Beispiel #1
def invert_vort(uc, dx=dx, dy=dy, nx=nx, ny=ny, geom=tad.geom):

    ucv = geom.validview(uc)
    vort = ucv[0]
    u = ucv[1]
    v = ucv[2]

    f = fft2(vort)

    nx, ny = vort.shape

    scal_y = 2*pi/dy/ny
    scal_x = 2*pi/dx/nx

    k = fftfreq(nx, 1/nx)[:,None] * 1j * scal_x
    l = fftfreq(ny, 1/ny)[None,:] * 1j * scal_y

    lapl = k**2 + l**2
    lapl[0,0] = 1.0

    psi = f/lapl
    u[:] = -real(ifft2(psi * l))
    v[:] = real(ifft2(psi * k))

    return uc
Beispiel #2
def inverseFilter(img,fftsize):
    im = np.mean(img,2)/255.
    fftsize = 1024
    im_fft = fftpack.fft2(im, (fftsize, fftsize))
    #Complementary of a Gaussian filter
    SZ = 1024
    sigma = 0.25
    gaussian = np.exp(-0.5*(xx*xx+yy*yy)/(sigma*sigma))
    fil =1.-fftpack.fftshift(gaussian/np.max(gaussian))
    fil_fft =  fil
    im_fil_fft = im_fft * fil_fft
    im_fil = np.real(fftpack.ifft2(im_fil_fft))
    #Careful with the crop. Because we work directly in the Fourier domain there is no padding.
    im_crop = im_fil[0:im.shape[0], 0:im.shape[1]]     
    tol= 1e-2
    I = F/H
    print np.min(I)
    i_reconstructed = np.real(fftpack.ifft2(I))
def convolution_fourier_RGB(img, fil_fft, fftsize):

    channelR = np.zeros((img.shape[0],img.shape[1]), 'double')
    channelG = np.zeros((img.shape[0],img.shape[1]), 'double')
    channelB = np.zeros((img.shape[0],img.shape[1]), 'double')

    for x in range(img.shape[0]):
        for y in range(img.shape[1]):
            channelR[x,y] = img[x,y][0]
            channelG[x,y] = img[x,y][1]
            channelB[x,y] = img[x,y][2]
    matrixR_fft = fftpack.fft2(channelR, (fftsize, fftsize))
    matrixG_fft = fftpack.fft2(channelG, (fftsize, fftsize))
    matrixB_fft = fftpack.fft2(channelB, (fftsize, fftsize))
    matrixR_fil_fft = matrixR_fft * fil_fft;
    matrixG_fil_fft = matrixG_fft * fil_fft;
    matrixB_fil_fft = matrixB_fft * fil_fft;

    matrixR_fil = np.real(fftpack.ifft2(matrixR_fil_fft))
    matrixG_fil = np.real(fftpack.ifft2(matrixG_fil_fft))
    matrixB_fil = np.real(fftpack.ifft2(matrixB_fil_fft))
    img_fil = np.zeros((matrixR_fil.shape[0], matrixR_fil.shape[1], 3), 'double')

    for x in range(matrixR_fil.shape[0]):
        for y in range(matrixR_fil.shape[1]):
            img_fil[x,y,0] = matrixR_fil[x,y]
            img_fil[x,y,1] = matrixG_fil[x,y]
            img_fil[x,y,2] = matrixB_fil[x,y]
    return img_fil
Beispiel #4
    def solve(self, u, v, dx, dy):
        import numexpr as ne
        nx, ny = u.shape
        assert u.shape == tuple(self.shape)

        fu = fft2(u)
        fv = fft2(v)

        mpx = self.mpx
        mmx = self.mmx
        dpx = self.dpx
        dmx = self.dmx
        mpy = self.mpy
        mmy = self.mmy
        dpy = self.dpy
        dmy = self.dmy

        d = ne.evaluate("fu*mmy * dmx + fv * mmx * dmy")
        lapl = ne.evaluate("mpy  * mmy * dpx * dmx + mpx*mmx *dpy *dmy")
        lapl[0, 0] = 1.0

        p = d / lapl
        px = np.real(ifft2(mpy * dpx * p))
        py = np.real(ifft2(mpx * dpy * p))

        # self.p = np.real(ifft2(p))

        u -= px
        v -= py

        return px, py
Beispiel #5
 def colorize_by_power(self, image):
     Colorize the image mode-by-mode according to the power in each mode.  
     The top third of modes are colored red, the middle third green, and 
     the lower third blue.  For RGB images, a grayscale equivalent is 
     computed and colorized. 
     print "colorizing....."
     if len(image.shape) == 3:
         power = fft2(np.sum(image, axis=2))**2
     elif len(image.shape) == 2:
         power = fft2(image)**2
         raise Exception("Invalid image shape: {}".foramt(image.shape))
     thirds = (power.max() - power.min())/3.0
     third_cut = power.min() + thirds
     twothird_cut = third_cut + thirds
     lower = power < third_cut
     upper = power > twothird_cut
     middle = ~(lower | upper)
     colorized = np.zeros((power.shape[0], power.shape[1], 3), 
     for color, region in enumerate([upper, middle, lower]):
         new_channel = ifft2(np.where(region, power, 0.0))
         shifted = (new_channel - new_channel.min())
         scaled = 255.0*shifted/shifted.max()
         colorized[..., color] = ifft2(np.where(region, power, 0.0))
     return colorized
Beispiel #6
 def step4(self):
   Perform a 4th order timestep
   def order2(c):
     Vc = np.exp( -1j * c * self.dt / 2. * 
                   ( self.V - self.gravity() + 
                     self.g * abs( self.psi ) ** 2
     Tc = self.expksquare ** c
     return Vc, Tc
   p = 1/(4.-4.**(1/3.))
   q = 1 - 4 * p
   Vp,Tp = order2( p )
   Vq,Tq = order2( q )
   return Vp * ff.fftshift( ff.ifft2( Tp * ff.fft2( ff.fftshift( Vp ** 2 * 
               ff.fftshift( ff.ifft2( Tp * ff.fft2( ff.fftshift( Vp * Vq *
               ff.fftshift( ff.ifft2( Tq * ff.fft2( ff.fftshift( Vq * Vp * 
               ff.fftshift( ff.ifft2( Tp * ff.fft2( ff.fftshift( Vp ** 2 *  
               ff.fftshift( ff.ifft2( Tp * ff.fft2( ff.fftshift( Vp * self.psi 
               ) ) ) )
               ) ) ) )
               ) ) ) )
               ) ) ) )
               ) ) ) )
def spec2grid(sfield):
    Transform one frame of SQG model
    output to a grided (physical) representation.  Assumes 'sfield'
    to be up-half plane, and specifies lower half plane by conjugate
    sym (since physical field is assumed real-valued).  Input field
    should have dimensions  (...,kmax+1,2*kmax+1,nz), where
    kmax=2^n-1, hence physical resolution will be 2^(n+1) x 2^(n+1).
    NOTE: top row of the input field corresponds to ky = 0, the
    kx<0 part is NOT assumed a priori to be conjugate- symmetric
    with the kx>0 part.  NOTE: grid2spec(spec2grid(fk)) = fk.
    OPTIONAL: da = true pads input with 0s before transfoming to
    gridspace, for dealiased products.  Default is da = false.
        sfield: complex spectrum field with shape (t(optional), ky, kx, z(optional))
    if not _is_single_layer(sfield):
        hres = sfield.shape[-2] + 1
        fk = fullspec(sfield)
        fk = fftpack.ifftshift(fk, axes=(-2,-3))
        return hres*hres*np.real(fftpack.ifft2(fk, axes=(-2,-3)))
        hres = sfield.shape[-1] + 1
        fk = fullspec(sfield, True)
        fk = fftpack.ifftshift(fk, axes=(-1,-2))
        return hres*hres*np.real(fftpack.ifft2(fk, axes=(-1,-2)))
Beispiel #8
    def shift_inner(arr, nx, ny, window=False, padding='reflect'):
        Shifts an array by nx and ny respectively.


        if ((nx % 1. == 0.) and (ny % 1. ==0)):
            return sp.roll(sp.roll(arr, int(ny), axis=0),
                           int(nx), axis=1)
            atype = arr.dtype
            if padding:
                x, y = arr.shape
                pwx, pwy = int(pow(2., np.ceil(np.log2(1.5*arr.shape[0])))), int(pow(2., np.ceil(np.log2(1.5*arr.shape[1]))))
                pwx2, pwy2 = (pwx-x)/2, (pwy-y)/2
                if pad=='zero':
                    arr = pad.with_constant(arr, pad_width=((pwx2, pwx2), (pwy2, pwy2)))
                    arr = pad.with_reflect(arr, pad_width=((pwx2, pwx2), (pwy2, pwy2)))
            phaseFactor = sp.exp(complex(0., -2.*sp.pi)*(ny*spf.fftfreq(arr.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]+nx*spf.fftfreq(arr.shape[1])[np.newaxis, :]))
            if window:
                window = spf.fftshift(CXData._tukeywin(arr.shape[0], alpha=0.35))
                arr = spf.ifft2(spf.fft2(arr)*phaseFactor*window)
                arr = spf.ifft2(spf.fft2(arr)*phaseFactor)
            if padding:
                arr = arr[pwx/4:3*pwx/4, pwy/4:3*pwy/4]

        if atype == 'complex':
            return arr
            return np.real(arr)
Beispiel #9
def find_foci(evt, type,key,type2,key2,minPhase=-500000, maxPhase=500000, steps=101, field_of_view_rad=100, wavelength=1.053, CCD_S_DIST=0.375, PX_SIZE=75e-6):
    img = evt[type][key].data
    centroids = evt[type2][key2].data

    Nfoci = centroids.shape[0]
    Xrange, Yrange = img.shape
    Npixel = field_of_view_rad
    p = numpy.linspace(-Xrange/2, Xrange/2-1, Xrange)
    q = numpy.linspace(-Yrange/2, Yrange/2-1, Yrange)
    pp, qq = numpy.meshgrid(p, q)
    phase_matrix = (2*numpy.pi/wavelength)*numpy.sqrt(1-((PX_SIZE/CCD_S_DIST)**2)*(qq**2 + pp**2))
    prop_length = numpy.linspace(minPhase, maxPhase, steps)
    variance = numpy.zeros([steps, Nfoci])
    # shift stuff for performance reasons
    img_shifted = fftshift(img)
    phase_matrix_shifted = fftshift(phase_matrix)
    for idx, phase in enumerate(prop_length):
        img_propagated = img_shifted * numpy.exp(1.j*phase*phase_matrix_shifted)
        recon = fftshift(ifft2(img_propagated))
        for CC in numpy.arange(Nfoci):
            centerx, centery = centroids[CC, :]
            ###print  centerx, centery
            reconcut = numpy.abs(recon[numpy.max([0, centerx-Npixel-1]).astype(int): numpy.min([Xrange-1, centerx+Npixel]).astype(int), numpy.max([0, centery-Npixel-1]).astype(int): numpy.min([Yrange-1, centery+Npixel]).astype(int)])
            variance[idx, CC] = reconcut.var()
    focus_distance = numpy.zeros(Nfoci)
    CC_size = numpy.zeros(Nfoci)
    focused_CC = numpy.zeros(4*Npixel**2 * Nfoci).reshape(Nfoci, 2*Npixel, 2*Npixel)
    for CC in numpy.arange(Nfoci):
        ind_max = numpy.argmax(variance[:, CC])
        tmp = variance[:, CC]
        # get max which is not at border
        loc_max_bool = numpy.r_[True, tmp[1:] > tmp[:-1]] & numpy.r_[tmp[:-1] > tmp[1:], True]
        loc_max_bool[0] = False
        loc_max_bool[-1] = False
        ind_max = numpy.argmax(tmp*loc_max_bool)
        focus_distance[CC] = prop_length[ind_max]
        img_propagated = img_shifted * numpy.exp(1.j * focus_distance[CC]  * phase_matrix_shifted)
        recon = fftshift(ifft2(img_propagated))
        centerx, centery = centroids[CC, :]
        reconcut = numpy.real(recon[numpy.max([0, centerx-Npixel]).astype(int): numpy.min([Xrange-1, centerx+Npixel]).astype(int), numpy.max([0, centery-Npixel]).astype(int): numpy.min([Yrange-1, centery+Npixel]).astype(int)])
        focused_CC[CC, 0:reconcut.shape[0], 0:reconcut.shape[1]] = reconcut
        CC_size[CC] = numpy.sum(get_CC_size(reconcut))
    if len(focused_CC):
        add_record(evt["analysis"], "analysis", "focused_CC", focused_CC[0])
        add_record(evt["analysis"], "analysis", "focus distance", focus_distance)
        add_record(evt["analysis"], "analysis", "CC_size", CC_size)
        add_record(evt["analysis"], "analysis", "propagation length", prop_length)
Beispiel #10
def ifft(a, overwrite=False, shift=True):
    if shift:
        res = fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.fftshift(a, axes=[0,1]), axes=[0, 1],
        res = fftpack.ifft2(a, overwrite_x=overwrite)

    return res
Beispiel #11
def calc_gradients(inputvar, kxgrid, kygrid):
    var_k = fft2(np.complex128(inputvar))
    gradx_k = 1j * kxgrid * var_k
    grady_k = 1j * kygrid * var_k
    dvar_dx = np.real(ifft2(gradx_k))
    dvar_dy = np.real(ifft2(grady_k))
    grad2 = dvar_dx**2 + dvar_dy**2
    return dvar_dx, dvar_dy, grad2 
Beispiel #12
def f(vort, t, k=k, l=l, lapl=lapl):
    fv = fft2(vort)
    psi = fv/lapl

    u = ifft2(-psi * l)
    v = ifft2(psi * k)

    adv = -(u* ifft2(fv*k) + v*ifft2(fv*l)) #+ ifft2(lapl * fv/R)

    return adv
Beispiel #13
 def calcAcovf2d(self):
     """Calculate the 2d auto covariance function. """
     # See Wiener-Kinchine theorem
     if self.shift:
         # Note, the ACovF needs the unshifted 2d PSD for inverse FFT, so unshift.
         #  Then shift back again. 
         self.acovf = fftpack.fftshift(fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.ifftshift(self.psd2d)))
         self.acovf = fftpack.ifft2(self.psd2d)
	def FilterElectrons(self,sign, Psi):
		Routine that uses the Fourier transform to filter positrons/electrons
			sign=1   Leaves electrons
			sign=-1	 Leaves positrons
		print '  '
		print '  	Filter Electron routine '
		print '  '

		px = self.c*self.Px
		py = self.c*self.Py
		m = self.mass
		c= self.c

		energy = np.sqrt(  (m*c**2)**2 + px**2 + py**2 )

		EP_11 = 1. + sign*m*c**2/energy
		EP_12 = 0.
		EP_13 = 0.
		EP_14 = sign*(px - 1j*py)/energy
		EP_21 = 0.
		EP_22 = 1. + sign*m*c**2/energy
		EP_23 = sign*(px + 1j*py)/energy
		EP_24  = 0.

		EP_31 = 0.
		EP_32 = sign*(px - 1j*py)/energy
		EP_33 = 1. - sign*m*c**2/energy
		EP_34 = 0.

		EP_41 = sign*(px + 1j*py)/energy
		EP_42 = 0.
		EP_43 = 0.
		EP_44 = 1. - sign*m*c**2/energy	
		#Psi1, Psi2, Psi3, Psi4 = Psi

		psi1_fft = fftpack.fft2( Psi[0]  ) 
		psi2_fft = fftpack.fft2( Psi[1]  ) 
		psi3_fft = fftpack.fft2( Psi[2]  ) 
		psi4_fft = fftpack.fft2( Psi[3]  ) 		
		psi1_fft_electron = EP_11*psi1_fft + EP_12*psi2_fft + EP_13*psi3_fft + EP_14*psi4_fft
		psi2_fft_electron = EP_21*psi1_fft + EP_22*psi2_fft + EP_23*psi3_fft + EP_24*psi4_fft		
		psi3_fft_electron = EP_31*psi1_fft + EP_32*psi2_fft + EP_33*psi3_fft + EP_34*psi4_fft
		psi4_fft_electron = EP_41*psi1_fft + EP_42*psi2_fft + EP_43*psi3_fft + EP_44*psi4_fft
		return np.array([ fftpack.ifft2( psi1_fft_electron   ),
				  fftpack.ifft2( psi2_fft_electron   ),
	   			  fftpack.ifft2( psi3_fft_electron   ),
				  fftpack.ifft2( psi4_fft_electron   )  ])
Beispiel #15
	def _FilterElectrons(self,sign):
		Routine that uses the Fourier transform to filter positrons/electrons
			sign=1   Leaves electrons
			sign=-1	 Leaves positrons
		print '  '
		print '  	Filter Electron routine '
		print '  '
                min_Px = np.pi*self.X_gridDIM/(2*self.min_X)
		dPx = 2*np.abs(min_Px)/self.X_gridDIM
		px_Vector  = fftpack.fftshift ( np.linspace(min_Px, np.abs(min_Px) - dPx, self.X_gridDIM ))

		min_Py = np.pi*self.Y_gridDIM/(2*self.min_Y)
		dPy = 2*np.abs(min_Py)/self.Y_gridDIM
		py_Vector  = fftpack.fftshift ( np.linspace(min_Py, np.abs(min_Py) - dPy, self.Y_gridDIM ))

		px = px_Vector[np.newaxis,:]
		py = py_Vector[:,np.newaxis]

		sqrtp = sign*2*np.sqrt( self.mass*self.mass*self.c**4 + self.c*self.c*px*px + self.c*self.c*py*py )
		aa = sign*self.mass*self.c*self.c/sqrtp
		bb = sign*(px/sqrtp - 1j*py/sqrtp)
		cc = sign*(px/sqrtp + 1j*py/sqrtp)
		ElectronProjector = np.matrix([ [0.5+aa , 0.  , 0.  , bb  ],
						[0. , 0.5+aa  , cc  , 0.  ],
						[0. , bb  , 0.5-aa  , 0.  ],
						[cc , 0.  , 0.  , 0.5-aa] ])

		psi1_fft = fftpack.fft2( self.Psi1_init   ) 
		psi2_fft = fftpack.fft2( self.Psi2_init   ) 
		psi3_fft = fftpack.fft2( self.Psi3_init   ) 
		psi4_fft = fftpack.fft2( self.Psi4_init   ) 		
		psi1_fft_electron = ElectronProjector[0,0]*psi1_fft + ElectronProjector[0,1]*psi2_fft +\
		ElectronProjector[0,2]*psi3_fft + ElectronProjector[0,3]*psi4_fft	

		psi2_fft_electron = ElectronProjector[1,0]*psi1_fft + ElectronProjector[1,1]*psi2_fft +\
		ElectronProjector[1,2]*psi3_fft + ElectronProjector[1,3]*psi4_fft

                psi3_fft_electron = ElectronProjector[2,0]*psi1_fft + ElectronProjector[2,1]*psi2_fft +\
		ElectronProjector[2,2]*psi3_fft + ElectronProjector[2,3]*psi4_fft	

                psi4_fft_electron = ElectronProjector[3,0]*psi1_fft + ElectronProjector[3,1]*psi2_fft +\
		ElectronProjector[3,2]*psi3_fft + ElectronProjector[3,3]*psi4_fft

                self.Psi1_init  = fftpack.ifft2( psi1_fft_electron   ) 
		self.Psi2_init  = fftpack.ifft2( psi2_fft_electron   ) 
		self.Psi3_init  = fftpack.ifft2( psi3_fft_electron   ) 
		self.Psi4_init  = fftpack.ifft2( psi4_fft_electron   ) 					
Beispiel #16
def integration_and_analysis(zeta0, phi0, f_zeta_t, f_phi_t, M,
                             kxgrid, kygrid, ktgrid, dt, time, damping,
                             storage, wmax, wmin):
    Perform the 4th order Runge-Kutta integration scheme for
    surface and potential.

    zeta0: surface at time step n.
    phi0: potential at time step n.
    f_zeta_t, f_phi_t: functions with Euler eqs of M-order to be solved
    found with derive_euler_equation_functions(M).
    time: time in which the integration takes place
    damping: non-linear damping factor in Euler eqs.

    Return: surface and potential at time step n+1. 
    Other variables like the orders of phi can easily be returned!

    zeta = zeta0
    phi = phi0

    rk1_zeta, rk1_phi, phi_m = tderiv_surface_potential(zeta, phi, f_zeta_t, f_phi_t, M,
                                                 kxgrid, kygrid, ktgrid, time, damping,
                                                 return_phi_m = 1)
    zeta = zeta0 + rk1_zeta*dt/2
    phi = phi0 + rk1_phi*dt/2

    rk2_zeta, rk2_phi = tderiv_surface_potential(zeta, phi, f_zeta_t, f_phi_t, M,
                                                 kxgrid, kygrid, ktgrid, time + dt/2, damping)
    zeta = zeta0 + rk2_zeta*dt/2
    phi = phi0 + rk2_phi*dt/2

    rk3_zeta, rk3_phi = tderiv_surface_potential(zeta, phi, f_zeta_t, f_phi_t, M,
                                                 kxgrid, kygrid, ktgrid, time + dt/2, damping)
    zeta = zeta0 + rk3_zeta*dt
    phi = phi0 + rk3_phi*dt

    rk4_zeta, rk4_phi = tderiv_surface_potential(zeta, phi, f_zeta_t, f_phi_t, M,
                                                 kxgrid, kygrid, ktgrid, time + dt, damping)

    dzeta_dt = 1/6 * (rk1_zeta + rk4_zeta + 2*(rk2_zeta + rk3_zeta))
    dphi_dt = 1/6 * (rk1_phi + rk4_phi + 2*(rk2_phi + rk3_phi))

    kernel = monitor_conserved_quantities(phi0, zeta0, dzeta_dt, kxgrid, kygrid)
    print('Total Energy: ' + str(kernel['kin'] + kernel['poten']) + ' Total Mass:' +  str(kernel['mass']))

    zeta_next = np.real(ifft2(dealias(fft2(zeta0 + dt*dzeta_dt), M))) #We transform, dealias, then transform back as real. 
    phi_next = np.real(ifft2(dealias(fft2(phi0 + dt*dphi_dt), M)))

    storage, wmax, wmin = detect_rogue_waves(zeta0, zeta_next, wmax, wmin, sig_h, storage, time)

    return zeta_next, phi_next, phi_m, storage, wmax, wmin
Beispiel #17
    def solve_sqg(self):
        import scipy.fftpack as fft
        import numpy as np
        from math import pi
        dx = self.dx
        dy = self.dy
        rhos = self.ssd
        bhat = fft.fft2( - 9.81 * rhos / self.rho0)  # calculate bouyance 
        ny, nx = rhos.shape
        nz =
        k = 2 * pi * fft.fftfreq(nx)
        l = 2 * pi * fft.fftfreq(ny)

        ipsihat = np.zeros((nz+3, ny, nx))*complex(0, 0)
        Q = np.zeros((nz + 1, 1), dtype='float64'); Q[[0,-1]] = 0.0 # for interior PV, no used in this version
        # cutoff value
        ck, cl = 2 * pi / self.filterL, 2 * pi / self.filterL
        # loop through wavenumbers
        bhats = np.zeros_like(bhat)
        for ik in np.arange(k.size):
            for il in np.arange(l.size):
                wv2 = ((k[ik] / dx[il, 0]) ** 2 + (l[il] / dy[0, ik]) ** 2)
                if wv2 > (ck * ck + cl * cl):
                    bhats[il,ik] = bhat[il,ik]
                    right = - bhat[il, ik] / self.f0 * self.Rp
                    left = self.M - wv2 * np.eye(
                    ipsihat[1:-1, il, ik] = np.linalg.solve(left, right).flatten()
                    print 'skip k(ik,il)', ik, il, "wv2 = ", wv2
        for k in range(1,nz+2):
            ipsihat[k, :, :] = (fft.ifft2(ipsihat[k, :, :]))
        if self.bottomboundary == 'psi=0':
            self.psis = np.r_[(np.real(ipsihat)), np.zeros((1,ny,nx))]
            self.psis = np.real(ipsihat)
            self.psis[0,:,:]= self.psis[1,:,:]
        self.rhos = self.psi2rho(self.psis), self.vs = psi2uv(self.lon,, self.psis)
Beispiel #18
def main():
    #print "Shape: ",img.shape
    #im = np.mean(img,axis=2)/255.    
    #im_fft=fftpack.fft2(im,(fftsize, fftsize))
    #F = np.log(1+np.abs(im_fft))
    #recovered = np.real(fftpack.ifft2(im_fft))
    #plt.imshow(im, cmap='gray')
    #plt.title('Imagen en gris')

    imA = io.imread("torre.jpg")

    im = np.mean(imA,2)/255.
    fftsize = 1024
    im_fft = fftpack.fft2(im, (fftsize, fftsize))
    #Complementary of a Gaussian filter
    SZ = 1024
    sigma = 0.25
    gaussian = np.exp(-0.5*(xx*xx+yy*yy)/(sigma*sigma))
    fil =1.-fftpack.fftshift(gaussian/np.max(gaussian))
    fil_fft =  fil
    im_fil_fft = im_fft * fil_fft
    im_fil = np.real(fftpack.ifft2(im_fil_fft))
    #Careful with the crop. Because we work directly in the Fourier domain there is no padding.
    im_crop = im_fil[0:im.shape[0], 0:im.shape[1]]     
    tol= 1e-2
    I = F/H
    print np.min(I)
    i_reconstructed = np.real(fftpack.ifft2(I))
Beispiel #19
def make_initial_surface(spectrum, ktgrid, dkx_dky):
    '''Make an initial surface and potential from a spectrum
    by giving each mode a random phase'''

    random_phase = (2*pi)*np.random.random(np.shape(spectrum))
    amplitude_k = np.sqrt(2*spectrum*dkx_dky)
    wk = np.sqrt(ktgrid*grav)
    wk[0,0] = 1
    surface_k = amplitude_k * np.exp(1j * random_phase)
    potential_k = 1j * grav / wk * surface_k
    potential_k[0,0] = 0.0
    surface = np.real(ifft2(surface_k))
    potential = np.real(ifft2(potential_k))

    return surface, potential
Beispiel #20
def correlate_layer(pattern_layer, source_layer):
    Normalized Cross-Correlation for a single channel of an RGB image
    (or a greyscale image). Normalization is done as follows:
    normalized = (x - mean(x)) / std(x)

    pattern_layer - Two-dimensional ndarray, single channel of pattern image
    source_layer - Two-dimensional ndarray, single channel of source image

    if pattern_layer.std() == 0:
        normalized_pattern = pattern_layer
        normalized_pattern = ((pattern_layer - np.mean(pattern_layer)) /
                              (np.std(pattern_layer) * pattern_layer.size))
    if source_layer.std() == 0:
        normalized_source = source_layer
        normalized_source = ((source_layer - np.mean(source_layer)) /

    #Take the fft of both Images, padding the pattern out with 0's
    # to be the same shape as the source
    pattern_fft = fftpack.fft2(normalized_pattern, source_layer.shape)
    source_fft = fftpack.fft2(normalized_source)

    # Perform the correlation in the frequency domain, which just the
    # inverse FFT of the pattern matrix's conjugate * the source matrix
    return fftpack.ifft2(pattern_fft.conjugate() * source_fft)
Beispiel #21
def rescale_target_superpixel_resolution(E_target):
    '''Rescale the target field to the superpixel resolution (currently only 4x4 superpixels implemented)'''
    superpixelSize = 4
    ny,nx = scipy.shape(E_target)
    maskCenterX = scipy.ceil((nx+1)/2)
    maskCenterY = scipy.ceil((ny+1)/2)
    nSuperpixelX = int(nx/superpixelSize)
    nSuperpixelY = int(ny/superpixelSize)
    FourierMaskSuperpixelResolution = fourier_mask(ny,nx,superpixelSize)
    E_target_ft = fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(fft.ifftshift(E_target)))
    #Apply mask
    E_target_ft = FourierMaskSuperpixelResolution*E_target_ft
    #Remove zeros outside of mask
    E_superpixelResolution_ft = E_target_ft[(maskCenterY - scipy.ceil((nSuperpixelY-1)/2)-1):(maskCenterY + scipy.floor((nSuperpixelY-1)/2)),(maskCenterX - scipy.ceil((nSuperpixelX-1)/2)-1):(maskCenterX + scipy.floor((nSuperpixelX-1)/2))]
    # Add phase gradient to compensate for anomalous 1.5 pixel shift in real
    # plane
    phaseFactor = [[(scipy.exp(2*1j*pi*((k+1)/nSuperpixelY+(j+1)/nSuperpixelX)*3/8)) for j in range(nSuperpixelX)] for k in range(nSuperpixelY)] # QUESTION
    E_superpixelResolution_ft = E_superpixelResolution_ft*phaseFactor
    # Fourier transform back to DMD plane
    E_superpixelResolution = fft.fftshift(fft.ifft2(fft.ifftshift(E_superpixelResolution_ft)))

    return E_superpixelResolution
Beispiel #22
 def matched_filter(self, noisesigma):
   self.Wl = 1.e0/((self.Cl+self.Clnoise)*self.Bl)
   self.Wk = np.interp(self.modk, self.k, self.Wl)/noisesigma
   self.snFxy = self.Fxy * self.Wk
   self.snxy = np.real(ft.ifft2(ft.fftshift(self.snFxy)))
def deflection_calculation(x, y, topo, rho_t, rho_c, rho_m, Te, E, nu, padding=0):
    Calculates the deflection due to a topographic load for a plate of constant
    thickness Te.
    Uses the equation:
    F[w] = rho_t/(rho_m-rho_c)  phi_e(k)  F[topo]
    ny, nx = np.shape(topo)
    dx = abs(x[0][1] - x[0][0])
    dy = abs(y[1][0] - y[0][0])
    if padding != 0:
        ny_pad, nx_pad = ny*padding, nx*padding
        topo = np.pad(topo, (ny_pad,nx_pad), 'constant', constant_values=0)
        nx_pad, ny_pad = 0, 0 
    fx = fftpack.fftfreq(nx + 2*nx_pad, dx)
    fy = fftpack.fftfreq(ny + 2*ny_pad, dy)
    fx, fy = np.meshgrid(fx, fy)
    k = 2*np.pi*np.sqrt(fx**2 + fy**2)
    F_w = rho_t/(rho_m - rho_c)*phi_e(k, Te, rho_c, rho_m, E, nu)*fftpack.fft2(topo)
    w = np.real(fftpack.ifft2(F_w))
    if padding != 0:
        w = w[ny_pad:-ny_pad, nx_pad:-nx_pad]
    return w
Beispiel #24
def gamma_to_kappa(shear,dt1,dt2=None):
    simple application of Kaiser-Squires (1995) kernel in fourier
    space to convert complex shear to complex convergence: imaginary
    part of convergence is B-mode.
    if not dt2:
        dt2 = dt1
    N1,N2 = shear.shape

    #convert angles from arcminutes to radians
    dt1 = dt1 * numpy.pi / 180. / 60.
    dt2 = dt2 * numpy.pi / 180. / 60.

    #compute k values corresponding to field size
    dk1 = numpy.pi / N1 / dt1
    dk2 = numpy.pi / N2 / dt2

    k1 = fftpack.ifftshift( dk1 * (numpy.arange(2*N1)-N1) )
    k2 = fftpack.ifftshift( dk2 * (numpy.arange(2*N2)-N2) )

    ipart,rpart = numpy.meshgrid(k2,k1)
    k = rpart + 1j*ipart

    #compute (inverse) Kaiser-Squires kernel on this grid
    fourier_map = numpy.conj( KS_kernel(-k) )
    #compute Fourier transform of the shear
    gamma_fft = fftpack.fft2( shear, (2*N1,2*N2) )

    kappa_fft = fourier_map * gamma_fft

    kappa = fftpack.ifft2(kappa_fft)[:N1,:N2]

    return kappa
Beispiel #25
    def _getCrossCorrelation(self, ref, mask, fft_ref = False, fft_mask = False):
        """ Computes the cross correlation between reference and mask images.
        For parameter description, refer to <self._getDriftValue()> """
        # Images should be square and of same dimensions at this point.

        if not fft_ref:
            four_ref = fft2(ref)
            four_ref = ref

        if not fft_mask:
            # Crop the mask and replace the edges with 0.0 values. Helps the crosscorrelation.
            if self.cropping:
                size = min(mask.shape)
                crop = self.cropping
                mask_cropped = np.copy(mask[crop:(size-crop), crop:(size-crop)])
                mask_padded = np.pad(mask_cropped, crop, mode='constant')
                four_mask = fft2(mask_padded)
                four_mask = fft2(mask)           
            four_mask = mask

        # Conjugate the mask.
        four_mask_conj = np.conjugate(four_mask)
        # Compute pointwise product of reference and mask.
        product = np.multiply(four_mask_conj, four_ref)
        # Compute ifft of this product
        xcorr = ifft2(product)
        # Take the absolute value
        xcorr_abs = np.absolute(xcorr)
        return xcorr_abs
Beispiel #26
def mvd_wiener(initImg, imgList, psfList, iterNum, mu, positiveOnly=True):
    if positiveOnly:
        initImg[initImg < 0.0] = 0.0
    viewNum = len(imgList)
    fftFactor = np.sqrt(initImg.shape[0]*initImg.shape[1])
    mu = mu * fftFactor
    I = np.sum(np.abs(initImg))
    e = fft2(initImg)
    e_img_old = initImg
    e_img = initImg
    if iterNum == 0:
        return e_img
    # pre-compute spectra
    ijList = [fft2(img) for img in imgList]
    pjList = [fft2(pad_and_center_psf(psf, initImg.shape)) for psf in psfList]
    for i in xrange(iterNum):
        c_all = np.zeros(e.shape, dtype=float)
        for j in xrange(viewNum):
            ij = ijList[j]
            pj = pjList[j]
            sj = e * pj
            cj = (np.conj(pj) * (ij - sj))/(np.square(np.abs(pj)) + mu**2)
            c_all = c_all + cj / float(viewNum)
        e = e + c_all
        e_img = np.real(ifft2(e))
        if positiveOnly:
            e_img[e_img < 0.0] = 0.0
        e_img = e_img / np.sum(np.abs(e_img)) * I
        e = fft2(e_img)
        print 'iter #%d, total change: %f.' %\
            (i+1, np.sum(np.abs(e_img_old-e_img))/I)
        e_img_old = e_img
    return e_img
Beispiel #27
def ifft2(x):
    # Wrapped for ifft2 that handles CXData objects
    if isinstance(x, CXData):
        for i in xrange(len(x)):
        return CXData(data=l)
    elif isinstance(x, CXModal):
        for mode in range(len(x.modes)):
        return CXModal(modes=l)
    elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        return spf.ifft2(x)
        raise Exception('Unknown data type passed to ifft2')
Beispiel #28
 def invertFft(self, useI=False, verbose=False):
     """Convert the 2d FFT into an image (imageI)."""
     # Checking this process with a simple (non-noisy) image shows that it will result in errors on the
     #  level of 1e-15 counts (in an original image with min/max scale of 1.0).
     if useI:
         fimage = self.fimageI
         fimage = self.fimage
     if self.shift:
         self.imageI = fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.ifftshift(fimage))
         self.imageI = fftpack.ifft2(fimage)
     if self.imageI.imag.max() < 1e-14:
         if verbose:  print("Inverse FFT created only small imaginary portion - discarding.")
         self.imageI = self.imageI.real
def InvLaplacian(field, length=None):

    if length is None:
        length = 2*pi;

    N = shape(field)[0];

    k = array(range(N),dtype=complex128);
    k = concatenate((range(0,N/2),range(-N/2,0)));
    k *= (2*pi)/length;

    [KX, KY] = meshgrid(k,k);

    """ We are trying to solve d_yy(eta) + d_xx(eta)  = p
    Therefore, in Fourier space, it will become
    (-(kx^2 + ky^2) )etaHat = pHat
    delsq = -(KX*KX + KY*KY) ;
    delsq[0,0] = 1;

#    tmp = fft(field,axis=0);
#    tmp = fft(tmp,axis=1);
    tmp = fft2(field);

    tmp = tmp/delsq;

    [xval,yval] = shape(tmp);
    tmp[xval/3:2*xval/3,yval/3:2*yval/3] = 0;

#    tmp = ifft(tmp,axis=1);
#    tmp = ifft(tmp,axis=0);
    tmp = ifft2(tmp);

    return tmp.real;
Beispiel #30
def kappa_to_gamma(kappa,dt1,dt2=None):
    simple application of Kaiser-Squires (1995) kernel in fourier
    space to convert complex shear to complex convergence: imaginary
    part of convergence is B-mode.
    if not dt2:
        dt2 = dt1
    N1,N2 = kappa.shape

    #convert angles from arcminutes to radians
    dt1 = dt1 * np.pi / 180. / 60.
    dt2 = dt2 * np.pi / 180. / 60.

    #compute k values corresponding to field size
    dk1 = np.pi / N1 / dt1
    dk2 = np.pi / N2 / dt2

    k1 = fftpack.ifftshift( dk1 * (np.arange(2*N1)-N1) )
    k2 = fftpack.ifftshift( dk2 * (np.arange(2*N2)-N2) )

    ipart,rpart = np.meshgrid(k2,k1)
    k = rpart + 1j*ipart

    #compute Kaiser-Squires kernel on this grid. Eq. 43 p. 329
    fourier_map = np.conj( KS_kernel(k) )

    #compute Fourier transform of the kappa
    kappa_fft = fftpack.fft2( kappa, (2*N1,2*N2) )

    gamma_fft = kappa_fft * fourier_map

    gamma = fftpack.ifft2(gamma_fft)[:N1,:N2]

    return gamma
Beispiel #31
def k_evolve_2d(dt, kx, ky, psi_grid):
    propagate the state in grid basis a time step forward with H = K
    :param dt: float, time step
    :param kx: float, momentum corresponding to x
    :param ky: float, momentum corresponding to y
    :param psi_grid: list, the two-electronic-states vibrational states in
                           grid basis
    :return: psi_grid(update): list, the two-electronic-states vibrational
                                     states in grid basis
    for i in range(2):
        psi_k_tmp = fft2(psi_grid[i])
        for j in range(len(kx)):
            for k in range(len(ky)):
                psi_k_tmp[j, k] *= np.exp(-0.5 * 1j / m *
                                          (kx[j]**2 + ky[k]**2) * dt)
        psi_grid[i] = ifft2(psi_k_tmp)
Beispiel #32
def ift2(G, delta_f ,FFT=None):
    Wrapper for inverse fourier transform

        G: data to transform
        delta_f: pixel seperation
        FFT (FFT object, optional): An accelerated FFT object

    N = G.shape[0]

    if FFT:
        g = AOFFT.ftShift2d( FFT( AOFFT.ftShift2d(G) ) ) * (N * delta_f)**2
        g = fft.ifftshift( fft.ifft2( fft.fftshift(G) ) ) * (N * delta_f)**2

    return g
Beispiel #33
def main():
    # utils image functions
    freq2spacial = lambda freq: _normalize(
    freq2plot = lambda freq: _normalize(20 * np.log(np.abs(freq)))

    # read input
    input_path, output_path, d0 = _get_args()
    img = io.imread(input_path).astype(np.float32)

    # calculate fft of input image
    img_freq = fftpack.fftshift(fftpack.fft2(img))

    # apply gaussian filter in frequency domain
    out_freq = _apply_gaussian(img_freq, d0)

    _output_images(output_path, freq2plot(img_freq), freq2plot(out_freq),
Beispiel #34
	def shift(self, arr1, nx, ny):
	    Shifts an array by nx and ny respectively.
	    xpix, ypix = arr1.shape
	    if ((nx % 1. == 0.) and (ny % 1. ==0)):
	        return sp.roll(sp.roll(arr1, int(nx), axis=0),
	                       int(ny), axis=1 )
	        xfreqs, yfreqs = spf.fftfreq(xpix), spf.fftfreq(ypix)
	        phaseFactor = sp.zeros((xpix,ypix),dtype=complex)
	        for i in xrange(xpix):
	            for j in xrange(ypix):
	                phaseFactor[i,j] = sp.exp(complex(0., -2.*sp.pi)*(ny*yfreqs[j]+nx*xfreqs[i]))
	        tmp = spf.ifft2(spf.fft2(arr1)*phaseFactor)
	        return sp.real(tmp.copy())
Beispiel #35
    def MtX(self, coeffs):
        """ MtX.

        This method calculates the action of the transpose of the matrix M on
        the data X, in this case inverse fourier transform of the input data in
        the frequency domain.

        x: np.ndarray
            Input data array, an array of recovered 2D kspace

        x: nd-array
            Reconstructed data array decomposisiton coefficients.
        return self.linear_operator.op(pfft.ifft2(self.mask * coeffs))
Beispiel #36
def SO3_ifft(f_hat):
    b = len(f_hat)
    d = setup_d_transform(b)

    df_hat = [d[l] * f_hat[l][:, None, :] for l in range(len(d))]

    # Note: the frequencies where m=-B or n=-B are set to zero,
    # because they are not used in the forward transform either
    # (the forward transform is up to m=-l, l<B
    F = np.zeros((2 * b, 2 * b, 2 * b), dtype=complex)
    for l in range(b):
        F[b - l:b + l + 1, :,  b - l:b + l + 1] += df_hat[l]

    F = fftshift(F, axes=(0, 2))
    f = ifft2(F, axes=(0, 2))
    return f * 2 * (b ** 2) / np.pi
Beispiel #37
 def focused(self, map_fft, keep_fraction=0.035, inner_corner=1):
     r, c = map_fft.shape
     '''#distribution 1
     map_fft[0:inner_corner] = 0
     map_fft[:,0:inner_corner] = 0
     map_fft[int(r)-inner_corner:int(r)] = 0
     map_fft[:, int(c)-inner_corner:int(c)] = 0
     map_fft[inner_corner+int(r*keep_fraction):int(r*(1-keep_fraction))-inner_corner] = 0
     map_fft[:, inner_corner+int(c*keep_fraction):int(c*(1-keep_fraction))-inner_corner] = 0'''
     #distribution 2
     map_fft[int(r * keep_fraction):int(r * (1 - keep_fraction))] = 0
     map_fft[:, int(c * keep_fraction):int(c * (1 - keep_fraction))] = 0
     '''#distribution 3
     map_fft[int(r*keep_fraction):int(r*(1-keep_fraction))] = 0
     map_fft[:, int(c*keep_fraction):int(c*(1-keep_fraction))] = 0
     map_fft[0:int(r*keep_fraction), 0:int(c*keep_fraction)] = 0'''
     reconstructed_map = fftpack.ifft2(map_fft).real
     return reconstructed_map
def random_vortices(nx, ny):
    omega_hat = sc.zeros([nx, ny])
    tmp = sc.randn(3) + 1j*sc.randn(3)
    omega_hat[0, 4] = tmp[0]
    omega_hat[1, 1] = tmp[1]
    omega_hat[3, 0] = tmp[2]
    omega = sc.real(ifft2(omega_hat))
    omega = omega/sc.amax(sc.amax(omega))

    # Initialize pressure field
    p = sc.zeros([nx, ny])

    print("Initialized random vortices")

    return omega, p
Beispiel #39
def denoiseFFT(im, keep_fraction=0.30):
    from scipy import fftpack
    im_fft = fftpack.fft2(im)
    im_fft2 = im_fft.copy()

    # Set r and c to be the number of rows and columns of the array.
    r, c = im_fft2.shape

    # Set to zero all rows with indices between r*keep_fraction and
    # r*(1-keep_fraction):
    im_fft2[int(r * keep_fraction):int(r * (1 - keep_fraction))] = 0

    # Similarly with the columns:
    im_fft2[:, int(c * keep_fraction):int(c * (1 - keep_fraction))] = 0

    im_new = fftpack.ifft2(im_fft2).real

    return im_new
Beispiel #40
    def synthesize(self, f_hat):
        b = len(self.d)

        # Perform the brute-force Legendre transform
        # Note: the frequencies where m=-B or n=-B are set to zero,
        # because they are not used in the forward transform either
        # (the forward transform is up to m=-l, l<B
        df_hat = [self.d[l] * f_hat[l][:, None, :] for l in range(b)]
        F = np.zeros((2 * b, 2 * b, 2 * b), dtype=complex)
        for l in range(b):
            F[b - l:b + l + 1, :, b - l:b + l + 1] += df_hat[l]

        # The rest of the SO(3) FFT is just a standard torus FFT
        F = fftshift(F, axes=(0, 2))
        f = ifft2(F, axes=(0, 2))
        return f * (2 * b)**2
Beispiel #41
def convolution_2D(matrix_1, matrix_2):
    To be tested
    M, N = matrix_1.shape[0], matrix_1.shape[1]

    one, two = np.pad(np.copy(matrix_1),\
                    ((int(M/2), int(M/2)),(int(N/2), int(N/2))),\
                            mode = 'constant', constant_values=(0,0)),\
                    ((int(M/2), int(M/2)),(int(N/2), int(N/2))),\
                            mode = 'constant', constant_values=(0,0))
    ONE, TWO = FT2(one), FT2(two)

    spatial_cross = ifftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(ONE) * (ifftshift(TWO))))

    return spatial_cross[int(M/2) :int(M/2)+matrix_1.shape[0],\
                        int(N/2) : int(N/2)+matrix_1.shape[1]]
Beispiel #42
    def upsample_background(img, H_new, W_new):
        # use fft to upsample
        H, W = img.shape
        im_fft = fftpack.fft2(img)
        im_fft2 = im_fft.copy()
        H, W = img.shape

        LR = np.zeros((H, int((W_new - W) / 2)))
        new = np.append(LR, im_fft2, axis=1)  # cascade
        new = np.append(new, LR, axis=1)  # cascade
        H, W = new.shape
        TB = np.zeros(((int((H_new - H) / 2)), W))
        new = np.append(TB, new, axis=0)  # cascade
        new = np.append(new, TB, axis=0)  # cascade
        new_img = fftpack.ifft2(im_fft2).real
        new_img = cv2.resize(img, (W_new, H_new), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

        return new_img
def correctBeamTiltPhaseShift(imgarray,
                              beamtilt=(0.0, 0.0),
		Function to correct in phase shift induced by beam tilt.
		Not fully tested for its effectiveness.
		length unit in meters, voltage in volts, angles in radians
    fft = fftpack.fft2(imgarray)
    beamtilt = (0.0, 1e-4)
    wavelength = getElectronWavelength(ht)
    correction = getBeamTiltPhaseShiftCorrection(fft.shape, beamtilt, Cs,
                                                 wavelength, pixelsize)
    cfft = fft * correction
    corrected_image = fftpack.ifft2(cfft)
    return corrected_image
Beispiel #44
    def __init__(self,
                 data: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 0,
                 lam: float = 1,
                 prox_param: float = 0.9,

        operator = lambda x: fft2(x, shape=a.shape)
        super(DatanormL2Conv, self).__init__(operator,
        self.lam = lam = data
        self.f_data = fft2(kernel, shape=a.shape)
        self.f_datah = fft2(kernel, shape=a.shape)
        self.inv_operator = lambda x: ifft2(x).real
        self.i = 0
Beispiel #45
def autocorr(image):
    #we cannot pad by zeros, as this causes a linear decrease in the
    #autocorrelation function that will swamp the signal, and be proportional
    #to the total width of the 'box'. So, we can just going to do the
    #regular circular convolution (no fancy boundaries, just fft's), and
    #we will have to hope for the best.
    #image = image.astype(float) #convert to float to avoid overflows
    oLength = image.shape[0] #assume cropped to be square
    #image = pad(image)
    #nLength = image.shape[0]
    l,h = image.shape
    win =  np.outer(,
    winIm = win*image
    xp = (winIm-winIm.mean())
    xp = (image-image.mean())
    xxp =xp/np.sqrt((xp**2).sum())
    #return sig.correlate2d(win*image,win*image)
    return fftpack.fftshift((fftpack.ifft2(abs(fftpack.fft2(xp))**2)))/( (xp**2).sum()) #normalize to one
Beispiel #46
def hpf(mat, d0=30):
    spec = fftpack.fftshift(fftpack.fft2(mat))
    order = 2
    M, N = mat.shape
    m = M // 2
    n = N // 2
    ret = np.zeros(mat.shape).astype(complex)
    for i in range(M):
        for j in range(N):
            d = np.sqrt((i - m + 1)**2 + (j - n + 1)**2)
            if d == 0:
                h = 0
                h = 1 / (1 + 0.414 * ((d0 / d)**(2 * order)))
            ret[i, j] = h * spec[i, j]
    ret = fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.ifftshift(ret))
    ret = np.uint8(np.clip(np.real(ret), 0., 255.))
    return ret
def fft(img, frequency_threshold=10, brightness_threshold=40, show=False):
    F1 = fp.fft2((img).astype(float))
    F2 = fp.fftshift(F1)
    (w, h) = img.shape
    half_w, half_h = int(w / 2), int(h / 2)
    # high pass filter
    n = frequency_threshold
    F2[half_w - n:half_w + n + 1, half_h - n:half_h + n +
       1] = 0  # select all but the first 50x50 (low) frequencies
    im1 = fp.ifft2(fp.ifftshift(F2)).real
    # im1 = im1.astype('uint8')
    retval, threshold = cv2.threshold(im1, brightness_threshold, 255,
    threshold = threshold.astype('uint8')
    img = img.astype('uint8')
    markers = open_operation(img, threshold)

    markers1 = markers.astype(np.uint8)
    ret, m2 = cv2.threshold(markers1, 0, 255,
                            cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(m2, cv2.RETR_LIST,

    canvas = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3))
    canvas[:, :, 0] = img
    canvas[:, :, 1] = img
    canvas[:, :, 2] = img
    canvas = canvas.astype(np.uint8)
    coor_list = []
    for c in contours:
        area = cv2.contourArea(c)
        if area < 400:
            M = cv2.moments(c)
            cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])
            cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])
            if show:
                cv2.drawContours(canvas, c, -1, (0, 255, 0), 1)
      , (cX, cY), 1, (255, 0, 0), -1)
            if [cX, cY] not in coor_list:
                coor_list.append([cX, cY])
    if show:
        result = [m2, canvas]
    return coor_list
def equalise_power_spectrum(image, avg_power_spectrum):
    """Equalise images' power spectrum by setting an image's amplitudes 
	in the Fourier domain to the amplitude average over all used images.
	- image: a numpy.ndarray
	- avg_power_spectrum: an array of the same dimension as one of images channels
						  containing the average over all images amplitude spectrum"""

    # check input dimensions
    assert image.shape[:
                       2] == avg_power_spectrum.shape, 'Image shape={} unequal \
			avg_spectrum shape={}'.format(image.shape[:2], avg_power_spectrum.shape)

    # convert image to greysclae
    channel = rgb2grey(image)

    # Fourier Forward Tranform and shift to centre
    f = fp.fft2(channel)
    f = fp.fftshift(f)

    # get amplitudes and phases
    f_amp = np.abs(f)
    f_phase = np.angle(f)

    # set amplitudes to average power spectrum
    fnew_amp = avg_power_spectrum

    # recalculating FFT complex representation from new phases and amplitudes
    fnew = fnew_amp * np.exp(1j * f_phase)

    # reverse shift to centre and perform Fourier Backwards Transformation
    fnew = fp.ifftshift(fnew)
    new_channel = fp.ifft2(fnew)

    # make sure that there are no imaginary parts after transformation
    new_channel = new_channel.real

    # clip too large and too small values
    new_channel[new_channel > 1] = 1
    new_channel[new_channel < 0] = 0

    # return stacked (RGB) grey image
    return (np.dstack((new_channel, new_channel, new_channel)))
def cal_tangent_effective_moduli(f_gamma0, mu, beta, F, C0, Nx, Ny, x, y, hx, hy, ax, bx, ay, by, xi1, xi2, P_homogenized, F_homogenized):
    xi = np.array([xi1, xi2])
    alpha = zeros((dim, dim, dim, dim, Nx, Ny))
    C = get_C(mu, beta, F)
    C_delta = C - C0
    C_consistent_tangent = zeros((dim, dim, dim, dim))
    vol = (bx - ax) * (by - ay)
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Part I: Calculate \frac{\partial \tilde{\F}}{\partial \bar {\F}}
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TOL = 1e-6
    maxIter2 = 10
    iter2 = 0
    while iter2 < maxIter2:
        f_alpha = ddot44(f_gamma0, fft.fft2(C_delta + ddot44(C_delta, alpha)))
        # Boundary condition
        f_alpha[:, :, :, :, 0, 0] = 0
        alpha = fft.ifft2(f_alpha).real

        if iter2 > -1:
            # Calculate consistent tangent stiffness
            beta = ddot44(C, (I4 + alpha))
            for i, j, k, l in itertools.product(range(dim), repeat=4):
                C_consistent_tangent[i, j, k, l] = 1.0 / vol * hx * hy * np.sum(beta[i, j, k, l, :, :])
            # S = np.einsum('ijkl,lk->ij', C_consistent_tangent, E_homogenized)
            # error = norm(S - S_homogenized) / norm(S_homogenized)
            # if error.real < TOL:
            #     print("error")
            #     print(error.real)
            #     break

        iter2 += 1

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Part II: Calculate consistent tangent stiffness based on
    # \frac{\partial \tilde{\F}}{\partial \bar {\F}}
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # C_consistent_tangent = zeros((dim, dim, dim, dim))
    # vol = (bx - ax) * (by - ay)
    # beta = ddot44(C, (I4 + alpha))
    # for i, j, k, l in itertools.product(range(dim), repeat=4):
    #     C_consistent_tangent[i, j, k, l] = 1.0 / vol * hx * hy * np.sum(beta[i, j, k, l, :, :])
    return C_consistent_tangent
Beispiel #50
def grf(rands,n=-1,size=1024):
    #First generate, without library functions, an array of k_x and k_y to be 
    #used for the ifft, thus with frequencies in the range 
    #[0,...,f_c,-f_c+1,...,-1] for both dimensions.
    #Not the most efficient way.

    n2 = int((size+1)/2)
    ks, ks2d, ks2d2 = np.zeros(size), [None]*size, [None]*size
    for i in range(0,n2):
        ks[i] = i
    for i in range(-n2,0):
        ks[i+size] = i
    for i in range(size):
        ks2d[i] = ks
        ks2d2[i] = ([ks[i] for j in range(size)])
    ksarr = np.array([ks2d,ks2d2])
    #Turn the frequencies into amplitudes depending on the given power spectrum
    ampl = (ksarr[0]**2. + ksarr[1]**2. + 1e-10)**(n/2.)
    ampl[0,0] = 0
    #turn the amplitudes into random complex numbers, and allow for the ifft to
    #be real by the given rule.
    A = np.zeros((size,size),dtype='complex')
    k = 0
    #For each element in the top half (with the Nyquist-band), generate the
    #random numbers needed.
    for i in range(n2+1):
        for j in range(size):
            if (size-i)%size==i and (size-j)%size==j:
                if i==0 and j==0:
                    A[i][j] = 0
                    A[i][j] = rands[k] * ampl[i][j]
                k += 1
            elif A[i][j]==0 and A[-i][-j]==0:
                k += 2
    B = ft.ifft2(A)
    return B, A
Beispiel #51
def Background_Unsharp(IMG, results, options):
    """creates a 2D background level using low order FFT coefficients.

    Takes the 2D FFT of an image and sets all coefficients above 3 to
    zero. This creates a very smooth image which can be used as a
    variable background level.  This can then be subtracted from
    images to remove large bright sources, such as a nearby BGC or
    bright star. However, this background estimation method will
    likely also heavily bias flux value. Thus it can reasonably be
    used to isolate a galaxy with a large overlapping partner for the
    sake of fitting isophotes, but the extracted flux profile will be

    ap_background_unsharp_lowpass : int, default 3
      User provided FFT coefficient cutoff for constructing unsharp image.

    IMG : ndarray
      Unaltered galaxy image

    results : dict
      .. code-block:: python

        {'background': , # flux image representing the variable background level (ndarray)


    coefs = fft2(IMG)

    unsharp = (
        if "ap_background_unsharp_lowpass" in options
        else 3
    coefs[unsharp:-unsharp] = 0
    coefs[:, unsharp:-unsharp] = 0

    dumy, stats = Background_Mode(IMG, results, options)
    stats.update({"background": ifft2(coefs).real})
    return IMG, stats
Beispiel #52
def crossCorrelate(image1, image2):

        :param image1: 2d array
        :param image2: 2d array
    fft_array1 = fft2(image1)
    fft_array2 = fft2(image2)

    shape = image1.shape
    c = abs(ifft2(fft_array1 * fft_array2.conjugate()))
    t0, t1 = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(c), image1.shape)
    if t0 > shape[0] // 2:
        t0 -= shape[0]
    if t1 > shape[1] // 2:
        t1 -= shape[1]

    return t0, t1
Beispiel #53
def ifrt(bins, N, norm=True, center=False, projNumber=0, Isum=-1):
    Compute the inverse DRT in O(n logn) complexity using the discrete Fourier slice theorem and the FFT.
    Input should be DRT projections (bins) to recover an NxN image.
    projNumber is the number of non-zero projections in bins. This useful for backprojecting mu projections where mu < N.
    Isum is computed from first row if -1, otherwise provided value is used
    if Isum < 0:
        Isum = bins[0, :].sum()
#    print "ISUM:", Isum

    if projNumber == 0:
        projNumber = N + N / 2  #all projections filled
    result = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.complex64)
    filter = oversampling_1D_filter(N, 2, norm)  #fix DC for dyadic

    if N % 2 == 1:  # if odd, assume prime
        if projNumber == 0:
            projNumber = N + 1  #all projections filled
        filter = np.ones(N)
        #        filter[0] = 1.0/(projNumber+1) #DC fix
        filter[0] = 1.0

    if projNumber < 0:
        filter[0] = 0  #all projections zero mean

    #Set slices (0 <= m <= N)
    for k, row in enumerate(bins):  #iterate per row
        slice = fftpack.fft(row)
        slice *= filter
        #        print "m:",k
        setSlice(k, result, slice)
#    print "filter:", filter
    result[0, 0] -= float(Isum) * N

    #iFFT 2D image
    result = fftpack.ifft2(result)
    if not norm:
        result *= N  #ifft2 already divides by N**2
    if center:
        result = fftpack.fftshift(result)

    return np.real(result)
Beispiel #54
 def MixingUniMagPhase(self, Image, W1, W2):
     UniTemp = Image.getMagnitude()
     for i in range(len(UniTemp)):
         UniTemp[i] = 1
     TempMagnitude = list(
         map(add, ((W1) * (np.array(UniTemp))),
             ((1 - W1) * (np.array(Image.getMagnitude())))))
     TempPhase = np.exp(
             map(add, ((W2) * (np.array(Image.getPhase()))),
                 ((1 - W2) * (np.array(self.getPhase()))))))
     Mix = [a * b for a, b in zip(TempMagnitude, TempPhase)]
     View = ifft2(Mix)
     View = pg.ImageItem(View)
     return View
Beispiel #55
def _correlate_images(im1, im2, method='brent'):
    shape = im1.shape
    f1 = fft2(im1)
    f1[0, 0] = 0
    f2 = fft2(im2)
    f2[0, 0] = 0
    ir = np.real(ifft2((f1 * f2.conjugate())))
    t0, t1 = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(ir), shape)
    if t0 >= shape[0] / 2:
        t0 -= shape[0]
    if t1 >= shape[1] / 2:
        t1 -= shape[1]
    if method == 'brent':
        newim2 = ndimage.shift(im2, (t0, t1))
        refine = optimize.brent(cost_function,
                                args=(im1, newim2),
                                brack=[-1, 1],
    return t1 + refine
Beispiel #56
    def filterButterworth2D(self,  degradation,  n=2):
        # frac -> max smoothing at center
        img = self.getMat()
        heigth, width = len(img),len(img[0])

        smoothed = numpy.array([[0.0 for i in range(width)] for j in range(heigth)])
        zeros = numpy.array([[0.0 for i in range(width)] for j in range(heigth)])
        temp = numpy.array([[0.0 for i in range(width)] for j in range(heigth)])
        freq = fftpack.fft2(img)
        maxD0 = sqrt(pow(float(width),2.0)+pow(float(heigth),2.0))
        d0 = float(maxD0)*degradation
        newFreq = numpy.array([[freq[j][i] for i in range(width)] for j in range(heigth)], dtype=numpy.complex64)

        for i in range(heigth):
            for j in range(width):
                newFreq[i][j] = freq[i][j]*self._butterworth(float(sqrt(pow(i-heigth/2,2.0)+pow(j-width/2,2.0))),float(d0),float(n))
        smoothed = numpy.real(fftpack.ifft2(newFreq))
        return Image(smoothed)
Beispiel #57
def sharpen_images(fraction, filter_type):
    #-- first read data
    images, names = load_data()
    #-- make output directory dictionary
    outdir = {}
    outdir['train'] = os.path.join(trn_dir,
                                   'images_%s_%.3f' % (filter_type, fraction))
    outdir['test'] = os.path.join(tst_dir,
                                  'images_%s_%.3f' % (filter_type, fraction))
    #-- loop through train and test data
    for t in ['train', 'test']:
        if (not os.path.isdir(outdir[t])):
        #-- loop through images and sharpen them
        for m, n in zip(images[t], names[t]):
            #-- take fft
            rows, cols, channels = m.shape
            f_img = fftpack.fft2(m.reshape(rows, cols))
            #-- make a numpy array copy
            f = f_img.copy()
            #-- get dimensions
            d1, d2 = f.shape

            #-- Set the low frequenies to 0 (to sharpen)
            #-- if you instead want ot get rid of high-frequency noise, set the
            #-- high frequencies to zero
            if filter_type in [
                    'highpass', 'HighPass', 'HIGHPASS', 'high-pass'
                f[0:int(d1 * fraction), :] = 0.
                f[-1 * int(d1 * fraction):, :] = 0.
                f[:, 0:int(d2 * fraction)] = 0.
                f[:, -1 * int(d2 * fraction):] = 0.
            elif filter_type in ['lowpass', 'LowPass', 'LOWPASS', 'low-pass']:
                f[int(d1 * fraction):int(d1 * (1 - fraction)), :] = 0
                f[:, int(d2 * fraction):int(d2 * (1 - fraction))] = 0
            #-- convert back to spatial domain
            im_sharp = fftpack.ifft2(f).real
            #-- convert to 3 dimensions with a color channel
            im_out_array = im_sharp.reshape(rows, cols, 1)
            #-- write image to file
            im_out = image.array_to_img(im_out_array)
  [t], '%s' % n))
Beispiel #58
def Density_field(scaling=-2, N=1024):
    fourier_field = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.complex128)
    half = int(N / 2 + 0.5)
    for i in range(0, half + 1):
        k_y = 2 * np.pi * i / N
        for j in range(0, N):
            if j <= half:
                k_x = 2 * np.pi * j / N
                k_x = 2 * np.pi * (-N + j) / N
            k_vector = np.sqrt(k_x**2 + k_y**2)
            a, b = Box_Muller(0, np.sqrt(k_vector**(scaling)), 1)
            fourier_field[i, j] = complex(a, b)
            fourier_field[-i, -j] = fourier_field[i, j].conjugate()
    fourier_field[0, 0] = 0
    fourier_field[0, half] = (fourier_field[0, half].real) * 2
    fourier_field[half, 0] = (fourier_field[half, 0].real) * 2
    fourier_field[half, half] = (fourier_field[half, half].real) * 2
    return ifft2(fourier_field) * N**2
Beispiel #59
def energies(bec):
  Return the potential and kinetic energies, and print them
  Inputs are the wavefunction, potential, k vector and dx
  poten = bec.V + bec.g * abs(bec.psi)**2 - bec.gravity() + bec.angular()
  Epot = sum( sum( bec.psi.conjugate() * poten * bec.psi ) ) * bec.dx * bec.dy
  Ekin = sum( sum( bec.psi.conjugate() * f.fftshift( f.ifft2( -1 * bec.ksquare *
                        f.fft2( f.fftshift( bec.psi) ) ) ) ) ) * bec.dx * bec.dy
  norm      = sum(sum( bec.psi * ( bec.psi ).conjugate() )) * bec.dx * bec.dy
  print 'Potential Energy = ', Epot
  print 'Kinetic Energy   = ', Ekin
  print 'Total Energy     = ', Epot + Ekin
  print 'normalisation    = ', norm
  return Epot, Ekin
Beispiel #60
def invfouriertrans(xaxis, yaxis, input):
    output = theFFT.ifft2(input)
    outputshift = theFFT.fftshift(output)
    # see DES logbook Vol1, page 25
    xax = xaxis[0, :]
    yax = yaxis[:, 0]

    deltax = xax[1] - xax[0]
    deltay = yax[1] - yax[0]
    Nx = xax.size
    Ny = yax.size
    yout, xout = itricks.mgrid[-1. / (2. * deltay):1. / (2. * deltay):1. /
                               (Ny * deltay), -1. / (2. * deltax):1. /
                               (2. * deltax):1. / (Nx * deltax)]

    return xout, yout, outputshift