Beispiel #1
def cholupdate_blas(L, x, upper=False, overwrite_x=False, out=None):
    if out is None:
        out = np.copy(L, order='C' if upper else 'F')
    elif out is not L:
        np.copyto(out, L)

    if not overwrite_x:
        x = np.copy(x)

    if upper:
        out = out.T

    rotg = blas.get_blas_funcs('rotg', (L, ))
    rot = blas.get_blas_funcs('rot', (L, x))

    n = len(x)

    for k in range(n):
        c, s = rotg(out[k, k], x[k])
            n=n - k,
            offx=k * n + k,

    if upper:
        out = out.T

    return out
Beispiel #2
    def estim_kinship(self, std=True, chunk_size=2048):
        Estimate kinship.
        :param std: If True, then standardized K is estimated. The default is
        :param chunk_size: Size of chunk used to compute K. The default is 2048.
        :return: Kinship matrix.
        if len(self.d_snps.columns) < 2:
            raise ValueError('Kinship matrix cannot be calculated')
        markers = np.array(self.d_snps)
        n, p = markers.shape
        out = np.zeros((n, n), order="F")
        gemm = get_blas_funcs("gemm", [out])

        start = 0
        while start < p:
            end = start + chunk_size
            g = markers[:, start:end]
            m = np.nanmean(g, 0)
            g = np.where(np.isnan(g), m, g)
            g = g - m
            if std:
                g /= np.std(g, 0)
            g /= np.sqrt(p)
            gemm(1.0, g, g, 1.0, out, 0, 1, 1)
            start = end
            c = self.d_snps.index
            return pd.DataFrame(out, columns=c, index=c)
        except AttributeError:
        return out
Beispiel #3
def test_rot():
    # srot, drot from blas and crot and zrot from lapack.

    for dtype in 'fdFD':
        c = 0.6
        s = 0.8

        u = np.ones(4, dtype) * 3
        v = np.ones(4, dtype) * 4
        atol = 10**-(np.finfo(dtype).precision-1)

        if dtype in 'fd':
            rot = get_blas_funcs('rot', dtype=dtype)
            f = 4
            rot = get_lapack_funcs('rot', dtype=dtype)
            s *= -1j
            v *= 1j
            f = 4j

        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s), [[5,5,5,5],[0,0,0,0]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, n=2), [[5,5,3,3],[0,0,f,f]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, offx=2,offy=2), [[3,3,5,5],[f,f,0,0]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, incx=2, offy=2, n=2), [[5,3,5,3],[f,f,0,0]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, offx=2, incy=2, n=2), [[3,3,5,5],[0,f,0,f]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, offx=2, incx=2, offy=2, incy=2, n=1), [[3,3,5,3],[f,f,0,f]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, incx=-2, incy=-2, n=2), [[5,3,5,3],[0,f,0,f]], atol=atol)
        a, b = rot(u, v, c, s, overwrite_x=1, overwrite_y=1)
        assert_(a is u)
        assert_(b is v)
        assert_allclose(a, [5,5,5,5], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(b, [0,0,0,0], atol=atol)
Beispiel #4
def test_rot():
    # srot, drot from blas and crot and zrot from lapack.

    for dtype in 'fdFD':
        c = 0.6
        s = 0.8

        u = np.ones(4, dtype) * 3
        v = np.ones(4, dtype) * 4
        atol = 10**-(np.finfo(dtype).precision-1)

        if dtype in 'fd':
            rot = get_blas_funcs('rot', dtype=dtype)
            f = 4
            rot = get_lapack_funcs('rot', dtype=dtype)
            s *= -1j
            v *= 1j
            f = 4j

        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s), [[5,5,5,5],[0,0,0,0]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, n=2), [[5,5,3,3],[0,0,f,f]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, offx=2,offy=2), [[3,3,5,5],[f,f,0,0]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, incx=2, offy=2, n=2), [[5,3,5,3],[f,f,0,0]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, offx=2, incy=2, n=2), [[3,3,5,5],[0,f,0,f]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, offx=2, incx=2, offy=2, incy=2, n=1), [[3,3,5,3],[f,f,0,f]], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(rot(u, v, c, s, incx=-2, incy=-2, n=2), [[5,3,5,3],[0,f,0,f]], atol=atol)

        a, b = rot(u, v, c, s, overwrite_x=1, overwrite_y=1)
        assert_(a is u)
        assert_(b is v)
        assert_allclose(a, [5,5,5,5], atol=atol)
        assert_allclose(b, [0,0,0,0], atol=atol)
Beispiel #5
def lin_comb_Q_T(coeff,Q_T,out=None):
	""" Computes a linear combination of the Lanczos basis vectors:

	.. math::
		v_j = \\sum_{i=1}^{m} c_i \\left(Q^T\\right)_{ij} 

	coeff : (m,) array_like
		list of coefficients to compute the linear combination of Lanczos basis vectors with.
	Q_T : (m,n) numpy.ndarray, generator
		Lanczos basis vectors or a generator for the Lanczos basis.
	out : (n,) numpy.ndarray, optional
		Array to store the result in.
	(n,) numpy.ndarray
		Linear combination :math:`v` of Lanczos basis vectors. 


	>>> v = lin_comb_Q(coeff,Q_T)


	coeff = _np.asanyarray(coeff)

	if isinstance(Q_T,_np.ndarray):
		Q_iter = iter(Q_T[:])
		Q_iter = iter(Q_T)

	q = next(Q_iter)

	dtype = _np.result_type(q.dtype,coeff.dtype)

	if out is not None:
		if out.shape != q.shape:
			raise ValueError("'out' must have same shape as a Lanczos vector.")
		if out.dtype != dtype:
			raise ValueError("argument 'out' has dtype {}, expecting dtype {}".format(out.dtype,dtype))
		if not out.flags["CARRAY"]:
			raise ValueError("argument 'out' must be C-contiguous and writable.")
		out = _np.zeros(q.shape,dtype=dtype)

	# get function : y <- y + a * x
	axpy = get_blas_funcs('axpy', arrays=(out,q))	
	n = q.size

	for weight,q in zip(coeff[1:],Q_iter):

	return out
Beispiel #6
def linear_kinship(G, out=None, verbose=True):
    r"""Estimate Kinship matrix via linear kernel.

    .. doctest::

        >>> from numpy.random import RandomState
        >>> from numpy import array_str
        >>> from limix.stats import linear_kinship
        >>> random = RandomState(1)
        >>> X = random.randn(4, 100)
        >>> K = linear_kinship(X, verbose=False)
        >>> print(array_str(K, precision=4))
        [[ 0.9131 -0.1928 -0.3413 -0.379 ]
         [-0.1928  0.8989 -0.2356 -0.4704]
         [-0.3413 -0.2356  0.9578 -0.3808]
         [-0.379  -0.4704 -0.3808  1.2302]]
    from numpy import sqrt, zeros, asfortranarray, where, asarray, nanmean, std, isnan
    from scipy.linalg.blas import get_blas_funcs
    from tqdm import tqdm

    (n, p) = G.shape
    if out is None:
        out = zeros((n, n), order="F")
        out = asfortranarray(out)

    chunks = _get_chunks(G)
    gemm = get_blas_funcs("gemm", [out])

    start = 0
    for chunk in tqdm(chunks, desc="Kinship", disable=not verbose):
        end = start + chunk

        g = asarray(G[:, start:end])
        m = nanmean(g, 0)
        g = where(isnan(g), m, g)
        g = g - m
        g /= std(g, 0)
        g /= sqrt(p)

        gemm(1.0, g, g, 1.0, out, 0, 1, 1)

        start = end

    return out
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, solver):

        self.solver = solver
        self.RHS = CoeffSystem(solver.subproblems, dtype=solver.dtype)

        # Create coefficient systems for multistep history
        self.MX0 = CoeffSystem(solver.subproblems, dtype=solver.dtype)
        self.LX = [
            CoeffSystem(solver.subproblems, dtype=solver.dtype)
            for i in range(self.stages)
        self.F = [
            CoeffSystem(solver.subproblems, dtype=solver.dtype)
            for i in range(self.stages)

        self._LHS_params = None
        self.axpy = blas.get_blas_funcs('axpy', dtype=solver.dtype)
Beispiel #8
def _lanczos_vec_iter_core(A,v0,a,b):
	dtype = _np.result_type(A.dtype,v0.dtype)

	q = v0.astype(dtype,copy=True)

	q_norm = _np.linalg.norm(q)
	if _np.abs(q_norm-1.0) > _np.finfo(dtype).eps:

	q_view = q[:]

	yield q_view # return non-writable array

	m = a.size
	n = q.size
	axpy = get_blas_funcs('axpy', arrays=(q,))

	v = _np.zeros_like(v0,dtype=dtype)
	r = _np.zeros_like(v0,dtype=dtype)

		use_out = True
	except TypeError:
		r[:] =
		use_out = False


	for i in range(1,m,1):
		v[:] = q[:]


		yield q_view # return non-writable array

		if use_out:,out=r)
			r[:] =

Beispiel #9
def linalg_info(method,
    """ Faster BLAS/LAPACK methods to be returned without too many lookups an array checks

    method : str
       BLAS/LAPACK instance to retrieve
    dtype : numpy.dtype
       matrix corresponding data-type

    Function to call corresponding to method `method` in precision `dtype`.

        if the corresponding method is not present
    # dtype as string
    dtype_str = dtype_dict[dtype]

    # Get dictionary for methods
    m_dict = method_dict[dtype_str]

    # Check if it exists
    if method in m_dict:
        return m_dict[method]

    # Get the corresponding method and store it before returning it
        func = get_lapack_funcs(method, dtype=dtype)
    except ValueError as e:
        if 'LAPACK function' in str(e):
            func = get_blas_funcs(method, dtype=dtype)
            raise e
    m_dict[method] = func
    return func
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self, solver):

        self.solver = solver
        self.RHS = CoeffSystem(solver.subproblems, dtype=solver.dtype)

        # Create deque for storing recent timesteps
        self.dt = deque([0.] * self.steps)

        # Create coefficient systems for multistep history
        self.MX = MX = deque()
        self.LX = LX = deque()
        self.F = F = deque()
        for j in range(self.amax):
            MX.append(CoeffSystem(solver.subproblems, dtype=solver.dtype))
        for j in range(self.bmax):
            LX.append(CoeffSystem(solver.subproblems, dtype=solver.dtype))
        for j in range(self.cmax):
            F.append(CoeffSystem(solver.subproblems, dtype=solver.dtype))

        # Attributes
        self._iteration = 0
        self._LHS_params = None
        self.axpy = blas.get_blas_funcs('axpy', dtype=solver.dtype)
Beispiel #11
def megmres(A,
    size = B.shape
    if maxit is None:
        maxit = 2 *
    if M1 is None:
        # No preconditioner class
        class __NoPrecond__(object):
            def solve(self, _X_):
                return _X_

        M1 = __NoPrecond__()
    if X0 is None:
        X0 = np.zeros(size, dtype=complex)

    X = np.array(X0)
    bnrm = norm(B)
    info = 1

    # Check for zero rhs:
    if bnrm == 0.0:
        # Solution is null-vector
        info = 0
        return np.zeros(size), info
    # Compute initial residual:
    R = B -
    rnrm = norm(R)
    # Relative tolerance
    tolb = tol * bnrm
    if callback is not None:

    if rnrm < tolb:
        # Initial guess is a good enough solution
        info = 0
        return X, info

    # Initialization
    rotmat = get_blas_funcs('rotg', dtype=np.complex128)  # call to ZROTG
    V = [np.zeros(size, dtype=complex) for i in range(0, m + 1)]
    H = np.zeros((m + 1, m), dtype=complex)
    cs = np.zeros(m + 1, dtype=np.float64)
    cs_tmp = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.complex128)
    sn = np.zeros(m + 1, dtype=np.complex128)
    e1 = np.zeros(m + 1, dtype=complex)
    e1[0] = 1.
    for _iter in range(0, maxit):
        # Begin iteration
        V[0] = R / rnrm
        s = rnrm * e1
        for i in range(0, m):
            # Construct orthonormal basis
            # using Gram-Schmidt
            W =[i]))

            for k in range(0, i + 1):
                H[k, i] = np.vdot(V[k], W)
                W = W - H[k, i] * V[k]
            H[i + 1, i] = norm(W)
            V[i + 1] = W / H[i + 1, i]

            for k in range(0, i):
                # Apply Givens rotation
                temp = cs[k] * H[k, i] + sn[k] * H[k + 1, i]
                H[k + 1, i] = -np.conj(sn[k]) * H[k, i] + cs[k] * H[k + 1, i]
                H[k, i] = temp

            cs_tmp, sn[i] = rotmat(H[i, i], H[i + 1, i])
            cs[i] = cs_tmp.real  # BUGFIX: BLAS wrapper out params
            temp = cs[i] * s[i]
            s[i + 1] = -np.conj(sn[i]) * s[i]
            s[i] = temp
            H[i, i] = cs[i] * H[i, i] + sn[i] * H[i + 1, i]
            H[i + 1, i] = 0.0

            rnrm = abs(s[i + 1])
            if callback is not None:

            if rnrm < tolb:
                y = solve(H[:i, :i], s[:i])
                Xtmp = np.zeros(size, dtype=complex)
                for k in range(0, i):
                    Xtmp += y[k] * V[k]
                X += M1.solve(Xtmp)
                info = 0
                if plot_ritz:
                    plot_ritzvals(H[:i, :i])
                return X, info

        y = solve(H[:m, :m], s[:m])
        Xtmp = np.zeros(size, dtype=complex)
        for k in range(0, k):
            Xtmp += y[k] * V[k]
        X += M1.solve(Xtmp)
        R = B -
        rnrm = norm(R)
        if callback is not None:
        if rnrm < tolb:
            info = 0

    if plot_ritz & _iter == maxit - 1:
        plot_ritzvals(H[:m, :m])
    return X, info
Beispiel #12
def symeig_semidefinite_ldl(A,
    """LDL-based routine to solve generalized symmetric positive semidefinite
    eigenvalue problems.

    This can be used if the normal ``symeig()`` call in ``_stop_training()``
    throws ``SymeigException('Covariance matrices may be singular')``.

    This solver uses SciPy's raw LAPACK interface to access LDL decomposition. describes how to solve a
    generalized eigenvalue problem with positive definite B using Cholesky/LL
    decomposition. We extend this method to solve for positive semidefinite B
    using LDL decomposition, which is a variant of Cholesky/LL decomposition
    for indefinite Matrices.
    Accessing raw LAPACK's LDL decomposition (sytrf) is challenging. This code
    is partly based on code for SciPy 1.1:
    We optimized and shortened that code for the real-valued positive
    semidefinite case.

    This procedure is almost as efficient as the ordinary eigh implementation.
    This is because implementations for symmetric generalized eigenvalue
    problems usually perform the Cholesky approach mentioned above. The more
    general LDL decomposition is only slightly more expensive than Cholesky,
    due to pivotization.

    .. note:: This method requires SciPy >= 1.0.
    The signature of this function equals that of ``mdp.utils.symeig``,
    but has two additional parameters:
    :param rank_threshold:
        A threshold to determine if an eigenvalue counts as zero.
    :type rank_threshold: float
    :param dfc_out:
        If ``dfc_out`` is not ``None``, ``dfc_out.rank_deficit`` will be set
        to an integer indicating how many zero-eigenvalues were detected.
    if type != 1:
        raise ValueError('Only type=1 is supported.')

    # LDL-based method appears to be particularly unstable if blank lines
    # and columns exist in B. So we circumvent this case:
    nonzero_idx = _find_blank_data_idx(B, rank_threshold)
    if not nonzero_idx is None:
        orig_shape = B.shape
        B = B[nonzero_idx, :][:, nonzero_idx]
        A = A[nonzero_idx, :][:, nonzero_idx]

    # This method has special requirements, which is why we import here
    # rather than module wide.
    from scipy.linalg.lapack import get_lapack_funcs, _compute_lwork
    from scipy.linalg.blas import get_blas_funcs
        inv_tri, solver, solver_lwork = get_lapack_funcs(
            ('trtri', 'sytrf', 'sytrf_lwork'), (B, ))
        mult_tri, = get_blas_funcs(('trmm', ), (B, ))
    except ValueError:
        err_msg = ("ldl method for solving symeig with rank deficit B "
                   "requires at least SciPy 1.0.")
        raise SymeigException(err_msg)

    n = B.shape[0]
    arng = numx.arange(n)
    lwork = _compute_lwork(solver_lwork, n, lower=1)
    lu, piv, _ = solver(B, lwork=lwork, lower=1, overwrite_a=overwrite)

    # using piv properly requires some postprocessing:
    swap_ = numx.arange(n)
    pivs = numx.zeros(swap_.shape, dtype=int)
    skip_2x2 = False
    for ind in range(n):
        # If previous spin belonged already to a 2x2 block
        if skip_2x2:
            skip_2x2 = False

        cur_val = piv[ind]
        # do we have a 1x1 block or not?
        if cur_val > 0:
            if cur_val != ind + 1:
                # Index value != array value --> permutation required
                swap_[ind] = swap_[cur_val - 1]
            pivs[ind] = 1
        # Not.
        elif cur_val < 0 and cur_val == piv[ind + 1]:
            # first neg entry of 2x2 block identifier
            if -cur_val != ind + 2:
                # Index value != array value --> permutation required
                swap_[ind + 1] = swap_[-cur_val - 1]
            pivs[ind] = 2
            skip_2x2 = True

    full_perm = numx.arange(n)
    for ind in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
        s_ind = swap_[ind]
        if s_ind != ind:
            col_s = ind if pivs[ind] else ind - 1  # 2x2 block
            lu[[s_ind, ind], col_s:] = lu[[ind, s_ind], col_s:]
            full_perm[[s_ind, ind]] = full_perm[[ind, s_ind]]
    # usually only a few indices actually permute, so we reduce perm:
    perm = (full_perm - arng).nonzero()[0]
    perm_idx = full_perm[perm]
    # end of ldl postprocessing
    # perm_idx and perm now describe a permutation as dest and source indexes

    lu[perm_idx, :] = lu[perm, :]

    dgd = abs(numx.diag(lu))
    dnz = (dgd > rank_threshold).nonzero()[0]
    dgd_sqrt_I = numx.sqrt(1.0 / dgd[dnz])
    rank_deficit = len(dgd) - len(dnz)  # later used

    # c, lower, unitdiag, overwrite_c
    LI, _ = inv_tri(lu, 1, 1, 1)  # invert triangular
    # we mainly apply tril here, because we need to make a
    # copy of LI anyway, because original result from
    # dtrtri seems to be read-only regarding some operations
    LI = numx.tril(LI, -1)
    LI[arng, arng] = 1
    LI[dnz, :] *= dgd_sqrt_I.reshape((dgd_sqrt_I.shape[0], 1))

    A2 = A if overwrite else A.copy()
    A2[perm_idx, :] = A2[perm, :]
    A2[:, perm_idx] = A2[:, perm]
    # alpha, a, b, side 0=left 1=right, lower, trans_a, diag 1=unitdiag,
    # overwrite_b
    A2 = mult_tri(1.0, LI, A2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1)  # A2 = mult(A2, LI.T)
    A2 = mult_tri(1.0, LI, A2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)  # A2 = mult(LI, A2)
    A2 = A2[dnz, :]
    A2 = A2[:, dnz]

    # overwrite=True is okay here, because at this point A2 is a copy anyway
    eg, ev = mdp.utils.symeig(A2, None, True, turbo, rng, overwrite=True)
    ev = mdp.utils.mult(LI[dnz].T, ev) if rank_deficit \
        else mult_tri(1.0, LI, ev, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1)
    ev[perm] = ev[perm_idx]

    if not nonzero_idx is None:
        # restore ev to original size
        rank_deficit += orig_shape[0] - len(nonzero_idx)
        ev_tmp = ev
        ev = numx.zeros((orig_shape[0], ev.shape[1]))
        ev[nonzero_idx, :] = ev_tmp

    if not dfc_out is None:
        dfc_out.rank_deficit = rank_deficit
    return eg, ev
Beispiel #13
This module contains a collection of routines for operating on sparse
matrices on the scipy.sparse formats, for use internally by other modules
throughout QuTiP.

__all__ = ['sp_fro_norm', 'sp_inf_norm', 'sp_L2_norm', 'sp_max_norm',
           'sp_one_norm', 'sp_reshape', 'sp_eigs', 'sp_expm', 'sp_permute',
           'sp_reverse_permute', 'sp_bandwidth', 'sp_profile']

import scipy.sparse as sp
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from scipy.linalg.blas import get_blas_funcs
_dznrm2 = get_blas_funcs("znrm2")
from import (_sparse_profile, _sparse_permute,
                                   _sparse_reverse_permute, _sparse_bandwidth,
from qutip.settings import debug

import qutip.logging_utils
logger = qutip.logging_utils.get_logger()

if debug:
    import inspect

def sp_fro_norm(data):
    Frobius norm for sparse matrix
Beispiel #14
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.integrate._ode import zvode
from scipy.linalg.blas import get_blas_funcs
from qutip.qobj import Qobj
from qutip.parallel import parfor, parallel_map, serial_map
from import cy_ode_rhs, cy_expect_psi_csr, spmv, spmv_csr
from import Codegen
from import _cython_build_cleanup
from qutip.solver import Options, Result, config
from qutip.rhs_generate import _td_format_check, _td_wrap_array_str
from qutip.settings import debug
from qutip.ui.progressbar import TextProgressBar, BaseProgressBar
import qutip.settings

dznrm2 = get_blas_funcs("znrm2", dtype=np.float64)

if debug:
    import inspect

# Internal, global variables for storing references to dynamically loaded
# cython functions
_cy_col_spmv_func = None
_cy_col_expect_func = None
_cy_col_spmv_call_func = None
_cy_col_expect_call_func = None
_cy_rhs_func = None

    def merge(self, other, decay = 1.0):
        Merge this Projection with another. 
        Content of `other` is destroyed in the process, so pass this function a 
        copy if you need it further.
        This is the optimized merge described in algorithm 5.
        if other.u is None:
            # the other projection is empty => do nothing
        if self.u is None:
            # we are empty => result of merge is the other projection, whatever it is
            self.u = other.u.copy()
            self.s = other.s.copy()
        if self.m != other.m:
            raise ValueError("vector space mismatch: update has %s features, expected %s" %
                             (other.m, self.m))"merging projections: %s + %s" % (str(self.u.shape), str(other.u.shape)))
#        diff =, self.u) - numpy.eye(self.u.shape[1])
#'orth error after=%f' % numpy.sum(diff * diff))
        m, n1, n2 = self.u.shape[0], self.u.shape[1], other.u.shape[1]
        # TODO Maybe keep the bases as elementary reflectors, without 
        # forming explicit matrices with gorgqr.
        # The only operation we ever need is basis^T*basis ond basis*component.
        # But how to do that in numpy? And is it fast(er)?
        # find component of u2 orthogonal to u1
        # IMPORTANT: keep matrices in suitable order for matrix products; failing to do so gives 8x lower performance :(
        self.u = numpy.asfortranarray(self.u) # does nothing if input already fortran-order array
        other.u = numpy.asfortranarray(other.u)
        gemm, = get_blas_funcs(('gemm',), (self.u,))
        logger.debug("constructing orthogonal component")
        c = gemm(1.0, self.u, other.u, trans_a = True)
        gemm(-1.0, self.u, c, beta = 1.0, c = other.u, overwrite_c = True)
        # perform q, r = QR(component); code hacked out of scipy.linalg.qr
        logger.debug("computing QR of %s dense matrix" % str(other.u.shape))
        geqrf, = get_lapack_funcs(('geqrf',), (other.u,))
        qr, tau, work, info = geqrf(other.u, lwork = -1, overwrite_a = True) # sometimes segfaults with overwrite_a=True...
        qr, tau, work, info = geqrf(other.u, lwork = work[0], overwrite_a = True) # sometimes segfaults with overwrite_a=True...
        del other.u
        assert info >= 0
        r = triu(qr[:n2, :n2])
        if m < n2: # rare case...
            qr = qr[:,:m] # retains fortran order
        gorgqr, = get_lapack_funcs(('orgqr',), (qr,))
        q, work, info = gorgqr(qr, tau, lwork = -1, overwrite_a = True)
        q, work, info = gorgqr(qr, tau, lwork = work[0], overwrite_a = True)
        assert info >= 0, "qr failed"
        assert q.flags.f_contiguous
        # find rotation that diagonalizes r
        k = numpy.bmat([[numpy.diag(decay * self.s), c * other.s], [matutils.pad(numpy.matrix([]).reshape(0, 0), n2, n1), r * other.s]])
        logger.debug("computing SVD of %s dense matrix" % str(k.shape))
        u_k, s_k, _ = numpy.linalg.svd(k, full_matrices = False) # TODO *ugly overkill*!! only need first self.k SVD factors... but there is no LAPACK wrapper for partial svd/eigendecomp in numpy :(
        k = clipSpectrum(s_k, self.k)
        u_k, s_k = u_k[:, :k], s_k[:k]
        # update & rotate current basis U
        logger.debug("updating orthonormal basis U")
        self.u = gemm(1.0, self.u, u_k[:n1]) # TODO temporarily creates an extra (m,k) dense array in memory. find a way to avoid this!
        gemm(1.0, q, u_k[n1:], beta = 1.0, c = self.u, overwrite_c = True) # u = [u,u']*u_k
        self.s = s_k
 def merge(self, other, decay = 1.0):
     Merge this Projection with another. 
     Content of `other` is destroyed in the process, so pass this function a 
     copy if you need it further.
     This is the optimized merge described in algorithm 5.
     if other.u is None:
         # the other projection is empty => do nothing
     if self.u is None:
         # we are empty => result of merge is the other projection, whatever it is
         if other.s is None:
             # other.u contains a direct document chunk, not svd => perform svd
             docs = other.u
             assert scipy.sparse.issparse(docs)
             if self.m * self.k < 10000:
                 # SVDLIBC gives spurious results for small matrices.. run full
                 # LAPACK on them instead
       "computing dense SVD of %s matrix" % str(docs.shape))
                 u, s, vt = numpy.linalg.svd(docs.todense(), full_matrices = False)
                     import sparsesvd
                 except ImportError:
                     raise ImportError("for LSA, the `sparsesvd` module is needed but not found; run `easy_install sparsesvd`")
       "computing sparse SVD of %s matrix" % str(docs.shape))
                 ut, s, vt = sparsesvd.sparsesvd(docs, self.k + 30) # ask for a few extra factors, because for some reason SVDLIBC sometimes returns fewer factors than requested
                 u = ut.T
                 del ut
             del vt
             k = clipSpectrum(s, self.k)
             self.u = u[:, :k].copy('F')
             self.s = s[:k]
             self.u = other.u.copy('F')
             self.s = other.s.copy()
     if self.m != other.m:
         raise ValueError("vector space mismatch: update has %s features, expected %s" %
                          (other.m, self.m))"merging projections: %s + %s" % (str(self.u.shape), str(other.u.shape)))
     m, n1, n2 = self.u.shape[0], self.u.shape[1], other.u.shape[1]
     if other.s is None:
         other.u = other.u.todense()
         other.s = 1.0 # broadcasting will promote this to eye(n2) where needed
     # TODO Maybe keep the bases as elementary reflectors, without 
     # forming explicit matrices with gorgqr.
     # The only operation we ever need is basis^T*basis ond basis*component.
     # But how to do that in numpy? And is it fast(er)?
     # find component of u2 orthogonal to u1
     # IMPORTANT: keep matrices in suitable order for matrix products; failing to do so gives 8x lower performance :(
     self.u = numpy.asfortranarray(self.u) # does nothing if input already fortran-order array
     other.u = numpy.asfortranarray(other.u)
     gemm, = get_blas_funcs(('gemm',), (self.u,))
     logger.debug("constructing orthogonal component")
     c = gemm(1.0, self.u, other.u, trans_a = True)
     gemm(-1.0, self.u, c, beta = 1.0, c = other.u, overwrite_c = True)
     # perform q, r = QR(component); code hacked out of scipy.linalg.qr
     logger.debug("computing QR of %s dense matrix" % str(other.u.shape))
     geqrf, = get_lapack_funcs(('geqrf',), (other.u,))
     qr, tau, work, info = geqrf(other.u, lwork = -1, overwrite_a = True) # sometimes segfaults with overwrite_a=True...?
     qr, tau, work, info = geqrf(other.u, lwork = work[0], overwrite_a = True) # sometimes segfaults with overwrite_a=True...?
     del other.u
     assert info >= 0
     r = triu(qr[:n2, :n2])
     if m < n2: # rare case, #features < #topics
         qr = qr[:, :m] # retains fortran order
     gorgqr, = get_lapack_funcs(('orgqr',), (qr,))
     q, work, info = gorgqr(qr, tau, lwork = -1, overwrite_a = True)
     q, work, info = gorgqr(qr, tau, lwork = work[0], overwrite_a = True)
     assert info >= 0, "qr failed"
     assert q.flags.f_contiguous
     # find rotation that diagonalizes r
     k = numpy.bmat([[numpy.diag(decay * self.s), c * other.s], [matutils.pad(numpy.matrix([]).reshape(0, 0), min(m, n2), n1), r * other.s]])
     logger.debug("computing SVD of %s dense matrix" % str(k.shape))
         # in numpy < 1.1.0, running SVD sometimes results in "LinAlgError: SVD did not converge'.
         # for these early versions of numpy, catch the error and try to compute
         # SVD again, but over k*k^T.
         # see[email protected]/msg07224.html and
         # bug ticket
         u_k, s_k, _ = numpy.linalg.svd(k, full_matrices = False) # TODO *ugly overkill*!! only need first self.k SVD factors... but there is no LAPACK wrapper for partial svd/eigendecomp in numpy :(
     except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
         logging.error("SVD(A) failed; trying SVD(A * A^T)")
         u_k, s_k, _ = numpy.linalg.svd(, k.T), full_matrices = False) # if this fails too, give up
         s_k = numpy.sqrt(s_k)
     k = clipSpectrum(s_k, self.k)
     u_k, s_k = u_k[:, :k], s_k[:k]
     # update & rotate current basis U
     logger.debug("updating orthonormal basis U")
     self.u = gemm(1.0, self.u, u_k[:n1]) # TODO temporarily creates an extra (m,k) dense array in memory. find a way to avoid this!
     gemm(1.0, q, u_k[n1:], beta = 1.0, c = self.u, overwrite_c = True) # u = [u,u']*u_k
     self.s = s_k
Beispiel #17
    def merge(self, other, decay=1.0):
        Merge this Projection with another. 
        Content of `other` is destroyed in the process, so pass this function a 
        copy if you need it further.
        This is the optimized merge described in algorithm 5.
        if other.u is None:
            # the other projection is empty => do nothing
        if self.u is None:
            # we are empty => result of merge is the other projection, whatever it is
            if other.s is None:
                # other.u contains a direct document chunk, not svd => perform svd
                docs = other.u
                assert scipy.sparse.issparse(docs)
                if self.m * self.k < 10000:
                    # SVDLIBC gives spurious results for small matrices.. run full
                    # LAPACK on them instead
          "computing dense SVD of %s matrix" %
                    u, s, vt = numpy.linalg.svd(docs.todense(),
                        import sparsesvd
                    except ImportError:
                        raise ImportError(
                            "for LSA, the `sparsesvd` module is needed but not found; run `easy_install sparsesvd`"
          "computing sparse SVD of %s matrix" %
                    ut, s, vt = sparsesvd.sparsesvd(
                        docs, self.k + 30
                    )  # ask for a few extra factors, because for some reason SVDLIBC sometimes returns fewer factors than requested
                    u = ut.T
                    del ut
                del vt
                k = clipSpectrum(s, self.k)
                self.u = u[:, :k].copy('F')
                self.s = s[:k]
                self.u = other.u.copy('F')
                self.s = other.s.copy()
        if self.m != other.m:
            raise ValueError(
                "vector space mismatch: update has %s features, expected %s" %
                (other.m, self.m))"merging projections: %s + %s" %
                    (str(self.u.shape), str(other.u.shape)))
        m, n1, n2 = self.u.shape[0], self.u.shape[1], other.u.shape[1]
        if other.s is None:
            other.u = other.u.todense()
            other.s = 1.0  # broadcasting will promote this to eye(n2) where needed
        # TODO Maybe keep the bases as elementary reflectors, without
        # forming explicit matrices with gorgqr.
        # The only operation we ever need is basis^T*basis ond basis*component.
        # But how to do that in numpy? And is it fast(er)?

        # find component of u2 orthogonal to u1
        # IMPORTANT: keep matrices in suitable order for matrix products; failing to do so gives 8x lower performance :(
        self.u = numpy.asfortranarray(
            self.u)  # does nothing if input already fortran-order array
        other.u = numpy.asfortranarray(other.u)
        gemm, = get_blas_funcs(('gemm', ), (self.u, ))
        logger.debug("constructing orthogonal component")
        c = gemm(1.0, self.u, other.u, trans_a=True)
        gemm(-1.0, self.u, c, beta=1.0, c=other.u, overwrite_c=True)

        # perform q, r = QR(component); code hacked out of scipy.linalg.qr
        logger.debug("computing QR of %s dense matrix" % str(other.u.shape))
        geqrf, = get_lapack_funcs(('geqrf', ), (other.u, ))
        qr, tau, work, info = geqrf(
            other.u, lwork=-1,
            overwrite_a=True)  # sometimes segfaults with overwrite_a=True...?
        qr, tau, work, info = geqrf(
            other.u, lwork=work[0],
            overwrite_a=True)  # sometimes segfaults with overwrite_a=True...?
        del other.u
        assert info >= 0
        r = triu(qr[:n2, :n2])
        if m < n2:  # rare case, #features < #topics
            qr = qr[:, :m]  # retains fortran order
        gorgqr, = get_lapack_funcs(('orgqr', ), (qr, ))
        q, work, info = gorgqr(qr, tau, lwork=-1, overwrite_a=True)
        q, work, info = gorgqr(qr, tau, lwork=work[0], overwrite_a=True)
        assert info >= 0, "qr failed"
        assert q.flags.f_contiguous

        # find rotation that diagonalizes r
        k = numpy.bmat([[numpy.diag(decay * self.s), c * other.s],
                                numpy.matrix([]).reshape(0, 0), min(m, n2),
                                n1), r * other.s
        logger.debug("computing SVD of %s dense matrix" % str(k.shape))
        u_k, s_k, _ = numpy.linalg.svd(
            k, full_matrices=False
        )  # TODO *ugly overkill*!! only need first self.k SVD factors... but there is no LAPACK wrapper for partial svd/eigendecomp in numpy :(

        k = clipSpectrum(s_k, self.k)
        u_k, s_k = u_k[:, :k], s_k[:k]

        # update & rotate current basis U
        logger.debug("updating orthonormal basis U")
        self.u = gemm(
            1.0, self.u, u_k[:n1]
        )  # TODO temporarily creates an extra (m,k) dense array in memory. find a way to avoid this!
        gemm(1.0, q, u_k[n1:], beta=1.0, c=self.u,
             overwrite_c=True)  # u = [u,u']*u_k
        self.s = s_k
Beispiel #18
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
# pylint: disable=unused-variable, no-name-in-module, protected-access,
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, import-error, exec-used

"""Module for unitary pulse evolution.

import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import ode
from scipy.linalg.blas import get_blas_funcs
from import occ_probabilities, write_shots_memory

dznrm2 = get_blas_funcs("znrm2", dtype=np.float64)

def unitary_evolution(exp, op_system):
    Calculates evolution when there is no noise,
    or any measurements that are not at the end
    of the experiment.

        exp (dict): Dictionary of experimental pulse and fc
        op_system (OPSystem): Global OpenPulse system settings

        array: Memory of shots.
def symeig_semidefinite_ldl(
        A, B = None, eigenvectors=True, turbo="on", rng=None,
        type=1, overwrite=False, rank_threshold=1e-12, dfc_out=None):
    LDL-based routine to solve generalized symmetric positive semidefinite
    eigenvalue problems.
    This can be used in case the normal symeig() call in _stop_training()
    throws SymeigException ('Covariance matrices may be singular').

    This solver uses SciPy's raw LAPACK interface to access LDL decomposition. describes how to solve a
    generalized eigenvalue problem with positive definite B using Cholesky/LL
    decomposition. We extend this method to solve for positive semidefinite B
    using LDL decomposition, which is a variant of Cholesky/LL decomposition
    for indefinite Matrices.
    Accessing raw LAPACK's LDL decomposition (sytrf) is challenging. This code
    is partly based on code for SciPy 1.1:
    We optimized and shortened that code for the real-valued positive
    semidefinite case.

    This procedure is almost as efficient as the ordinary eigh implementation.
    This is because implementations for symmetric generalized eigenvalue
    problems usually perform the Cholesky approach mentioned above. The more
    general LDL decomposition is only slightly more expensive than Cholesky,
    due to pivotization.

    The signature of this function equals that of mdp.utils.symeig, but
    has two additional parameters:
    rank_threshold: A threshold to determine if an eigenvalue counts as zero.
    dfc_out: If dfc_out is not None dfc_out.rank_deficit will be set to an
             integer indicating how many zero-eigenvalues were detected.

    This method requires SciPy >= 1.0.
    if type != 1:
        raise ValueError('Only type=1 is supported.')

    # LDL-based method appears to be particularly unstable if blank lines
    # and columns exist in B. So we circumvent this case:
    nonzero_idx = _find_blank_data_idx(B, rank_threshold)
    if not nonzero_idx is None:
        orig_shape = B.shape
        B = B[nonzero_idx, :][:, nonzero_idx]
        A = A[nonzero_idx, :][:, nonzero_idx]

    # This method has special requirements, which is why we import here
    # rather than module wide.
    from scipy.linalg.lapack import get_lapack_funcs, _compute_lwork
    from scipy.linalg.blas import get_blas_funcs
        inv_tri, solver, solver_lwork = get_lapack_funcs(
                ('trtri', 'sytrf', 'sytrf_lwork'), (B,))
        mult_tri, = get_blas_funcs(('trmm',), (B,))
    except ValueError:
        err_msg = ("ldl method for solving symeig with rank deficit B "
                   "requires at least SciPy 1.0.")
        raise SymeigException(err_msg)

    n = B.shape[0]
    arng = numx.arange(n)
    lwork = _compute_lwork(solver_lwork, n, lower=1)
    lu, piv, _ = solver(B, lwork=lwork, lower=1, overwrite_a=overwrite)

    # using piv properly requires some postprocessing:
    swap_ = numx.arange(n)
    pivs = numx.zeros(swap_.shape, dtype=int)
    skip_2x2 = False
    for ind in range(n):
        # If previous spin belonged already to a 2x2 block
        if skip_2x2:
            skip_2x2 = False

        cur_val = piv[ind]
        # do we have a 1x1 block or not?
        if cur_val > 0:
            if cur_val != ind+1:
                # Index value != array value --> permutation required
                swap_[ind] = swap_[cur_val-1]
            pivs[ind] = 1
        # Not.
        elif cur_val < 0 and cur_val == piv[ind+1]:
            # first neg entry of 2x2 block identifier
            if -cur_val != ind+2:
                # Index value != array value --> permutation required
                swap_[ind+1] = swap_[-cur_val-1]
            pivs[ind] = 2
            skip_2x2 = True

    full_perm = numx.arange(n)
    for ind in range(n-1, -1, -1):
        s_ind = swap_[ind]
        if s_ind != ind:
            col_s = ind if pivs[ind] else ind-1 # 2x2 block
            lu[[s_ind, ind], col_s:] = lu[[ind, s_ind], col_s:]
            full_perm[[s_ind, ind]] = full_perm[[ind, s_ind]]
    # usually only a few indices actually permute, so we reduce perm:
    perm = (full_perm-arng).nonzero()[0]
    perm_idx = full_perm[perm]
    # end of ldl postprocessing
    # perm_idx and perm now describe a permutation as dest and source indexes

    lu[perm_idx, :] = lu[perm, :]

    dgd = abs(numx.diag(lu))
    dnz = (dgd > rank_threshold).nonzero()[0]
    dgd_sqrt_I = numx.sqrt(1.0/dgd[dnz])
    rank_deficit = len(dgd) - len(dnz) # later used

    # c, lower, unitdiag, overwrite_c
    LI, _ = inv_tri(lu, 1, 1, 1) # invert triangular
    # we mainly apply tril here, because we need to make a
    # copy of LI anyway, because original result from
    # dtrtri seems to be read-only regarding some operations
    LI = numx.tril(LI, -1)
    LI[arng, arng] = 1
    LI[dnz, :] *= dgd_sqrt_I.reshape((dgd_sqrt_I.shape[0], 1))

    A2 = A if overwrite else A.copy()
    A2[perm_idx, :] = A2[perm, :]
    A2[:, perm_idx] = A2[:, perm]
    # alpha, a, b, side 0=left 1=right, lower, trans_a, diag 1=unitdiag,
    # overwrite_b
    A2 = mult_tri(1.0, LI, A2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1) # A2 = mult(A2, LI.T)
    A2 = mult_tri(1.0, LI, A2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1) # A2 = mult(LI, A2)
    A2 = A2[dnz, :]
    A2 = A2[:, dnz]

    # overwrite=True is okay here, because at this point A2 is a copy anyway
    eg, ev = mdp.utils.symeig(A2, None, True, turbo, rng, overwrite=True)
    ev = mdp.utils.mult(LI[dnz].T, ev) if rank_deficit \
        else mult_tri(1.0, LI, ev, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1)
    ev[perm] = ev[perm_idx]

    if not nonzero_idx is None:
        # restore ev to original size
        rank_deficit += orig_shape[0]-len(nonzero_idx)
        ev_tmp = ev
        ev = numx.zeros((orig_shape[0], ev.shape[1]))
        ev[nonzero_idx, :] = ev_tmp

    if not dfc_out is None:
        dfc_out.rank_deficit = rank_deficit
    return eg, ev
Beispiel #20
def lanczos_full(A,v0,m,full_ortho=False,out=None,eps=None):
	""" Creates Lanczos basis; diagonalizes Krylov subspace in Lanczos basis.

	Given a hermitian matrix `A` of size :math:`n\\times n` and an integer `m`, the Lanczos algorithm computes 
	* an :math:`n\\times m` matrix  :math:`Q`, and 
	* a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix :math:`T=Q^\\dagger A Q` of size :math:`m\\times m`. The matrix :math:`T` can be represented via its eigendecomposition `(E,V)`: :math:`T=V\\mathrm{diag}(E)V^T`. 
	This function computes the triple :math:`(E,V,Q^T)`.

	:red:`NOTE:` This function returns :math:`Q^T;\\,Q^T` is (in general) different from :math:`Q^\\dagger`.

	* performs classical lanczos algorithm for hermitian matrices and cannot handle degeneracies when calculating eigenvalues. 
	* the function allows for full orthogonalization, see `full_ortho`. The resulting :math:`T` will not neccesarily be tridiagonal.
	* `V` is always real-valued, since :math:`T` is real and symmetric.
	* `A` must have a 'dot' method to perform calculation, 
	* The 'out' argument to pass back the results of the matrix-vector product will be used if the 'dot' function supports this argument.

	A : LinearOperator, hamiltonian, numpy.ndarray, or object with a 'dot' method and a 'dtype' method.
		Python object representing a linear map to compute the Lanczos approximation to the largest eigenvalues/vectors of. Must contain a dot-product method, used as `` and a dtype method, used as `A.dtype`, e.g. `hamiltonian`, `quantum_operator`, `quantum_LinearOperator`, sparse or dense matrix.
	v0 : array_like, (n,)
		initial vector to start the Lanczos algorithm from.
	m : int
		Number of Lanczos vectors (size of the Krylov subspace)
	full_ortho : bool, optional
		perform a QR decomposition on Q_T generated from the standard lanczos iteration to remove any loss of orthogonality due to numerical precision.
	out : numpy.ndarray, optional
		Array to store the Lanczos vectors in (e.g. `Q`). in memory efficient way.
	eps : float, optional
		Used to cutoff lanczos iteration when off diagonal matrix elements of `T` drops below this value. 

		* E : (m,) numpy.ndarray: eigenvalues of Krylov subspace tridiagonal matrix :math:`T`.
		* V : (m,m) numpy.ndarray: eigenvectors of Krylov subspace tridiagonal matrix :math:`T`.
		* Q_T : (m,n) numpy.ndarray: matrix containing the `m` Lanczos vectors. This is :math:`Q^T` (not :math:`Q^\\dagger`)!


	>>> E, V, Q_T = lanczos_full(H,v0,20)


	v0 = _np.asanyarray(v0)
	n = v0.size
	dtype = _np.result_type(A.dtype,v0.dtype)

	if v0.ndim != 1:
		raise ValueError("expecting array with ndim=1 for initial Lanczos vector.")

	if m >= n:
		raise ValueError("Requested size of Lanczos basis must be smaller then size of original space (e.g. m < n).")

	if out is not None:
		if out.shape != (m,n):
			raise ValueError("argument 'out' must have shape (m,n), see documentation.")
		if out.dtype != dtype:
			raise ValueError("argument 'out' has dtype {}, expecting dtype {}".format(out.dtype,dtype))
		if not out.flags["CARRAY"]:
			raise ValueError("argument 'out' must be C-contiguous and writable.")

		Q = out
		Q = _np.zeros((m,n),dtype=dtype)

	Q[0,:] = v0[:]
	v = _np.zeros_like(v0,dtype=dtype)
	r = _np.zeros_like(v0,dtype=dtype)

	b = _np.zeros((m,),dtype=v.real.dtype)
	a = _np.zeros((m,),dtype=v.real.dtype)

	# get function : y <- y + a * x
	axpy = get_blas_funcs('axpy', arrays=(r, v))

	if eps is None:
		eps = _np.finfo(dtype).eps

	q_norm = _np.linalg.norm(Q[0,:])

	if _np.abs(q_norm-1.0) > eps:
	try:[0,:],out=r) # call if operator supports 'out' argument
		use_out  = True
	except TypeError:
		r[:] =[0,:])
		use_out = False

	a[0] = _np.vdot(Q[0,:],r).real

	b[0] = _np.linalg.norm(r)

	i = 0
	for i in range(1,m,1):
		v[:] = Q[i-1,:]


		if use_out:[i,:],out=r) # call if operator supports 'out' argument
			r[:] =[i,:])


		a[i] = _np.vdot(Q[i,:],r).real

		b[i] = _np.linalg.norm(r)
		if b[i] < eps:
			m = i

	if full_ortho:
		q,_ = _np.linalg.qr(Q[:m+1].T)

		Q[:m+1,:] = q.T[...]

		h = _np.zeros((m,m),dtype=a.dtype)

		for i in range(m):
			if use_out:[i,:],out=r) # call if operator supports 'out' argument
				r[:] =[i,:])

			h[i,i:] =[i:,:],r).real

		E,V = _np.linalg.eigh(h,UPLO="U")

		E,V = eigh_tridiagonal(a[:m],b[:m-1])

	return E,V,Q[:m]
Beispiel #21
This module contains a collection of routines for operating on sparse
matrices on the scipy.sparse formats, for use internally by other modules
throughout QuTiP.

__all__ = ['sp_fro_norm', 'sp_inf_norm', 'sp_L2_norm', 'sp_max_norm',
           'sp_one_norm', 'sp_reshape', 'sp_eigs', 'sp_expm', 'sp_permute',
           'sp_reverse_permute', 'sp_bandwidth', 'sp_profile']

import scipy.sparse as sp
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from scipy.linalg.blas import get_blas_funcs
_dznrm2 = get_blas_funcs("znrm2")
from import (_sparse_profile, _sparse_permute,
                                   _sparse_reverse_permute, _sparse_bandwidth,
                                   _isdiag, zcsr_one_norm, zcsr_inf_norm)
from qutip.fastsparse import fast_csr_matrix
from import zcsr_reshape
from qutip.settings import debug, eigh_unsafe

if eigh_unsafe:
    def _orthogonalize(vec, other):
        cross = np.sum(np.conj(other) * vec)
        vec -= cross * other
        norm = np.sum(np.conj(vec) * vec)**0.5
        vec /= norm

    def eigh(mat, eigvals=[]):
Beispiel #22
def lanczos_iter(A,v0,m,return_vec_iter=True,copy_v0=True,copy_A=False,eps=None):
	""" Creates generator for Lanczos basis; diagonalizes Krylov subspace in Lanczos basis.

	Given a hermitian matrix `A` of size :math:`n\\times n` and an integer `m`, the Lanczos algorithm computes 
	* an :math:`n\\times m` matrix  :math:`Q`, and 
	* a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix :math:`T=Q^\\dagger A Q` of size :math:`m\\times m`. The matrix :math:`T` can be represented via its eigendecomposition `(E,V)`: :math:`T=V\\mathrm{diag}(E)V^T`. 
	This function computes the triple :math:`(E,V,Q^T)`.

	:red:`NOTE:` This function returns :math:`Q^T;\\,Q^T` is (in general) different from :math:`Q^\\dagger`.

	A : LinearOperator, hamiltonian, numpy.ndarray, etc. with a 'dot' method and a 'dtype' method.
		Python object representing a linear map to compute the Lanczos approximation to the largest eigenvalues/vectors of. Must contain a dot-product method, used as `` and a dtype method, used as `A.dtype`, e.g. `hamiltonian`, `quantum_operator`, `quantum_LinearOperator`, sparse or dense matrix.
	v0 : array_like, (n,)
		initial vector to start the Lanczos algorithm from.
	m : int
		Number of Lanczos vectors (size of the Krylov subspace)
	return_vec_iter : bool, optional
		Toggles whether or not to return the Lanczos basis iterator.
	copy_v0 : bool, optional
		Whether or not to produce of copy of initial vector `v0`.
	copy_A : bool, optional
		Whether or not to produce of copy of linear operator `A`.
	eps : float, optional
		Used to cutoff lanczos iteration when off diagonal matrix elements of `T` drops below this value. 

		* E : (m,) numpy.ndarray: eigenvalues of Krylov subspace tridiagonal matrix :math:`T`.
		* V : (m,m) numpy.ndarray: eigenvectors of Krylov subspace tridiagonal matrix :math:`T`.
		* Q_T : generator that yields the `m` lanczos basis vectors on the fly, produces the same result as: :code:`iter(Q_T[:])` where `Q_T` is the array generated by `lanczos_full`

 	* this function is useful to minimize any memory requirements in the calculation of the Lanczos basis. 
 	* the generator of the lanczos basis performs the calculation 'on the fly'. This means that the lanczos iteration is repeated every time this generator is looped over. 
 	* this generator `Q_T` can be reused as many times as needed, this relies on the data in both `v0` and `A` remaining unchanged during runtime. If this cannot be guaranteed then it is safer to set both `copy_v0` and `copy_A` to be true. 
 	* `V` is always real-valued, since :math:`T` is real and symmetric.


	>>> E, V, Q_T_iterator = lanczos_iter(H,v0,20)


	v0 = _np.asanyarray(v0)
	n = v0.size
	dtype = _np.result_type(A.dtype,v0.dtype)

	if copy_v0 and return_vec_iter:
		v0 = v0.copy()

	if copy_A and return_vec_iter:
		A = deepcopy(A)

	if v0.ndim != 1:
		raise ValueError("expecting array with ndim=1 for initial Lanczos vector.")

	if m >= n:
		raise ValueError("Requested size of Lanczos basis must be smaller then size of original space (e.g. m < n).")

	q = v0.astype(dtype,copy=True)
	v = _np.zeros_like(v0,dtype=dtype)
	r = _np.zeros_like(v0,dtype=dtype)

	b = _np.zeros((m,),dtype=q.real.dtype)
	a = _np.zeros((m,),dtype=q.real.dtype)

	# get function : y <- y + a * x
	axpy = get_blas_funcs('axpy', arrays=(q, v))

	if eps is None:
		eps = _np.finfo(dtype).eps

	q_norm = _np.linalg.norm(q)

	if _np.abs(q_norm-1.0) > eps:

	try:,out=r) # call if operator supports 'out' argument
		use_out = True
	except TypeError:
		r[:] =
		use_out = False

	a[0] = _np.vdot(q,r).real
	b[0] = _np.linalg.norm(r)

	i = 0
	for i in range(1,m,1):
		v[:] = q[:]


		if use_out:,out=r) # call if operator supports 'out' argument
			r[:] =

		a[i] = _np.vdot(q,r).real

		b[i] = _np.linalg.norm(r)
		if b[i] < eps:

	a = a[:i+1].copy()
	b = b[:i].copy()
	del q,r,v

	E,V = eigh_tridiagonal(a,b)

	if return_vec_iter:
		return E,V,_lanczos_vec_iter(A,v0,a.copy(),b.copy())
		return E,V
    def merge(self, other, decay=1.0):
        Merge this Projection with another. 
        Content of `other` is destroyed in the process, so pass this function a 
        copy if you need it further.
        This is the optimized merge described in algorithm 5.
        if other.u is None:
            # the other projection is empty => do nothing
        if self.u is None:
            # we are empty => result of merge is the other projection, whatever it is
            self.u = other.u.copy()
            self.s = other.s.copy()
        if self.m != other.m:
            raise ValueError(
                "vector space mismatch: update has %s features, expected %s" %
                (other.m, self.m))"merging projections: %s + %s" %
                    (str(self.u.shape), str(other.u.shape)))
        #        diff =, self.u) - numpy.eye(self.u.shape[1])
        #'orth error after=%f' % numpy.sum(diff * diff))
        m, n1, n2 = self.u.shape[0], self.u.shape[1], other.u.shape[1]
        # TODO Maybe keep the bases as elementary reflectors, without
        # forming explicit matrices with gorgqr.
        # The only operation we ever need is basis^T*basis ond basis*component.
        # But how to do that in numpy? And is it fast(er)?

        # find component of u2 orthogonal to u1
        # IMPORTANT: keep matrices in suitable order for matrix products; failing to do so gives 8x lower performance :(
        self.u = numpy.asfortranarray(
            self.u)  # does nothing if input already fortran-order array
        other.u = numpy.asfortranarray(other.u)
        gemm, = get_blas_funcs(('gemm', ), (self.u, ))
        logger.debug("constructing orthogonal component")
        c = gemm(1.0, self.u, other.u, trans_a=True)
        gemm(-1.0, self.u, c, beta=1.0, c=other.u, overwrite_c=True)

        # perform q, r = QR(component); code hacked out of scipy.linalg.qr
        logger.debug("computing QR of %s dense matrix" % str(other.u.shape))
        geqrf, = get_lapack_funcs(('geqrf', ), (other.u, ))
        qr, tau, work, info = geqrf(
            other.u, lwork=-1,
            overwrite_a=True)  # sometimes segfaults with overwrite_a=True...
        qr, tau, work, info = geqrf(
            other.u, lwork=work[0],
            overwrite_a=True)  # sometimes segfaults with overwrite_a=True...
        del other.u
        assert info >= 0
        r = triu(qr[:n2, :n2])
        if m < n2:  # rare case...
            qr = qr[:, :m]  # retains fortran order
        gorgqr, = get_lapack_funcs(('orgqr', ), (qr, ))
        q, work, info = gorgqr(qr, tau, lwork=-1, overwrite_a=True)
        q, work, info = gorgqr(qr, tau, lwork=work[0], overwrite_a=True)
        assert info >= 0, "qr failed"
        assert q.flags.f_contiguous

        # find rotation that diagonalizes r
        k = numpy.bmat([[
            numpy.diag(decay * self.s), c * other.s
        ], [matutils.pad(numpy.matrix([]).reshape(0, 0), n2, n1),
            r * other.s]])
        logger.debug("computing SVD of %s dense matrix" % str(k.shape))
        u_k, s_k, _ = numpy.linalg.svd(
            k, full_matrices=False
        )  # TODO *ugly overkill*!! only need first self.k SVD factors... but there is no LAPACK wrapper for partial svd/eigendecomp in numpy :(

        k = clipSpectrum(s_k, self.k)
        u_k, s_k = u_k[:, :k], s_k[:k]

        # update & rotate current basis U
        logger.debug("updating orthonormal basis U")
        self.u = gemm(
            1.0, self.u, u_k[:n1]
        )  # TODO temporarily creates an extra (m,k) dense array in memory. find a way to avoid this!
        gemm(1.0, q, u_k[n1:], beta=1.0, c=self.u,
             overwrite_c=True)  # u = [u,u']*u_k
        self.s = s_k