Beispiel #1
 def test_add_compatible(self):
     a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=meters)
     b = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=feet)
     result = a + b
     mplusf = (meters + feet).value
     self.assertEqual(result[0], mplusf)
     self.assertEqual(result.units, meters)
Beispiel #2
    def test_gram_per_mol(self):
        x = UnitArray([1000, 2000, 3000], units=chr_units.gram_per_mol)
        expected = UnitArray([1000, 2000, 3000], units=mass.g / substance.mole)
        assert_unit_array_almost_equal(x, expected)

        y = UnitArray([1000, 2000, 3000], units="g/mol")
        assert_unit_array_almost_equal(y, expected)
Beispiel #3
 def test_subtract_compatible(self):
     a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=meters)
     b = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=feet)
     result = a - b
     mminusf = (meters - feet).value
     self.assertEqual(result[0], mminusf)
     self.assertEqual(result.units, meters)
 def test_index_name(self):
     """ Can set and retreive the index_name?
     ary = numpy.array((1,2,3))
     unit_ary = UnitArray(ary)
     unit_ary.index_name = "depth"
     self.assertEqual(unit_ary.index_name, "depth")
    def test_unit_array_with_decorated_docstring_function(self):
        """Does has_units wrap with docstring work ?
        def addfunc(a, b):
            return a + b

        def add(a, b):
            ''' Add two arrays in ft/s and convert them to m/s.

            a : array : units=ft/s
                An array
            b : array : units=ft/s
                Another array

            c : array : units=m/s
                c = a + b
            return (a + b) * 0.3048

        a = UnitArray(arange(100), units=feet / second)
        b = UnitArray(arange(100)**2, units=feet / second)
            allclose(addfunc(a, b).as_units(meters / second), add(a, b)))

        a = UnitArray(arange(100), units=meters / second)
        b = UnitArray(arange(100)**2, units=meters / second)
            allclose(addfunc(a, b).as_units(meters / second), add(a, b)))
    def test_unit_array_with_decorated_docstring_and_inputted_parameters(self):
        """Does has_units wrap with expanded docstring and inputting
        parameters work the same ?
        @has_units(inputs="a:an array:units=ft/s;b:array:units=ft/s",
                   outputs="c:an array:units=m/s")
        def add(a, b):
            " Add two arrays in ft/s and convert them to m/s. "
            return (a + b) * 0.3048

        def add_doc(a, b):
            ''' Add two arrays in ft/s and convert them to m/s.

            a : array : units=ft/s
                An array
            b : array : units=ft/s
                Another array

            c : array : units=m/s
                c = a + b
            return (a + b) * 0.3048

        a = UnitArray(arange(100), units=feet / second)
        b = UnitArray(arange(100)**2, units=feet / second)
        self.assertTrue(allclose(add_doc(a, b), add(a, b)))

        a = UnitArray(arange(100), units=meters / second)
        b = UnitArray(arange(100)**2, units=meters / second)
        self.assertTrue(allclose(add_doc(a, b), add(a, b)))
Beispiel #7
    def test_concatenate(self):
        unit_ary_1 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1, 2, 3)), units=meters)
        unit_ary_2 = UnitArray(numpy.array((4, 5, 6)), units=meters)

        new_unit_ary = UnitArray.concatenate([unit_ary_1, unit_ary_2])
        expected = UnitArray((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), units=meters)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(new_unit_ary == expected))
Beispiel #8
 def test_index_name(self):
     """ Can set and retreive the index_name?
     ary = numpy.array((1, 2, 3))
     unit_ary = UnitArray(ary)
     unit_ary.index_name = "depth"
     self.assertEqual(unit_ary.index_name, "depth")
Beispiel #9
    def test_kilo_dalton(self):
        x = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=chr_units.kilo_dalton)
        expected = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=chr_units.kilogram_per_mol)
        assert_unit_array_almost_equal(x, expected)
        # This unit is equal but distinct:
        self.assertIsNot(chr_units.kilo_dalton, chr_units.kilogram_per_mol)

        y = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units="kDa")
        assert_unit_array_almost_equal(y, expected)
Beispiel #10
    def test_dalton(self):
        x = UnitArray([1000, 2000, 3000], units=chr_units.gram_per_mol)
        expected = UnitArray([1000, 2000, 3000], units=chr_units.dalton)
        assert_unit_array_almost_equal(x, expected)
        # This unit is equal but distinct:
        self.assertIsNot(chr_units.dalton, chr_units.gram_per_mol)

        y = UnitArray([1000, 2000, 3000], units="Da")
        assert_unit_array_almost_equal(y, expected)
 def setUp(self):
     # Make some data to play with.
     self.meter_array = UnitArray([1., 2, 3], units=meters)
     self.second_array = UnitArray([3., 2, 1], units=second)
     self.feet_array = UnitArray([4., 5, 6], units=feet)
     self.meter_scalar = UnitScalar(1., units=meters)
     self.second_scalar = UnitScalar(3., units=second)
     self.feet_scalar = UnitScalar(4., units=feet)
Beispiel #12
 def test_divide_pass(self):
     a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=meters / second)
     result = a / 3.0
     self.assertEqual(result.units, meters / second)
     result = 3.0 / a
     self.assertEqual(result.units, second / meters)
     b = UnitArray([3, 2, 1], units=second)
     result = a / b
     self.assertEqual(result.units, meters / second**2)
 def test_product_component_purity_calc(self):
     load = self.load
     load_conc_units = load.product_concentration.units
     expt_concentrations = UnitArray([0.07896, 0.82908, 0.03195718],
     expt_purities = expt_concentrations / load.product_concentration * 100
     expt_purities = UnitArray(expt_purities, units=percent)
Beispiel #14
    def test_array_convert_units(self):
        array_data = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=chr_units.length.m)
        conv_data = convert_units(array_data,
        assert_allclose(conv_data.tolist(), (100 * array_data).tolist())

        # convert back to original units and check
        conv_data_2 = convert_units(conv_data, array_data.units)
        assert_allclose(conv_data_2.tolist(), array_data.tolist())
        self.assertEqual(conv_data_2.units, array_data.units)
Beispiel #15
    def test_concatenate_keeps_attribute(self):
        """ concatenating does not call __new__ on the result
            so the attribute must be set correctly in __array_finalize__
        unit_ary_1 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1, 2, 3)), units=meters)
        unit_ary_2 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1, 2, 3)), units=meters)

        new_unit_ary = UnitArray.concatenate([unit_ary_1, unit_ary_2])

        self.assertEqual(new_unit_ary.units, meters)
 def test_product_component_purity_calc(self):
     pool = self.pool
     pool_conc_units = pool.product_concentration.units
     sim_concentrations = UnitArray([0.1, 0.25, 0.05],
     pool.product_component_concentrations = sim_concentrations
     sim_purities = sim_concentrations / pool.product_concentration * 100
     sim_purities = UnitArray(sim_purities, units=percent)
Beispiel #17
 def test_pow_pass(self):
     a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=meters)
     b = 0.5
     result = a**b
     self.assertEqual(result.units, meters**0.5)
     c = array(0.5)
     result = a**c
     self.assertEqual(result.units, meters**0.5)
     d = UnitArray(0.5, units=dimensionless)
     result = a**d
     self.assertEqual(result.units, meters**0.5)
    def test_as_units(self):
        """ Conversion from one unit system to another.
        ary = numpy.array((1,2,3))
        unit_ary = UnitArray(ary, units=meters)
        new_unit_ary = unit_ary.as_units(feet)

        # Test the values are correct
        desired_array = units.convert(ary, meters, feet)

        # Also, make sure the units are correctly assigned.
        self.assertEqual(new_unit_ary.units, feet)
Beispiel #19
    def test_as_units(self):
        """ Conversion from one unit system to another.
        ary = numpy.array((1, 2, 3))
        unit_ary = UnitArray(ary, units=meters)
        new_unit_ary = unit_ary.as_units(feet)

        # Test the values are correct
        desired_array = units.convert(ary, meters, feet)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(desired_array == new_unit_ary))

        # Also, make sure the units are correctly assigned.
        self.assertEqual(new_unit_ary.units, feet)
Beispiel #20
 def test_pickle(self):
     for a in (
             UnitArray([0, 1]),
             UnitArray([0, 1], units=feet / seconds),
             UnitArray([[0.5, 1.0], [10., 20.]], units=meters),
         state = dumps(a)
         b = loads(state)
         self.assertTrue(all(b == a))
         self.assertTrue(hasattr(b, 'units'))
         self.assertEqual(b.units, a.units)
Beispiel #21
    def test_concatenate_keeps_attribute_using_mixed_units(self):
        """ concatenating does not call __new__ on the result
            so the attribute must be set correctly in __array_finalize__.
            This test creates another unit array with different units
            before the concatenate to make sure the finalize method does not
            assign the wrong units
        unit_ary_1 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1, 2, 3)), units=meters)
        unit_ary_2 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1, 2, 3)), units=meters)

        unit_ary_3 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1, 2, 3)), units=feet)
        new_unit_ary = UnitArray.concatenate([unit_ary_1, unit_ary_2])

        self.assertEqual(new_unit_ary.units, meters)
    def test_repr(self):
        """ Test output of repr()"""
        a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units="cm")
        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units='0.01*m')")

        # unit with no label
        labelless_unit = cm * gram
        a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=labelless_unit)
        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units='1e-05*m*kg')")

        # dimensionless quantity
        dimensionless_unit = copy(dimensionless)
        dimensionless_unit.label = "Cool unit"
        a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=dimensionless_unit)
        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units='1')")
    def test_unit_array_with_units_decorated(self):
        def func(value):
            return value

        @has_units(inputs="value: a value: units=m/s;")
        def func_wrapped(value):
            return value

        a = UnitArray(arange(100), units=meters / second)
            allclose(func(a).as_units(meters / second), func_wrapped(a)))

        a = UnitArray(arange(100), units=feet / second)
            allclose(func(a).as_units(meters / second), func_wrapped(a)))
    def test_concatenate(self):
        unit_ary_1 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1,2,3)), units=meters)
        unit_ary_2 = UnitArray(numpy.array((4,5,6)), units=meters)

        new_unit_ary = UnitArray.concatenate([unit_ary_1, unit_ary_2])
        expected = UnitArray((1,2,3,4,5,6), units=meters)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(new_unit_ary == expected))
Beispiel #25
def request_new_system_type(datasource, kind="livemodal", **traits):
    """ Build a new instance of a SystemType invoking its UI editor.

    datasource : Instance(SimpleDataSource)
        User datasource targeted to be contributed to.

    kind : str
        Should be set to None to make it non-blocking (only useful for testing

    traits : dict
        Attributes of the created object. Used to override the defaults.

    Tuple with the object created and the data to create it since it is to be
    contributed to the SimpleDataSource.
    defaults = dict(
        name='New System Type', manufacturer='manufacturer',
        manufacturer_name='New System Type',
        flow_range=UnitArray([0., 0.], units=chr_units.ml_per_min)
    model = SystemType(**defaults)
    view = SystemTypeView(model=model)
    return _show_view_and_return_model(view, kind)
Beispiel #26
 def test_add(self):
     """ Binary operation of array + UnitArray should return a UnitArray.
     ary = numpy.array((1, 2, 3))
     unit_ary = UnitArray(ary)
     res = unit_ary + ary
     assert type(res) is UnitArray
Beispiel #27
    def test_le(self):
        a = UnitArray([1.0, 2.0, 3], units=dimensionless)
        b = UnitArray([3.0, 1.0, 1], units=2.0 * dimensionless)
        result = a <= b

        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[2], False)
        c = 2.0
        result = b <= c
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[2], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[2], True)
Beispiel #28
def calculate_step_start_times(sim):
    """ Calculate all step start times and stop time of the last step in min
    from the beginning of the method.

    sim : _BaseExperiment (Experiment or Simulation)
        Experiment-like object containing the method to analyze.

        Start times for all steps and stop time of last step in minutes.
    start_times = [0.]

    for step in sim.method.method_steps:
        step_time = vol_to_time(step.volume,

    start_times = np.cumsum(start_times)
    return UnitArray(start_times, units="minute")
Beispiel #29
 def test_subtract_dimensionless(self):
     a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=dimensionless)
     b = 1
     result = a - b
     self.assertEqual(result.units, dimensionless)
     assert_array_equal(result, UnitArray([0, 1, 2], units=dimensionless))
     result = b - a
     self.assertEqual(result.units, dimensionless)
     assert_array_equal(result, UnitArray([0, -1, -2], units=dimensionless))
     c = array([3, 2, 1])
     result = a - c
     self.assertEqual(result.units, dimensionless)
     assert_array_equal(result, UnitArray([-2, 0, 2], units=dimensionless))
     result = c - a
     self.assertEqual(result.units, dimensionless)
     assert_array_equal(result, UnitArray([2, 0, -2], units=dimensionless))
Beispiel #30
def request_new_column_type(datasource, kind="livemodal", **traits):
    """ Build a new instance of a ColumnType invoking its UI editor.

    datasource : Instance(SimpleDataSource)
        User datasource targeted to be contributed to.

    kind : str
        Should be set to None to make it non-blocking (only useful for testing

    traits : dict
        Attributes of the created object. Used to override the defaults.

    Tuple with the object created and the data to create it since it is to be
    contributed to the SimpleDataSource.
    defaults = dict(name='New Column Type', manufacturer='manufacturer',
                    manufacturer_name='New Column Type',
                    diameter=UnitScalar(0.0, units='cm'),
                    bed_height_range=UnitArray([0., 0.], units='cm'),
    model = ColumnType(**defaults)
    view = ColumnTypeView(model=model)
    return _show_view_and_return_model(view, kind)
    def test_str(self):
        """ Test output of str() """
        a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units="cm")
        self.assertEqual(str(a), "UnitArray (cm): [1, 2, 3]")

        # unit with no label
        labelless_unit = cm * gram
        a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=labelless_unit)
        # For units with no label, the repr of the unit is used.
        self.assertEqual(str(a), "UnitArray (1e-05*m*kg): [1, 2, 3]")

        # dimensionless quantity
        dimensionless_unit = copy(dimensionless)
        dimensionless_unit.label = "Cool unit"
        a = UnitArray([1, 2, 3], units=dimensionless_unit)
        self.assertEqual(str(a), "UnitArray (Cool unit): [1, 2, 3]")
Beispiel #32
 def test_array_equality(self):
     """ Rich comparison of array == UnitArray should compare the data
     ary = numpy.array((1, 2, 3))
     unit_ary = UnitArray(ary)
     res = unit_ary + ary
     assert numpy.all(res == (ary + ary))
Beispiel #33
 def setUp(self):
     # Make some useful data.
     self.unit_array = UnitArray((1, 2, 3), units=meters)
     self.unit_scalar = UnitScalar(1, units=meters)
     self.plain_array = array([1, 2, 3])
     self.plain_scalar = 1
    def test_adapt_getitem_converts_correctly(self):
        """ Does getitem convert units correctly?
        context = None
        old_log = UnitArray((1, 2, 3), units=meters)
        getitem_units = {"depth": feet}
        adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units=getitem_units)
        name, new_log = adapter.adapt_getitem(context, "depth", old_log)

        # Did the values get converted correctly?
        self.assert_(all(new_log == old_log.as_units(feet)))

        # Are the units assigned correctly?
        self.assert_(new_log.units == feet)

    def test_get_set_converts_correctly(self):
        """ Does get/set with different units convert correctly?
        context = None
        meter_log = UnitArray((1, 2, 3), units=meters)
        setitem_units = {"depth": inch}
        getitem_units = {"depth": feet}
        adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units=getitem_units, setitem_units=setitem_units)
        name, inch_log = adapter.adapt_setitem(context, "depth", meter_log)
        self.assert_(all(inch_log == meter_log.as_units(inch)))

        name, feet_log = adapter.adapt_getitem(context, "depth", inch_log)
        # Did the values get converted correctly?
        self.assert_(all(feet_log == meter_log.as_units(feet)))

        # Are the units assigned correctly?
        self.assert_(feet_log.units == feet)

    def test_concatenate_keeps_attribute(self):
        """ concatenating does not call __new__ on the result
            so the attribute must be set correctly in __array_finalize__
        unit_ary_1 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1,2,3)), units=meters)
        unit_ary_2 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1,2,3)), units=meters)

        new_unit_ary = UnitArray.concatenate([unit_ary_1, unit_ary_2])

        self.assertEqual(new_unit_ary.units, meters)
    def test_getitem_converts_correctly(self):
        """ Does getitem convert units correctly?
        getitem_units = {'depth':feet}
        adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units=getitem_units)

        old_log = UnitArray((1,2,3),units=meters)

        self.context['depth'] = old_log

        new_log = self.context['depth']

        # Did the values get converted correctly?

        # Are the units assigned correctly?

    def setUp(self):

        # Put unit adapters on either side of a masking adapter to see if they
        # cooperate. Store meters in the raw context, push fathoms through the
        # mask, and expose feet to the outside world.
        self.units = units = { 'in':meters, 'mid':fathom, 'out':feet }

        # Set up data for the contexts
        depth = UnitArray(linspace(0.0, 100.0, 11), units=units['in'])
        lith = array(['sand']*len(depth), dtype=object)

        # Create the contexts
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(subcontext=DataContext())
        self.raw_context = self.context.subcontext

        # Add data (before creating the adapters)
        self.context.update(depth=depth, lith=lith)

        # (This simplifies creating UnitConversionAdapters)
        def always(value):
            class C(dict):
                def get(self, key, default=None):
                    return value
                def __repr__(self):
                    return '{*:%r}' % value
            return C()

        # Layer multiple adapters
        d = depth.view(ndarray)
        self.mask = (15.0 < d) & (d < 55.0)
        self.convert_out = lambda x: convert(x, units['in'], units['out'])
        self.convert_in = lambda x: convert(x, units['out'], units['in'])
        #    UnitConversionAdapter(setitem_units=always(units['in']),
        #                          getitem_units=always(units['mid'])))
        #    UnitConversionAdapter(setitem_units=always(units['mid']),
    def test_setitem_converts_correctly(self):
        """ Does setitem convert units correctly?

        old_log = UnitArray((1,2,3),units=meters)
        getitem_units = {'depth':feet}
        adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units=getitem_units)


        # pass the log into the conversion adapter as meters
        self.context['depth'] = old_log

        # Now retreive the log from the underlying context.
        new_log = self.context['depth']

        # Did the values get converted correctly?

        # Are the units assigned correctly?

    def test_concatenate_keeps_attribute_using_mixed_units(self):
        """ concatenating does not call __new__ on the result
            so the attribute must be set correctly in __array_finalize__.
            This test creates another unit array with different units
            before the concatenate to make sure the finalize method does not
            assign the wrong units
        unit_ary_1 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1,2,3)), units=meters)
        unit_ary_2 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1,2,3)), units=meters)

        unit_ary_3 = UnitArray(numpy.array((1,2,3)), units=feet)
        new_unit_ary = UnitArray.concatenate([unit_ary_1, unit_ary_2])

        self.assertEqual(new_unit_ary.units, meters)