Beispiel #1
    def compute(self, fn, fns, k=[0.01, 0.03]):
        c1 = (k[0]*255)**2
        c2 = (k[1]*255)**2
        win = self.gaussian(11, 1.5)

        im1 = scipy.misc.imread(fn, 1)
        mu1 = filters.correlate(im1, win)
        mu1_sq = mu1*mu1;
        s1sq =filters.correlate(im1*im1, win)-mu1_sq

        for f in fns:
            im2 = scipy.misc.imread(f, 1)
            if im1.shape != im2.shape:
                print("{}: Incorrect image. All images "
                      "should be of equal size".format(f))

            mu2 = filters.correlate(im2, win)
            mu2_sq = mu2*mu2;
            mu1_mu2 = mu1*mu2;

            s2sq = filters.correlate(im2*im2, win)-mu2_sq
            s12 = filters.correlate(im1*im2, win)-mu1_mu2

            ssims = ((2*mu1_mu2 + c1)*(2*s12 + c2))/ \
                    ((mu1_sq + mu2_sq + c1)*(s1sq + s2sq + c2))
            print("{:24} {:.4f}".format(os.path.basename(f), ssims.mean()))
Beispiel #2
def _process_psd_for_nf(sigma_psd: np.ndarray, psd_k: Union[np.ndarray, None], profile: BM3DProfile)\
        -> np.ndarray:
    Process PSD so that Nf-size PSD is usable.
    :param sigma_psd: the PSD
    :param psd_k: a previously generated kernel to convolve the PSD with, or None if not used
    :param profile: the profile used
    :return: processed PSD
    if == 0:
        return sigma_psd

    # Reduce PSD size to start with
    max_ratio = 16
    sigma_psd_copy = np.copy(sigma_psd)
    single_kernel = np.ones((3, 3, 1)) / 9
    orig_ratio = np.max(sigma_psd.shape) /
    ratio = orig_ratio
    while ratio > max_ratio:
        mid_corr = correlate(sigma_psd_copy, single_kernel, mode='wrap')
        sigma_psd_copy = mid_corr[1::3, 1::3]
        ratio = np.max(sigma_psd_copy.shape) /

    # Scale PSD because the binary expects it to be scaled by size
    sigma_psd_copy *= (ratio / orig_ratio)**2
    if psd_k is not None:
        sigma_psd_copy = correlate(sigma_psd_copy, psd_k, mode='wrap')

    return sigma_psd_copy
Beispiel #3
    def compute(self, fn, fns, k=[0.01, 0.03]):
        c1 = (k[0] * 255)**2
        c2 = (k[1] * 255)**2
        win = self.gaussian(11, 1.5)

        im1 = scipy.misc.imread(fn, 1)
        mu1 = filters.correlate(im1, win)
        mu1_sq = mu1 * mu1
        s1sq = filters.correlate(im1 * im1, win) - mu1_sq

        for f in fns:
            im2 = scipy.misc.imread(f, 1)
            if im1.shape != im2.shape:
                print("{}: Incorrect image. All images "
                      "should be of equal size".format(f))

            mu2 = filters.correlate(im2, win)
            mu2_sq = mu2 * mu2
            mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2

            s2sq = filters.correlate(im2 * im2, win) - mu2_sq
            s12 = filters.correlate(im1 * im2, win) - mu1_mu2

            ssims = ((2*mu1_mu2 + c1)*(2*s12 + c2))/ \
                    ((mu1_sq + mu2_sq + c1)*(s1sq + s2sq + c2))
            print("{:24} {:.4f}".format(os.path.basename(f), ssims.mean()))
Beispiel #4
def getGradient(I, signed=False):
    Given an image I, calculate the magnitude and orientation of gradient.
        - I: Gray scale image I
        - signed: determain return signed orientation or unsigned
        - mag: the magnitute of gradient
        - ori: the orientation of gradient

    # Define filters
    fx = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1]])
    fy = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1]])

    # Calculate correlation
    dx = correlate(I, fx)
    dy = correlate(I, fy)

    # Calculate magnitude and orientation
    mag = np.sqrt(dx * dx, dy * dy)
    ori = np.arctan2(dx, dy)

    # unsigned
    if not signed:
        pi = np.pi
        ori[ori < -pi / 2] = ori[ori < -pi / 2] + pi
        ori[ori > pi / 2] = ori[ori > pi / 2] - pi

    return mag, ori
Beispiel #5
def pyrdown_impl(image):
    Prefilters an image with a gaussian kernel and then downsamples the result
    by a factor of 2.

    The following 1D convolution kernel should be used in both the x and y
    K = 1/16 [ 1 4 6 4 1 ]

    Functions such as cv2.GaussianBlur and
    scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter are prohibited.  You must implement
    the separable kernel.  However, you may use functions such as cv2.filter2D
    or scipy.ndimage.filters.correlate to do the actual
    correlation / convolution.

    Filtering should mirror the input image across the border.
    For scipy this is mode = mirror.
    For cv2 this is mode = BORDER_REFLECT_101.

    Downsampling should take the even-numbered coordinates with coordinates
    starting at 0.

        image -- height x width [x channels] image of type float32.
        down -- ceil(height/2) x ceil(width/2) [x channels] image of type
    K = 1.0/16.0*np.array([[1,4,6,4,1]])
    size = image.shape
    width = size[1]
    height = size[0]
    down = np.zeros_like(image)
    if len(size) == 3: # more than 1 channel
        channel = size[2]
        for i in range(channel):
            down[:,:,i] = correlate(image[:,:,i],K,mode = 'mirror')
        K = K.transpose()
        for i in range(channel):
            down[:,:,i] = correlate(down[:,:,i],K,mode = 'mirror')

        w = [i for i in range(0,width,2)]
        h = [i for i in range(0,height,2)]
        down = down[h,:,:]
        down = down[:,w,:]
        down = correlate(image,K,mode = 'mirror')
        K = K.transpose()
        down = correlate(down,K,mode = 'mirror')

        w = [i for i in range(0,width,2)]
        h = [i for i in range(0,height,2)]
        down = down[h,:,]
        down = down[:,w,]       
    return down
 def __filter2(B, X, shape='nearest'):
     B2 = np.rot90(np.rot90(B))
     if len(X.shape) < 3:
         return correlate(X, B2, mode=shape)
         channels = X.shape[2]
         f = [
             correlate(X[:, :, c], B2, mode=shape) for c in range(channels)
         return np.array(f)
Beispiel #7
    def backward_cpu(self, x, error, w, mu1, mu2, sigma, num_dau_units_ignore=0, unit_testing=True,
                     single_dim_kernel=False, aggr_forbid_positive=False):

        # we get back-propagated error by rotating offsets i.e. we just use negatives of offsets
        backprop_error = self.forward_cpu(error,
                                          np.swapaxes(w, 1,3),
                                          np.swapaxes(-1 * mu1, 1,3),
                                          np.swapaxes(-1 * mu2, 1,3), sigma, do_error_backprop=True,
        N = x.shape[0]
        F = x.shape[1]

        sigma_val = sigma[0]

        filter,deriv_w, deriv_mu1,deriv_mu2,_,_ = self._get_filters(sigma_val, single_dim_kernel=single_dim_kernel,

        # next we need to get gradients wrt w,mu1,mu2
        if True:
            x_w_blur = np.zeros(x.shape,dtype=np.float32)
            # pre-blur the X
            for n in range(N):
                for f in range(F):
                    x_w_blur[n,f,:,:] = correlate(x[n,f,:,:],weights=deriv_w,mode='constant')

            # then offset and sum element-wise
            w_grad = self._offset_and_dot(x_w_blur,error,mu1,mu2, num_dau_units_ignore=num_dau_units_ignore, ignore_edge_gradients=unit_testing)

        if True:
            x_mu1_blur = np.zeros(x.shape,dtype=np.float32)
            # pre-blur the X
            for n in range(N):
                for f in range(F):
                    x_mu1_blur[n,f,:,:] = correlate(x[n,f,:,:],weights=deriv_mu1,mode='constant')

            # then offset and sum element-wise
            mu1_grad = self._offset_and_dot(x_mu1_blur,error,mu1,mu2, num_dau_units_ignore=num_dau_units_ignore, ignore_edge_gradients=unit_testing)

        if True:
            x_mu2_blur = np.zeros(x.shape,dtype=np.float32)
            # pre-blur the X
            for n in range(N):
                for f in range(F):
                    x_mu2_blur[n,f,:,:] = correlate(x[n,f,:,:],weights=deriv_mu2,mode='constant')

            # then offset and sum element-wise
            mu2_grad = self._offset_and_dot(x_mu2_blur,error,mu1,mu2, num_dau_units_ignore=num_dau_units_ignore, ignore_edge_gradients=unit_testing)

        # add multiplication with weight for mean gradients
        mu1_grad = np.multiply(mu1_grad, w)
        mu2_grad = np.multiply(mu2_grad, w)

        return (backprop_error, w_grad, mu1_grad, mu2_grad)
Beispiel #8
def mvd_map_tikhonov(initImg, imgList, psfList, iterNum,
                     gamma, weights='even', sigma=None):
    viewNum = len(imgList)
    assert len(psfList) == viewNum
    if isinstance(weights, (list, tuple)):
        assert len(weights) == viewNum
        c2 = weights ** 2
    elif weights == 'even':
        c2 = [1.0] * viewNum
    ## initialization ##
    print 'initializing...'
    # pre-blur inputs
    if sigma is not None:
        imgList = [gaussian_filter(img, sigma) for img in imgList]
        psfList = [gaussian_filter(psf, sigma) for psf in psfList]
    # check and process init. guess
    if iterNum == 0:
        return initImg
    initImg[initImg < 0.0] = 0.0
    x = np.sqrt(initImg)
    # initializing u, v, w
    u = np.zeros(psfList[0].shape)
    v = np.zeros(imgList[0].shape)
    w = 0.0
    for idx in xrange(viewNum):
        u = u + c2[idx] * correlate(psfList[idx], psfList[idx])
        v = v + c2[idx] * correlate(imgList[idx], psfList[idx])
        w = w + c2[idx] * inner_product(imgList[idx])
    # initializing previous gradient power
    p_rp = 1.0
    # initializing init. search direction
    d = np.zeros(imgList[0].shape)
    ## start iteration ##
    print 'start iteration...'
    for k in xrange(iterNum):
        # temp. t_xx
        t_xx = np.square(x)
        # temp. t
        t = convolve(t_xx, u) + gamma*t_xx - v
        # gradient r
        r = 4*x*t
        # search direction
        p_r = inner_product(r)
        d = (p_r/p_rp)*d - r
        # step size
        alpha = mapgg_step_size(x, d, u, v, w, gamma, t, t_xx)
        # save previous power of r
        p_rp = p_r
        # update
        update = alpha*d
        x = x + update
        print 'iter #%d, residue: %f.' %\
            (k+1, phi_eval(t_xx, t, v, w)/w)
    ## return result ##
    return np.square(x)
Beispiel #9
def imblur(Y, sig=5, siz=11, nDimBlur=None, kernel=None):
    """Spatial filtering with a Gaussian or user defined kernel
    The parameters are specified in GreedyROI
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import correlate

    X = np.zeros(np.shape(Y))

    if kernel is None:
        if nDimBlur is None:
            nDimBlur = Y.ndim - 1
            nDimBlur = np.min((Y.ndim, nDimBlur))

        if np.isscalar(sig):
            sig = sig * np.ones(nDimBlur)

        if np.isscalar(siz):
            siz = siz * np.ones(nDimBlur)

        # xx = np.arange(-np.floor(siz[0] / 2), np.floor(siz[0] / 2) + 1)
        # yy = np.arange(-np.floor(siz[1] / 2), np.floor(siz[1] / 2) + 1)

        # hx = np.exp(-xx**2 / (2 * sig[0]**2))
        # hx /= np.sqrt(np.sum(hx**2))

        # hy = np.exp(-yy**2 / (2 * sig[1]**2))
        # hy /= np.sqrt(np.sum(hy**2))

        # temp = correlate(Y, hx[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], mode='constant')
        # X = correlate(temp, hy[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis], mode='constant')

        # the for loop helps with memory
        # for t in range(np.shape(Y)[-1]):
        # temp = correlate(Y[:,:,t],hx[:,np.newaxis])#,mode='constant', cval=0.0)
        # X[:,:,t] = correlate(temp,hy[np.newaxis,:])#,mode='constant', cval=0.0)

        X = Y.copy()
        for i in range(nDimBlur):
            h = np.exp(
                    -np.arange(-np.floor(old_div(siz[i], 2)),
                               np.floor(old_div(siz[i], 2)) + 1)**2,
                    (2 * sig[i]**2)))
            h /= np.sqrt(
            shape = [1] * len(Y.shape)
            shape[i] = -1
            X = correlate(X, h.reshape(shape), mode='constant')

        X = correlate(Y, kernel[..., np.newaxis], mode='constant')
        # for t in range(np.shape(Y)[-1]):
        #    X[:,:,t] = correlate(Y[:,:,t],kernel,mode='constant', cval=0.0)

    return X
Beispiel #10
def cor(img):
    img = img.detach().numpy()

    img2 = img[:, :, 5:22, 5:22]  #K=17
    #img2=img[:,:,8:19,8:19] #K=2k+1=11
    img3 = np.transpose(img, (0, 2, 3, 1))
    img4 = np.transpose(img2, (0, 2, 3, 1))
    print("image is")
    plt.imshow(img3[1, :, :, :], interpolation='nearest')
    print("template is")
    plt.imshow(img4[1, :, :, :], interpolation='nearest')
    sum = np.zeros((img.shape[0], 28, 28))
    cor1 = np.zeros((img.shape[0], 3, 28, 28))
    for i in range(img.shape[0]):
        #print("image shape",img.shape,img.shape[0])
        #for j in range (img.shape[1]):
        cor1[i, 0, :, :] = C.correlate(img[i, 0, :, :],
                                       img2[i, 0, :, :],
        cor1[i, 1, :, :] = C.correlate(img[i, 1, :, :],
                                       img2[i, 1, :, :],
        cor1[i, 2, :, :] = C.correlate(img[i, 2, :, :],
                                       img2[i, 2, :, :],
        #cor1[i,3,:,:]=C.correlate(img[i,0,:,:],img2[i,1,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
        #cor1[i,4,:,:]=C.correlate(img[i,0,:,:],img2[i,2,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
        #cor1[i,5,:,:]=C.correlate(img[i,1,:,:],img2[i,2,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
        sum[i, :, :] = cor1[i, 0, :, :] + cor1[i, 1, :, :] + cor1[
            i, 2, :, :]  #+cor1[i,3,:,:]+cor1[i,4,:,:]+cor1[i,5,:,:]
    plt.imshow(sum[1, :, :], interpolation='nearest')
    sum = np.reshape(sum, (img.shape[0], 1, 28, 28))
    #print(sum.shape,"sim shape")
    sum = torch.from_numpy(sum)
    return sum
def imblur(Y, sig=5, siz=11, nDimBlur=None, kernel=None):
    """Spatial filtering with a Gaussian or user defined kernel
    The parameters are specified in GreedyROI
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import correlate

    X = np.zeros(np.shape(Y))

    if kernel is None:
        if nDimBlur is None:
            nDimBlur = Y.ndim - 1
            nDimBlur = np.min((Y.ndim, nDimBlur))

        if np.isscalar(sig):
            sig = sig * np.ones(nDimBlur)

        if np.isscalar(siz):
            siz = siz * np.ones(nDimBlur)

        # xx = np.arange(-np.floor(siz[0] / 2), np.floor(siz[0] / 2) + 1)
        # yy = np.arange(-np.floor(siz[1] / 2), np.floor(siz[1] / 2) + 1)

        # hx = np.exp(-xx**2 / (2 * sig[0]**2))
        # hx /= np.sqrt(np.sum(hx**2))

        # hy = np.exp(-yy**2 / (2 * sig[1]**2))
        # hy /= np.sqrt(np.sum(hy**2))

        # temp = correlate(Y, hx[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], mode='constant')
        # X = correlate(temp, hy[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis], mode='constant')

        # the for loop helps with memory
        # for t in range(np.shape(Y)[-1]):
        # temp = correlate(Y[:,:,t],hx[:,np.newaxis])#,mode='constant', cval=0.0)
        # X[:,:,t] = correlate(temp,hy[np.newaxis,:])#,mode='constant', cval=0.0)

        X = Y.copy()
        for i in range(nDimBlur):
            h = np.exp(-np.arange(-np.floor(siz[i] / 2), np.floor(siz[i] / 2) + 1)**2
                       / (2 * sig[i]**2))
            h /= np.sqrt(
            shape = [1] * len(Y.shape)
            shape[i] = -1
            X = correlate(X, h.reshape(shape), mode='constant')

        X = correlate(Y, kernel[..., np.newaxis], mode='constant')
        # for t in range(np.shape(Y)[-1]):
        #    X[:,:,t] = correlate(Y[:,:,t],kernel,mode='constant', cval=0.0)

    return X
Beispiel #12
def image_hog(image):
    nwin_x = 3 # set here the number of HOG windows per bound box
    nwin_y = 3
    B = 9 # set here the number of histogram bins
    L, C = image.shape # L num of lines ; C num of columns
    H = np.zeros((nwin_x*nwin_y, B)) # result vector
    m = np.sqrt(L/2)

    # convert to float, retain uint8 range
    Im = img_as_float(image) * 255.

    step_x = int(np.floor(C/(nwin_x+1)))
    step_y = int(np.floor(L/(nwin_y+1)))

    # correlate image with orthogonal gradient masks
    hx = [[-1,0,1]];
    hy = np.rot90(hx);
    grad_xr = correlate(Im,hx,mode='constant')
    grad_yu = correlate(Im,hy,mode='constant')
    # compute orientation vectors
    angles = np.arctan2(grad_yu,grad_xr)
    magnit = np.sqrt(grad_yu**2 + grad_xr**2)
    # compute histogram
    cont = 0
    for n in range(nwin_y):
        for m in range(nwin_x):
            # subset angles and magnitudes
            angles2 = angles[n*step_y:(n+2)*step_y, m*step_x:(m+2)*step_x]
            magnit2 = magnit[n*step_y:(n+2)*step_y, m*step_x:(m+2)*step_x]
            v_angles = angles2.reshape((-1,1))
            v_magnit = magnit2.reshape((-1,1))
            K = v_angles.shape[0]
            # assembling the histogram with 9 bins (range of 20 degrees per bin)
            H2 = np.zeros((B))
            for b, ang_lim in zip(range(B), np.linspace(0-np.pi+2*np.pi/B, np.pi, B)):
                # for angles in this angle bin, accumulate magnitude
                H2[b] = H2[b] + np.sum(v_magnit[v_angles < ang_lim])
                # exclude this angle bin from further iterations
                v_angles[v_angles < ang_lim] = 999
            # normalize
            H2 /= (norm(H2)+0.01)
            H[cont,:] = H2
            cont += 1
    # flatten results into column vector of size B * nwin_x * nwin_y
    return H.reshape((-1,1))
Beispiel #13
def pool_corr(im): return np.array([pool(correlate(im, rot)) for rot in rots])

# In[ ]:

    def test_convolve2d(self):

        img = np.random.randn(1, 5, 5, 1)
        kernel = np.random.randn(3, 3, 1, 1)
        output = bn.convolve2d(img, kernel)
                output.value[0, ..., 0],
                correlate(img[0, ..., 0], kernel[..., 0, 0])[1:-1, 1:-1]

        p = bn.Parameter(kernel)
        output = bn.convolve2d(img, p, 2, 1)
        loss = bn.sum(bn.square(output))
        grad_backprop = p.grad
        grad_numerical = np.zeros_like(grad_backprop)
        eps = 1e-8
        for i, j in itertools.product(range(3), repeat=2):
            e = np.zeros_like(kernel)
            e[i, j] += eps
            loss_p = bn.sum(bn.square(bn.convolve2d(img, kernel + e, 2, 1))).value
            loss_m = bn.sum(bn.square(bn.convolve2d(img, kernel - e, 2, 1))).value
            grad_numerical[i, j] = (loss_p - loss_m) / (2 * eps)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(grad_backprop, grad_numerical))
Beispiel #15
def makemask(wkernel, gassslice):
    #gassfile = '/Users/susanclark/Documents/gass_10.zea.fits'
    #gassdata  = pyfits.getdata(gassfile, 0)
    #gassslice = gassdata[45, :, :]

    datay, datax = np.shape(gassslice)

    mnvals = np.indices((datax, datay))
    pixcrd = np.zeros((datax * datay, 2), np.float_)
    pixcrd[:, 0] = mnvals[:, :][0].reshape(datax * datay)
    pixcrd[:, 1] = mnvals[:, :][1].reshape(datax * datay)

    w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2)
    w.wcs.crpix = [1.125000000E3, 1.125000000E3]
    w.wcs.cdelt = np.array([-8.00000000E-2, 8.00000000E-2])
    w.wcs.crval = [0.00000000E0, -9.00000000E1]
    w.wcs.ctype = ['RA---ZEA', 'DEC--ZEA']

    worldc = w.wcs_pix2world(pixcrd, 1)

    worldcra = worldc[:, 0].reshape(datax, datay)
    worldcdec = worldc[:, 1].reshape(datax, datay)

    gm = np.zeros(gassslice.shape)
    #gm[worldcdec < 0] = 1

    gmconv = filters.correlate(gm, weights=wkernel)
    gg = copy.copy(gmconv)
    gg[gmconv < np.max(gmconv)] = 0
    gg[gmconv == np.max(gmconv)] = 1

    return gg
Beispiel #16
    def _generate_output(self):

        img = self.input.astype(
            'float32')  # always convert to float for downstream processing

        orig_shape = img.shape

        if len(orig_shape) < 3:
            img = img[np.newaxis, ...]
            self.size = self.size + (self.size[-1], )
            self.sigma = self.sigma + (self.sigma[-1], )
            self.sigma2 = self.sigma2 + (self.sigma2[-1], )

        if self.size:
            fdog = filterKernel(ftype='DoG',
            fdog = fdog.astype('float32')
            img = correlate(img, fdog)
            img[img < 0] = 0

        img.shape = orig_shape

        return img
def gTV(x, N, strtag, kern, dirWeight, dirs=None, nmins=0, dirInfo=[None,None,None,None], a=10):

    if nmins:
        M = dirInfo[0]
        dIM = dirInfo[1]
        Ause = dirInfo[2]
        inds = dirInfo[3]
        M = None
        dIM = None
        Ause = None
        inds = None
    if len(x.shape) == 2:
        N = np.hstack([1,N])
    x0 = x.reshape(N)
    grad = np.zeros(np.hstack([N[0], len(strtag), N[1:]]),dtype=float)
    Nkern = np.hstack([1,kern.shape[-2:]])
    TV_data = TV(x0,N,strtag,kern,dirWeight,dirs,nmins,dirInfo)
    for i in xrange(len(strtag)):
        if strtag[i] == 'spatial':
            kernHld = np.flipud(np.fliplr(kern[i])).reshape(Nkern)
            grad[:,i,:,:] = correlate(np.tanh(a*TV_data[i]),kernHld,mode='wrap')
    return grad
def cor(img):
    #print("image shape", img.shape)
    k=2 #(K=2k+1) patch size
    #print("template shape", img2.shape)
    #img2=img[:,:,8:19,8:19] #K=2k+1=11
    #img3=np.transpose(img,(0,2, 3, 1))
    #img4=np.transpose(img2,(0,2, 3, 1))
    #print("image is")
    #plt.imshow(img3[1,:,:,:], interpolation='nearest')
    #print("template is")
    #plt.imshow(img4[1,:,:,:], interpolation='nearest')
    for i in range (img.shape[0]):
        #print("image shape",img.shape,img.shape[0])
        for j in range (img.shape[1]):
            cor1[i,j,:,:]=C.correlate(img[i,j,:,:],img2[i,j,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
            #print(sum.shape,"sim shape")
    return cor1
Beispiel #19
def makemask(wkernel, gassslice):
    #gassfile = '/Users/susanclark/Documents/gass_10.zea.fits'
    #gassdata  = pyfits.getdata(gassfile, 0)
    #gassslice = gassdata[45, :, :]
    datay, datax = np.shape(gassslice)
    mnvals = np.indices((datax,datay))
    pixcrd = np.zeros((datax*datay,2), np.float_)
    pixcrd[:,0] = mnvals[:,:][0].reshape(datax*datay)
    pixcrd[:,1] = mnvals[:,:][1].reshape(datax*datay)
    w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2)
    w.wcs.crpix = [1.125000000E3, 1.125000000E3]
    w.wcs.cdelt = np.array([-8.00000000E-2, 8.00000000E-2])
    w.wcs.crval = [0.00000000E0, -9.00000000E1]
    w.wcs.ctype = ['RA---ZEA', 'DEC--ZEA']
    worldc = w.wcs_pix2world(pixcrd, 1)
    worldcra = worldc[:,0].reshape(datax,datay)
    worldcdec = worldc[:,1].reshape(datax,datay)
    gm = np.zeros(gassslice.shape)
    #gm[worldcdec < 0] = 1
    gmconv = filters.correlate(gm, weights=wkernel)
    gg = copy.copy(gmconv)
    gg[gmconv < np.max(gmconv)] = 0
    gg[gmconv == np.max(gmconv)] = 1
    return gg
Beispiel #20
    def forward_cpu(self, x, w, mu1, mu2, sigma, num_dau_units_ignore=0):
        N = x.shape[0]
        S = x.shape[1]

        sigma_val = sigma[0]

        x_blur = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=np.float32)

        filter, _, _, _, _ = self._get_filters(sigma_val)

        # pre-blur the X
        for n in range(N):
            for s in range(S):
                x_blur[n, s, :, :] = correlate(x[n, s, :, :],

        # then offset and sum element-wise
        y = self._offset_and_sum(x_blur,

        return y
Beispiel #21
    def correlateEigenPsf(self, bandnum, img):
        from scipy.ndimage.filters import correlate

        eigenpsfs = self.getEigenPsfs(bandnum)
        eigenterms = self.getEigenPolynomials(bandnum)
        H,W = img.shape
        corr = np.zeros((H,W))
        xx,yy = np.arange(W).astype(float), np.arange(H).astype(float)
        for epsf, (XO,YO,C) in zip(eigenpsfs, eigenterms):
            k = reduce(np.add, [np.outer(yy**yo, xx**xo) * c
                                for xo,yo,c in zip(XO,YO,C)])
            assert(k.shape == img.shape)
            # Trim symmetric zero-padding off the epsf.
            # This will fail spectacularly given an all-zero eigen-component.
            #print 'epsf shape:', epsf.shape
            while True:
                H,W = epsf.shape
                if (np.all(epsf[:,0] == 0) and np.all(epsf[:,-1] == 0) and
                    np.all(epsf[0,:] == 0) and np.all(epsf[-1,:] == 0)):
                    # Trim!
                    epsf = epsf[1:-1, 1:-1]
            #print 'trimmed epsf shape to:', epsf.shape
            corr += k * correlate(img, epsf)
        return corr
Beispiel #22
    def correlateEigenPsf(self, bandnum, img):
        from scipy.ndimage.filters import correlate

        eigenpsfs = self.getEigenPsfs(bandnum)
        eigenterms = self.getEigenPolynomials(bandnum)
        H, W = img.shape
        corr = np.zeros((H, W))
        xx, yy = np.arange(W).astype(float), np.arange(H).astype(float)
        for epsf, (XO, YO, C) in zip(eigenpsfs, eigenterms):
            k = reduce(
                [np.outer(yy**yo, xx**xo) * c for xo, yo, c in zip(XO, YO, C)])
            assert (k.shape == img.shape)
            # Trim symmetric zero-padding off the epsf.
            # This will fail spectacularly given an all-zero eigen-component.
            while True:
                H, W = epsf.shape
                if (np.all(epsf[:, 0] == 0) and np.all(epsf[:, -1] == 0)
                        and np.all(epsf[0, :] == 0)
                        and np.all(epsf[-1, :] == 0)):
                    # Trim!
                    epsf = epsf[1:-1, 1:-1]
            corr += k * correlate(img, epsf)
        return corr
def image_spotfinder(I, SNR=10):
    """Finds spots whose Signal-to-Noise Ratio exceeds SNR (default = 10);
    returns S_mask"""
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import correlate, maximum_filter, median_filter

    RO_var = 2.3**2  # Readout variance for detector
    #SNR = 10 # Signal-to-noise ratio threshold to be identified as a spot

    w, h = shape(I)

    footprint0 = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
    footprint0 = array(footprint0)
    N0 = sum(footprint0)  #9

    footprint1 = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
                  [1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]
    footprint1 = array(footprint1)
    N1 = sum(footprint1)  #16

    I += 0.1 * (random_sample((w, h)) - 0.5)
    I_max = maximum_filter(I, footprint=footprint0)
    I_median = median_filter(I, footprint=footprint1)
    I_int = correlate(I, footprint0)
    IC = (I_int - N0 * I_median)  # Integrated counts, Background-subtracted
    S_mask = (I == I_max) & \
             (IC/sqrt(I_int+(N0**2/N1)*I_median+RO_var*N0*(1+N0/N1)) > SNR)
    S_mask = array(S_mask, int16)

    return S_mask
Beispiel #24
def cor(img):
    img = img.detach().numpy()
    mid = int(img.shape[2] / 2)
    k = 2  #(K=2k+1) patch size
    img2 = img[:, :, mid - k:mid + k, mid - k:mid + k]  #5:22]  #K=17
    #img2=img[:,:,8:19,8:19] #K=2k+1=11

    cor1 = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2], img.shape[3]))
    for i in range(img.shape[0]):
        #print("image shape",img.shape,img.shape[0])
        for j in range(img.shape[1]):
            cor1[i, j, :, :] = C.correlate(img[i, j, :, :],
                                           img2[i, j, :, :],
        #cor1[i,1,:,:]=C.correlate(img[i,1,:,:],img2[i,1,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
        #cor1[i,2,:,:]=C.correlate(img[i,2,:,:],img2[i,2,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
    #print(sum.shape,"sim shape")
    cor1 = torch.from_numpy(cor1)
    return cor1
Beispiel #25
def cor(img):
    img = img.detach().numpy()
    #print("image shape", img.shape)
    img2 = img[:, :, 5:22, 5:22]  #K=17
    #print("template shape", img2.shape)
    #img2=img[:,:,8:19,8:19] #K=2k+1=11
    #img3=np.transpose(img,(0,2, 3, 1))
    #img4=np.transpose(img2,(0,2, 3, 1))
    #print("image is")
    #plt.imshow(img3[1,:,:,:], interpolation='nearest')
    #print("template is")
    #plt.imshow(img4[1,:,:,:], interpolation='nearest')
    cor1 = np.zeros((img.shape[0], 1, 28, 28))
    for i in range(img.shape[0]):
        cor1[i, :, :, :] = C.correlate(img[i, :, :, :],
                                       img2[i, :, :, :],
    cor1 = np.reshape(cor1, (img.shape[0], 1, 28, 28))
    #print(sum.shape,"sim shape")
    cor1 = torch.from_numpy(cor1)
    return cor1
def cor(img):
    img = img.detach().numpy()
    cor1 = np.zeros((img.shape))  #[0],img.shape[1],28,28))
    for i in range(img.shape[0]):
        #print("image shape",img.shape,img.shape[0])
        for j in range(img.shape[1]):
            cor1[i, j, :, :] = C.correlate(img[i, j, :, :],
                                           img[i, j, :, :],
# =============================================================================
#     print("image is")
#     plt.imshow(img[1,1,:,:],cmap='gray',  interpolation='nearest')
#     print("template is")
#     plt.imshow(img[1,1,:,:],cmap='gray',  interpolation='nearest')
#     print("correlation is")
#     plt.imshow(cor1[1,1,:,:], cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
# =============================================================================
    cor1 = torch.from_numpy(cor1)
    return cor1
Beispiel #27
def _generate_ds_images(img, reduction_factor, mov, hfilter, noise_amp):
    num_imgs = len(mov)
    imgs = []
    img = tc.im2double(img)

    def maxabs(x):
        # Return the maximum absolute value in x
        return math.fabs(max(x.min(), x.max(), key=abs))

    vx_max = maxabs(mov[:, 0])
    vy_max = maxabs(mov[:, 1])
    img_width = img.shape[0]
    img_height = img.shape[1]

    for i in range(0, num_imgs):
        translated_img = gt.translate_and_crop(img, mov[i, 0], mov[i, 1])
        translated_img = translated_img[:img_width - vx_max, :img_height - vy_max]
        if len(translated_img.shape) == 3:
            blurred_img = np.zeros(
                (translated_img.shape[0], translated_img.shape[1], translated_img.shape[2]),
            temp = correlate(translated_img[:, :, 0], hfilter)
            blurred_img[:, :, 0] = correlate(translated_img[:, :, 0], hfilter)
            blurred_img[:, :, 1] = correlate(translated_img[:, :, 1], hfilter)
            blurred_img[:, :, 2] = correlate(translated_img[:, :, 2], hfilter)
            downsampled_img = gt.downsampling(blurred_img, reduction_factor)
            noisy_img = downsampled_img + noise_amp * np.random.randn(
            blurred_img = correlate(translated_img, hfilter)
            downsampled_img = gt.downsampling(blurred_img, reduction_factor)
            noisy_img = downsampled_img + noise_amp * np.random.randn(
            'hr': translated_img,
            'ds': downsampled_img,
            'lr': noisy_img
    return imgs
Beispiel #28
def filterDoG(img, filterDoGParameter = None,  size = None, sigma = None, sigma2 = None, save = None, verbose = None,
              subStack = None, out = sys.stdout, **parameter):
    """Difference of Gaussians (DoG) filter step
        img (array): image data
        filterDoGParameter (dict):
            ========= ==================== ================================================================
            Name      Type                 Descritption
            ========= ==================== ================================================================
            *size*    (tuple or None)      size for the DoG filter 
                                           if None, do not correct for any background
            *sigma*   (tuple or None)      std of outer Guassian, if None autmatically determined from size
            *sigma2*  (tuple or None)      std of inner Guassian, if None autmatically determined from size
            *save*    (str or None)        file name to save result of this operation
                                           if None dont save to file 
            *verbose* (bool or int)        print progress information                            
            ========= ==================== ================================================================
        subStack (dict or None): sub-stack information 
        out (object): object to write progress info to
        array: DoG filtered image
    timer = Timer();  
    dogSize  = getParameter(filterDoGParameter, "size",  size);
    dogSigma = getParameter(filterDoGParameter, "sigma", sigma);
    dogSigma2= getParameter(filterDoGParameter, "sigma2",sigma2);
    dogSave  = getParameter(filterDoGParameter, "save",  save);
    verbose  = getParameter(filterDoGParameter, "verbose",  verbose);
    if verbose:
        writeParameter(out = out, head = 'DoG:', size = dogSize, sigma = dogSigma, sigma2 = dogSigma2, save = dogSave);
    #DoG filter
    img = img.astype('float32'); # always convert to float for downstream processing
    if not dogSize is None:
        fdog = filterKernel(ftype = 'DoG', size = dogSize, sigma = dogSigma, sigma2 = dogSigma2);
        fdog = fdog.astype('float32');
        #img = correlate(img, fdog);
        #img = scipy.signal.correlate(img, fdog);
        img = correlate(img, fdog);
        #img = convolve(img, fdog, mode = 'same');
        img[img < 0] = 0;
    if verbose > 1:
    if not dogSave is None:
        writeSubStack(dogSave, img, subStack = subStack);
    if verbose:
        out.write(timer.elapsedTime(head = 'DoG') + '\n');
    return img
Beispiel #29
def pyrup_impl(image):
    Upsamples an image by a factor of 2 and then uses a gaussian kernel as a
    reconstruction filter.

    The following 1D convolution kernel should be used in both the x and y
    K = 1/8 [ 1 4 6 4 1 ]
    Note: 1/8 is not a mistake.  The additional factor of 4 (applying this 1D
    kernel twice) scales the solution according to the 2x2 upsampling factor.

    Filtering should mirror the input image across the border.
    For scipy this is mode = mirror.
    For cv2 this is mode = BORDER_REFLECT_101.

    Upsampling should produce samples at even-numbered coordinates with
    coordinates starting at 0.

        image -- height x width [x channels] image of type float32.
        up -- 2 height x 2 width [x channels] image of type float32.
    #raise NotImplementedError()
    K = 1.0/8.0*np.array([[1,4,6,4,1]])
    size = image.shape
    width = size[1]
    height = size[0]
    if len(size) == 3:
        channel = size[2]
        up = np.zeros((height*2,width*2,channel))
        up[1::2,1::2,:] = image 
        for i in range(channel):
            up[:,:,i] = correlate(up[:,:,i],K,mode = 'mirror')
        K = K.transpose()
        for i in range(channel):
            up[:,:,i] = correlate(up[:,:,i],K,mode = 'mirror')
        up = np.zeros((height*2,width*2))
        up[1::2,1::2] = image 
        up = correlate(up,K,mode = 'mirror')
        K = K.transpose()
        up = correlate(up,K,mode = 'mirror')      
    return up          
def TV(im, N, strtag, kern, dirWeight=1, dirs=None, nmins=0, dirInfo=[None,None,None,None]):
    res = np.zeros(np.hstack([len(strtag), im.shape]))
    inds = dirInfo[3]
    Nkern = np.hstack([1,kern.shape[-2:]])
    for i in xrange(len(strtag)):
        if strtag[i] == 'spatial':
            res[i] = correlate(im,kern[i].reshape(Nkern),mode='wrap')
        elif strtag[i] == 'diff':
            res[i] = dirWeight*d.least_Squares_Fitting(im,N,strtag,dirs,inds,dirInfo[0]).real
    return res.reshape(np.hstack([len(strtag), N]))
Beispiel #31
 def test_deconvolve2d_forward(self):
     img = np.random.randn(1, 3, 3, 1).astype(np.float32)
     kernel = np.random.randn(3, 3, 1, 1).astype(np.float32)
     output = nn.deconvolve2d(img, kernel, (1, 1), (0, 0))
             output.value[0, 1:-1, 1:-1, 0],
             correlate(img[0, :, :, 0],
                       kernel[::-1, ::-1, 0, 0],
Beispiel #32
 def test_convolve2d_forward(self):
     img = np.random.randn(1, 5, 5, 1)
     kernel = np.random.randn(3, 3, 1, 1)
     output = nn.convolve2d(img, kernel)
             output.value[0, ..., 0],
             correlate(img[0, ..., 0], kernel[..., 0, 0])[1:-1, 1:-1]))
     self.assertEqual(nn.config.dtype, np.float32)
     self.assertEqual(output.value.dtype, nn.config.dtype)
def cor(img):
    sum1 = np.zeros((img.shape[0], 28, 28))  #60K 28 28 3
    cor1 = np.zeros((img.shape[0], 28, 28, 6))
    for i in range(img.shape[0]):
        cor1[i, :, :, 0] = C.correlate(img[i, :, :, 0],
                                       img[i, :, :, 0],
        cor1[i, :, :, 1] = C.correlate(img[i, :, :, 1],
                                       img[i, :, :, 1],
        cor1[i, :, :, 2] = C.correlate(img[i, :, :, 2],
                                       img[i, :, :, 2],
        #print(cor1[i,:,:,2].shape, "cor[i,:,:,2] shape")
        cor1[i, :, :, 3] = np.zeros(
            (img[i, :, :, 0].shape)
        )  #C.correlate(img[i,:,:,0],img[i,:,:,1], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
        cor1[i, :, :, 4] = np.zeros(
            (img[i, :, :, 0].shape)
        )  #C.correlate(img[i,:,:,0],img[i,:,:,2], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
        cor1[i, :, :, 5] = np.zeros(
            (img[i, :, :, 0].shape)
        )  #C.correlate(img[i,:,:,2],img[i,:,:,1], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
        sum1[i, :, :] = cor1[i, :, :, 0] + cor1[i, :, :, 1] + cor1[
            i, :, :, 2] + cor1[i, :, :, 3] + cor1[i, :, :, 4] + cor1[i, :, :,
        #print("sum1 shape,",sum1.shape)
        #sum1=np.transpose(sum1,(0,3, 1, 2))
        sum1 = sum1.reshape(img.shape[0], 1, 28, 28)
        sum11 = torch.from_numpy(sum1)

    return sum11
Beispiel #34
def cor(img):
    for i in range (img.shape[0]):
        #print("image shape",img.shape,img.shape[0])
        for j in range (img.shape[1]):
            cor1[i,j,:,:]=C.correlate(img[i,j,:,:],img[i,j,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
    return cor1
Beispiel #35
def cor(img):
    sum1 = np.zeros((img.shape[0], 28, 28))
    cor1 = np.zeros((img.shape[0], 6, 28, 28))
    for i in range(img.shape[0]):
        #print("image shape",img.shape,img.shape[0])
        cor1[i, 0, :, :] = np.zeros(
            (cor1[i, 0, :, :].shape)
        )  #C.correlate(img[i,0,:,:],img[i,0,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
        cor1[i, 1, :, :] = np.zeros(
            (cor1[i, 0, :, :].shape)
        )  #C.correlate(img[i,1,:,:],img[i,1,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
        cor1[i, 2, :, :] = np.zeros(
            (cor1[i, 0, :, :].shape)
        )  #C.correlate(img[i,2,:,:],img[i,2,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
        cor1[i, 3, :, :] = C.correlate(img[i, 0, :, :],
                                       img[i, 1, :, :],
        cor1[i, 4, :, :] = C.correlate(img[i, 0, :, :],
                                       img[i, 2, :, :],
        cor1[i, 5, :, :] = C.correlate(img[i, 1, :, :],
                                       img[i, 1, :, :],
        sum1[i, :, :] = cor1[i, 0, :, :] + cor1[i, 1, :, :] + cor1[
            i, 2, :, :] + cor1[i, 3, :, :] + cor1[i, 4, :, :] + cor1[i,
                                                                     5, :, :]
    #print(img[:,0,:,:].shape, "image shape")
    #chu=C.correlate(img[0,:,:],img[0,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
    #print(chu.shape,"chu shape")
    sum1 = sum1.reshape(img.shape[0], 1, 28, 28)  #,1)

    sum1 = torch.from_numpy(sum1)
    return sum1
Beispiel #36
def _generate_ds_images(img, reduction_factor, mov, hfilter, noise_amp):
    num_imgs = len(mov)
    imgs = []
    img = tc.im2double(img)

    def maxabs(x):
        # Return the maximum absolute value in x
        return math.fabs(max(x.min(), x.max(), key=abs))

    vx_max = maxabs(mov[:, 0])
    vy_max = maxabs(mov[:, 1])
    img_width = img.shape[0]
    img_height = img.shape[1]

    for i in range(0, num_imgs):
        translated_img = gt.translate_and_crop(img, mov[i, 0], mov[i, 1])
        translated_img = translated_img[:img_width - vx_max, :img_height -
        if len(translated_img.shape) == 3:
            blurred_img = np.zeros(
                (translated_img.shape[0], translated_img.shape[1],
            temp = correlate(translated_img[:, :, 0], hfilter)
            blurred_img[:, :, 0] = correlate(translated_img[:, :, 0], hfilter)
            blurred_img[:, :, 1] = correlate(translated_img[:, :, 1], hfilter)
            blurred_img[:, :, 2] = correlate(translated_img[:, :, 2], hfilter)
            downsampled_img = gt.downsampling(blurred_img, reduction_factor)
            noisy_img = downsampled_img + noise_amp * np.random.randn(
                downsampled_img.shape[0], downsampled_img.shape[1],
            blurred_img = correlate(translated_img, hfilter)
            downsampled_img = gt.downsampling(blurred_img, reduction_factor)
            noisy_img = downsampled_img + noise_amp * np.random.randn(
                downsampled_img.shape[0], downsampled_img.shape[1])
            'hr': translated_img,
            'ds': downsampled_img,
            'lr': noisy_img
    return imgs
Beispiel #37
def normalized_correlation(image, kernel):
    # Normalize
    image_norm = _normalize(image, 1.5, -1.5)
    correlated = correlate(image_norm, kernel)
    # max_indices = _get_max_indices(correlated, 6)
    # ks = [int((kernel.shape[0]-1)/2), int((kernel.shape[1]-1)/2)]
    # for x, y in max_indices:
    #     correlated[x-ks[0]:x+ks[0], y-ks[1]:y+ks[1]] = 0
    #     correlated[x, y] = 255
    correlated = correlated.astype(np.uint8)
    return correlated
Beispiel #38
def dog_filter(source, shape, sigma=None, sigma2=None):
    if not shape is None:
        fdog = fk.filter_kernel(ftype='dog',
        fdog = fdog.astype('float32')
        filtered = ndf.correlate(source, fdog)
        filtered[filtered < 0] = 0
        return filtered
        return source
Beispiel #39
def correlations(Arr, neighbors = 8):
    """Computes the correlation image for the input dataset"""

    Arr = Arr.astype('float32')
    Arr -= np.mean(Arr, axis=0)
    Arr_std = np.std(Arr, axis=0)
    Arr_std[Arr_std == 0] = np.inf
    Arr /= Arr_std

    sz = np.ones((3, 3), dtype='float32')
    sz[1, 1] = 0

    if neighbors == 4:
        sz = np.array([[0,1,0],[1,0,1],[0,1,0]])

    Arr_corr = correlate(Arr, sz[np.newaxis, :], mode='constant')
    MASK = correlate(
           np.ones(Arr.shape[1:], dtype='float32'), sz, mode='constant')

    Corr = np.mean(Arr_corr * Arr, axis=0) / MASK
    return Corr
Beispiel #40
def cor(img,img2):
    for i in range (img.shape[0]):
        #print("image shape",img.shape,img.shape[0])
        for j in range (img.shape[1]):
            cor[i,j,:,:]=C.correlate(img[i,j,:,:],img2[i,j,:,:], output=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)

    return cor
Beispiel #41
def umask(data, inkernel):    
    outdata = filters.correlate(data, weights=inkernel)
    #Our convolution has scaled outdata by sum(kernel), so we will divide out these weights.
    kernweight = np.sum(inkernel, axis=0)
    kernweight = np.sum(kernweight, axis=0)
    subtr_data = data - outdata/kernweight
    #Convert to binary data
    bindata = copy.copy(subtr_data)
    bindata[subtr_data > 0] = 1
    bindata[subtr_data <= 0] = 0

    return bindata
Beispiel #42
 def show_conv( self, img, tag, ax, f ):
     oimg = correlate( img, f, mode="constant" ) # FIXME: debatably not 'right' on borders ...
     #print tag, oimg
Beispiel #43
def detection(array, psf, bkg_sigma=5, mode='lpeaks', matched_filter=False,
              mask=True, snr_thresh=5, plot=True, debug=False,
              full_output=False, verbose=True, save_plot=None, plot_title=None,
              angscale=False, pxscale=0.01):
    """ Finds blobs in a 2d array. The algorithm is designed for automatically
    finding planets in post-processed high contrast final frames. Blob can be
    defined as a region of an image in which some properties are constant or
    vary within a prescribed range of values. See <Notes> below to read about
    the algorithm details.

    array : array_like, 2d
        Input frame.
    psf : array_like
        Input psf, normalized with ``vip_hci.phot.normalize_psf``.
    bkg_sigma : int or float, optional
        The number standard deviations above the clipped median for setting the
        background level.
    mode : {'lpeaks','log','dog'}, optional
        Sets with algorithm to use. Each algorithm yields different results.
    matched_filter : bool, optional
        Whether to correlate with the psf of not.
    mask : bool, optional
        Whether to mask the central region (circular aperture of 2*fwhm radius).
    snr_thresh : float, optional
        SNR threshold for deciding whether the blob is a detection or not.
    plot : bool, optional
        If True plots the frame showing the detected blobs on top.
    debug : bool, optional
        Whether to print and plot additional/intermediate results.
    full_output : bool, optional
        Whether to output just the coordinates of blobs that fulfill the SNR
        constraint or a table with all the blobs and the peak pixels and SNR.
    verbose : bool, optional
        Whether to print to stdout information about found blobs.
    save_plot: string
        If provided, the plot is saved to the path.
    plot_title : str, optional
        Title of the plot.
    angscale: bool, optional
        If True the plot axes are converted to angular scale.
    pxscale : float, optional
        Pixel scale in arcseconds/px. Default 0.01 for Keck/NIRC2.

    yy, xx : array_like
        Two vectors with the y and x coordinates of the centers of the sources
        (potential planets).
    If full_output is True then a table with all the candidates that passed the
    2d Gaussian fit constrains and their S/N is returned.

    The FWHM of the PSF is measured directly on the provided array. If the
    parameter matched_filter is True then the PSF is used to run a matched
    filter (correlation) which is equivalent to a convolution filter. Filtering
    the image will smooth the noise and maximize detectability of objects with a
    shape similar to the kernel.
    The background level or threshold is found with sigma clipped statistics
    (5 sigma over the median) on the image/correlated image. Then 5 different
    strategies can be used to detect the blobs (potential planets):

    Local maxima + 2d Gaussian fit. The local peaks above the background on the
    (correlated) frame are detected. A maximum filter is used for finding local
    maxima. This operation dilates the original image and merges neighboring
    local maxima closer than the size of the dilation. Locations where the
    original image is equal to the dilated image are returned as local maxima.
    The minimum separation between the peaks is 1*FWHM. A 2d Gaussian fit is
    done on each of the maxima constraining the position on the subimage and the
    sigma of the fit. Finally the blobs are filtered based on its SNR.

    Laplacian of Gaussian + 2d Gaussian fit. It computes the Laplacian of
    Gaussian images with successively increasing standard deviation and stacks
    them up in a cube. Blobs are local maximas in this cube. LOG assumes that
    the blobs are again assumed to be bright on dark. A 2d Gaussian fit is done
    on each of the candidates constraining the position on the subimage and the
    sigma of the fit. Finally the blobs are filtered based on its SNR.

    Difference of Gaussians. This is a faster approximation of LoG approach. In
    this case the image is blurred with increasing standard deviations and the
    difference between two successively blurred images are stacked up in a cube.
    DOG assumes that the blobs are again assumed to be bright on dark. A 2d
    Gaussian fit is done on each of the candidates constraining the position on
    the subimage and the sigma of the fit. Finally the blobs are filtered based
    on its SNR.

    def check_blobs(array_padded, coords_temp, fwhm, debug):
        y_temp = coords_temp[:,0]
        x_temp = coords_temp[:,1]
        coords = []
        # Fitting a 2d gaussian to each local maxima position
        for y, x in zip(y_temp, x_temp):
            subsi = 2 * int(np.ceil(fwhm))
            if subsi %2 == 0:
                subsi += 1
            subim, suby, subx = get_square(array_padded, subsi, y+pad, x+pad,
                                           position=True, force=True)
            cy, cx = frame_center(subim)

            gauss = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=subim.max(), x_mean=cx,
                                      y_mean=cy, theta=0,

            sy, sx = np.indices(subim.shape)
            fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
            fit = fitter(gauss, sx, sy, subim)

            # checking that the amplitude is positive > 0
            # checking whether the x and y centroids of the 2d gaussian fit
            # coincide with the center of the subimage (within 2px error)
            # checking whether the mean of the fwhm in y and x of the fit
            # are close to the FWHM_PSF with a margin of 3px
            fwhm_y = fit.y_stddev.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm
            fwhm_x = fit.x_stddev.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm
            mean_fwhm_fit = np.mean([np.abs(fwhm_x), np.abs(fwhm_y)])
            if fit.amplitude.value > 0 \
            and np.allclose(fit.y_mean.value, cy, atol=2) \
            and np.allclose(fit.x_mean.value, cx, atol=2) \
            and np.allclose(mean_fwhm_fit, fwhm, atol=3):
                coords.append((suby + fit.y_mean.value,
                               subx + fit.x_mean.value))

                if debug:
                    print('Coordinates (Y,X): {:.3f},{:.3f}'.format(y, x))
                    print('fit peak = {:.3f}'.format(fit.amplitude.value))
                    msg = 'fwhm_y in px = {:.3f}, fwhm_x in px = {:.3f}'
                    print(msg.format(fwhm_y, fwhm_x))
                    print('mean fit fwhm = {:.3f}'.format(mean_fwhm_fit))
                    pp_subplots(subim, colorb=True, axis=False, dpi=60)
        return coords

    def print_coords(coords):
        print('Blobs found:', len(coords))
        print(' ycen   xcen')
        print('------ ------')
        for i in range(len(coords[:, 0])):
            print('{:.3f} \t {:.3f}'.format(coords[i,0], coords[i,1]))

    def print_abort():
        if verbose:
            print('No potential sources found')

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if array.ndim != 2:
        raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array')
    if psf.ndim != 2 and psf.shape[0] < array.shape[0]:
        raise TypeError('Input psf is not a 2d array or has wrong size')
    # Getting the FWHM from the PSF array
    cenpsf = frame_center(psf)
    outdf = fit_2dgaussian(psf, cent=(cenpsf), debug=debug, full_output=True)
    fwhm_x, fwhm_y = outdf['fwhm_x'], outdf['fwhm_y']
    fwhm = np.mean([fwhm_x, fwhm_y])
    if verbose:
        print('FWHM = {:.2f} pxs\n'.format(fwhm))
    if debug:
        print('FWHM_y', fwhm_y)
        print('FWHM_x', fwhm_x)

    # Masking the center, 2*lambda/D is the expected IWA
    if mask:
        array = mask_circle(array, radius=fwhm)

    # Matched filter
    if matched_filter:
        frame_det = correlate(array, psf)
        frame_det = array

    # Estimation of background level
    _, median, stddev = sigma_clipped_stats(frame_det, sigma=5, iters=None)
    bkg_level = median + (stddev * bkg_sigma)
    if debug:
        print('Sigma clipped median = {:.3f}'.format(median))
        print('Sigma clipped stddev = {:.3f}'.format(stddev))
        print('Background threshold = {:.3f}'.format(bkg_level))

    if mode == 'lpeaks' or mode == 'log' or mode == 'dog':
        # Padding the image with zeros to avoid errors at the edges
        pad = 10
        array_padded = np.lib.pad(array, pad, 'constant', constant_values=0)

    if debug and plot and matched_filter:
        print('Input frame after matched filtering:')
        pp_subplots(frame_det, rows=2, colorb=True)

    if mode == 'lpeaks':
        # Finding local peaks (can be done in the correlated frame)
        coords_temp = peak_local_max(frame_det, threshold_abs=bkg_level,
        coords = check_blobs(array_padded, coords_temp, fwhm, debug)
        coords = np.array(coords)
        if verbose and coords.shape[0] > 0:

    elif mode == 'log':
        sigma = fwhm*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma
        coords = feature.blob_log(frame_det.astype('float'),
                                  min_sigma=sigma-.5, max_sigma=sigma+.5)
        if len(coords) == 0:
            return 0, 0
        coords = coords[:,:2]
        coords = check_blobs(array_padded, coords, fwhm, debug)
        coords = np.array(coords)
        if coords.shape[0] > 0 and verbose:

    elif mode == 'dog':
        sigma = fwhm*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma
        coords = feature.blob_dog(frame_det.astype('float'),
                                  threshold=bkg_level, min_sigma=sigma-.5,
        if len(coords) == 0:
            return 0, 0
        coords = coords[:, :2]
        coords = check_blobs(array_padded, coords, fwhm, debug)
        coords = np.array(coords)
        if coords.shape[0] > 0 and verbose:

        msg = 'Wrong mode. Available modes: lpeaks, log, dog.'
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if coords.shape[0] == 0:
        return 0, 0

    yy = coords[:, 0]
    xx = coords[:, 1]
    yy_final = []
    xx_final = []
    yy_out = []
    xx_out = []
    snr_list = []
    xx -= pad
    yy -= pad

    # Checking S/N for potential sources
    for i in range(yy.shape[0]):
        y = yy[i]
        x = xx[i]
        if verbose:
            print('X,Y = ({:.1f},{:.1f})'.format(x,y))
        snr = snr_ss(array, (x,y), fwhm, False, verbose=False)
        if snr >= snr_thresh:
            if verbose:
                _ = frame_quick_report(array, fwhm, (x,y), verbose=verbose)
            if verbose:
                print('S/N constraint NOT fulfilled (S/N = {:.3f})'.format(snr))
            if debug:
                _ = frame_quick_report(array, fwhm, (x,y), verbose=verbose)

    if debug or full_output:
        table = Table([yy.tolist(), xx.tolist(), snr_list],
                      names=('y', 'x', 'px_snr'))
    yy_final = np.array(yy_final)
    xx_final = np.array(xx_final)
    yy_out = np.array(yy_out)
    xx_out = np.array(xx_out)

    if plot:
        coords = list(zip(xx_out.tolist() + xx_final.tolist(),
                          yy_out.tolist() + yy_final.tolist()))
        circlealpha = [0.3] * len(xx_out)
        circlealpha += [1] * len(xx_final)
        pp_subplots(array, circle=coords, circlealpha=circlealpha,
                    circlelabel=True, circlerad=fwhm, save=save_plot, dpi=120,
                    angscale=angscale, pxscale=pxscale, title=plot_title)

    if debug:

    if full_output:
        return table
        return yy_final, xx_final
Beispiel #44
def get_corr(dots, part):

    corr = correlate(dots, part, output = np.float64)
    return corr
Beispiel #45
    def filter(self, array, *args, **kwargs):
        array[np.isnan(array)] = 0.0
        shape = array.shape
        if len(shape) == 3:
            array = np.abs(array)
            span = np.sum(array ** 2, axis=0)
            array = array[np.newaxis, ...]
        elif len(shape) == 4:
            span = np.trace(array, axis1=0, axis2=1)
            array = np.abs(array)
            span = array ** 2
            array = array[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, ...]
        lshape = array.shape[0:2]

        # ---------------------------------------------
        # INIT & SPAN
        # ---------------------------------------------

        sig2 = 1.0 / self.looks
        sfak = 1.0 + sig2

        # nrx = array.shape[-1]
        # lshape = array.shape[0:-2]
        # if len(lshape) == 2:
        # # span = np.abs(np.trace(array,axis1=0,axis2=1))
        #     span = np.abs(array[0, 0, ...] + array[1, 1, ...] + array[2, 2, ...])
        # else:
        #     logging.error("Data not in matrix form")

        # ---------------------------------------------
        # TURNING BOX
        # ---------------------------------------------

        cbox = np.zeros((9,,, dtype='float32')
        chbox = np.zeros((,, dtype='float32')
        chbox[ // 2 + 1, :] = 1
        cvbox = np.zeros((,, dtype='float32')
        for k in range(
            cvbox[k, 0:k + 1] = 1

        cbox[0, ...] = np.rot90(chbox, 3)
        cbox[1, ...] = np.rot90(cvbox, 1)
        cbox[2, ...] = np.rot90(chbox, 2)
        cbox[3, ...] = np.rot90(cvbox, 0)
        cbox[4, ...] = np.rot90(chbox, 1)
        cbox[5, ...] = np.rot90(cvbox, 3)
        cbox[6, ...] = np.rot90(chbox, 0)
        cbox[7, ...] = np.rot90(cvbox, 2)
        for k in range( // 2 + 1):
            for l in range( // 2 - k, // 2 + k + 1):
                cbox[8, - k, l] = 1

        for k in range(9):
            cbox[k, ...] /= np.sum(cbox[k, ...])

        ampf1 = np.empty((9,) + span.shape)
        ampf2 = np.empty((9,) + span.shape)
        for k in range(9):
            ampf1[k, ...] = filters.correlate(span ** 2, cbox[k, ...])
            ampf2[k, ...] = filters.correlate(span, cbox[k, ...]) ** 2

        # ---------------------------------------------
        # ---------------------------------------------
        np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')

        if self.method == 'original':
            xs = [+2, +2, 0, -2, -2, -2, 0, +2]
            ys = [0, +2, +2, +2, 0, -2, -2, -2]
            samp = filters.uniform_filter(span, // 2)
            grad = np.empty((8,) + span.shape)
            for k in range(8):
                grad[k, ...] = np.abs(np.roll(np.roll(samp, ys[k], axis=0), xs[k], axis=1) / samp - 1.0)
            magni = np.amax(grad, axis=0)
            direc = np.argmax(grad, axis=0)
            direc[magni < self.threshold] = 8
        elif self.method == 'cov':
            grad = np.empty((8,) + span.shape)
            for k in range(8):
                grad[k, ...] = np.abs((ampf1[k, ...] - ampf2[k, ...]) / ampf2[k, ...])
                direc = np.argmin(grad, axis=0)
            logging.error("Unknown method!")

        np.seterr(divide='warn', invalid='warn')
        # ---------------------------------------------
        # FILTERING
        # ---------------------------------------------
        out = np.empty_like(array)
        dbox = np.zeros((1, 1) + (,
        for l in range(9):
            grad = ampf1[l, ...]
            mamp = ampf2[l, ...]
            dbox[0, 0, ...] = cbox[l, ...]

            vary = (grad - mamp).clip(1e-10)
            varx = ((vary - mamp * sig2) / sfak).clip(0)
            kfac = varx / vary
            if np.iscomplexobj(array):
                mamp = filters.correlate(array.real, dbox) + 1j * filters.convolve(array.imag, dbox)
                mamp = filters.correlate(array, dbox)
            idx = np.argwhere(direc == l)
            out[:, :, idx[:, 0], idx[:, 1]] = (mamp + (array - mamp) * kfac)[:, :, idx[:, 0], idx[:, 1]]

        return out
Beispiel #46
    def S1C1(self, Y_data_f):
        Y_data_f must be a 2D data
        c1_list = []
        height, width = Y_data_f.shape
        rot_num = len(self.gabor_thetas)

        s1 = NM.empty((self.band_num, 
                       width), dtype=NM.float64)

        c1 = NM.empty((self.band_num, 
                       width), dtype=NM.float64)
        ### Compute the Normalize factor
        Y_data_f_2 = NM.power(Y_data_f, 2)       
        ### Compute S1
        for idx_band in xrange(self.band_num):
            for idx_scale in xrange(self.scale_num_in_band):          
                idx = idx_band*self.scale_num_in_band + idx_scale
                filter_size = self.filter_sizes[idx]
                gabor_sigma = self.gabor_sigmas[idx]
                gabor_lambda = self.gabor_lambdas[idx]
                ### TODO -- avoid divide 0
                factor = scipy_f.convolve(Y_data_f_2, 
                                         NM.ones((filter_size, filter_size)), 
                factor = NM.power(factor, 0.5)

                for idx_r in xrange(rot_num):                   
                    theta = self.gabor_thetas[idx_r]
                    temp = NM.fabs(scipy_f.correlate(Y_data_f, 
                    self.RemoveBorder(temp, filter_size)
                    NM.divide(temp, factor, temp)
                    s1[idx_band, idx_scale, idx_r,:,:] = temp
                    del temp

        ### Compute C1
        ### pool over scales within band
        for idx_band in xrange(self.band_num):
            for idx_r in xrange(rot_num):   
                T = s1[idx_band, 0, idx_r,:,:]
                for idx_scale in xrange(1, self.scale_num_in_band): 
                    T = NM.maximum(s1[idx_band, idx_scale, idx_r,:,:], T)
                c1[idx_band, idx_r] = T

        ### pool over local neighborhood
        for idx_band in xrange(self.band_num):
            grid_size = self.pool_grids[idx_band]
            gap = grid_size/2
            grid_size = grid_size*2-1
            for idx_r in xrange(rot_num):   
                t = c1[idx_band, idx_r]
                c1[idx_band, idx_r] = scipy_morp.grey_dilation(t, 
                t = c1[idx_band, idx_r, 0::gap, 0::gap]
        del s1
        del c1
        ### subSample            
        return c1_list
Beispiel #47
def filterLinear(img, filterLinearParameter = None, ftype = None, size = None, sigma = None, sigma2 = None, save = None, 
                 subStack = None, verbose = False, out = sys.stdout, **parameter):
    """Applies a linear filter to the image
        img (array): image data
        filterLinearParameter (dict):
            ========= ==================== ================================================================
            Name      Type                 Descritption
            ========= ==================== ================================================================
            *ftype*   (str or None)        the type of the filter, see :ref:`FilterTypes`
                                           if None do ot perform any fitlering
            *size*    (tuple or None)      size for the filter 
                                           if None, do not perform filtering
            *sigma*   (tuple or None)      std of outer Guassian, if None autmatically determined from size
            *sigma2*  (tuple or None)      std of inner Guassian, if None autmatically determined from size
            *save*    (str or None)        file name to save result of this operation
                                           if None dont save to file 
            *verbose* (bool or int)        print progress information       
            ========= ==================== ================================================================
        subStack (dict or None): sub-stack information 
        verbose (bool): print progress info 
        out (object): object to write progress info to
        array: filtered image
        Converts image to float32 type if filter is active!
    timer = Timer();  
    ftype   = getParameter(filterLinearParameter, "ftype",  ftype);
    size    = getParameter(filterLinearParameter, "size",   size);
    sigma   = getParameter(filterLinearParameter, "sigma",  sigma);
    sigma2  = getParameter(filterLinearParameter, "sigma2", sigma2);
    save    = getParameter(filterLinearParameter, "save",   save);
    verbose = getParameter(filterLinearParameter, "verbose",verbose);

    if verbose:
        writeParameter(out = out, head = 'Linear Filter:', ftype = ftype, size = size, sigma = sigma, sigma2 = sigma2, save = save);

    if ftype is None:
        return img;
    #DoG filter
    img = img.astype('float32'); # always convert to float for downstream processing
    if not size is None:
        fil = filterKernel(ftype = ftype, size = size, sigma = sigma, sigma2 = sigma2);
        fil = fil.astype('float32');
        #img = correlate(img, fdog);
        #img = scipy.signal.correlate(img, fdog);
        img = correlate(img, fil);
        #img = convolve(img, fdog, mode = 'same');
        img[img < 0] = 0;
    if verbose > 1:
    if not save is None:
        writeSubStack(save, img, subStack = subStack);
    if verbose:
        out.write(timer.elapsedTime(head = 'Linear Filter') + '\n');
    return img
Beispiel #48
# detmap1.max()/detsig1, detmap2.max()/detsig2, detmap.max()/detsig

alphas = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
codetsn = np.zeros(len(alphas), np.float32)

psfimg1 = 1./(2.*np.pi*psfsig1**2) * np.exp(-0.5 * ((xx-cx)**2 + (yy-cy)**2) / psfsig1**2)
psfimg2 = 1./(2.*np.pi*psfsig2**2) * np.exp(-0.5 * ((xx-cx)**2 + (yy-cy)**2) / psfsig2**2)
norm1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(psfimg1**2))
norm2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(psfimg2**2))

for ii,alpha in enumerate(alphas):
    beta = 1.-alpha
    coadd = alpha * image1 + beta * image2
    cosig = np.sqrt((alpha * sig1)**2 + (beta * sig2)**2)
    copsf = alpha * psfimg1 + beta * psfimg2
    conorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(copsf**2))
    codet = correlate(coadd, copsf) / conorm**2
    codetsig = cosig / conorm
    codetsn[ii] = codet.max() / codetsig

plt.axhline(detmap.max()/detsig, color='k', linestyle='--', label='Detection map')
plt.plot(alphas, codetsn, 'b-', label='Detect on coadd')
plt.axhline(detmap1.max()/detsig1, color='r', linestyle=':', label='Single-image detection maps')
plt.axhline(detmap2.max()/detsig2, color='r', linestyle=':')
plt.legend(loc=(0.02, 0.75))
plt.xlabel('Coadd weight')
plt.ylabel('Detection S/N');
Beispiel #49
def detection(array, fwhm=4, psf=None, mode='lpeaks', bkg_sigma=5,
              matched_filter=False, mask=True, snr_thresh=5, nproc=1, plot=True,
              debug=False, full_output=False, verbose=True, **kwargs):
    """ Finds blobs in a 2d array. The algorithm is designed for automatically
    finding planets in post-processed high contrast final frames. Blob can be
    defined as a region of an image in which some properties are constant or
    vary within a prescribed range of values. See ``Notes`` below to read about
    the algorithm details.

    array : numpy ndarray, 2d
        Input frame.
    fwhm : None or int, optional
        Size of the FWHM in pixels. If None and a ``psf`` is provided, then the
        FWHM is measured on the PSF image.
    psf : numpy ndarray
        Input PSF template. It must be normalized with the
        ``vip_hci.metrics.normalize_psf`` function.
    mode : {'lpeaks', 'log', 'dog', 'snrmap', 'snrmapf'}, optional
        Sets with algorithm to use. Each algorithm yields different results. See
        notes for the details of each method.
    bkg_sigma : int or float, optional
        The number standard deviations above the clipped median for setting the
        background level. Used when ``mode`` is either 'lpeaks', 'dog' or 'log'.
    matched_filter : bool, optional
        Whether to correlate with the psf of not. Used when ``mode`` is either
        'lpeaks', 'dog' or 'log'.
    mask : bool, optional
        If True the central region (circular aperture of 2*FWHM radius) of the
        image will be masked out.
    snr_thresh : float, optional
        S/N threshold for deciding whether the blob is a detection or not. Used
        to threshold the S/N map when ``mode`` is set to 'snrmap' or 'snrmapf'.
    nproc : None or int, optional
        The number of processes for running the ``snrmap`` function.
    plot : bool, optional
        If True plots the frame showing the detected blobs on top.
    debug : bool, optional
        Whether to print and plot additional/intermediate results.
    full_output : bool, optional
        Whether to output just the coordinates of blobs that fulfill the SNR
        constraint or a table with all the blobs and the peak pixels and SNR.
    verbose : bool, optional
        Whether to print to stdout information about found blobs.
    **kwargs : dictionary, optional
        Arguments to be passed to ``plot_frames`` to customize the plot (and to
        save it to disk).

    yy, xx : numpy ndarray
        Two vectors with the y and x coordinates of the centers of the sources
        (potential planets).
    If full_output is True then a table with all the candidates that passed the
    2d Gaussian fit constrains and their S/N is returned.

    When ``mode`` is either 'lpeaks', 'dog' or 'log', the detection might happen
    in the input frame or in a match-filtered version of it (by setting
    ``matched_filter`` to True and providing a PSF template, to run a
    correlation filter). Filtering the image will smooth the noise and maximize
    detectability of objects with a shape similar to the kernel. When ``mode``
    is either 'snrmap' or 'snrmapf', the detection is done on an S/N map

    When ``mode`` is set to:
        'lpeaks' (Local maxima): The local peaks above the background (computed
        using sigma clipped statistics) on the (correlated) frame are detected.
        A maximum filter is used for finding local maxima. This operation
        dilates the original image and merges neighboring local maxima closer
        than the size of the dilation. Locations where the original image is
        equal to the dilated image are returned as local maxima. The minimum
        separation between the peaks is 1*FWHM.

        'log' (Laplacian of Gaussian): It computes the Laplacian of Gaussian
        images with successively increasing standard deviation and stacks them
        up in a cube. Blobs are local maximas in this cube. LOG assumes that the
        blobs are again assumed to be bright on dark.

        'dog' (Difference of Gaussians): This is a faster approximation of the
        Laplacian of Gaussian approach. In this case the image is blurred with
        increasing standard deviations and the difference between two
        successively blurred images are stacked up in a cube. DOG assumes that
        the blobs are again assumed to be bright on dark.

        'snrmap' or 'snrmapf': A threshold is applied to the S/N map, computed
        with the ``snrmap`` function (``snrmapf`` calls ``snrmap`` with
        ``approximated`` set to True). The threshold is given by ``snr_thresh``
        and local maxima are found as in the case of 'lpeaks'.

    Finally, a 2d Gaussian fit is done on each of the potential blobs
    constraining the position on a cropped sub-image and the sigma of the fit
    (to match the input FWHM). Finally the blobs are filtered based on its S/N
    value, according to ``snr_thresh``.

    def check_blobs(array, coords_temp, fwhm, debug):
        y_temp = coords_temp[:, 0]
        x_temp = coords_temp[:, 1]
        coords = []
        # Fitting a 2d gaussian to each local maxima position
        for y, x in zip(y_temp, x_temp):
            subsi = 3 * int(np.ceil(fwhm))
            if subsi % 2 == 0:
                subsi += 1

            if mode in ('lpeaks', 'log', 'dog'):
                scy = y + pad
                scx = x + pad
            elif mode in ('snrmap', 'snrmapf'):
                scy = y
                scx = x
            subim, suby, subx = get_square(array, subsi, scy, scx,
                                           position=True, force=True,
            cy, cx = frame_center(subim)

            gauss = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=subim.max(), x_mean=cx,
                                      y_mean=cy, theta=0,

            sy, sx = np.indices(subim.shape)
            fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
            fit = fitter(gauss, sx, sy, subim)

            # checking that the amplitude is positive > 0
            # checking whether the x and y centroids of the 2d gaussian fit
            # coincide with the center of the subimage (within 2px error)
            # checking whether the mean of the fwhm in y and x of the fit
            # are close to the FWHM_PSF with a margin of 3px
            fwhm_y = fit.y_stddev.value * gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm
            fwhm_x = fit.x_stddev.value * gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm
            mean_fwhm_fit = np.mean([np.abs(fwhm_x), np.abs(fwhm_y)])
            condyf = np.allclose(fit.y_mean.value, cy, atol=2)
            condxf = np.allclose(fit.x_mean.value, cx, atol=2)
            condmf = np.allclose(mean_fwhm_fit, fwhm, atol=3)
            if fit.amplitude.value > 0 and condxf and condyf and condmf:
                coords.append((suby + fit.y_mean.value,
                               subx + fit.x_mean.value))

                if debug:
                    print('Coordinates (Y,X): {:.3f},{:.3f}'.format(y, x))
                    print('fit peak = {:.3f}'.format(fit.amplitude.value))
                    msg = 'fwhm_y in px = {:.3f}, fwhm_x in px = {:.3f}'
                    print(msg.format(fwhm_y, fwhm_x))
                    print('mean fit fwhm = {:.3f}'.format(mean_fwhm_fit))
                    if plot:
                        plot_frames(subim, colorbar=True, axis=False, dpi=60)
        return coords

    def print_coords(coords):
        print('Blobs found:', len(coords))
        print(' ycen   xcen')
        print('------ ------')
        for j in range(len(coords[:, 0])):
            print('{:.3f} \t {:.3f}'.format(coords[j, 0], coords[j, 1]))

    def print_abort():
        if verbose:
            print('No potential sources found')

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if array.ndim != 2:
        raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array')
    if psf is not None:
        if psf.ndim != 2 and psf.shape[0] < array.shape[0]:
            raise TypeError('Input psf is not a 2d array or has wrong size')
        if matched_filter:
            raise ValueError('`psf` must be provided when `matched_filter` is '

    if fwhm is None:
        if psf is not None:
            # Getting the FWHM from the PSF array
            cenpsf = frame_center(psf)
            outdf = fit_2dgaussian(psf, cent=(cenpsf), debug=debug,
            fwhm_x, fwhm_y = outdf['fwhm_x'], outdf['fwhm_y']
            fwhm = np.mean([fwhm_x, fwhm_y])
            if verbose:
                print('FWHM = {:.2f} pxs\n'.format(fwhm))
            if debug:
                print('FWHM_y', fwhm_y)
                print('FWHM_x', fwhm_x)
            raise ValueError('`fwhm` or `psf` must be provided')

    # Masking the center, 2*lambda/D is the expected IWA
    if mask:
        array = mask_circle(array, radius=fwhm)

    # Generating a detection map: Match-filtered frame or SNRmap
    # For 'lpeaks', 'dog', 'log' it is possible to skip this step
    if mode in ('lpeaks', 'log', 'dog'):
        if matched_filter:
            frame_det = correlate(array, psf)
            frame_det = array

        if debug and plot and matched_filter:
            print('Match-filtered frame:')
            plot_frames(frame_det, colorbar=True)

        # Estimation of background level
        _, median, stddev = sigma_clipped_stats(frame_det, sigma=5,
        bkg_level = median + (stddev * bkg_sigma)
        if debug:
            print('Sigma clipped median = {:.3f}'.format(median))
            print('Sigma clipped stddev = {:.3f}'.format(stddev))
            print('Background threshold = {:.3f}'.format(bkg_level), '\n')

    elif mode in ('snrmap', 'snrmapf'):
        if mode == 'snrmap':
            approx = False
        elif mode == 'snrmapf':
            approx = True
        frame_det = snrmap(array, fwhm=fwhm, approximated=approx, plot=False,
                           nproc=nproc, verbose=verbose)

        if debug and plot:
            print('Signal-to-noise ratio map:')
            plot_frames(frame_det, colorbar=True)

    if mode in ('lpeaks', 'log', 'dog'):
        # Padding the image with zeros to avoid errors at the edges
        pad = 10
        array_padded = np.lib.pad(array, pad, 'constant', constant_values=0)

    if mode in ('lpeaks', 'snrmap', 'snrmapf'):
        if mode == 'lpeaks':
            threshold = bkg_level
            threshold = snr_thresh

        coords_temp = peak_local_max(frame_det, threshold_abs=threshold,

        if mode == 'lpeaks':
            coords = check_blobs(array_padded, coords_temp, fwhm, debug)
            coords = check_blobs(array, coords_temp, fwhm, debug)
        coords = np.array(coords)
        if verbose and coords.shape[0] > 0:

    elif mode == 'log':
        sigma = fwhm * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma
        coords = feature.blob_log(frame_det.astype('float'),
                                  threshold=bkg_level, min_sigma=sigma-.5,
        if len(coords) == 0:
            return 0, 0
        coords = coords[:, :2]
        coords = check_blobs(array_padded, coords, fwhm, debug)
        coords = np.array(coords)
        if coords.shape[0] > 0 and verbose:

    elif mode == 'dog':
        sigma = fwhm * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma
        coords = feature.blob_dog(frame_det.astype('float'),
                                  threshold=bkg_level, min_sigma=sigma-.5,
        if len(coords) == 0:
            return 0, 0
        coords = coords[:, :2]
        coords = check_blobs(array_padded, coords, fwhm, debug)
        coords = np.array(coords)
        if coords.shape[0] > 0 and verbose:

        raise ValueError('`mode` not recognized')

    if coords.shape[0] == 0:
        return 0, 0

    yy = coords[:, 0]
    xx = coords[:, 1]
    yy_final = []
    xx_final = []
    yy_out = []
    xx_out = []
    snr_list = []

    if mode in ('lpeaks', 'log', 'dog'):
        xx -= pad
        yy -= pad

    # Checking S/N for potential sources
    for i in range(yy.shape[0]):
        y = yy[i]
        x = xx[i]
        if verbose:
            print('X,Y = ({:.1f},{:.1f})'.format(x, y))
        snr_value = snr(array, (x, y), fwhm, False, verbose=False)
        if snr_value >= snr_thresh:
            if verbose:
                _ = frame_report(array, fwhm, (x, y), verbose=verbose)
            if verbose:
                msg = 'S/N constraint NOT fulfilled (S/N = {:.3f})'
            if debug:
                _ = frame_report(array, fwhm, (x, y), verbose=verbose)
    if verbose:

    if debug or full_output:
        table_full = pn.DataFrame({'y': yy.tolist(),
                                   'x': xx.tolist(),
                                   'px_snr': snr_list})

    yy_final = np.array(yy_final)
    xx_final = np.array(xx_final)
    yy_out = np.array(yy_out)
    xx_out = np.array(xx_out)
    table = pn.DataFrame({'y': yy_final.tolist(), 'x': xx_final.tolist()})

    if plot:
        coords = tuple(zip(xx_out.tolist() + xx_final.tolist(),
                           yy_out.tolist() + yy_final.tolist()))
        circlealpha = [0.3] * len(xx_out)
        circlealpha += [1] * len(xx_final)
        plot_frames(array, dpi=120, circle=coords, circle_alpha=circlealpha,
                    circle_label=True, circle_radius=fwhm, **kwargs)

    if debug:

    if full_output:
        return table_full
        return table
Beispiel #50
def detection(array, psf, bkg_sigma=3, mode='lpeaks', matched_filter=True, 
              mask=True, snr_thresh=5, plot=True, debug=False, 
              full_output=False, verbose=True):                 
    """ Finds blobs in a 2d array. The algorithm is designed for automatically 
    finding planets in post-processed high contrast final frames. Blob can be 
    defined as a region of an image in which some properties are constant or 
    vary within a prescribed range of values. See <Notes> below to read about
    the algorithm details.
    array : array_like, 2d
        Input frame.
    psf : array_like
        Input psf.
    bkg_sigma : float, optional
        The number standard deviations above the clipped median for setting the
        background level. 
    mode : {'lpeaks','irafsf','daofind','log','dog'}, optional
        Sets with algorithm to use. Each algorithm yields different results.
    matched_filter : {True, False}, bool optional
        Whether to correlate with the psf of not.
    mask : {True, False}, optional
        Whether to mask the central region (circular aperture of 2*fwhm radius).
    snr_thresh : float, optional
        SNR threshold for deciding whether the blob is a detection or not.         
    plot {True, False}, bool optional
        If True plots the frame showing the detected blobs on top.
    debug : {False, True}, bool optional
        Whether to print and plot additional/intermediate results.
    full_output : {False, True}, bool optional
        Whether to output just the coordinates of blobs that fulfill the SNR
        constraint or a table with all the blobs and the peak pixels and SNR.
    verbose : {True,False}, bool optional
        Whether to print to stdout information about found blobs.
    yy, xx : array_like
        Two vectors with the y and x coordinates of the centers of the sources 
        (putative planets). 
    If full_output is True then a table with all the candidates that passed the
    2d Gaussian fit constrains and their SNR is returned. Also the count of 
    companions with SNR>5 (those with highest probability of being true 
    The PSF is used to run a matched filter (correlation) which is equivalent 
    to a convolution filter. Filtering the image will smooth the noise and
    maximize detectability of objects with a shape similar to the kernel. 
    The background level or threshold is found with sigma clipped statistics 
    (5 sigma over the median) on the image. Then 5 different strategies can be 
    used to detect the blobs (planets):
    Local maxima + 2d Gaussian fit. The local peaks above the background on the 
    (correlated) frame are detected. A maximum filter is used for finding local 
    maxima. This operation dilates the original image and merges neighboring 
    local maxima closer than the size of the dilation. Locations where the 
    original image is equal to the dilated image are returned as local maxima.
    The minimum separation between the peaks is 1*FWHM. A 2d Gaussian fit is 
    done on each of the maxima constraining the position on the subimage and the
    sigma of the fit. Finally an SNR criterion can be applied. 
    Laplacian of Gaussian. It computes the Laplacian of Gaussian images with 
    successively increasing standard deviation and stacks them up in a cube. 
    Blobs are local maximas in this cube. Detecting larger blobs is especially 
    slower because of larger kernel sizes during convolution. Only bright blobs 
    on dark backgrounds are detected. This is the most accurate and slowest 
    Difference of Gaussians. This is a faster approximation of LoG approach. In 
    this case the image is blurred with increasing standard deviations and the 
    difference between two successively blurred images are stacked up in a cube. 
    This method suffers from the same disadvantage as LoG approach for detecting 
    larger blobs. Blobs are again assumed to be bright on dark.
    Irafsf. starfind algorithm (IRAF software) searches images for local density 
    maxima that have a peak amplitude greater than threshold above the local 
    background and have a PSF full-width half-maximum similar to the input fwhm. 
    The objects' centroid, roundness (ellipticity), and sharpness are calculated 
    using image moments.
    Daofind. Searches images for local density maxima that have a peak amplitude 
    greater than threshold (approximately; threshold is applied to a convolved 
    image) and have a size and shape similar to the defined 2D Gaussian kernel. 
    The Gaussian kernel is defined by the fwhm, ratio, theta, and sigma_radius 
    input parameters. Daofind finds the object centroid by fitting the the 
    marginal x and y 1D distributions of the Gaussian kernel to the marginal x 
    and y distributions of the input (unconvolved) data image.
    def print_coords(coords):
        print 'Blobs found:', len(coords)
        print ' ycen   xcen'
        print '------ ------'
        for i in range(len(coords[:,0])):
            print ' ', coords[i,0], '\t', coords[i,1]
    if not array.ndim == 2:
        raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array')
    if not psf.ndim == 2 and psf.shape[0] < array.shape[0]:
        raise TypeError('Input psf is not a 2d array or has wrong size')
    # Getting the FWHM with a 2d gaussian fit on the PSF
    gauss = Gaussian2D(amplitude=1, x_mean=5, y_mean=5, x_stddev=3.5, 
                       y_stddev=3.5, theta=0)
    fitter = LevMarLSQFitter()                  # Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
    psf_subimage = get_square(psf, 9, frame_center(psf)[0],frame_center(psf)[1])
    y, x = np.indices(psf_subimage.shape)
    fit = fitter(gauss, x, y, psf_subimage)
    fwhm = np.mean([fit.y_stddev.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm, 
    if verbose:  
        print 'FWHM =', fwhm
    if debug:  
        print 'FWHM_y ', fit.y_stddev.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm
        print 'FWHM_x ', fit.x_stddev.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm  
    # Masking the center, 2*lambda/D is the expected IWA
    if mask:  array = mask_circle(array, radius=2*fwhm)
    # Matched filter
    if matched_filter:  
        frame_det = correlate(array, psf)
        frame_det = array
    # Estimation of background level
    _, median, stddev = sigma_clipped_stats(frame_det, sigma=5, iters=None)
    bkg_level = median + (stddev * bkg_sigma)
    if debug:  
        print 'Sigma clipped median = {:.3f}'.format(median)
        print 'Sigma clipped stddev = {:.3f}'.format(stddev)
        print 'Background threshold = {:.3f}'.format(bkg_level)
    round = 0.3   # roundness constraint
    # Padding the image with zeros to avoid errors at the edges
    pad = 10
    array_padded = np.lib.pad(array, pad, 'constant', constant_values=0)
    if debug and plot and matched_filter:  
        print 'Input frame after matched filtering'
        pp_subplots(frame_det, size=6, rows=2, colorb=True)
    if mode=='lpeaks':
        # Finding local peaks (can be done in the correlated frame)                                           
        coords_temp = peak_local_max(frame_det, threshold_abs=bkg_level, 
                                     min_distance=fwhm, num_peaks=20)
        y_temp = coords_temp[:,0]
        x_temp = coords_temp[:,1]
        coords = []
        # Fitting a 2d gaussian to each local maxima position
        for y,x in zip(y_temp,x_temp):
            subim, suby, subx = get_square(array_padded, 2*int(np.ceil(fwhm)), 
                                           y+pad, x+pad, position=True) 
            cy, cx = frame_center(subim)
            gauss = Gaussian2D(amplitude=subim.max(), 
                               x_mean=cx, y_mean=cy, 
                               y_stddev=fwhm*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, theta=0)
            sy, sx = np.indices(subim.shape)
            fit = fitter(gauss, sx, sy, subim)
            # checking that the amplitude is positive > 0
            # checking whether the x and y centroids of the 2d gaussian fit 
            # coincide with the center of the subimage (within 2px error)
            # checking whether the mean of the fwhm in y and x of the fit are
            # close to the FWHM_PSF with a margin of 3px
            fwhm_y = fit.y_stddev.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm
            fwhm_x = fit.x_stddev.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm
            mean_fwhm_fit = np.mean([np.abs(fwhm_x), np.abs(fwhm_y)]) 
            if fit.amplitude.value>0 \
            and np.allclose(fit.y_mean.value, cy, atol=2) \
            and np.allclose(fit.x_mean.value, cx, atol=2) \
            and np.allclose(mean_fwhm_fit, fwhm, atol=3):                     
                coords.append((suby+fit.y_mean.value, subx+fit.x_mean.value))
            if debug:  
                print 'Coordinates (Y,X): {:.3f},{:.3f}'.format(y, x)
                print 'fit peak = {:.3f}'.format(fit.amplitude.value)
                #print fit
                msg = 'fwhm_y in px = {:.3f}, fwhm_x in px = {:.3f}'
                print msg.format(fwhm_y, fwhm_x) 
                print 'mean fit fwhm = {:.3f}'.format(mean_fwhm_fit)
                pp_subplots(subim, colorb=True)
        coords = np.array(coords)
        if verbose and coords.shape[0]>0:  print_coords(coords)
    elif mode=='daofind':                 
        tab = findstars.daofind(frame_det, fwhm=fwhm, threshold=bkg_level,
        coords = np.transpose((np.array(tab['ycentroid']), 
        if verbose:
            print 'Blobs found:', len(coords)
            print tab['ycentroid','xcentroid','roundness1','roundness2','flux']
    elif mode=='irafsf':                
        tab = findstars.irafstarfind(frame_det, fwhm=fwhm, 
                                     roundlo=0, roundhi=round)
        coords = np.transpose((np.array(tab['ycentroid']), 
        if verbose:
            print 'Blobs found:', len(coords)
            print tab['ycentroid','xcentroid','fwhm','flux','roundness']
    elif mode=='log':
        sigma = fwhm*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma
        coords = feature.blob_log(frame_det.astype('float'), 
                                  min_sigma=sigma-.5, max_sigma=sigma+.5)
        coords = coords[:,:2]
        if coords.shape[0]>0 and verbose:  print_coords(coords)
    elif mode=='dog':
        sigma = fwhm*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma
        coords = feature.blob_dog(frame_det.astype('float'), 
                                  min_sigma=sigma-.5, max_sigma=sigma+.5)
        coords = coords[:,:2]
        if coords.shape[0]>0 and verbose:  print_coords(coords)
        msg = 'Wrong mode. Available modes: lpeaks, daofind, irafsf, log, dog.'
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if coords.shape[0]==0:
        if verbose:  
            print '_________________________________________'
            print 'No potential sources found'
            print '_________________________________________'
        return 0, 0
    yy = coords[:,0]
    xx = coords[:,1]
    yy_final = [] 
    xx_final = []
    yy_out = []
    xx_out = []
    snr_list = []
    px_list = []
    if mode=='lpeaks':
        xx -= pad
        yy -= pad
    # Checking SNR for potential sources
    for i in xrange(yy.shape[0]):
        y = yy[i] 
        x = xx[i] 
        if verbose: 
            print '_________________________________________'
            print 'Y,X = ({:.1f},{:.1f}) -----------------------'.format(y, x)
        subim = get_square(array, size=15, y=y, x=x)
        snr = snr_ss(array, y, x, fwhm, False, verbose=False)
        if snr >= snr_thresh and array[y,x]>0:
            if plot:
                pp_subplots(subim, size=2)
            if verbose:  
                _ = frame_quick_report(array, fwhm, y=y, x=x , verbose=verbose)
            if verbose:  print 'SNR constraint NOT fulfilled'
            if debug:
                if plot:
                    pp_subplots(subim, size=2)
                _ = frame_quick_report(array, fwhm, y=y, x=x , verbose=verbose)
                if verbose:  print 'SNR = {:.3f}'.format(snr)

    if debug or full_output:
        table = Table([yy.tolist(), xx.tolist(), px_list, snr_list], 
    yy_final = np.array(yy_final) 
    xx_final = np.array(xx_final) 
    yy_out = np.array(yy_out) 
    xx_out = np.array(xx_out) 
    if plot: 
        print '_________________________________________'           
        print'Input frame showing all the detected blobs / potential sources'
        print 'In red circles those that did not pass the SNR and 2dGauss fit constraints'
        print 'In cyan circles those that passed the constraints'
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
        im = ax.imshow(array, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', 
        colorbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.92, 0.12, 0.03, 0.78])
        fig.colorbar(im, cax=colorbar_ax)
        for i in xrange(yy_out.shape[0]):
            y = yy_out[i]
            x = xx_out[i]
            circ = plt.Circle((x, y), radius=2*fwhm, color='red', fill=False,
            ax.text(x, y+5*fwhm, (int(y),int(x)), fontsize=10, color='red', 
                    family='monospace', ha='center', va='top', weight='bold')
        for i in xrange(yy_final.shape[0]):
            y = yy_final[i]
            x = xx_final[i]
            circ = plt.Circle((x, y), radius=2*fwhm, color='cyan', fill=False, 
            ax.text(x, y+5*fwhm, (int(y),int(x)), fontsize=10, color='cyan', 
                    weight='heavy', family='monospace', ha='center', va='top')
    if debug:  print table
    if full_output:
        return table, yy_final.shape[0]
        return yy_final, xx_final
def imblur(Y, sig = 5, siz = 11, nDimBlur = None, kernel = None):
    """Spatial filtering with a Gaussian or user defined kernel
    The parameters are specified in GreedyROI2d
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import correlate        
    #from scipy.signal import correlate    
    X = np.zeros(np.shape(Y))
    if kernel is None:
        if nDimBlur is None:
            nDimBlur = Y.ndim - 1
            nDimBlur = np.min((Y.ndim,nDimBlur))
        if np.isscalar(sig):
            sig = sig*np.ones(nDimBlur)
        if np.isscalar(siz):
            siz = siz*np.ones(nDimBlur)
        xx = np.arange(-np.floor(siz[0]/2),np.floor(siz[0]/2)+1)
        yy = np.arange(-np.floor(siz[1]/2),np.floor(siz[1]/2)+1)
        hx = np.exp(-xx**2/(2*sig[0]**2))
        hx /= np.sqrt(np.sum(hx**2))
        hy = np.exp(-yy**2/(2*sig[1]**2))
        hy /= np.sqrt(np.sum(hy**2))    
        for t in range(np.shape(Y)[-1]):
            temp = correlate(Y[:,:,t],hx[:,np.newaxis],mode='wrap')
            X[:,:,t] = correlate(temp,hy[np.newaxis,:],mode='wrap')    
        for t in range(np.shape(Y)[-1]):
            X[:,:,t] = correlate(Y[:,:,t],kernel,mode='wrap')

## uncomment the following for general n-dim filtering
#    xx = []
#    hx = []
#    for i in range(nDimBlur):
#        vec = np.arange(-np.floor(siz[i]/2),np.floor(siz[i]/2)+1)
#        xx.append(vec)
#        fil = np.exp(-xx[i]**2/(2*sig[0]**2))
#        hx.append(fil/np.sqrt(np.sum(fil**2)))        
#    X = np.zeros(np.shape(Y))
#    siz = tuple([1]*nDimBlur)
#    sizY = np.shape(Y)
#    for t in range(sizY[-1]):
#        temp = Y[...,t]
#        for i in range(nDimBlur):
#            I = [0]*nDimBlur
#            I[i] = range(sizY[i])
#            siz[i] = sizY[i]
#            H = np.zeros(siz)
#            H[tuple(I)] = hx[i]
#            temp = correlate(temp,H,mode='wrap')
#        X[...,t] = temp

    return X
Beispiel #52
 def stroke_length(self) -> float:
     """Length of the estimated skeleton."""
     skel = self.skeleton.astype(float)
     conv = filters.correlate(skel, _SKEL_LEN_MASK, mode='constant')
     up_length = np.einsum('ij,ij->', conv, skel)  # type: float
     return up_length / self.scale
Beispiel #53
  kw = 2
  red = (255, 0, 0)
  draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
  for y, x in locs:
    x2 = x
    # flip the y-axis
    y2 = h - y
    bbox = (x2 - kw, y2 - kw, x2 + kw, y2 + kw)
    draw.ellipse(bbox, outline = red)
  return img

test = np.zeros((96, 160))
test[32:64, 32:64] = x
test[32:64, 96:128] = main_component
#figure().suptitle('test image')

from scipy.ndimage import filters
kwidth = 8
o = filters.correlate(test, x)
figure().suptitle('square pooling')
t = filters.correlate(o**2, np.ones((kwidth, kwidth)) / (kwidth * kwidth))
img = DrawLocations(t, np.argwhere(t == t.max()))

figure().suptitle('max pooling')
t = filters.maximum_filter(o, (kwidth, kwidth))
img = DrawLocations(t, [ np.argwhere(t == t.max())[0] ])