def reconstruct_image(images, k, prime, shares):
    imgs = [np.array( for i in images]
    row_count = 0
    mat_len, row_len, rgb = imgs[0].shape
    len_imgs = len(imgs)
    matrix = [[] for i in range(mat_len)]
    need_calc = []
    img_dict = {}
    rec_info = {}
    counter = 0
    for row in imgs[0]:
        rec_pix = [[] for i in range(row_len)]
        pix_count = 0
        for pix in row:
            shares_r = []
            shares_g = []
            shares_b = []
            save = False
            num = 0
            for j in range(len_imgs):
                red, green, blue = imgs[j][row_count][pix_count][0], imgs[j][row_count][pix_count][1], \
                if (red == 0 or blue == 0 or green
                        == 0) and ([row_count, pix_count] not in need_calc):
                    need_calc.append([row_count, pix_count])
                    img_dict[counter] = [red, green, blue]
                    save = True
                    num = j
            if save:
                rec_info[counter] = [num, shares_r, shares_g, shares_b]
                counter += 1
            r, g, b = int(Scheme.reconstruct_secret_img(shares[0][row_count][pix_count], shares_r, k, prime)), \
                      int(Scheme.reconstruct_secret_img(shares[1][row_count][pix_count], shares_g, k, prime)), \
                      int(Scheme.reconstruct_secret_img(shares[2][row_count][pix_count], shares_b, k, prime))
            if r == 256:
                r = 0
            if g == 256:
                g = 0
            if b == 256:
                b = 0
            rec_pix[pix_count] = [r, g, b]
            pix_count += 1
        matrix[row_count] = rec_pix
        row_count += 1
    matrix = np.asarray(matrix)
    for i in range(len(need_calc)):
        [red, green, blue] = img_dict[i]
        [row_count, pix_count] = need_calc[i]
        [r, g, b] = matrix[row_count][pix_count]
        R, G, B = euclidean_dist(i, need_calc[i][0], need_calc[i][1],
                                 [r, g, b], [red, green, blue], rec_info,
                                 matrix, shares, k, prime)
        matrix[need_calc[i][0]][need_calc[i][1]] = [R, G, B]
    return matrix
def euclidean_dist(cnt, row, col, pix, sh_pix, rec_info, rec_pic, shares, k,
    h, w = len(rec_pic), len(rec_pic[0])
    dist1 = 0
    dist2 = 0
    R = sh_pix[0]
    G = sh_pix[1]
    B = sh_pix[2]
    if R == 0:
        R = 256
    if G == 0:
        G = 256
    if B == 0:
        B = 256

    adjacent = []
    sec_adj = []
    temp_rec = rec_pic
    [num, shares_r, shares_g, shares_b] = rec_info[cnt]
    shares_r[num], shares_g[num], shares_b[num] = R, G, B
    r, g, b = Scheme.reconstruct_secret_img(shares[0][row][col], shares_r, k, prime), \
              Scheme.reconstruct_secret_img(shares[1][row][col], shares_g, k, prime), \
              Scheme.reconstruct_secret_img(shares[2][row][col], shares_b, k, prime)
    temp_rec[row][col] = [r, g, b]
    R, G, B = r, g, b

    for j in range(row - 1, row + 2):
        for i in range(col - 1, col + 2):
            if 0 <= i < w and 0 <= j < h and not (j == row and i == col):

    for a in range(len(adjacent)):
        cR = pix[0] - adjacent[a][0]
        cR2 = R - sec_adj[a][0]
        cG = pix[1] - adjacent[a][1]
        cG2 = G - sec_adj[a][1]
        cB = pix[2] - adjacent[a][2]
        cB2 = B - sec_adj[a][2]
        uR = (pix[0] + adjacent[a][0]) / 2
        uR2 = (R + sec_adj[a][0]) / 2
        dist1 += sqrt(cR * cR * (2 + uR / 256) + cG * cG * 4 + cB * cB *
                      (2 + (255 - uR) / 256))
        # computing reconstruct_secret over the previous value, ie. if we set the pixel to 256 (previously set to 0 in encryption)
        dist2 += sqrt(cR2 * cR2 * (2 + uR2 / 256) + cG2 * cG2 * 4 + cB2 * cB2 *
                      (2 + (255 - uR2) / 256))

    if dist1 < dist2:
        R, G, B = pix[0], pix[1], pix[2]
    return [R, G, B]
def euclidean_dist(cnt, row, col, pix, sh_pix, rec_info, rec_pic, shares, k,
    h, w = len(rec_pic), len(rec_pic[0])
    dist1 = 0
    dist2 = 0
    R = sh_pix[0]
    G = sh_pix[1]
    B = sh_pix[2]
    if R == 0:
        R = 256
    if G == 0:
        G = 256
    if B == 0:
        B = 256

    adjacent = []
    sec_adj = []
    temp_rec = rec_pic
    [num, shares_r, shares_g, shares_b] = rec_info[cnt]
    shares_r[num], shares_g[num], shares_b[num] = R, G, B
    r, g, b = Scheme.reconstruct_secret_img(shares[0][row][col], shares_r, k, prime), \
              Scheme.reconstruct_secret_img(shares[1][row][col], shares_g, k, prime), \
              Scheme.reconstruct_secret_img(shares[2][row][col], shares_b, k, prime)
    temp_rec[row][col] = [r, g, b]
    R, G, B = r, g, b

    for j in range(row - 1, row + 2):
        for i in range(col - 1, col + 2):
            if 0 <= i < w and 0 <= j < h and not (j == row and i == col):

    for a in range(len(adjacent)):
        cR = pix[0] - adjacent[a][0]
        cR2 = R - sec_adj[a][0]
        cG = pix[1] - adjacent[a][1]
        cG2 = G - sec_adj[a][1]
        cB = pix[2] - adjacent[a][2]
        cB2 = B - sec_adj[a][2]
        uR = (pix[0] + adjacent[a][0]) / 2
        uR2 = (R + sec_adj[a][0]) / 2
        dist1 += sqrt(cR * cR * (2 + uR / 256) + cG * cG * 4 + cB * cB *
                      (2 + (255 - uR) / 256))
        # racunanje reconstruct_secret preko prethodne vrijednosti, tj. ako piksel stavimo na 256 ( prethodno u ekripciji postavljen na 0)
        dist2 += sqrt(cR2 * cR2 * (2 + uR2 / 256) + cG2 * cG2 * 4 + cB2 * cB2 *
                      (2 + (255 - uR2) / 256))

    if dist1 < dist2:
        R, G, B = pix[0], pix[1], pix[2]
    return [R, G, B]
Beispiel #4
 def decrypt_text(self):
     if self.textEdit.toPlainText() is None or self.textEdit.toPlainText(
     ) == "":
         self.error_message = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(
             QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical, "Грешка",
             "Молим унесите текст за енкрипцију")
     elif self.spinBox_4.value() == 0 or self.spinBox_4.value(
     ) < self.spinBox_3.value() or self.spinBox_3.value(
     ) == 0 or self.spinBox_3.value() < 2 or self.spinBox_4.value() < 2:
         self.error_message = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(
             QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical, "Грешка",
             "Неки од броја подјела није добар")
     elif self.listWidget_5.count() < self.spinBox_3.value():
         self.error_message = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(
             QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical, "Грешка",
             "Није унешено довољно дијелова")
         reconstructed_secret = ""
         b = 0
         for dic in self.text_shares:
             reconstructed_secret += chr(
             b += 1
         self.glavna_lista = [[] for i in range(len(self.secret_text))]
Beispiel #5
 def decrypt_text(self):
     if self.textEdit.toPlainText() is None or self.textEdit.toPlainText(
     ) == "":
         self.error_message = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(
             QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical, "Error",
             "Please enter text for encryption")
     elif self.spinBox_4.value() == 0 or self.spinBox_4.value(
     ) < self.spinBox_3.value() or self.spinBox_3.value(
     ) == 0 or self.spinBox_3.value() < 2 or self.spinBox_4.value() < 2:
         self.error_message = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(
             QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical, "Error",
             "Some of the number of divisions is not good")
     elif self.listWidget_5.count() < self.spinBox_3.value():
         self.error_message = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(
             QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical, "Error",
             "Not enough parts entered")
         reconstructed_secret = ""
         b = 0
         for dic in self.text_shares:
             reconstructed_secret += chr(
             b += 1
         self.glavna_lista = [[] for i in range(len(self.secret_text))]