Beispiel #1
def do_nested_sampling(nreplicas=10, niter=200, mciter=1000, stepsize=.8, estop=-.9,
                       x0=[1,1], r0=2,
                       xlim=None, ylim=None, circle=False
    path = []
    def mc_record_position_event(coords=None, **kwargs):
        if len(path) == 0 or not np.all(path[-1] == coords):

    p = Pot()
    print p.get_energy(np.array([1,2.]))
    mc_walker = MonteCarloWalker(p, mciter=mciter, events=[mc_record_position_event])
    # initialize the replicas with random positions
    replicas = []
    for i in xrange(nreplicas):
        # choose points uniformly in a circle
        if circle: 
            coords = vector_random_uniform_hypersphere(2) * r0 + x0
            coords = np.zeros(2)
            coords[0] = np.random.uniform(xlim[0], xlim[1])
            coords[1] = np.random.uniform(ylim[0], ylim[1])
#         coords = np.random.uniform(-1,3,size=2)
        r = Replica(coords, p.get_energy(coords))
    ns = NestedSampling(replicas, mc_walker, stepsize=stepsize)
    results = [Result()]
    results[0].replicas = [r.copy() for r in replicas]
    for i in xrange(niter):
        new_res = Result()
        new_res.replicas = [r.copy() for r in replicas]
        new_res.starting_replica = ns.starting_replicas[0].copy()
        new_res.new_replica = ns.new_replicas[0].copy()
        path.insert(0, new_res.starting_replica.x)
        new_res.mc_path = path
        path = []
        if ns.replicas[-1].energy < estop:
#    plt.plot(ns.max_energies)
    return ns, results
Beispiel #2
 def get_exact_dos(self):
     N = len(self.Zlinear_sorted)
     V = N-1-self.sidebar_e_to_index(self.ns.max_energies[0])
     print self.ns.max_energies[0], self.Zlinear_sorted[V]
     K = float(len(self.ns.replicas))
     n = len(self.ns.max_energies)
     self.better_dos = Result()
     self.better_dos.energies = [ self.Zlinear_sorted[np.round(V * (K/(K+1))**i)] for i in xrange(n)]
     self.better_dos.dos = self.compute_dos(len(self.better_dos.energies))
     # also make some random dos versions
     self.better_dos.random_energies = []
     for i in xrange(20):
         alphas = np.random.beta(K,1, size=n-1)
         elist = [ self.Zlinear_sorted[np.round(V * prod(alphas[:i]))] for i in xrange(1,n)]
         elist.insert(0, self.Zlinear_sorted[np.round(V)])
def lbfgs_scipy(coords, pot, iprint=-1, tol=1e-3, nsteps=1500):
    a wrapper function for lbfgs routine in scipy
    .. warn::
        the scipy version of lbfgs uses linesearch based only on energy
        which can make the minimization stop early.  When the step size
        is so small that the energy doesn't change to within machine precision (times the
        parameter `factr`) the routine declares success and stops.  This sounds fine, but
        if the gradient is analytical the gradient can still be not converged.  This is
        because in the vicinity of the minimum the gradient changes much more rapidly then
        the energy.  Thus we want to make factr as small as possible.  Unfortunately,
        if we make it too small the routine realizes that the linesearch routine
        isn't working and declares failure and exits.
        So long story short, if your tolerance is very small (< 1e-6) this routine
        will probably stop before truly reaching that tolerance.  If you reduce `factr` 
        too much to mitigate this lbfgs will stop anyway, but declare failure misleadingly.  
    assert hasattr(pot, "getEnergyGradient")
    from scipy.optimize import Result, fmin_l_bfgs_b
    res = Result()
    res.coords,, dictionary = fmin_l_bfgs_b(pot.getEnergyGradient,
    res.grad = dictionary["grad"]
    res.nfev = dictionary["funcalls"]
    warnflag = dictionary['warnflag']
    #res.nsteps = dictionary['nit'] #  new in scipy version 0.12
    res.nsteps = res.nfev
    res.message = dictionary['task']
    res.success = True
    if warnflag > 0:
        print "warning: problem with quench: ",
        res.success = False
        if warnflag == 1:
            res.message = "too many function evaluations"
            res.message = str(dictionary['task'])
        print res.message
    #note: if the linesearch fails the lbfgs may fail without setting warnflag.  Check
    #tolerance exactly
    if False:
        if res.success:
            maxV = np.max(np.abs(res.grad))
            if maxV > tol:
                print "warning: gradient seems too large", maxV, "tol =", tol, ". This is a known, but not understood issue of scipy_lbfgs"
                print res.message
    res.rms = res.grad.std()
    return res
def lbfgs_scipy(coords, pot, iprint=-1, tol=1e-3, nsteps=10000):
    a wrapper function for lbfgs routine in scipy
    .. warn::
        the scipy version of lbfgs uses linesearch based only on energy
        which can make the minimization stop early.  When the step size
        is so small that the energy doesn't change to within machine precision (times the
        parameter `factr`) the routine declares success and stops.  This sounds fine, but
        if the gradient is analytical the gradient can still be not converged.  This is
        because in the vicinity of the minimum the gradient changes much more rapidly then
        the energy.  Thus we want to make factr as small as possible.  Unfortunately,
        if we make it too small the routine realizes that the linesearch routine
        isn't working and declares failure and exits.
        So long story short, if your tolerance is very small (< 1e-6) this routine
        will probably stop before truly reaching that tolerance.  If you reduce `factr` 
        too much to mitigate this lbfgs will stop anyway, but declare failure misleadingly.  
    assert hasattr(pot, "getEnergyGradient")
    res = Result()
    res.coords,, dictionary = fmin_l_bfgs_b(pot.getEnergyGradient, 
            coords, iprint=iprint, pgtol=tol, maxfun=nsteps, factr=10.)
    res.grad = dictionary["grad"]
    res.nfev = dictionary["funcalls"]
    warnflag = dictionary['warnflag']
    #res.nsteps = dictionary['nit'] #  new in scipy version 0.12
    res.nsteps = res.nfev
    res.message = dictionary['task']
    res.success = True
    if warnflag > 0:
        print "warning: problem with quench: ",
        res.success = False
        if warnflag == 1:
            res.message = "too many function evaluations"
            res.message = str(dictionary['task'])
        print res.message
        print "    the energy is",, "the rms gradient is", np.linalg.norm(res.grad) / np.sqrt(res.grad.size), "nfev", res.nfev
        print "    X: ", res.coords
    #note: if the linesearch fails the lbfgs may fail without setting warnflag.  Check
    #tolerance exactly
    if False:
        if res.success:
            maxV = np.max( np.abs(res.grad) )
            if maxV > tol:
                print "warning: gradient seems too large", maxV, "tol =", tol, ". This is a known, but not understood issue of scipy_lbfgs"
                print res.message
    res.rms = res.grad.std()
    return res
Beispiel #5
def _minimize_anneal(func, x0, args=(),
                     schedule='fast', T0=None, Tf=1e-12, maxfev=None,
                     maxaccept=None, maxiter=400, boltzmann=1.0,
                     learn_rate=0.5, ftol=1e-6, quench=1.0, m=1.0, n=1.0,
                     lower=-100, upper=100, dwell=50, disp=False,

    Minimization of scalar function of one or more variables using the
    simulated annealing algorithm.

    Options for the simulated annealing algorithm are:
        disp : bool
            Set to True to print convergence messages.
        schedule : str
            Annealing schedule to use. One of: 'fast', 'cauchy' or
        T0 : float
            Initial Temperature (estimated as 1.2 times the largest
            cost-function deviation over random points in the range).
        Tf : float
            Final goal temperature.
        maxfev : int
            Maximum number of function evaluations to make.
        maxaccept : int
            Maximum changes to accept.
        maxiter : int
            Maximum number of iterations to perform.
        boltzmann : float
            Boltzmann constant in acceptance test (increase for less
            stringent test at each temperature).
        learn_rate : float
            Scale constant for adjusting guesses.
        ftol : float
            Relative error in ``fun(x)`` acceptable for convergence.
        quench, m, n : float
            Parameters to alter fast_sa schedule.
        lower, upper : float or ndarray
            Lower and upper bounds on `x`.
        dwell : int
            The number of times to search the space at each temperature.

    This function is called by the `minimize` function with
    `method=anneal`. It is not supposed to be called directly.
    maxeval = maxfev
    feps = ftol

    x0 = asarray(x0)
    lower = asarray(lower)
    upper = asarray(upper)

    schedule = eval(schedule+'_sa()')
    #   initialize the schedule
    schedule.init(dims=shape(x0), func=func, args=args, boltzmann=boltzmann,
                  T0=T0, learn_rate=learn_rate, lower=lower, upper=upper,
                  m=m, n=n, quench=quench, dwell=dwell)

    current_state, last_state, best_state = _state(), _state(), _state()
    if T0 is None:
        x0 = schedule.getstart_temp(best_state)
        best_state.x = None
        best_state.cost = numpy.Inf

    last_state.x = asarray(x0).copy()
    fval = func(x0, *args)
    schedule.feval += 1
    last_state.cost = fval
    if last_state.cost < best_state.cost:
        best_state.cost = fval
        best_state.x = asarray(x0).copy()
    schedule.T = schedule.T0
    fqueue = [100, 300, 500, 700]
    iters = 0
    while 1:
        for n in xrange(dwell):
            current_state.x = schedule.update_guess(last_state.x)
            current_state.cost = func(current_state.x, *args)
            schedule.feval += 1

            dE = current_state.cost - last_state.cost
            if schedule.accept_test(dE):
                last_state.x = current_state.x.copy()
                last_state.cost = current_state.cost
                if last_state.cost < best_state.cost:
                    best_state.x = last_state.x.copy()
                    best_state.cost = last_state.cost
        iters += 1
        # Stopping conditions
        # 0) last saved values of f from each cooling step
        #     are all very similar (effectively cooled)
        # 1) Tf is set and we are below it
        # 2) maxeval is set and we are past it
        # 3) maxiter is set and we are past it
        # 4) maxaccept is set and we are past it

        af = asarray(fqueue)*1.0
        if all(abs((af-af[0])/af[0]) < feps):
            retval = 0
            if abs(af[-1]-best_state.cost) > feps*10:
                retval = 5
                if disp:
                    print("Warning: Cooled to %f at %s but this is not"
                          % (squeeze(last_state.cost),
                          + " the smallest point found.")
        if (Tf is not None) and (schedule.T < Tf):
            retval = 1
        if (maxeval is not None) and (schedule.feval > maxeval):
            retval = 2
        if (iters > maxiter):
            if disp:
                print("Warning: Maximum number of iterations exceeded.")
            retval = 3
        if (maxaccept is not None) and (schedule.accepted > maxaccept):
            retval = 4

    res = Result(x=best_state.x, fun=best_state.cost,
<<<<<<< HEAD
                    T=schedule.T, nfev=schedule.feval, nit=iters,
                    accept=schedule.accepted, status=retval,
                    success=(retval <= 1),
                    message={0: 'Points no longer changing',
                             1: 'Cooled to final temperature',
                             2: 'Maximum function evaluations',
                             3: 'Maximum cooling iterations reached',
                             4: 'Maximum accepted query locations reached',
                             5: 'Final point not the minimum amongst '
                                'encountered points'}[retval])

    print(res['x'], res['fun'], res['T'], res['nfev'], res['nit'], \
        res['accept'], res['status'])
Beispiel #6
    def solve(self):
        Runs the DifferentialEvolutionSolver.

        res : Result
            The optimization result represented as a ``Result`` object.
            Important attributes are: ``x`` the solution array, ``success`` a
            Boolean flag indicating if the optimizer exited successfully and
            ``message`` which describes the cause of the termination. See
            `Result` for a description of other attributes. If polish
            was employed, then Result also contains the ``hess_inv`` and
            ``jac`` attributes.

        nfev, nit, warning_flag = 0, 0, False
        status_message = _status_message['success']

        # calculate energies to start with
        for index, candidate in enumerate(self.population):
            parameters = self._scale_parameters(candidate)
            self.population_energies[index] = self.func(parameters,
            nfev += 1

            if nfev > self.maxfun:
                warning_flag = True
                status_message = _status_message['maxfev']

        minval = np.argmin(self.population_energies)

        # put the lowest energy into the best solution position.
        lowest_energy = self.population_energies[minval]
        self.population_energies[minval] = self.population_energies[0]
        self.population_energies[0] = lowest_energy

        self.population[[0, minval], :] = self.population[[minval, 0], :]

        if warning_flag:
            return Result(
                           success=(warning_flag is not True))

        # do the optimisation.
        for nit in range(1, self.maxiter + 1):
            if self.dither is not None:
                self.scale = self.random_number_generator.rand(
                ) * (self.dither[1] - self.dither[0]) + self.dither[0]
            for candidate in range(np.size(self.population, 0)):
                if nfev > self.maxfun:
                    warning_flag = True
                    status_message = _status_message['maxfev']

                trial = self._mutate(candidate)
                parameters = self._scale_parameters(trial)

                energy = self.func(parameters, *self.args)
                nfev += 1

                if energy < self.population_energies[candidate]:
                    self.population[candidate] = trial
                    self.population_energies[candidate] = energy

                    if energy < self.population_energies[0]:
                        self.population_energies[0] = energy
                        self.population[0] = trial

            # stop when the fractional s.d. of the population is less than tol
            # of the mean energy
            convergence = (np.std(self.population_energies) /
                           np.abs(np.mean(self.population_energies) +

            if self.disp:
                print("differential_evolution step %d: f(x)= %g"
                      % (nit,

            if (self.callback and
                                  convergence=self.tol / convergence) is True):

                warning_flag = True
                status_message = ('callback function requested stop early '
                                  'by returning True')

            if convergence < self.tol or warning_flag:

            status_message = _status_message['maxiter']
            warning_flag = True

        DE_result = Result(
            success=(warning_flag is not True))

        print("\n\n\nDE Result:\n")

        if self.polish:
            result = minimize(self.func,

            print("\n\n\nPolish Result:\n")

            nfev += result.nfev
            DE_result.nfev = nfev

            if <
                DE_result.x = result.x
                DE_result.jac = result.jac
                # to keep internal state consistent
                self.population_energies[0] =
                self.population[0] = self._unscale_parameters(result.x)

        return DE_result