Beispiel #1
    def save(self):
        Extends the base save by saving the cleaned location entry and
        adding it to the ModelForm's internal place.

        commit=False is not supported. Supporting this may require
        emulating how Django handles defering m2m saving for the tags
        since we're not having hte ModelForm handle them directly.
        place = super(OrgAdminPlaceForm, self).save(commit=False)

        # process location
        location = self.cleaned_data['location']
        place.location = location

        place.hours = []
        for i in range(1, 8):
            day = self.cleaned_data.get('hr_days_%d' % i, '')
            hrs = self.cleaned_data.get('hr_hours_%d' % i, '')
            if day or hrs:
                place.hours.append(HoursListing(day, hrs))

        parking_obj = Parking()
        for opt in self.cleaned_data['parking']:

        if is None:
      # save if new now so we can add m2m

        # handle tags manually
        new_tags = self.cleaned_data['tags']
        # save all the tags that aren't in the DB yet
        [ for t in new_tags if is None]

        # safe to make a set now, all Tags have a unique ID
        new_tags = set(new_tags)
        # figure out which tags need to be added and removed
        existing_tags = set(place.tags.all())
        # remove all tags that didn't get submitted in the form
            for tag_to_rm in existing_tags.difference(new_tags)]
        # add all new tags
            for tag_to_add in new_tags.difference(existing_tags)]
        return place
Beispiel #2
    def get_parking(self):
        '''returns a places.models.Parking object'''

        # first do a sanity check on the hours to ensure they're in the format we expect
        # will raise a ValueError is the format is off
        fb_parking ='parking')
        if fb_parking is None:
            return None
        if not hasattr(fb_parking, 'items'):
            raise ValueError('Unexpected format for "parking"')

        p = Parking()
        for k, v in fb_parking.items():
            if not isinstance(k, basestring) or len(k) == 0:
                raise ValueError('Unexpected format for "parking"')
                int(v)  # could use bool here, but don't want to OK any random string
            except TypeError, ValueError:
                raise ValueError('Unexpected format for "parking"')
            if bool(v):