def _stitch_event_data( item: sc.DataArray, frames: sc.Dataset, dim: str, new_dim: str, bins: Union[int, sc.Variable]) -> Union[sc.DataArray, dict]: edges = sc.flatten(sc.transpose(sc.concat( [frames["time_min"].data, frames["time_max"].data], 'dummy'), dims=['frame', 'dummy']), to=dim) binned = sc.bin(item, edges=[edges]) for i in range(frames.sizes["frame"]): # TODO: temporary fix working on the .value because read-only flag is set binned[dim, i * 2].value.coords[dim] -= frames["time_correction"].data["frame", i] erase = None if new_dim != dim: binned.bins.coords[new_dim] = binned.bins.coords[dim] del binned.bins.coords[dim] erase = [dim] binned.masks['frame_gaps'] = ( sc.arange(dim, 2 * frames.sizes["frame"] - 1) % 2).astype(bool) new_edges = sc.concat([(frames["time_min"]["frame", 0] - frames["time_correction"]["frame", 0]).data, (frames["time_max"]["frame", -1] - frames["time_correction"]["frame", -1]).data], new_dim) return sc.bin(binned, edges=[new_edges], erase=erase)
def _bin_events(data: DetectorData): if not bin_by_pixel: # If loading "raw" data, leave binned by pulse. return data.event_data if data.detector_ids is None: # If detector ids were not found in an associated detector group # we will just have to bin according to whatever # ids we have a events for (pixels with no recorded events # will not have a bin) event_id = data.event_data.bins.constituents['data'].coords[ _detector_dimension] data.detector_ids = sc.array(dims=[_detector_dimension], values=np.unique(event_id.values)) # Events in the NeXus file are effectively binned by pulse # (because they are recorded chronologically) # but for reduction it is more useful to bin by detector id # Broadcast pulse times to events data.event_data.bins.coords['pulse_time'] = sc.bins_like( data.event_data, fill_value=data.event_data.coords['pulse_time']) # TODO Look into using `erase=[_pulse_dimension]` instead of binning # underlying buffer. Must prove that performance can be unaffected. da = sc.bin(data.event_data.bins.constituents['data'], groups=[data.detector_ids]) # Add a single time-of-flight bin da = sc.DataArray(data=sc.broadcast(, dims=da.dims + [_time_of_flight], shape=da.shape + [1]), coords={_detector_dimension: data.detector_ids}) if pixel_positions_loaded: # TODO: the name 'position' should probably not be hard-coded but moved # to a variable that cah be changed in a single place. da.coords['position'] = data.pixel_positions return da
def _getitem(self, select: ScippIndex) -> sc.DataArray: # Note that ._detector_data._load_detector provides a different loading # facility for NXdetector but handles only loading of detector_number, # as needed for event data loading if self._is_events: # If there is a 'detector_number' field it is used to bin events into # detector pixels. Note that due to the nature of NXevent_data, which stores # events from all pixels and random order, we always have to load the entire # bank. Slicing with the provided 'select' is done while binning. event_data = self._nxbase[...] if self.detector_number is None: # Ideally we would prefer to use np.unique, but a quick experiment shows # that this can easily be 100x slower, so it is not an option. In # practice most files have contiguous event_id values within a bank # (NXevent_data). id_min = event_data.bins.coords['event_id'].min() id_max = event_data.bins.coords['event_id'].max() detector_numbers = sc.arange(dim='detector_number', start=id_min.value, stop=id_max.value + 1, dtype=id_min.dtype) else: detector_numbers = self.detector_number[select] event_data.bins.coords[ 'detector_number'] = event_data.bins.coords.pop('event_id') # After loading raw NXevent_data it is guaranteed that the event table # is contiguous and that there is no masking. We can therefore use the # more efficient approach of binning from scratch instead of erasing the # 'pulse' binning defined by NXevent_data. return sc.bin(event_data.bins.constituents['data'], groups=[detector_numbers]) return self._nxbase[select]
def test_bins_arithmetic(): var = sc.Variable(dims=['event'], values=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) table = sc.DataArray(var, {'x': var}) binned = sc.bin(table, [sc.Variable(dims=['x'], values=[1.0, 5.0])]) hist = sc.DataArray( data=sc.Variable(dims=['x'], values=[1.0, 2.0]), coords={'x': sc.Variable(dims=['x'], values=[1.0, 3.0, 5.0])}) binned.bins *= sc.lookup(func=hist, dim='x') assert sc.is_equal(, sc.Variable(dims=['event'], values=[1.0, 2.0, 6.0, 8.0]))
def _bin_event_data_for_ploting(data, frame, bins_per_frame): """ Bin event data using `bins_per_frame` to make a meaningful plot. """ return sc.bin(data, edges=[ sc.linspace(dim='tof', start=frame["time_min"].value, stop=frame["time_max"].value, num=bins_per_frame, unit=frame['time_min'].unit) ]).bins.sum()
def _tof_correction(data: sc.DataArray, dim: str = 'tof') -> sc.DataArray: """ A correction for the presense of the chopper with respect to the "true" ToF. Also fold the two pulses. TODO: generalise mechanism to fold any number of pulses. """ tau = sc.to_unit( 1 / (2 * data.coords['source_chopper'].value['frequency'].data), data.coords[dim].unit) chopper_phase = data.coords['source_chopper'].value['phase'].data tof_offset = tau * chopper_phase / (180.0 * sc.units.deg) # Make 2 bins, one for each pulse edges = sc.concat([-tof_offset, tau - tof_offset, 2 * tau - tof_offset], dim) data = sc.bin(data, edges=[sc.to_unit(edges, data.coords[dim].unit)]) # Make one offset for each bin offset = sc.concat([tof_offset, tof_offset - tau], dim) # Apply the offset on both bins data.bins.coords[dim] += offset # Rebin to exclude second (empty) pulse range return sc.bin(data, edges=[sc.concat([0. *, tau], dim)])
def _check_lambda_inside_resolution(lam, dlam_over_lam, data, event_mode=False, check_value=True): dlam = 0.5 * dlam_over_lam * lam if event_mode: sum_in_range = sc.bin(data, edges=[ sc.array(dims=['wavelength'], values=[(lam - dlam).value, (lam + dlam).value], unit=lam.unit) ]).bins.sum().data['wavelength', 0] else: sum_in_range = sc.sum(data['wavelength', lam - dlam:lam + dlam]).data assert sc.isclose(sum_in_range, 1.0 * sc.units.counts).value is check_value
def make_binned_data_array(ndim=1, variances=False, masks=False): dim_list = ['tof', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'Q_x'] N = 50 M = 10 values = 10.0 * np.random.random(N) da = sc.DataArray(data=sc.Variable(dims=['position'], unit=sc.units.counts, values=values), coords={ 'position': sc.Variable( dims=['position'], values=['site-{}'.format(i) for i in range(N)]) }) if variances: da.variances = values bin_list = [] for i in range(ndim): da.coords[dim_list[i]] = sc.Variable(dims=['position'], unit=sc.units.m, values=np.random.random(N)) bin_list.append( sc.Variable(dims=[dim_list[i]], unit=sc.units.m, values=np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, M - i))) binned = sc.bin(da, bin_list) if masks: # Make a checkerboard mask, see binned.masks["mask"] = sc.Variable( dims=binned.dims, values=(np.indices(binned.shape).sum(axis=0) % 2).astype(np.bool)) return binned
def _do_stitching_on_beamline(wavelengths, dim, event_mode=False): # Make beamline parameters for 6 frames coords = wfm.make_fake_beamline(nframes=6) # They are all created half-way through the pulse. # Compute their arrival time at the detector. alpha = sc.to_unit(constants.m_n / constants.h, 's/m/angstrom') dz = sc.norm(coords['position'] - coords['source_position']) arrival_times = sc.to_unit(alpha * dz * wavelengths, 'us') + coords['source_pulse_t_0'] + ( 0.5 * coords['source_pulse_length']) coords[dim] = arrival_times # Make a data array that contains the beamline and the time coordinate tmin = sc.min(arrival_times) tmax = sc.max(arrival_times) dt = 0.1 * (tmax - tmin) if event_mode: num = 2 else: num = 2001 time_binning = sc.linspace(dim=dim, start=(tmin - dt).value, stop=(tmax + dt).value, num=num, unit=dt.unit) events = sc.DataArray(data=sc.ones(dims=['event'], shape=arrival_times.shape, unit=sc.units.counts, with_variances=True), coords=coords) if event_mode: da = sc.bin(events, edges=[time_binning]) else: da = sc.histogram(events, bins=time_binning) # Find location of frames frames = wfm.get_frames(da) stitched = wfm.stitch(frames=frames, data=da, dim=dim, bins=2001) wav = scn.convert(stitched, origin='tof', target='wavelength', scatter=False) if event_mode: out = wav else: out = sc.rebin(wav, dim='wavelength', bins=sc.linspace(dim='wavelength', start=1.0, stop=10.0, num=1001, unit='angstrom')) choppers = {key: da.meta[key].value for key in ch.find_chopper_keys(da)} # Distance between WFM choppers dz_wfm = sc.norm(choppers["chopper_wfm_2"]["position"].data - choppers["chopper_wfm_1"]["position"].data) # Delta_lambda / lambda dlambda_over_lambda = dz_wfm / sc.norm( coords['position'] - frames['wfm_chopper_mid_point'].data) return out, dlambda_over_lambda