def main():
    # only called if is executed from a command line
    # (not called by 'import solve')

    parser.add_argument('--tag', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--ph_year', type=int)
    parser.add_argument('--ph_mw', type=float)
    parser.add_argument('--biofuel_limit', type=float)
    parser.add_argument('--dr_shares', nargs='+', type=float)
    parser.add_argument('--ev_flat', action='store_true', default=None) 
    # Note: ev_flat has to have None as default, otherwise it's always considered to be set 
    # True or False on the command line and that overrides the scenario definitions.
    cmd_line_args = scenarios.cmd_line_args()

    required_scenarios = scenarios.get_required_scenario_names()

    if len(required_scenarios) > 0:
        # user specified some specific scenarios to run
        for s in required_scenarios:
            # flag that the scenario is running/completed
            # get the scenario definition, including any changes specified on the command line
            args = scenarios.get_scenario_args(s)
            # solve the model
            print "\n\n======================================================================="
            print 'running scenario {s}'.format(s=append_tag(s, args["tag"]))
            print 'arguments: {}'.format(args)
            print "======================================================================="
        # they want to run the standard scenarios, possibly with some command-line modifications
        while True:
            s = scenarios.start_next_standard_scenario()
            if s is None:
                # solve the model
                print 'running scenario {s}'.format(s=append_tag(s["scenario_name"], s["tag"]))
                print 'arguments: {}'.format(s)
scenario_list_fossil = [
    # '--scenario_name x_low_oil_price -n rps -n renewables -n demand_response -n pumped_hydro --inputs_subdir low_oil_price',
    # '--scenario_name x_high_oil_price -n rps -n renewables -n demand_response -n pumped_hydro --inputs_subdir high_oil_price',
    # '--scenario_name x_lng_oil_peg -n rps -n renewables -n demand_response -n pumped_hydro --inputs_subdir lng_oil_peg',
    # '--scenario_name x_high_oil_and_lng_price -n rps -n renewables -n demand_response -n pumped_hydro --inputs_subdir high_lng_oil_peg',

    # '--scenario_name no_wind_ph2037_150 --ph_year=2037 --ph_mw=150 -n wind',

with open('scenarios_to_run.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.writelines(s + '\n' for s in scenario_list)

scenarios.parser.add_argument('--skip_cf', action='store_true')
cmd_line_args = scenarios.cmd_line_args()

# particular settings chosen for this case
# (these will be passed as arguments when the queries are run)
args = dict(
    inputs_dir = cmd_line_args.get('inputs_dir', 'inputs'),     # directory to store data in
    skip_cf = cmd_line_args['skip_cf'],     # skip writing capacity factors file if specified (for speed)
    time_sample = cmd_line_args.get('time_sample', "rps_mini"),       # could be 'tiny', 'rps', 'rps_mini' or possibly 
                                # '2007', '2016test', 'rps_test_45', or 'main'
    load_zones = ('Oahu',),       # subset of load zones to model
    load_scen_id = "med",        # "hist"=pseudo-historical, "med"="Moved by Passion", "flat"=2015 levels
    fuel_scen_id = 'EIA_ref',      # '1'=low, '2'=high, '3'=reference, 'EIA_ref'=EIA-derived reference level
    ev_scen_id = 2,              # 1=low, 2=high, 3=reference (omitted or None=none)
    enable_must_run = 0,     # should the must_run flag be converted to 
                             # set minimum commitment for existing plants?
Beispiel #3
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, os
from textwrap import dedent

path_to_core = os.path.abspath(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'switch-hawaii-core'))

import scenario_data, scenarios

scenarios.parser.add_argument('--skip_cf', action='store_true')
scenarios.parser.add_argument('--write_rhos', action='store_true')
cmd_line_args = scenarios.cmd_line_args()

# particular settings chosen for this case
# (these will be passed as arguments when the queries are run)
args = dict(
                                 'inputs'),  # directory to store data in
        'skip_cf'],  # skip writing capacity factors file if specified (for speed)
        "rps_mini"),  # could be 'tiny', 'rps', 'rps_mini' or possibly 
    # '2007', '2016test', 'rps_test_45', or 'main'
    load_zones=('Oahu', ),  # subset of load zones to model
    "med",  # "hist"=pseudo-historical, "med"="Moved by Passion", "flat"=2015 levels