def sub_show(client, nick, *args): l_page = client.mod_conf['listing']['page'] if args: tell_more = False key = args[0].title() if key.isdigit(): start = int(key) * l_page parts = list(Listing.all())[start:start + l_page] elif key == 'mine': parts = list(Listing.filter(seller=nick)) elif key == 'only': t = ' '.join(args[1:]) if not t: return 'The "show only" sub-command requires an item type!' parts = list(Listing.filter(item=t.title())) elif key == 'all': parts = list(Listing.all()) else: return ('I don\'t know what you\'re trying to do, but you ' 'might want to take a look at the "help" sub-command!') else: parts = list(Listing.all())[:l_page] tell_more = True return format_listing(parts, tell_more)
def format_listing(listing, tell_more=False): t_count = Listing.count() s_count = len(listing) if t_count > s_count and tell_more: msg = '(Showing %s results out of %s)\n' % (s_count, len(t_count)) else: msg = '' msg += ' | '.join(l_disp % i for i in listing) close_connection() return msg or 'There are no items listed!'
def sub_add(client, nick, *args): if len(args) < 4 or not (args[0].isdigit() and args[-1].isdigit()): return ('Bad arguments! See the sub-command "help".') if Listing.count(seller=nick) >= client.mod_conf['listing']['max']: close_connection() return ('You have too many items listed! Use the "remove" sub-command ' 'alongside "show mine" to remove an item first.') p = int(args[-1]) n = int(args[0]) t = ' '.join(args[1:-2]) w = args[-2] Listing(dict(seller=nick, quantity=n, price=p, item=t.lower(), word=w) ).add() close_connection()
def listing(client, nick, crawler): """ Classifieds for LoF. See the "help" sub-command for more information. """ args = crawler.chain.split() try: cmd = args.pop(0).lower() except IndexError: cmd = 'show' if cmd == 'show': return sub_show(client, nick, *args) elif cmd == 'add': return sub_add(client, nick, *args) elif cmd == 'remove': if len(args) != 1 or not args[0].isdigit(): return 'The "remove" sub-command requires a numeric id!' item = int(args[0]) # one or zero matches match = Listing.get(seller=nick, id=item) if not match: return 'You don\'t have an item with that id!' match.remove() close_connection() elif cmd == 'help': return ('Use: ' '`show [<page> | only <item name> | mine | all]` ' 'to display a page of listings, whether a certain ' '(defaults to the first) page of all of results, ' 'all items of a certain type, all of your own items, ' 'or every single item;\n' '`add <number> <item name>` at <price>' 'to add an item to the listings;\n' '`remove` <id> to remove one of your items.') else: return ('`%s` is not a valid sub-command; ' 'see the `help` sub-command for more details.') % cmd
def new_listing(session, num_of_bedroom, num_of_bathroom, address, zipcode, listing_price, date_of_listing, agent_id, office_id): # create house house = House(num_of_bedroom=num_of_bedroom, num_of_bathroom=num_of_bathroom, address=address, zipcode=zipcode) session.add(house) # create listing listing = Listing(listing_price=listing_price, date_of_listing=date_of_listing, status='available', agent=session.query(Agent).get(agent_id), office=session.query(Office).get(office_id), house=house) session.add(listing) session.commit() print ("New listing created with price {:d}".format(listing_price))
def seed_data(session, num_of_agent=30, num_of_office=10, num_of_buyer=300, num_of_house=500, num_of_listing=300, num_of_sale=200): fake = Faker('en_US') # create random agent for i in range(num_of_agent): agent = Agent(first_name=fake.first_name(), last_name=fake.last_name(), phone_number=fake.phone_number(), session.add(agent) session.commit() # create random offices # add many to many relationship between offices and agents for i in range(num_of_office): agent_ids = random.sample(range(1, num_of_agent + 1), random.randint(1, min(30, num_of_agent))) agents = [session.query(Agent).get(id) for id in agent_ids] office = Office(name=fake.color_name(), address=fake.street_address(), agents=agents) session.add(office) session.commit() # create random buyers for i in range(num_of_buyer): buyer = Buyer(first_name=fake.first_name(), last_name=fake.last_name(), phone_number=fake.phone_number(), session.add(buyer) session.commit() # create random houses for i in range(num_of_house): house = House(num_of_bedroom=random.randint(1, 8), num_of_bathroom=random.randint(1, 6), address=fake.street_address(), zipcode=fake.postalcode()) session.add(house) session.commit() # create random listings # connect agent, office, and house with listing house_ids = random.sample(range(1, num_of_house + 1), num_of_listing) for house_id in house_ids: office = session.query(Office).get(random.randint(1, num_of_office)) agent = random.choice(office.agents) listing = Listing(listing_price=1000 * random.randint(10, 5000), date_of_listing=fake.date_between(start_date='-1y', end_date='today'), status='available', agent=agent, office=office, house=session.query(House).get(house_id)) session.add(listing) session.commit() # create random sales # connect agent, office, and listing with sale listing_ids = random.sample(range(1, num_of_listing + 1), num_of_sale) for listing_id in listing_ids: listing = session.query(Listing).get(listing_id) listing.status = 'sold' # different situations of how the transition between listing and sale happens # the logic leaky as the next random choice may be the same as the last one # however this is acceptable as we are only to seed some example data if random.random( ) < 0.6: # same agent in the same office made the sale agent = listing.agent office = elif random.random( ) < 0.9: # different agent in the same office made the sale office = agent = random.choice(office.agents) else: # different agent in a different officen made the sale office = session.query(Office).get(random.randint( 1, num_of_office)) agent = random.choice(office.agents) # calculate sale date bese on listing date listing_datetime = datetime.strptime(listing.date_of_listing, '%Y-%m-%d') days_variant = min(( - listing_datetime).days, 90) sale_datetime = listing_datetime + timedelta( days=random.randint(0, days_variant)) date_of_sale = listing_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # decide sale price base on listing price with probability if random.random() < 0.6: # sale price is the same as listing price sale_price = listing.listing_price else: # sale price is different from listing price price_variant = int(listing.listing_price / 1000 / 4) # 25% of listing price in thousand dollar sale_price = listing.listing_price + 1000 * random.randint( -price_variant, price_variant) # create sale object to insert sale = Sale(sale_price=sale_price, date_of_sale=date_of_sale, buyer=session.query(Buyer).get( random.randint(1, num_of_buyer)), agent=agent, office=office, listing=listing) session.add(sale) session.commit() print("Database seeded with random data")