Beispiel #1
def butter_bandpass_filter(data, cutoffs=[0.5, 3], fs=125.0, order=5):
    # data, cutoff frequency, sampling frequency, butterworth filter order
    b, a = butter_pass(cutoffs[1], fs, order=order, btype="low")
    data_lp = lfilter(b, a, data)

    b, a = butter_pass(cutoffs[0], fs, order=order, btype="high")
    data_hp = lfilter(b, a, data_lp)

    return data_hp
Beispiel #2
 def _process_data(self, pattern, data, timestamps):
     Inherited from DataConsumer.
     Buffers the incoming signal and returns the filtered data to the blackboard
     for d, t in zip(data, timestamps):
         self._buffer = self._buffer[-len(self._coefficients):]
         result = lfilter(self._coefficients, 1, self._buffer)[-1]
         self.blackboard.put_data(pattern + self._pat_extension, result, t)
    def test_elementwise_lfilter(self):
        Test whether our method of elementwise processing yields the same results as processing a whole signal at once
        fir = FIRFilter(, self.pattern, 33, 256, 75, 'lpf' )
        a   = 1
        sig = [ randint(0,1024) for _ in range(256) ]
        result = lfilter( fir.get_coefficients(), a, sig, axis=0 ) 

        result2 = []
        buf = []
        for s in sig:
            buf = buf[-33:]
            result2.append(lfilter( fir.get_coefficients(), a, buf )[-1] )
        self.assertEqual( len(result), len(result2), 'Results should be equal length')
        self.assertEqual( sum([ abs( x-y ) for x,y in zip(result, result2 ) ]), 0, 'Results should be equal value')
def lfilter_filter(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:

    b, a = butter(2, 0.1)
    sample_header_names = [ for h in process_header_data(df, HeaderType.SAMPLE)
    lfilter_func = lambda x: lfilter(b, a, x)
    df[sample_header_names] = df[sample_header_names].transform(lfilter_func)

    return df
 def _process_data(self, pattern, data, timestamps ):
     Inherited from DataConsumer.
     Buffers the incoming signal and returns the filtered data to the blackboard
     for d,t in zip(data,timestamps):
         self._buffer = self._buffer[-len(self._coefficients):]
         result = lfilter( self._coefficients, 1, self._buffer )[-1]
         self.blackboard.put_data(pattern+self._pat_extension, result, t )
Beispiel #6
    def test_elementwise_lfilter(self):
        Test whether our method of elementwise processing yields the same results as processing a whole signal at once
        fir = FIRFilter(, self.pattern, 33, 256, 75, 'lpf')
        a = 1
        sig = [randint(0, 1024) for _ in range(256)]

        result = lfilter(fir.get_coefficients(), a, sig, axis=0)

        result2 = []
        buf = []
        for s in sig:
            buf = buf[-33:]
            result2.append(lfilter(fir.get_coefficients(), a, buf)[-1])

        self.assertEqual(len(result), len(result2),
                         'Results should be equal length')
        self.assertEqual(sum([abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(result, result2)]), 0,
                         'Results should be equal value')
Beispiel #7
def create_AR_noise(bold_shape, v_noise, order=2, v_corr=0.1):
    noise = np.random.randn(*bold_shape)
    nbVox = bold_shape[1]
    length = bold_shape[0]
    noiseMean = np.zeros(nbVox, dtype=float)
    noiseVar = v_noise * np.random.rand(nbVox)
    ARorder = order
    noiseARp = v_corr * (np.ones((nbVox, ARorder), dtype=float) + np.random.rand(nbVox, ARorder))
    for v in xrange(nbVox):
        tmp = np.sqrt(noiseVar[v]) * np.random.randn(length) + noiseMean[v]
        ARArray = np.concatenate(([1], -noiseARp[v, :]))
        noise[:, v] = lfilter([1], ARArray, tmp)
    return noise
Beispiel #8
def create_AR_noise(bold_shape, v_noise, order=2, v_corr=0.1):
    noise = np.random.randn(*bold_shape)
    nbVox = bold_shape[1]
    length = bold_shape[0]
    noiseMean = np.zeros(nbVox, dtype=float)
    noiseVar = v_noise * np.random.rand(nbVox)
    ARorder = order
    noiseARp = v_corr * (np.ones(
        (nbVox, ARorder), dtype=float) + np.random.rand(nbVox, ARorder))
    for v in xrange(nbVox):
        tmp = np.sqrt(noiseVar[v]) * np.random.randn(length) + noiseMean[v]
        ARArray = np.concatenate(([1], -noiseARp[v, :]))
        noise[:, v] = lfilter([1], ARArray, tmp)
    return noise
Beispiel #9
def sgolayfilt(x, p, n):
    x = array(x, float32).ravel()   
    size = len(x)
    if size < n:
        raise Exception, "'sgolayfilt': insufficient data for filter"
    # # The first k rows of F are used to filter the first k points
    # # of the data set based on the first n points of the data set.
    # # The last k rows of F are used to filter the last k points
    # # of the data set based on the last n points of the dataset.
    # # The remaining data is filtered using the central row of F.
    F = sgolay(p, n)
    k = int(n / 2)
    # z = filter(F(k+1,:), 1, x);
    z = lfilter(F[k], 1, x)
    # y = [ F(1:k,:)*x(1:n,:) ; z(n:len,:) ; F(k+2:n,:)*x(len-n+1:len,:) ];    
    left = dot(take(F, arange(k), 0), take(x, arange(n), 0))  
    right = dot(take(F, arange(k + 1, n), 0), take(x, arange(size - n, size), 0))
    middle = take(z, arange(n - 1, size))
    return concatenate((left, middle, right))
print "IIR coeff created", len(b_iir), len(a_iir)

Ntaps = 512
b_fir = remez(numtaps=Ntaps,
              bands=[0., 0.49 / 2., 0.51 / 2., 1. / 2.],
              desired=[1., 0.])  #, maxiter=250, grid_density=64)
a_fir = [1.]
print "FIR coeff created", len(b_fir), len(a_fir)

yf_fir, zf = lfilter(b_fir,
                     zi=np.zeros(max(len(a_fir), len(b_fir)) - 1))
yf_iir, zf = lfilter(b_iir,
                     zi=np.zeros(max(len(a_iir), len(b_iir)) - 1))

impulse = np.zeros(N)
impulse[N / 2] = 1.
yf_imp_fir, zf = lfilter(b_fir,
                         zi=np.zeros(max(len(a_fir), len(b_fir)) - 1))
yf_imp_iir, zf = lfilter(b_iir,
Beispiel #11
 def filter(self, data):
     import scipy.signal.signaltools as st
     res = st.lfilter(self.b, self.a, data, zi=self.ic)
     self.ic = res[-1]
     return res[0]
Beispiel #12
        yt = irfft(rfft(x[i:il], n=N)*bf, n=N) # compute the convolution on the segment
        k = min(i+N, Nx)
        y[i:k] += yt[:k-i] # add the overlapped output blocks
        i += L
    #check if we have enough samples available
    #and compute number of fft to be done
    zf = 0.
    return y, zf

import time
t0 = time.time()
yf_fir, zf = lfilter(b_fir, a_fir, y, zi=zeros(max(len(a_fir),len(b_fir))-1))
t1 = time.time()
yf_fir_oa, zf = fft_overlap_add_lfilter(b_fir, y, zi=zeros(max(len(a_fir),len(b_fir))-1))
t2 = time.time()
tlin = t1 - t0
toa = t2 - t1
print("lin", tlin, "o-a", toa, "lin/o-a", tlin/toa)

impulse = zeros(N); impulse[0] = 1.
yf_imp_fir, zf = lfilter(b_fir, a_fir, impulse, zi=zeros(max(len(a_fir),len(b_fir))-1))
yf_imp_fir_oa, zf = fft_overlap_add_lfilter(b_fir, impulse, zi=zeros(max(len(a_fir),len(b_fir))-1))
#yf_imp_iir, zf = lfilter(b_iir, a_iir, impulse, zi=zeros(max(len(a_iir),len(b_iir))-1))


Beispiel #13
def main():
	from matplotlib.pyplot import semilogx, plot, show, xlim, ylim, figure, legend, subplot, bar
	from numpy.fft import fft, fftfreq, fftshift, ifft
	from numpy import log10, linspace, interp, angle, array, concatenate, hamming

	N = 2**12
	fs = 44100.
	Nchannels = 20
	low_freq = 20.

	#impulse = zeros(N)
	#impulse[N/2] = 1
	f = 70.
	impulse = sin(2*pi*f*arange(0, N/fs, 1./fs))*hamming(N)

	#[ERBforward, ERBfeedback] = MakeERBFilters(fs, Nchannels, low_freq)
	#y = ERBFilterBank(ERBforward, ERBfeedback, impulse)

	BandsPerOctave = 24
	Nbands = NOCTAVE*BandsPerOctave
	[B, A, fi, fl, fh] = octave_filters(Nbands, BandsPerOctave)
	y, zfs = octave_filter_bank(B, A, impulse)
	print "Filter lengths without decimation"
	for b, a in zip(B, A):
		print len(b), len(a)
	response = 20.*log10(abs(fft(y)))
	freqScale = fftfreq(N, 1./fs)
	for i in range(0, response.shape[0]):
		semilogx(freqScale[0:N/2],response[i, 0:N/2])
	xlim(fs/2000, fs)
	ylim(-70, 10)
	m = 0
	for f in fi:
		p = 10.*log10((y[m]**2).mean())
		m += 1
		semilogx(f, p, 'ko')
	Ndec = 3
	fc = 0.5
	# other possibilities
	#(bdec, adec) = ellip(Ndec, 0.05, 30, fc)
	#print bdec
	#(bdec, adec) = cheby1(Ndec, 0.05, fc)
	#(bdec, adec) = butter(Ndec, fc)
	(bdec, adec) = iirdesign(0.48, 0.50, 0.05, 70, analog=0, ftype='ellip', output='ba')
	#bdec = firwin(30, fc)
	#adec = [1.]
	response = 20.*log10(abs(fft(impulse)))
	plot(fftshift(freqScale), fftshift(response), label="impulse")
	y = lfilter(bdec, adec, impulse)
	response = 20.*log10(abs(fft(y)))
	plot(fftshift(freqScale), fftshift(response), label="lowpass")
	ydec = y[::2].repeat(2)
	response = 20.*log10(abs(fft(ydec)))
	plot(fftshift(freqScale), fftshift(response), label="lowpass + dec2 + repeat2")
	ydec2 = interp(range(0, len(y)), range(0, len(y), 2), y[::2])
	response = 20.*log10(abs(fft(ydec2)))
	plot(fftshift(freqScale), fftshift(response), label="lowpass + dec2 + interp2")
	ydec3 = y[::2]
	response = 20.*log10(abs(fft(ydec3)))
	freqScale2 = fftfreq(N/2, 2./fs)
	plot(fftshift(freqScale2),fftshift(response), label="lowpass + dec2")
	legend(loc="lower left")
	plot(range(0, len(impulse)), impulse, label="impulse")
	plot(range(0, len(impulse)), y, label="lowpass")
	plot(range(0, len(impulse)), ydec, label="lowpass + dec2 + repeat2")
	plot(range(0, len(impulse)), ydec2, label="lowpass + dec2 + interp2")
	plot(range(0, len(impulse), 2), ydec3, label="lowpass + dec2")
	[boct, aoct, fi, flow, fhigh] = octave_filters_oneoctave(Nbands, BandsPerOctave)
	y, dec, zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation(bdec, adec, boct, aoct, impulse)
	print "Filter lengths with decimation"
	print len(bdec), len(adec)
	for b, a in zip(boct, aoct):
		print len(b), len(a)

	for yone, d in zip(y, dec):
		response = 20.*log10(abs(fft(yone))*d)
		freqScale = fftfreq(N/d, 1./(fs/d))
	xlim(fs/2000, fs)
	ylim(-70, 10)
	m = 0
	for i in range(0, NOCTAVE):
		for f in fi:
			p = 10.*log10((y[m]**2).mean())
			semilogx(f/dec[m], p, 'ko')
			m += 1

	[B, A, fi, fl, fh] = octave_filters(Nbands, BandsPerOctave)
	y1, zfs = octave_filter_bank(B, A, impulse[0:N/2])
	y2, zfs = octave_filter_bank(B, A, impulse[N/2:], zis=zfs)
	#[boct, aoct, fi, flow, fhigh] = octave_filters_oneoctave(Nbands, BandsPerOctave)
	#y1, dec, zfs = octave_filter_bank(bdec, adec, boct, aoct, impulse[0:N/2])
	#y2, dec, zfs = octave_filter_bank(bdec, adec, boct, aoct, impulse)	
	y = []
	for y1one, y2one in zip(y1,y2):
		y += [concatenate((y1one,y2one))]
	#for y0 in y1:

	for yone in y:
		response = 20.*log10(abs(fft(yone)))
		freqScale = fftfreq(N, 1./fs)
	xlim(fs/2000, fs)
	ylim(-70, 10)
	m = 0
	for f in fi:
		p = 10.*log10((y[m]**2).mean())
		semilogx(f, p, 'ko')
		m += 1

y = window * sin(2 * pi * x * f)
pbrip = .5
sbrip = 50
order = 2
fi = 63.41
flow = 62.5
fhigh = 64.33
wi = fi / (fs / 2.)
wlow = flow / (fs / 2.)
whigh = fhigh / (fs / 2.)
w = [wlow, whigh]
[b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, w, btype='bandpass')
#cheb1ord(wp, ws, 1., sbrip)
#cheby1(N, rp, Wn, btype='low', analog=0, output='ba')

yf = lfilter(b, a, y)
yf2 = lfilter(b, a, yf)

plot(x, y)
plot(x, yf)
plot(x, yf2)
    fftshift(fftfreq(N, 1. / fs))[N / 2:],
    fftshift(abs((fft(y)))**2)[N / 2:])
    fftshift(fftfreq(N, 1. / fs))[N / 2:],
    fftshift(abs((fft(yf)))**2)[N / 2:])
Beispiel #15
 def filter(self, data):
     res = st.lfilter(self.b, self.a, data, zi=self.ic)
     self.ic = res[-1]
     return res[0]
Beispiel #16
def default_filt(b, a, x, Z):
    return lfilter(b, a, x, zi=Z)
Beispiel #17
def default_filt(b, a, x, Z):
	return lfilter(b, a, x, zi=Z)
#Nfilt = 13
#w = 0.5
#pbrip = 0.05
#sbatt = 70.
#(b_full, a_full) = iirfilter(Nfilt, w, pbrip, sbatt, analog=0, btype='lowpass', ftype='ellip', output='ba')
#print "IIR coeff created", len(b_full), len(a_full)

#print "b", b_full
#print "a", a_full

z = np.zeros(b.shape[0]-1)

impulse = np.zeros(N); impulse[N/2] = 1.

t0 = time.time()
yf_imp_lfilter, zf = lfilter(b, a, impulse, zi=z)#, zi=zeros(max(len(a_full),len(b_full))-1))
t1 = time.time()
print("scipy", t1-t0)

t0 = time.time()
yf_imp_handmade, zf = pure_lfilter_float64_1D(b, a, impulse, z)
t1 = time.time()
print("pure", t1-t0)

t0 = time.time()
yf_imp_pyx, zf_pyx = pyx_lfilter_float64_1D(b, a, impulse, z)
t1 = time.time()
print("cython", t1-t0)

N2 = 100
N3 = 100
 def __init__(self,
     Creates a new TailData object
         file_data: Matrix loaded from tailfile
         ca_timeconstant: Timeconstant of calcium indicator used during experiments
         frame_rate: The tail camera acquisition framerate
         scan_frame_length: For more accurate alignment the time it took to acquire each 2P scan frame in seconds
     self.scanning = file_data[:, 0] == 1
     self.scan_frame = file_data[:, 1].astype(int)
     self.scan_frame[np.logical_not(self.scanning)] = -1
     # after the last frame is scanned, the scanImageIndex will be incremented further
     # and the isScanning indicator will not immediately switch off. Therefore, if
     # the highest index frame has less than 75% of the average per-index frame-number
     # set it to -1 as well
     c = Counter(self.scan_frame[self.scan_frame != -1])
     avg_count = np.median(list(c.values()))
     max_frame = np.max(self.scan_frame)
     if np.sum(self.scan_frame == max_frame) < 0.75 * avg_count:
         self.scan_frame[self.scan_frame == max_frame] = -1
     self.cumAngles = np.rad2deg(file_data[:, 2])
     self.ca_original = self.cumAngles.copy()
     self.vigor = comp_vigor(self.cumAngles, 80 // (1000 / frame_rate))
     # compute vigor bout threshold
     t = np.mean(self.vigor[self.vigor < 25]) + 3 * np.std(
         self.vigor[self.vigor < 25])
     print(f"Vigor threshold = {t}")
     self.bouts = detect_tail_bouts(self.cumAngles,
                                    min_frames=80 // (1000 / frame_rate),
     if self.bouts is not None and self.bouts.size == 0:
         self.bouts = None
     if self.bouts is not None:
         bs = self.bouts[:, 0].astype(int)
         self.boutFrames = self.scan_frame[bs]
         self.boutFrames = []
     self.ca_kernel = TailData.ca_kernel(ca_timeconstant, frame_rate)
     self.ca_timeconstant = ca_timeconstant
     # try to compute frame-rate from timestamps in the tail-data if they are present
     # use heuristics to determine if the 4th column (index 3) contains timestamp data
     putative_ts = file_data[:, 3]
     if np.all(np.diff(putative_ts) > 0) and np.mean(putative_ts) > 1e9:
         all_frame_times_ms = np.diff(
             putative_ts) / 1_000_000  # timestamp in ns
         frame_time_ms = np.median(all_frame_times_ms)
             f"Found timestamp information in tail file. Median time between frames is "
             f"{np.round(frame_time_ms, 2)}ms")
             f"99th percentile time between frames is {np.round(np.percentile(all_frame_times_ms, 99), 2)}ms"
         self.frame_rate = int(1000 / frame_time_ms)
         print(f"Set tail camera frame-rate to {self.frame_rate} Hz")
         print("Did not find timestamp information in tail file.")
         self.frame_rate = frame_rate
         putative_ts = None
     # compute tail velocities based on 10-window filtered cumulative angle trace
     fca = lfilter(np.ones(10) / 10, 1, self.cumAngles)
     self.velocity = np.hstack((0, np.diff(fca)))
     self.velcty_noise = np.nanstd(self.velocity[self.velocity < 4])
     # compute a time-trace assuming a constant frame-rate which starts at 0
     # for the likely first camera frame during the first acquisition frame
     # we infer this frame by going back avgCount frames from the first frame
     # of the second (!) scan frame (i.e. this should then be the first frame
     # of the first scan frame)
     frames = np.arange(self.cumAngles.size)
     first_frame = np.min(
         frames[self.scan_frame == 1]) - avg_count.astype(int)
     # remove overhang from frame 0 call
     self.scan_frame[:first_frame] = -1
     if scan_frame_length is not None and putative_ts is not None:
         # We will use the camera timestamp to assign sequential frame-times
         # To transform the  timing information into a time relative to the scan-frame
         # times we extract the likely scan time for each camera frame that is in the middle
         # of each scan frame. Then we pick the median suggested start time based on these key-
         # frame times
         timestamp_first_frame = putative_ts[0]
         start_times = []
         for i in range(self.scan_frame.max()):
             if np.sum(self.scan_frame == i) < 1:
             # compute index of the camera frame in the middle of the current scan frame
             ix_key = int(np.mean(frames[self.scan_frame == i]))
             # based on how long it takes to scan a frame, compute the approximate scan time at the key-frame
             key_time = scan_frame_length / 2 + scan_frame_length * i
             # compute the relative scan time of the first camera frame based on the key time
             camera_delta = (putative_ts[ix_key] -
                             timestamp_first_frame) / 1e9
             start_times.append(key_time - camera_delta)
         likely_start_time = np.median(start_times)
         self.frame_time = (putative_ts -
                            timestamp_first_frame) / 1e9 + likely_start_time
         frames -= first_frame
         self.frame_time = (frames / frame_rate).astype(np.float32)
     # create bout-start trace at original frame-rate
     self.starting = np.zeros_like(self.frame_time)
     if self.bouts is not None:
         bout_starts = self.bouts[:, 0].astype(int)
         # since we potentially clip our starting trace to the last valid frame-time (experiment end)
         # we also only include bout-starts that occured up to that index
         bout_starts = bout_starts[bout_starts < self.frame_time.size]
         self.starting[bout_starts] = 1
Beispiel #20
 def filter(self, data):
     res = st.lfilter(self.b, self.a, data, zi=self.ic)
     self.ic = res[-1]
     return res[0]
Beispiel #21
#w = 0.5
#pbrip = 0.05
#sbatt = 70.
#(b_full, a_full) = iirfilter(Nfilt, w, pbrip, sbatt, analog=0, btype='lowpass', ftype='ellip', output='ba')
#print "IIR coeff created", len(b_full), len(a_full)

#print "b", b_full
#print "a", a_full

z = np.zeros(b.shape[0] - 1)

impulse = np.zeros(N)
impulse[N / 2] = 1.

t0 = time.time()
yf_imp_lfilter, zf = lfilter(
    b, a, impulse, zi=z)  #, zi=zeros(max(len(a_full),len(b_full))-1))
t1 = time.time()
print("scipy", t1 - t0)

t0 = time.time()
yf_imp_handmade, zf = pure_lfilter_float64_1D(b, a, impulse, z)
t1 = time.time()
print("pure", t1 - t0)

t0 = time.time()
yf_imp_pyx, zf_pyx = pyx_lfilter_float64_1D(b, a, impulse, z)
t1 = time.time()
print("cython", t1 - t0)

N2 = 100
N3 = 100
Beispiel #22
def main():
    from matplotlib.pyplot import semilogx, plot, show, xlim, ylim, figure, legend, subplot, bar
    from numpy.fft import fft, fftfreq, fftshift, ifft
    from numpy import log10, linspace, interp, angle, array, concatenate

    N = 2048 * 2 * 2
    fs = float(SAMPLING_RATE)
    channel_count = 20
    low_freq = 20.

    impulse = zeros(N)
    impulse[N / 2] = 1
    f = 1000.
    # impulse = sin(2*pi*f*arange(0, N/fs, 1./fs))

    # [ERBforward, ERBfeedback] = MakeERBFilters(fs, channel_count, low_freq)
    # y = ERBFilterBank(ERBforward, ERBfeedback, impulse)

    bands_per_octave = 3
    total_band_count = NOCTAVE * bands_per_octave

    [B, A, fi, fl, fh] = octave_filters(total_band_count, bands_per_octave)
    y, zfs = octave_filter_bank(B, A, impulse)
    # print "Filter lengths without decimation"
    # for b, a in zip(B, A):
    #       print len(b), len(a)

    response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(y)))
    freqScale = fftfreq(N, 1. / fs)


    for i in range(0, response.shape[0]):
        semilogx(freqScale[0:int(N / 2)], response[i, 0:int(N / 2)])

    xlim(fs / 2000, fs)
    ylim(-70, 10)

    m = 0
    for f in fi:
        p = 10. * log10((y[m]**2).mean())
        m += 1
        semilogx(f, p, 'ko')

    Ndec = 3
    fc = 0.5
    # other possibilities
    # (bdec, adec) = ellip(Ndec, 0.05, 30, fc)
    # print bdec
    # (bdec, adec) = cheby1(Ndec, 0.05, fc)
    # (bdec, adec) = butter(Ndec, fc)
    (bdec, adec) = iirdesign(0.48,
    # bdec = firwin(30, fc)
    # adec = [1.]


    response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(impulse)))
    plot(fftshift(freqScale), fftshift(response), label="impulse")

    y = lfilter(bdec, adec, impulse)
    response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(y)))
    plot(fftshift(freqScale), fftshift(response), label="lowpass")

    ydec = y[::2].repeat(2)
    response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(ydec)))
         label="lowpass + dec2 + repeat2")

    ydec2 = interp(list(range(0, len(y))), list(range(0, len(y), 2)), y[::2])
    response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(ydec2)))
         label="lowpass + dec2 + interp2")

    ydec3 = y[::2]
    response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(ydec3)))
    freqScale2 = fftfreq(int(N / 2), 2. / fs)
    plot(freqScale2, fftshift(response), label="lowpass + dec2")

    legend(loc="lower left")

    plot(list(range(0, len(impulse))), impulse, label="impulse")
    plot(list(range(0, len(impulse))), y, label="lowpass")
    plot(list(range(0, len(impulse))), ydec, label="lowpass + dec2 + repeat2")
    plot(list(range(0, len(impulse))), ydec2, label="lowpass + dec2 + interp2")
    plot(list(range(0, len(impulse), 2)), ydec3, label="lowpass + dec2")

    [boct, aoct, fi, flow,
     fhigh] = octave_filters_oneoctave(total_band_count, bands_per_octave)
    y, dec, zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation(bdec, adec, boct, aoct,
    # print "Filter lengths with decimation"
    # print len(bdec), len(adec)
    # for b, a in zip(boct, aoct):
    #       print len(b), len(a)


    for yone, d in zip(y, dec):
        response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(yone)) * d)
        freqScale = fftfreq(int(N / d), 1. / (fs / d))
        semilogx(freqScale[0:int(N / (2 * d))], response[0:int(N / (2 * d))])

    xlim(fs / 2000, fs)
    ylim(-70, 10)

    m = 0
    for i in range(0, NOCTAVE):
        for f in fi:
            p = 10. * log10((y[m]**2).mean())
            semilogx(f / dec[m], p, 'ko')
            m += 1

    [boct, aoct, fi, flow,
     fhigh] = octave_filters_oneoctave(total_band_count, bands_per_octave)
    y1, dec, zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation(bdec, adec, boct, aoct,
                                                 impulse[0:int(N / 2)])
    y2, dec, zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation(bdec,
                                                 impulse[int(N / 2):],

    y = []
    for y1one, y2one in zip(y1, y2):
        y += [concatenate((y1one, y2one))]


    for yone, d in zip(y, dec):
        response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(yone)) * d)
        freqScale = fftfreq(int(N / d), 1. / (fs / d))
        semilogx(freqScale[0:int(N / (2 * d))], response[0:int(N / (2 * d))])

    xlim(fs / 2000, fs)
    ylim(-70, 10)

    m = 0
    for i in range(0, NOCTAVE):
        for f in fi:
            p = 10. * log10((y[m]**2).mean())
            semilogx(f / dec[m], p, 'ko')
            m += 1


Beispiel #23
N = 2**13
fs = 44100.
x = arange(0,N)/fs
f = 63.4

Nw = 2**13
window = zeros(N)
window[:Nw] = hamming(Nw)
y = window*sin(2*pi*x*f)
pbrip = .5
sbrip = 50
order = 2
fi = 63.41
flow = 62.5
fhigh = 64.33
wi = fi/(fs/2.)
wlow = flow/(fs/2.)
whigh = fhigh/(fs/2.)
w = [wlow, whigh]
[b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, w, btype='bandpass')

yf, zf = lfilter(b, a, y, zi=zeros(max(len(a),len(b))-1))
yf2, zf = lfilter(b, a, 0.*y, zi=zf)
yf3, zf = lfilter(b, a, 0.*y, zi=zf)

print(x[-1]+x, yf2)

subplot(211); plot(x,y); plot(x, yf); plot(x[-1]+x, yf2); plot(2*x[-1]+x, yf3)
subplot(212); loglog(fftshift(fftfreq(N,1./fs))[N/2:],fftshift(abs((fft(y)))**2)[N/2:]); loglog(fftshift(fftfreq(N,1./fs))[N/2:],fftshift(abs((fft(yf)))**2)[N/2:]); ylim(ymin=1e-6)
 def filter(self, data):
     import scipy.signal.signaltools as st
     res = st.lfilter(self.b, self.a, data, zi=self.ic)
     self.ic = res[-1]
     return res[0]
Beispiel #25
N = 2**15
fs = 44100.
x = arange(0,N)/fs
f = 63.4

Nw = 2**13
window = zeros(N)
window[:Nw] = hamming(Nw)
y = window*sin(2*pi*x*f)
pbrip = .5
sbrip = 50
order = 2
fi = 63.41
flow = 62.5
fhigh = 64.33
wi = fi/(fs/2.)
wlow = flow/(fs/2.)
whigh = fhigh/(fs/2.)
w = [wlow, whigh]
[b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, w, btype='bandpass')
#cheb1ord(wp, ws, 1., sbrip)
#cheby1(N, rp, Wn, btype='low', analog=0, output='ba')

yf = lfilter(b, a, y)
yf2 = lfilter(b, a, yf)

subplot(211); plot(x,y); plot(x, yf); plot(x, yf2)
subplot(212); loglog(fftshift(fftfreq(N,1./fs))[N/2:],fftshift(abs((fft(y)))**2)[N/2:]); loglog(fftshift(fftfreq(N,1./fs))[N/2:],fftshift(abs((fft(yf)))**2)[N/2:]); ylim(ymin=1e-6); loglog(fftshift(fftfreq(N,1./fs))[N/2:],fftshift(abs((fft(yf2)))**2)[N/2:])

Beispiel #26
window = zeros(N)
window[:Nw] = hamming(Nw)
y = window * sin(2 * pi * x * f)
pbrip = .5
sbrip = 50
order = 2
fi = 63.41
flow = 62.5
fhigh = 64.33
wi = fi / (fs / 2.)
wlow = flow / (fs / 2.)
whigh = fhigh / (fs / 2.)
w = [wlow, whigh]
[b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, w, btype='bandpass')

yf, zf = lfilter(b, a, y, zi=zeros(max(len(a), len(b)) - 1))
yf2, zf = lfilter(b, a, 0. * y, zi=zf)
yf3, zf = lfilter(b, a, 0. * y, zi=zf)

print x[-1] + x, yf2

plot(x, y)
plot(x, yf)
plot(x[-1] + x, yf2)
plot(2 * x[-1] + x, yf3)
    fftshift(fftfreq(N, 1. / fs))[N / 2:],
    fftshift(abs((fft(y)))**2)[N / 2:])