
class _AEADCipher_TLS13(six.with_metaclass(_AEADCipherMetaclass, object)):
    The hasattr(self, "pc_cls") enable support for the legacy implementation
    of GCM in the cryptography library. They should not be used, and might
    eventually be removed, with cryptography v2.0. XXX
    type = "aead"

    def __init__(self, key=None, fixed_iv=None, nonce_explicit=None):
        'key' and 'fixed_iv' are to be provided as strings. This IV never
        changes: it is either the client_write_IV or server_write_IV.

        Note that 'nonce_explicit' is never used. It is only a safeguard for a
        call in to the TLS 1.2/ChaCha20Poly1305 case (see RFC 7905).
        self.ready = {"key": True, "fixed_iv": True}
        if key is None:
            self.ready["key"] = False
            key = b"\0" * self.key_len
        if fixed_iv is None:
            self.ready["fixed_iv"] = False
            fixed_iv = b"\0" * self.fixed_iv_len

        # we use super() in order to avoid any deadlock with __setattr__
        super(_AEADCipher_TLS13, self).__setattr__("key", key)
        super(_AEADCipher_TLS13, self).__setattr__("fixed_iv", fixed_iv)

        if hasattr(self, "pc_cls"):
            if isinstance(self.pc_cls, AESCCM):
                self._cipher = Cipher(self.pc_cls(key),
                self._cipher = Cipher(self.pc_cls(key),
            if self.cipher_cls == ChaCha20Poly1305:
                # ChaCha20Poly1305 doesn't have a tag_length argument...
                self._cipher = self.cipher_cls(key)
                self._cipher = self.cipher_cls(key, tag_length=self.tag_len)

    def __setattr__(self, name, val):
        if name == "key":
            if self._cipher is not None:
                if hasattr(self, "pc_cls"):
                    self._cipher.algorithm.key = val
                    self._cipher._key = val
            self.ready["key"] = True
        elif name == "fixed_iv":
            self.ready["fixed_iv"] = True
        super(_AEADCipher_TLS13, self).__setattr__(name, val)

    def _get_nonce(self, seq_num):
        padlen = self.fixed_iv_len - len(seq_num)
        padded_seq_num = b"\x00" * padlen + seq_num
        return strxor(padded_seq_num, self.fixed_iv)

    def auth_encrypt(self, P, A, seq_num):
        Encrypt the data, and append the computed authentication code.
        The additional data for TLS 1.3 is the record header.

        Note that the cipher's authentication tag must be None when encrypting.
        if False in six.itervalues(self.ready):
            raise CipherError(P, A)

        if hasattr(self, "pc_cls"):
            self._cipher.mode._tag = None
            self._cipher.mode._initialization_vector = self._get_nonce(seq_num)
            encryptor = self._cipher.encryptor()
            res = encryptor.update(P) + encryptor.finalize()
            res += encryptor.tag
            if (conf.crypto_valid_advanced and
                    isinstance(self._cipher, AESCCM)):
                res = self._cipher.encrypt(self._get_nonce(seq_num), P, A)
                res = self._cipher.encrypt(self._get_nonce(seq_num), P, A)
        return res

    def auth_decrypt(self, A, C, seq_num):
        Decrypt the data and verify the authentication code (in this order).
        If the verification fails, an AEADTagError is raised. It is the user's
        responsibility to catch it if deemed useful. If we lack the key, we
        raise a CipherError which contains the encrypted input.
        C, mac = C[:-self.tag_len], C[-self.tag_len:]
        if False in six.itervalues(self.ready):
            raise CipherError(C, mac)

        if hasattr(self, "pc_cls"):
            self._cipher.mode._initialization_vector = self._get_nonce(seq_num)
            self._cipher.mode._tag = mac
            decryptor = self._cipher.decryptor()
            P = decryptor.update(C)
            except InvalidTag:
                raise AEADTagError(P, mac)
                if (conf.crypto_valid_advanced and
                        isinstance(self._cipher, AESCCM)):
                    P = self._cipher.decrypt(self._get_nonce(seq_num), C + mac, A)  # noqa: E501
                    if (conf.crypto_valid_advanced and
                            isinstance(self, Cipher_CHACHA20_POLY1305)):
                        A += struct.pack("!H", len(C))
                    P = self._cipher.decrypt(self._get_nonce(seq_num), C + mac, A)  # noqa: E501
            except InvalidTag:
                raise AEADTagError("<unauthenticated data>", mac)
        return P, mac

    def snapshot(self):
        c = self.__class__(self.key, self.fixed_iv)
        c.ready = self.ready.copy()
        return c
Beispiel #13
class CRL(six.with_metaclass(_CRLMaker, object)):
    Wrapper for the X509_CRL from layers/
    Use the 'x509CRL' attribute to access original object.
    def import_from_asn1pkt(self, crl):
        error_msg = "Unable to import CRL"

        self.x509CRL = crl

        tbsCertList = crl.tbsCertList
        self.tbsCertList = raw(tbsCertList)

        if tbsCertList.version:
            self.version = tbsCertList.version.val + 1
            self.version = 1
        self.sigAlg = tbsCertList.signature.algorithm.oidname
        self.issuer = tbsCertList.get_issuer()
        self.issuer_str = tbsCertList.get_issuer_str()
        self.issuer_hash = hash(self.issuer_str)

        self.lastUpdate_str = tbsCertList.this_update.pretty_time
        lastUpdate = tbsCertList.this_update.val
        if lastUpdate[-1] == "Z":
            lastUpdate = lastUpdate[:-1]
            self.lastUpdate = time.strptime(lastUpdate, "%y%m%d%H%M%S")
        except Exception:
            raise Exception(error_msg)
        self.lastUpdate_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.lastUpdate)

        self.nextUpdate = None
        self.nextUpdate_str_simple = None
        if tbsCertList.next_update:
            self.nextUpdate_str = tbsCertList.next_update.pretty_time
            nextUpdate = tbsCertList.next_update.val
            if nextUpdate[-1] == "Z":
                nextUpdate = nextUpdate[:-1]
                self.nextUpdate = time.strptime(nextUpdate, "%y%m%d%H%M%S")
            except Exception:
                raise Exception(error_msg)
            self.nextUpdate_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.nextUpdate)

        if tbsCertList.crlExtensions:
            for extension in tbsCertList.crlExtensions:
                if extension.extnID.oidname == "cRLNumber":
                    self.number = extension.extnValue.cRLNumber.val

        revoked = []
        if tbsCertList.revokedCertificates:
            for cert in tbsCertList.revokedCertificates:
                serial = cert.serialNumber.val
                date = cert.revocationDate.val
                if date[-1] == "Z":
                    date = date[:-1]
                    time.strptime(date, "%y%m%d%H%M%S")
                except Exception:
                    raise Exception(error_msg)
                revoked.append((serial, date))
        self.revoked_cert_serials = revoked

        self.signatureValue = raw(crl.signatureValue)
        self.signatureLen = len(self.signatureValue)

    def isIssuerCert(self, other):
        # This is exactly the same thing as in Cert method.
        if self.issuer_hash != other.subject_hash:
            return False
        return other.pubKey.verifyCert(self)

    def verify(self, anchors):
        # Return True iff the CRL is signed by one of the provided anchors.
        return any(self.isIssuerCert(a) for a in anchors)

    def show(self):
        print("Version: %d" % self.version)
        print("sigAlg: " + self.sigAlg)
        print("Issuer: " + self.issuer_str)
        print("lastUpdate: %s" % self.lastUpdate_str)
        print("nextUpdate: %s" % self.nextUpdate_str)
Beispiel #14
class Cert(six.with_metaclass(_CertMaker, object)):
    Wrapper for the X509_Cert from layers/
    Use the 'x509Cert' attribute to access original object.
    def import_from_asn1pkt(self, cert):
        error_msg = "Unable to import certificate"

        self.x509Cert = cert

        tbsCert = cert.tbsCertificate
        self.tbsCertificate = tbsCert

        if tbsCert.version:
            self.version = tbsCert.version.val + 1
            self.version = 1
        self.serial = tbsCert.serialNumber.val
        self.sigAlg = tbsCert.signature.algorithm.oidname
        self.issuer = tbsCert.get_issuer()
        self.issuer_str = tbsCert.get_issuer_str()
        self.issuer_hash = hash(self.issuer_str)
        self.subject = tbsCert.get_subject()
        self.subject_str = tbsCert.get_subject_str()
        self.subject_hash = hash(self.subject_str)
        self.authorityKeyID = None

        self.notBefore_str = tbsCert.validity.not_before.pretty_time
            self.notBefore = tbsCert.validity.not_before.datetime.timetuple()
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception(error_msg)
        self.notBefore_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.notBefore)

        self.notAfter_str = tbsCert.validity.not_after.pretty_time
            self.notAfter = tbsCert.validity.not_after.datetime.timetuple()
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception(error_msg)
        self.notAfter_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.notAfter)

        self.pubKey = PubKey(raw(tbsCert.subjectPublicKeyInfo))

        if tbsCert.extensions:
            for extn in tbsCert.extensions:
                if extn.extnID.oidname == "basicConstraints":
                    self.cA = False
                    if extn.extnValue.cA:
                        self.cA = not (extn.extnValue.cA.val == 0)
                elif extn.extnID.oidname == "keyUsage":
                    self.keyUsage = extn.extnValue.get_keyUsage()
                elif extn.extnID.oidname == "extKeyUsage":
                    self.extKeyUsage = extn.extnValue.get_extendedKeyUsage()
                elif extn.extnID.oidname == "authorityKeyIdentifier":
                    self.authorityKeyID = extn.extnValue.keyIdentifier.val

        self.signatureValue = raw(cert.signatureValue)
        self.signatureLen = len(self.signatureValue)

    def isIssuerCert(self, other):
        True if 'other' issued 'self', i.e.:
          - self.issuer == other.subject
          - self is signed by other
        if self.issuer_hash != other.subject_hash:
            return False
        return other.pubKey.verifyCert(self)

    def isSelfSigned(self):
        Return True if the certificate is self-signed:
          - issuer and subject are the same
          - the signature of the certificate is valid.
        if self.issuer_hash == self.subject_hash:
            return self.isIssuerCert(self)
        return False

    def encrypt(self, msg, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
        # no ECDSA *encryption* support, hence only RSA specific keywords here
        return self.pubKey.encrypt(msg, t=t, h=h, mgf=mgf, L=L)

    def verify(self, msg, sig, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
        return self.pubKey.verify(msg, sig, t=t, h=h, mgf=mgf, L=L)

    def remainingDays(self, now=None):
        Based on the value of notAfter field, returns the number of
        days the certificate will still be valid. The date used for the
        comparison is the current and local date, as returned by
        time.localtime(), except if 'now' argument is provided another
        one. 'now' argument can be given as either a time tuple or a string
        representing the date. Accepted format for the string version

         - '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z' e.g. 'Jan 30 07:38:59 2008 GMT'
         - '%m/%d/%y' e.g. '01/30/08' (less precise)

        If the certificate is no more valid at the date considered, then
        a negative value is returned representing the number of days
        since it has expired.

        The number of days is returned as a float to deal with the unlikely
        case of certificates that are still just valid.
        if now is None:
            now = time.localtime()
        elif isinstance(now, str):
                if '/' in now:
                    now = time.strptime(now, '%m/%d/%y')
                    now = time.strptime(now, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z')
            except Exception:
                    "Bad time string provided, will use localtime() instead."
                )  # noqa: E501
                now = time.localtime()

        now = time.mktime(now)
        nft = time.mktime(self.notAfter)
        diff = (nft - now) / (24. * 3600)
        return diff

    def isRevoked(self, crl_list):
        Given a list of trusted CRL (their signature has already been
        verified with trusted anchors), this function returns True if
        the certificate is marked as revoked by one of those CRL.

        Note that if the Certificate was on hold in a previous CRL and
        is now valid again in a new CRL and bot are in the list, it
        will be considered revoked: this is because _all_ CRLs are
        checked (not only the freshest) and revocation status is not

        Also note that the check on the issuer is performed on the
        Authority Key Identifier if available in _both_ the CRL and the
        Cert. Otherwise, the issuers are simply compared.
        for c in crl_list:
            if (self.authorityKeyID is not None
                    and c.authorityKeyID is not None
                    and self.authorityKeyID == c.authorityKeyID):
                return self.serial in (x[0] for x in c.revoked_cert_serials)
            elif self.issuer == c.issuer:
                return self.serial in (x[0] for x in c.revoked_cert_serials)
        return False

    def export(self, filename, fmt="DER"):
        Export certificate in 'fmt' format (DER or PEM) to file 'filename'
        with open(filename, "wb") as f:
            if fmt == "DER":
            elif fmt == "PEM":

    def show(self):
        print("Serial: %s" % self.serial)
        print("Issuer: " + self.issuer_str)
        print("Subject: " + self.subject_str)
        print("Validity: %s to %s" % (self.notBefore_str, self.notAfter_str))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "[X.509 Cert. Subject:%s, Issuer:%s]" % (
            self.subject_str, self.issuer_str)  # noqa: E501