def _summary2df(data): res = [] summary = data.get('summary', {}) if 'results' in summary: r = {} index = ['cycle', 'stage', 'usage'] for k, v in sh.stack_nested_keys(summary['results'], depth=4): l = sh.get_nested_dicts(r, k[0], default=list) l.append(sh.combine_dicts(sh.map_list(index, *k[1:]), v)) if r: df = _dd2df( r, index=index, depth=2, col_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=('param',) * 2), row_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=index) ) import pandas as pd df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(_add_units(df.columns)) setattr(df, 'name', 'results') res.append(df) if 'selection' in summary: df = _dd2df( summary['selection'], ['model_id'], depth=2, col_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=('stage', 'cycle')), row_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=()) ) setattr(df, 'name', 'selection') res.append(df) if 'comparison' in summary: r = {} for k, v in sh.stack_nested_keys(summary['comparison'], depth=3): v = sh.combine_dicts(v, base={'param_id': k[-1]}) sh.get_nested_dicts(r, *k[:-1], default=list).append(v) if r: df = _dd2df( r, ['param_id'], depth=2, col_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=('stage', 'cycle')), row_key=functools.partial(_sort_key, p_keys=()) ) setattr(df, 'name', 'comparison') res.append(df) if res: return {'summary': res} return {}
def _selector(name, data_in, data_out, setting): d = sh.Dispatcher(name='%s selector' % name, description='Select the calibrated %s.' % name) errors, setting = [], setting or {} _sort_models = setting.pop('sort_models', sort_models) if 'weights' in setting: _weights = sh.map_list(setting.get('names', setting['targets']), *setting.pop('weights')) else: _weights = None _get_best_model = functools.partial(setting.pop('get_best_model', get_best_model), models_wo_err=setting.pop( 'models_wo_err', None), d.add_data(data_id='selector_settings', default_value={}) node_ids = ['error_settings', 'best_model_settings'] d.add_function(function=functools.partial(define_selector_settings, node_ids=node_ids), inputs=['selector_settings'], outputs=node_ids) for i in data_in: e = 'error/%s' % i errors.append(e) d.add_function(function=_errors(name, i, data_out, setting), inputs=['error_settings', i] + [k for k in data_out if k != i], outputs=[e]) d.add_function(function_id='sort_models', function=functools.partial(_sort_models, weights=_weights), inputs=errors, outputs=['rank']) d.add_function(function_id='get_best_model', function=_get_best_model, inputs=['rank', 'best_model_settings'], outputs=['model', 'errors']) return sh.SubDispatch(d, outputs=['model', 'errors'], output_type='list')
def _format_scores(scores): res = {} for k, j in sh.stack_nested_keys(scores, depth=3): if k[-1] in ('limits', 'errors'): model_id = k[0] extra_field = ('score', ) if k[-1] == 'errors' else () for i, v in sh.stack_nested_keys(j): i = ( model_id, i[-1], k[1], ) + i[:-1] + extra_field sh.get_nested_dicts(res, *i, default=co2_utl.ret_v(v)) sco = {} for k, v in sorted(sh.stack_nested_keys(res, depth=4)): v.update(sh.map_list(['model_id', 'param_id'], *k[:2])) sh.get_nested_dicts(sco, *k[2:], default=list).append(v) return sco
def _extract_summary_from_output(report, extracted): for k, v in sh.stack_nested_keys(report.get('output', {}), depth=2): k = k[::-1] for u, i, j in _param_names_values(v.get('pa', {})): o = {} if i == 'co2_params_calibrated': o = _format_dict(j.valuesdict().items(), 'co2_params %s') elif i == 'calibration_status': o = _format_dict(enumerate(j), 'status co2_params step %d', lambda x: x[0]) elif i == 'willans_factors': o = j elif i == 'phases_willans_factors': for n, m in enumerate(j): o.update(_format_dict(m.items(), '%s phase {}'.format(n))) elif i == 'co2_rescaling_scores': o = sh.map_list( ['rescaling_mean', 'rescaling_std', 'rescaling_n'], *j) elif i in ('has_sufficient_power', ): o = {i: j} if o: sh.get_nested_dicts(extracted, *(k + (u, ))).update(o)
'idle_engine_speed', 'full_load_curve', 'accelerations', 'motive_powers', 'engine_speeds_out', 'engine_coolant_temperatures', 'plateau_acceleration', 'time_cold_hot_transition', 'times', 'stop_velocity', 'cycle_type', 'use_dt_gear_shifting', 'specific_gear_shifting', 'velocity_speed_ratios', 'velocities', 'MVL', 'fuel_saving_at_strategy', 'change_gear_window_width', 'max_velocity_full_load_correction' ] #: Relevant outputs of the model. outputs = ['gears'] #: Targets to compare the outputs of the model. targets = outputs #: Weights coefficients to compute the model score. weights = sh.map_list(targets, -1) #: Metrics to compare outputs with targets. metrics = {'gears': _accuracy_score} def _correlation_coefficient(t, o): import numpy as np with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): return np.corrcoef(t, o)[0, 1] if t.size > 1 else np.nan def calculate_error_coefficients(identified_gears, gears, engine_speeds, predicted_engine_speeds, velocities, stop_velocity): """
models = [ 'co2_params_calibrated', 'calibration_status', 'initial_friction_params', 'engine_idle_fuel_consumption', 'kco2_wltp_correction_factor' ] #: Inputs required to run the model. inputs = ['co2_emissions_model'] #: Relevant outputs of the model. outputs = ['co2_emissions', 'calibration_status'] #: Targets to compare the outputs of the model. targets = ['identified_co2_emissions', 'calibration_status'] #: Weights coefficients to compute the model score. weights = sh.map_list(targets, 1, None) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def metric_calibration_status(y_true, y_pred): """ Metric for the `calibration_status`. :param y_true: Reference calibration_status. :type y_true: list :param y_pred: Predicted calibration_status. :type y_pred: list
def test_map_list(self): key_map = ['a', {'a': 'c'}, ['a', {'a': 'd'}]] inputs = (2, {'a': 3, 'b': 2}, [1, {'a': 4}]) res = sh.map_list(key_map, *inputs) self.assertEqual(res, {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4})
Phases when engine speed is affected by the after treatment warm up [-]. :type after_treatment_warm_up_phases: numpy.array :return: Error. :rtype: float """ from co2mpas.utils import mae b = ~calculate_clutch_phases(times, 1, 1, gear_shifts, 0, (-4.0, 4.0)) b &= (velocities > stop_velocity) & ~after_treatment_warm_up_phases b &= on_engine & (hybrid_modes == 1) return b.any() and float(mae(y_true[b], y_pred[b])) or .0 #: Metrics to compare outputs with targets. metrics = sh.map_list(targets, metric_engine_speed_model) #: Upper score limits to raise the warnings. up_limit = sh.map_list(targets, 40) def select_models(keys, data): """ Select models from data. :param keys: Model keys. :type keys: list :param data: Cycle data.
def _error(name, setting): d = sh.Dispatcher( name=name, description='Calculates the error of calibrated model of a reference.', ) default_settings = { 'inputs_map': {}, 'targets': [], 'metrics_inputs': {}, 'up_limit': None, 'dn_limit': None } default_settings.update(setting) default_settings['names'] = default_settings.get( 'names', default_settings['targets']) it = sh.selector(['up_limit', 'dn_limit'], default_settings).items() for k, v in it: if v is not None: default_settings[k] = sh.map_list(setting['names'], *v) d.add_function(function_id='select_inputs', function=sh.map_dict, inputs=['inputs_map', 'data'], outputs=['inputs<0>']) d.add_function(function_id='select_inputs', function=functools.partial(sh.selector, allow_miss=True), inputs=['inputs', 'inputs<0>'], outputs=['inputs<1>']) d.add_function(function=sh.combine_dicts, inputs=['calibrated_models', 'inputs<1>'], outputs=['prediction_inputs']) d.add_function(function=select_targets, inputs=['names', 'targets', 'data'], outputs=['references']) d.add_function(function=functools.partial( default_settings.pop('dsp', lambda x: x), {}), inputs=['prediction_inputs', 'calibrated_models'], outputs=['results']) d.add_function(function=select_outputs, inputs=['names', 'outputs', 'targets', 'results'], outputs=['predictions']) d.add_function(function_id='select_metrics_inputs', function=functools.partial(sh.selector, allow_miss=True), inputs=['metrics_inputs', 'data'], outputs=['metrics_args']) d.add_function( function=make_metrics, inputs=['metrics', 'references', 'predictions', 'metrics_args'], outputs=['errors']) d.add_function(function=check_limits, inputs=['errors', 'up_limit', 'dn_limit'], outputs=['status']) for k, v in default_settings.items(): d.add_data(k, v) func = sh.SubDispatch(dsp=d, outputs=['errors', 'status'], output_type='list') return func
:param y_pred: Predicted engine speed vector [RPM]. :type y_pred: numpy.array :param on_engine: If the engine is on [-]. :type on_engine: numpy.array :return: Error. :rtype: float """ from co2mpas.utils import mae return float(mae(y_true[on_engine], y_pred[on_engine])) #: Metrics to compare outputs with targets. metrics = sh.map_list(targets, metric_clutch_torque_converter_model) #: Upper score limits to raise the warnings. up_limit = sh.map_list(targets, 100) #: Prediction model. dsp = copy.deepcopy(_clutch_tc).add_function( function=calculate_engine_speeds_out, inputs=[ 'on_engine', 'idle_engine_speed', 'engine_speeds_out_hot', 'clutch_tc_speeds_delta' ], outputs=['engine_speeds_out'])
#: Inputs required to run the model. inputs = [ 'drive_battery_electric_powers', 'times', 'motive_powers', 'accelerations', 'on_engine', 'starter_currents', 'initial_service_battery_state_of_charge' ] #: Relevant outputs of the model. outputs = [ 'alternator_currents', 'service_battery_currents', 'drive_battery_currents', 'dcdc_converter_currents', 'service_battery_state_of_charges', 'drive_battery_state_of_charges' ] #: Targets to compare the outputs of the model. targets = outputs #: Weights coefficients to compute the model score. weights = sh.map_list(targets, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) #: Metrics to compare outputs with targets. metrics = sh.map_list(targets, *([co2_utl.mae] * 6)) #: Upper score limits to raise the warnings. up_limit = dict.fromkeys(('alternator_currents', 'service_battery_currents', 'drive_battery_currents', 'dcdc_converter_currents'), 60) #: Prediction model. # noinspection PyProtectedMember dsp = sh.Blueprint(_electrics, inputs, outputs, models)._set_cls(define_sub_model)
'after_treatment_cooling_duration', 'idle_engine_speed', 'full_load_curve', 'after_treatment_warm_up_duration', 'motor_p2_planetary_speed_ratio', 'motor_p2_planetary_maximum_power_function', 'final_drive_speeds_in', 'motor_p4_front_maximum_powers', 'motive_powers', ] #: Relevant outputs of the model. outputs = ['on_engine', 'engine_starts'] #: Targets to compare the outputs of the model. targets = outputs #: Weights coefficients to compute the model score. weights = sh.map_list(targets, -1, -1) #: Metrics to compare outputs with targets. metrics = sh.map_list(targets, *([_accuracy_score] * 2)) #: Bottom score limits to raise the warnings. dn_limit = sh.map_list(targets, 0.7, 0.7) #: Prediction model. # noinspection PyProtectedMember dsp = sh.Blueprint(_physical, inputs, outputs, models)._set_cls(define_sub_model)
#: Model name. name = 'engine_coolant_temperature_model' #: Parameters that constitute the model. models = [ 'engine_temperature_regression_model', 'max_engine_coolant_temperature', 'engine_thermostat_temperature' ] #: Inputs required to run the model. inputs = [ 'times', 'on_engine', 'velocities', 'engine_speeds_out', 'accelerations', 'initial_engine_temperature' ] #: Relevant outputs of the model. outputs = ['engine_coolant_temperatures'] #: Targets to compare the outputs of the model. targets = outputs #: Metrics to compare outputs with targets. metrics = sh.map_list(targets, co2_utl.mae) #: Upper score limits to raise the warnings. up_limit = sh.map_list(targets, 4) #: Prediction model. # noinspection PyProtectedMember dsp = sh.Blueprint(_thermal, inputs, outputs, models)._set_cls(define_sub_model)
:param y_pred: Predicted engine speed vector [RPM]. :type y_pred: numpy.array :param after_treatment_warm_up_phases: Phases when engine speed is affected by the after treatment warm up [-]. :type after_treatment_warm_up_phases: numpy.array :return: Error. :rtype: float """ b = after_treatment_warm_up_phases if b.any(): from co2mpas.utils import mae return float(mae(y_true[b], y_pred[b])) else: return 0 #: Metrics to compare outputs with targets. metrics = sh.map_list(targets, metric_after_treatment_speed_model) #: Upper score limits to raise the warnings. up_limit = sh.map_list(targets, 160) #: Prediction model. # noinspection PyProtectedMember dsp = sh.Blueprint(_after_treat, inputs, outputs, models)._set_cls(define_sub_model)