Beispiel #1
def lstsq(a, b, cond=None, overwrite_a=0, overwrite_b=0):
    """ lstsq(a, b, cond=None, overwrite_a=0, overwrite_b=0) -> x,resids,rank,s

    Return least-squares solution of a * x = b.


      a -- An M x N matrix.
      b -- An M x nrhs matrix or M vector.
      cond -- Used to determine effective rank of a.


      x -- The solution (N x nrhs matrix) to the minimization problem:
                  2-norm(| b - a * x |) -> min
      resids -- The residual sum-of-squares for the solution matrix x
                (only if M>N and rank==N).
      rank -- The effective rank of a.
      s -- Singular values of a in decreasing order. The condition number
           of a is abs(s[0]/s[-1]).
    a1, b1 = map(asarray_chkfinite,(a,b))
    if len(a1.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError, 'expected matrix'
    m,n = a1.shape
    if len(b1.shape)==2: nrhs = b1.shape[1]
    else: nrhs = 1
    if m != b1.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError, 'incompatible dimensions'
    gelss, = get_lapack_funcs(('gelss',),(a1,b1))
    if n>m:
        # need to extend b matrix as it will be filled with
        # a larger solution matrix
        b2 = zeros((n,nrhs), dtype=gelss.dtype)
        if len(b1.shape)==2: b2[:m,:] = b1
        else: b2[:m,0] = b1
        b1 = b2
    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (a1 is not a and not hasattr(a,'__array__'))
    overwrite_b = overwrite_b or (b1 is not b and not hasattr(b,'__array__'))
    if gelss.module_name[:7] == 'flapack':
        lwork = calc_lwork.gelss(gelss.prefix,m,n,nrhs)[1]
        v,x,s,rank,info = gelss(a1,b1,cond = cond,
                                lwork = lwork,
                                overwrite_a = overwrite_a,
                                overwrite_b = overwrite_b)
        raise NotImplementedError,'calling gelss from %s' % (gelss.module_name)
    if info>0: raise LinAlgError, "SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares"
    if info<0: raise ValueError,\
       'illegal value in %-th argument of internal gelss'%(-info)
    resids = asarray([], dtype=x.dtype)
    if n<m:
        x1 = x[:n]
        if rank==n: resids = sum(x[n:]**2,axis=0)
        x = x1
    return x,resids,rank,s
Beispiel #2
def lstsq(a, b, cond=None, overwrite_a=0, overwrite_b=0):
    """Compute least-squares solution to equation :m:`a x = b`

    Compute a vector x such that the 2-norm :m:`|b - a x|` is minimised.

    a : array, shape (M, N)
    b : array, shape (M,) or (M, K)
    cond : float
        Cutoff for 'small' singular values; used to determine effective
        rank of a. Singular values smaller than rcond*largest_singular_value
        are considered zero.
    overwrite_a : boolean
        Discard data in a (may enhance performance)
    overwrite_b : boolean
        Discard data in b (may enhance performance)

    x : array, shape (N,) or (N, K) depending on shape of b
        Least-squares solution
    residues : array, shape () or (1,) or (K,)
        Sums of residues, squared 2-norm for each column in :m:`b - a x`
        If rank of matrix a is < N or > M this is an empty array.
        If b was 1-d, this is an (1,) shape array, otherwise the shape is (K,)
    rank : integer
        Effective rank of matrix a
    s : array, shape (min(M,N),)
        Singular values of a. The condition number of a is abs(s[0]/s[-1]).

    Raises LinAlgError if computation does not converge

    a1, b1 = lmap(asarray_chkfinite, (a, b))
    if a1.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('expected matrix')
    m, n = a1.shape
    if b1.ndim == 2:
        nrhs = b1.shape[1]
        nrhs = 1
    if m != b1.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('incompatible dimensions')
    gelss, = get_lapack_funcs(('gelss',), (a1, b1))
    if n > m:
        # need to extend b matrix as it will be filled with
        # a larger solution matrix
        b2 = zeros((n, nrhs), dtype=gelss.dtype)
        if b1.ndim == 2:
            b2[:m, :] = b1
            b2[:m, 0] = b1
        b1 = b2
    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (a1 is not a and not hasattr(a, '__array__'))
    overwrite_b = overwrite_b or (b1 is not b and not hasattr(b, '__array__'))
    if gelss.module_name[:7] == 'flapack':
        lwork = calc_lwork.gelss(gelss.prefix, m, n, nrhs)[1]
        v, x, s, rank, info = gelss(a1, b1, cond=cond, lwork=lwork,
        raise NotImplementedError('calling gelss from %s' %
    if info > 0:
        raise LinAlgError("SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares")
    if info < 0:
        raise ValueError('illegal value in %-th argument of '
                         'internal gelss' % -info)
    resids = asarray([], dtype=x.dtype)
    if n < m:
        x1 = x[:n]
        if rank == n:
            resids = sum(x[n:]**2, axis=0)
        x = x1
    return x, resids, rank, s
Beispiel #3
def lstsq(a, b, cond=None, overwrite_a=False, overwrite_b=False):
    Compute least-squares solution to equation Ax = b.

    Compute a vector x such that the 2-norm ``|b - A x|`` is minimized.

    a : array, shape (M, N)
        Left hand side matrix (2-D array).
    b : array, shape (M,) or (M, K)
        Right hand side matrix or vector (1-D or 2-D array).
    cond : float, optional
        Cutoff for 'small' singular values; used to determine effective
        rank of a. Singular values smaller than
        ``rcond * largest_singular_value`` are considered zero.
    overwrite_a : bool, optional
        Discard data in `a` (may enhance performance). Default is False.
    overwrite_b : bool, optional
        Discard data in `b` (may enhance performance). Default is False.

    x : array, shape (N,) or (N, K) depending on shape of b
        Least-squares solution.
    residues : ndarray, shape () or (1,) or (K,)
        Sums of residues, squared 2-norm for each column in ``b - a x``.
        If rank of matrix a is < N or > M this is an empty array.
        If b was 1-D, this is an (1,) shape array, otherwise the shape is (K,).
    rank : int
        Effective rank of matrix `a`.
    s : array, shape (min(M,N),)
        Singular values of `a`. The condition number of a is

    LinAlgError :
        If computation does not converge.

    See Also
    optimize.nnls : linear least squares with non-negativity constraint

    a1, b1 = map(asarray_chkfinite, (a, b))
    if len(a1.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError('expected matrix')
    m, n = a1.shape
    if len(b1.shape) == 2:
        nrhs = b1.shape[1]
        nrhs = 1
    if m != b1.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('incompatible dimensions')
    gelss, = get_lapack_funcs(('gelss', ), (a1, b1))
    gelss_info = get_func_info(gelss)
    if n > m:
        # need to extend b matrix as it will be filled with
        # a larger solution matrix
        b2 = zeros((n, nrhs), dtype=gelss_info.dtype)
        if len(b1.shape) == 2:
            b2[:m, :] = b1
            b2[:m, 0] = b1
        b1 = b2
    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or _datacopied(a1, a)
    overwrite_b = overwrite_b or _datacopied(b1, b)
    if gelss_info.module_name[:7] == 'flapack':
        lwork = calc_lwork.gelss(gelss_info.prefix, m, n, nrhs)[1]
        v, x, s, rank, info = gelss(a1,
        raise NotImplementedError('calling gelss from %s' %
    if info > 0:
        raise LinAlgError("SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares")
    if info < 0:
        raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal gelss' %
    resids = asarray([], dtype=x.dtype)
    if n < m:
        x1 = x[:n]
        if rank == n:
            resids = sum(abs(x[n:])**2, axis=0)
        x = x1
    return x, resids, rank, s
Beispiel #4
def lstsq(a, b, cond=None, overwrite_a=False, overwrite_b=False):
    Compute least-squares solution to equation Ax = b.

    Compute a vector x such that the 2-norm ``|b - A x|`` is minimized.

    a : array, shape (M, N)
        Left hand side matrix (2-D array).
    b : array, shape (M,) or (M, K)
        Right hand side matrix or vector (1-D or 2-D array).
    cond : float, optional
        Cutoff for 'small' singular values; used to determine effective
        rank of a. Singular values smaller than
        ``rcond * largest_singular_value`` are considered zero.
    overwrite_a : bool, optional
        Discard data in `a` (may enhance performance). Default is False.
    overwrite_b : bool, optional
        Discard data in `b` (may enhance performance). Default is False.

    x : array, shape (N,) or (N, K) depending on shape of b
        Least-squares solution.
    residues : ndarray, shape () or (1,) or (K,)
        Sums of residues, squared 2-norm for each column in ``b - a x``.
        If rank of matrix a is < N or > M this is an empty array.
        If b was 1-D, this is an (1,) shape array, otherwise the shape is (K,).
    rank : int
        Effective rank of matrix `a`.
    s : array, shape (min(M,N),)
        Singular values of `a`. The condition number of a is

    LinAlgError :
        If computation does not converge.

    See Also
    optimize.nnls : linear least squares with non-negativity constraint

    a1, b1 = map(asarray_chkfinite, (a, b))
    if len(a1.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError('expected matrix')
    m, n = a1.shape
    if len(b1.shape) == 2:
        nrhs = b1.shape[1]
        nrhs = 1
    if m != b1.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('incompatible dimensions')
    gelss, = get_lapack_funcs(('gelss',), (a1, b1))
    if n > m:
        # need to extend b matrix as it will be filled with
        # a larger solution matrix
        b2 = zeros((n, nrhs), dtype=gelss.dtype)
        if len(b1.shape) == 2:
            b2[:m,:] = b1
            b2[:m,0] = b1
        b1 = b2
    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (a1 is not a and not hasattr(a,'__array__'))
    overwrite_b = overwrite_b or (b1 is not b and not hasattr(b,'__array__'))
    if gelss.module_name[:7] == 'flapack':
        lwork = calc_lwork.gelss(gelss.prefix, m, n, nrhs)[1]
        v, x, s, rank, info = gelss(a1, b1, cond=cond, lwork=lwork,
        raise NotImplementedError('calling gelss from %s' % gelss.module_name)
    if info > 0:
        raise LinAlgError("SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares")
    if info < 0:
        raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal gelss'
                                                                    % -info)
    resids = asarray([], dtype=x.dtype)
    if n < m:
        x1 = x[:n]
        if rank == n:
            resids = sum(abs(x[n:])**2, axis=0)
        x = x1
    return x, resids, rank, s
Beispiel #5
def lstsq(a, b, cond=None, overwrite_a=0, overwrite_b=0):
    """Compute least-squares solution to equation :m:`a x = b`

    Compute a vector x such that the 2-norm :m:`|b - a x|` is minimised.

    a : array, shape (M, N)
    b : array, shape (M,) or (M, K)
    cond : float
        Cutoff for 'small' singular values; used to determine effective
        rank of a. Singular values smaller than rcond*largest_singular_value
        are considered zero.
    overwrite_a : boolean
        Discard data in a (may enhance performance)
    overwrite_b : boolean
        Discard data in b (may enhance performance)

    x : array, shape (N,) or (N, K) depending on shape of b
        Least-squares solution
    residues : array, shape () or (1,) or (K,)
        Sums of residues, squared 2-norm for each column in :m:`b - a x`
        If rank of matrix a is < N or > M this is an empty array.
        If b was 1-d, this is an (1,) shape array, otherwise the shape is (K,)
    rank : integer
        Effective rank of matrix a
    s : array, shape (min(M,N),)
        Singular values of a. The condition number of a is abs(s[0]/s[-1]).

    Raises LinAlgError if computation does not converge

    a1, b1 = map(asarray_chkfinite, (a, b))
    if len(a1.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError, 'expected matrix'
    m, n = a1.shape
    if len(b1.shape) == 2: nrhs = b1.shape[1]
    else: nrhs = 1
    if m != b1.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError, 'incompatible dimensions'
    gelss, = get_lapack_funcs(('gelss', ), (a1, b1))
    if n > m:
        # need to extend b matrix as it will be filled with
        # a larger solution matrix
        b2 = zeros((n, nrhs), dtype=gelss.dtype)
        if len(b1.shape) == 2: b2[:m, :] = b1
        else: b2[:m, 0] = b1
        b1 = b2
    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (a1 is not a and not hasattr(a, '__array__'))
    overwrite_b = overwrite_b or (b1 is not b and not hasattr(b, '__array__'))
    if gelss.module_name[:7] == 'flapack':
        lwork = calc_lwork.gelss(gelss.prefix, m, n, nrhs)[1]
        v, x, s, rank, info = gelss(a1,
        raise NotImplementedError, 'calling gelss from %s' % (
    if info > 0:
        raise LinAlgError, "SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares"
    if info < 0:        raise ValueError,\
'illegal value in %-th argument of internal gelss'%(-info)
    resids = asarray([], dtype=x.dtype)
    if n < m:
        x1 = x[:n]
        if rank == n: resids = sum(x[n:]**2, axis=0)
        x = x1
    return x, resids, rank, s
Beispiel #6
def pinv_array(a, cond=None):
    """Calculate the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse of each block of
        the three dimensional array a.

    a   : {dense array}
        Is of size (n, m, m)
    cond : {float}
        Used by *gelss to filter numerically zeros singular values.
        If None, a suitable value is chosen for you.

    Nothing, a is modified in place so that a[k] holds the pseudoinverse
    of that block.

    By using lapack wrappers, this can be much faster for large n, than
    directly calling pinv2

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import pinv_array
    >>> a = np.array([[[1.,2.],[1.,1.]], [[1.,1.],[3.,3.]]])
    >>> ac = a.copy()
    >>> # each block of a is inverted in-place
    >>> pinv_array(a)


    n = a.shape[0]
    m = a.shape[1]

    if m == 1:
        # Pseudo-inverse of 1 x 1 matrices is trivial
        zero_entries = (a == 0.0).nonzero()[0]
        a[zero_entries] = 1.0
        a[:] = 1.0/a
        a[zero_entries] = 0.0
        del zero_entries

        # The block size is greater than 1

        # Create necessary arrays and function pointers for calculating pinv
        gelss, = get_lapack_funcs(('gelss',),
                                  (np.ones((1,), dtype=a.dtype)))
        RHS = np.eye(m, dtype=a.dtype)
        lwork = calc_lwork.gelss(gelss.prefix, m, m, m)[1]

        # Choose tolerance for which singular values are zero in *gelss below
        if cond is None:
            t = a.dtype.char
            eps = np.finfo(np.float).eps
            feps = np.finfo(np.single).eps
            geps = np.finfo(np.longfloat).eps
            _array_precision = {'f': 0, 'd': 1, 'g': 2, 'F': 0, 'D': 1, 'G': 2}
            cond = {0: feps*1e3, 1: eps*1e6, 2: geps*1e6}[_array_precision[t]]

        # Invert each block of a
        for kk in range(n):
            gelssoutput = gelss(a[kk], RHS, cond=cond, lwork=lwork,
                                overwrite_a=True, overwrite_b=False)
            a[kk] = gelssoutput[1]
Beispiel #7
def pinv_array(a, cond=None):
    """Calculate the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse of each block of
        the three dimensional array a.

    a   : {dense array}
        Is of size (n, m, m)
    cond : {float}
        Used by *gelss to filter numerically zeros singular values.
        If None, a suitable value is chosen for you.

    Nothing, a is modified in place so that a[k] holds the pseudoinverse
    of that block.

    By using lapack wrappers, this can be much faster for large n, than
    directly calling pinv2

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import pinv_array
    >>> a = np.array([[[1.,2.],[1.,1.]], [[1.,1.],[3.,3.]]])
    >>> ac = a.copy()
    >>> # each block of a is inverted in-place
    >>> pinv_array(a)


    n = a.shape[0]
    m = a.shape[1]

    if m == 1:
        # Pseudo-inverse of 1 x 1 matrices is trivial
        zero_entries = (a == 0.0).nonzero()[0]
        a[zero_entries] = 1.0
        a[:] = 1.0 / a
        a[zero_entries] = 0.0
        del zero_entries

        # The block size is greater than 1

        # Create necessary arrays and function pointers for calculating pinv
        gelss, = get_lapack_funcs(('gelss', ), (np.ones((1, ), dtype=a.dtype)))
        RHS = np.eye(m, dtype=a.dtype)
        lwork = calc_lwork.gelss(gelss.prefix, m, m, m)[1]

        # Choose tolerance for which singular values are zero in *gelss below
        if cond is None:
            t = a.dtype.char
            eps = np.finfo(np.float).eps
            feps = np.finfo(np.single).eps
            geps = np.finfo(np.longfloat).eps
            _array_precision = {'f': 0, 'd': 1, 'g': 2, 'F': 0, 'D': 1, 'G': 2}
            cond = {
                0: feps * 1e3,
                1: eps * 1e6,
                2: geps * 1e6

        # Invert each block of a
        for kk in range(n):
            gelssoutput = gelss(a[kk],
            a[kk] = gelssoutput[1]