def getBoundariesOfimage(image):
    find edges by using erosion
    if np.ndim(image) == 2:
        sElement = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
        sElement = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
    erode_im = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(image, sElement)
    b = image - erode_im
    return b
Beispiel #2
def adjust_spot_positions(image, label_image, hp, debug=None):
    """Re-evaluate the spot positions based on the segmentation. 
        image: The original image (can be masked) that was sent to findspot3d
        label_image: the label image containing two labels 
        hp: the original hotpoints
        debug: set to true to write out an image debugimg.nii.gz with the stuff
    struct2 = generate_binary_structure(3, 2)
    struct1 = generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
    peak_points =[] 

    if debug is None:
        temp_path = os.getenv("PYSBR_TEMP")
        if temp_path is not None:
            debug = os.path.join(temp_path, "debug-labels.nii.gz")
    if debug is not None:
            debimg = image.copy()

    nlabels = label_image.max()

    if nlabels!=len(hp):
        raise RuntimeError( 'number of labels and hotspots should be the same' )

    tins = []
    for n in range(nlabels):
        label = n+1
        area = binary_closing(label_image == label, struct2)
        thiniter = np.sum(area.reshape(-1)) / 1500 + 1
        csbr.thinning3d(area, thiniter)
    for n in range(nlabels):
        label = n+1
        #avoid that a single pixel breaks the evaluation by running a closing 
        area = label_image == label
        #evaluate the boundary 
        dmask = binary_dilation(area, struct1)
        border = np.bitwise_xor(dmask, area)
        p = adjust_spot_position(image, border, image[tuple(hp[n])], tins[n], tins[(n + 1) % 2])

        if debug is not None:
            debimg[border>0] = 196
            debimg[p] = 0
  , global_affine), debug)

    peak_points = np.array( peak_points )
    return peak_points
Beispiel #3
def remove_small_objects(arr, min_size, connectivity=8):
    Remove objects less than the given size.
    Function is based on skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects

    arr : numpy.ndarray
        Binary array containing the mask.
    min_size : int
        Smallest allowed size.
    connectivity : int, optional
        Connectivity of the neighborhood.

    struct = nd.generate_binary_structure(arr.ndim, connectivity)

    labels, num = nd.label(arr, struct)

    sizes = nd.sum(arr, labels, range(1, num + 1))

    for i, size in enumerate(sizes):
        if size >= min_size:

        posns = np.where(labels == i + 1)

        arr[posns] = 0

    return arr
Beispiel #4
def moment_masking(cube, kernel_size, clip=5, dilations=1):

    if not signal_id_flag:
        raise ImportError("signal-id is not installed."
                          " This function is not available.")

    smooth_data = convolve(cube.filled_data[:], gauss_kern(kernel_size))

    fake_mask = LazyMask(np.isfinite, cube=cube)

    smooth_cube = SpectralCube(data=smooth_data, wcs=cube.wcs, mask=fake_mask)

    smooth_scale = Noise(smooth_cube).scale

    mask = (smooth_cube > (clip * smooth_scale)).include()

    # Now dilate the mask once

    dilate_struct = nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 3)
    mask = nd.binary_dilation(mask, structure=dilate_struct,

    return mask
Beispiel #5
def getPatchNamesFromMask(mask, x, y, root='mask'):
    Returns an array of patch names for each (x, y) pair
    import math
    import scipy.ndimage as nd
    import numpy as np

    act_pixels = mask
    rank = len(act_pixels.shape)
    connectivity = nd.generate_binary_structure(rank, rank)
    mask_labels, count = nd.label(act_pixels, connectivity)

    patchNums = []
    patchNames = []
    for xs, ys in zip(x, y):
            patchNums.append(mask_labels[xs, ys])

    # Check if there is a patch with id = 0. If so, this means there were
    # some Gaussians that fell outside of the regions in the patch
    # mask file.
    n = 0
    for p in patchNums:
        if p != 0:
            in_patch = np.where(patchNums == p)
            n += 1

    return np.array(patchNames)
Beispiel #6
def art_qi2(img, airmask, ncoils=12, erodemask=True):
    Calculates **qi2**, the distance between the distribution
    of noise voxel (non-artifact background voxels) intensities, and a
    centered Chi distribution.

    :param numpy.ndarray img: input data
    :param numpy.ndarray airmask: input air mask without artifacts

    from matplotlib import rc
    import seaborn as sn
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # rc('text', usetex=True)

    if erodemask:
        struc = nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 2)
        # Perform an opening operation on the background data.
        airmask = nd.binary_erosion(airmask, structure=struc).astype(np.uint8)

    # Artifact-free air region
    data = img[airmask > 0]
    data = data[data < np.percentile(data, 99.5)]
    maxvalue = int(data.max())
    nbins = maxvalue if maxvalue < 100 else 100

    # Estimate data pdf
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, density=True, bins=nbins)
    bin_centers = [np.mean(bin_edges[i:i+1]) for i in range(len(bin_edges)-1)]
    max_pos = np.argmax(hist)

    # Fit central chi distribution
    param =, 2*ncoils, loc=bin_centers[max_pos])
    pdf_fitted = chi.pdf(bin_centers, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1])

    # Write out figure of the fitting
    out_file = op.abspath('background_fit.png')
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    sn.distplot(data, bins=nbins, norm_hist=True, kde=False, ax=ax1)
    #_, bins, _ = ax1.hist(data, nbins, normed=True, color='gray', linewidth=0)
    ax1.plot(bin_centers, pdf_fitted, 'k--', linewidth=1.2)
    fig.suptitle('Noise distribution on the air mask, and fitted chi distribution')
    fig.savefig(out_file, format='png', dpi=300)

    # Find t2 (intensity at half width, right side)
    ihw = 0.5 * hist[max_pos]
    t2idx = 0
    for i in range(max_pos + 1, len(bin_centers)):
        if hist[i] < ihw:
            t2idx = i

    # Compute goodness-of-fit (gof)
    return (float(np.abs(hist[t2idx:] - pdf_fitted[t2idx:]).sum() /
                  len(pdf_fitted[t2idx:])), out_file)
Beispiel #7
def compute_mask(aparc, labels=[0, 5000]):
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    import os.path as op
    import scipy.ndimage as nd

    segnii = nb.load(aparc)
    seg = segnii.get_data()
    mask = np.ones_like(seg, dtype=np.uint8)
    for l in labels:
        mask[seg == l] = 0

    struct = nd.iterate_structure(nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 1), 4)
    mask = nd.binary_dilation(mask, structure=struct).astype(np.uint8)
    mask = nd.binary_closing(mask, structure=struct)
    mask = nd.binary_fill_holes(mask, structure=struct).astype(np.uint8)
    mask[mask > 0] = 1
    mask[mask <= 0] = 0

    hdr = segnii.get_header().copy()
    hdr.set_xyzt_units("mm", "sec")
    out_file = op.abspath("nobstem_mask.nii.gz")
    nii = nb.Nifti1Image(mask, segnii.get_affine(), hdr).to_filename(out_file)
    return out_file
Beispiel #8
def gen_data(xsize, ysize, nstars=3, starradius=10, brightness=2000):
    # 1) lots of stars, big
    # 2) lots of tiny stars
    # 3) few stars, big
    # 4) few stars, tiny

    footprint = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2,1)

    ret = numpy.zeros((xsize, ysize))
    for star in xrange(nstars):
        xcenter = random.randint(0, xsize-1)
        ycenter = random.randint(0, ysize-1)
        for x in xrange(xcenter-1, xcenter+2):
            for y in xrange(ycenter-1, ycenter+2):
                if x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < xsize and y < ysize:
                    ret[x,y] = brightness / 3
        ret[xcenter, ycenter] = brightness
    for i in xrange(starradius):
        ret = ndimage.grey_dilation(ret, footprint=footprint)

    # add some cosmic rays (single points)
    for i in xrange(30):
        xcenter = random.randint(0, xsize-1)
        ycenter = random.randint(0, ysize-1)
        ret[xcenter, ycenter] = brightness

    return ret
Beispiel #9
def ClusterizeImage(image,thresh=None,connectivity=3):
    if thresh is None:
        thresh = 0
    image[np.where(image<=thresh)] = 0
    s = generate_binary_structure(3,connectivity)
    larray, nf = label(image,s)
    return larray
Beispiel #10
def edge_matrix(labels, connectivity=1):
    """Generate a COO matrix containing the coordinates of edge pixels.

    labels : array of int
        An array of labeled pixels (or voxels).
    connectivity : int in {1, ..., labels.ndim}
        The square connectivity for considering neighborhood.

    edges : sparse.coo_matrix
        A COO matrix where (i, j) indicate neighboring labels and the
        corresponding data element is the linear index of the edge pixel
        in the labels array.
    conn = ndi.generate_binary_structure(labels.ndim, connectivity)
    eroded = ndi.grey_erosion(labels, footprint=conn).ravel()
    dilated = ndi.grey_dilation(labels, footprint=conn).ravel()
    labels = labels.ravel()
    boundaries0 = np.flatnonzero(eroded != labels)
    boundaries1 = np.flatnonzero(dilated != labels)
    labels_small = np.concatenate((eroded[boundaries0], labels[boundaries1]))
    labels_large = np.concatenate((labels[boundaries0], dilated[boundaries1]))
    n = np.max(labels_large) + 1
    data = np.concatenate((boundaries0, boundaries1))
    sparse_graph = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (labels_small, labels_large)),
                                     dtype=np.int_, shape=(n, n))
    return sparse_graph
Beispiel #11
def objextract(Fg):

    s = nd.generate_binary_structure(2,2)
    labeled_array, num_features = nd.measurements.label(Fg, structure=s)
    coor = []
    cnt = []

    if num_features == 0:
       idx = []
        lth = 200   # label pixel number less than lth will be removed
        Lth = 6500
        for i in range(1,num_features+1):

        cnt = array(cnt)
        idx = arange(num_features)
        idx = idx[(cnt<Lth)&(cnt>lth)]
        if len(idx)==0:
            idx = []
        elif len(idx)>1:              
            #idx = [idx[cnt[idx].argmax()]]
            idx = sorted(range(len(cnt)),key=lambda x:cnt[x])[::-1][0:2]

    return idx,labeled_array,coor,cnt
Beispiel #12
def find_local_max(img, d_rad, threshold=1e-15):
    This is effectively a replacement for pkfnd in the matlab/IDL code.

    The output of this function is meant to be feed into :py:func:`~subpixel_centroid`

    The magic of numpy means this should work for any dimension data.

    :param img: an ndarray representing the data to find the local maxes
    :param d_rad: the radius of the dilation, the smallest possible spacing between local maximum
    :param threshold: optional, voxels < threshold are ignored.

    :rtype: (d,N) array of the local maximums.
    d_rad = int(d_rad)
    img = np.array(np.squeeze(img))       # knock out singleton dimensions
    img[img < threshold] = -np.inf        # mask out pixels below threshold
    dim = img.ndim                        # get the dimension of data

    # make structuring element
    s = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(dim, 1)
    # scale it up to the desired size
    d_struct = ndimage.iterate_structure(s, int(d_rad))
    dilated_img = ndimage.grey_dilation(img,
                                        mode='constant')   # do the dilation

    # find the locations that are the local maximum
    # TODO clean this up
    local_max = np.where(np.exp(img - dilated_img) > (1 - 1e-15))
    # the extra [::-1] is because matplotlib and ndimage disagree an xy vs yx
    return np.vstack(local_max[::-1])
Beispiel #13
def thresholding(img, thresh, size=9):
    Segment using a thresholding algorithm
     - img  ndarray : Image array (ndim=2)
     - thresh float : Threshold value for pixels selectino
     - size     int : Minimum size a group of pixels must have
     - regions : Binary array for each segmented region

    logging.debug("Threshold: %.2f", thresh)
    logging.debug("Objects min size: %d", size)

    # Take the binary image thresholded
    img_bin = img > thresh

    # And use (MO) binary opening (erosion + dilation) for cleaning spurious Trues
    strct = ndi.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
    img_bin = ndi.binary_opening(img_bin, strct)

    # Label each group/region (value==True) of pixels
    regions, nlbl = ndi.label(img_bin)
    for i in xrange(1, nlbl + 1):
        inds = np.where(regions == i)
        if inds[0].size < size:
            regions[inds] = 0

    logging.debug("Threshold labels: %s", np.unique(regions))

    return regions.astype(np.bool)
def remove_small_objects(ar, min_size=64, connectivity=1, in_place=False):
    # Should use `issubdtype` for bool below, but there's a bug in numpy 1.7
    if not (ar.dtype == bool or np.issubdtype(ar.dtype, np.integer)):
        raise TypeError("Only bool or integer image types are supported. "
                        "Got %s." % ar.dtype)

    if in_place:
        out = ar
        out = ar.copy()

    if min_size == 0:  # shortcut for efficiency
        return out

    if out.dtype == bool:
        selem = nd.generate_binary_structure(ar.ndim, connectivity)
        ccs = np.zeros_like(ar, dtype=np.int32)
        nd.label(ar, selem, output=ccs)
        ccs = out

        component_sizes = np.bincount(ccs.ravel())
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("Negative value labels are not supported. Try "
                         "relabeling the input with `scipy.ndimage.label` or "

    too_small = component_sizes < min_size
    too_small_mask = too_small[ccs]
    out[too_small_mask] = 0

    return out
Beispiel #15
def artifact_mask(imdata, airdata, distance):
    """Computes a mask of artifacts found in the air region"""
    import nibabel as nb

    if not np.issubdtype(airdata.dtype, np.integer):
        airdata[airdata < .95] = 0
        airdata[airdata > 0.] = 1

    bg_img = imdata * airdata
    # Find the background threshold (the most frequently occurring value
    # excluding 0)
    # CHANGED - to the 75 percentile
    bg_threshold = np.percentile(bg_img[airdata > 0], 75)

    # Apply this threshold to the background voxels to identify voxels
    # contributing artifacts.
    qi1_img = np.zeros_like(bg_img)
    qi1_img[bg_img > bg_threshold] = 1
    qi1_img[distance < .10] = 0

    # Create a structural element to be used in an opening operation.
    struc = nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
    qi1_img = nd.binary_opening(qi1_img, struc).astype(np.uint8)
    qi1_img[airdata <= 0] = 0

    return qi1_img
Beispiel #16
    def test_3d(self):
        """tests the detection of maxima in 3D."""
        img = np.zeros((8, 8, 8), dtype=np.uint8)
        local_maxima = np.zeros((8, 8, 8), dtype=np.uint8)

        # first maximum: only one pixel
        img[1, 1:3, 1:3] = 100
        img[2, 2, 2] = 200
        img[3, 1:3, 1:3] = 100
        local_maxima[2, 2, 2] = 1

        # second maximum: three pixels in z-direction
        img[5:8, 1, 1] = 200
        local_maxima[5:8, 1, 1] = 1

        # third: two maxima in 0 and 3.
        img[0, 5:8, 5:8] = 200
        img[1, 6, 6] = 100
        img[2, 5:7, 5:7] = 200
        img[0:3, 5:8, 5:8] += 50
        local_maxima[0, 5:8, 5:8] = 1
        local_maxima[2, 5:7, 5:7] = 1

        # four : one maximum in the corner of the square
        img[6:8, 6:8, 6:8] = 200
        img[7, 7, 7] = 255
        local_maxima[7, 7, 7] = 1

        se = ndi.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
        out = extrema.local_maxima(img, se)

        error = diff(local_maxima, out)
        assert error < eps
Beispiel #17
def artifact_mask(imdata, airdata):
    """Computes a mask of artifacts found in the air region"""

    if not np.issubdtype(airdata.dtype, np.integer):
        airdata[airdata < .95] = 0
        airdata[airdata > 0.] = 1

    bg_img = imdata * airdata
    # Find the background threshold (the most frequently occurring value
    # excluding 0)
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(bg_img[bg_img > 0], bins=128)
    bg_threshold = np.mean(bin_edges[np.argmax(hist)])

    # Apply this threshold to the background voxels to identify voxels
    # contributing artifacts.
    qi1_img = np.zeros_like(bg_img)
    qi1_img[bg_img > bg_threshold] = bg_img[bg_img > bg_threshold]

    # Create a structural element to be used in an opening operation.
    struc = nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 2)

    # Perform an a grayscale erosion operation.
    qi1_img = nd.grey_erosion(qi1_img, structure=struc).astype(np.float32)
    # Binarize and binary dilation
    qi1_img[qi1_img > 0.] = 1
    qi1_img[qi1_img < 1.] = 0
    qi1_img = nd.binary_dilation(qi1_img, structure=struc).astype(np.uint8)
    return qi1_img
Beispiel #18
def test_mask():
    vol = np.zeros((30, 30, 30))
    vol[15, 15, 15] = 1
    struct = generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
    voln = binary_dilation(vol, structure=struct, iterations=4).astype('f4')
    initial = np.sum(voln > 0)
    mask = voln.copy()
    thresh = otsu(mask)
    mask = mask > thresh
    initial_otsu = np.sum(mask > 0)
    assert_equal(initial_otsu, initial)

    mins, maxs = bounding_box(mask)
    voln_crop = crop(mask, mins, maxs)
    initial_crop = np.sum(voln_crop > 0)
    assert_equal(initial_crop, initial)

    applymask(voln, mask)
    final = np.sum(voln > 0)
    assert_equal(final, initial)

    # Test multi_median.
    median_test = np.arange(25).reshape(5, 5)
    median_control = median_test.copy()
    medianradius = 3
    median_test = multi_median(median_test, medianradius, 3)

    medarr = np.ones_like(median_control.shape) * ((medianradius * 2) + 1)
    median_filter(median_control, medarr, output=median_control)
    median_filter(median_control, medarr, output=median_control)
    median_filter(median_control, medarr, output=median_control)
    assert_equal(median_test, median_control)
Beispiel #19
def multi_label_edge_detection(data):
    f = nd.generate_binary_structure(len(data.shape), 1)
    bound = (nd.grey_erosion(data,footprint=f) != nd.grey_dilation(data,footprint=f)) - \
            (nd.binary_dilation(data.astype(np.bool)) - data.astype(np.bool))     # the unwanted thick bounds
    return data
Beispiel #20
def test_labeling():
    "Test cluster labeling"
    shape = flat_shape = (4, 20)
    pmap = np.empty(shape, np.float_)
    struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
    struct[::2] = False
    conn = np.array([(0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 3)], np.uint32)
    criteria = None

    # some clusters
    pmap[:] = [[ 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0],
               [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0],
               [ 0, 3, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4],
               [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
    cmap, cids = label_clusters(pmap, 2, 0, conn, criteria)
    assert_equal(len(cids), 6)
    assert_array_equal(cmap > 0, np.abs(pmap) > 2)

    # some other clusters
    pmap[:] = [[ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0],
               [ 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
               [ 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 1, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0],
               [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
    cmap, cids = label_clusters(pmap, 2, 0, conn, criteria)
    assert_equal(len(cids), 6)
    assert_array_equal(cmap > 0, np.abs(pmap) > 2)
Beispiel #21
    def _run_interface(self, runtime):

        in_file = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file)
        wm_mask = nb.load(self.inputs.wm_mask).get_data()
        wm_mask[wm_mask < 0.9] = 0
        wm_mask[wm_mask > 0] = 1
        wm_mask = wm_mask.astype(np.uint8)

        if self.inputs.erodemsk:
            # Create a structural element to be used in an opening operation.
            struc = nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 2)
            # Perform an opening operation on the background data.
            wm_mask = nd.binary_erosion(wm_mask, structure=struc).astype(np.uint8)

        data = in_file.get_data()
        data *= 1000.0 / np.median(data[wm_mask > 0])

        out_file = fname_presuffix(self.inputs.in_file,
                                   suffix='_harmonized', newpath='.')
        in_file.__class__(data, in_file.affine, in_file.header).to_filename(

        self._results['out_file'] = out_file

        return runtime
Beispiel #22
def artifact_mask(imdata, airdata, distance, zscore=10.):
    """Computes a mask of artifacts found in the air region"""
    from statsmodels.robust.scale import mad

    if not np.issubdtype(airdata.dtype, np.integer):
        airdata[airdata < .95] = 0
        airdata[airdata > 0.] = 1

    bg_img = imdata * airdata
    if np.sum((bg_img > 0).astype(np.uint8)) < 100:
        return np.zeros_like(airdata)

    # Find the background threshold (the most frequently occurring value
    # excluding 0)
    bg_location = np.median(bg_img[bg_img > 0])
    bg_spread = mad(bg_img[bg_img > 0])
    bg_img[bg_img > 0] -= bg_location
    bg_img[bg_img > 0] /= bg_spread

    # Apply this threshold to the background voxels to identify voxels
    # contributing artifacts.
    qi1_img = np.zeros_like(bg_img)
    qi1_img[bg_img > zscore] = 1
    qi1_img[distance < .10] = 0

    # Create a structural element to be used in an opening operation.
    struc = nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
    qi1_img = nd.binary_opening(qi1_img, struc).astype(np.uint8)
    qi1_img[airdata <= 0] = 0

    return qi1_img
Beispiel #23
def split_exclusions(image, labels, exclusions, dilation=0, connectivity=1,
    """Ensure that no segment in 'labels' overlaps more than one exclusion."""
    labels = labels.copy()
    cur_label = labels.max()
    dilated_exclusions = exclusions.copy()
    foot = generate_binary_structure(exclusions.ndim, connectivity)
    for i in range(dilation):
        dilated_exclusions = grey_dilation(exclusions, footprint=foot)
    hashed = labels * (exclusions.max() + 1) + exclusions
    hashed[exclusions == 0] = 0
    violations = bincount(hashed.ravel()) > 1
    violations[0] = False
    if sum(violations) != 0:
        offending_labels = labels[violations[hashed]]
        mask = zeros(labels.shape, dtype=bool)
        for offlabel in offending_labels:
            mask += labels == offlabel
        if standard_seeds:
            seeds = label(mask * (image == 0))[0]
            seeds = label(mask * dilated_exclusions)[0]
        seeds[seeds > 0] += cur_label
        labels[mask] = watershed(image, seeds, connectivity, mask)[mask]
    return labels
Beispiel #24
def manual_split(probs, seg, body, seeds, connectivity=1, boundary_seeds=None):
    """Manually split a body from a segmentation using seeded watershed.

        - probs: the probability of boundary in the volume given.
        - seg: the current segmentation.
        - body: the label to be split.
        - seeds: the seeds for the splitting (should be just two labels).
        [-connectivity: the connectivity to use for watershed.]
        [-boundary_seeds: if not None, these locations become inf in probs.]
        - the segmentation with the selected body split.
    struct = generate_binary_structure(seg.ndim, connectivity)
    body_pixels = seg == body
    bbox = find_objects(body_pixels)[0]
    body_pixels = body_pixels[bbox]
    body_boundary = binary_dilation(body_pixels, struct) - body_pixels
    non_body_pixels = True - body_pixels - body_boundary
    probs = probs.copy()[bbox]
    probs[non_body_pixels] = probs.min()-1
    if boundary_seeds is not None:
        probs[boundary_seeds[bbox]] = probs.max()+1
    probs[body_boundary] = probs.max()+1
    seeds = label(seeds.astype(bool)[bbox], struct)[0]
    outer_seed = seeds.max()+1 # should be 3
    seeds[non_body_pixels] = outer_seed
    seg_new = watershed(probs, seeds, 
        dams=(seg==0).any(), connectivity=connectivity, show_progress=True)
    seg = seg.copy()
    new_seeds = unique(seeds)[:-1]
    for new_seed, new_label in zip(new_seeds, [0, body, seg.max()+1]):
        seg[bbox][seg_new == new_seed] = new_label
    return seg
Beispiel #25
def get_largest_two_component(img, prt = False, threshold = None):
    s = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3,2) # iterate structure
    labeled_array, numpatches = ndimage.label(img,s) # labeling
    sizes = ndimage.sum(img,labeled_array,range(1,numpatches+1))
    sizes_list = [sizes[i] for i in range(len(sizes))]
    #    print('component size', sizes_list, flush = True)
    if(len(sizes) == 1):
        return img
            out_img = np.zeros_like(img)
            for temp_size in sizes_list:
                if(temp_size > threshold):
                    temp_lab = np.where(sizes == temp_size)[0] + 1
                    temp_cmp = labeled_array == temp_lab
                    out_img = (out_img + temp_cmp) > 0
            return out_img
            max_size1 = sizes_list[-1]
            max_size2 = sizes_list[-2]
            max_label1 = np.where(sizes == max_size1)[0] + 1
            max_label2 = np.where(sizes == max_size2)[0] + 1
            component1 = labeled_array == max_label1
            component2 = labeled_array == max_label2
            #    print(max_size2, max_size1, max_size2/max_size1, flush = True)
            if(max_size2*10 > max_size1):
                component1 = (component1 + component2) > 0

            return component1
Beispiel #26
    def __init__(self, label_image=None, connectivity=1, data=None, **attr):

        super(RAG, self).__init__(data, **attr)
        if self.number_of_nodes() == 0:
            self.max_id = 0
            self.max_id = max(self.nodes_iter())

        if label_image is not None:
            fp = ndi.generate_binary_structure(label_image.ndim, connectivity)
            # In the next ``ndi.generic_filter`` function, the kwarg
            # ``output`` is used to provide a strided array with a single
            # 64-bit floating point number, to which the function repeatedly
            # writes. This is done because even if we don't care about the
            # output, without this, a float array of the same shape as the
            # input image will be created and that could be expensive in
            # memory consumption.
                output=as_strided(np.empty((1,), dtype=np.float_),
                                  strides=((0,) * label_image.ndim)),
Beispiel #27
def test_labeling():
    "Test cluster labeling"
    shape = flat_shape = (4, 20)
    pmap = np.empty(shape, np.float_)
    out = np.empty(shape, np.uint32)
    bin_buff = np.empty(shape, np.bool_)
    int_buff = np.empty(shape, np.uint32)
    struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
    struct[::2] = False
    conn = np.array([(0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 3)], np.uint32)
    criteria = None

    # some clusters
    pmap[:] = [[ 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0],
               [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0],
               [ 0, 3, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4],
               [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
    cids = _label_clusters(pmap, out, bin_buff, int_buff, 2, 0, struct, False,
                           flat_shape, conn, criteria)
    assert_equal(len(cids), 6)

    # some other clusters
    pmap[:] = [[ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0],
               [ 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
               [ 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 1, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0],
               [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
    cids = _label_clusters(pmap, out, bin_buff, int_buff, 2, 0, struct, False,
                           flat_shape, conn, criteria)
    assert_equal(len(cids), 6)
Beispiel #28
 def f_returnInternalEdge(self,cl_array):
     # Internal edge: Count of neighboring non-zero cell       
     kernel = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1) # Make a kernel
     kernel[1, 1] = 0
     b = ndimage.convolve(cl_array, kernel, mode="constant")
     n_interior = b[cl_array != 0].sum() # Number of interiror edges
     return n_interior
Beispiel #29
 def InDecPatch(self,which,amount):
     s = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2,1) # taxi-cab struct
     if which == 0:
         ras = ndimage.binary_dilation(self.cl_array,s,iterations=amount,border_value=0)
         ras = ndimage.binary_erosion(self.cl_array,s,iterations=amount,border_value=0)
Beispiel #30
def compute_sparsity(im):
    l_x = len(im)
    X, Y = np.ogrid[:l_x, :l_x]
    mask = ((X - l_x/2)**2 + (Y - l_x/2)**2 <= (l_x/2)**2)
    grad1 = ndimage.morphological_gradient(im, footprint=np.ones((3, 3)))
    grad2 = ndimage.morphological_gradient(im, footprint=ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1))
    return (grad1[mask] > 0).mean(), (grad2[mask] > 0).mean() 
Beispiel #31
def noise_cube(data,

    Makes an empirical estimate of the noise in a cube assuming that
    it is normally distributed about zero. Treats the spatial and
    spectral dimensions as separable.
    data : np.array
        Array of data (floats)
    mask : np.bool

        Boolean array with False indicating where data can be 
        used in the noise estimate. (i.e., True is signal)
    do_map : np.bool
        Estimate spatial variations in the noise. Default is True. If
        set to False, all locations in a plane have the same noise

    do_spec : np.bool
        Estimate spectral variations in the noise. Default is True. If
        set to False, all channels in a spectrum have the same noise

    box : int

        Spatial size of the box over which noise is calculated in
        pixels.  Default: no box, every pixel gets its own noise
    spec_box : int

        Spectral size of the box overwhich the noise is calculated.
        Default: no box, each channel gets its own noise estimate.
    nThresh : int
        Minimum number of data to be used in an individual noise estimate.
    iterations : int
        Number of times to iterate the noise solution to force Gaussian 
        statistics.  Default: no iterations.
    bandpass_smooth_window : int
        Number of channels used in bandpass smoothing kernel.  Defaults to 
        nChan / 4 where nChan number of channels.  Set to zero to suppress 
        smoothing. Uses Savitzky-Golay smoothing
    bandpass_smooth_order : int
        Polynomial order used in smoothing kernel.  Defaults to 3.

    # TBD: add error checking

    # Create a mask that identifies voxels to be fitting the noise

    noisemask = np.isfinite(data)
    if mask is not None:
        noisemask[mask] = False

    # Default the spatial step size to individual pixels

    step = 1
    halfbox = step // 2

    # If the user has supplied a spatial box size, recast this into a
    # step size that critically samples the box and a halfbox size
    # used for convenience.

    if box is not None:
        step = np.floor(box / 2.5).astype(
        halfbox = int(box // 2)

    # Include all pixels adjacent to the spatial
    # boundary of the data as set by NaNs
    boundary = np.all(np.isnan(data), axis=0)

    if oversample_boundary:
        struct = nd.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
        struct = nd.iterate_structure(struct, halfbox)
        rind = np.logical_xor(nd.binary_dilation(boundary, struct), boundary)
        extray, extrax = np.where(rind)
        extray, extrax = None, None

    # If the user has supplied a spectral box size, use this to
    # calculate a spectral step size.

    if spec_box is not None:
        spec_step = np.floor(spec_box / 2).astype(
        boxv = int(spec_box // 2)
        boxv = 0

    # Default the bandpass smoothing window

    if bandpass_smooth_window is None:
        bandpass_smooth_window = 2 * (data.shape[0] // 8) + 1

    # Initialize output to be used in the case of iterative
    # estimation.

    noise_cube_out = np.ones_like(data)

    # Iterate

    for ii in np.arange(iterations):

        if not do_map:

            # If spatial variations are turned off then estimate a
            # single value and fill the noise map with this value.

            noise_value = mad_zero_centered(data, mask=noisemask)
            noise_map = np.zeros(data.shape[1:]) + noise_value


            # Initialize map to be full of not-a-numbers
            noise_map = np.zeros(data.shape[1:]) + np.nan

            # Make a noise map

            xx = np.arange(data.shape[2])
            yy = np.arange(data.shape[1])

            # Sample starting at halfbox and stepping by step. In the
            # individual pixel limit this just samples every spectrum.

            xsamps = xx[halfbox::step]
            ysamps = yy[halfbox::step]
            xsampsf = (xsamps[np.newaxis, :] *
                       (np.ones_like(ysamps))[:, np.newaxis]).flatten()
            ysampsf = (ysamps[:, np.newaxis] * np.ones_like(xsamps)).flatten()

            for x, y in zip(xsampsf, ysampsf):
                # Extract a minicube and associated mask from the cube

                minicube = data[:, (y - halfbox):(y + halfbox + 1),
                                (x - halfbox):(x + halfbox + 1)]
                minicube_mask = noisemask[:, (y - halfbox):(y + halfbox + 1),
                                          (x - halfbox):(x + halfbox + 1)]

                # If we have enough data, fit a noise value for this entry

                if np.sum(minicube_mask) > nThresh:
                    noise_map[y, x] = mad_zero_centered(minicube,

            if extrax is not None and extray is not None:
                for x, y in zip(extrax, extray):

                    minicube = data[:, (y - halfbox):(y + halfbox + 1),
                                    (x - halfbox):(x + halfbox + 1)]
                    minicube_mask = noisemask[:,
                                              (y - halfbox):(y + halfbox + 1),
                                              (x - halfbox):(x + halfbox + 1)]

                    if np.sum(minicube_mask) > nThresh:
                        noise_map[y, x] = mad_zero_centered(minicube,

            noise_map[boundary] = np.nan

            # If we are using a box size greater than an individual pixel
            # interpolate to fill in the noise map.

            if halfbox > 0:

                # Note the location of data, this is the location
                # where we want to fill in noise values.
                data_footprint = np.any(np.isfinite(data), axis=0)

                # Generate a smoothing kernel based on the box size.
                kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(box / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)))

                # Make a weight map to be used in the convolution, in
                # this weight map locations with measured values have
                # unity weight. This without measured values have zero
                # weight.

                # wt_map = np.isfinite(noise_map).astype(np.float)
                # wt_map[boundary] = np.nan
                # Take an average weighted by the kernel at each
                # location.
                # noise_map[np.isnan(noise_map)] = 0.0
                # y, x = np.where(np.isfinite(noise_map))
                # import scipy.interpolate as interp
                # func = interp.interp2d(x, y, noise_map[y, x], kind='cubic')

                noise_map = convolve(noise_map, kernel, boundary='extend')

                # yy, xx = np.indices(noise_map.shape)
                # noise_map_beta = interp.griddata((y, x), noise_map[y,x],
                #                                  (yy, xx), method='cubic')
                # noise_map_beta = func(yy, xx)
                # noise_map_beta[boundary] = np.nan
                # noise_map = noise_map_beta
                # wt_map = convolve(wt_map, kernel, boundary='extend')

                # noise_map /= wt_map

                # Set the noise map to not-a-number outside the data
                # footprint.

                noise_map[~data_footprint] = np.nan
        # Initialize spectrum

        noise_spec = np.zeros(data.shape[0]) + np.nan

        if not do_spec:

            # If spectral variations are turned off then assume that
            # the noise_map describes all channels of the cube.



            # Loop over channels

            zz = np.arange(data.shape[0])
            for z in zz:

                # Idententify the range of channels to be considered
                # in this estimate.

                lowz = np.clip(z - boxv, 0, data.shape[0])
                hiz = np.clip(z + boxv + 1, 0, data.shape[0])

                # Extract a slab from the cube and normalize it by the
                # noise map. Now any measured noise variations are
                # relative to those in the noise map.

                slab = data[lowz:hiz, :, :] / noise_map[np.newaxis, :, :]
                slab_mask = noisemask[lowz:hiz, :, :]
                noise_spec[z] = mad_zero_centered(slab, mask=slab_mask)

            # Smooth the spectral variations in the noise.

            if bandpass_smooth_window > 0:

                # Initialize a Savitzky-Golay filter then run it over
                # the noise spectrum.

                kernel = savgol_coeffs(int(bandpass_smooth_window),

                baddata = np.isnan(noise_spec)
                noise_spec = convolve(noise_spec,
                noise_spec[baddata] = np.nan

                # Make sure that the noise spectrum is normalized by
                # setting the median to one.

                noise_spec /= np.nanmedian(noise_spec)

        # Combine the spatial and spectral variations into a
        # three-dimensional noise estimate.

        noise_cube = np.ones_like(data)
        noise_cube *= (noise_map[np.newaxis, :] *
                       noise_spec[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis])

        if iterations == 1:
            return (noise_cube)

            # If iterating, normalize the data by the current noise
            # estimate and scale the current noise cube by the new
            # estimate.

            data = data / noise_cube
            noise_cube_out *= noise_cube

    # If iterating return the iterated noise cube.

    return (noise_cube_out)
Beispiel #32
def recipe_phangs_noise(incube=None,

    Wrap noise_cube with a set of preferred parameters for the
    PHANGS-ALMA CO work.
    cube : np.array

        Array of data (floats)
    mask : np.bool

        Boolean array with False indicating where data can be used in
        the noise estimate. (i.e., True is signal).


    # &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%
    # Error checking and work out inputs
    # &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%

    if type(incube) is SpectralCube:
        cube = incube
    elif type(incube) == str:
        cube =
        logger.error("Input must be a SpectralCube object or a filename.")

    # Initialize an empty kwargs dictionary
    if noise_kwargs is None:
        noise_kwargs = {}

    # If no box is specified, default to one about two beams across
    if 'box' not in noise_kwargs:
        pixels_per_beam = cube.pixels_per_beam
        box = np.ceil(2.5 * pixels_per_beam**0.5)
        noise_kwargs['box'] = box

    # Default to an odd bandpass smothing window
    if 'bandpass_smooth_window' not in noise_kwargs:
        spectral_smooth = np.ceil(cube.shape[0] / 5) // 2 * 2 + 1
        noise_kwargs['bandpass_smooth_window'] = spectral_smooth

    if 'spec_box' not in noise_kwargs:
        noise_kwargs['spec_box'] = 5

    if 'iterations' not in noise_kwargs:
        noise_kwargs['iterations'] = 4

    # Require a valid cube input as a
    if mask is not None:
        if type(mask) is SpectralCube:
            noise_kwargs['mask'] = mask
        elif type(mask) == type("hello"):
            noise_kwargs['mask'] =
                "Mask must be a SpectralCube object or a filename or None.")

    # Fill in the mask if it hasn't already been filled in.
    if 'mask' not in noise_kwargs:

        # Check if a non-trivial signal mask is attached to the cube
        if (np.sum(cube.mask.include()) < np.sum(
            noise_kwargs['mask'] = cube.mask.include()
            noise_kwargs['mask'] = None

    # &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%
    # Run the noise estimate
    # &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%

    data = cube.filled_data[:].value
    badmask = np.isnan(data)
    badmask = nd.binary_dilation(badmask,
                                 structure=nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 2))
    data[badmask] = np.nan
    rms = noise_cube(data, **noise_kwargs)

    # &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%
    # Write or return as requested
    # &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%

    # In this case can avoid a recast
    if not return_spectral_cube and (outfile is None):
        return (rms)

    # Recast from numpy array to spectral cube
    header = cube.header
    header['DATAMIN'] = np.nanmin(rms)
    header['DATAMAX'] = np.nanmax(rms)
    header['COMMENT'] = 'Produced with PHANGS-ALMA pipeline version ' + version
    if tableversion:
            'COMMENT'] = 'Galaxy properties from PHANGS sample table version ' + tableversion
    rms = SpectralCube(rms,
                       meta={'BUNIT': cube.header['BUNIT']})

    # Write to disk, if desired
    if outfile is not None:
        rms.write(outfile, overwrite=overwrite)

    if return_spectral_cube:
        return (rms)
        return (rms.filled_data[:].value)
Beispiel #33
    def process(self, input=None, output_folder=None, progress_callback=None, filter=None,
                 _VISUAL_DEBUG=False, **kwargs):

        start = timer()
        # filename0 = path
        # filename0_without_path = os.path.basename(filename0)
        # filename0_without_ext = os.path.splitext(filename0_without_path)[0]
        # parent_dir_of_filename0 = os.path.dirname(filename0)
        # TA_output_filename = os.path.join(parent_dir_of_filename0, filename0_without_ext,
        #                                   'handCorrection.tif')  # TODO allow custom names here to allow ensemble methods
        # non_TA_final_output_name = os.path.join(output_folder, filename0_without_ext + '.tif')
        # filename_to_use_to_save = non_TA_final_output_name
        # if TA_mode:
        #     filename_to_use_to_save = TA_output_filename
        # if TA_mode:
        #     # try also to change path input name
        #     if os.path.exists(
        #             os.path.join(parent_dir_of_filename0, filename0_without_ext, 'raw_epyseg_output.tif')):
        #         path = os.path.join(parent_dir_of_filename0, filename0_without_ext, 'raw_epyseg_output.tif')

        # img_orig = Img(path)
        # print('analyzing', path, self.stop_now)
        # try:
        #     if self.progress_callback is not None:
        #         self.progress_callback.emit((iii / len(list_of_files)) * 100)
        #     else:
        # / len(list_of_files)) * 100) + '%')
        # except:
        #     traceback.print_exc()
        #     pass


        img_orig = input

        img_has_seeds = True
        # mask with several channels
        if img_orig.has_c():
            if restore_safe_cells:
                img_seg = img_orig[..., 0].copy()

            seeds_1 = img_orig[..., img_orig.shape[-1] - 1]
            seeds_1 = Img.invert(seeds_1)
            # seeds_1[seeds_1 >= 0.5] = 255
            # seeds_1[seeds_1 < 0.5] = 0
            seeds_1[seeds_1 >= 0.2] = 255  # TODO maybe be more stringent here
            seeds_1[seeds_1 < 0.2] = 0

            s = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
            seeds_1 = ndimage.grey_dilation(seeds_1, footprint=s)
            seeds_1 = ndimage.grey_dilation(seeds_1, footprint=s)
            seeds_1 = ndimage.grey_dilation(seeds_1, footprint=s)
            seeds_1 = ndimage.grey_erosion(seeds_1, footprint=s)
            seeds_1 = ndimage.grey_erosion(seeds_1, footprint=s)
            # seeds_1 = ndimage.grey_erosion(seeds_1, footprint=s)
            # seeds_1 = ndimage.grey_erosion(seeds_1, footprint=s)

            # for debug
            if _DEBUG:
                Img(seeds_1, dimensions='hw').save(
                    os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'wshed_seeds.tif'))  # not bad

            lab_seeds = label(seeds_1.astype(np.uint8), connectivity=2, background=0)
            for region in regionprops(lab_seeds):
                if region.area < 10:
                    for coordinates in region.coords:
                        lab_seeds[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0

            if _DEBUG:
                Img(seeds_1, dimensions='hw').save(
                    os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'wshed_seeds_deblobed.tif'))

            img_orig[..., 3] = Img.invert(img_orig[..., 3])
            img_orig[..., 4] = Img.invert(img_orig[..., 4])

            # seems to work --> now need to do the projection
            for c in range(1, img_orig.shape[-1] - 2):
                img_orig[..., 0] += img_orig[..., 1]

            img_orig[..., 0] /= img_orig.shape[-1] - 2
            img_orig = img_orig[..., 0]

            # mask with single channel
            img_has_seeds = False
            if restore_safe_cells:
                img_seg = img_orig.copy()

        if restore_safe_cells:
            if _DEBUG:
                print(os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'img_seg.tif'))
                Img(img_seg, dimensions='hw').save(
                    os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'img_seg.tif'))

        # for debug
        if _DEBUG:
            Img(img_orig, dimensions='hw').save(os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'avg.tif'))

        img_saturated = img_orig.copy()
        if img_has_seeds:
            img_saturated[img_saturated >= 0.5] = 255
            img_saturated[img_saturated < 0.5] = 0
            if restore_safe_cells:
                # TODO maybe do a safe image
                img_seg[img_seg >= 0.3] = 255
                img_seg[img_seg < 0.3] = 0
                secure_mask = img_seg
            img_saturated[img_saturated >= 0.3] = 255
            img_saturated[img_saturated < 0.3] = 0
            if restore_safe_cells:
                img_seg[img_seg >= 0.95] = 255
                img_seg[img_seg < 0.95] = 0
                secure_mask = img_seg

        # convert it to seeds and make sure they are all present in there
        # if pixel is not labeled then read it
        if restore_safe_cells:
            labels_n_area_rescue_seeds = {}
            rescue_seeds = label(Img.invert(secure_mask), connectivity=1, background=0)
            for region in regionprops(rescue_seeds):
                labels_n_area_rescue_seeds[region.label] = region.area
            if _DEBUG:
                Img(secure_mask, dimensions='hw').save(os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'secure_mask.tif'))
        # loop over those seeds to rescue

        # for debug
        if _DEBUG:
            Img(img_saturated, dimensions='hw').save(
                os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'handCorrection.tif'))

        deblob = True
        if deblob:
            image_thresh = label(img_saturated, connectivity=2, background=0)
            # for debug
            if _DEBUG:
                Img(image_thresh, dimensions='hw').save(
                    os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'before_deblobed.tif'))
            # deblob
            min_size = 200
            for region in regionprops(image_thresh):
                # take regions with large enough areas
                if region.area < min_size:
                    for coordinates in region.coords:
                        image_thresh[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0

            image_thresh[image_thresh > 0] = 255
            img_saturated = image_thresh
            # for debug
            if _DEBUG:
                Img(img_saturated, dimensions='hw').save(
                    os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'deblobed.tif'))
            del image_thresh

        # for debug
        if _DEBUG:
            Img(img_saturated, dimensions='hw').save(
                os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'deblobed_out.tif'))

        extra_dilations = True
        if extra_dilations:
            # do a dilation of 2 to close bonds
            s = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
            dilated = ndimage.grey_dilation(img_saturated, footprint=s)
            dilated = ndimage.grey_dilation(dilated, footprint=s)
            # Img(dilated, dimensions='hw').save(os.path.join(os.path.splitext(path)[0], 'filled_one_px_holes.tif'))

            # other_seeds = label(invert(np.grey_dilation(dilated, footprint=s).astype(np.uint8)), connectivity=1, background=0)

            labs = label(Img.invert(img_saturated.astype(np.uint8)), connectivity=1, background=0)
            for region in regionprops(labs):
                seeds = []

                # exclude tiny cells form dilation because they may end up completely closed
                if region.area >= 10 and region.area < 350:
                    for coordinates in region.coords:
                        dilated[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0
                    # pb when big cells around cause connections are not done
                    # preserve cells at edges because they have to e naturally smaller because they are cut
                    # put a size criterion too
                    if region.area < 100 and (
                            region.bbox[0] <= 1 or region.bbox[1] <= 1 or region.bbox[2] >= labs.shape[-2] - 2 or
                                3] >= \
                            labs.shape[-1] - 2):
                        # edge cell detected --> removing dilation
                        for coordinates in region.coords:
                            dilated[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0

            img_saturated = dilated
            # for debug
            if _DEBUG:
                Img(img_saturated, dimensions='hw').save(
                    os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'dilated_further.tif'))
            del dilated

        list_of_cells_to_dilate = []
        labs = label(Img.invert(img_saturated.astype(np.uint8)), connectivity=1, background=0)

        # c'est cette correction qui fixe bcp de choses mais recree aussi des choses qui n'existent pas... --> voir à quoi sont dus ces lignes blobs
        # faudrait redeblober
        if img_has_seeds:
            for region in regionprops(labs, intensity_image=img_orig):
                seeds = []

                if not extra_dilations and region.area < 10:

                # if small and no associated seeds --> remove it ??? maybe or not
                for coordinates in region.coords:
                    id = lab_seeds[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]]
                    if id != 0:

                seeds = set(seeds)

                if len(seeds) >= 2:
                    # we may have found an undersegmented cell --> try segment it better

        if len(list_of_cells_to_dilate) != 0:
            props = regionprops(labs, intensity_image=img_orig)
            for run in range(10):
                something_changed = False  # early stop

                for region in props:
                    if region.label not in list_of_cells_to_dilate:

                    # TODO recheck those values and wether it makes sense
                    threshold_values = [80 / 255, 60 / 255, 40 / 255, 30 / 255,
                                        20 / 255,
                                        10 / 255]  # 160 / 255, 140 / 255, 120 / 255, 100 / 255,  1 / 255 , 2 / 255, , 5 / 255

                        for threshold in threshold_values:
                            mask = region.image.copy()
                            image = region.image.copy()
                            image[region.intensity_image > threshold] = True
                            image[region.intensity_image <= threshold] = False
                            final = Img.invert(image.astype(np.uint8))
                            final[final < 255] = 0
                            final[mask == False] = 0
                            new_seeds = label(final, connectivity=1, background=0)
                            props2 = regionprops(new_seeds)
                            if len(props2) > 1:  # cell was resplitted into smaller
                                for r in props2:
                                    if r.area < 20:
                                        raise Exception

                                region.image[mask == False] = False
                                region.image[mask == True] = True
                                region.image[new_seeds > 0] = False
                                something_changed = True
                                for coordinates in region.coords:
                                    img_saturated[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 255
                            region.image[mask == False] = False
                            region.image[mask == True] = True
                            del final
                            del new_seeds

                if not something_changed:
                    # print('no more changes anymore --> quitting')

        # for debug
        if _DEBUG:
            Img(img_saturated, dimensions='hw').save(
                os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'saturated_mask4.tif'))

        final_seeds = label(Img.invert(img_saturated), connectivity=1,
                            background=0)  # keep like that otherwise creates tiny cells with erroneous wshed

        # for debug
        if _DEBUG:
            Img(final_seeds, dimensions='hw').save(
                os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'final_seeds_before.tif'))
        final_seeds = label(Img.invert(img_saturated), connectivity=2, background=0)  # is that needed ???
        # for debug
        if _DEBUG:
            Img(final_seeds, dimensions='hw').save(
                os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'final_seeds_before2.tif'))

        final_seeds[img_saturated == 255] = 0
        final_wshed = watershed(img_orig, markers=final_seeds,

        final_wshed[final_wshed != 0] = 1  # remove all seeds
        final_wshed[final_wshed == 0] = 255  # set wshed values to 255
        final_wshed[final_wshed == 1] = 0  # set all other cell content to

        # filename0 = os.path.basename(path)
        # parent_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path))

        if filter is None or filter == 0:
            # TODO maybe offer the choice between saving wshed on predict or on orig
            # Img(final_wshed, dimensions='hw').save(os.path.join(output_folder, os.path.splitext(filename0)[
            #     0]) + '.tif')  # need put original name here  TODO put image default name here
            # print('saving', filename_to_use_to_save)
            # Img(final_wshed.astype(np.uint8), dimensions='hw').save(filename_to_use_to_save)
            return final_wshed.astype(np.uint8)
            if isinstance(filter, int):
                filter_by_size = filter
                filter_by_size = None
            avg_area = 0
            count = 0
            if _DEBUG:
                Img(final_wshed, dimensions='hw').save(os.path.join(output_folder, 'extras', 'test_size_cells.tif'))

            final_seeds = Img.invert(final_wshed)
            final_seeds = label(final_seeds, connectivity=1, background=0)

            if _VISUAL_DEBUG:

            removed_seeds = []
            keep_seeds = []

            labels_n_bbox = {}
            labels_n_area = {}
            border_cells = []
            ids_n_local_median = {}
            correspondance_between_cur_seeds_and_safe_ones = {}

            if isinstance(filter, str) and 'local' in filter:
                rps = regionprops(final_seeds)

                for region in rps:
                    labels_n_bbox[region.label] = region.bbox
                    labels_n_area[region.label] = region.area
                    if (region.bbox[0] <= 3 or region.bbox[1] <= 3 or region.bbox[2] >= final_seeds.shape[-2] - 5 or
                                3] >= \
                            final_seeds.shape[-1] - 5):
                    if restore_safe_cells:
                        for coordinates in region.coords:
                            if rescue_seeds[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] != 0:  # do r
                                correspondance_between_cur_seeds_and_safe_ones[region.label] = rescue_seeds[
                                    coordinates[0], coordinates[1]]

                _, tiles = Img.get_2D_tiles_with_overlap(final_seeds, overlap=64, dimension_h=-2, dimension_w=-1)

                for r in tiles:
                    for tile in r:
                        rps2 = regionprops(tile)
                        for region in rps2:
                            if self.stop_now:

                            if region.label in border_cells:

                            if (region.bbox[0] <= 3 or region.bbox[1] <= 3 or region.bbox[2] >= final_seeds.shape[
                                -2] - 5 or
                                        3] >= \
                                    final_seeds.shape[-1] - 5):

                            area_of_neighboring_cells = []
                            for region2 in rps2:
                                if region2.label == region.label:
                                # find all cells with
                                if self.rect_distance(region.bbox, region2.bbox) <= 1:

                            if area_of_neighboring_cells:
                                median = statistics.median_low(area_of_neighboring_cells)
                                    region.label] = median / correction_factor
                                if region.area <= median / correction_factor:
                removed_seeds = [x for x in removed_seeds if x not in keep_seeds]

                # TODO offer the things below as an option --> prevent removal of sure seeds or something like that
                if restore_safe_cells:
                    removed_seeds_to_restore = []
                    for region in regionprops(final_seeds):
                        if region.label in removed_seeds:
                            first = True
                            for coordinates in region.coords:
                                if first and rescue_seeds[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] != 0:
                                    percent_diff = min(labels_n_area[region.label], labels_n_area_rescue_seeds[
                                        rescue_seeds[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]]]) / max(
                                        labels_n_area[region.label], labels_n_area_rescue_seeds[
                                            rescue_seeds[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]]])

                                    if (percent_diff >= 0.7 and percent_diff < 1.0) or (
                                            labels_n_area[region.label] <= 200 and (
                                            percent_diff >= 0.3 and percent_diff < 1.0)):
                                        if _DEBUG:
                                            print('0 finally not removing seed, safe seed', region.label,
                                                      rescue_seeds[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]]],
                                                  labels_n_area[region.label] / labels_n_area_rescue_seeds[
                                                      rescue_seeds[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]]],
                    removed_seeds = [x for x in removed_seeds if x not in removed_seeds_to_restore]
                areas = []

                for region in regionprops(final_seeds):
                    if (region.bbox[0] <= 3 or region.bbox[1] <= 3 or region.bbox[2] >= final_seeds.shape[-2] - 5 or
                            region.bbox[3] >= final_seeds.shape[-1] - 5):
                    avg_area += region.area
                    count += 1
                avg_area /= count

                median = statistics.median_low(areas)

                if isinstance(filter, int):
                    filter_by_size = filter
                elif 'avg' in filter:
                    filter_by_size = avg_area / correction_factor
                elif 'median' in filter:
                    filter_by_size = median / correction_factor
                # TODO maybe use stdev or alike to see if cell should really be removed
                if _DEBUG:
                    print('filter cells below=', filter_by_size, 'avg cell area=', avg_area, 'median=',
                          median)  # , 'median', median

                if filter_by_size is not None and filter_by_size != 0:

                    if _VISUAL_DEBUG:

                    for region in regionprops(final_seeds):
                        labels_n_bbox[region.label] = region.bbox
                        labels_n_area[region.label] = region.area
                        if region.area < filter_by_size:
                            if (region.bbox[0] <= 2 or region.bbox[1] <= 2 or region.bbox[2] >= labs.shape[
                                -2] - 3 or
                                        3] >= \
                                        -1] - 3):

            if cutoff_cell_fusion is not None and cutoff_cell_fusion > 1:
                cells_to_fuse = []

                for idx, removed_seed in enumerate(removed_seeds):
                    current_cells_to_fuse = set()
                    closest_pair = None
                    smallest_distance = None

                    for idx2 in range(idx + 1, len(removed_seeds)):
                        removed_seed2 = removed_seeds[idx2]

                        if closest_pair is None:
                            if self.rect_distance(labels_n_bbox[removed_seed], labels_n_bbox[removed_seed2]) <= 1:
                                closest_pair = removed_seed2
                                smallest_distance = self.rect_distance(labels_n_bbox[removed_seed],
                        elif self.rect_distance(labels_n_bbox[removed_seed],
                                                labels_n_bbox[removed_seed2]) <= smallest_distance:
                            closest_pair = removed_seed2
                            smallest_distance = self.rect_distance(labels_n_bbox[removed_seed],

                        if self.rect_distance(labels_n_bbox[removed_seed], labels_n_bbox[removed_seed2]) <= 1:

                    if current_cells_to_fuse:

                cells_to_fuse = [frozenset(i) for i in cells_to_fuse]
                cells_to_fuse = list(dict.fromkeys(cells_to_fuse))

                cells_to_keep = []
                if cutoff_cell_fusion is not None and cutoff_cell_fusion > 0:
                    superfuse = []

                    copy_of_cells_to_fuse = cells_to_fuse.copy()
                    for idx, fuse in enumerate(copy_of_cells_to_fuse):
                        current_fusion = set(fuse.copy())
                        changed = True
                        while changed:
                            changed = False
                            for idx2 in range(len(copy_of_cells_to_fuse) - 1, idx, -1):
                                fuse2 = copy_of_cells_to_fuse[idx2]
                                if idx2 == idx:
                                if fuse2.intersection(current_fusion):
                                    del copy_of_cells_to_fuse[idx2]
                                    changed = True

                    for sf in superfuse:
                        if len(sf) > cutoff_cell_fusion:
                            for val in sf:

                seeds_to_fuse = []

                cells_to_fuse = sorted(cells_to_fuse, key=len)
                for fuse in cells_to_fuse:
                    cumulative_area = 0
                    for _id in fuse:
                        if _id in cells_to_keep:
                            if _id in removed_seeds:
                        cumulative_area += labels_n_area[_id]
                    if filter_by_size is not None:
                        if cumulative_area >= filter_by_size:  #: #1200: #filter_by_size: # need hack this to get local area
                            for _id in fuse:
                                if _id in removed_seeds:
                        if cumulative_area >= ids_n_local_median[_id]:
                            for _id in fuse:
                                if _id in removed_seeds:

                # need recolor all the seeds in there with the new seed stuff
                for fuse in seeds_to_fuse:
                    for _id in fuse:
                    for region in regionprops(final_seeds):
                        if region.label in fuse:
                            for coordinates in region.coords:
                                final_seeds[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = _id

            if _VISUAL_DEBUG:

            for region in regionprops(final_seeds):
                if region.label in removed_seeds:
                    for coordinates in region.coords:
                        final_seeds[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0
            if _VISUAL_DEBUG:

            if _VISUAL_DEBUG:

            final_wshed = watershed(img_orig, markers=final_seeds, watershed_line=True)

            final_wshed[final_wshed != 0] = 1  # remove all seeds
            final_wshed[final_wshed == 0] = 255  # set wshed values to 255
            final_wshed[final_wshed == 1] = 0  # set all other cell content to
            if _VISUAL_DEBUG:
            # print('saving', filename_to_use_to_save)
            # Img(final_wshed.astype(np.uint8), dimensions='hw').save(filename_to_use_to_save)

            duration = timer() - start
            if _DEBUG:
                print('final duration wshed in secs', duration)

            return final_wshed.astype(np.uint8)  # is indeed a 2D image
Beispiel #34
def _deblend_source(data,
    Deblend a single labeled source.

    data : array_like
        The 2D array of the image.  The should be a cutout for a single
        source.  ``data`` should already be smoothed by the same filter
        used in :func:`~photutils.detect_sources`, if applicable.

    segment_img : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage`
        A cutout `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` object with
        the same shape as ``data``.  ``segment_img`` should contain only
        *one* source label.

    npixels : int
        The number of connected pixels, each greater than ``threshold``,
        that an object must have to be detected.  ``npixels`` must be a
        positive integer.

    nlevels : int, optional
        The number of multi-thresholding levels to use.  Each source
        will be re-thresholded at ``nlevels``, spaced exponentially or
        linearly (see the ``mode`` keyword), between its minimum and
        maximum values within the source segment.

    contrast : float, optional
        The fraction of the total (blended) source flux that a local
        peak must have to be considered as a separate object.
        ``contrast`` must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.  If ``contrast
        = 0`` then every local peak will be made a separate object
        (maximum deblending).  If ``contrast = 1`` then no deblending
        will occur.  The default is 0.001, which will deblend sources with
        a magnitude differences of about 7.5.

    mode : {'exponential', 'linear'}, optional
        The mode used in defining the spacing between the
        multi-thresholding levels (see the ``nlevels`` keyword).

    connectivity : {4, 8}, optional
        The type of pixel connectivity used in determining how pixels
        are grouped into a detected source.  The options are 4 or 8
        (default).  4-connected pixels touch along their edges.
        8-connected pixels touch along their edges or corners.  For
        reference, SExtractor uses 8-connected pixels.

    segment_image : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage`
        A 2D segmentation image, with the same shape as ``data``, where
        sources are marked by different positive integer values.  A
        value of zero is reserved for the background.

    from scipy import ndimage
    from skimage.morphology import watershed

    if nlevels < 1:
        raise ValueError('nlevels must be >= 1, got "{0}"'.format(nlevels))
    if contrast < 0 or contrast > 1:
        raise ValueError('contrast must be >= 0 or <= 1, got '

    if connectivity == 4:
        selem = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
    elif connectivity == 8:
        selem = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
        raise ValueError('Invalid connectivity={0}.  '
                         'Options are 4 or 8'.format(connectivity))

    segm_mask = ( > 0)
    source_values = data[segm_mask]
    source_min = np.min(source_values)
    source_max = np.max(source_values)
    if source_min == source_max:
        return segment_img  # no deblending
    if source_min < 0:
            'Source "{0}" contains negative values, setting '
            'deblending mode to "linear"'.format(segment_img.labels[0]),
        mode = 'linear'
    source_sum = float(np.sum(source_values))

    steps = np.arange(1., nlevels + 1)
    if mode == 'exponential':
        if source_min == 0:
            source_min = source_max * 0.01
        thresholds = source_min * ((source_max / source_min)**(steps /
                                                               (nlevels + 1)))
    elif mode == 'linear':
        thresholds = source_min + ((source_max - source_min) /
                                   (nlevels + 1)) * steps
        raise ValueError('"{0}" is an invalid mode; mode must be '
                         '"exponential" or "linear"')

    # create top-down tree of local peaks
    segm_tree = []
    for level in thresholds[::-1]:
        segm_tmp = detect_sources(data,
        if segm_tmp.nlabels >= 2:
            fluxes = []
            for i in segm_tmp.labels:
                fluxes.append(np.sum(data[segm_tmp == i]))
            idx = np.where((np.array(fluxes) / source_sum) >= contrast)[0]
            if len(idx >= 2):

    nbranch = len(segm_tree)
    if nbranch == 0:
        return segment_img
        for j in np.arange(nbranch - 1, 0, -1):
            intersect_mask = (segm_tree[j].data *
                              segm_tree[j - 1].data).astype(bool)
            intersect_labels = np.unique(segm_tree[j].data[intersect_mask])

            if segm_tree[j - 1].nlabels <= len(intersect_labels):
                segm_tree[j - 1] = segm_tree[j]
                # If a higher tree level has more peaks than in the
                # intersected label(s) with the level below, then remove
                # the intersected label(s) in the lower level, add the
                # higher level, and relabel.
                new_segments = segm_tree[j].data + segm_tree[j - 1].data
                new_segm, nsegm = ndimage.label(new_segments)
                segm_tree[j - 1] = SegmentationImage(new_segm)

        return SegmentationImage(
Beispiel #35
    def count_cells(self, rawim, probim, maskim):

        raw = rawim.copy()
        # binarize probability
        # THIS ASSUMES THAT probim HAS VALUE RANGE OF [0,255]!
        # This normalization is handled by Reader process
        binary = (probim > self.prob_threshold * 255)
        # apply mask
        binary[maskim] = 0

        # define connectivity
        struct = ndi.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
        # label objects
        lbl, _ = ndi.label(binary, struct)
        # unique ids and counts
        unique, counts = np.unique(lbl, return_counts=True)

        # if no object was found, continue
        if unique.max() == 0:
            return []

        # filter objects by its volume
        small, medium, large = [], [], []
        for uq, ct in zip(unique, counts):
            if uq == 0:
                continue  # skip zero!
            if ct <= self.min_volume:
                    uq, ct
                ])  # if object is smaller than mimimum size, it gets excluded
            elif self.min_volume < ct <= self.max_volume:
                medium.append([uq, ct])
                large.append([uq, ct])

        # list to store detected objects
        detected_obj = []

        # take care of medium objects
        obj_ids = [e[0] for e in medium]
        volumes = [e[1] for e in medium]
        if obj_ids:  # skip if empty
            coms = ndi.center_of_mass(binary, lbl, obj_ids)
            coms = np.array(coms).round().astype(  # convert to integer
            for i, com in enumerate(coms):
                this_idx = obj_ids[i]
                deltaI, bg = self._get_intensity(raw, lbl, this_idx, com,
                vol = volumes[i]
                obj = [com[2], com[1], com[0], deltaI, bg,
                       vol]  # X, Y, Z, intensity, volume

        # take care of large objects
        obj_ids = [e[0] for e in large]
        if obj_ids:  # skip if empty
            coms = self._com_large_obj(raw, lbl,
                                       obj_ids)  # centers of mass and its ID
            for com in coms:
                this_idx = com[3]
                xyz = com[0:3]
                deltaI, bg = self._get_intensity(
                vol = self.max_volume
                obj = [com[2], com[1], com[0], deltaI, bg,
                       vol]  # X, Y, Z, intensity, volume

        return detected_obj
Beispiel #36

dice = []
for f in files:
    gt_file = 'gt/' + f
    img_gt = nib.load(gt_file).get_data() > 0

    pred_file_1 = 'pred_whole_tumor_axial/' + f[:-12] + '_niftynet_out.nii.gz'
    pred_file_2 = 'pred_whole_tumor_coronal/' + f[:-12] + '_niftynet_out.nii.gz'
    pred_file_3 = 'pred_whole_tumor_sagittal/' + f[:-12] + '_niftynet_out.nii.gz'

    img_pred_1 = nib.load(pred_file_1).get_data()[..., 0, 1]
    img_pred_2 = nib.load(pred_file_2).get_data()[..., 0, 1]
    img_pred_3 = nib.load(pred_file_3).get_data()[..., 0, 1]

    img_pred = (img_pred_1 + img_pred_2 + img_pred_3) / 3.0
    #img_pred = img_pred_1
    #img_pred = img_pred_2
    #img_pred = img_pred_3
    img_pred = img_pred > 0.5
    struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 2)
    img_pred = ndimage.morphology.binary_closing(img_pred, structure=struct)
    img_pred = get_largest_two_component(img_pred, False, 2000)

    true_pos = np.float(np.sum(img_gt * img_pred))
    union = np.float(np.sum(img_gt) + np.sum(img_pred))
    d = true_pos * 2.0 / union
    print('%s: %s' % (f[:-12], d))
print('%s images mean %s std %s' % (len(dice), np.mean(dice), np.std(dice)))
Beispiel #37
def _binary_significant_features(radar,
                                 size_limits=(0, 300),
    Objectively determine the minimum echo feature size (in radar gates) and
    remove features smaller than this from the specified radar field. This
    function can be used to objectively remove salt and pepper noise from
    binary (mask) radar fields. Unexpected results may occur if the specified
    radar field is not a binary field.

    radar : Radar
        Radar object containing the specified binary field.
    binary_field : str
        The binary radar field that will have insignificant echo features
    size_bins : int, optional
        Number of bins used to bin echo feature sizes and thus define its
    size_limits : list or tuple, optional
        Limits of the echo feature size distribution. The upper limit needs to
        be large enough to include the minimum feature size. The size bin width
        is defined by both the size_bins and size_limits parameters.
    structure : array_like, optional
        Binary structuring element used to define connected features. The
        default structuring element has a squared connectivity equal to one.
    debug, verbose : bool, optional
        True to print debugging and progress information, respectively, False
        to suppress.


    # Parse binary structuring element
    if structure is None:
        structure = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)

    # Parse feature size arrays
    size_data = np.zeros_like(radar.fields[binary_field]['data'],
    feature_sizes = []

    for i, sweep in enumerate(radar.iter_slice()):

        # Parse radar sweep data
        # Non-zero elements of the array form the subset to be dilated
        data = radar.fields[binary_field]['data'][sweep]
        is_valid_gate =, 0)

        # Label the connected features in the sweep data and create index
        # array which defines each unique labeled feature
        labels, nlabels = ndimage.label(is_valid_gate,
        index = np.arange(1, nlabels + 1, 1)

        if debug:
            print 'Unique features in sweep {}: {}'.format(i, nlabels)

        # Compute the size in radar gates of each labeled feature
        sweep_sizes = ndimage.labeled_comprehension(is_valid_gate, labels,
                                                    index, np.count_nonzero,
                                                    np.int32, 0)

        # Set each labeled feature to its total size in radar gates
        for label, size in zip(index, sweep_sizes):
            size_data[sweep][labels == label] = size

    feature_sizes = np.hstack(feature_sizes)

    # Bin and count occurrences of labeled feature sizes
    # Compute bin centers and bin width
    counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(feature_sizes,
    bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges) / 2.0
    bin_width = np.diff(bin_edges).mean()

    if debug:
        print 'Feature size bin width: {} gate(s)'.format(bin_width)

    # Compute the peak of the labeled feature size distribution
    # We expect the peak of this distribution to be close to 1 radar gate
    peak_size = bin_centers[counts.argmax()] - bin_width / 2.0

    if debug:
        print 'Feature size at peak: {} gate(s)'.format(peak_size)

    # Determine the first instance when the count (sample size) of a feature
    # size bin reaches 0 in the right side of the feature size distribution
    # This will define the minimum feature size
    is_zero_size = np.logical_and(bin_centers > peak_size,
                                  np.isclose(counts, 0, atol=1.0e-5))
    min_size = bin_centers[is_zero_size].min() - bin_width / 2.0

    if debug:
        _range = [0.0, min_size]
        print 'Insignificant feature size range: {} gates'.format(_range)

    # Remove insignificant features from the binary radar field
    radar.fields[binary_field]['data'][size_data < min_size] = 0

Beispiel #38
def _raveled_offsets_and_distances(
    """Compute offsets to neighboring pixels in raveled coordinate space.

    This function also returns the corresponding distances from the center
    pixel given a spacing (assumed to be 1 along each axis by default).

    image_shape : tuple of int
        The shape of the image for which the offsets are being computed.
    footprint : array of bool
        The footprint of the neighborhood, expressed as an n-dimensional array
        of 1s and 0s. If provided, the connectivity argument is ignored.
    connectivity : {1, ..., ndim}
        The square connectivity of the neighborhood: the number of orthogonal
        steps allowed to consider a pixel a neighbor. See
        `scipy.ndimage.generate_binary_structure`. Ignored if footprint is
    center : tuple of int
        Tuple of indices to the center of the footprint. If not provided, it
        is assumed to be the center of the footprint, either provided or
        generated by the connectivity argument.
    spacing : tuple of float
        The spacing between pixels/voxels along each axis.
    order : 'C' or 'F'
        The ordering of the array, either C or Fortran ordering.

    raveled_offsets : ndarray
        Linear offsets to a samples neighbors in the raveled image, sorted by
        their distance from the center.
    distances : ndarray
        The pixel distances correspoding to each offset.

    This function will return values even if `image_shape` contains a dimension
    length that is smaller than `footprint`.

    >>> off, d = _raveled_offsets_and_distances(
    ...         (4, 5), footprint=np.ones((4, 3)), center=(1, 1)
    ...         )
    >>> off
    array([-5, -1,  1,  5, -6, -4,  4,  6, 10,  9, 11])
    >>> d[0]
    >>> d[-1]  # distance from (1, 1) to (3, 2)
    ndim = len(image_shape)
    if footprint is None:
        footprint = ndi.generate_binary_structure(rank=ndim,
    if center is None:
        center = tuple(s // 2 for s in footprint.shape)

    if not footprint.ndim == ndim == len(center):
        raise ValueError(
            "number of dimensions in image shape, footprint and its"
            "center index does not match")

    offsets = np.stack([(idx - c)
                        for idx, c in zip(np.nonzero(footprint), center)],

    if order == 'F':
        offsets = offsets[:, ::-1]
        image_shape = image_shape[::-1]
    elif order != 'C':
        raise ValueError("order must be 'C' or 'F'")

    # Scale offsets in each dimension and sum
    ravel_factors = image_shape[1:] + (1, )
    ravel_factors = np.cumprod(ravel_factors[::-1])[::-1]
    raveled_offsets = (offsets * ravel_factors).sum(axis=1)

    # Sort by distance
    if spacing is None:
        spacing = np.ones(ndim)
    weighted_offsets = offsets * spacing
    distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(weighted_offsets**2, axis=1))
    sorted_raveled_offsets = raveled_offsets[np.argsort(distances)]
    sorted_distances = np.sort(distances)

    # If any dimension in image_shape is smaller than footprint.shape
    # duplicates might occur, remove them
    if any(x < y for x, y in zip(image_shape, footprint.shape)):
        # np.unique reorders, which we don't want
        _, indices = np.unique(sorted_raveled_offsets, return_index=True)
        sorted_raveled_offsets = sorted_raveled_offsets[np.sort(indices)]
        sorted_distances = sorted_distances[np.sort(indices)]

    # Remove "offset to center"
    sorted_raveled_offsets = sorted_raveled_offsets[1:]
    sorted_distances = sorted_distances[1:]

    return sorted_raveled_offsets, sorted_distances
Beispiel #39
    lambda i, j: (i, -j), lambda i, j: (j, i)

def rotate(piece_type, pattern):
    return np.array(
        [rotate_func[pattern](i, j) for (i, j) in pieces[piece_type]],

def get_blocks(piece_type, pattern, location):
    x, y = location
    return rotate(piece_type, pattern) + [x, y]

struct4 = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
struct8 = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)

class Blokus(BaseState):
    init_pieces_sets = [set(), set(), set(), set()]
    init_player = 0
    num_players = 4

    def __init__(self,
        self.pieces_sets = pieces_sets
        self.current_player = current_player = self.get_legal()
Beispiel #40
def _resolve_neighborhood(footprint,
    """Validate or create a footprint (structuring element).

    Depending on the values of `connectivity` and `footprint` this function
    either creates a new footprint (`footprint` is None) using `connectivity`
    or validates the given footprint (`footprint` is not None).

    footprint : ndarray
        The footprint (structuring) element used to determine the neighborhood
        of each evaluated pixel (``True`` denotes a connected pixel). It must
        be a boolean array and have the same number of dimensions as `image`.
        If neither `footprint` nor `connectivity` are given, all adjacent
        pixels are considered as part of the neighborhood.
    connectivity : int
        A number used to determine the neighborhood of each evaluated pixel.
        Adjacent pixels whose squared distance from the center is less than or
        equal to `connectivity` are considered neighbors. Ignored if
        `footprint` is not None.
    ndim : int
        Number of dimensions `footprint` ought to have.
    enforce_adjacency : bool
        A boolean that determines whether footprint must only specify direct

    footprint : ndarray
        Validated or new footprint specifying the neighborhood.

    >>> _resolve_neighborhood(None, 1, 2)
    array([[False,  True, False],
           [ True,  True,  True],
           [False,  True, False]])
    >>> _resolve_neighborhood(None, None, 3).shape
    (3, 3, 3)
    if footprint is None:
        if connectivity is None:
            connectivity = ndim
        footprint = ndi.generate_binary_structure(ndim, connectivity)
        # Validate custom structured element
        footprint = np.asarray(footprint, dtype=bool)
        # Must specify neighbors for all dimensions
        if footprint.ndim != ndim:
            raise ValueError(
                "number of dimensions in image and footprint do not"
        # Must only specify direct neighbors
        if enforce_adjacency and any(s != 3 for s in footprint.shape):
            raise ValueError("dimension size in footprint is not 3")
        elif any((s % 2 != 1) for s in footprint.shape):
            raise ValueError("footprint size must be odd along all dimensions")

    return footprint
def test_morphology():
    show_content = False
    show_images = False

    el = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
    el_int = el.astype(
    if show_content:

    # 腐蚀:最小化滤镜
    a = np.zeros((7, 7),
    a[1:6, 2:5] = 1
    a_erosion1 = ndimage.binary_erosion(a).astype(a.dtype)
    a_erosion2 = ndimage.binary_erosion(a, structure=np.ones(
        (5, 5))).astype(a.dtype)
    if show_content:
    if show_images:
        image_arrays = [a, a_erosion1, a_erosion2]
        image_arrays = bin2gray(image_arrays)
        images = ndarray_2_image(image_arrays)
        pil_image_demo.plt_images(images, 3)

    # 膨胀:最大化滤镜
    a = np.zeros((5, 5))
    a[2, 2] = 1
    a_dilation = ndimage.binary_dilation(a).astype(a.dtype)
    if show_content:
    if show_images:
        image_arrays = [a, a_dilation]
        image_arrays = bin2gray(image_arrays)
        images = ndarray_2_image(image_arrays)
        pil_image_demo.plt_images(images, 3)

    # 开操作:腐蚀 + 膨胀
    square = np.zeros((32, 32))
    square[10:-10, 10:-10] = 1
    x, y = (32 * np.random.random((2, 20))).astype(
    square[x, y] = 1

    # 图像开操作
    open_square = ndimage.binary_opening(square)
    # 先腐蚀后膨胀
    eroded_square = ndimage.binary_erosion(square)
    reconstruction = ndimage.binary_propagation(eroded_square, mask=square)

    if show_images:
        image_arrays = [square, open_square, eroded_square, reconstruction]
        image_arrays = bin2gray(image_arrays)
        images = ndarray_2_image(image_arrays)
        pil_image_demo.plt_images(images, 2)
    def S2_PSF_optimization(self):
        self.h, self.v = mtile_cal(, self.lon)
        m = mgrs.MGRS()
        mg_coor = m.toMGRS(, self.lon, MGRSPrecision=4) = mg_coor[:5]
        #self.Hfiles = glob.glob(directory +'l_data/LC8%03d%03d%d*LGN00_sr_band1.tif'%(self.path, self.row, self.year))
        self.Hfile = os.getcwd() + '/s_data/%s/%s/%s/%d/%d/%d/0/' % (
            mg_coor[:2], mg_coor[2], mg_coor[3:5], self.year, self.month,
        #Lfile = glob.glob('m_data/MCD43A1.A%d%03d.h%02dv%02d.006.*.hdf'%(year,doy,h,v))[0]
        self.doy = datetime.datetime(self.year, self.month,
        self.Lfiles = [
            glob.glob('m_data/MCD43A1.A%d%03d.h%02dv%02d.006.*.hdf' %
                      (self.year, i, self.h, self.v))[0]
            for i in range(self.doy - 8, self.doy + 9)

        if glob.glob(self.Hfile + 'cloud.tif') == []:
            cl = classification(fhead=self.Hfile,
                                bands=(2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13),
            tifffile.imsave(self.Hfile + 'cloud.tif',
            self.H_data = np.repeat(np.repeat(cl.b12, 2, axis=1), 2, axis=0)
            del cl
            b12 = gdal.Open(self.Hfile + 'B12.jp2').ReadAsArray() * 0.0001
            self.H_data = np.repeat(np.repeat(b12, 2, axis=1), 2, axis=0)
   = tifffile.imread(self.Hfile + 'cloud.tif').astype(bool)
        cloud_cover = 1. * /
        cloud_cover = 1. * /
        if cloud_cover > 0.2:
            print 'Too much cloud, cloud proportion: %.03f !!' % cloud_cover
            mete = readxml('%smetadata.xml' % self.Hfile)
            self.sza = np.zeros(7)
            self.sza[:] = mete['mSz']
            self.saa = self.sza.copy()
            self.saa[:] = mete['mSa']
            self.vza = (mete['mVz'])[[1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12], ]
            self.vaa = (mete['mVa'])[[1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12], ]

            self.L_inds, self.H_inds = get_coords(, self.lon)
            self.Lx, self.Ly = self.L_inds
            self.Hx, self.Hy = self.H_inds

            angles = (self.sza[-1], self.vza[-1], (self.vaa - self.saa)[-1])

            if glob.glob(self.Lfiles[8][:-3] + 'L8.16days.pkl') == []:
                self.BRDF_16_days = np.array([get_brdf_six(Lfile,angles,bands=(7,), \
                                                  flag=None, Linds= self.L_inds) for Lfile in self.Lfiles]).squeeze()
                valid_range = (self.BRDF_16_days[:, 0, :] >=
                               0) & (self.BRDF_16_days[:, 0, :] <= 1)
                magic = 0.618034
                test = self.BRDF_16_days[:, 0, :].copy()
                test[~valid_range] = np.nan
                W = magic**self.BRDF_16_days[:, 1, :]
                W[self.BRDF_16_days[:, 1, :] > 1] = 0
                #smothed = smoothn(test, axis=0, isrobust=1, W=W, s=1)[0]
                         open(self.Lfiles[8][:-3] + 'L8.16days.pkl', 'w'))
                #pkl.dump(smothed, open(self.Lfiles[8][:-3]+'L8.16days.smoothed.pkl', 'w'))

                self.BRDF_16_days = pkl.load(
                    open(self.Lfiles[8][:-3] + 'L8.16days.pkl', 'r'))
                #smothed = pkl.load(open(self.Lfiles[8][:-3]+'L8.16days.smoothed.pkl', 'r'))

            struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
            dia_cloud = ndimage.binary_dilation(,

            mask = ~(self.H_data <= 0).astype('bool')
            small_mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(mask,
            self.val_mask = (~dia_cloud) & small_mask

            self.L_data = np.zeros(self.BRDF_16_days[8, 0, :].shape[0])
            self.L_data[:] = np.nan
            self.L_data[self.BRDF_16_days[8, 1, :] == 0] = self.BRDF_16_days[
                8, 0, :][self.BRDF_16_days[8, 1, :] == 0]
            #args = s, self.L_data,

            avker = np.ones((120, 120))
            navker = avker / avker.sum()
            self.s = signal.fftconvolve(self.H_data, navker, mode='same')
            self.s[~self.val_mask] = np.nan

            min_val = [-100, -100]
            max_val = [100, 100]

            ps, distributions = create_training_set(['xs', 'ys'],
            solved = parmap(self.op1, ps, nprocs=10)
            paras, costs = np.array([i[0] for i in solved
                                     ]), np.array([i[1] for i in solved])
            xs, ys = paras[costs == costs.min()][0]

            if costs.min() < 0.1:
                min_val = [5, 5, -15, xs - 5, ys - 5]
                max_val = [100, 100, 15, xs + 5, ys + 5]

                self.bounds = [5,
                               100], [5,
                                      100], [-15,
                                             15], [xs - 5,
                                                   xs + 5], [ys - 5, ys + 5]

                ps, distributions = create_training_set(
                    ['xstd', 'ystd', 'ang', 'xs', 'ys'],

                #ps = zip(xstd.ravel(), ystd.ravel())
                print 'Start solving...'

                self.solved = parmap(self.op, ps, nprocs=10)

                #costs = np.array([i[1] for i in self.solved])
                #paras = np.array([i[0] for i in self.solved])
                #min_mask = costs==costs.min()
                #min_costs = costs.min()
                #para = paras[min_mask]
                print self.solved
                return self.solved, self.BRDF_16_days
                print 'Cost is too large, plese check!', xs, ys, costs.min()
                return [[xs, ys, costs.min()], self.BRDF_16_days]
Beispiel #43

# Granulometry of synthetic image
# read binary simulated image, normalize it
I = imageio.imread("simulation.png") / 255
I = I[:, :, 2] > .5

granulometry(I, 35)

# Granulometry of real image
I = imageio.imread("poudre.bmp")

# segmentation
BW = I > 74
BW = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(BW)

# suppress small objects
se = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
m = ndimage.morphology.binary_opening(BW)
# opening by reconstruction
BW = ndimage.morphology.binary_propagation(m, mask=BW)

imageio.imwrite("segmentation_granulo.python.png", BW.astype('int'))

granulometry(BW, 20, filename="poudre")
Beispiel #44
def _permuted_ols_on_chunk(
    """Perform massively univariate analysis with permuted OLS on a data chunk.

    To be used in a parallel computing context.

    scores_original_data : array-like, shape=(n_descriptors, n_regressors)
        t-scores obtained for the original (non-permuted) data.

    tested_vars : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_regressors)
        Explanatory variates.

    target_vars : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_targets)
        fMRI data. F-ordered for efficient computations.

    thread_id : int
        process id, used for display.

    threshold : :obj:`float`
        Cluster-forming threshold in t-scale.
        This is only used for cluster-level inference.
        If ``masker`` is set to None, it will be ignored.

        .. versionadded::

    confounding_vars : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_covars), optional
        Clinical data (covariates).

    masker : None or :class:`~nilearn.maskers.NiftiMasker` or \
            :class:`nilearn.maskers.MultiNiftiMasker`, optional
        A mask to be used on the data.
        This is only used for cluster-level inference.
        If None, cluster-level inference will not be performed.

        .. versionadded::

    n_perm : int, optional
        Total number of permutations to perform, only used for
        display in this function. Default=10000.

    n_perm_chunk : int, optional
        Number of permutations to be performed. Default=10000.

    intercept_test : boolean, optional
        Change the permutation scheme (swap signs for intercept,
        switch labels otherwise). See :footcite:`Fisher1935`.

    two_sided_test : boolean, optional
        If True, performs an unsigned t-test. Both positive and negative
        effects are considered; the null hypothesis is that the effect is zero.
        If False, only positive effects are considered as relevant. The null
        hypothesis is that the effect is zero or negative.

    random_state : int or None, optional
        Seed for random number generator, to have the same permutations
        in each computing units.

    verbose : int, optional
        Defines the verbosity level. Default=0.

    scores_as_ranks_part : array-like, shape=(n_regressors, n_descriptors)
        The ranks of the original scores in ``h0_fmax_part``.
        When ``n_descriptors`` or ``n_perm`` are large, it can be quite long to
        find the rank of the original scores into the whole H0 distribution.
        Here, it is performed in parallel by the workers involved in the
        permutation computation.

    h0_fmax_part : array-like, shape=(n_perm_chunk, n_regressors)
        Distribution of the (max) t-statistic under the null hypothesis
        (limited to this permutation chunk).

    h0_csfwe_part, h0_cmfwe_part : array-like, \
            shape=(n_perm_chunk, n_regressors)
        Distribution of max cluster sizes/masses under the null hypothesis.
        Only calculated if ``masker`` is not None.
        Otherwise, these will both be None.

        .. versionadded::

    .. footbibliography::

    # initialize the seed of the random generator
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)

    n_samples, n_regressors = tested_vars.shape
    n_descriptors = target_vars.shape[1]

    # run the permutations
    t0 = time.time()
    h0_vfwe_part = np.empty((n_regressors, n_perm_chunk))
    vfwe_scores_as_ranks_part = np.zeros((n_regressors, n_descriptors))
    if threshold is not None:
        h0_csfwe_part = np.empty((n_regressors, n_perm_chunk))
        h0_cmfwe_part = np.empty((n_regressors, n_perm_chunk))
        bin_struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
        h0_csfwe_part, h0_cmfwe_part = None, None

    for i_perm in range(n_perm_chunk):
        if intercept_test:
            # sign swap (random multiplication by 1 or -1)
            target_vars = (
                target_vars * (rng.randint(2, size=(n_samples, 1)) * 2 - 1)

            # shuffle data
            # Regarding computation costs, we choose to shuffle testvars
            # and covars rather than fmri_signal.
            # Also, it is important to shuffle tested_vars and covars
            # jointly to simplify t-scores computation (null dot product).
            shuffle_idx = rng.permutation(n_samples)
            tested_vars = tested_vars[shuffle_idx]
            if confounding_vars is not None:
                confounding_vars = confounding_vars[shuffle_idx]

        # OLS regression on randomized data
        perm_scores = np.asfortranarray(
                tested_vars, target_vars, confounding_vars

        if threshold is not None:
            arr4d = masker.inverse_transform(perm_scores.T).get_fdata()
                h0_csfwe_part[:, i_perm],
                h0_cmfwe_part[:, i_perm],
            ) = _calculate_cluster_measures(

        # find the rank of the original scores in h0_vfwe_part
        # (when n_descriptors or n_perm are large, it can be quite long to
        #  find the rank of the original scores into the whole H0 distribution.
        #  Here, it is performed in parallel by the workers involved in the
        #  permutation computation)
        # NOTE: This is not done for the cluster-level methods.
        if two_sided_test:
            # Get maximum absolute value for voxel-level FWE
            h0_vfwe_part[:, i_perm] = np.nanmax(np.fabs(perm_scores), axis=0)
            vfwe_scores_as_ranks_part += (
                h0_vfwe_part[:, i_perm].reshape((-1, 1))
                < np.fabs(scores_original_data).T
            # Get maximum value for voxel-level FWE
            h0_vfwe_part[:, i_perm] = np.nanmax(perm_scores, axis=0)
            vfwe_scores_as_ranks_part += (
                h0_vfwe_part[:, i_perm].reshape((-1, 1))
                < scores_original_data.T

        if verbose > 0:
            step = 11 - min(verbose, 10)
            if i_perm % step == 0:
                # If there is only one job, progress information is fixed
                if n_perm == n_perm_chunk:
                    crlf = '\r'
                    crlf = '\n'

                percent = float(i_perm) / n_perm_chunk
                percent = round(percent * 100, 2)
                dt = time.time() - t0
                remaining = (100. - percent) / max(0.01, percent) * dt
                    f'Job #{thread_id}, processed {i_perm}/{n_perm_chunk} '
                    f'permutations ({percent:0.2f}%, {remaining} seconds '

    return (
Beispiel #45
def count_lesions(netseg, target, thresh):
    Comparing segmentations volumetrically
    Connected component analysis of between prediction `netseg` and ground truth `target` across lesion bin sizes.
    :param netseg: network output on range [0,1], shape=(NxMxO)
    :type netseg: float16, float32, float64
    :param target: ground truth labels, shape=(NxMxO)
    :type target: int16
    :param thresh: threshold to binarize prediction `h`
    :type thresh: float16, float32, float64
    :return: dict

    **************** Courtesy of Tanya Nair ********************

    netseg[netseg >= thresh] = 1
    netseg[netseg < thresh] = 0
    netseg = netseg[0]
    target = target[0]
    mask_target = np.zeros((target.shape[1], target.shape[2], target.shape[3]))
    for lesion in range(target.shape[0]):
        mask_target += target[lesion]

    # To Test netseg = gt_mask (should get ROC as tpr = 1 and fdr = 0 everywhere)
    target, _ = utils.remove_tiny_les(mask_target, nvox=2)
    netseg0 = netseg.copy()
    netseg = ndimage.binary_dilation(netseg, structure=ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 2))
    labels = {}
    nles = {}
    labels['target'], nles['target'] = ndimage.label(target)
    labels['netseg'], nles['netseg'] = ndimage.label(netseg)
    found_h = np.ones(nles['netseg'], np.int16)
    ntp = {'all': 0, 'small': 0, 'med': 0, 'large': 0}
    nfp = {'all': 0, 'small': 0, 'med': 0, 'large': 0}
    nfn = {'all': 0, 'small': 0, 'med': 0, 'large': 0}
    nb_les = {'all': 0, 'small': 0, 'med': 0, 'large': 0}
    nles_gt = {'all': nles['target'], 'small': 0, 'med': 0, 'large': 0}

    # Go through ground truth segmentation masks and count true positives/false negatives
    for i in range(1, nles['target'] + 1):
        gt_lesion_size = np.sum(target[labels['target'] == i])
        nles_gt[utils.get_lesion_bin(gt_lesion_size)] += 1
        # List of detected lesions in this area
        h_lesions = np.unique(labels['netseg'][labels['target'] == i])
        # All the voxels in this area contribute to detecting the lesion
        nb_overlap = netseg[labels['target'] == i].sum()
        if nb_overlap >= 3 or nb_overlap >= 0.5 * gt_lesion_size:
            nb_les[utils.get_lesion_bin(gt_lesion_size)] += 1
            ntp[utils.get_lesion_bin(gt_lesion_size)] += 1
            for h_lesion in h_lesions:
                if h_lesion != 0:
                    found_h[h_lesion - 1] = 0
            nfn[utils.get_lesion_bin(gt_lesion_size)] += 1

    for i in range(1, nles['netseg'] + 1):
        nb_vox = np.sum(netseg0[labels['netseg'] == i])
        if found_h[i - 1] == 1:
            nfp[utils.get_lesion_bin(nb_vox)] += 1

    nb_les['all'] = nb_les['small'] + nb_les['med'] + nb_les['large']
    ntp['all'] = ntp['small'] + ntp['med'] + ntp['large']
    nfp['all'] = nfp['small'] + nfp['med'] + nfp['large']
    nfn['all'] = nfn['small'] + nfn['med'] + nfn['large']

    tpr = {}
    fdr = {}
    for s in ntp.keys():
        # tpr (sensitivity)
        if nb_les[s] != 0:
            tpr[s] = ntp[s] / nb_les[s]
        elif nb_les[s] == 0 and ntp[s] == 0:
            tpr[s] = 1
            tpr[s] = 0
        # ppv (1-fdr)
        if ntp[s] + nfp[s] != 0:
            ppv = ntp[s] / (ntp[s] + nfp[s])
        elif ntp[s] == 0:
            ppv = 1
            ppv = 0
        fdr[s] = 1 - ppv
    return {'ntp': ntp, 'nfp': nfp, 'nfn': nfn, 'fdr': fdr, 'tpr': tpr, 'nles': nb_les, 'nles_gt': nles_gt}
Beispiel #46
def permuted_ols(
    """Massively univariate group analysis with permuted OLS.

    Tested variates are independently fitted to target variates descriptors
    (e.g. brain imaging signal) according to a linear model solved with an
    Ordinary Least Squares criterion.
    Confounding variates may be included in the model.
    Permutation testing is used to assess the significance of the relationship
    between the tested variates and the target variates
    :footcite:`Anderson2001`, :footcite:`Winkler2014`.
    A max-type procedure is used to obtain family-wise corrected p-values
    based on t-statistics (voxel-level FWE), cluster sizes, and cluster masses.

    The specific permutation scheme implemented here is the one of
    :footcite:`Freedman1983`. Its has been demonstrated in
    :footcite:`Anderson2001` that this scheme conveys more sensitivity than
    alternative schemes. This holds for neuroimaging applications, as
    discussed in details in :footcite:`Winkler2014`.

    Permutations are performed on parallel computing units.
    Each of them performs a fraction of permutations on the whole dataset.
    Thus, the max t-score amongst data descriptors can be computed directly,
    which avoids storing all the computed t-scores.

    The variates should be given C-contiguous.
    ``target_vars`` are fortran-ordered automatically to speed-up computations.

    tested_vars : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_regressors)
        Explanatory variates, fitted and tested independently from each others.

    target_vars : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_descriptors)
        fMRI data to analyze according to the explanatory and confounding

        In a group-level analysis, the samples will typically be voxels
        (for volumetric data) or vertices (for surface data), while the
        descriptors will generally be images, such as run-wise z-statistic

    confounding_vars : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_covars), optional
        Confounding variates (covariates), fitted but not tested.
        If None, no confounding variate is added to the model
        (except maybe a constant column according to the value of

    model_intercept : :obj:`bool`, optional
        If True, a constant column is added to the confounding variates
        unless the tested variate is already the intercept.

    n_perm : :obj:`int`, optional
        Number of permutations to perform.
        Permutations are costly but the more are performed, the more precision
        one gets in the p-values estimation.
        If ``n_perm`` is set to 0, then no p-values will be estimated.

    two_sided_test : :obj:`bool`, optional
        If True, performs an unsigned t-test. Both positive and negative
        effects are considered; the null hypothesis is that the effect is zero.
        If False, only positive effects are considered as relevant. The null
        hypothesis is that the effect is zero or negative. Default=True.

    random_state : :obj:`int` or None, optional
        Seed for random number generator, to have the same permutations
        in each computing units.

    n_jobs : :obj:`int`, optional
        Number of parallel workers.
        If -1 is provided, all CPUs are used.
        A negative number indicates that all the CPUs except (abs(n_jobs) - 1)
        ones will be used. Default=1.

    verbose : :obj:`int`, optional
        verbosity level (0 means no message). Default=0.

    masker : None or :class:`~nilearn.maskers.NiftiMasker` or \
            :class:`~nilearn.maskers.MultiNiftiMasker`, optional
        A mask to be used on the data.
        This is required for cluster-level inference, so it must be provided
        if ``threshold`` is not None.

        .. versionadded::

    threshold : None or :obj:`float`, optional
        Cluster-forming threshold in p-scale.
        This is only used for cluster-level inference.
        If None, cluster-level inference will not be performed.

        .. warning::

            Performing cluster-level inference will increase the computation
            time of the permutation procedure.

        .. versionadded::

    output_type : {'legacy', 'dict'}, optional
        Determines how outputs should be returned.
        The two options are:

        -   'legacy': return a pvals, score_orig_data, and h0_fmax.
            This option is the default, but it is deprecated until 0.13,
            when the default will be changed to 'dict'.
            It will be removed in 0.15.
        -   'dict': return a dictionary containing output arrays.
            This option will be made the default in 0.13.

        .. deprecated::

            The default value for this parameter will change from 'legacy' to
            'dict' in 0.13, and the parameter will be removed completely in

        .. versionadded::

    pvals : array-like, shape=(n_regressors, n_descriptors)
        Negative log10 p-values associated with the significance test of the
        n_regressors explanatory variates against the n_descriptors target
        variates. Family-wise corrected p-values.

        .. note::

            This is returned if ``output_type`` == 'legacy'.

        .. deprecated::

            The 'legacy' option for ``output_type`` is deprecated.
            The default value will change to 'dict' in 0.13,
            and the ``output_type`` parameter will be removed in 0.15.

    score_orig_data : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n_regressors, n_descriptors)
        t-statistic associated with the significance test of the n_regressors
        explanatory variates against the n_descriptors target variates.
        The ranks of the scores into the h0 distribution correspond to the

        .. note::

            This is returned if ``output_type`` == 'legacy'.

        .. deprecated::

            The 'legacy' option for ``output_type`` is deprecated.
            The default value will change to 'dict' in 0.13,
            and the ``output_type`` parameter will be removed in 0.15.

    h0_fmax : array-like, shape=(n_regressors, n_perm)
        Distribution of the (max) t-statistic under the null hypothesis
        (obtained from the permutations). Array is sorted.

        .. note::

            This is returned if ``output_type`` == 'legacy'.

        .. deprecated::

            The 'legacy' option for ``output_type`` is deprecated.
            The default value will change to 'dict' in 0.13,
            and the ``output_type`` parameter will be removed in 0.15.

        .. versionchanged::

            Return H0 for all regressors, instead of only the first one.

    outputs : :obj:`dict`
        Output arrays, organized in a dictionary.

        .. note::

            This is returned if ``output_type`` == 'dict'.
            This will be the default output starting in version 0.13.

        .. versionadded::

        Here are the keys:

        ============= ============== ==========================================
        key           shape          description
        ============= ============== ==========================================
        t             (n_regressors, t-statistic associated with the
                      n_descriptors) significance test of the n_regressors
                                     explanatory variates against the
                                     n_descriptors target variates.
                                     The ranks of the scores into the h0
                                     distribution correspond to the p-values.
        logp_max_t    (n_regressors, Negative log10 p-values associated with
                      n_descriptors) the significance test of the n_regressors
                                     explanatory variates against the
                                     n_descriptors target variates.
                                     Family-wise corrected p-values, based on
        h0_max_t      (n_regressors, Distribution of the max t-statistic under
                      n_perm)        the null hypothesis (obtained from the
                                     permutations). Array is sorted.
        logp_max_size (n_regressors, Negative log10 p-values associated with
                      n_descriptors) the cluster-level significance test of the
                                     n_regressors explanatory variates against
                                     the n_descriptors target variates.
                                     Family-wise corrected, cluster-level
                                     p-values, based on ``h0_max_size``.

                                     Returned only if ``masker`` is not None.
        h0_max_size   (n_regressors, Distribution of the max cluster size value
                      n_perm)        under the null hypothesis (obtained from
                                     the permutations). Array is sorted.

                                     Returned only if ``masker`` is not None.
        logp_max_mass (n_regressors, Negative log10 p-values associated with
                      n_descriptors) the cluster-level significance test of the
                                     n_regressors explanatory variates against
                                     the n_descriptors target variates.
                                     Family-wise corrected, cluster-level
                                     p-values, based on ``h0_max_mass``.

                                     Returned only if ``masker`` is not None.
        h0_max_mass   (n_regressors, Distribution of the max cluster mass value
                      n_perm)        under the null hypothesis (obtained from
                                     the permutations). Array is sorted.

                                     Returned only if ``masker`` is not None.
        ============= ============== ==========================================

    .. footbibliography::

    # initialize the seed of the random generator
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)

    # check n_jobs (number of CPUs)
    if n_jobs == 0:  # invalid according to joblib's conventions
        raise ValueError(
            "'n_jobs == 0' is not a valid choice. "
            "Please provide a positive number of CPUs, or -1 for all CPUs, "
            "or a negative number (-i) for 'all but (i-1)' CPUs "
            "(joblib conventions)."
    elif n_jobs < 0:
        n_jobs = max(1, joblib.cpu_count() - int(n_jobs) + 1)
        n_jobs = min(n_jobs, joblib.cpu_count())

    if (threshold is not None) and (masker is None):
        raise ValueError(
            'If "threshold" is not None, masker must be defined as well.'
    elif (threshold is None) and (masker is not None):
            'If "threshold" is not set, then masker will be ignored.'

    if (threshold is not None) and (output_type == 'legacy'):
            'If "threshold" is not None, "output_type" must be set to "dict". '
        output_type = 'dict'
    elif output_type == 'legacy':
                'The "legacy" output structure for "permuted_ols" is '
                'deprecated. '
                'The default output structure will be changed to "dict" '
                'in version 0.13.'

    # make target_vars F-ordered to speed-up computation
    if target_vars.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "'target_vars' should be a 2D array. "
            f"An array with {target_vars.ndim} dimension(s) was passed."

    target_vars = np.asfortranarray(target_vars)  # efficient for chunking
    n_descriptors = target_vars.shape[1]
    if np.any(np.all(target_vars == 0, axis=0)):
            "Some descriptors in 'target_vars' have zeros across all samples. "
            "These descriptors will be ignored during null distribution "

    # check explanatory variates' dimensions
    if tested_vars.ndim == 1:
        tested_vars = np.atleast_2d(tested_vars).T

    n_samples, n_regressors = tested_vars.shape

    # check if explanatory variates is intercept (constant) or not
    if (n_regressors == 1 and np.unique(tested_vars).size == 1):
        intercept_test = True
        intercept_test = False

    # optionally add intercept
    if model_intercept and not intercept_test:
        if confounding_vars is not None:
            confounding_vars = np.hstack(
                (confounding_vars, np.ones((n_samples, 1))))
            confounding_vars = np.ones((n_samples, 1))

    # OLS regression on original data
    if confounding_vars is not None:
        # step 1: extract effect of covars from target vars
        covars_orthonormalized = _orthonormalize_matrix(confounding_vars)
        if not covars_orthonormalized.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            # useful to developer
            warnings.warn('Confounding variates not C_CONTIGUOUS.')
            covars_orthonormalized = np.ascontiguousarray(

        targetvars_normalized = _normalize_matrix_on_axis(
            target_vars).T  # faster with F-ordered target_vars_chunk
        if not targetvars_normalized.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            # useful to developer
            warnings.warn('Target variates not C_CONTIGUOUS.')
            targetvars_normalized = np.ascontiguousarray(targetvars_normalized)

        beta_targetvars_covars =
            targetvars_normalized, covars_orthonormalized
        targetvars_resid_covars = targetvars_normalized -
            beta_targetvars_covars, covars_orthonormalized.T)
        targetvars_resid_covars = _normalize_matrix_on_axis(
            targetvars_resid_covars, axis=1

        # step 2: extract effect of covars from tested vars
        testedvars_normalized = _normalize_matrix_on_axis(
            tested_vars.T, axis=1
        beta_testedvars_covars =
            testedvars_normalized, covars_orthonormalized
        testedvars_resid_covars = testedvars_normalized -
            beta_testedvars_covars, covars_orthonormalized.T)
        testedvars_resid_covars = _normalize_matrix_on_axis(
            testedvars_resid_covars, axis=1

        n_covars = confounding_vars.shape[1]

        targetvars_resid_covars = _normalize_matrix_on_axis(target_vars).T
        testedvars_resid_covars = _normalize_matrix_on_axis(tested_vars).copy()
        covars_orthonormalized = None
        n_covars = 0

    # check arrays contiguousity (for the sake of code efficiency)
    if not targetvars_resid_covars.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
        # useful to developer
        warnings.warn('Target variates not C_CONTIGUOUS.')
        targetvars_resid_covars = np.ascontiguousarray(targetvars_resid_covars)

    if not testedvars_resid_covars.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
        # useful to developer
        warnings.warn('Tested variates not C_CONTIGUOUS.')
        testedvars_resid_covars = np.ascontiguousarray(testedvars_resid_covars)

    # step 3: original regression (= regression on residuals + adjust t-score)
    # compute t score map of each tested var for original data
    # scores_original_data is in samples-by-regressors shape
    scores_original_data = _t_score_with_covars_and_normalized_design(

    if threshold is not None:
        # determine t-statistic threshold
        dof = n_samples - (n_regressors + n_covars)
        if two_sided_test:
            threshold_t = stats.t.isf(threshold / 2, df=dof)
            threshold_t = stats.t.isf(threshold, df=dof)
        threshold_t = None

    # Permutations
    # parallel computing units perform a reduced number of permutations each
    if n_perm > n_jobs:
        n_perm_chunks = np.asarray([n_perm / n_jobs] * n_jobs, dtype=int)
        n_perm_chunks[-1] += n_perm % n_jobs

    elif n_perm > 0:
            f'The specified number of permutations is {n_perm} and the number '
            f'of jobs to be performed in parallel has set to {n_jobs}. '
            f'This is incompatible so only {n_perm} jobs will be running. '
            'You may want to perform more permutations in order to take the '
            'most of the available computing resources.'
        n_perm_chunks = np.ones(n_perm, dtype=int)

    # 0 or negative number of permutations => original data scores only
    elif output_type == 'legacy':
        return np.asarray([]), scores_original_data.T, np.asarray([])
        return {'t': scores_original_data.T}

    # actual permutations, seeded from a random integer between 0 and maximum
    # value represented by np.int32 (to have a large entropy).
    ret = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose)(
            thread_id=thread_id + 1,
            random_state=rng.randint(1, np.iinfo(np.int32).max - 1),
        for thread_id, n_perm_chunk in enumerate(n_perm_chunks))

    # reduce results
        vfwe_h0_parts,  # maximum t-value null distribution
        csfwe_h0_parts,  # cluster size null distribution
        cmfwe_h0_parts,  # cluster mass null distribution
    ) = zip(*ret)

    # Voxel-level FWE
    vfwe_h0 = np.hstack((vfwe_h0_parts))
    vfwe_scores_as_ranks = np.zeros((n_regressors, n_descriptors))
    for vfwe_scores_as_ranks_part in vfwe_scores_as_ranks_parts:
        vfwe_scores_as_ranks += vfwe_scores_as_ranks_part

    vfwe_pvals = (n_perm + 1 - vfwe_scores_as_ranks) / float(1 + n_perm)

    if threshold is not None:
        # Cluster-size and cluster-mass FWE
        cluster_dict = {}  # a dictionary to collect mass/size measures

        cluster_dict['size_h0'] = np.hstack((csfwe_h0_parts))
        cluster_dict['mass_h0'] = np.hstack((cmfwe_h0_parts))

        cluster_dict['size'] = np.zeros_like(vfwe_pvals).astype(int)
        cluster_dict['mass'] = np.zeros_like(vfwe_pvals)
        cluster_dict['size_pvals'] = np.zeros_like(vfwe_pvals)
        cluster_dict['mass_pvals'] = np.zeros_like(vfwe_pvals)

        scores_original_data_4d = masker.inverse_transform(
        bin_struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)

        for i_regressor in range(n_regressors):
            scores_original_data_3d = scores_original_data_4d[..., i_regressor]

            # Label the clusters for both cluster mass and size inference
            labeled_arr3d, _ = ndimage.measurements.label(
                scores_original_data_3d > threshold_t,

            if two_sided_test:
                # Label positive and negative clusters separately
                n_positive_clusters = np.max(labeled_arr3d)
                temp_labeled_arr3d, _ = ndimage.measurements.label(
                    scores_original_data_3d < -threshold_t,
                    temp_labeled_arr3d > threshold_t
                ] += n_positive_clusters
                labeled_arr3d = labeled_arr3d + temp_labeled_arr3d
                del temp_labeled_arr3d

            cluster_labels, idx, cluster_dict['size_regressor'] = np.unique(
            assert cluster_labels[0] == 0  # the background

            # Replace background's "cluster size" w zeros
            cluster_dict['size_regressor'][0] = 0

            # Calculate mass for each cluster
            cluster_dict['mass_regressor'] = np.zeros(cluster_labels.shape)
            for j_val in cluster_labels[1:]:  # skip background
                cluster_mass = np.sum(
                    np.fabs(scores_original_data_3d[labeled_arr3d == j_val])
                    - threshold_t
                cluster_dict['mass_regressor'][j_val] = cluster_mass

            # Calculate p-values from size/mass values and associated h0s
            for metric in ['mass', 'size']:
                p_vals = _null_to_p(
                    cluster_dict[f'{metric}_h0'][i_regressor, :],
                p_map = p_vals[np.reshape(idx, labeled_arr3d.shape)]
                metric_map = cluster_dict[f'{metric}_regressor'][
                    np.reshape(idx, labeled_arr3d.shape)

                # Convert 3D to image, then to 1D
                # There is a problem if the masker performs preprocessing,
                # so we use apply_mask here.
                cluster_dict[f'{metric}_pvals'][i_regressor, :] = np.squeeze(
                cluster_dict[metric][i_regressor, :] = np.squeeze(

    if output_type == 'legacy':
        outputs = (-np.log10(vfwe_pvals), scores_original_data.T, vfwe_h0)
        outputs = {
            't': scores_original_data.T,
            'logp_max_t': -np.log10(vfwe_pvals),
            'h0_max_t': vfwe_h0,

        if threshold is not None:
            outputs['size'] = cluster_dict['size']
            outputs['logp_max_size'] = -np.log10(cluster_dict['size_pvals'])
            outputs['h0_max_size'] = cluster_dict['size_h0']
            outputs['mass'] = cluster_dict['mass']
            outputs['logp_max_mass'] = -np.log10(cluster_dict['mass_pvals'])
            outputs['h0_max_mass'] = cluster_dict['mass_h0']

    return outputs
Beispiel #47
# Scipy Measurements Label with boundary correction

import scipy.ndimage as sn
import numpy as n

default_struct = sn.generate_binary_structure(3, 3)

def clean_tuples(tuples):
    return sorted(set([(min(pair), max(pair)) for pair in tuples]))

def merge_tuples_unionfind(tuples):
    # use classic algorithms union find with path compression
    parent_dict = {}

    def subfind(x):
        # update roots while visiting parents
        if parent_dict[x] != x:
            parent_dict[x] = subfind(parent_dict[x])
        return parent_dict[x]

    def find(x):
        if x not in parent_dict:
            # x forms new set and becomes a root
            parent_dict[x] = x
            return x
        if parent_dict[x] != x:
            # follow chain of parents of parents to find root
            parent_dict[x] = subfind(parent_dict[x])
Beispiel #48
3)_struct_zeros: structure = np.zeros((3,3,3)),other default
4)_blocks_two: no_of_blocks=2,other default
5)_blocks_ten: no_of_blocks=10,other default
6)_fakeghost_one: fakeghost=1 ,other default : will turn to 2 because fakeghost need to be >=2
7)_fakeghost_four: fakeghost=4 ,other default
from scipy.sparse import random
import time as t
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
import os, sys
import unittest
import voxel as vc

structure = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)  #np.ones((3,3,3))
    input_dvar = np.load("dense_array.npy", mmap_mode="r")
    print("creating dense input array will take time...")
    input_dvar = random(400, 160000, density=0.7, dtype="float64")
    input_dvar = input_dvar.todense()
    input_dvar = np.array(input_dvar)
    input_dvar = np.reshape(input_dvar, (400, 400, 400))"dense_array.npy", input_dvar)

# creating sparse input array
    input_svar = np.load("sparse_array.npy", mmap_mode="r")
    print("creating sparse input array will take time...")
Beispiel #49
    def _raw_to_displayed(self, raw):
        """Determine displayed image from a saved raw image and a saved seed.

        This function ensures that the 0 label gets mapped to the 0 displayed

        raw : array or int
            Raw integer input image.

        image : array
            Image mapped between 0 and 1 to be displayed.
        if self._color_lookup_func is None:
            max_val = np.max(raw)
            self._color_lookup_func = self._get_color_lookup_func(raw, max_val)
        if (not self.show_selected_label
                and self._color_mode == LabelColorMode.DIRECT):
            u, inv = np.unique(raw, return_inverse=True)
            image = np.array([
                self._label_color_index[x] if x in self._label_color_index else
                self._label_color_index[None] for x in u
        elif (not self.show_selected_label
              and self._color_mode == LabelColorMode.AUTO):
            image = self._color_lookup_func(raw)
        elif (self.show_selected_label
              and self._color_mode == LabelColorMode.AUTO):
            image = self._color_lookup_func(raw, self._selected_label)
        elif (self.show_selected_label
              and self._color_mode == LabelColorMode.DIRECT):
            selected = self._selected_label
            if selected not in self._label_color_index:
                selected = None
            index = self._label_color_index
            image = np.where(
                raw == selected,
                    raw != self._background_label,
            raise ValueError("Unsupported Color Mode")

        if self.contour > 0 and raw.ndim == 2:
            image = np.zeros_like(raw)
            struct_elem = ndi.generate_binary_structure(raw.ndim, 1)
            thickness = self.contour
            thick_struct_elem = ndi.iterate_structure(struct_elem,
            boundaries = ndi.grey_dilation(
                raw, footprint=struct_elem) != ndi.grey_erosion(
                    raw, footprint=thick_struct_elem)
            image[boundaries] = raw[boundaries]
            image = self._all_vals[image]
        elif self.contour > 0 and raw.ndim > 2:
                    "Contours are not displayed during 3D rendering",

        return image
Beispiel #50
def threshold_map(img,
    Cluster-extent threshold and binarize image.

    img : img_like or array_like
        Image object or 3D array to be clustered
    min_cluster_size : int
        Minimum cluster size (in voxels)
    threshold : float or None, optional
        Cluster-defining threshold for img. If None (default), assume img is
        already thresholded.
    mask : (S,) array_like or None, optional
        Boolean array for masking resultant data array. Default is None.
    binarize : bool, optional
        Default is True.
    sided : {'two', 'one', 'bi'}, optional
        How to apply thresholding. One-sided thresholds on the positive side.
        Two-sided thresholds positive and negative values together. Bi-sided
        thresholds positive and negative values separately. Default is 'two'.
    if not isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
        arr = img.get_data()
        arr = img.copy()

    if mask is not None:
        mask = mask.astype(bool)
        arr *= mask.reshape(arr.shape)

    clust_thresholded = np.zeros(arr.shape, int)

    if sided == 'two':
        test_arr = np.abs(arr)
        test_arr = arr.copy()

    # Positive values (or absolute values) first
    if threshold is not None:
        thresh_arr = test_arr >= threshold
        thresh_arr = test_arr > 0

    # 6 connectivity
    struc = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
    labeled, _ = ndimage.label(thresh_arr, struc)
    unique, counts = np.unique(labeled, return_counts=True)
    clust_sizes = dict(zip(unique, counts))
    clust_sizes = {
        k: v
        for k, v in clust_sizes.items() if v >= min_cluster_size
    for i_clust in clust_sizes.keys():
        if np.all(thresh_arr[labeled == i_clust] == 1):
            if binarize:
                clust_thresholded[labeled == i_clust] = 1
                clust_thresholded[labeled == i_clust] = arr[labeled == i_clust]

    # Now negative values *if bi-sided*
    if sided == 'bi':
        if threshold is not None:
            thresh_arr = test_arr <= (-1 * threshold)
            thresh_arr = test_arr < 0

        labeled, _ = ndimage.label(thresh_arr, struc)
        unique, counts = np.unique(labeled, return_counts=True)
        clust_sizes = dict(zip(unique, counts))
        clust_sizes = {
            k: v
            for k, v in clust_sizes.items() if v >= min_cluster_size
        for i_clust in clust_sizes.keys():
            if np.all(thresh_arr[labeled == i_clust] == 1):
                if binarize:
                    clust_thresholded[labeled == i_clust] = 1
                    clust_thresholded[labeled == i_clust] = arr[labeled ==

    # reshape to (S,)
    clust_thresholded = clust_thresholded.ravel()

    # if mask provided, mask output
    if mask is not None:
        clust_thresholded = clust_thresholded[mask]

    return clust_thresholded
Beispiel #51
    def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None):
        inten = ImageManager.get(para['inten'])
        if not para['slice']:
            imgs = [inten.img]
            msks = [ips.img]
            msks = ips.imgs
            imgs = inten.imgs
            if len(msks) == 1:
                msks *= len(imgs)
        buf = imgs[0].astype(np.uint16)
        strc = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(
            2, 1 if para['con'] == '4-connect' else 2)
        idct = ['Max', 'Min', 'Mean', 'Variance', 'Standard', 'Sum']
        key = {
            'Max': 'max',
            'Min': 'min',
            'Mean': 'mean',
            'Variance': 'var',
            'Standard': 'std',
            'Sum': 'sum'
        idct = [i for i in idct if para[key[i]]]
        titles = ['Slice', 'ID'][0 if para['slice'] else 1:]
        if para['center']: titles.extend(['Center-X', 'Center-Y'])
        if para['extent']: titles.extend(['Min-Y', 'Min-X', 'Max-Y', 'Max-X'])
        k = ips.unit[0]
        data, mark = [], {'type': 'layers', 'body': {}}
        # data,mark=[],[]
        for i in range(len(imgs)):
            n = ndimage.label(msks[i], strc, output=buf)
            index = range(1, n + 1)
            dt = []
            if para['slice']: dt.append([i] * n)

            xy = ndimage.center_of_mass(imgs[i], buf, index)
            xy = np.array(xy).round(2).T
            if para['center']: dt.extend([xy[1] * k, xy[0] * k])

            boxs = [None] * n
            if para['extent']:
                boxs = ndimage.find_objects(buf)
                boxs = [(i[1].start + (i[1].stop - i[1].start) / 2,
                         i[0].start + (i[0].stop - i[0].start) / 2,
                         i[1].stop - i[1].start, i[0].stop - i[0].start)
                        for i in boxs]
                for j in (0, 1, 2, 3):
                    dt.append([i[j] * k for i in boxs])
            if para['max']:
                dt.append(ndimage.maximum(imgs[i], buf, index).round(2))
            if para['min']:
                dt.append(ndimage.minimum(imgs[i], buf, index).round(2))
            if para['mean']:
                dt.append(ndimage.mean(imgs[i], buf, index).round(2))
            if para['var']:
                dt.append(ndimage.variance(imgs[i], buf, index).round(2))
            if para['std']:
                    ndimage.standard_deviation(imgs[i], buf, index).round(2))
            if para['sum']:
                dt.append(ndimage.sum(imgs[i], buf, index).round(2))

            layer = {'type': 'layer', 'body': []}
            xy = np.int0(xy).T
            texts = [(i[1], i[0]) + ('id=%d' % n, )
                     for i, n in zip(xy, range(len(xy)))]
            layer['body'].append({'type': 'texts', 'body': texts})
            if para['extent']:
                layer['body'].append({'type': 'rectangles', 'body': boxs})
            mark['body'][i] = layer


        IPy.show_table(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=titles),
                       inten.title + '-region statistic')
        inten.mark = GeometryMark(mark)
        inten.update = True
Beispiel #52
def clusterization(images: torch.Tensor, size=256, padding=70):

    imgs = images.cpu().numpy().squeeze()
    pattern = generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
    coord_result, prob_result = [], []

    # print("img sum:", images.sum(dim=[1,2,3]).max())
    # t1 = time.time()

    # for sample in range(imgs.shape[0]):
    def compute(sample):
        x, y = np.where((imgs[sample] > 1e-6))
        measure_mask = np.zeros((2, size, size))
        measure_mask[0, x, y] = 1
        measure_mask[1, x, y] = imgs[sample, x, y]
        labeled_array, num_features = label(measure_mask[0], structure=pattern)
        # if num_features > 75:
        #     print(num_features)

        x_coords, y_coords, prob_value = [], [], []
        sample_centroids_coords, sample_probs_value = [], []

        for i in range(1, num_features + 1):
            x_clust, y_clust = np.where(labeled_array == i)
            x_coords.append(np.average(x_clust) / size)
            y_coords.append(np.average(y_clust) / size)
            prob_value.append(np.sum(measure_mask[1, x_clust, y_clust]))
            assert (measure_mask[1, x_clust, y_clust].all() != 0)
            # print("PROB_VALUE ", prob_value)

        [x_coords.append(0) for i in range(padding - len(x_coords))]
        [y_coords.append(0) for i in range(padding - len(y_coords))]
        [prob_value.append(0) for i in range(padding - len(prob_value))]

        sample_centroids_coords.append([x_coords, y_coords])

        sample_centroids_coords = np.transpose(
            np.array(sample_centroids_coords), axes=(0, 2, 1))
        sample_probs_value = np.array(sample_probs_value)

        # coord_result.append(sample_centroids_coords)
        # assert(sample_probs_value.sum() != 0)
        # assert(sample_probs_value.all() / sample_probs_value.sum() >= 0)
        # prob_result.append(sample_probs_value / sample_probs_value.sum())
        return x_coords, y_coords, sample_probs_value / (
            sample_probs_value.sum() + 1e-8)
        #return sample_centroids_coords,  sample_probs_value / (sample_probs_value.sum() + 1e-8)

    processed_list = Parallel(n_jobs=16)(delayed(compute)(i)
                                         for i in range(imgs.shape[0]))

    for x, y, p in processed_list:
  [:, None], torch.tensor(x)[:, None]),
                      dim=1)[None, ...])
    # print(time.time() - t1)

    return ProbabilityMeasure(
        torch.tensor(np.concatenate(prob_result, axis=0)).type(torch.float32),
Beispiel #53
    def getLength(
            self, segments, boundaries, contacts, ids=None, distance='b2b', 
            structElConn=1, line='straight', position=False):
        Calculates lengts of segments specified by (args) segments and ids. The
        segments can contact exactly one or two boundaries. 

        In the one boundary case, the length is calculated as the maximal 
        distance between segment points and the contact region, that is using 
        the 'straight' line mode. (The distance between a point and a contact 
        region is the distance between the point and its closest contact point.)

        In the two boundary case, there are two possibilities. If the line mode 
        is 'straight', the length is calculated as a smallest straight 
        (Euclidean) distance between points on the two contact regions. 
        Otherwise, in the 'mid' or 'mid-seg' line modes, the length is 
        calculated as a smallest sum of distances between a 'central' and two 
        contact points. A central point has to belong to the intersection of 
        the segment and a central layer formed exactly in the middle between 
        the two boundaries. In other words, the sum of distances is minimized 
        over all contact and mid points. 

        The difference between the 'mid' and the 'mid-seg' modes is that in the 
        'mid-seg' mode the layers between the boundaries are formed on the 
        segment alone, while in the 'mid' mode they are formed on both the 
        segment and the neighboring inter-boundary region. Consequently, the 
        layers formed using the 'mid-seg' mode and the distance calculated, 
        might be a bit more precise.  

        If argument distance is 'b2b' (two boundaries) or 'b-max' 
        (one boundary), contact points are elements of boundaries that contact 
        a segment, so the length is calculated between the boundaries. If it is 
        'c2c' (two boundaries) or 'c-max' (one boundary), contact points are 
        elements of segments that contact a boundary. Consequently, the lengths 
        calculated in the 'b2b' or 'b-max' modes are expected to be up to two 
        pixels longer than those calculated in the 'c2c' or 'c-max' modes. 

        In the case of two boundaries, the length is calculated between
        the contact points on the boundary (first end) and the segment 
        (second end) dor arg distance 'b2c' and the other way round for 'c2b'.

        Arguments line and distance are saved as attributes lengthLine and 
        contactMode, respectivly.

        If arg position is True, the positions of contact points (contact and 
        end point for one boundary) are also calculated, generally increasing 
        the run-time.
        Segments and boundaries objects have to have the same positioning 
        (attributes offset and inset). 

          - segments: (Segment) object containing segments whose langths are
          - bondaries: (Segment) object defining boundaries
          - contacts: (Contact) object containing the info about the contacts
          between the segments and the boundaries
          - ids: segment ids
          - distance: for two boundaries: 'b2b' (or 'boundary') for 
          distance between contact points on boundaries, 'c2c' (or 'contact') 
          between contact points on segments, 'b2c' between boundary and 
          segment contacts and 'c2b' between segment and boundary contacts. 
          For one boundary: 'b-max' and 'c-max'.
          - structElConn: (square) connectivity of the structuring element used
          to detect contacts (can be 1 to ndim).
          - line: The type of the line used to calculate the distance in the
          2-boundary cases: 'straight', 'mid' or 'mid-seg'
          - position: flag indicating if the positions of the contact points
          used for the length measurment are calculated and returned, used only
          - length: if pos is False
          - length, position_contact, position_other: in the one boundary case
          - length, position_1, position_2: in the two boundary case

        ToDo: make something like an average of b2b and c2c

        # set segments and ids
        self.setSegments(segments=segments, ids=ids)
        ids = self.ids
        # set structuring element
        struct_el = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(
            rank=self.ndim, connectivity=structElConn)
        # figure out expected number of boundaries
        if (distance == 'b-max') or (distance == 'c-max'):
            n_bound = 1
        elif ((distance == 'b2b') or (distance == 'boundary') 
              or (distance == 'c2c') or (distance == 'contact') 
              or (distance == 'b2c') or (distance == 'c2b')):
            n_bound = 2
            n_bound = -1
            raise ValueError(
                "Argument distance: " + str(distance) + "  was not understood."
                + "Defined values are 'b2b', 'boundary', 'c2c', 'contact', "
                + "'b2c' and 'c2c', 'b-max' and 'c-max'.")

        # save original insets
        seg_data, seg_inset = segments.getDataInset()
        seg_inset = copy(seg_inset)
        bound_data, bound_inset = boundaries.getDataInset()
        bound_inset = copy(bound_inset)

        # find length for each segment
        length = numpy.zeros(self.maxId+1) - 1
        if position:
            position_1 = numpy.zeros((self.maxId+1, self.ndim), dtype='int') - 1
            position_2 = numpy.zeros((self.maxId+1, self.ndim), dtype='int') - 1
        for seg_id in ids:

            # find boundaries
            b_ids = contacts.findBoundaries(segmentIds=seg_id, nSegment=1)

            # use appropriate method to get the length of this segment
            if len(b_ids) == n_bound:

                # use smaller arrays for calculations
                segments.makeInset(ids=[seg_id], extend=1, expand=True)
                    inset=segments.inset, mode='abs', expand=True)

                # calculate 
                if n_bound == 1:
                    res = self._getSingleLength1Bound(
                        segments=segments, boundaries=boundaries, 
                        boundaryIds=b_ids, id_=seg_id, distance=distance, 
                        structEl=struct_el, line=line, position=position)
                elif n_bound == 2:
                    res = self._getSingleLength2Bound(
                        segments=segments, boundaries=boundaries, 
                        boundaryIds=b_ids, id_=seg_id, distance=distance, 
                        structEl=struct_el, line=line, position=position)
                # parse result
                if position:
                    length[seg_id] = res[0]
                    position_1[seg_id] = [pos + ins.start for pos, ins \
                                              in zip(res[1], segments.inset)]
                    position_2[seg_id] = [pos + ins.start for pos, ins \
                                              in zip(res[2], segments.inset)]
                    length[seg_id] = res

                # recover full data
                segments.setDataInset(data=seg_data, inset=seg_inset)
                boundaries.setDataInset(data=bound_data, inset=bound_inset)

        # assign attributes
        self.length = length
        self.lengthLine = line
        self.contactMode = distance
        if position:
            self.end1 = position_1
            self.end2 = position_2

        # return
        if position:
            return length, position_1, position_2
            return length
Beispiel #54
def get_largest_component(img):
    s = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)  # iterate structure
    labeled_array, numpatches = ndimage.label(img, s)  # labeling
    sizes = ndimage.sum(img, labeled_array, range(1, numpatches + 1))
    max_label = np.where(sizes == sizes.max())[0] + 1
    return labeled_array == max_label
Beispiel #55
def rag_boundary(labels, edge_map, connectivity=2):
    """ Comouter RAG based on region boundaries

    Given an image's initial segmentation and its edge map this method
    constructs the corresponding Region Adjacency Graph (RAG). Each node in the
    RAG represents a set of pixels within the image with the same label in
    `labels`. The weight between two adjacent regions is the average value
    in `edge_map` along their boundary.

    labels : ndarray
        The labelled image.
    edge_map : ndarray
        This should have the same shape as that of `labels`. For all pixels
        along the boundary between 2 adjacent regions, the average value of the
        corresponding pixels in `edge_map` is the edge weight between them.
    connectivity : int, optional
        Pixels with a squared distance less than `connectivity` from each other
        are considered adjacent. It can range from 1 to `labels.ndim`. Its
        behavior is the same as `connectivity` parameter in

    >>> from skimage import data, segmentation, filters, color
    >>> from skimage.future import graph
    >>> img = data.chelsea()
    >>> labels = segmentation.slic(img)
    >>> edge_map = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img))
    >>> rag = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edge_map)


    conn = ndi.generate_binary_structure(labels.ndim, connectivity)
    eroded = ndi.grey_erosion(labels, footprint=conn)
    dilated = ndi.grey_dilation(labels, footprint=conn)
    boundaries0 = (eroded != labels)
    boundaries1 = (dilated != labels)
    labels_small = np.concatenate((eroded[boundaries0], labels[boundaries1]))
    labels_large = np.concatenate((labels[boundaries0], dilated[boundaries1]))
    n = np.max(labels_large) + 1

    # use a dummy broadcast array as data for RAG
    ones = as_strided(np.ones((1,), dtype=np.float), shape=labels_small.shape,
    count_matrix = sparse.coo_matrix((ones, (labels_small, labels_large)),
                                     dtype=np.int_, shape=(n, n)).tocsr()
    data = np.concatenate((edge_map[boundaries0], edge_map[boundaries1]))

    data_coo = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (labels_small, labels_large)))
    graph_matrix = data_coo.tocsr() /=

    rag = RAG()

    for n in rag.nodes():
        rag.node[n].update({'labels': [n]})

    return rag
Beispiel #56
        codes = np.take(lut, neighbours)
        code_mask = (codes == 2)
        if np.any(code_mask):
            pixel_removed = True
            skeleton[code_mask] = 0
        code_mask = (codes == 3)
        if np.any(code_mask):
            pixel_removed = True
            skeleton[code_mask] = 0

    return skeleton.astype(bool)

# --------- Skeletonization by medial axis transform --------

_eight_connect = ndi.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)

def medial_axis(image, mask=None, return_distance=False):
    Compute the medial axis transform of a binary image

    image : binary ndarray, shape (M, N)
        The image of the shape to be skeletonized.
    mask : binary ndarray, shape (M, N), optional
        If a mask is given, only those elements in `image` with a true
        value in `mask` are used for computing the medial axis.
    return_distance : bool, optional
        If true, the distance transform is returned as well as the skeleton.
Beispiel #57
def run_paintGrid(pd,
                  omePeriod=(-np.pi, np.pi),
    wrapper for indexer.paintGrid
    del_ome = omeEta.omegas[1] - omeEta.omegas[0]
    del_eta = omeEta.etas[1] - omeEta.etas[0]

    # tolerances in degrees...  I know, pathological
    if omeTol is None:
        omeTol = 360. / float(fiber_ndiv)
    if etaTol is None:
        etaTol = 360. / float(fiber_ndiv)

    # must be consistent
    pd_hkl_ids = omeEta.iHKLList[seed_hkl_ids]

    tTh = pd.getTTh()
    bMat = pd.latVecOps['B']
    csym = pd.getLaueGroup()
    qsym = pd.getQSym()

    if useGrid is not None:
            print "loading quaternion grid file: %s" % (useGrid)
            qfib = np.loadtxt(useGrid).T
            raise RuntimeError, "unable to load quaternion grid file"
        structureNDI_label = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
        qfib = []
        ii = 0
        jj = fiber_ndiv
        print "labeling maps..."
        labels = []
        numSpots = []
        coms = []
        for i in seed_hkl_ids:
            labels_t, numSpots_t = ndimage.label(
                omeEta.dataStore[i] > threshold, structureNDI_label)
            coms_t = np.atleast_2d(
                                                       np.amax(labels_t) + 1)))

        # second pass for generation
        print "generating quaternions..."
        qfib_tmp = np.empty((4, fiber_ndiv * sum(numSpots)))
        for i in range(len(pd_hkl_ids)):
            for ispot in range(numSpots[i]):
                if not np.isnan(coms[i][ispot][0]):
                    ome_c = omeEta.omeEdges[0] + (0.5 +
                                                  coms[i][ispot][0]) * del_ome
                    eta_c = omeEta.etaEdges[0] + (0.5 +
                                                  coms[i][ispot][1]) * del_eta

                    gVec_s = xrdutil.makeMeasuredScatteringVectors(
                        tTh[pd_hkl_ids[i]], eta_c, ome_c)

                    qfib_tmp[:, ii:jj] = rot.discreteFiber(
                        pd.hkls[:, pd_hkl_ids[i]].reshape(3, 1),
                    ii = jj
                    jj += fiber_ndiv
        qfib = np.hstack(qfib)
    print "Running paintGrid on %d orientations" % (qfib.shape[1])
    complPG = idx.paintGrid(qfib,
                            omeTol=d2r * omeTol,
                            etaTol=d2r * etaTol,
    return complPG, qfib
Beispiel #58
def run(config_file):
    # construct graph
    config = parse_config(config_file)
    config_data = config['data']
    config_net1 = config.get('network1', None)
    config_net2 = config.get('network2', None)
    config_net3 = config.get('network3', None)
    config_test = config['testing']  
    batch_size   = config_test.get('batch_size', 5) 
        net_type1    = config_net1['net_type']
        net_name1    = config_net1['net_name']
        data_shape1  = config_net1['data_shape']
        label_shape1 = config_net1['label_shape']
        data_channel1= config_net1['data_channel']
        class_num1   = config_net1['class_num']
        # construct graph for 1st network
        full_data_shape1 = [batch_size] + data_shape1 + [data_channel1]
        x1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape1)          
        net_class1 = NetFactory.create(net_type1)
        net1 = net_class1(num_classes = class_num1,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name1)
        predicty1 = net1(x1, is_training = True)
        proby1 = tf.nn.softmax(predicty1)
        config_net1ax = config['network1ax']
        config_net1sg = config['network1sg']
        config_net1cr = config['network1cr']
        # construct graph for 1st network axial
        net_type1ax    = config_net1ax['net_type']
        net_name1ax    = config_net1ax['net_name']
        data_shape1ax  = config_net1ax['data_shape']
        label_shape1ax = config_net1ax['label_shape']
        data_channel1ax= config_net1ax['data_channel']
        class_num1ax   = config_net1ax['class_num']
        full_data_shape1ax = [batch_size] + data_shape1ax + [data_channel1ax]
        x1ax = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape1ax)          
        net_class1ax = NetFactory.create(net_type1ax)
        net1ax = net_class1ax(num_classes = class_num1ax,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name1ax)
        predicty1ax = net1ax(x1ax, is_training = True)
        proby1ax = tf.nn.softmax(predicty1ax)

        # construct graph for 1st network sagittal
        net_type1sg    = config_net1sg['net_type']
        net_name1sg    = config_net1sg['net_name']
        data_shape1sg  = config_net1sg['data_shape']
        label_shape1sg = config_net1sg['label_shape']
        data_channel1sg= config_net1sg['data_channel']
        class_num1sg   = config_net1sg['class_num']
        # construct graph for 1st network
        full_data_shape1sg = [batch_size] + data_shape1sg + [data_channel1sg]
        x1sg = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape1sg)          
        net_class1sg = NetFactory.create(net_type1sg)
        net1sg = net_class1sg(num_classes = class_num1sg,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name1sg)
        predicty1sg = net1sg(x1sg, is_training = True)
        proby1sg = tf.nn.softmax(predicty1sg)
        # construct graph for 1st network corogal
        net_type1cr    = config_net1cr['net_type']
        net_name1cr    = config_net1cr['net_name']
        data_shape1cr  = config_net1cr['data_shape']
        label_shape1cr = config_net1cr['label_shape']
        data_channel1cr= config_net1cr['data_channel']
        class_num1cr   = config_net1cr['class_num']
        # construct graph for 1st network
        full_data_shape1cr = [batch_size] + data_shape1cr + [data_channel1cr]
        x1cr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape1cr)          
        net_class1cr = NetFactory.create(net_type1cr)
        net1cr = net_class1cr(num_classes = class_num1cr,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name1cr)
        predicty1cr = net1cr(x1cr, is_training = True)
        proby1cr = tf.nn.softmax(predicty1cr)
    # networks for tumor core
        net_type2    = config_net2['net_type']
        net_name2    = config_net2['net_name']
        data_shape2  = config_net2['data_shape']
        label_shape2 = config_net2['label_shape']
        data_channel2= config_net2['data_channel']
        class_num2   = config_net2['class_num']
        # construct graph for 2st network
        full_data_shape2 = [batch_size] + data_shape2 + [data_channel2]
        x2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape2)          
        net_class2 = NetFactory.create(net_type2)
        net2 = net_class2(num_classes = class_num2,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name2)
        predicty2 = net2(x2, is_training = True)
        proby2 = tf.nn.softmax(predicty2)
        config_net2ax = config['network2ax']
        config_net2sg = config['network2sg']
        config_net2cr = config['network2cr']
        # construct graph for 2st network axial
        net_type2ax    = config_net2ax['net_type']
        net_name2ax    = config_net2ax['net_name']
        data_shape2ax  = config_net2ax['data_shape']
        label_shape2ax = config_net2ax['label_shape']
        data_channel2ax= config_net2ax['data_channel']
        class_num2ax   = config_net2ax['class_num']
        full_data_shape2ax = [batch_size] + data_shape2ax + [data_channel2ax]
        x2ax = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape2ax)          
        net_class2ax = NetFactory.create(net_type2ax)
        net2ax = net_class2ax(num_classes = class_num2ax,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name2ax)
        predicty2ax = net2ax(x2ax, is_training = True)
        proby2ax = tf.nn.softmax(predicty2ax)

        # construct graph for 2st network sagittal
        net_type2sg    = config_net2sg['net_type']
        net_name2sg    = config_net2sg['net_name']
        data_shape2sg  = config_net2sg['data_shape']
        label_shape2sg = config_net2sg['label_shape']
        data_channel2sg= config_net2sg['data_channel']
        class_num2sg   = config_net2sg['class_num']
        # construct graph for 2st network
        full_data_shape2sg = [batch_size] + data_shape2sg + [data_channel2sg]
        x2sg = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape2sg)          
        net_class2sg = NetFactory.create(net_type2sg)
        net2sg = net_class2sg(num_classes = class_num2sg,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name2sg)
        predicty2sg = net2sg(x2sg, is_training = True)
        proby2sg = tf.nn.softmax(predicty2sg)
        # construct graph for 2st network corogal
        net_type2cr    = config_net2cr['net_type']
        net_name2cr    = config_net2cr['net_name']
        data_shape2cr  = config_net2cr['data_shape']
        label_shape2cr = config_net2cr['label_shape']
        data_channel2cr= config_net2cr['data_channel']
        class_num2cr   = config_net2cr['class_num']
        # construct graph for 2st network
        full_data_shape2cr = [batch_size] + data_shape2cr + [data_channel2cr]
        x2cr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape2cr)          
        net_class2cr = NetFactory.create(net_type2cr)
        net2cr = net_class2cr(num_classes = class_num2cr,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name2cr)
        predicty2cr = net2cr(x2cr, is_training = True)
        proby2cr = tf.nn.softmax(predicty2cr)

    # for enhanced tumor
        net_type3    = config_net3['net_type']
        net_name3    = config_net3['net_name']
        data_shape3  = config_net3['data_shape']
        label_shape3 = config_net3['label_shape']
        data_channel3= config_net3['data_channel']
        class_num3   = config_net3['class_num']
        # construct graph for 3st network
        full_data_shape3 = [batch_size] + data_shape3 + [data_channel3]
        x3 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape3)          
        net_class3 = NetFactory.create(net_type3)
        net3 = net_class3(num_classes = class_num3,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name3)
        predicty3 = net3(x3, is_training = True)
        proby3 = tf.nn.softmax(predicty3)
        config_net3ax = config['network3ax']
        config_net3sg = config['network3sg']
        config_net3cr = config['network3cr']
        # construct graph for 3st network axial
        net_type3ax    = config_net3ax['net_type']
        net_name3ax    = config_net3ax['net_name']
        data_shape3ax  = config_net3ax['data_shape']
        label_shape3ax = config_net3ax['label_shape']
        data_channel3ax= config_net3ax['data_channel']
        class_num3ax   = config_net3ax['class_num']
        full_data_shape3ax = [batch_size] + data_shape3ax + [data_channel3ax]
        x3ax = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape3ax)          
        net_class3ax = NetFactory.create(net_type3ax)
        net3ax = net_class3ax(num_classes = class_num3ax,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name3ax)
        predicty3ax = net3ax(x3ax, is_training = True)
        proby3ax = tf.nn.softmax(predicty3ax)

        # construct graph for 3st network sagittal
        net_type3sg    = config_net3sg['net_type']
        net_name3sg    = config_net3sg['net_name']
        data_shape3sg  = config_net3sg['data_shape']
        label_shape3sg = config_net3sg['label_shape']
        data_channel3sg= config_net3sg['data_channel']
        class_num3sg   = config_net3sg['class_num']
        # construct graph for 3st network
        full_data_shape3sg = [batch_size] + data_shape3sg + [data_channel3sg]
        x3sg = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape3sg)          
        net_class3sg = NetFactory.create(net_type3sg)
        net3sg = net_class3sg(num_classes = class_num3sg,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name3sg)
        predicty3sg = net3sg(x3sg, is_training = True)
        proby3sg = tf.nn.softmax(predicty3sg)
        # construct graph for 3st network corogal
        net_type3cr    = config_net3cr['net_type']
        net_name3cr    = config_net3cr['net_name']
        data_shape3cr  = config_net3cr['data_shape']
        label_shape3cr = config_net3cr['label_shape']
        data_channel3cr= config_net3cr['data_channel']
        class_num3cr   = config_net3cr['class_num']
        # construct graph for 3st network
        full_data_shape3cr = [batch_size] + data_shape3cr + [data_channel3cr]
        x3cr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = full_data_shape3cr)          
        net_class3cr = NetFactory.create(net_type3cr)
        net3cr = net_class3cr(num_classes = class_num3cr,w_regularizer = None,
                    b_regularizer = None, name = net_name3cr)
        predicty3cr = net3cr(x3cr, is_training = True)
        proby3cr = tf.nn.softmax(predicty3cr)
    all_vars = tf.global_variables()
    print('all vars', len(all_vars))
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession()  
        net1_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name1) + 1]==net_name1 + '/']
        saver1 = tf.train.Saver(net1_vars)
        saver1.restore(sess, config_net1['model_file'])
#        net1ax_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name1ax)+1]==net_name1ax + '/']
#        saver1ax = tf.train.Saver(net1ax_vars)
#        saver1ax.restore(sess, config_net1sg['model_file'])
#        net1sg_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name1sg)+1]==net_name1sg + '/']
#        for i in range(len(net1sg_vars)):
#            copy_value = tf.assign(net1sg_vars[i], net1ax_vars[i])
#            copy_value.eval()
#        print('net1sg loaded')
#        saver1sg = tf.train.Saver(net1sg_vars)
#, "model/msnet_wt32sg_20000cp.ckpt")
#        print('netsg saved')
#        saver1ax.restore(sess, config_net1cr['model_file'])
#        net1cr_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name1cr)+1]==net_name1cr + '/']
#        for i in range(len(net1cr_vars)):
#            copy_value = tf.assign(net1cr_vars[i], net1ax_vars[i])
#            copy_value.eval()
#        saver1cr = tf.train.Saver(net1cr_vars)
#, "model/msnet_wt32cr_20000cp.ckpt")
#        print('net1cr saved')
#        saver1ax.restore(sess, config_net1ax['model_file'])

        net1ax_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name1ax) + 1]==net_name1ax + '/']
        saver1ax = tf.train.Saver(net1ax_vars)
        print('net1ax', len(net1ax_vars))
        saver1ax.restore(sess, config_net1ax['model_file'])
        net1sg_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name1sg) + 1]==net_name1sg + '/']
        print('net1sg', len(net1sg_vars))
        saver1sg = tf.train.Saver(net1sg_vars)
        saver1sg.restore(sess, config_net1sg['model_file'])     
        net1cr_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name1cr) + 1]==net_name1cr + '/']
        saver1cr = tf.train.Saver(net1cr_vars)
        print('net1cr', len(net1cr_vars))
        saver1cr.restore(sess, config_net1cr['model_file'])

        net2_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name2) + 1]==net_name2 + '/']
        saver2 = tf.train.Saver(net2_vars)
        saver2.restore(sess, config_net2['model_file'])
#        net2ax_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name2ax)+1]==net_name2ax + '/']
#        saver2ax = tf.train.Saver(net2ax_vars)
#        saver2ax.restore(sess, config_net2sg['model_file'])
#        net2sg_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name2sg)+1]==net_name2sg + '/']
#        for i in range(len(net2sg_vars)):
#            copy_value = tf.assign(net2sg_vars[i], net2ax_vars[i])
#            copy_value.eval()
#        print('net2sg loaded')
#        saver2sg = tf.train.Saver(net2sg_vars)
#, "model/msnet_tc32sg_15000cp.ckpt")
#        print('net2sg saved')
#        saver2ax.restore(sess, config_net2cr['model_file'])
#        net2cr_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name2cr)+1]==net_name2cr + '/']
#        for i in range(len(net2cr_vars)):
#            copy_value = tf.assign(net2cr_vars[i], net2ax_vars[i])
#            copy_value.eval()
#        saver2cr = tf.train.Saver(net2cr_vars)
#, "model/msnet_tc32cr_10000cp.ckpt")
#        print('net2cr saved')
#        return
#        saver2ax.restore(sess, config_net2ax['model_file'])

        net2ax_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name2ax)+1]==net_name2ax + '/']
        saver2ax = tf.train.Saver(net2ax_vars)
        saver2ax.restore(sess, config_net2ax['model_file'])
        net2sg_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name2sg)+1]==net_name2sg + '/']
        saver2sg = tf.train.Saver(net2sg_vars)
        saver2sg.restore(sess, config_net2sg['model_file'])     
        net2cr_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name2cr)+1]==net_name2cr + '/']
        saver2cr = tf.train.Saver(net2cr_vars)
        saver2cr.restore(sess, config_net2cr['model_file'])     

        net3_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name3) + 1]==net_name3 + '/']
        saver3 = tf.train.Saver(net3_vars)
        saver3.restore(sess, config_net3['model_file'])
#        net3ax_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name3ax)+1]==net_name3ax + '/']
#        saver3ax = tf.train.Saver(net3ax_vars)
#        saver3ax.restore(sess, config_net3sg['model_file'])
#        net3sg_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name3sg)+1]==net_name3sg + '/']
#        for i in range(len(net3sg_vars)):
#            copy_value = tf.assign(net3sg_vars[i], net3ax_vars[i])
#            copy_value.eval()
#        print('net3sg loaded')
#        saver3sg = tf.train.Saver(net3sg_vars)
#, "model/msnet_en32sg_20000cp.ckpt")
#        print('net3sg saved')
#        saver3ax.restore(sess, config_net3cr['model_file'])
#        net3cr_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name3cr)+1]==net_name3cr + '/']
#        for i in range(len(net3cr_vars)):
#            copy_value = tf.assign(net3cr_vars[i], net3ax_vars[i])
#            copy_value.eval()
#        saver3cr = tf.train.Saver(net3cr_vars)
#, "model/msnet_en32cr_20000cp.ckpt")
#        print('net3cr saved')
#        saver3ax.restore(sess, config_net3ax['model_file'])
        net3ax_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name3ax) + 1]==net_name3ax+ '/']
        saver3ax = tf.train.Saver(net3ax_vars)
        saver3ax.restore(sess, config_net3ax['model_file'])
        net3sg_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name3sg) + 1]==net_name3sg+ '/']
        saver3sg = tf.train.Saver(net3sg_vars)
        saver3sg.restore(sess, config_net3sg['model_file'])     
        net3cr_vars = [x for x in all_vars if[0:len(net_name3cr) + 1]==net_name3cr+ '/']
        saver3cr = tf.train.Saver(net3cr_vars)
        saver3cr.restore(sess, config_net3cr['model_file'])     

    loader = DataLoader()
    # start to test  
    image_num = loader.get_total_image_number()
    test_slice_direction = config_test.get('test_slice_direction', 'all')
    save_folder = config_test['save_folder']
    test_time = []
    struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 2)
    margin = config_test.get('roi_patch_margin', 5)
    for i in range(image_num):
        # test of 1st network
        t0 = time.time()
        [imgs, weight, temp_name] = loader.get_image_data_with_name(i)
        groi = get_roi(weight > 0, margin)
        temp_imgs = [x[np.ix_(range(groi[0], groi[1]), range(groi[2], groi[3]), range(groi[4], groi[5]))] \
                      for x in imgs]
        temp_weight = weight[np.ix_(range(groi[0], groi[1]), range(groi[2], groi[3]), range(groi[4], groi[5]))]

            data_shapes = [data_shape1, data_shape1, data_shape1]
            label_shapes = [label_shape1, label_shape1, label_shape1]
            nets = [net1, net1, net1]
            outputs = [proby1, proby1, proby1]
            inputs =  [x1, x1, x1]
            data_channel = data_channel1
            class_num = class_num1
            data_shapes = [data_shape1ax, data_shape1sg, data_shape1cr]
            label_shapes = [label_shape1ax, label_shape1sg, label_shape1cr]
            nets = [net1ax, net1sg, net1cr]
            outputs = [proby1ax, proby1sg, proby1cr]
            inputs =  [x1ax, x1sg, x1cr]
            data_channel = data_channel1ax
            class_num = class_num1ax
        prob1 = test_one_image_three_nets_adaptive_shape(temp_imgs, data_shapes, label_shapes, data_channel, class_num,
                   batch_size, sess, nets, outputs, inputs, shape_mode = 0)
        pred1 =  np.asarray(np.argmax(prob1, axis = 3), np.uint16)
        pred1 = pred1 * temp_weight

#        out_label = pred1 * temp_weight
#        label_convert_source = config_test.get('label_convert_source', None)
#        label_convert_target = config_test.get('label_convert_target', None)
#        if(label_convert_source and label_convert_target):
#            assert(len(label_convert_source) == len(label_convert_target))
#            out_label = convert_label(out_label, label_convert_source, label_convert_target)
        # test of 2nd network
        wt_threshold = 2000
        if(pred1.sum() == 0):
            print('net1 output is null', temp_name)
            roi2 = get_roi(temp_imgs[0] > 0, margin)
            pred1_lc = ndimage.morphology.binary_closing(pred1, structure = struct)
            pred1_lc = get_largest_two_component(pred1_lc, True, wt_threshold)
            roi2 = get_roi(pred1_lc, margin)
        sub_imgs = [x[np.ix_(range(roi2[0], roi2[1]), range(roi2[2], roi2[3]), range(roi2[4], roi2[5]))] \
                      for x in temp_imgs]
        sub_weight = temp_weight[np.ix_(range(roi2[0], roi2[1]), range(roi2[2], roi2[3]), range(roi2[4], roi2[5]))]
            data_shapes = [data_shape2, data_shape2, data_shape2]
            label_shapes = [label_shape2, label_shape2, label_shape2]
            nets = [net2, net2, net2]
            outputs = [proby2, proby2, proby2]
            inputs =  [x2, x2, x2]
            data_channel = data_channel2
            class_num = class_num2
            data_shapes = [data_shape2ax, data_shape2sg, data_shape2cr]
            label_shapes = [label_shape2ax, label_shape2sg, label_shape2cr]
            nets = [net2ax, net2sg, net2cr]
            outputs = [proby2ax, proby2sg, proby2cr]
            inputs =  [x2ax, x2sg, x2cr]
            data_channel = data_channel2ax
            class_num = class_num2ax
        prob2 = test_one_image_three_nets_adaptive_3dshape(sub_imgs, data_shapes, label_shapes, data_channel, class_num, sess, nets, outputs, inputs)
#        prob2 = test_one_image_three_nets_adaptive_shape(sub_imgs, data_shapes, label_shapes, data_channel, class_num,  batch_size, sess, nets, outputs, inputs, shape_mode = 1)
        pred2 = np.asarray(np.argmax(prob2, axis = 3), np.uint16)
        pred2 = pred2 * sub_weight
        # test of 3rd network
        if(pred2.sum() == 0):
            [roid, roih, roiw] = sub_imgs[0].shape
            roi3 = [0, roid, 0, roih, 0, roiw]
            subsub_imgs = sub_imgs
            subsub_weight = sub_weight
            pred2_lc = ndimage.morphology.binary_closing(pred2, structure = struct)
            pred2_lc = get_largest_two_component(pred2_lc)
            roi3 = get_roi(pred2_lc, margin)
            subsub_imgs = [x[np.ix_(range(roi3[0], roi3[1]), range(roi3[2], roi3[3]), range(roi3[4], roi3[5]))] \
                      for x in sub_imgs]
            subsub_weight = sub_weight[np.ix_(range(roi3[0], roi3[1]), range(roi3[2], roi3[3]), range(roi3[4], roi3[5]))] 
            data_shapes = [data_shape3, data_shape3, data_shape3]
            label_shapes = [label_shape3, label_shape3, label_shape3]
            nets = [net3, net3, net3]
            outputs = [proby3, proby3, proby3]
            inputs =  [x3, x3, x3]
            data_channel = data_channel3
            class_num = class_num3
            data_shapes = [data_shape3ax, data_shape3sg, data_shape3cr]
            label_shapes = [label_shape3ax, label_shape3sg, label_shape3cr]
            nets = [net3ax, net3sg, net3cr]
            outputs = [proby3ax, proby3sg, proby3cr]
            inputs =  [x3ax, x3sg, x3cr]
            data_channel = data_channel3ax
            class_num = class_num3ax
        prob3 = test_one_image_three_nets_adaptive_shape(subsub_imgs, data_shapes, label_shapes, data_channel, class_num,
                   batch_size, sess, nets, outputs, inputs, shape_mode = 1)
        pred3 = np.asarray(np.argmax(prob3, axis = 3), np.uint16)
        pred3 = pred3 * subsub_weight
        # fuse results at 3 levels
        # convert subsub_label to full size (non-enhanced)
        label3_roi = np.zeros_like(pred2)
        label3_roi[np.ix_(range(roi3[0], roi3[1]), range(roi3[2], roi3[3]), range(roi3[4], roi3[5]))] = pred3
        label3 = np.zeros_like(pred1)
        label3[np.ix_(range(roi2[0], roi2[1]), range(roi2[2], roi2[3]), range(roi2[4], roi2[5]))] = label3_roi

        # convert sub_label to full size (tumor core)
        label2 = np.zeros_like(pred1)
        label2[np.ix_(range(roi2[0], roi2[1]), range(roi2[2], roi2[3]), range(roi2[4], roi2[5]))] = pred2

        # fuse the results
        label1_mask = (pred1 + label2 + label3) > 0
        label1_mask = ndimage.morphology.binary_closing(label1_mask, structure = struct)
        label1_mask = get_largest_two_component(label1_mask, False, wt_threshold)
        label1 = pred1 * label1_mask
        label2_3_mask = (label2 + label3) > 0
        label2_3_mask = label2_3_mask * label1_mask
        label2_3_mask = ndimage.morphology.binary_closing(label2_3_mask, structure = struct)
        label2_3_mask = remove_external_core(label1, label2_3_mask)
        if(label2_3_mask.sum() > 0):
            label2_3_mask = get_largest_two_component(label2_3_mask)
        label1 = (label1 + label2_3_mask) > 0
        label2 = label2_3_mask
        label3 = label2 * label3
        vox_3  = label3.sum() 
        if(0 < vox_3 and vox_3 < 30):
            print('ignored voxel number ', vox_3, flush = True)
            label3 = np.zeros_like(label2)
        out_label = label1 * 2 
        out_label[label2>0] = 1
        out_label[label3>0] = 4
        out_label = np.asarray(out_label, np.int16)

        test_time.append(time.time() - t0)
        final_label = np.zeros_like(weight, np.int16)
        final_label[np.ix_(range(groi[0], groi[1]), range(groi[2], groi[3]), range(groi[4], groi[5]))] = out_label

        save_array_as_nifty_volume(final_label, save_folder+"/{0:}.nii.gz".format(temp_name))
        print(temp_name, flush = True)
    test_time = np.asarray(test_time)
    print('test time', test_time.mean(), flush= True)
    np.savetxt(save_folder + '/test_time.txt', test_time)
    def L8_PSF_optimization(self):
        self.h, self.v = mtile_cal(, self.lon)
        pr = get_wrs(, self.lon)
        self.path, self.row = pr[0]['path'], pr[0]['row']
        #self.Hfiles = glob.glob(directory +'l_data/LC8%03d%03d%d*LGN00_sr_band1.tif'%(self.path, self.row, self.year))
        self.Hfile = directory + 'l_data/LC8%03d%03d%d%03dLGN00_toa_' % (
            self.path, self.row, self.year, self.doy)
        #Lfile = glob.glob('m_data/MCD43A1.A%d%03d.h%02dv%02d.006.*.hdf'%(year,doy,h,v))[0]
        self.Lfiles = [
            glob.glob('m_data/MCD43A1.A%d%03d.h%02dv%02d.006.*.hdf' %
                      (self.year, i, self.h, self.v))[0]
            for i in range(self.doy - 8, self.doy + 9)

        if self.read_meta(self.Hfile, self.path, self.row) == None:
            print 'Too much cloud!!'
            self.sza, self.saa, self.vza, self.vaa, self.dic, self.corners = self.read_meta(
                self.Hfile, self.path, self.row)
            self.L_inds, self.H_inds = ML_geo_trans(, self.lon,
                                                    self.dic, self.corners)
            self.Lx, self.Ly = self.L_inds
            self.Hx, self.Hy = self.H_inds

            tems = np.zeros((3, 6))
            tems[0, :] = self.sza
            tems[1, :] = self.vza
            tems[2, :] = self.vaa - self.saa
            angles = (tems[0][-1], tems[1][-1], tems[2][-1])

            #self.BRDF_16_days, self.composite_brdf, self.base_mask = self.compositing(angles, thre=0.005)

            if glob.glob(self.Lfiles[8][:-3] + 'L8.16days.pkl') == []:
                self.BRDF_16_days = np.array([get_brdf_six(Lfile,angles,bands=(7,), \
                                                  flag=None, Linds= self.L_inds) for Lfile in self.Lfiles]).squeeze()
                valid_range = (self.BRDF_16_days[:, 0, :] >=
                               0) & (self.BRDF_16_days[:, 0, :] <= 1)
                magic = 0.618034
                test = self.BRDF_16_days[:, 0, :].copy()
                test[~valid_range] = np.nan
                W = magic**self.BRDF_16_days[:, 1, :]
                W[self.BRDF_16_days[:, 1, :] > 1] = 0
                #smothed = smoothn(test, axis=0, isrobust=1, W =W, s=1)[0]
                         open(self.Lfiles[8][:-3] + 'L8.16days.pkl', 'w'))
                #pkl.dump(smothed, open(self.Lfiles[8][:-3]+'L8.16days.smoothed.pkl', 'w'))
                self.BRDF_16_days = pkl.load(
                    open(self.Lfiles[8][:-3] + 'L8.16days.pkl', 'r'))
                #smothed = pkl.load(open(self.Lfiles[8][:-3]+'L8.16days.smoothed.pkl', 'r'))

            cloud = gdal.Open(self.Hfile[:-5] + '_cfmask.tif').ReadAsArray()
            cl_mask = cloud == 4  # cloud pixels; strictest way is to set the clear pixels with cloud==0
            struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
            dia_cloud = ndimage.binary_dilation(cl_mask,

            self.H_data = gdal.Open(self.Hfile +
                                    'band%d.tif' % 7).ReadAsArray() * 0.0001
            mask = ~(self.H_data < 0).astype('bool')
            small_mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(mask,
            self.val_mask = (~dia_cloud) & small_mask

            self.L_data = np.zeros(self.BRDF_16_days[8, 0, :].shape[0])
            self.L_data[:] = np.nan
            self.L_data[self.BRDF_16_days[8, 1, :] == 0] = self.BRDF_16_days[
                8, 0, :][self.BRDF_16_days[8, 1, :] == 0]
            #args = s, self.L_data,

            avker = np.ones((40, 40))
            navker = avker / avker.sum()
            self.s = signal.fftconvolve(self.H_data, navker, mode='same')
            self.s[~self.val_mask] = np.nan

            min_val = [-40, -40]
            max_val = [40, 40]

            ps, distributions = create_training_set(['xs', 'ys'],
            solved = parmap(self.op1, ps, nprocs=10)
            paras, costs = np.array([i[0] for i in solved
                                     ]), np.array([i[1] for i in solved])
            xs, ys = paras[costs == costs.min()][0]

            if costs.min() < 0.1:
                min_val = [5, 5, -15, xs - 5, ys - 5]
                max_val = [100, 100, 15, xs + 5, ys + 5]

                self.bounds = [5,
                               100], [5,
                                      100], [-15,
                                             15], [xs - 5,
                                                   xs + 5], [ys - 5, ys + 5]

                ps, distributions = create_training_set(
                    ['xstd', 'ystd', 'ang', 'xs', 'ys'],

                #ps = zip(xstd.ravel(), ystd.ravel())
                print 'Start solving...'

                self.solved = parmap(self.op, ps, nprocs=10)

                #costs = np.array([i[1] for i in self.solved])
                #paras = np.array([i[0] for i in self.solved])
                #min_mask = costs==costs.min()
                #min_costs = costs.min()
                #para = paras[min_mask]
                print self.solved

                return self.solved, self.BRDF_16_days
                print 'Cost is too large, plese check!', xs, ys, costs.min()
                return [[xs, ys, costs.min()], self.BRDF_16_days]
Beispiel #60
def diamond_se(radius, dimension):
    se = generate_binary_structure(dimension, 1)
    return iterate_structure(se, radius)