import pynacolada as pcd from sciproc import steinalp, dtrange from Scientific.IO import NetCDF import datetime as dt import numpy as np # purpose: 'advanced' example of making a Stein-Alpert decomposition from an monthly-mean averaged cycle (only on the 2 lowest model layers) def avgcycle(x,n): xout = np.zeros([n+1]+list(np.shape(x)[1:])) for i in range(n): xout[i] = np.mean(x[i::n],axis=0) xout[n] = xout[0] return xout dts = dtrange(dt.datetime.strptime('2009040100','%Y%m%d%H'),dt.datetime.strptime('2009050100','%Y%m%d%H'),dt.timedelta(hours=1)) for RUN in ['aq09ec_td','aq09_td','aq09ec','aq09']: path = '/media/URB_AQ_1/data/belgium_aq/rcm/'+RUN+'/stage1/aurora/au3d/' fins = [ path+'/au3d'+time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H')+'.nc' for time in dts] fout = NetCDF.NetCDFFile('/media/URB_AQ_1/data/belgium_aq/rcm/'+RUN+'','w') pcd.pcd(lambda x: avgcycle(x,24),('time',),\ [{'file': fins, 'varname': 'O3', 'predim': 'time'}],\ [{'file': fout, 'varname': 'O3'}],appenddim=True) fout.close(); print('data written to: ',fout) fin = NetCDF.NetCDFFile('/media/URB_AQ_1/data/belgium_aq/rcm/'+RUN+'','r') fout = NetCDF.NetCDFFile('/media/URB_AQ_1/data/belgium_aq/rcm/'+RUN+'','w')
fout = NetCDF.NetCDFFile(fnout,'w') datout = [{'file': fout, \ 'varname': 'u'}] func = lambda U,V: np.array([np.mean(np.sqrt(U**2+V**2),axis=0 )]) dnamsel = ['level',] pcd.pcd(func,dnamsel,datin,datout,appenddim=True) # Note also that the calculation is not entirely correct because the U and V loacations are shifted by 1/2-gridcell! fout.close() fin.close() print("example 4: now we come to it's real power. Do the same as before, but for an hourly time series. ") # the timeseries: just a list of all the files in the right order dts = sp.dtrange(dt.datetime(2002,5,1),dt.datetime(2002,7,1),dt.timedelta(hours=1)) path = '/media/URB_UIP_2/data/rcm/0.009_20020101_berlin/cclm/out01/' dtfiles = [path+'lffd'+dt.datetime.strftime(e,"%Y%m%d%H")+'.nc' for e in dts] datin = [{'file': dtfiles, \ 'varname': 'U', \ 'dsel': {'level' : range(30,40,1)}, \ 'daliases': { 'srlat':'rlat', 'srlon':'rlon' },\ },\ {'file': dtfiles, \ 'varname':'V', \ 'dsel': {'level' : range(30,40,1)}, 'daliases': { 'srlat':'rlat', 'srlon':'rlon' },\ }\ ]