def filter_bank(img, coeff_resolution):
    Calculates the responses of an image to M filters.
    Returns 2-d array of the vectorial responses

    h, w = img.shape

    im = np.reshape(img, (h*w, 1))

    e1 = np.reshape(entropy(img, disk(coeff_resolution*5)), (h*w, 1))
    e2 = np.reshape(entropy(img, disk(coeff_resolution*8)), (h*w, 1))
    e3 = np.reshape(entropy(img, disk(coeff_resolution*10)), (h*w, 1))

    g1 = np.reshape(gradient(img, disk(1)), (h*w, 1))
    g2 = np.reshape(gradient(img, disk(coeff_resolution*3)), (h*w, 1))
    g3 = np.reshape(gradient(img, disk(coeff_resolution*5)), (h*w, 1))

    m1 = np.reshape(ndi.maximum_filter(256-img, size=coeff_resolution*2, mode='constant'), (h*w, 1))
    m2 = np.reshape(ndi.maximum_filter(256-img, size=coeff_resolution*4, mode='constant'), (h*w, 1))
    m3 = np.reshape(ndi.maximum_filter(256-img, size=coeff_resolution*7, mode='constant'), (h*w, 1))

    #c = np.reshape(canny(img), (h*w, 1))
    s = np.reshape(sobel(img), (h*w, 1))

    return np.column_stack((im, e1, e2, e3, g1, g2, g3, m1, m2, m3, s))
Beispiel #2
def canny(image, high_threshold, low_threshold):
  grad_x = ndimage.sobel(image, 0)
  grad_y = ndimage.sobel(image, 1)
  grad_mag = numpy.sqrt(grad_x**2+grad_y**2)
  grad_angle = numpy.arctan2(grad_y, grad_x)
  # next, scale the angles in the range [0, 3] and then round to quantize
  quantized_angle = numpy.around(3 * (grad_angle + numpy.pi) / (numpy.pi * 2))
  # Non-maximal suppression: an edge pixel is only good if its magnitude is
  # greater than its neighbors normal to the edge direction. We quantize
  # edge direction into four angles, so we only need to look at four
  # sets of neighbors
  NE = ndimage.maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_NE)
  W  = ndimage.maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_W)
  NW = ndimage.maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_NW)
  N  = ndimage.maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_N)
  thinned = (((grad_mag > W)  & (quantized_angle == _N_d )) |
             ((grad_mag > N)  & (quantized_angle == _W_d )) |
             ((grad_mag > NW) & (quantized_angle == _NE_d)) |
             ((grad_mag > NE) & (quantized_angle == _NW_d)) )
  thinned_grad = thinned * grad_mag
  # Now, hysteresis thresholding: find seeds above a high threshold, then
  # expand out until we go below the low threshold
  high = thinned_grad > high_threshold
  low = thinned_grad > low_threshold
  canny_edges = ndimage.binary_dilation(high, structure=numpy.ones((3,3)), iterations=-1, mask=low)
  return grad_mag, thinned_grad, canny_edges
Beispiel #3
def test_multiple_modes():
    # Test that the filters with multiple mode cababilities for different
    # dimensions give the same result as applying a single mode.
    arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
                    [1., 1., 0.],
                    [0., 0., 0.]])

    mode1 = 'reflect'
    mode2 = ['reflect', 'reflect']

    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.sobel(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.sobel(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.laplace(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.laplace(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=mode2))
 def LocalMax(self, data, kwidth, scaling, out = None):
   assert len(data.shape) == 3, \
       "Unsupported shape for input data: %s" % (data.shape,)
   kshape = (kwidth, kwidth)
   output = np.empty_like(data)
   for d, o in zip(data, output):
     maximum_filter(d, kshape, output = o)
   output_bands = PruneArray(output, kshape, scaling)
   if out != None:
     out[:] = output_bands.flat
     return out
   return output_bands
Beispiel #5
    def max_diff(self, spec, pos=False, diff_frames=None, max_bins=None):
        Calculates the difference of k-th frequency bin of the magnitude
        spectrogram relative to the maximum over m bins (e.g. m=3: k-1, k, k+1)
        of the N-th previous frame.

        :param spec: the magnitude spectrogram
        :param pos: only keep positive values [default=False]
        :param diff_frames: calculate the difference to the N-th previous frame [default=None]
        :param max_bins: number of bins the maximum is search [default=None]

        Note: This method works only properly if the number of bands for the
              filterbank is chosen carefully. A values of 24 (i.e. quarter-tone
              resolution) usually yields good results.

        # import
        import scipy.ndimage as sim
        # init diff matrix
        diff = np.zeros_like(spec)
        if diff_frames is None:
            diff_frames = self.diff_frames
        assert diff_frames >= 1, 'number of diff_frames must be >= 1'
        if max_bins is None:
            max_bins = self.max_bins
        assert max_bins >= 1, 'search range for the maximum filter must be >= 1'
        # calculate the diff
        diff[diff_frames:] = spec[diff_frames:] - sim.maximum_filter(spec, size=[1, max_bins])[0:-diff_frames]
        # keep only positive values
        if pos:
            diff = diff * (diff > 0)
        return diff
Beispiel #6
    def _detect(self,im):
        void cvCornerHarris( const CvArr* image, CvArr* harris_responce,
                         int block_size, int aperture_size=3, double k=0.04 );
        gray = im.asOpenCVBW()
        #gray = opencv.cvCreateImage( opencv.cvGetSize(cvim), 8, 1 );
        corners = cv.CreateImage( cv.GetSize(gray), 32, 1 );
        #opencv.cvCvtColor( cvim, gray, opencv.CV_BGR2GRAY );

        buffer = corners.tostring()
        corners = numpy.frombuffer(buffer,numpy.float32).reshape(corners.height,corners.width).transpose()        
        footprint = ones((3,3))
        mx = maximum_filter(corners, footprint = footprint)
        local_maxima = (corners == mx) * (corners != zeros(corners.shape)) # make sure to remove completly dark points

        points = nonzero(local_maxima)
        del local_maxima
        points = array([points[0],points[1]]).transpose()
        L = []
        for each in points:
        return L
Beispiel #7
def detect_peaks(image):
    """Detect peaks in an image  using a maximum filter.


    from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter
    from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_erosion

    # Set up 3x3 footprint for maximum filter, can also be a different neighborhood if necessary
    footprint = np.ones((3, 3))

    # Apply maximum filter: All pixel in the neighborhood are set
    # to the maximal value. Peaks are where image = maximum_filter(image)
    local_maximum = maximum_filter(image, footprint=footprint) == image

    # We have false detections, where the image is zero, we call it background.
    # Create the mask of the background
    zero_background = (image == 0)

    # Erode background at the borders, otherwise we would miss the points in the neighborhood
    eroded_background = binary_erosion(zero_background, structure=footprint, border_value=1)

    # Remove the background from the local_maximum image
    detected_peaks = local_maximum - eroded_background
    return detected_peaks
Beispiel #8
def detect_peaks_3D(image):
    """Same functionality as detect_peaks, but works on image cubes.


    from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter
    from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_erosion

    # Set up 3x3 footprint for maximum filter
    footprint = np.ones((3, 3, 3))

    # Apply maximum filter: All pixel in the neighborhood are set
    # to the maximal value. Peaks are where image = maximum_filter(image)
    local_max = maximum_filter(image, footprint=footprint, mode='constant') == image

    # We have false detections, where the image is zero, we call it background.
    # Create the mask of the background
    background = (image == 0)

    # Erode background at the borders, otherwise we would miss
    eroded_background = binary_erosion(background, structure=footprint, border_value=1)

    # Remove the background from the local_max mask
    detected_peaks = local_max - eroded_background
    return detected_peaks
def extract_local_max(img_gray):
    im = img_as_float(img_gray)

    # image_max is the dilation of im with a 20*20 structuring element
    # It is used within peak_local_max function
    image_max = ndimage.maximum_filter(im, size=20, mode='constant')

    # Comparison between image_max and im to find the coordinates of local maxima
    coordinates = peak_local_max(im, min_distance=20)

    # display results
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(8, 3))
    ax1, ax2, ax3 = ax.ravel()

    ax2.set_title('Maximum filter')

    ax3.plot(coordinates[:, 1], coordinates[:, 0], 'r.')
    ax3.set_title('Peak local max')

    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.02, hspace=0.02, top=0.9,
                        bottom=0.02, left=0.02, right=0.98)
Beispiel #10
def test_multiple_modes_sequentially():
    # Test that the filters with multiple mode cababilities for different
    # dimensions give the same result as applying the filters with
    # different modes sequentially
    arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
                    [1., 1., 0.],
                    [0., 0., 0.]])

    modes = ['reflect', 'wrap']

    expected = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(expected, 1, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=modes))

    expected = sndi.uniform_filter1d(arr, 5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.uniform_filter1d(expected, 5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=modes))

    expected = sndi.maximum_filter1d(arr, size=5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.maximum_filter1d(expected, size=5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=modes))

    expected = sndi.minimum_filter1d(arr, size=5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
    expected = sndi.minimum_filter1d(expected, size=5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
                 sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=modes))
Beispiel #11
 def _count_covertypes_within_window(self, lct, cover_type_list, footprint):
     """Return integer array indicating the number of different covertypes
     of interest that are within the moving window (footprint)"""
     m = zeros(shape=lct.shape, dtype=int32)
     for cover_type in cover_type_list:
         m += maximum_filter(equal(lct, cover_type), footprint=footprint)
     return m
def k_means_classifier(image):
        n_clusters = 8

        # blur and take local maxima
        blur_image = gaussian(image, sigma=8)
        blur_image = ndi.maximum_filter(blur_image, size=3)

        # get texture features
        feats = local_binary_pattern(blur_image, P=40, R=5, method="uniform")
        feats_r = feats.reshape(-1, 1)

        # cluster the texture features
        km = k_means(n_clusters=n_clusters, batch_size=500)
        clus =

        # copy relevant attributes
        labels = clus.labels_
        clusters = clus.cluster_centers_

        # reshape label arrays
        labels = labels.reshape(blur_image.shape[0], blur_image.shape[1])

        # segment shadow
        img = blur_image.ravel()
        shadow_seg = img.copy()
        for i in range(0, n_clusters):
            # set up array of pixel indices matching cluster
            mask = np.nonzero((labels.ravel() == i) == True)[0]
            if len(mask) > 0:
                thresh = threshold_otsu(img[mask])
                shadow_seg[mask] = shadow_seg[mask] < thresh
        shadow_seg = shadow_seg.reshape(*image.shape)

        return shadow_seg
Beispiel #13
def adjacent_labels(labels):
    m1 = nd.maximum_filter(labels, size=3)
    m1[m1 == labels] = 0
    m2 = nd.minimum_filter(labels, size=3)
    m2[m2 == labels] = 0
    m1[m2 > 0] = m2[m2 > 0]
    return m1
Beispiel #14
def local_maxima(array, min_distance = 1, periodic=False,
    """Find all local maxima of the array, separated by at least
    adapted from ="""
    array = np.asarray(array)
    cval = 0
    if periodic:
        mode = 'wrap'
    elif edges_allowed:
        mode = 'nearest'
        mode = 'constant'
        cval = array.max()+1
    maxima = array == ndimage.maximum_filter(array, footprint=nbhood, mode=mode, cval=cval)
    background = (array==0)
    eroded_background = ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(
        background, structure=nbhood, border_value=1)
    maxima = maxima - eroded_background
    maxpy, maxpx = np.where(maxima)
    max_points = [(maxpy[i],maxpx[i]) for i in range(len(maxpy))]
    if not type(max_points)==list:
    return max_points
def find_corners(im, name):
    coherence, _, _ = structure.orientation_field(im, 11)

    local_mean = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(im.astype(float), 20)
    local_variance = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(im.astype(float) ** 2.0, 20) - local_mean ** 2

    pylab.imshow(np.sqrt(local_variance) / local_mean,
    pylab.title('std / mean')

    potential_corners = coherence / np.sqrt(local_variance)



    # find local max with a suppression window of radius 11
    pc_max = nd.minimum_filter(potential_corners, (20, 20))
    corners = potential_corners == pc_max
    print np.sum(corners)
    corners = nd.maximum_filter(corners, (5, 5))

    imtmp = np.dstack((im, im, im))
    imtmp[:, :, 2][corners] = 255
    cv2.imshow(name, imtmp[::2, ::2])
Beispiel #16
def find_local_maxima(image, min_distance):
    """Find maxima in an image.

    Finds the highest-valued points in an image, such that each point is
    separted by at least min_distance.

    If there are flat regions that are all at a maxima, the enter of mass of
    the region is reported. Large flat regions of more than min_distance in
    radius will be erroneously returned as maxima even if they are not. Further
    filtering should be performed to exclude these if needed.

    Returns the position of the maxima and the value at each maximum.

        image: image of arbitrary dimensionality
        min_distance: maxima found will be at least this many pixels apart

        centroids: list of centers of each maxima
        values: image value at each maxima

    image_max = ndimage.maximum_filter(image, size=2*min_distance+1, mode='constant')
    peak_mask = (image == image_max)
    # NB: some maxima might be marked by multiple contiguous pixels if the image
    # has "plateaus". So we need to label the mask and get the centroids
    # of each of the labeled regions.
    labeled_image, num_regions = ndimage.label(peak_mask)
    label_indices = numpy.arange(1, num_regions+1)
    centroids = ndimage.center_of_mass(peak_mask, labeled_image, label_indices)
    values = ndimage.mean(image, labeled_image, label_indices)
    return numpy.array(centroids), values
    def find_local_maxima(self):
            Find local maxima in each of the detected blobs
        ge_labeled_data     = self.ge_labeled_data
        ge_data             = self.ge_data
        cfg                 = self.cfg
        logger              = self.logger
        int_scale_factor    = self.int_scale_factor
        number_of_labels    = self.number_of_labels
        min_peak_separation = self.min_peak_separation
        blobs               = self.blobs"Detecting local maxima")

        for blob in blobs:
            slice_x, slice_y, slice_z = blob.slice_x, blob.slice_y, blob.slice_z
            label_num = blob.blob_label
            roi = ge_data[slice_x, slice_y, slice_z]
            write_image('roi' + str(label_num) + '.png', np.amax(roi, 0), vmin=0)

            max_points = roi == ndimage.maximum_filter(roi, min_peak_separation,
                                                       mode='nearest', cval=0)
            max_points[roi < int_scale_factor*cfg.fit_grains.threshold]
            roi[np.logical_not(max_points)] = 0

            write_image('roi' + str(label_num) + '_max.png', np.amax(roi, 0), vmin=0)

        return blobs
Beispiel #18
def compute_harris_response(image, eps=1e-6):
    """ compute the Harris corner detector response function
        for each pixel in the image"""

    # derivatives
    image = ndimage.gaussian_filter(image, 1)
    imx = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=0, mode='constant')
    imy = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=1, mode='constant')

    Wxx = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imx * imx, 1.5, mode='constant')
    Wxy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imx * imy, 1.5, mode='constant')
    Wyy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imy * imy, 1.5, mode='constant')

    # determinant and trace
    Wdet = Wxx * Wyy - Wxy ** 2
    Wtr = Wxx + Wyy
    harris = Wdet / (Wtr + eps)

    # Non maximum filter of size 3
    harris_max = ndimage.maximum_filter(harris, 3, mode='constant')
    harris *= harris == harris_max
    # Remove the image corners
    harris[:3] = 0
    harris[-3:] = 0
    harris[:, :3] = 0
    harris[:, -3:] = 0

    return harris
Beispiel #19
def nonmax_supress(area_img, angles):
    _NE_d = 0
    _W_d = 1
    _NW_d = 2 
    _N_d = 3
    quantized_angle = np.around(angles) % 4
    NE = ndimage.maximum_filter(area_img, footprint=_NE) 
    W  = ndimage.maximum_filter(area_img, footprint=_W) 
    NW = ndimage.maximum_filter(area_img, footprint=_NW) 
    N  = ndimage.maximum_filter(area_img, footprint=_N) 
    thinned = (((area_img >= W)  & (quantized_angle == _N_d )) | 
             ((area_img >= N)  & (quantized_angle == _W_d )) | 
             ((area_img >= NW) & (quantized_angle == _NE_d)) | 
             ((area_img >= NE) & (quantized_angle == _NW_d)) ) 
    thinned_grad = thinned * area_img
    return thinned_grad
Beispiel #20
    def dom_get(wseries, tpoint, scales):

        values = (np.abs(wseries)) * (np.abs(wseries))
        values = values / (scales * scales)

        maxoutt = (values == ndimage.maximum_filter(values, 15, mode='reflect'))

            x = np.where(
                (maxoutt == 1))  # & (np.abs(parr) > scales ** .5)# ((wl >= np.percentile(wl[wl >= 0.5], 90)) &
        except IndexError:
            return False
            ind = (x[0])[0]
        except IndexError:
            return False

        scal = scales[ind]
        wavelet_pos_neg = np.real(wseries)[ind]

        if (wavelet_pos_neg < 0) : #| (tpoint < -1.)
            scal = scal * -1
        # if values[ind] < 0.02:
        #     scal = np.nan
        return scal
def non_maximal_edge_suppresion(mag, orient, minEdgeRadius=20, maxEdgeRadius=None):
	Non Maximal suppression of gradient magnitude and orientation.
	t0 = time.time()

	## bin orientations into 4 discrete directions
	abin = ((orient + math.pi) * 4 / math.pi + 0.5).astype('int') % 4

	radialsq, angles = getRadialAndAngles(mag.shape)
	### create circular mask
	if maxEdgeRadius is None:
		maxEdgeRadiusSq = radialsq[mag.shape[0]/2,mag.shape[0]/10]
		maxEdgeRadiusSq = maxEdgeRadius**2
	outermask = numpy.where(radialsq > maxEdgeRadiusSq, False, True)
	## probably a bad idea here
	innermask = numpy.where(radialsq < minEdgeRadius**2, False, True)

	### create directional filters to go with offsets
	horz = numpy.where(numpy.abs(angles) < 3*math.pi/4., numpy.abs(angles), 0)
	horz = numpy.where(horz > math.pi/4., True, False)
	vert = -horz
	upright = numpy.where(angles < math.pi/2, False, True)
	upleft = numpy.flipud(upright)
	upleft = numpy.fliplr(upleft)
	upright = numpy.logical_or(upright, upleft)
	upleft = -upright
	# for rotational edges
	filters = [horz, upleft, vert, upright]
	# for radial edges
	#filters = [vert, upright, horz, upleft]

	offsets = ((1,0), (1,1), (0,1), (-1,1))

	edge_map = numpy.zeros(mag.shape, dtype='bool')
	for a in range(4):
		di, dj = offsets[a]
		footprint = numpy.zeros((3,3), dtype="int")
		footprint[1,1] = 0
		footprint[1+di,1+dj] = 1
		footprint[1-di,1-dj] = 1
		## get adjacent maximums
		maxfilt = ndimage.maximum_filter(mag, footprint=footprint)
		## select points larger than adjacent maximums
		newedge_map = numpy.where(mag>maxfilt, True, False)
		## filter by edge orientation
		newedge_map = numpy.where(abin==a, newedge_map, False)
		## filter by location
		newedge_map = numpy.where(filters[a], newedge_map, False)
		## add to main map
		edge_map = numpy.where(newedge_map, True, edge_map)
	## remove corner edges
	edge_map = numpy.where(outermask, edge_map, False)
	edge_map = numpy.where(innermask, edge_map, False)

	#print time.time() - t0
	return edge_map
 def on_image_image(self, image_id):
 #def on_image_image(self, request, image_id):
     result =
     seg =
     border = ndimage.maximum_filter(seg.labels,size=(3,3)) != ndimage.minimum_filter(seg.labels,size=(3,3))
     result[border] = 0.0
     return image_response(result)
Beispiel #23
def apply(array, **kwargs):
    Apply a set of standard filter to array data: 
    Call: apply(array-data, <list of key=value arguments>)

    The list of key-value define the filtering to be done and should be given in
    the order to be process. Possible key-value are:
      * smooth:  gaussian filtering, value is the sigma parameter (scalar or tuple)
      * uniform: uniform  filtering (2)
      * max:     maximum  filtering (1)
      * min:     minimum  filtering (1)
      * median:  median   filtering (1)
      * dilate: grey dilatation (1)
      * erode:  grey erosion    (1)
      * close:  grey closing    (1)
      * open:   grey opening    (1)
      * linear_map: call linear_map(), value is the tuple (min,max)   (3)
      * normalize:  call normalize(),  value is the method            (3)
      * adaptive:   call adaptive(),   value is the sigma             (3)
      * adaptive_:  call adaptive(),   with uniform kernel            (3)
    The filtering is done using standard scipy.ndimage functions.
    (1) The value given (to the key) is the width of the the filter: 
        the distance from the center pixel (the size of the filter is thus 2*value+1)
        The neighborhood is an (approximated) boolean circle (up to discretization)
    (2) Same as (*) but the neighborhood is a complete square
    (3) See doc of respective function
    for key in kwargs:
        value = kwargs[key]
        if key not in ('smooth','uniform'):
            fp = _kernel.distance(array.ndim*(2*value+1,))<=value  # circular filter
        if   key=='smooth' : array = _nd.gaussian_filter(array, sigma=value)
        elif key=='uniform': array = _nd.uniform_filter( array, size=2*value+1)
        elif key=='max'    : array = _nd.maximum_filter( array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='min'    : array = _nd.minimum_filter( array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='median' : array = _nd.median_filter(  array, footprint=fp)

        elif key=='dilate' : array = _nd.grey_dilation(  array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='erode'  : array = _nd.grey_erosion(   array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='open'   : array = _nd.grey_opening(   array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='close'  : array = _nd.grey_closing(   array, footprint=fp)
        elif key=='linear_map': array = linear_map(array, min=value[0], max=value[1])
        elif key=='normalize' : array = normalize( array, method = value)
        elif key=='adaptive'  : array = adaptive(  array, sigma  = value, kernel='gaussian')
        elif key=='adaptive_' : array = adaptive(  array, sigma  = value, kernel='uniform')
            print '\033[031mUnrecognized filter :', key
    return array
Beispiel #24
 def LocalMax(self, data, kwidth, scaling, out = None):
   """Convolve maps with local 2-D max filter.
   data -- (3-D) array of input data
   kwidth -- (positive int) kernel width
   scaling -- (positive int) subsampling factor
   out -- (2-D) array in which to store result
   assert len(data.shape) == 3, \
       "Unsupported shape for input data: %s" % (data.shape,)
   kshape = (kwidth, kwidth)
   output = np.empty_like(data)
   for d, o in zip(data, output):
     maximum_filter(d, kshape, output = o)
   output_bands = PruneArray(output, kshape, scaling)
   if out != None:
     out[:] = output_bands.flat
     return out
   return output_bands
Beispiel #25
def select_region_slices(sci_data, badpix_mask, box_size=256, num_boxes=10):
    Find the optimal regions for calculating the noise autocorrelation (areas
    with the fewest objects/least signal)

    :param sci_data: Science image data array
    :param badpix_mask: Boolean array that is True for bad pixels
    :param box_size: Size of the (square) boxes to select
    :param num_boxes: Number of boxes to select. If insufficient good pixels can
        be found, will return as many boxes as possible
    :return: List of 2D slices, tuples of (slice_y, slice_x)
    # TODO: For large images this is pretty slow, due to 3 full-size filters
    img_boxcar = ndimg.uniform_filter(sci_data, size=box_size)

    # Smooth over mask with min filter, to ignore small areas of bad pixels
    # One tenth of box size in each dimension means ignoring bad pixel regions
    # comprising <1% of total box pixels
    smooth_size = box_size // 10
    badpix_mask = ndimg.minimum_filter(badpix_mask, size=smooth_size,
                                       mode='constant', cval=False)
    # Expand zone of avoidance of bad pixels, so we don't pick boxes that
    # contain them. mode=constant, cval=True means treat all borders as
    # if they were masked-out pixels
    badpix_mask = ndimg.maximum_filter(badpix_mask, size=smooth_size + box_size,
                                       mode='constant', cval=True)
    img_boxcar =, mask=badpix_mask)

    box_slices = []
    for box in range(num_boxes):
        # Find the location of the minimum value of the boxcar image, excluding
        # masked areas. This will be a pixel with few nearby sources within one
        # box width
        min_loc = img_boxcar.argmin()
        min_loc = np.unravel_index(min_loc, img_boxcar.shape)
        lower_left = tuple(int(x - box_size / 2) for x in min_loc)
        # Negative values of lower_left mean argmin ran out of unmasked pixels
        if lower_left[0] < 0 or lower_left[1] < 0:
            warn('Ran out of good pixels when placing RMS calculation regions '
                 'for file {}. Only {:d} boxes selected.'.format(sci_data, box))
        min_slice = tuple(slice(x, x + box_size) for x in lower_left)
        box_slices += [min_slice]

        # Zone of avoidance (for center) is twice as big, since we are picking
        # box centers. Use clip to ensure avoidance slice stays within array
        # bounds
        lower_left = tuple(int(x - box_size) for x in min_loc)
        avoid_slice = tuple(slice(np.clip(x, 0, extent),
                                  np.clip(x + 2 * box_size, 0, extent))
                            for x, extent in zip(lower_left, img_boxcar.shape))

        # Add this box to the mask
        img_boxcar[avoid_slice] =
    return box_slices
Beispiel #26
 def _detect(self,image):
     # Asssumes a two dimensional array
     A = None
     if isinstance(image,Image):
         A = image.asMatrix2D()
     elif isinstance(image,array) and len(image.shape)==2:
         A = image
         raise TypeError("ERROR Unknown Type (%s) - Only arrays and pyvision images supported."%type(image))
     filter = array(self.filter)
     assert len(filter.shape) == 2
     #feature window calculation
     del_A_1 = conv2(A,filter) 
     del_A_2 = conv2(A,filter.transpose())
     del_A_1_1 = del_A_1 * del_A_1
     matrix_1_1 = gaussian_filter(del_A_1_1, self.sigma)
     del del_A_1_1
     del_A_2_2 = del_A_2 * del_A_2
     matrix_2_2 = gaussian_filter(del_A_2_2, self.sigma)
     del del_A_2_2
     del_A_1_2 = del_A_1 * del_A_2
     matrix_1_2 = gaussian_filter(del_A_1_2, self.sigma)
     del del_A_1_2
     del del_A_1,del_A_2
     dM = matrix_1_1*matrix_2_2 - matrix_1_2*matrix_1_2
     tM = matrix_1_1+matrix_2_2
     del matrix_1_1 , matrix_1_2, matrix_2_2
     R = dM-self.k*pow(tM,2)
     footprint = ones((self.radius,self.radius))
     mx = maximum_filter(R, footprint = footprint)
     local_maxima = (R == mx) * (R != zeros(R.shape)) # make sure to remove completly dark points
     del mx
     points = nonzero(local_maxima)
     del local_maxima
     points = array([points[0],points[1]]).transpose()
     L = []
     for each in points:
     del R
     return L
Beispiel #27
def geodesic_dilation(marker,mask):
    """ Perform geodesic dilation based on algorithm
        on p. 185 of Soille (2002).
    # Compute the size for the filter based on the shape
    # of the marker array
    mshape = len(marker.shape)
    msize = (3,) * mshape
    marker_dilation = ndimage.maximum_filter(marker, size=msize)
    return np.where(mask <= marker_dilation, mask, marker_dilation)
Beispiel #28
def detect_peaks(img, include_plateaus=True):
    Takes an image and detect the peaks using the local maximum filter.
    Returns a boolean mask of the peaks (i.e. 1 when the pixel's value is the
    neighborhood maximum, 0 otherwise)
    Code taken from

    # define an 8-connected neighborhood
    neighborhood = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)

    if include_plateaus:
        #apply the local maximum filter; all pixel of maximal value 
        #in their neighborhood are set to 1
        img_max = ndimage.maximum_filter(img, footprint=neighborhood)
        local_max = (img == img_max)
        #local_max is a mask that contains the peaks we are 
        #looking for, but also the background.
        #In order to isolate the peaks we must remove the background from the mask.
        #we create the mask of the background
        background = (img == 0)
        #a little technicality: we must erode the background in order to 
        #successfully subtract it form local_max, otherwise a line will 
        #appear along the background border (artifact of the local maximum filter)
        eroded_background = ndimage.binary_erosion(background,
        #we obtain the final mask, containing only peaks, 
        #by removing the background from the local_max mask
        detected_peaks = local_max - eroded_background
        neighborhood[1, 1] = 0
        img_max = ndimage.maximum_filter(img, footprint=neighborhood)
        detected_peaks = (img > img_max)

    return detected_peaks
Beispiel #29
def file_loop(f):
    print('Doing file: ' + f)
    dic = xr.open_dataset(f)
    res = []
    outt = dic['t_lag0'].values
    outp = dic['p'].values

    for nb in range(5):
        boole = np.isnan(outp)
        outp[boole] = -1000
        gg = np.gradient(outp)
        outp[boole] = np.nan
        outp[abs(gg[1]) > 300] = np.nan
        outp[abs(gg[0]) > 300] = np.nan

    gradi = np.gradient(outt)
    grad = gradi[1]

    maxoutt = (outt == ndimage.minimum_filter(outt, 20, mode='constant', cval=np.amin(outt) - 1))
    maxoutt = maxoutt.astype(int)
    yt, xt = np.where((maxoutt == 1) & (outt < -50))
    tstr = ['t'] * len(yt)

    maxoutp = (outp == ndimage.maximum_filter(outp, 20, mode='constant', cval=np.amax(outp) + 1))
    maxoutp = maxoutp.astype(int)
    yp, xp = np.where((maxoutp == 1) & (outp > 10))

    maxoutg = (grad == ndimage.minimum_filter(grad, 20, mode='constant', cval=np.amin(grad) - 1))
    maxoutg = maxoutg.astype(int)
    yg, xg = np.where((maxoutg == 1) & (grad < -10))
    gstr = ['g'] * len(yg)

    tglist = tstr
    tgx = [xt, xg]
    tgx = [item for sublist in tgx for item in sublist]
    tgy = [yt, yg]
    tgy = [item for sublist in tgy for item in sublist]
    points = np.array(list(zip(tgy, tgx)))

    for point in zip(yp, xp):
            pos = ua.closest_point(point, points)
        except ValueError:

        if tglist[pos] == 't':
            res.append((tglist[pos], outt[tuple(points[pos])], outp[point]))
        if tglist[pos] == 'g':
            res.append((tglist[pos], grad[tuple(points[pos])], outp[point]))
    return res
Beispiel #30
def canny(image, high_threshold, low_threshold):
  grad_x = sobel(image, 0)
  grad_y = sobel(image, 1)
  grad_mag = sqrt(grad_x**2+grad_y**2)
  grad_angle = arctan2(grad_y, grad_x)
  # next, scale the angles in the range [0, 3] and then round to quantize
  quantized_angle = around(3 * (grad_angle + pi) / (pi * 2))  
  NE = maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_NE) 
  W  = maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_W)
  NW = maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_NW)
  N  = maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_N)
  thinned = (((grad_mag > W)  & (quantized_angle == _N_d )) |
             ((grad_mag > N)  & (quantized_angle == _W_d )) |
             ((grad_mag > NW) & (quantized_angle == _NE_d)) |
             ((grad_mag > NE) & (quantized_angle == _NW_d)) )
  thinned_grad = thinned * grad_mag
  # Now, hysteresis thresholding: find seeds above a high threshold, then 
  # expand out until we go below the low threshold
  high = thinned_grad > high_threshold
  low = thinned_grad > low_threshold
  canny_edges = binary_dilation(high, iterations=-1, mask=low)
  return grad_mag, thinned_grad, canny_edges
Beispiel #31
def build_part_with_score_fast(score_threshold, local_max_radius, scores):
    parts = []
    num_keypoints = scores.shape[2]
    lmd = 2 * local_max_radius + 1

    # NOTE it seems faster to iterate over the keypoints and perform maximum_filter
    # on each subarray vs doing the op on the full score array with size=(lmd, lmd, 1)
    for keypoint_id in range(num_keypoints):
        kp_scores = scores[:, :, keypoint_id].copy()
        kp_scores[kp_scores < score_threshold] = 0.
        max_vals = ndi.maximum_filter(kp_scores, size=lmd, mode='constant')
        max_loc = np.logical_and(kp_scores == max_vals, kp_scores > 0)
        max_loc_idx = max_loc.nonzero()
        for y, x in zip(*max_loc_idx):
            parts.append((scores[y, x,
                                 keypoint_id], keypoint_id, np.array((y, x))))

    return parts
Beispiel #32
 def test_indices_with_labels(self):
     image = np.random.uniform(size=(40, 60))
     i, j = np.mgrid[0:40, 0:60]
     labels = 1 + (i >= 20) + (j >= 30) * 2
     i, j = np.mgrid[-3:4, -3:4]
     footprint = (i * i + j * j <= 9)
     expected = np.zeros(image.shape, float)
     for imin, imax in ((0, 20), (20, 40)):
         for jmin, jmax in ((0, 30), (30, 60)):
             expected[imin:imax, jmin:jmax] = ndi.maximum_filter(
                 image[imin:imax, jmin:jmax], footprint=footprint)
     expected = np.stack(np.nonzero(expected == image), axis=-1)
     expected = expected[np.argsort(image[tuple(expected.T)])[::-1]]
     result = peak.peak_local_max(image, labels=labels, min_distance=1,
                                  threshold_rel=0, footprint=footprint,
     result = result[np.argsort(image[tuple(result.T)])[::-1]]
     assert (result == expected).all()
Beispiel #33
 def test_reorder_labels(self):
     image = np.random.uniform(size=(40, 60))
     i, j = np.mgrid[0:40, 0:60]
     labels = 1 + (i >= 20) + (j >= 30) * 2
     labels[labels == 4] = 5
     i, j = np.mgrid[-3:4, -3:4]
     footprint = (i * i + j * j <= 9)
     expected = np.zeros(image.shape, float)
     for imin, imax in ((0, 20), (20, 40)):
         for jmin, jmax in ((0, 30), (30, 60)):
             expected[imin:imax, jmin:jmax] = ndi.maximum_filter(
                             image[imin:imax, jmin:jmax], footprint=footprint)
     expected = (expected == image)
     with expected_warnings(["indices argument is deprecated"]):
         result = peak.peak_local_max(image, labels=labels, min_distance=1,
                                      threshold_rel=0, footprint=footprint,
                                      indices=False, exclude_border=False)
     assert (result == expected).all()
Beispiel #34
def normalize_spec(w, f, w0, f0, ferr0, \
                   medfilt_width = 10, maxfilt_width = 5, order = 4):

    # w, f : arrays used to define a continuum function
    # w0, f0, ferr0: target flux to be normalized

    # Median filter
    f_medfilt = ndimage.median_filter(f, size=medfilt_width)

    # Maximum filter
    f_maxfilt = ndimage.maximum_filter(f_medfilt, size=maxfilt_width)

    z = np.polyfit(w, f_maxfilt, order)
    p = np.poly1d(z)
    f_norm = f0 / p(w0)
    ferr_norm = ferr0 / p(w0)

    return (f_norm, ferr_norm)
Beispiel #35
def mask_post_processing(thresh_image,
    '''Post-process a thresholded mask to remove small objects and apply watershed.
    Keyword arguments:
    thresh image -- thresholded mask
    kernel_size -- size of the kernel to adopt for opening operation
    min_obj_size -- minimum are accepted, smaller objects are removed
    max_dist -- size parameter for ndimage.maximum_filter function
    thresh_image -- post-processed mask (uint8)  
    # post-processing to remove holes and small objects
    kernel = np.ones((kernel_size, kernel_size), np.uint8)
    opening = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh_image, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
    opening = opening.astype("bool")
    thresh_image = remove_small_objects(opening,

    # apply watershed to separate cells better
    distance = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(thresh_image)
    maxi = ndimage.maximum_filter(distance, size=max_dist, mode='constant')
    local_maxi = peak_local_max(maxi,
                                footprint=np.ones((3, 3)),
    markers = ndimage.label(local_maxi)[0]
    thresh_image = watershed(-distance,

    thresh_image = thresh_image.astype("bool")
    thresh_image = remove_small_objects(thresh_image,

    return (thresh_image.astype("uint8") * 255)
Beispiel #36
def grow_segmentation_map(seg_file='MACS1149-IR_drz_seg.fits', cat_file='', size=30, mag=20):
    import scipy.ndimage as nd
    import pyregion
    import os
    #import stsci.convolve
    #seg_file='MACS1149-IR_drz_seg.fits'; cat_file=''; size=30; mag=20.5
    seg_im =
    seg = seg_im[0].data*1
    cat = threedhst.catIO.Table(cat_file)
    ok = cat['MAG_APER'] < mag
    so = np.argsort(cat['MAG_APER'][ok])
    idx = np.arange(len(cat))[ok][so]
    print 'Grow masks:'
    for i in idx:
        id = cat['NUMBER'][i]
        print '%5d (%.2f)' %(id, cat['MAG_APER'][i])
        mask = (seg == id)*1
        grow_mask = nd.maximum_filter(mask, size=size*2)
        #grow_mask = nd.convolve(mask, np.ones((size, size)))
        #grow_mask = stsci.convolve.convolve2d(mask, np.ones((size, size)), output=None, mode='nearest', cval=0.0, fft=1)
        seg[seg == 0] += grow_mask[seg == 0]*id
    reg_file = seg_file.replace('.fits', '_mask.reg')
    if os.path.exists(reg_file):
        print 'Region mask: %s' %(reg_file)
        reg =[0].header)
        N = len(reg)
        for i in range(N):
            if 'text=' not in reg[i].comment:
            id = int(reg[i].comment.strip('text={')[:-1])
            print '%4d' %(id)
            mask = reg[i:i+1].get_mask(seg_im[0])
            seg[seg == 0] += mask[seg == 0]*id
    pyfits.writeto(seg_file.replace('seg.fits','seg_grow.fits'), data=seg, header=seg_im[0].header, clobber=True)
# End
def peak_local_max_wrap(
    """ adapted from skimage to support theta wrap """

    if np.all(image == image.flat[0]):
        return np.empty((0, 2),

    # Non maximum filter
    # if footprint is not None:
    #     image_max = ndi.maximum_filter(image, footprint=footprint,
    #                                    mode='wrap')
    # else:
    #     size = 2 * min_distance + 1
    #     image_max = ndi.maximum_filter(image, size=size, mode='wrap')

    # maximum filter with gaussian kernel
    ker = cv2.getGaussianKernel(U.rint(2 * min_distance + 1), sigma=2.0)
    ker = ker * ker.T
    image_max = ndi.maximum_filter(image, footprint=ker, mode='wrap')

    # alternatively,
    # size = 2 * min_distance + 1
    # image_max = ndi.maximum_filter(image, size=size, mode='wrap')

    mask = image == image_max

    # find top peak candidates above a threshold
    thresholds = []
    if threshold_abs is None:
        threshold_abs = image.min()
    if threshold_rel is not None:
        thresholds.append(threshold_rel * image.max())
    if thresholds:
        mask &= image > max(thresholds)

    # Select highest intensities (num_peaks)
    coordinates = _get_high_intensity_peaks(image, mask, num_peaks)
    return coordinates
Beispiel #38
def getPPH(dfTors,method='daily',res=10):
    Calculate PPH density from tornado dataframe
    dfTors : dataframe
    method : 'total' or 'daily'
    # set up ~80km grid over CONUS
    latgrid = np.arange(20,55,res/111)
    longrid = np.arange(-130,-65,res/111/np.cos(35*np.pi/180))
    interval = int(80/res)
    disk = circle_filter(interval)
    dfTors['SPC_time'] = dfTors['UTC_time'] - timedelta(hours=12)
    dfTors = dfTors.set_index(['SPC_time'])
    groups = dfTors.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq="D"))
    aggregate_grid = []
    for group in groups: 
        slon,slat = group[1]['slon'].values,group[1]['slat'].values
        elon,elat = group[1]['elon'].values,group[1]['elat'].values
        torlons = [i for x1,x2 in zip(slon,elon) for i in np.linspace(x1,x2, 10)]
        torlats = [i for y1,y2 in zip(slat,elat) for i in np.linspace(y1,y2, 10)]
        # get grid count
        grid, _, _ = np.histogram2d(torlats,torlons, bins=[latgrid,longrid])
        grid = (grid>0)*1.0
        grid = maximum_filter(grid,footprint=disk)

    if method == 'daily':
        grid = np.mean(aggregate_grid,axis=0)
        PPH = gfilt(grid,sigma=1.5*interval)*100
    if method == 'total':
        grid = np.sum(aggregate_grid,axis=0)
        PPH = gfilt((grid>=1)*1.0,sigma=1.5*interval)*100
    return PPH,.5*(longrid[:len(longrid)-1]+longrid[1:]),.5*(latgrid[:len(latgrid)-1]+latgrid[1:])
Beispiel #39
def nms(image,rad=3,thresh=0):
    image = copy.copy(image)
    roi = rad
    size = 2 * roi + 1
    image_max = ndimage.maximum_filter(image, size=size, mode='constant')
    mask = (image == image_max)
    imin = image.min()
    image[np.logical_not(mask)] = imin

    # Optionally find peaks above some threshold
    image[:roi,:] = imin
    image[-roi:,:] = imin
    image[:, :roi] = imin
    image[:, -roi:] = imin

    image_t = (image > thresh) * 1

    # get coordinates of peaks
    return np.transpose(image_t.nonzero())
Beispiel #40
def crFind(img, var, nsig=10., sigfrac=0.3):
    simg = img / var**0.5
    deriv = ndimage.sobel(simg)
    deriv = ndimage.sobel(deriv)

    mean, std = clip(deriv[deriv != 0.])
    crmask = numpy.where(abs(deriv) > 15 * std, 1, 0)
    return crmask
    thresh = nsig * var**0.5
    n = 5
    blkimg = img.repeat(n, 0).repeat(n, 1)
    deriv = ndimage.laplace(blkimg) * -1.
    deriv[deriv < 0] = 0.
    d = iT.resamp(deriv, n)
    m = numpy.where((d > thresh) & (img > thresh), 1, 0)
    bmap = ndimage.maximum_filter(m, 5)
    cond = (bmap == 1) & (d > thresh * sigfrac) & (img > thresh * sigfrac)
    m[cond] = 1
    return m
def get_peak(hms):
    coords = {}
    for k in range(hms.shape[0]):
        hm = hms[k]
        mx = maximum_filter(hm, size=5)
        idx = zip(*np.where((mx == hm) * (hm > 0.1)))
        candidate_points = []
        for (y, x) in idx:
            candidate_points.append([x, y, hm[y][x]])

        if len(candidate_points) == 0:
            preds, maxvals = get_max_pred(hm[None, :])
            candidate_points.append([preds[0, 0], preds[0, 1], maxvals[0, 0]])

        candidate_points = np.array(candidate_points)
        candidate_points = candidate_points[np.lexsort(-candidate_points.T)]
        candidate_points = torch.Tensor(candidate_points)
        coords[k] = candidate_points
    return coords
    def findKvecsAuto(self):
        maxFiltFFT = sciim.maximum_filter(self.rawImageFFT, size=10)
        locMaxMask = (self.rawImageFFT==maxFiltFFT)
        maxInds = np.argsort(self.rawImageFFT, axis=None)
        maxInds = maxInds[::-1]

        # find four nonzero k-vectors
        nMaxFound = 0
        i = 0
        kvecList = np.zeros((2,2))
        while nMaxFound < 2:
            maxCoords = np.unravel_index(maxInds[i], self.rawImageFFT.shape)
            kvec = np.array([self.rawImageFreqs[0][maxCoords[0]], self.rawImageFreqs[1][maxCoords[1]]])

            if locMaxMask[maxCoords]==1 and (kvec[0]**2+kvec[1]**2)>0.05:
                if nMaxFound == 0:
                    kvecList[0] = kvec
                    nMaxFound += 1
                    if np.abs([0], kvec)) < 0.05*np.linalg.norm(kvec)**2:
                        kvecList[1] = kvec
                        nMaxFound += 1

            i += 1
        xKvecInd = np.argmax(np.abs(kvecList[:,0]))
        yKvecInd = np.argmax(np.abs(kvecList[:,1]))

        assert xKvecInd!=yKvecInd, 'x and y kvecs are the same!'

        xKvec = kvecList[xKvecInd]
        yKvec = kvecList[yKvecInd]

        if xKvec[0]<0:
            xKvec *= -1

        if yKvec[1]<0:
            yKvec *= -1

        self.xKvec = xKvec
        self.yKvec = yKvec
Beispiel #43
def v2_chaos_orig(iso_img, n_levels=30):
    # GCOVR_EXCL_START  # Disable code coverage for this function as it's not prod code
    """Reimplementation of the chaos metric. I didn't manage to get it to exactly match the original
    implementation. This one seems to have significantly better dynamic range - it often produces
    values like 0.6 when the original implementation rarely produces values below 0.95

    Original implementation:
    Old way: level-thresholding -> dilation -> erosion -> connected component count
    New way: "dilation" via maximum-filter -> "erosion" via minimum-filter -> level-thresholding
             -> connected component count
    # Local import of image_manip because numba isn't included in the Lithops Docker image
    # as it adds ~25MB. If this metric is ever used again, numba will need to be added to the image.
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel  # Avoid pulling numba into lithops
    from sm.engine.annotation.image_manip import count_connected_components

    dilated = maximum_filter(iso_img,
                             footprint=np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1],
                                                 [0, 1, 0]]))
    # Old way: mode='nearest', new way: mode='constant'
    iso_img = minimum_filter(dilated, size=(3, 3), mode='nearest')

    if not iso_img.any():
        # Old way - detect this case when the return value is exactly 1.0
        return 0.0

    # Old way: np.linspace(0, max_ints, n_levels)
    mask = np.empty(iso_img.shape, dtype='bool')

    thresholds = np.linspace(0, np.max(iso_img), n_levels)

    pixel_counts = np.ones(len(thresholds), 'i')
    component_counts = np.zeros(len(thresholds), 'i')
    for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
        np.greater(iso_img, threshold, out=mask)
        if mask.any():
            pixel_counts[i] = np.count_nonzero(mask)
            component_counts[i] = count_connected_components(mask)

    mean_count = 1 - np.mean(component_counts) / np.count_nonzero(iso_img)

    return mean_count
Beispiel #44
def extract_masked(image, linedesc, pad=5, expand=0, background=None):
    """Extract a subimage from the image using the line descriptor.
    A line descriptor consists of bounds and a mask."""
    assert amin(image) >= 0 and amax(image) <= 1
    if background is None or background=="min":
        background = amin(image)
    elif background =="max":
        background = amax(image)
    y0,x0,y1,x1 = [int(x) for x in [linedesc.bounds[0].start,linedesc.bounds[1].start, \
    if pad > 0:
        mask = pad_image(linedesc.mask, pad, cval=0)
        mask = linedesc.mask
    line = extract(image, y0 - pad, x0 - pad, y1 + pad, x1 + pad)
    if expand > 0:
        mask = ndi.maximum_filter(mask, (expand, expand))
    line = where(mask, line, background)
    return line
Beispiel #45
    def computeLocalMaxima(self, harrisImage):
            harrisImage -- numpy array containing the Harris score at
                           each pixel.
            destImage -- numpy array containing True/False at
                         each pixel, depending on whether
                         the pixel value is the local maxima in
                         its 7x7 neighborhood.
        destImage = np.zeros_like(harrisImage, np.bool)

        maxArr = ndimage.maximum_filter(harrisImage, size=7)
        for i in range(harrisImage.shape[0]):
            for j in range(harrisImage.shape[1]):
                destImage[i, j] = maxArr[i, j] == harrisImage[i, j]

        return destImage
Beispiel #46
    def circMaxCFAR(self, diff, nGuard=5, nNoise=2):
        Tries to highlight spots

        :param nGuard: radius in pixels of spot
        :param nNoise: width in pixels of ring where to collect noise beyond spot
        :returns: diff-filtered
        # build circular footprint mask
        size = 2*(nGuard+nNoise)+1
        mask = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=bool)
        v = np.arange(size)-size//2
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(v, v)
        dist2 = xx**2+yy**2
        mask[dist2 > nGuard**2] = True
        mask[dist2 > (nGuard+nNoise)**2] = False
        # apply footprint
        filtered = ndimage.maximum_filter(diff, footprint=mask)
        return diff-filtered
Beispiel #47
    def computeLocalMaxima(self, harrisImage):
            harrisImage -- numpy array containing the Harris score at
                           each pixel.
            destImage -- numpy array containing True/False at
                         each pixel, depending on whether
                         the pixel value is the local maxima in
                         its 7x7 neighborhood.
        destImage = np.zeros_like(harrisImage, np.bool)

        # TODO 2: Compute the local maxima image
        maxes = ndimage.maximum_filter(harrisImage, 7, mode='nearest')
        destImage = np.equal(harrisImage, maxes)
        # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return destImage
Beispiel #48
    def computeLocalMaxima(self, harrisImage):
            harrisImage -- numpy array containing the Harris score at
                           each pixel.
            destImage -- numpy array containing True/False at
                         each pixel, depending on whether
                         the pixel value is the local maxima in
                         its 7x7 neighborhood.
        destImage = np.zeros_like(harrisImage, np.bool)

        # TODO 2: Compute the local maxima image
        local_max_array = maximum_filter(harrisImage, size = 7, mode = 'reflect')
        destImage = (harrisImage == local_max_array)
        # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return destImage
Beispiel #49
def get_maxima(image, size, threshold='mean'):
    Find local intensity maxima inside an image. There is no sub-pixel accuracy.

        image (np.ndarray): a n-dimensional image
        size (int): the radius of the local region
        threshold (float or str): the maxima whose intensity is smaller
            than the threshold will be discarded.

        np.ndarray: the coordinates of local intensity maxima, shape (dimension, n)
    maxima_img = ndimage.maximum_filter(image, size) == image
    if threshold == 'mean':
        maxima_img[image < image[image > 0].mean()] = 0
        maxima_img[image < threshold] = 0
    local_maxima = np.array(np.where(maxima_img > 0))
    return local_maxima
Beispiel #50
 def test_four_quadrants(self):
     image = np.random.uniform(size=(20, 30))
     i, j = np.mgrid[0:20, 0:30]
     labels = 1 + (i >= 10) + (j >= 15) * 2
     i, j = np.mgrid[-3:4, -3:4]
     footprint = (i * i + j * j <= 9)
     expected = np.zeros(image.shape, float)
     for imin, imax in ((0, 10), (10, 20)):
         for jmin, jmax in ((0, 15), (15, 30)):
             expected[imin:imax, jmin:jmax] = ndi.maximum_filter(
                 image[imin:imax, jmin:jmax], footprint=footprint)
     expected = (expected == image)
     with expected_warnings(["indices argument is deprecated"]):
         result = peak.peak_local_max(image, labels=labels,
     assert np.all(result == expected)
Beispiel #51
    def computeLocalMaxima(self, harrisImage):
            harrisImage -- numpy array containing the Harris score at
                           each pixel.
            destImage -- numpy array containing True/False at
                         each pixel, depending on whether
                         the pixel value is the local maxima in
                         its 7x7 neighborhood.
        destImage = np.zeros_like(harrisImage, np.bool)

        # TODO 2: Compute the local maxima image
        # raise Exception("TODO in not implemented")
        destImage = ndimage.maximum_filter(harrisImage, size=7) == harrisImage
        # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return destImage
Beispiel #52
def getCenterline(mask, smoothing):

    labels = measure.label(mask)
     # assume at least 1 CC
    assert( labels.max() != 0 )

    # Find largest connected component
    bins = np.bincount(labels.flat)[1:] 
    cc = labels == np.argmax(np.bincount(labels.flat)[1:])+1
    filt = ndimage.maximum_filter(cc, size=smoothing)
    # Find skeletonized centerline
#    cc = morphology.binary_closing(cc)
#    cc = morphology.binary_erosion(cc)
#    cc = morphology.binary_dilation(cc)
    skeleton = skeletonize(filt, method='lee')

#    skeleton = medial_axis(cc)
    skeleton = thin(skeleton)

    return skeleton 
Beispiel #53
def GapFil(input_tif, footprint, output_folder, method='max'):
    Gapfil a raster by filling with the minimum, maximum or median of nearby pixels.
    input_tif : str
        Raster to be filled.
    footprint : ndarray
        Boolean array describing the area in which to look for the filling value.
    output_folder : str
        Folder to store gapfilled map.
    method : str, optional
        Method to use for gapfilling, options are 'max', 'min' or 'median'. Default is 'max'.
    fh : str
        Location of the gapfilled map.
    driver, NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection = GetGeoInfo(input_tif)
    population = OpenAsArray(input_tif, nan_values=True)

    if method == 'median':
        population_gaps = ndimage.median_filter(population,
    if method == 'max':
        population_gaps = ndimage.maximum_filter(population,
    if method == 'min':
        population_gaps = ndimage.minimum_filter(population,

    population[np.isnan(population)] = population_gaps[np.isnan(population)]

    fn = os.path.split(input_tif)[1].replace('.tif', '_gapfilled.tif')
    fh = os.path.join(output_folder, fn)

    CreateGeoTiff(fh, population, driver, NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection)

    return fh
Beispiel #54
def detect_peaks(image, detection_area = 2):
    Takes an image and detects the peaks using a local maximum filter.
    Returns a boolean mask of the peaks (i.e. 1 when the pixel's value is a 
    local maximum, 0 otherwise)

    image:  2D marray
        the data of one FITS image.
    detection_area: integer, optional
         optional argument. The local maxima are found in asquare neighborhood 
         with size  (2*detection_area+1)*(2*detection_area+1). 
         Default value is detection_area = 2.
    detected_peaks:  2D array
        Numpy array with same size as the input image, with 1 at the image 
        local maxima, 0 otherwise.
    # define an 8-connected neighborhood --> image dimensionality is 2 + there are 8 neighbors for a single pixel
    neighborhood = np.ones((1+2*detection_area,1+2*detection_area))
    # apply the local maximum filter; all pixel of maximal value in their
    # neighborhood are set to 1
    local_max = sn.maximum_filter(image, footprint=neighborhood)==image
    # local_max is a mask that contains the peaks we are looking for, but also 
    # the background. In order to isolate the peaks we must remove the 
    # background from the mask. We create the mask of the background
    background = (image==0)
    # a little technicality: we must erode the background in order to 
    # successfully subtract it from local_max, otherwise a line will appear 
    # along the background border (artifact of the local maximum filter)
    eroded_background = sn.binary_erosion(background, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1)
    # we obtain the final mask, containing only peaks, by removing the 
    # background from the local_max mask
    detected_peaks = local_max - eroded_background
    return detected_peaks
Beispiel #55
    def lidarCB(self, msg):
        This callback is called everytime the laserscanner sends us data.
        This is about 40hz. The message received is a laserscan message

	#Might want to consider checking what highlevel mux is sending and updating changing looking angle and acceptible distance
	#	this is not implemented yet

	increment = msg.angle_increment
	middle = int((-msg.angle_min)/increment)	 #This is the index in ranges of the laser scan pointing forward
	start = middle - int(math.radians(self.LOOKING_RANGE)/increment) #index of the scan pointing Looking_Range to right
	end = middle + int(math.radians(self.LOOKING_RANGE)/increment) #index of the scan pointing Looking_Range to left
	ranges30 = msg.ranges[start:end] #Only look at ranges in our range
	#may want to consider making things that are at more of an angle farther away so if we are 
	#kinds off to an angle of something we dont just stop but has not been added

	#remove any readings that are out of range
	ranges30 = filter(lambda x: x>msg.range_min and x<msg.range_max,ranges30)

	#using max filter
	ranges30 = sc.maximum_filter(ranges30,FILTER_WIDTH)
	ranges30 = ranges30[FILTER_WIDTH/2:-FILTER_WIDTH/2:FILTER_WIDTH/2] #DownSampling
	#Find the closest object 
	closest = min(ranges30)

	if closest < self.DANGER_DISTANCE:
	    stop_msg = AckermannDriveStamped() = 0.0

	elif closest < self.CAUTION_DISTANCE:
	    stop_msg = AckermannDriveStamped() = self.SPEED*(closest-self.DANGER_DISTANCE)/(self.CAUTION_DISTANCE-self.DANGER_DISTANCE) = self.ANGLE
Beispiel #56
def detect_peaks(image):
    """Detect peaks in an image  using a maximum filter"""
    #Set up 3x3 footprint for maximum filter
    footprint = np.ones((3, 3))

    #Apply maximum filter: All pixel in the neighborhood are set
    #to the maximal value. Peaks are where image = maximum_filter(image)
    local_maximum = maximum_filter(image, footprint=footprint) == image

    #We have false detections, where the image is zero, we call it background.
    #Create the mask of the background
    background = (image == 0)

    #Erode background at the borders, otherwise we would miss
    eroded_background = binary_erosion(background,

    #Remove the background from the local_maximum image
    detected_peaks = local_maximum - eroded_background
    return detected_peaks
    def process(data, size=None):
        if data is None or size is None or "values" not in data:
            return data
        radius = int(size // 2)
        footprint = get_footprint(size)[np.newaxis]

        # put absolute minimum on no data pixels
        array = data["values"].copy()
        minimum = get_dtype_min(array.dtype)
        no_data_mask = array == data["no_data_value"]
        array[no_data_mask] = minimum

        # apply maximum filter
        filtered = ndimage.maximum_filter(array, footprint=footprint)

        # replace absolute minimum with original fillvalue
        filtered[(filtered == minimum) & no_data_mask] = data["no_data_value"]

        # cut out the result
        filtered = filtered[:, radius:-radius, radius:-radius]
        return {"values": filtered, "no_data_value": data["no_data_value"]}
Beispiel #58
def cell_max(values):
    Find pairwise max of consecutive elements across all axes of an array.

    values : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        An input array of :math:`n` dimensions,
        :math:`(m_0, m_1, \dots, m_{n-1})`.

    maxima : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        An input array of :math:`n` dimensions, each with a length 1 less than
        the input array,
        :math:`(m_0 - 1, m_1 - 1, \dots, m_{n-1} - 1)`.

    maxima = maximum_filter(values, size=2, mode='constant')
    indices = (slice(1, None), ) * np.ndim(values)
    return maxima[indices]
Beispiel #59
    def process(self, batch, request: BatchRequest):
        data = batch[self.array].data

        if self.threshold is None:
            data_min = np.min(data)
            data_med = np.median(data)
            threshold = (data_min + data_med) / 2
            threshold = self.threshold

        voxel_size = batch[self.array].spec.voxel_size
        window_size = self.window_size / voxel_size

        window_size = (1,) * (len(data.shape) - len(window_size)) + window_size
        max_filter = maximum_filter(data, window_size)
        local_maxima = np.logical_and(max_filter == data, data > threshold)

        spec = batch[self.array].spec.copy()
        spec.dtype = bool

        batch.arrays[self.maxima] = Array(local_maxima, spec)
Beispiel #60
def find_all_thres_fast(data, thres, msep, find_segs=False):
    Fast version of find_all_thres. See :py:func:`find_all_thres`.
    wsize = tuple([2 * i + 1 for i in msep])  # window size is 2*seperation+1

    # find local maxima mask
    mx = ndimage.maximum_filter(data, size=wsize, mode='constant') == data

    # find positive threshold mask
    pthres =, thres)

    # peaks are bitwise and of maximum mask and threshold mask
    locations = np.transpose(np.nonzero(np.bitwise_and(pthres, mx)))
    locations = [tuple(i) for i in locations]

    if find_segs:
        seg_slices = [find_pseg_slice(data, l, thres) for l in locations]
        return locations, seg_slices
        return locations