def child_unpause(child):
    if child.status != scheduledb.PAUSED:
        print "Can't unpause task %d because it isn't paused"%(
    os.kill(, signal.SIGCONT)
    child.status = scheduledb.RUNNING
def child_pause(child):
    if child.status != scheduledb.RUNNING:
        print "Can't pause task %d because it isn't running"%(
    os.kill(, signal.SIGSTOP)
    child.status = scheduledb.PAUSED
def check_db():
    running_tasks = scheduledb.get_tasks(where='status = %d'%(scheduledb.RUNNING))
    # check if tasks that were "running" are dead
    for task in running_tasks[:]:
        if not psutil.pid_exists(
            print "Error: task %d was RUNNING but pid not found! Assumed dead."
            task.status = scheduledb.ERROR_CRASH
    tasks = scheduledb.get_tasks(where='status >= %d and status <= %d'%(scheduledb.WAITING_FOR_INPUT,scheduledb.PAUSED))
    # check if a task was waiting on time or another task
    #print "Checking database, found %d stalled tasks"%(len(tasks))
    for task in tasks:
        task.changed = False
        if (task.status == scheduledb.WAITING_FOR_INPUT or (task.status == scheduledb.WAITING_FOR_START and task.start_after <=
            if ( len(task.prerequisites) > 0 and scheduledb.count(where='('+' or '.join(['id = %d'%i for i in task.prerequisites])+')'+' and status != %d'%(scheduledb.DONE)) > 0):
                task.status = scheduledb.WAITING_FOR_INPUT
                task.changed = True
                task.status = scheduledb.WAITING_FOR_CPU
                task.changed = True
    # check if there is CPU available for a new task        
    curcpu = 0
    curio = 0
    curmem = 0
    for task in running_tasks:
        prof = profiles[task.profile_tag]
        curcpu += prof.cpu_usage
        curio += prof.io_usage
        curmem += prof.mem_usage
    #print "Current cpu=%.2f%% io=%.2fMBps mem=%.2fMB"%(curcpu*100.0,curio,curmem)
    tasks_to_start = []
    if ( len(running_tasks) < MAX_CHILDREN):
        if (curcpu < CPU_TARGET):
            for task in tasks:
                prof = profiles[task.profile_tag]
                if ( task.status == scheduledb.WAITING_FOR_CPU and prof.cpu_usage > 0 and 
                     prof.cpu_usage + curcpu <= CPU_MAX and prof.io_usage + curio <= IO_MAX and prof.mem_usage + curmem <= MEM_MAX ):
                        curcpu += prof.cpu_usage
                        curmem += prof.mem_usage
                        curio += prof.io_usage
                        task.status = scheduledb.RUNNING
        if (curmem < MEM_TARGET):
            for task in tasks:
                prof = profiles[task.profile_tag]
                if ( task.status == scheduledb.WAITING_FOR_CPU and prof.mem_usage > 0 and 
                     prof.cpu_usage + curcpu <= CPU_MAX and prof.io_usage + curio <= IO_MAX and prof.mem_usage + curmem <= MEM_MAX ):
                        curcpu += prof.cpu_usage
                        curmem += prof.mem_usage
                        curio += prof.io_usage
                        task.status = scheduledb.RUNNING
        if (curio < IO_TARGET):
            for task in tasks:
                prof = profiles[task.profile_tag]
                if ( task.status == scheduledb.WAITING_FOR_CPU and prof.io_usage > 0 and 
                     prof.cpu_usage + curcpu <= CPU_MAX and prof.io_usage + curio <= IO_MAX and prof.mem_usage + curmem <= MEM_MAX ):
                        curcpu += prof.cpu_usage
                        curmem += prof.mem_usage
                        curio += prof.io_usage
                        task.status = scheduledb.RUNNING
    # start the tasks we should start
    for task in tasks_to_start:
    # update the database
    for task in tasks:
        if task.changed: