Beispiel #1
def peak_finder(X, thresh):
    """Simple peak finding algorithm.
    X : array_like, shape (n_times,)
        Raw data trace.
    thresh : float
        Amplitude threshold.
    peak_loc : array_like, shape (n_clusters,)
        Index of peak amplitudes.
    peak_mag : array_like, shape (n_clusters,)
        Magnitude of peak amplitudes.

    ## Error-catching.
    assert X.ndim == 1

    ## Identify clusters.
    clusters, ix = measurements.label(X > thresh)

    ## Identify index of peak amplitudes.
    peak_loc = np.concatenate(
                                      index=np.arange(ix) + 1))

    ## Identify magnitude of peak amplitudes.
    peak_mag = measurements.maximum(X,
                                    index=np.arange(ix) + 1)
    return peak_loc, peak_mag
Beispiel #2
def peak_finder(arr, thresh):
    '''Absolute amplitude-based peak finding algorithm.
    arr : array, shape=(n_samples,)
      1-d timeseries of extracellular recording.
    thresh : scalar
      amplitude threshold. Only samples above this
      value will be included in clusters.
    peak_loc : array
      indices of cluster peaks.
    peak_mag : array
      magnitude of cluster peaks.
    assert arr.ndim == 1
    clusters, ix = measurements.label(arr > thresh)
    if not ix: return np.array([]), np.array([])
    peak_loc = np.concatenate(
                                      index=np.arange(ix) + 1))
    peak_mag = measurements.maximum(arr,
                                    index=np.arange(ix) + 1)
    return peak_loc, peak_mag
Beispiel #3
def find_blob_centers(predictions, resolution, blob_prediction_threshold,

    # smooth out "U-Net noise"
    # print("Median-filtering prediction...")
    # predictions = median_filter(predictions, size=3)

    print("Finding blobs...")
    start = time.time()
    blobs = predictions > blob_prediction_threshold
    labels, num_blobs = label(blobs)
    print("%.3fs" % (time.time() - start))
    print("Found %d blobs" % num_blobs)

    print("Finding centers, sizes, and maximal values...")
    start = time.time()
    label_ids = np.arange(1, num_blobs + 1)
    centers = measurements.center_of_mass(blobs, labels, index=label_ids)
    sizes = measurements.sum(blobs, labels, index=label_ids)
    maxima = measurements.maximum(predictions, labels, index=label_ids)
    print("%.3fs" % (time.time() - start))

    centers = {
        label: {
            'center': center,
            'score': max_value
        for label, center, size, max_value in zip(
            label_ids, centers, sizes, maxima) if size >= blob_size_threshold

    return (centers, labels)
Beispiel #4
def find_maxima(predictions,
    '''Find all points that are maximal within a sphere of ``radius`` and are
    strictly higher than min_score_threshold. Optionally smooth the prediction
    with sigma.'''

    # smooth predictions
    if sigma is not None:
        print("Smoothing predictions...")
        sigma = tuple(float(s) / r for s, r in zip(sigma, voxel_size))
        print("voxel-sigma: %s" % (sigma, ))
        start = time.time()
        predictions = gaussian_filter(predictions, sigma, mode='constant')
        print("%.3fs" % (time.time() - start))

    print("Finding maxima...")
    start = time.time()
    radius = tuple(
        int(math.ceil(float(ra) / re)) for ra, re in zip(radius, voxel_size))
    print("voxel-radius: %s" % (radius, ))
    max_filtered = maximum_filter(predictions, footprint=sphere(radius))

    maxima = max_filtered == predictions
    print("%.3fs" % (time.time() - start))

    print("Applying NMS...")
    start = time.time()
    predictions_filtered = np.zeros_like(predictions)
    predictions_filtered[maxima] = predictions[maxima]
    print("%.3fs" % (time.time() - start))

    print("Finding blobs...")
    start = time.time()
    blobs = predictions_filtered > min_score_threshold
    labels, num_blobs = label(blobs, output=np.uint64)
    print("%.3fs" % (time.time() - start))

    print("Found %d points after NMS" % num_blobs)

    print("Finding centers, sizes, and maximal values...")
    start = time.time()
    label_ids = np.arange(1, num_blobs + 1)
    centers = measurements.center_of_mass(blobs, labels, index=label_ids)
    sizes = measurements.sum(blobs, labels, index=label_ids)
    maxima = measurements.maximum(predictions, labels, index=label_ids)
    print("%.3fs" % (time.time() - start))

    centers = {
        label: {
            'center': center,
            'score': max_value
        for label, center, size, max_value in zip(label_ids, centers, sizes,

    return (centers, labels, predictions)
Beispiel #5
def measure(im, labels, num_objs, measurement_type='mean'):
    if measurement_type == 'mean':
        res = spm.mean(im, labels, range(1, num_objs))
    elif measurement_type == 'max':
        res = spm.maximum(im, labels, range(1, num_objs))
        raise ValueError('Unsporrted measurement type: {}'.format(measurement_type))

    return res
Beispiel #6
def amplitude_thresholding(x0, thresh):
    '''Simple peak finding algorithm.'''
    assert x0.ndim == 1
    clusters, ix = measurements.label(x0 > thresh)
    peak_loc = np.concatenate(
                                      index=np.arange(ix) + 1))
    peak_mag = measurements.maximum(x0,
                                    index=np.arange(ix) + 1)
    return peak_loc, peak_mag
Beispiel #7
def _localize_process(data: tuple,
                      is_binary: bool = True,
                      use_labels: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:

    # image: np.ndarray, frame: int) -> np.ndarray:
    """ worker process for localizing and labelling objects

    volumetric data is usually of the format: t, z, x, y

        combined data in form of nx5 array (t, x, y, z, label) adding a
        z-dimension of uniform zero, if one doesn't exist.

    if use_labels: assert is_binary

    image, frame = data
    assert image.dtype in (np.uint8, np.uint16)

    if is_binary:
        labeled, n = measurements.label(image.astype(np.bool))
        idx = list(range(1, n + 1))
        labeled = image
        idx = [p for p in np.unique(labeled) if p > 0]

    # calculate the centroids

    centroids = np.array(
        measurements.center_of_mass(image, labels=labeled, index=idx))

    # if we're dealing with volumetric data, reorder so that z is last
    if image.ndim == 3:
        centroids = np.roll(centroids, -1)

    localizations = np.zeros((centroids.shape[0], 5), dtype=np.uint16)
    localizations[:, 0] = frame  # time
    localizations[:, 1:centroids.shape[1] + 1] = centroids
                  -1] = 0  #labels-1 #-1 because we use a label of zero for states

    # if we're not using labels from the segmentation, return here
    if not use_labels:
        return localizations

    # get the labels from the image data
    labels = np.array(measurements.maximum(image, labels=labeled, index=idx))
                  -1] = labels - 1  #-1 because we use a label of zero for states

    return localizations
Beispiel #8
    def local_errors(self, threshold):
        subregion = crop_region(patch_size, ERRORS_CROP)
        unique_list = unique_nonzero(self.raw_labels[subregion])

        max_error_list = measurements.maximum(self.errors, self.raw_labels,
        additional_segments = [
            unique_list[i] for i in xrange(len(unique_list))
            if max_error_list[i] > threshold or max_error_list[i] == 0.0
        additional_segments = filter(
            lambda x: x != 0 and x not in self.parent.valid,

        return additional_segments
Beispiel #9
def dsm(parameters):
    """Generates a DSM by elevating groups a cells by certain height.

    This requires an input array, the DTM, and a mask. The mask designates
    which cells of the DTM should be elevated in order to produce the DSM.
    Basically, the mask shows in which cells there are features with
    significant height, e.g. trees, buildings etc.

    The tricky part it to account for DTM slope when elevating a group of
    cells. If you simply add some height to the initial DTM then the features
    will be elevated parallel to the ground. Especially in the case of
    buildings, their roof is horizontal, regardless of the underlying DTM

    To account for this, the algorithm initially labels the mask. As a result
    you get groups of cells which should all be elevated to the same height.
    Next, it finds the maximum height value of underlying DTM for each blob.
    Finally, it assigns `max_blob_height + delta_height` to each blob cell.

    :param parameters['data'][0]: the base DTM
    :type parameters['data'][0]: numpy.array
    :param parameters['data'][1]: the mask of cells to elevate
    :type parameters['data'][1]: numpy.array with boolean/binary values
    :param parameters['delta_height']: single cell elevation value
    :type parameters['delta_height']: float or integer

    :return: numpy.array

    dtm = parameters['data'][0]
    mask = parameters['data'][1]
    delta_height = parameters['delta_height']

    # label and find the max height of each blob
    labels, count = measurements.label(mask)
    max_heights = measurements.maximum(dtm,
                                       index=range(1, count + 1))

    # assign the max height at each blob cell, required to copy so it won't
    # change the initial dtm values
    dsm = dtm.copy()
    for blob_id in range(1, count + 1):
        dsm[numpy.where(labels == blob_id)] = max_heights[blob_id - 1] +\

    return dsm
Beispiel #10
    def detect(self):
        a method for detecting peaks, trying to speed things up!
        Run this after running the thresholding (which sets the pk_mask)!
        self.pos = []
        self.intens = []
        sz = self.pk_par["sz"]
        sig_G = self.pk_par["sig_G"]
        min_conn = self.pk_par["min_conn"]
        max_conn = self.pk_par["max_conn"]
        peak_COM = self.pk_par["peak_COM"]

        self.lab_img, _ = measurements.label(self.img * self.pk_mask)

        obs = measurements.find_objects(self.lab_img)
        for i, (sy, sx) in enumerate(obs):
            lab_idx = i + 1
            y1 = max(0, sy.start - sz)
            y2 = min(self.img_sh[0], sy.stop + sz)
            x1 = max(0, sx.start - sz)
            x2 = min(self.img_sh[1], sx.stop + sz)

            l = self.lab_img[y1:y2, x1:x2]

            nconn = np.sum(l == (lab_idx))
            if nconn < min_conn:
            if nconn > max_conn:

            pix = self.img[y1:y2, x1:x2]

            self.intens.append(measurements.maximum(pix, l, lab_idx))

            if peak_COM:
                y, x = measurements.center_of_mass(pix, l, lab_idx)
                y, x = measurements.maximum_position(pix, l, lab_idx)

            self.pos.append((y + y1, x + x1))

        self.intens = np.array(self.intens)
Beispiel #11
def find_max_points(
    '''Find all points that are maximal withing a sphere of ``radius`` and are
    strictly higher than min_score_threshold. Optionally smooth the prediction
    with sigma.'''

    # smooth predictions
    if sigma is not None:
        predictions = smooth(predictions, resolution, sigma)

    maxima = find_maxima(predictions, resolution, radius)
    predictions_filtered = apply_nms(predictions, maxima)

    print("Finding blobs...")
    start = time.time()
    blobs = predictions_filtered > min_score_threshold
    labels, num_blobs = label(blobs)

    print("Found %d blobs after NMS"%num_blobs)

    print("Finding centers, sizes, and maximal values...")
    start = time.time()
    label_ids = np.arange(1, num_blobs + 1)
    centers = measurements.center_of_mass(blobs, labels, index=label_ids)
    sizes = measurements.sum(blobs, labels, index=label_ids)
    maxima = measurements.maximum(predictions, labels, index=label_ids)

    centers = {
        str(label): { 'center': center, 'score': max_value }
        for label, center, size, max_value in zip(label_ids, centers, sizes, maxima)

    return (centers, labels)
Beispiel #12
def roi_max_counts(images_sets, label_array):
    Return the brightest pixel in any ROI in any image in the image set.

    images_sets : array
        iterable of 4D arrays
        shapes is: (len(images_sets), )

    label_array : array
        labeled array; 0 is background.
        Each ROI is represented by a distinct label (i.e., integer).

    max_counts : int
        maximum pixel counts
    max_cts = 0
    for img_set in images_sets:
        for img in img_set:
            max_cts = max(max_cts, ndim.maximum(img, label_array))
    return max_cts
Beispiel #13
def roi_max_counts(images_sets, label_array):
    Return the brightest pixel in any ROI in any image in the image set.

    images_sets : array
        iterable of 4D arrays
        shapes is: (len(images_sets), )

    label_array : array
        labeled array; 0 is background.
        Each ROI is represented by a distinct label (i.e., integer).

    max_counts : int
        maximum pixel counts
    max_cts = 0
    for img_set in images_sets:
        for img in img_set:
            max_cts = max(max_cts, ndim.maximum(img, label_array))
    return max_cts
def max_clustering(Response, Mask, r=10):
    """Local max clustering pixel aggregation for nuclear segmentation.
    Takes as input a constrained log or other filtered nuclear image, a binary
    nuclear mask, and a clustering radius. For each pixel in the nuclear mask,
    the local max is identified. A hierarchy of local maxima is defined, and
    the root nodes used to define the label image.

    Response : array_like
        A filtered-smoothed image where the maxima correspond to nuclear
        center. Typically obtained by constrained-LoG filtering on a
        hematoxylin intensity image obtained from ColorDeconvolution.
    Mask : array_like
        A binary mask of type boolean where nuclei pixels have value
        'True', and non-nuclear pixels have value 'False'.
    r : float
        A scalar defining the clustering radius. Default value = 10.

    Label : array_like
        Label image where positive values correspond to foreground pixels that
        share mutual sinks.
    Seeds : array_like
        An N x 2 array defining the (x,y) coordinates of nuclei seeds.
    Maxima : array_like
        An N x 1 array containing the maximum response value corresponding to

    See Also

    .. [1] XW. Wu et al "The local maximum clustering method and its
           application in microarray gene expression data analysis,"
           EURASIP J. Appl. Signal Processing, volume 2004, no.1, pp.53-63,
    .. [2] Y. Al-Kofahi et al "Improved Automatic Detection and Segmentation
           of Cell Nuclei in Histopathology Images" in IEEE Transactions on
           Biomedical Engineering,vol.57,no.4,pp.847-52, 2010.

    # check type of input mask
    if Mask.dtype != np.dtype("bool"):
        raise TypeError("Input 'Mask' must be a bool")

    # define kernel for max filter
    Kernel = np.zeros((2 * r + 1, 2 * r + 1), dtype=bool)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 2 * r, 2 * r + 1), np.linspace(0, 2 * r, 2 * r + 1))
    X -= r
    Y -= r
    Kernel[(X ** 2 + Y ** 2) ** 0.5 <= r] = True

    # define linear coordinates of postive kernel entries
    X = X[Kernel].astype(
    Y = Y[Kernel].astype(

    # pad input array to simplify filtering
    I = Response.min() * np.ones((Response.shape[0] + 2 * r, Response.shape[1] + 2 * r))
    MaskedResponse = Response.copy()
    MaskedResponse[~Mask] = Response.min()
    I[r : r + Response.shape[0], r : r + Response.shape[1]] = MaskedResponse

    # initialize coordinate arrays and max value arrays
    Max = np.zeros(I.shape)
    Row = np.zeros(I.shape,
    Col = np.zeros(I.shape,

    # define pixels for local neighborhoods
    py, px = np.nonzero(Mask)
    py = py +
    px = px +

    # perform max filtering
    for i in np.arange(0, px.size, 1):

        # calculate local max value and position around px[i], py[i]
        Index = np.argmax(I[py[i] + Y, px[i] + X])
        Max[py[i], px[i]] = I[py[i] + Y[Index], px[i] + X[Index]]
        Row[py[i], px[i]] = py[i] + Y[Index] - r
        Col[py[i], px[i]] = px[i] + X[Index] - r

    # trim outputs
    Max = Max[r : Response.shape[0] + r, r : Response.shape[1] + r]
    Row = Row[r : Response.shape[0] + r, r : Response.shape[1] + r]
    Col = Col[r : Response.shape[0] + r, r : Response.shape[1] + r]

    # subtract out padding offset for px, py
    py = py - r
    px = px - r

    # identify connected regions of local maxima and define their seeds
    Label = spm.label((Response == Max) & Mask)[0]
    Seeds = np.array(spm.center_of_mass(Response, Label, np.arange(1, Label.max() + 1)))
    Seeds = np.round(Seeds).astype(np.uint32)

    # capture maxima for each connected region
    Maxima = spm.maximum(Response, Label, np.arange(1, Label.max() + 1))

    # handle seeds lying outside non-convex objects
    Fix = np.nonzero(
        Label[Seeds[:, 0].astype(np.uint32), Seeds[:, 1].astype(np.uint32)] != np.arange(1, Label.max() + 1)
    if Fix.size > 0:
        Locations = spm.find_objects(Label)
        for i in np.arange(Fix.size):
            Patch = Label[Locations[Fix[i]]]
            Pixels = np.nonzero(Patch)
            dX = Pixels[1] - (Seeds[Fix[i], 1] - Locations[Fix][1].start)
            dY = Pixels[0] - (Seeds[Fix[i], 0] - Locations[Fix][0].start)
            Dist = (dX ** 2 + dY ** 2) ** 0.5
            NewSeed = np.argmin(Dist)
            Seeds[Fix[i], 1] = np.array(Locations[Fix][1].start + Pixels[1][NewSeed]).astype(np.uint32)
            Seeds[Fix[i], 0] = np.array(Locations[Fix][0].start + Pixels[0][NewSeed]).astype(np.uint32)

    # initialize tracking and segmentation masks
    Tracked = np.zeros(Max.shape, dtype=bool)
    Tracked[Label > 0] = True

    # track each pixel and update
    for i in np.arange(0, px.size, 1):

        # initialize tracking trajectory
        Id = 0
        Alloc = 1
        Trajectory = np.zeros((1000, 2),
        Trajectory[0, 0] = px[i]
        Trajectory[0, 1] = py[i]

        while ~Tracked[Trajectory[Id, 1], Trajectory[Id, 0]]:

            # increment trajectory counter
            Id += 1

            # if overflow, copy and reallocate
            if Id == 1000 * Alloc:
                temp = Trajectory
                Trajectory = np.zeros((1000 * (Alloc + 1), 2),
                Trajectory[0 : 1000 * (Alloc),] = temp
                Alloc += 1

            # add local max to trajectory
            Trajectory[Id, 0] = Col[Trajectory[Id - 1, 1], Trajectory[Id - 1, 0]]
            Trajectory[Id, 1] = Row[Trajectory[Id - 1, 1], Trajectory[Id - 1, 0]]

        # label sequence and add to tracked list
        Tracked[Trajectory[0:Id, 1], Trajectory[0:Id, 0]] = True
        Label[Trajectory[0:Id, 1], Trajectory[0:Id, 0]] = Label[Trajectory[Id, 1], Trajectory[Id, 0]]

    # return
    return Label, Seeds, Maxima
Beispiel #15
def compute_fixations(aligned, times, labels=None):
    """Compute fixations from aligned timeseries. Fixations are defined
    as contiguous samples of eyetracking data aligned to the same AoI.

    aligned : array, shape (n_trials, n_times)
        Eyetracking timeseries aligned to areas of interest.  
    times : array, shape (n_times,)
        Time vector in seconds.
    labels : list
        List of areas of interest to include in processing. Defaults 
        to all non-zero values in aligned.

    fixations : pd.DataFrame
      Pandas DataFrame where each row details the (Trial, AoI, 
      Onset, Offset, Duration) of the fixation.
    Currently supports only monocular data. In the case of binocular
    data, the user can simply pass the aligned object twice (once
    per eye).

    ## Error-catching.
    assert np.ndim(aligned) == 2
    assert np.shape(aligned)[-1] == np.size(times)

    ## Define labels list.
    if labels is None: labels = [i for i in np.unique(aligned) if i]

    ## Append extra timepoint to end of each trial. This prevents clusters across
    ## successive trials.
    n_trials, n_times = aligned.shape
    aligned = np.hstack([aligned, np.zeros((n_trials, 1))]).flatten()

    ## Precompute trial info.
    trials = np.repeat(np.arange(n_trials), n_times + 1) + 1
    times = np.broadcast_to(np.append(times, 0),
                            (n_trials, n_times + 1)).flatten()

    ## Preallocate space.
    df = DataFrame([], columns=('Trial', 'AoI', 'Onset', 'Offset'))

    for label in labels:

        ## Identify clusters.
        clusters, n_clusters = measurements.label(aligned == label)

        ## Identify cluster info.
        trial = measurements.minimum(trials,
                                     index=np.arange(n_clusters) + 1)
        onset = measurements.minimum(times,
                                     index=np.arange(n_clusters) + 1)
        offset = measurements.maximum(times,
                                      index=np.arange(n_clusters) + 1)

        ## Append to DataFrame.
        dat = np.column_stack(
            (trial, np.ones_like(trial) * label, onset, offset))
        df = df.append(DataFrame(dat, columns=df.columns))

    df = df.sort_values(['Trial', 'Onset']).reset_index(drop=True)
    df['Duration'] = df.Offset - df.Onset

    return df
Beispiel #16
def max_clustering(Response, Mask, r=10):
    """Local max clustering pixel aggregation for nuclear segmentation.
    Takes as input a constrained log or other filtered nuclear image, a binary
    nuclear mask, and a clustering radius. For each pixel in the nuclear mask,
    the local max is identified. A hierarchy of local maxima is defined, and
    the root nodes used to define the label image.
    Response : array_like
        A filtered-smoothed image where the maxima correspond to nuclear
        center. Typically obtained by constrained-LoG filtering on a
        hematoxylin intensity image obtained from ColorDeconvolution.
    Mask : array_like
        A binary mask of type boolean where nuclei pixels have value
        'True', and non-nuclear pixels have value 'False'.
    r : float
        A scalar defining the clustering radius. Default value = 10.
    Label : array_like
        Label image where positive values correspond to foreground pixels that
        share mutual sinks.
    Seeds : array_like
        An N x 2 array defining the (x,y) coordinates of nuclei seeds.
    Maxima : array_like
        An N x 1 array containing the maximum response value corresponding to
    See Also
    .. XW. Wu et al "The local maximum clustering method and its
       application in microarray gene expression data analysis,"
       EURASIP J. Appl. Signal Processing, volume 2004, no.1, pp.53-63,
    .. Y. Al-Kofahi et al "Improved Automatic Detection and Segmentation
       of Cell Nuclei in Histopathology Images" in IEEE Transactions on
       Biomedical Engineering,vol.57,no.4,pp.847-52, 2010.

    # check type of input mask
    if Mask.dtype != np.dtype('bool'):
        raise TypeError("Input 'Mask' must be a bool")

    # define kernel for max filter
    Kernel = np.zeros((2*r+1, 2*r+1), dtype=bool)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 2*r, 2*r+1), np.linspace(0, 2*r, 2*r+1))
    X -= r
    Y -= r
    Kernel[(X**2 + Y**2)**0.5 <= r] = True

    # define linear coordinates of postive kernel entries
    X = X[Kernel].astype(
    Y = Y[Kernel].astype(

    # pad input array to simplify filtering
    I = Response.min() * np.ones((Response.shape[0]+2*r,
    MaskedResponse = Response.copy()
    MaskedResponse[~Mask] = Response.min()
    I[r:r+Response.shape[0], r:r+Response.shape[1]] = MaskedResponse

    # initialize coordinate arrays and max value arrays
    Max = np.zeros(I.shape)
    Row = np.zeros(I.shape,
    Col = np.zeros(I.shape,

    # define pixels for local neighborhoods
    py, px = np.nonzero(Mask)
    py = py +
    px = px +

    # perform max filtering
    for i in np.arange(0, px.size, 1):

        # calculate local max value and position around px[i], py[i]
        Index = np.argmax(I[py[i]+Y, px[i]+X])
        Max[py[i], px[i]] = I[py[i]+Y[Index], px[i]+X[Index]]
        Row[py[i], px[i]] = py[i] + Y[Index] - r
        Col[py[i], px[i]] = px[i] + X[Index] - r

    # trim outputs
    Max = Max[r:Response.shape[0]+r, r:Response.shape[1]+r]
    Row = Row[r:Response.shape[0]+r, r:Response.shape[1]+r]
    Col = Col[r:Response.shape[0]+r, r:Response.shape[1]+r]

    # subtract out padding offset for px, py
    py = py - r
    px = px - r

    # identify connected regions of local maxima and define their seeds
    Label = spm.label((Response == Max) & Mask)[0]
    Seeds = np.array(spm.center_of_mass(Response, Label,
                                        np.arange(1, Label.max()+1)))
    Seeds = np.round(Seeds).astype(np.uint32)

    # capture maxima for each connected region
    Maxima = spm.maximum(Response, Label, np.arange(1, Label.max()+1))

    # handle seeds lying outside non-convex objects
    Fix = np.nonzero(Label[Seeds[:, 0].astype(np.uint32),
                           Seeds[:, 1].astype(np.uint32)] !=
                     np.arange(1, Label.max()+1))[0]
    if(Fix.size > 0):
        Locations = spm.find_objects(Label)
        for i in np.arange(Fix.size):
            Patch = Label[Locations[Fix[i]]]
            Pixels = np.nonzero(Patch)
            dX = Pixels[1] - (Seeds[Fix[i], 1] - Locations[Fix][1].start)
            dY = Pixels[0] - (Seeds[Fix[i], 0] - Locations[Fix][0].start)
            Dist = (dX**2 + dY**2)**0.5
            NewSeed = np.argmin(Dist)
            Seeds[Fix[i], 1] = np.array(Locations[Fix][1].start +
            Seeds[Fix[i], 0] = np.array(Locations[Fix][0].start +

    # initialize tracking and segmentation masks
    Tracked = np.zeros(Max.shape, dtype=bool)
    Tracked[Label > 0] = True

    # track each pixel and update
    for i in np.arange(0, px.size, 1):

        # initialize tracking trajectory
        Id = 0
        Alloc = 1
        Trajectory = np.zeros((1000, 2),
        Trajectory[0, 0] = px[i]
        Trajectory[0, 1] = py[i]

        while(~Tracked[Trajectory[Id, 1], Trajectory[Id, 0]]):

            # increment trajectory counter
            Id += 1

            # if overflow, copy and reallocate
            if(Id == 1000*Alloc):
                temp = Trajectory
                Trajectory = np.zeros((1000*(Alloc+1), 2),
                Trajectory[0:1000*(Alloc), ] = temp
                Alloc += 1

            # add local max to trajectory
            Trajectory[Id, 0] = Col[Trajectory[Id-1, 1], Trajectory[Id-1, 0]]
            Trajectory[Id, 1] = Row[Trajectory[Id-1, 1], Trajectory[Id-1, 0]]

        # label sequence and add to tracked list
        Tracked[Trajectory[0:Id, 1], Trajectory[0:Id, 0]] = True
        Label[Trajectory[0:Id, 1], Trajectory[0:Id, 0]] = \
            Label[Trajectory[Id, 1], Trajectory[Id, 0]]

    # return
    return Label, Seeds, Maxima
Beispiel #17
 def get_feature_snr(self, segment):
     return measurements.maximum(, self.labels,
                                 segment.get_segmentid()) / self.rms_noise
Beispiel #18
 def get_feature_snr(self, segment):
     return measurements.maximum(, self.labels,
                                 segment.get_segmentid()) / self.rms_noise