Beispiel #1
 def interpolate(self, new_time, derivative_order=0, out=None):
     new_time = np.asarray(new_time)
     if new_time.ndim != 1:
         raise ValueError(f"New time array must have exactly 1 dimension; it has {new_time.ndim}.")
     new_shape = self.shape[:-2] + (new_time.size, self.shape[-1])
     if out is not None:
         out = np.asarray(out)
         if out.shape != new_shape:
             raise ValueError(
                 f"Output array should have shape {new_shape} for consistency with new time array and modes array"
         if out.dtype != np.complex:
             raise ValueError(f"Output array should have dtype `complex`; it has dtype {out.dtype}")
     result = out or np.empty(new_shape, dtype=complex)
     if derivative_order > 3:
         raise ValueError(
             f"{type(self)} interpolation uses CubicSpline, and cannot take a derivative of order {derivative_order}"
     spline = CubicSpline(self.u, self.view(np.ndarray), axis=-2)
     if derivative_order < 0:
         spline = spline.antiderivative(-derivative_order)
     elif 0 < derivative_order <= 3:
         spline = spline.derivative(derivative_order)
     result[:] = spline(new_time)
     metadata = self._metadata.copy()
     metadata["time"] = new_time
     return type(self)(result, **metadata)
def calculate_position_with_time(x, speed):
    poly = CubicSpline(x, speed, bc_type="natural")
    antiderivative = poly.antiderivative()
    return antiderivative(x)