Beispiel #1
sessionsFile     = os.path.join(jobFolder, 'Sessions.txt')
restrSheetFile   = os.path.join(jobFolder, 'restrSheet.csv')
schoolCsvFile    = os.path.join(config['MASTER_FILE_PATH'], 'schoolReg.csv')
schoolExportFile = os.path.join(config['MASTER_FILE_PATH'], 'schoolsExport.csv')
studentCsvFile   = os.path.join(config['MASTER_FILE_PATH'], 'students.csv')
if not os.path.isfile(sessionsFile):     sys.exit ('Sessions file not found: %s' % sessionsFile)
if not os.path.isfile(restrSheetFile):   sys.exit ('RestrSheet file not found: %s' % restrSheetFile)
if not os.path.isfile(schoolCsvFile):    sys.exit ('SchoolCsv file not found: %s' % schoolCsvFile)
if not os.path.isfile(schoolExportFile): sys.exit ('SchoolExport file not found: %s' % schoolExportFile)
if not os.path.isfile(studentCsvFile):   sys.exit ('StudentCsv file not found: %s' % studentCsvFile)

(sessionList, catagoryIndexes) = schedIO.readSessionsFile(sessionsFile)
schoolInfo                     = schedIO.readSchoolsExport(schoolExportFile)
rawEntriesList                 = schedIO.readSchoolWebCsv(fileName   = schoolCsvFile,              \
                                                          schoolInfo = schoolInfo,                 \
                                                          siteName   = config['CONTEST_SITENAME'], \
                                                          codeChar   = config['SCHOOL_CODE_CHARS'])
schedIO.readStudentWebCsv (rawEntriesList, studentCsvFile)
entriesList                    = schedIO.readRestrSheet (rawEntriesList, restrSheetFile)
#Remove schools that are removed because of no entries in the restrictions sheet
newSchoolInfo = []
for school in schoolInfo:
  Found = False
  for entry in entriesList:
    if entry['schoolId'] == school:
      Found = True
  if not Found:
    schoolInfo[school]['inContest'] = False
Beispiel #2
    logger.msg('Using site-specific copy of schoolsExport.csv from %s' %
    schoolExportFile = lcl_schoolExportFile
elif not os.path.isfile(schoolExportFile):
    sys.exit('SchoolExport file not found: %s' % schoolExportFile)

if os.path.isfile(lcl_studentCsvFile):
    logger.msg('Using site-specific copy of students.csv from %s' % jobFolder)
    studentCsvFile = lcl_studentCsvFile
elif not os.path.isfile(studentCsvFile):
    sys.exit('StudentCsv file not found: %s' % studentCsvFile)

(sessionList, catagoryIndexes) = schedIO.readSessionsFile(sessionsFile)
schoolInfo = schedIO.readSchoolsExport(schoolExportFile)
rawEntriesList                 = schedIO.readSchoolWebCsv(fileName   = schoolCsvFile,              \
                                                          schoolInfo = schoolInfo,                 \
                                                          siteName   = config['CONTEST_SITENAME'], \
                                                          codeChar   = config['SCHOOL_CODE_CHARS'])
schedIO.readStudentWebCsv(rawEntriesList, studentCsvFile)
entriesList = schedIO.readRestrSheet(rawEntriesList, restrSheetFile)

#Remove schools that are removed because of no entries in the restrictions sheet
newSchoolInfo = []
for school in schoolInfo:
    Found = False
    for entry in entriesList:
        if entry['schoolId'] == school:
            Found = True
    if not Found:
        schoolInfo[school]['inContest'] = False

if 'G' in config['CONTEST_TYPE'].upper():

schoolInfo = schedIO.readSchoolsExport(schoolExportFile)

siteCount = len(config['CONTEST_SITENAME'])

for site in config['CONTEST_SITENAME']:
    print('Reading contest %s , File: %s' % (site, schoolCsvFile))

    entriesList = schedIO.readSchoolWebCsv(fileName   = schoolCsvFile,   \
                                           schoolInfo = schoolInfo,      \
                                           siteName   = site,            \
                                           codeChar   = 0)

    print('Reading contest %s , File: %s' % (site, studentCsvFile))
    schedIO.readStudentWebCsv(entriesList, studentCsvFile)

    if len(entriesList) == 0:
        errMsg = '!! No entries found for contest "%s"\n' % site
        errMsg += '!! Double check that CONTEST_SITENAME in matches the sitename column of schoolReg.csv\n'
        validSites = schedIO.getSitenameList(schoolCsvFile)
        errMsg += '!! The list of valid sites in schoolReg.csv are:\n'
        for eachSite in sorted(validSites):
            errMsg += '    %s\n' % eachSite

    if siteCount > 1:
if not os.path.isfile(studentCsvFile):   sys.exit ('StudentCsv file not found: %s' % studentCsvFile)

#Don't need logger setup unless something bad happens in the data
#logger = logger.Logger(jobFolder)

schoolInfo       = schedIO.readSchoolsExport(schoolExportFile)

siteCount        = len(config['CONTEST_SITENAME'])

for site in config['CONTEST_SITENAME']:
  print ('Processing %s' % site)

  entriesList = schedIO.readSchoolWebCsv(fileName   = schoolCsvFile,   \
                                         schoolInfo = schoolInfo,      \
                                         siteName   = site,            \
                                         codeChar   = 0)
  schedIO.readStudentWebCsv (entriesList, studentCsvFile)
  if siteCount > 1:
    restrOutFile = os.path.join(jobFolder, 'restrSheet_' + site[:8] + '.csv')
    restrOutFile = os.path.join(jobFolder, 'restrSheet.csv')
  outFile      = open (restrOutFile, 'w', newline='')
  writer       = csv.writer (outFile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
  writer.writerow(['regId', 'schoolId', 'SchoolName', 'catShort', 'catIdx',  'entryTitle', 'inContest', 'earliestStart', 'latestEnd','performers'])
  for entry in entriesList:          
    writer.writerow([entry['regId'],                             \
                     entry['schoolId'],                          \