def draw(self):
        Sample from the categorical distribution, and payout corresponding to the selected index

        :return: payouts[i], where i is sampled from the categorical distribution given by pvals
        return random.multinomial(1, pvals=self.pvals).dot(self.payouts)
    def draw(self):
        if sample_priors = True and random_sample = True:
           draw returns a random draw of a categorical distribution with parameters drawn from a Dirichlet distribution
           the hyperparameters on the Dirichlet are given by the bandit's metric with laplacian smoothing
        if sample_priors = False and random_sample = True:
            draw returns a random draw of a categorical distribution with parameters given by the bandit's metric
        if sample_priors = True and random_sample = False:
            draw returns argmax(random.dirichlet((x_0 + 1, ... , x_n_arms + 1))) where x_i is the ith value returned by
            the bandit's metric.
        if sample_priors = False and random_sample = False:
            become a purely greedy bandit with the selected arm given by argmax(metric)

        :return: The numerical index of the selected arm
        temp = self._schedule_fn(self.total_draws)
        x = array(self._metric_fn()) * temp + 1

        if self.sample_priors:
            pvals = random.dirichlet(x)
            pvals = x / sum(x)

        if self.random_sample:
            return argmax(random.multinomial(1, pvals=pvals))
            return argmax(pvals)
    def draw(self):
        Selects arm i with probability distribution given by the softmax:
            P(arm_i) = exp(metric_i) / Z

        Where Z is the normalizing constant:
            Z = sum(exp(metric_i) for i in range(n_arms))

        :return: The numerical index of the selected arm
        return argmax(random.multinomial(1, pvals=softmax(self._metric_fn())))
    def draw(self):
        Selects arm i with probability distribution given by the softmax:
            P(arm_i) = exp(metric_i / temperature) / Z

        Where Z is the normalizing constant:
            Z = sum(exp(metric_i / temperature) for i in range(n_arms))

        :return: The numerical index of the selected arm
        temp = self._schedule_fn(self.total_draws)
        return argmax(random.multinomial(1, pvals=softmax(array(self._metric_fn()) / temp)))
Beispiel #5
cov1 = np.eye(2)

mu2 = np.array([5, 3])
cov2 = np.eye(2) * 2

mu3 = np.array([8, 12])
cov3 = np.array([3.4, 0, 0, 5.1]).reshape(2, 2)

# multinom params
p1 = 0.2
p2 = 0
p3 = 1 - p2 - p1

# random draws
knum = rnd.multinomial(draws, (p1, p2, p3))
gaus1 = rnd.multivariate_normal(mu1, cov1, knum[0])
gaus2 = rnd.multivariate_normal(mu2, cov2, knum[1])
gaus3 = rnd.multivariate_normal(mu3, cov3, knum[2])

# join columns into dataframe
x1 = pd.Series(np.r_[gaus1[:, 0], gaus2[:, 0], gaus3[:, 0]])
x2 = pd.Series(np.r_[gaus1[:, 1], gaus2[:, 1], gaus3[:, 1]])
c = pd.Series(np.r_[np.zeros(knum[0]), np.ones(knum[1]), np.ones(knum[2]) * 2])
dat = {"x1" : x1, "x2" : x2, "c" : c}
clustData = pd.DataFrame(dat)

# plot clusters
#plt.scatter(clustData["x1"], clustData["x2"], c = clustData["c"])