def apply_filter_fir(self, data, truncate=False, stages=None): """ Apply filter to data by applying the discrete-time filter. truncate If true, intermediate calculations are truncated as they would be in the MCE's fixed point implementation. This allows for complete simulation of digital artifacts. """ import scipy.signal as scs # Special hack n = data.shape[-1] b = [1., 2., 1.] # First filter if stages is None or 0 in stages: a = [1., -self.params[0]/2.**14, self.params[1]/2.**14] data = scs.lfilter(b, a, data) / 2**self.params[5] if truncate: data = numpy.floor(data) # Second filter if stages is None or 1 in stages: a = [1., -self.params[2]/2.**14, self.params[3]/2.**14] data = scs.lfilter(b, a, data) / 2**self.params[4] if truncate: data = numpy.floor(data) return data
def test_rank1(self): x = np.linspace(0, 5, 6).astype(self.dt) b = np.array([1, -1]).astype(self.dt) a = np.array([0.5, -0.5]).astype(self.dt) # Test simple IIR y_r = np.array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.]).astype(self.dt) assert_array_almost_equal(lfilter(b, a, x), y_r) # Test simple FIR b = np.array([1, 1]).astype(self.dt) a = np.array([1]).astype(self.dt) y_r = np.array([0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.]).astype(self.dt) assert_array_almost_equal(lfilter(b, a, x), y_r) # Test IIR with initial conditions b = np.array([1, 1]).astype(self.dt) a = np.array([1]).astype(self.dt) zi = np.array([1]).astype(self.dt) y_r = np.array([1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.]).astype(self.dt) zf_r = np.array([5]).astype(self.dt) y, zf = lfilter(b, a, x, zi=zi) assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r) assert_array_almost_equal(zf, zf_r) b = np.array([1, 1, 1]).astype(self.dt) a = np.array([1]).astype(self.dt) zi = np.array([1, 1]).astype(self.dt) y_r = np.array([1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12.]).astype(self.dt) zf_r = np.array([9, 5]).astype(self.dt) y, zf = lfilter(b, a, x, zi=zi) assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_r) assert_array_almost_equal(zf, zf_r)
def filtfilt(b,a,x): """ What does this function do? Alberto?? """ #For now only accepting 1d arrays ntaps=max(len(a),len(b)) edge=ntaps*3 if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError, "Filiflit is only accepting 1 dimension arrays." #x must be bigger than edge if x.size < edge: raise ValueError, "Input vector needs to be bigger than 3 * max(len(a),len(b)." if len(a) < ntaps: a=np.r_[a,zeros(len(b)-len(a))] if len(b) < ntaps: b=np.r_[b,zeros(len(a)-len(b))] zi=lfilter_zi(b,a) #Grow the signal to have edges for stabilizing #the filter with inverted replicas of the signal s=np.r_[2*x[0]-x[edge:1:-1],x,2*x[-1]-x[-1:-edge:-1]] #in the case of one go we only need one of the extrems # both are needed for filtfilt (y,zf)=lfilter(b,a,s,-1,zi*s[0]) (y,zf)=lfilter(b,a,np.flipud(y),-1,zi*y[-1]) return np.flipud(y[edge-1:-edge+1])
def inv_convolve(h1, h3, length): x = np.random.standard_normal(10000) u = signal.lfilter(h1, 1, x) d = signal.lfilter(h3, 1, x) h = np.zeros(length, np.float64) nlms(u, d, h, 0.1) return h
def instantaneous_frequency(data, fs, fk): """ Instantaneous frequency of a signal. Computes the instantaneous frequency of the given data which can be windowed or not. The instantaneous frequency is determined by the time derivative of the analytic signal of the input data. :type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param data: Data to determine instantaneous frequency of. :param fs: Sampling frequency. :param fk: Coefficients for calculating time derivatives (calculated via central difference). :return: **omega[, domega]** - Instantaneous frequency of input data, Time derivative of instantaneous frequency (windowed only). """ x = envelope(data) if len(x[0].shape) > 1: omega = np.zeros(x[0].shape[0], dtype=np.float64) i = 0 for row in x[0]: f = np.real(row) h = np.imag(row) # faster alternative to calculate f_add f_add = np.hstack(([f[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), f, [f[np.size(f) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2))) fd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, f_add) # correct start and end values of time derivative fd = fd[np.size(fk) - 1 : np.size(fd)] # faster alternative to calculate h_add h_add = np.hstack(([h[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), h, [h[np.size(h) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2))) hd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, h_add) # correct start and end values of time derivative hd = hd[np.size(fk) - 1 : np.size(hd)] omega_win = abs(((f * hd - fd * h) / (f * f + h * h)) * fs / 2 / np.pi) omega[i] = np.median(omega_win) i = i + 1 # faster alternative to calculate omega_add omega_add = np.hstack( ([omega[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), omega, [omega[np.size(omega) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)) ) domega = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, omega_add) # correct start and end values of time derivative domega = domega[np.size(fk) - 1 : np.size(domega)] return omega, domega else: omega = np.zeros(np.size(x[0]), dtype=np.float64) f = np.real(x[0]) h = np.imag(x[0]) # faster alternative to calculate f_add f_add = np.hstack(([f[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), f, [f[np.size(f) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2))) fd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, f_add) # correct start and end values of time derivative fd = fd[np.size(fk) - 1 : np.size(fd)] # faster alternative to calculate h_add h_add = np.hstack(([h[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), h, [h[np.size(h) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2))) hd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, h_add) # correct start and end values of time derivative hd = hd[np.size(fk) - 1 : np.size(hd)] omega = abs(((f * hd - fd * h) / (f * f + h * h)) * fs / 2 / np.pi) return omega
def highpass(data, freq, df, corners=4, zerophase=False): """ Butterworth-Highpass Filter. Filter data removing data below certain frequency ``freq`` using ``corners`` corners. :param data: Data to filter, type numpy.ndarray. :param freq: Filter corner frequency. :param df: Sampling rate in Hz. :param corners: Filter corners. Note: This is twice the value of PITSA's filter sections :param zerophase: If True, apply filter once forwards and once backwards. This results in twice the number of corners but zero phase shift in the resulting filtered trace. :return: Filtered data. """ fe = 0.5 * df f = freq / fe # raise for some bad scenarios if f > 1: msg = "Selected corner frequency is above Nyquist." raise ValueError(msg) [b, a] = iirfilter(corners, f, btype='highpass', ftype='butter', output='ba') if zerophase: firstpass = lfilter(b, a, data) return lfilter(b, a, firstpass[::-1])[::-1] else: return lfilter(b, a, data)
def decode_efm(): """ Decode EFM from STDIN, assuming it's a 28Mhz 8bit raw stream """ datao = np.fromstring(, dtype=np.uint8).astype(np.int16) datao = sps.detrend(datao, type='constant') # Remove DC datao = auto_gain(datao, 10000, 'pre-filter') # Expand before filtering, since we'll lose much of signal otherwise low_pass = sps.butter(4, 1.75 / FREQ_MHZ, btype='lowpass') # Low pass at 1.75 Mhz datao = sps.lfilter(low_pass[0], low_pass[1], datao) high_pass = sps.butter(4, 0.01333 / FREQ_MHZ, btype='highpass') # High pass at 13.333 khz datao = sps.lfilter(high_pass[0], high_pass[1], datao) # This is too slow, need to work out a way to do it in scipy de_emphasis_filter = biquad_filter(-1.8617006585639506, 0.8706642683920058, 0.947680874725466, -1.8659578411373265, 0.9187262110931641) datao = np.fromiter(run_filter(de_emphasis_filter, datao), np.int16) # De-emph - 26db below 500khz # Could tie edge_pll and run_filter together as generators, but we want to see the filter output bit_gen = edge_pll(datao, EFM_PIXEL_RATE) # This is a ultra-naive PLL that returns a bit-stream of 1 = edge, 0 = no-edge try: while 1: run_until_start_code(bit_gen) eat_three_bits(bit_gen) process_efm_frame(bit_gen, 31) # 31 14 bit EFM codes in a frame except StopIteration: printerr('Hit the end of the bitstream') datao = np.clip(datao, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) sys.stdout.write(datao.tostring())
def test_arma_lfilter(): # Tests of an ARMA model simulation against scipy.signal.lfilter # Note: the first elements of the generated SARIMAX datasets are based on # the initial state, so we don't include them in the comparisons np.random.seed(10239) nobs = 100 eps = np.random.normal(size=nobs) # AR(1) mod = sarimax.SARIMAX([0], order=(1, 0, 0)) actual = mod.simulate([0.5, 1.], nobs + 1, state_shocks=np.r_[eps, 0], initial_state=np.zeros(mod.k_states)) desired = lfilter([1], [1, -0.5], eps) assert_allclose(actual[1:], desired) # MA(1) mod = sarimax.SARIMAX([0], order=(0, 0, 1)) actual = mod.simulate([0.5, 1.], nobs + 1, state_shocks=np.r_[eps, 0], initial_state=np.zeros(mod.k_states)) desired = lfilter([1, 0.5], [1], eps) assert_allclose(actual[1:], desired) # ARMA(1, 1) mod = sarimax.SARIMAX([0], order=(1, 0, 1)) actual = mod.simulate([0.5, 0.2, 1.], nobs + 1, state_shocks=np.r_[eps, 0], initial_state=np.zeros(mod.k_states)) desired = lfilter([1, 0.2], [1, -0.5], eps) assert_allclose(actual[1:], desired)
def equalLoudness(self,data): # TODO: Assumes 16000 sampling rate, fix! # Basically, save a few more sets of filter coefficients... # Basic equal loudness curve. # This is for humans, NOT birds (there is a paper that claims to have some, but I can't access it: # # The filter weights were obtained from Matlab (using yulewalk) for the standard 80 dB ISO curve # for a sampling rate of 16000 # 10 coefficient Yule-Walker fit for [0,120;20,113;30,103;40,97;50,93;60,91;70,89;80,87;90,86;100,85;200,78;300,76;400,76;500,76;600,76;700,77;800,78;900,79.5;1000,80;1500,79;2000,77;2500,74;3000,71.5;3700,70;4000,70.5;5000,74;6000,79;7000,84;8000,86] # Or at least, EL80(:,1)./(fs/2) and m=10.^((70-EL80(:,2))/20); ay = np.array([1.0000,-0.6282, 0.2966,-0.3726,0.0021,-0.4203,0.2220,0.0061, 0.0675, 0.0578,0.0322]) by = np.array([0.4492,-0.1435,-0.2278,-0.0142,0.0408,-0.1240,0.0410,0.1048,-0.0186,-0.0319,0.0054]) # Butterworth highpass ab = np.array([1.0000,-1.9167,0.9201]) bb = np.array([0.9592,-1.9184,0.9592]) data = signal.lfilter(by,ay,data) data = signal.lfilter(bb,ab,data) return data
def setup(self): ######### # PART 1: Make model calcium data ######### # Data parameters RATE = 1 # mean firing rate of poisson spike train (Hz) STEPS = 100 # number of time steps in data STEPS_LONG = 5000 # number of time steps in data TAU = 0.6 # time constant of calcium indicator (seconds) DELTAT = 1 / 30 # time step duration (seconds) self.sigma = 0.1 # standard deviation of gaussian noise SEED = 2222 # random number generator seed # Make a poisson spike trains self.spikes = sima.spikes.get_poisson_spikes(deltat=DELTAT, rate=RATE, steps=STEPS, seed=SEED) # longer time-series for parameter estimation self.spikes_long = sima.spikes.get_poisson_spikes(deltat=DELTAT, rate=RATE, steps=STEPS_LONG, seed=SEED) # Convolve with kernel to make calcium signal np.random.seed(SEED) self.gamma = 1 - (DELTAT / TAU) CALCIUM = signal.lfilter([1], [1, -self.gamma], self.spikes) CALCIUM_LONG = signal.lfilter([1], [1, -self.gamma], self.spikes_long) # Make fluorescence traces with random gaussian noise and baseline self.fluors = CALCIUM + norm.rvs(scale=self.sigma, size=STEPS) + uniform.rvs() self.fluors_long = CALCIUM_LONG + norm.rvs(scale=self.sigma, size=STEPS_LONG) + uniform.rvs()
def filtering_time_signal(originalSignalTime, delta, lowFreq, highFreq, filterType, order, MULTIPLE, runReversePass = False): NYQ, Wn, B, A, w, h = get_filter_params(delta, lowFreq, highFreq, filterType, order, MULTIPLE) filteredSignalTime = signal.lfilter(B, A, originalSignalTime) if runReversePass: filteredSignalTime = signal.lfilter(B, A, filteredSignalTime[::-1]) filteredSignalTime = filteredSignalTime[::-1] return filteredSignalTime
def bandpass(data, freqmin, freqmax, df, corners=4, zerophase=False): """ Butterworth-Bandpass Filter. Filter data from ``freqmin`` to ``freqmax`` using ``corners`` corners. :param data: Data to filter, type numpy.ndarray. :param freqmin: Pass band low corner frequency. :param freqmax: Pass band high corner frequency. :param df: Sampling rate in Hz. :param corners: Filter corners / orders. :param zerophase: If True, apply filter once forwards and once backwards. This results in twice the number of corners but zero phase shift in the resulting filtered trace. :return: Filtered data. """ fe = 0.5 * df low = freqmin / fe high = freqmax / fe # raise for some bad scenarios if high > 1: high = 1.0 msg = "Selected high corner frequency is above Nyquist. " + \ "Setting Nyquist as high corner." warnings.warn(msg) if low > 1: msg = "Selected low corner frequency is above Nyquist." raise ValueError(msg) [b, a] = iirfilter(corners, [low, high], btype='band', ftype='butter', output='ba') if zerophase: firstpass = lfilter(b, a, data) return lfilter(b, a, firstpass[::-1])[::-1] else: return lfilter(b, a, data)
def lpcar2cc(ar): sh = shape(ar) if len(sh) == 1 : p1 = len(ar) nf = 1 b = zeros(len(ar)) else: p1 = len(ar[0]) nf = len(ar) b = zeros(len(ar[0])) p = p1-1 cm = arange(1,p+1)**(-1.) xm = -arange(1,p+1) b[0] = 1 cc = [] for k in xrange(nf): if nf > 1: cc += [ signal.lfilter(b,ar[k],ar[k,1:p1]*xm)*cm ] else: cc = signal.lfilter(b,ar,ar[1:p1]*xm)*cm return cc
def sosfilt(sos, x, axis=-1, zi=None): """Filter data along one dimension using cascaded second-order sections""" from scipy.signal import lfilter x = np.asarray(x) sos = np.atleast_2d(sos) if sos.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('sos array must be 2D') n_sections, m = sos.shape if m != 6: raise ValueError('sos array must be shape (n_sections, 6)') use_zi = zi is not None if use_zi: zi = np.asarray(zi) x_zi_shape = list(x.shape) x_zi_shape[axis] = 2 x_zi_shape = tuple([n_sections] + x_zi_shape) if zi.shape != x_zi_shape: raise ValueError('Invalid zi shape. With axis=%r, an input with ' 'shape %r, and an sos array with %d sections, zi ' 'must have shape %r.' % (axis, x.shape, n_sections, x_zi_shape)) zf = np.zeros_like(zi) for section in range(n_sections): if use_zi: x, zf[section] = lfilter(sos[section, :3], sos[section, 3:], x, axis, zi=zi[section]) else: x = lfilter(sos[section, :3], sos[section, 3:], x, axis) out = (x, zf) if use_zi else x return out
def lowpass(data, freq, df, corners=4, zerophase=False): """ Butterworth-Lowpass Filter. Filter data removing data over certain frequency ``freq`` using ``corners`` corners. :param data: Data to filter, type numpy.ndarray. :param freq: Filter corner frequency. :param df: Sampling rate in Hz. :param corners: Filter corners / orders. :param zerophase: If True, apply filter once forwards and once backwards. This results in twice the number of corners but zero phase shift in the resulting filtered trace. :return: Filtered data. """ fe = 0.5 * df f = freq / fe # raise for some bad scenarios if f > 1: f = 1.0 msg = "Selected corner frequency is above Nyquist. " + \ "Setting Nyquist as high corner." warnings.warn(msg) [b, a] = iirfilter(corners, f, btype='lowpass', ftype='butter', output='ba') if zerophase: firstpass = lfilter(b, a, data) return lfilter(b, a, firstpass[::-1])[::-1] else: return lfilter(b, a, data)
def _hurst(x): """Estimate Hurst exponent on a timeseries. The estimation is based on the second order discrete derivative. Parameters ---------- x : array, shape(n_channels, n_samples) The timeseries to estimate the Hurst exponent for. Returns ------- h : float The estimation of the Hurst exponent for the given timeseries. """ from scipy.signal import lfilter y = np.cumsum(np.diff(x, axis=1), axis=1) b1 = [1, -2, 1] b2 = [1, 0, -2, 0, 1] # second order derivative y1 = lfilter(b1, 1, y, axis=1) y1 = y1[:, len(b1) - 1:-1] # first values contain filter artifacts # wider second order derivative y2 = lfilter(b2, 1, y, axis=1) y2 = y2[:, len(b2) - 1:-1] # first values contain filter artifacts s1 = np.mean(y1 ** 2, axis=1) s2 = np.mean(y2 ** 2, axis=1) return 0.5 * np.log2(s2 / s1)
def benchmarks(): print "Benchmarking" ref = (2.0 * random.rand(131072)) - 1.0 h = signal.firwin(8191, 0.4) expected = signal.lfilter(h, 1, ref) savetxt("test_coeffs.txt", h) #fir mono benchmark writeaudio(ref) os.system("../file-qdsp -n 256 -i test_in.wav -o test_out.wav -p fir,h=test_coeffs.txt") compareaudio(expected, readaudio(), 1e-5) #fir stereo benchmark writeaudio(transpose([ref,-ref])) os.system("../file-qdsp -n 256 -i test_in.wav -o test_out.wav -p fir,h=test_coeffs.txt") compareaudio(transpose([expected, -expected]), readaudio(), 1e-5) os.remove('test_coeffs.txt') #iir stereo benchmark writeaudio(transpose([ref,-ref])) b, a = signal.butter(2, 100.0/24000, 'high') expected = signal.lfilter(b,a,ref*10**(-6.0/20)) os.system("../file-qdsp -n 256 -i test_in.wav -o test_out.wav -p iir,hp2,f=100,q=0.7071,g=-6") compareaudio(transpose([expected, -expected]), readaudio(), 1e-5)
def do_stft(arr): if notch_filter: arr = signal.lfilter(b1, a1, arr) arr = signal.lfilter(b2, a2, arr) if len(arr) < box_width: raise ValueError( "The buffer_size used by the connector should " "be higher than box_width. buffer_size = " "%s | box_width = %s" % (len(arr), box_width) ) out = stft( arr[:, np.newaxis], box_width=box_width, step=downsampling_factor, pad_width=0, kaiser_beta=kaiser_beta, include_phase=False, log_mag=True, ) fftfreq = np.fft.rfftfreq(box_width, d=1 / float(sfreq)) good = np.logical_and(fftfreq >= low_f, fftfreq <= high_f) out = out[:, good].mean(axis=1) return out
def filtfilt(b,a,x): #For now only accepting 1d arrays ntaps=max(len(a),len(b)) edge=ntaps*3 if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Filtflit is only accepting 1 dimension arrays.") #x must be bigger than edge if x.size < edge: raise ValueError("Input vector needs to be bigger than 3 * max(len(a),len(b).") if len(a)!=len(b): b=r_[b,zeros(len(a)-len(b))] zi=lfilter_zi(b,a) #Grow the signal to have edges for stabilizing #the filter with inverted replicas of the signal s=r_[2*x[0]-x[edge:1:-1],x,2*x[-1]-x[-1:-edge:-1]] #in the case of one go we only need one of the extrems # both are needed for filtfilt (y,zf)=lfilter(b,a,s,-1,zi*s[0]) (y,zf)=lfilter(b,a,flipud(y),-1,zi*y[-1]) return flipud(y[edge-1:-edge+1])
def test_empty_zi(self): """Regression test for #880: empty array for zi crashes.""" a = np.ones(1).astype(self.dt) b = np.ones(1).astype(self.dt) x = np.arange(5).astype(self.dt) zi = np.ones(0).astype(self.dt) lfilter(b, a, x, zi=zi)
def Leq1s(block, CAL_VALUE_A, CAL_VALUE_C): sample = numpy.fromstring(block, dtype=numpy.int16) dBA = lfilter(Ba, Aa, sample) dBC = lfilter(Bc, Ac, sample) #iterate over the block. #sum_squares = 0.0 #for sample in filteredsample: #sample is a signed short in +/- 32768. #normalize it to 1.0 dataA = numpy.array(dBA, dtype=float)*SHORT_NORMALIZE sumA = numpy.sum(dataA ** 2.0) / len(dataA) dataC = numpy.array(dBC, dtype=float)*SHORT_NORMALIZE sumC = numpy.sum(dataC ** 2.0) / len(dataC) # n = sample * SHORT_NORMALIZE # sum_squares += n*n # ms = sum_squares/len(block) # math.sqrt( sum_squares / count ) LeqC=(10.0 * math.log(sumC, 10.0)) + trim + CAL_VALUE_C LeqA=(10.0 * math.log(sumA, 10.0)) + trim + CAL_VALUE_A return (LeqA,LeqC)
def ddc(self): # Digital downconverter that converts ADC data to IQ data if self.iq_flag =='1': #Generate quadrature signals IFfreq = self.dformat.ifcenterfrequency size = len(self.ADC) sampleperiod = 1.0/self.dformat.timesamplerate xaxis = np.linspace(0,size*sampleperiod,size) LO_I = np.sin(IFfreq*(2*np.pi)*xaxis) LO_Q = np.cos(IFfreq*(2*np.pi)*xaxis) del(xaxis) #Run ADC data through digital downconverter I = self.ADC*LO_I Q = self.ADC*LO_Q del(LO_I) del(LO_Q) nyquist = self.dformat.timesamplerate/2 cutoff = 40e6/nyquist IQfilter = signal.firwin(32, cutoff, window=('kaiser', 2.23)) I = signal.lfilter(IQfilter, 1.0, I) Q = signal.lfilter(IQfilter, 1.0, Q) IQ = I + 1j*Q IQ = 2*IQ self.IQ = IQ
def runFilter(self, new_data, padding=True): ''' :param new_data: New data to be filtered :return: the filtered data of the same length as the input data ''' new_data = new_data.strip('[]') new_data = [float(i) for i in new_data.split(',') if i is not ''] try: if len(new_data) > len(self.fir_coeff): if padding is True: #TODO: The two lines below need to be tested new_data = np.concatenate((, new_data)) # Filter history = new_data[-len(self.fir_coeff):] #Only save the last bit of data to give filter history filtered_signal = signal.lfilter(self.fir_coeff, 1.0, new_data) return filtered_signal #return filtered_signal[len(self.fir_coeff):] else: = np.roll(, -len(new_data)) #Shift old data out[-len(new_data):] = new_data #Shift in new data filtered_signal = signal.lfilter(self.fir_coeff, 1.0, return filtered_signal[-len(new_data):] except Exception as e: print e return {'error':'??'}
def process(self, data): """Applies the filter to the input. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray, shape (n_channels, n_samples) Input signals. """ if data.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("data must be 2-dimensional.") if self._x_prev is None: # first pass has no initial conditions out = signal.lfilter(self.b, self.a, data, axis=-1) else: # subsequent passes get ICs from previous input/output num_ch = data.shape[0] K = max(len(self.a)-1, len(self.b)-1) self._zi = np.zeros((num_ch, K)) # unfortunately we have to get zi channel by channel for c in range(data.shape[0]): self._zi[c, :] = signal.lfiltic( self.b, self.a, self._y_prev[c, -(self.overlap+1)::-1], self._x_prev[c, -(self.overlap+1)::-1]) out, zf = signal.lfilter(self.b, self.a, data, axis=-1, zi=self._zi) self._x_prev = data self._y_prev = out return out
def low_filter(sig_slice): from scipy.signal import lfilter, lfilter_zi, filtfilt, butter b, a = butter(3, 0.5) zi = lfilter_zi(b, a) z, _ = lfilter(b, a, sig_slice, zi=zi*sig_slice[0]) z2, _ = lfilter(b, a, z, zi=zi*z[0]) return(filtfilt(b, a, sig_slice))
def process_audio(indata): global test_mode if test_mode > 0: outputf = np.empty(32768 * 2, dtype = np.float32) for i in range(0, 32768): outputf[i * 2] = np.cos((i + test_mode) / (freq_hz / 4.0 / 10000)) outputf[(i * 2) + 1] = np.cos((i + test_mode) / (freq_hz / 4.0 / 10000)) outputf *= 50000 test_mode += 32768 return outputf, 32768 # print(len(indata), len(audiorf_filter_b * 2), len(leftbp_filter_b) * 1) in_filt = sps.lfilter(audiorf_filter_b, audiorf_filter_a, indata)[len(audiorf_filter_b) * 2:] in_filt4 = np.empty(int(len(in_filt) / 4) + 1) for i in range(0, len(in_filt), 4): in_filt4[int(i / 4)] = in_filt[i] in_left = sps.lfilter(leftbp_filter_b, leftbp_filter_a, in_filt4)[len(leftbp_filter_b) * 1:] in_right = sps.lfilter(rightbp_filter_b, rightbp_filter_a, in_filt4)[len(rightbp_filter_b) * 1:] # if (len(in_left) % 2): # in_left = in_left[0:len(in_left - 1)] # if (len(in_right) % 2): # in_right = in_right[0:len(in_right - 1)] # print len(in_left) out_left = fm_decode(in_left, freq_hz / 4) out_right = fm_decode(in_right, freq_hz / 4) out_left = np.clip(out_left - left_audfreqm, -150000, 150000) out_right = np.clip(out_right - right_audfreqm, -150000, 150000) out_left = sps.lfilter(audiolp_filter_b, audiolp_filter_a, out_left)[800:] out_right = sps.lfilter(audiolp_filter_b, audiolp_filter_a, out_right)[800:] outputf = np.empty((len(out_left) * 2.0 / 20.0) + 2, dtype = np.float32) tot = 0 for i in range(0, len(out_left), 20): outputf[tot * 2] = out_left[i] outputf[(tot * 2) + 1] = out_right[i] tot = tot + 1 # exit() return outputf[0:tot * 2], tot * 20 * 4 plt.plot(range(0, len(out_left)), out_left) # plt.plot(range(0, len(out_leftl)), out_leftl) plt.plot(range(0, len(out_right)), out_right + 150000) # plt.ylim([2000000,3000000]) exit()
def preem(data, a10, weight0, a11, weight1): a, b = [1, a10], [-a10, a10] temp = weight0 * signal.lfilter(b, a, data, axis=-1, zi=None) a, b = [1, a11], [-a11, a11] temp += weight1 * signal.lfilter(b, a, data, axis=-1, zi=None) return temp
def PolyphaseDecimate(filt,inputData,mixValues,filtState,decRate): # Decompose the input and the filter polyFilt = np.reshape(filt,[decRate, -1],order='F'); polyFilt = np.flipud(polyFilt); polyInput = np.reshape(inputData,[decRate,-1],order='F'); # Pre-allocate the array tmp = np.zeros(shape=(decRate,len(inputData)/decRate), dtype=np.complex64); # Perform the mixing (only if necessary) if len(mixValues) > 0: polyMix = np.reshape(mixValues,[decRate,-1],order='F'); polyInput = polyInput * polyMix; # Perform the filtering - there are two ways out of the function if np.size(filtState) == 0: # A filter state was not passed in, ignore tracking states for ndx in range(decRate): tmp[ndx,:] = lfilter(polyFilt[ndx,:],1,polyInput[ndx,:]); return np.sum(tmp,axis=0); else: # A filter state was passed in. Supply it to the filter routine and pass back the updated state for ndx in range(decRate): (tmp[ndx,:],filtState[ndx,:]) = lfilter(polyFilt[ndx,:],1,polyInput[ndx,:],zi=filtState[ndx,:]); return (np.sum(tmp,axis=0),filtState);
def filter(self): path = os.getcwd()+'/trialGraspEventDetection_dataFiles' self.Fgr = np.sum(self.values[:, 9:15], axis=1) # SAI self.Fgl = np.sum(self.values[:, 0:7], axis=1) # SAI # can use this to plot in matlab graspeventdetection_plot.m np.savetxt(path+'/SAI_Fgr.txt', self.Fgr) # can use this to plot in matlab np.savetxt(path+'/SAI_Fgl.txt', self.Fgl) # 0.55*pi rad/samples b1, a1 = signal.butter(1, 0.55, 'high', analog=False) self.f_acc_x = signal.lfilter(b1, a1, self.acc_x, axis=-1, zi=None) self.f_acc_y = signal.lfilter(b1, a1, self.acc_y, axis=-1, zi=None) self.f_acc_z = signal.lfilter(b1, a1, self.acc_z, axis=-1, zi=None) # self.f_eff = signal.lfilter(b1, a1, self.eff, axis=-1, zi=None) # type(eff) self.FAII = np.sqrt(np.square(self.f_acc_x) + np.square(self.f_acc_y) + np.square(self.f_acc_z)) # can use this to plot in matlab np.savetxt(path+'/FAII.txt', self.FAII) # subtract base values from the values array self.values1 = self.values - self.values.min(axis=0) # pass the filter for each sensor self.fvalues1 = np.zeros(self.values1.shape) # 0.48*pi rad/samples b, a = signal.butter(1, 0.48, 'high', analog=False) for i in range(16): self.fvalues1[:, i] = signal.lfilter(b, a, self.values1[:, i], axis=-1, zi=None) self.FAI = np.sum(self.fvalues1, axis=1) # can use this to plot in matlab np.savetxt(path+'/FAI.txt', self.FAI)
def filter(self, x): """Filters a signal along its last dimension. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Signal to filter. Returns ------- ndarray Filtered signals """ a0, a11, a12, a13, a14, a2 = self.a0, self.a11, self.a12, self.a13, \ self.a14, self.a2 b0, b1, b2, gain = self.b0, self.b1, self.b2, self.gain output = np.zeros((gain.shape[0], x.shape[-1])) for chan in range(gain.shape[0]): y1 = ss.lfilter([a0[chan] / gain[chan], a11[chan] / gain[chan], a2[chan] / gain[chan]], [b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]], x) y2 = ss.lfilter([a0[chan], a12[chan], a2[chan]], [b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]], y1) y3 = ss.lfilter([a0[chan], a13[chan], a2[chan]], [b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]], y2) y4 = ss.lfilter([a0[chan], a14[chan], a2[chan]], [b0[chan], b1[chan], b2[chan]], y3) output[chan, :] = y4 return output
def A_weight(signal, samplerate): """Return the given signal after passing through an A-weighting filter """ B, A = A_weighting(samplerate) return lfilter(B, A, signal)
def butter_lowpasspass_filter(dat, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5): b, a = butter_lowpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order) y = lfilter(b, a, dat) return y
thetao = [-1.2, 0.36, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, -0.3, 0.8, -0.1] #Generate the experiment #The true system is generates by the following relation: # S: y(t) = Go(q)*u(t) + Ho(q)*e(t), #with u(t) the input and e white noise. #Number of Samples N = 200 #Take u as uniform u = -1 + 2 * rand(N, nu) #Generate gaussian white noise with standat deviation 0.01 e = 0.01 * randn(N, ny) #Calculate the y through S (ARX: G(q) = B(q)/A(q) and H(q) = 1/A(q)) #Calculate the y through S (ARX: G(q) = B(q)/A(q) and H(q) = 1/A(q)) y1 = zeros((N, 1)) y2 = zeros((N, 1)) v1 = lfilter(C1o, [1], e[:, 0:1], axis=0) v2 = lfilter(C2o, [1], e[:, 1:2], axis=0) #Simulate the true process for i in range(2, N): y1[i] = -dot(A1o[1:3], y1[i - 2:i][::-1]) - dot( A12o[1:3], y2[i - 2:i][::-1]) + dot(B11o[1:3], u[i - 2:i, 0][::-1]) + dot( B12o[1:3], u[i - 2:i, 1][::-1]) y2[i] = -dot(A21o[1:3], y1[i - 2:i][::-1]) - dot( A2o[1:3], y2[i - 2:i][::-1]) + dot(B21o[1:3], u[i - 2:i, 0][::-1]) + dot( B22o[1:3], u[i - 2:i, 1][::-1]) y = concatenate((y1 + v1, y2 + v2), axis=1) #Estimate the model and get only the parameters A, B, C = armax(na, nb, nc, nk, u, y)
def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5): b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order) y = lfilter(b, a, data) return y
# Aranges time vector t = np.arange(len(dat_file['Motor2 Thrust (Nm)'])) * dt # generates the filter coefficients for a 4th order low pass Butterworth filter b, a = butter(4, 10 / (fs / 2), 'lp') # Repeats all the previous calculations for the upper rotor rpm_1 = (np.diff( np.squeeze(np.where(np.diff(dat_file['Motor1 RPM']) == 1))) / fs / 60)**-1 t_rpm_1 = t[np.squeeze(np.where(np.diff(dat_file['Motor1 RPM']) == 1))] rpm_avg_1[i] = np.mean( rpm_1[bisect.bisect(t_rpm_1, t_min):bisect.bisect(t_rpm_1, t_max)]) N_rev_1 = len( rpm_1[bisect.bisect(t_rpm_1, t_min):bisect.bisect(t_rpm_1, t_max)]) T_filt_1 = lfilter(b, a, dat_file['Motor1 Thrust (N)']) T_avg_1[i] = np.mean( dat_file['Motor1 Thrust (N)'][int(t_min * fs):int(t_max * fs)]) T_err_1[i] = 1.96 * np.std( dat_file['Motor1 Thrust (N)'][int(t_min * fs):int(t_max * fs)]) / np.sqrt(N_rev_1) Q_filt_1 = lfilter(b, a, dat_file['Motor1 Torque (Nm)']) Q_avg_1[i] = np.mean( dat_file['Motor1 Torque (Nm)'][int(t_min * fs):int(t_max * fs)]) Q_err_1[i] = 1.96 * np.std( dat_file['Motor1 Torque (Nm)'][int(t_min * fs):int(t_max * fs)]) / np.sqrt(N_rev_1)
#######################################3 #Filter order = 5 sampling_freq = 20 cutoff_freq = 2 sampling_duration = 5 normalized_cutoff_freq = 2*cutoff_freq/sampling_freq numerator_coeff, denominator_coeff = signal.butter(sampling_duration, normalized_cutoff_freq) #sos = signal.ellip(2, .5, 10, 0.5, output='sos') #filtered_x = signal.sosfilt(sos, x_axis) filtered_x = signal.lfilter(numerator_coeff, denominator_coeff, x_axis) filtered_y = signal.lfilter(numerator_coeff, denominator_coeff, y_axis) filtered_z = signal.lfilter(numerator_coeff, denominator_coeff, z_axis) filtered_x0 =signal.lfilter(numerator_coeff, denominator_coeff, x0_axis) filtered_y0 =signal.lfilter(numerator_coeff, denominator_coeff, y0_axis) filtered_z0 =signal.lfilter(numerator_coeff, denominator_coeff, z0_axis) #plotting code plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(311) plt.ylim(.0535, .056) plt.scatter(time_stamp, x_axis, 2) plt.plot(time_stamp, filtered_x) plt.tight_layout()
def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5): b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order) y = lfilter(b, a, data) return y
samps_ndx + 1), 'to', str(samps_ndx + window_samps) #4 level loop - #TODO: make N level loop... cD_sum = [] max_decimation = 2**(levels - 1) for loop in range(0, levels): cD = [] # 1) DWT if loop == 0: [cA, cD] = pywt.dwt(data, 'db4') cD_minlen = len(cD) / max_decimation + 1 cD_sum = numpy.zeros(cD_minlen) else: [cA, cD] = pywt.dwt(cA, 'db4') # 2) Filter cD = signal.lfilter([0.01], [1 - 0.99], cD) # 4) Subtract out the mean. # 5) Decimate for reconstruction later. cD = abs(cD[::(2**(levels - loop - 1))]) cD = cD - numpy.mean(cD) # 6) Recombine the signal before ACF # essentially, each level I concatenate # the detail coefs (i.e. the HPF values) # to the beginning of the array cD_sum = cD[0:cD_minlen] + cD_sum cA = signal.lfilter([0.01], [1 - 0.99], cA) cA = abs(cA)
def process(subject): """ Given a subject index, filter each clip, calculate covariance matrices, calculate top-3 filter sets, and save processed data to pickle. """ dn = './data/clips/%s/' % inlabels[subject] fns = [fn for fn in os.listdir(dn) if '.mat' in fn] allcovs = [] labels = [] print dn # For each clip, resample to 400Hz, apply each filter, calculate and normalize covariance. for fn in fns: covs = [] m = loadmat(dn + fn) d = m['data'] d = resample(d, 400, axis=1) if 'inter' in fn: l = 0 elif '_ictal' in fn: l = 1 else: l = -1 labels.append(l) for b, a in filters: f = lfilter(b, a, d) c = cov(f) c = (c - c.mean()) / c.std() covs.append(c) allcovs.append(covs) allcovs = array(allcovs) labels = array(labels) # For each filter combination, test prediction quality by CV of logistic regression. scores = [] for w in wis: y = labels[labels != -1] X = allcovs[labels != -1] X = X[:, w, ::2, ::2] X = X.reshape((X.shape[0], -1)) ps = [] test_size = 0.25 for tri, tei in sklearn.cross_validation.ShuffleSplit( X.shape[0], n_iter=15, test_size=test_size, random_state=42): X_train = X[tri] X_test = X[tei] y_train = y[tri] y_test = y[tei] clf = sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier(loss='log', penalty='l1', alpha=0.0001), y_train) p = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] cv = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, p) ps.append(cv) ps = array(ps) scores.append(ps.mean()) # Select 3 best filter sets and save processed features and labels to pickle. best = sorted(zip(scores, wis))[-3:] sets = 'ABC' i = 0 for cv, w in best: print outlabels[subject], cv, w y = labels X = allcovs X = X[:, w, :, :] d = {'y': y, 'covs': X, 'w': w, 'cv': cv, 'fns': fns} var = open( './data/cov_opt_%s_%s.pickle' % (outlabels[subject], sets[i]), 'w') pickle.dump(d, var) i += 1
def smooth1D(x, y, window=10, method='loess', weighting='tri-cubic'): """ Performs fast smoothing of evenly spaced data using moving loess, lowess or average filters. References: [1] Bowman and Azzalini "Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis" Oxford Science Publications, 1997. Args: x: Uniformly spaced feature vector (eg mz or drift time). y: Array of intensities. Smmothing is computed on flattened array of intensities. method: Smoothing method {'lowess','loess',or 'average'}, by default 'loess'. window: Frame length for sliding window [10 data points, by default]. weighting: Weighting scheme for smoothing {'tricubic' (default), 'gaussian' or 'linear'}. Returns: yhat: Smoothed signal. """ from scipy import signal from scipy import linalg leny = len(y) halfw = np.floor((window / 2.)) window = int(2. * halfw + 1.) x1 = np.arange(1. - halfw, (halfw - 1.) + 1) if weighting == 'tri-cubic': weight = (1. - np.divide(np.abs(x1), halfw)**3.)**1.5 elif weighting == 'gaussian': weight = np.exp(-(np.divide(x1, halfw) * 2.)**2.) elif weighting == 'linear': weight = 1. - np.divide(np.abs(x1), halfw) if method == 'loess': V = (np.vstack((np.hstack(weight), np.hstack(weight * x1), np.hstack(weight * x1 * x1)))).transpose() order = 2 elif method == 'lowess': V = (np.vstack((np.hstack((weight)), np.hstack( (weight * x1))))).transpose() order = 1 elif method == 'average': V = weight.transpose() order = 0 #% Do QR decomposition [Q, R] = linalg.qr(V, mode='economic') halfw = halfw.astype(int) alpha =[halfw - 1, ], Q.transpose()) yhat = signal.lfilter(alpha * weight, 1, y) yhat[int(halfw + 1) - 1:-halfw] = yhat[int(window - 1) - 1:-1] x1 = np.arange(1., (window - 1.) + 1) if method == 'loess': V = (np.vstack((np.hstack(np.ones([1, window - 1])), np.hstack(x1), np.hstack(x1 * x1)))).transpose() elif method == 'lowess': V = (np.vstack( (np.hstack(np.ones([1, window - 1])), np.hstack(x1)))).transpose() elif method == 'average': V = np.ones([window - 1, 1]) for j in np.arange(1, (halfw) + 1): #% Compute weights based on deviations from the jth point, if weighting == 'tri-cubic': weight = (1. - np.divide(np.abs( (np.arange(1, window) - j)), window - j)**3.)**1.5 elif weighting == 'gaussian': weight = np.exp(-(np.divide(np.abs( (np.arange(1, window) - j)), window - j) * 2.)**2.) elif method == 'linear': weight = 1. - np.divide(np.abs(np.arange(1, window) - j), window - j) W = (np.kron(np.ones((order + 1, 1)), weight)).transpose() [Q, R] = linalg.qr(V * W, mode='economic') alpha =[j - 1, ], Q.transpose()) alpha = alpha * weight yhat[int(j) - 1] =, y[:int(window) - 1]) yhat[int(-j)] = alpha, y[np.arange(leny - 1, leny - window, -1, dtype=int)]) return yhat
def eigval(datax, datay, dataz, fk, normf=1): """ Polarization attributes of a signal. Computes the rectilinearity, the planarity and the eigenvalues of the given data which can be windowed or not. The time derivatives are calculated by central differences and the parameter ``fk`` describes the coefficients of the used polynomial. The values of ``fk`` depend on the order of the derivative you want to calculate. If you do not want to use derivatives you can simply use [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] for ``fk``. The algorithm is mainly based on the paper by [Jurkevics1988]_. The rest is just the numerical differentiation by central differences (carried out by the routine :func:`scipy.signal.lfilter(data, 1, fk)`). :type datax: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param datax: Data of x component. :type datay: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param datay: Data of y component. :type dataz: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param dataz: Data of z component. :type fk: list :param fk: Coefficients of polynomial used for calculating the time derivatives. :param normf: Factor for normalization. :return: **leigenv1, leigenv2, leigenv3, rect, plan, dleigenv, drect, dplan** - Smallest eigenvalue, Intermediate eigenvalue, Largest eigenvalue, Rectilinearity, Planarity, Time derivative of eigenvalues, time derivative of rectilinearity, Time derivative of planarity. """ covmat = np.zeros([3, 3]) leigenv1 = np.zeros(datax.shape[0], dtype='float64') leigenv2 = np.zeros(datax.shape[0], dtype='float64') leigenv3 = np.zeros(datax.shape[0], dtype='float64') dleigenv = np.zeros([datax.shape[0], 3], dtype='float64') rect = np.zeros(datax.shape[0], dtype='float64') plan = np.zeros(datax.shape[0], dtype='float64') i = 0 for i in xrange(datax.shape[0]): covmat[0][0] = np.cov(datax[i, :], rowvar=False) covmat[0][1] = covmat[1][0] = np.cov(datax[i, :], datay[i, :], rowvar=False)[0, 1] covmat[0][2] = covmat[2][0] = np.cov(datax[i, :], dataz[i, :], rowvar=False)[0, 1] covmat[1][1] = np.cov(datay[i, :], rowvar=False) covmat[1][2] = covmat[2][1] = np.cov(dataz[i, :], datay[i, :], rowvar=False)[0, 1] covmat[2][2] = np.cov(dataz[i, :], rowvar=False) _eigvec, eigenval, _v = (np.linalg.svd(covmat)) eigenv = np.sort(eigenval) leigenv1[i] = eigenv[0] leigenv2[i] = eigenv[1] leigenv3[i] = eigenv[2] rect[i] = 1 - ((eigenv[1] + eigenv[0]) / (2 * eigenv[2])) plan[i] = 1 - ((2 * eigenv[0]) / (eigenv[1] + eigenv[2])) leigenv1 = leigenv1 / normf leigenv2 = leigenv2 / normf leigenv3 = leigenv3 / normf leigenv1_add = np.append( np.append([leigenv1[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), leigenv1), [leigenv1[np.size(leigenv1) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)) dleigenv1 = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, leigenv1_add) dleigenv[:, 0] = dleigenv1[len(fk) - 1:] #dleigenv1 = dleigenv1[np.size(fk) // 2:(np.size(dleigenv1) - np.size(fk) / # 2)] leigenv2_add = np.append( np.append([leigenv2[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), leigenv2), [leigenv2[np.size(leigenv2) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)) dleigenv2 = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, leigenv2_add) dleigenv[:, 1] = dleigenv2[len(fk) - 1:] #dleigenv2 = dleigenv2[np.size(fk) // 2:(np.size(dleigenv2) - np.size(fk) / # 2)] leigenv3_add = np.append( np.append([leigenv3[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), leigenv3), [leigenv3[np.size(leigenv3) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)) dleigenv3 = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, leigenv3_add) dleigenv[:, 2] = dleigenv3[len(fk) - 1:] #dleigenv3 = dleigenv3[np.size(fk) // 2:(np.size(dleigenv3) - np.size(fk) / # 2)] rect_add = np.append(np.append([rect[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), rect), [rect[np.size(rect) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)) drect = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, rect_add) drect = drect[len(fk) - 1:] #drect = drect[np.size(fk) // 2:(np.size(drect3) - np.size(fk) // 2)] plan_add = np.append(np.append([plan[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), plan), [plan[np.size(plan) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)) dplan = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, plan_add) dplan = dplan[len(fk) - 1:] #dplan = dplan[np.size(fk) // 2:(np.size(dplan) - np.size(fk) // 2)] return leigenv1, leigenv2, leigenv3, rect, plan, dleigenv, drect, dplan
def notch_filter(data, f0, fs, Q=30): b, a = notch(f0, fs, Q=Q) y = lfilter(b, a, data) return y
def baseline(sample_path): record_0 = wfdb.rdrecord(sample_path, sampfrom=0, physical=False, channels=[ 0, ]) record_1 = wfdb.rdrecord(sample_path, sampfrom=0, physical=False, channels=[ 1, ]) ecg_0 = record_0.d_signal #导联I ecg_1 = record_1.d_signal #导联II #导联I滤波 ecg_2 = ecg_0.T resampled_ecg = signal.medfilt(ecg_2, [1, 41]) resampled_ecg = signal.medfilt(resampled_ecg, [1, 121]) ecg_3 = ecg_2 - resampled_ecg b, a = butterBandPassFilter(1, 50, 200, order=5) ecg_3 = signal.lfilter(b, a, ecg_3) ecg_3 = pd.DataFrame(ecg_3.T) ecg_3 = ecg_3.iloc[:, 0] ecg0 = np.array(ecg_3) #导联II滤波 ecg_4 = ecg_1.T resampled_ecg = signal.medfilt(ecg_4, [1, 41]) resampled_ecg = signal.medfilt(resampled_ecg, [1, 121]) ecg_5 = ecg_4 - resampled_ecg b, a = butterBandPassFilter(1, 50, 200, order=5) ecg_5 = signal.lfilter(b, a, ecg_5) ecg_5 = pd.DataFrame(ecg_5.T) ecg_5 = ecg_5.iloc[:, 0] ecg1 = np.array(ecg_5) #标签 signal_annotation = wfdb.rdann(sample_path, "atr") #直接读取R峰位置 peak_time = signal_annotation.sample if peak_time[-1] > (len(ecg0) - 1): peak_time[-1] = len(ecg0) - 1 #切割为单拍 test_ecg1, de = danpai(peak_time, ecg0) test_ecg2, de = danpai(peak_time, ecg1) #处理RR间隔 rr1 = list([]) for i in range(len(peak_time) - 1): rr = peak_time[i + 1] - peak_time[i] rr1.append(rr) rr2 = np.array(rr1) rr3 = rr2.reshape(len(rr2), 1) rr_mean = np.zeros(shape=(1, 2)) if de == 0: RR_mean = np.zeros(shape=(len(rr2) + 1, 1)) for i in range(len(rr2) - 1): rr_mean[0, 0] = rr3[i, 0] rr_mean[0, 1] = rr3[i + 1, 0] RR_mean[i + 1, 0] = np.mean(rr_mean) RR_mean[0, 0] = rr2[0] RR_mean[-1, 0] = rr2[-1] RR_mean1 = RR_mean elif len(de) == 1: if de[0] == 0: RR_mean = np.zeros(shape=(len(rr2), 1)) for i in range(len(rr2) - 1): rr_mean[0, 0] = rr3[i, 0] rr_mean[0, 1] = rr3[i + 1, 0] RR_mean[i + 1, 0] = np.mean(rr_mean) RR_mean[0, 0] = rr2[0] RR_mean1 = RR_mean else: RR_mean = np.zeros(shape=(len(rr2), 1)) for i in range(len(rr2) - 1): rr_mean[0, 0] = rr3[i, 0] rr_mean[0, 1] = rr3[i + 1, 0] RR_mean[i, 0] = np.mean(rr_mean) RR_mean[-1, 0] = rr2[-1] RR_mean1 = RR_mean elif len(de) == 2: RR_mean = np.zeros(shape=(len(rr2) - 1, 1)) for i in range(len(rr2) - 1): rr_mean[0, 0] = rr3[i, 0] rr_mean[0, 1] = rr3[i + 1, 0] RR_mean[i, 0] = np.mean(rr_mean) RR_mean1 = RR_mean elif len(de) == 3: RR_mean = np.zeros(shape=(len(rr2) - 1, 1)) for i in range(len(rr2) - 1): rr_mean[0, 0] = rr3[i, 0] rr_mean[0, 1] = rr3[i + 1, 0] RR_mean[i, 0] = np.mean(rr_mean) if de[1] == 1: RR_mean1 = np.delete(RR_mean, [0], axis=0) #去掉第一拍 else: RR_mean1 = np.delete(RR_mean, (len(RR_mean) - 1), axis=0) #去掉最后一拍 elif len(de) == 4: RR_mean = np.zeros(shape=(len(rr2) - 1, 1)) for i in range(len(rr2) - 1): rr_mean[0, 0] = rr3[i, 0] rr_mean[0, 1] = rr3[i + 1, 0] RR_mean[i, 0] = np.mean(rr_mean) RR_mean1 = np.delete(RR_mean, [0], axis=0) #去掉第一拍 RR_mean1 = np.delete(RR_mean1, (len(RR_mean1) - 1), axis=0) #去掉最后一拍 test_rr = rr_normal(RR_mean1) test_rr1 = np.array(test_rr) test_ecg1 = np.array(test_ecg1) test_ecg2 = np.array(test_ecg2) test_ecg1_1 = ecg_normal(test_ecg1) test_ecg2_1 = ecg_normal(test_ecg2) test_ecg1_2 = np.array(test_ecg1_1) test_ecg2_2 = np.array(test_ecg2_1) test_ecg3 = np.expand_dims(test_ecg1_2, axis=2) test_ecg4 = np.expand_dims(test_ecg2_2, axis=2) """预测""" y_pre = model.predict([test_ecg3, test_ecg4, test_rr1]) y_pre1 = y_pre.tolist() y_pre2 = props_to_onehot(y_pre1) y_pre3 = [np.argmax(one_hot) for one_hot in y_pre2] y_pre4 = np.array(y_pre3) #标签转化为3种结果 nor = 0 af = 0 for i in range(len(y_pre4)): if y_pre4[i] == 0: nor = nor + 1 elif y_pre4[i] == 1: af = af + 1 end_points = [] end_ind = 0 start_points = [] for i in range(len(y_pre4) - 13): if nor / len(y_pre4) >= 0.8 and y_pre4[i] != 1 and y_pre4[ i + 1] != 1 and y_pre4[i + 2] != 1 and y_pre4[ i + 3] != 1 and y_pre4[i + 4] != 1 and y_pre4[ i + 5] != 1 and y_pre4[i + 6] != 1 and y_pre4[ i + 7] != 1: #正常 end_points = [] elif af / len(y_pre4) >= 0.7: #持续性房颤 end_points.append(peak_time[0]) end_points.append(peak_time[-1]) break elif y_pre4[i] == 1 and y_pre4[i + 1] == 1 and y_pre4[ i + 2] == 1 and y_pre4[i + 3] == 1 and y_pre4[i + 4] == 1: start_ind = i if i > end_ind: for j in range(len(y_pre4) - start_ind - 13): if y_pre4[start_ind + j + 5] == 1 and y_pre4[ start_ind + j + 6] != 1 and y_pre4[ start_ind + j + 7] != 1 and y_pre4[ start_ind + j + 8] != 1 and y_pre4[ start_ind + j + 9] != 1 and y_pre4[ start_ind + j + 10] != 1 and y_pre4[ start_ind + j + 11] != 1 and y_pre4[ start_ind + j + 12] != 1: end_ind = start_ind + j + 5 length = j + 5 if length > 15: if len(de) == 0: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind]) elif len(de) == 1: if de[0] == 0: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 1]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 1]) else: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind]) elif len(de) == 2: if de[1] == 1: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 2]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 2]) else: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 1]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 1]) elif len(de) == 3: if de[1] == 1: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 2]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 2]) else: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 1]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 1]) elif len(de) == 4: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 2]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 2]) break elif j == len(y_pre4) - start_ind - 8: if y_pre4[j - 1] == 1 or y_pre4[j - 2] == 1: end_ind = len(y_pre4) - 1 if len(de) == 0: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind]) elif len(de) == 1: if de[0] == 0: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 1]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 1]) else: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 1]) elif len(de) == 2: if de[1] == 1: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 2]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 2]) else: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 1]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 2]) elif len(de) == 3: if de[1] == 1: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 2]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 3]) else: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 1]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 3]) elif len(de) == 4: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 2]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 4]) break else: for k in range(8): if y_pre4[j - 8 + k] == 1 and y_pre4[j - 7 + k] != 1: end_ind = j - 8 + k if len(de) == 0: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind]) elif len(de) == 1: if de[0] == 0: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append( peak_time[start_ind + 1]) end_points.append( peak_time[end_ind + 1]) else: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append( peak_time[start_ind]) end_points.append( peak_time[end_ind]) elif len(de) == 2: if de[1] == 1: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append( peak_time[start_ind + 2]) end_points.append( peak_time[end_ind + 2]) else: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append( peak_time[start_ind + 1]) end_points.append( peak_time[end_ind + 1]) elif len(de) == 3: if de[1] == 1: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append( peak_time[start_ind + 2]) end_points.append( peak_time[end_ind + 2]) else: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append( peak_time[start_ind + 1]) end_points.append( peak_time[end_ind + 1]) elif len(de) == 4: start_points.append(start_ind) end_points.append(peak_time[start_ind + 2]) end_points.append(peak_time[end_ind + 2]) break if end_points != []: if start_points != [] and start_points[0] <= 3: end_points[0] = peak_time[0] end_points1 = np.array(end_points) end_points1 = end_points1.astype(np.float) q = int(len(end_points1) / 2) end_points2 = end_points1.reshape(q, 2) end_points3 = end_points2.tolist() pred_dict = {'predict_endpoints': end_points3} return pred_dict
ys.append(y) names.append(name) wavfile.write('audio_files/' + names[-1] + '.wav', fs, y) models.append(model) # Two pole pole_mag = 0.2 pole_angle = 1.0 # works up to ~1.8 root1 = pole_mag * np.exp(+1j * pole_angle) root2 = pole_mag * np.exp(-1j * pole_angle) poly = np.poly((root1, root2)) yTP = np.zeros(np.shape(x)) yTP[:, 0] = signal.lfilter([1], [1, poly[1], poly[2]], x[:, 0]) yTP[:, 1] = signal.lfilter([1], [1, poly[1], poly[2]], x[:, 1]) modelTP = Model() fb = FB2() fb.pole_mag = pole_mag fb.pole_angle = pole_angle modelTP.elements.append(fb) add_to_tests(modelTP, 'Two-pole-test', yTP, ys, names, models) # Lowpass filter b, a = adsp.design_LPF2(1000, 0.7071, fs) yLPF = np.zeros(np.shape(x)) yLPF[:, 0] = signal.lfilter(b, a, x[:, 0]) yLPF[:, 1] = signal.lfilter(b, a, x[:, 1])
def de_emphasis(x): return lfilter([1], [1, -hp.preemphasis], x)
def xkcd_line(x, y, xlim=None, ylim=None, mag=1.0, f1=30, f2=0.05, f3=15): """ Mimic a hand-drawn line from (x, y) data Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like arrays to be modified xlim, ylim : data range the assumed plot range for the modification. If not specified, they will be guessed from the data mag : float magnitude of distortions f1, f2, f3 : int, float, int filtering parameters. f1 gives the size of the window, f2 gives the high-frequency cutoff, f3 gives the size of the filter Returns ------- x, y : ndarrays The modified lines """ x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) # get limits for rescaling if xlim is None: xlim = (x.min(), x.max()) if ylim is None: ylim = (y.min(), y.max()) if xlim[1] == xlim[0]: xlim = ylim if ylim[1] == ylim[0]: ylim = xlim # scale the data x_scaled = (x - xlim[0]) * 1. / (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) y_scaled = (y - ylim[0]) * 1. / (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) # compute the total distance along the path dx = x_scaled[1:] - x_scaled[:-1] dy = y_scaled[1:] - y_scaled[:-1] dist_tot = np.sum(np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)) # number of interpolated points is proportional to the distance Nu = int(200 * dist_tot) u = np.arange(-1, Nu + 1) * 1. / (Nu - 1) # interpolate curve at sampled points k = min(3, len(x) - 1) res = interpolate.splprep([x_scaled, y_scaled], s=0, k=k) x_int, y_int = interpolate.splev(u, res[0]) # we'll perturb perpendicular to the drawn line dx = x_int[2:] - x_int[:-2] dy = y_int[2:] - y_int[:-2] dist = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) # create a filtered perturbation coeffs = mag * np.random.normal(0, 0.01, len(x_int) - 2) b = signal.firwin(f1, f2 * dist_tot, window=('kaiser', f3)) response = signal.lfilter(b, 1, coeffs) x_int[1:-1] += response * dy / dist y_int[1:-1] += response * dx / dist # un-scale data x_int = x_int[1:-1] * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) + xlim[0] y_int = y_int[1:-1] * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) + ylim[0] return x_int, y_int
def lowpass_filter(dataset, lowcut, signal_freq, filter_order): nyq = 0.5 * signal_freq low = lowcut / nyq b, a = butter(filter_order, low, btype="lowpass") y = lfilter(b, a, dataset) return y
if (firstlist[0].get('time', None) == None): lasttime = time.time() exit() else: lasttime = datetime.datetime.timestamp(firstlist[0].get( 'time', #print(lasttime) init_value = [] for i in firstlist: init_value.append(i.get('value', 0)) time_th = abs( datetime.datetime.timestamp(firstlist[-1].get('time', None)) - datetime.datetime.timestamp(firstlist[0].get('time', None))) print((time_th / len(firstlist))) init_filt = signal.lfilter([1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7], 1, (init_value - np.mean(init_value))).tolist() detect = real_time_peak_detection(init_filt, 20, 3, 0.8) time_rate_go_up = 0 while 1: try: x_time = [] y_value = [] datalist = list( db.real_time.find({ "_id": { "$gt": last_oid } }).max_time_ms(500).limit(200)) if (datalist == []): continue for i in datalist:
def inv_preemphasis(x): return signal.lfilter([1], [1, -hparams.preemphasis], x)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft import fft import time if __name__ == '__main__': # Fix the seed np.random.seed(12354) # Choose size of data n_data = 2**14 # Generate Gaussian white noise noise = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=n_data) # Apply filtering to turn it into colored noise r = 0.01 b, a = signal.butter(3, 0.1 / 0.5, btype='high', analog=False) n = signal.lfilter(b, a, noise, axis=-1, zi=None) + noise * r # Generate periodic deterministic signal t = np.arange(0, n_data) f0 = 1e-2 a0 = 5e-3 s = a0 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * t) # Create a mask vector indicating missing data points mask = np.ones(n_data) n_gaps = 30 gapstarts = (n_data * np.random.random(n_gaps)).astype(int) gaplength = 10 gapends = (gapstarts + gaplength).astype(int) for k in range(n_gaps): mask[gapstarts[k]:gapends[k]] = 0 # Create the masked data vector y = mask * (s + n)
def AweightPower_extract(y, sr): b, a = a_weighting_coeffs_design(sr) k = lfilter(b, a, y) a_weighted_power = librosa.feature.rms(y=k) return a_weighted_power
nsample = 2000 x = np.arange(nsample) X1 = sm.add_constant(x, prepend=False) wnoise = noiseratio * np.random.randn(nsample + nlags) # .. noise = noise[1:] + rhotrue*noise[:-1] # wrong this is not AR # .. find my drafts for univariate ARMA functions # generate AR(p) if np.size(rhotrue) == 1: # replace with scipy.signal.lfilter, keep for testing arnoise = np.zeros(nsample + 1) for i in range(1, nsample + 1): arnoise[i] = rhotrue * arnoise[i - 1] + wnoise[i] noise = arnoise[1:] an = signal.lfilter([1], np.hstack((1, -rhotrue)), wnoise[1:]) print('simulate AR(1) difference', np.max(np.abs(noise - an))) else: noise = signal.lfilter([1], np.hstack((1, -rhotrue)), wnoise)[nlags:] # generate GLS model with AR noise y1 =, beta) + noise if 1 in examples: print('\nExample 1: iterative_fit and repeated calls') mod1 = GLSAR(y1, X1, 1) res = mod1.iterative_fit() print(res.params) print(mod1.rho) mod1 = GLSAR(y1, X1, 2) for i in range(5):
def calcNewBurstBranchMetrics(self, y, paths, pathmetrics, n): # Path length pathlen = paths.shape[1] # Allocate branchmetrics branchmetrics = np.zeros(self.newBurstPretransitions.shape) + np.inf shortbranchmetrics = np.zeros_like(branchmetrics) + np.inf # Preallocate vectors guess = np.zeros(pathlen, dtype=paths.dtype) upguess = np.zeros(pathlen * self.up, dtype=paths.dtype) print("First symbol of next burst, n = %d" % (n)) # Iterate over only the allowed start idxes for p in self.allowedStartIdx: # Now loop over the pre-transitions (default is all are possible) for t in np.arange(len(self.newBurstPretransitions[p])): print("Calculating for alphabet idx %d, from previous burst alphabet idx %d" % (p, self.newBurstPretransitions[p,t])) # As usual, check if the pre-transition has a valid path metric from the previous burst if pathmetrics[self.newBurstPretransitions[p,t]] == np.inf: print("Skipped due to invalid pre-transition path metric") branchmetrics[p,t] = np.inf shortbranchmetrics[p,t] = np.inf continue # As usual, form a guess now by copying the existing path guess[:] = paths[self.newBurstPretransitions[p,t]] # like this guess[n] = self.alphabet[p] print(guess[:n+1]) # Upsample the guess upguess[:] = 0 # zero out first upguess[::self.up] = guess # Loop over all sources; but now in order to properly add a branch over the indices we skipped, # we must consider a longer section (see below, N = pulselen) # # BURST 0 GUARD BURST 1 # | ... | 0 ...... ...0 | n | 0..... # |N-1 elem| numGuardSyms * up elem | 1 | N-1 elem # # Calculate the upsampled guard len guardlen = self.numGuardSyms * self.up # We now start here, to include the guard period 0s s = np.max([(n-self.numGuardSyms)*self.up - self.pulselen + 1,0]) x_all = np.zeros((self.L, guardlen + self.pulselen), dtype=np.complex128) # Convenience indexing for extraction with reference to original signal length extractionIdx = np.arange((n-self.numGuardSyms)*self.up, n*self.up + self.pulselen) shortextractionIdx = np.arange((n-self.numGuardSyms)*self.up, (n+1)*self.up) # Loop over sources for i in np.arange(self.L): # As usual, extract from upguess and pad it upguesspad = np.pad(upguess[s:n*self.up+1], (0,self.pulselen-1)) # pad zeros to pulselen-1 xc = sps.lfilter(self.pulses[i], 1, upguesspad)[-(self.pulselen + guardlen):] # And now we extract xcs = self.omegavectors[i,extractionIdx] * xc x_all[i,:] = xcs summed = np.sum(x_all, axis=0) # print("Writing to branchmetrics[%d,%d]" % (p,t)) branchmetrics[p,t] = np.linalg.norm(y[extractionIdx] - summed)**2 shortbranchmetrics[p,t] = np.linalg.norm(y[shortextractionIdx] - summed[:guardlen + self.up])**2 # Complete print(branchmetrics) print(shortbranchmetrics) return branchmetrics, shortbranchmetrics
preprocess.spike_detector_label + X + '.gdf')) sptrains = preprocess.compute_time_binned_sptrains(X, spikes, preprocess.time_bins_rs, dtype=np.uint8) binned_sptrains = preprocess.compute_pos_binned_sptrains(positions_corrected[X], sptrains, dtype=np.uint16).toarray() # To not introduce a temporal shift between the downsampled LFP and # temporally binned spike trains with bin width \Delta t = 1 ms on intervals # [k*\Delta t, (k+1)*\Delta t), filter each kernel with a [0, \Delta t) # assymetric boxcar filter b = np.ones(int(1./network.dt))*network.dt a = 1. binned_sptrains = ss.lfilter(b, a, binned_sptrains) # for j, Y in enumerate(preprocess.X[:-1]): # Set up container for LFP signal of each postsynaptic population # due to presynaptic activity if X not in LFP_h.keys(): LFP_h[X] = np.zeros(binned_sptrains.shape) # np.convolve can only deal with 1D sequences, so we have to recursively # iterate over all local and non-local rate bins. for k in range(x.size): #iterate over distances. for l, d in enumerate(r): # compute rate-bin distance to other bins, taking into account # periodic boundary conditions
def butter_apply_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5, btype='low'): b, a = butter_build_filter(cutoff, fs, order=order, btype=btype) # y = filtfilt(b, a, data, method="gust", axis=0) y = lfilter(b, a, data, axis=0) return y
F = np.ones(3) * np.nan # format frequency # BW = np.zeros(3) # band width F[0:np.min([3, len(y)])] = y[0:np.min([3, len(y) ])] # only output 4 format # BW[0: np.min([3, len(y)])] = bw[0:np.min([3, len(y)])] fmt[:, m] = F / fs * 2 # normalized frequency return fmt if __name__ == '__main__': filename = 'vowels8.wav' speech = Speech() xx, fs = speech.audioread(filename, None) # read one frame data x = xx - np.mean(xx) # DC y = lfilter(b=np.array([1, -0.99]), a=1, x=x) # pre-emphasis wlen = 200 # frame length inc = 80 # frame shift xy = speech.enframe(y, wlen, inc).T # enframe fn = xy.shape[1] # frame number Nx = len(y) # data length time = np.arange(0, Nx) / fs # time scale frameTime = speech.FrameTime(fn, wlen, inc, fs) # frame to time T1 = 0.1 miniL = 20 # voice segment minimal frame number voiceseg, vosl, SF, Ef = VAD().pitch_vad1(xy, fn, T1, miniL) # VAD Msf = np.tile(SF.reshape((len(SF), 1)), (1, 3)) # SF ---> fn x 3 Fsamps = 256 # frequency range length Tsamps = fn # time range length ct = 0 numiter = 10 # loop times
def sample_trajectory(self, env_id_chosen, schedule_local_time_step, num_repeat, get_state_kwargs={}): """ Sample Trajectories Args: env_id_chosen : list env_id_chosen = list of id for environments where we will sample schedule_local_time_step : int schedule_local_time_step = scheduled number of local time step, actual number can be smaller num_repeat : int num_repeat = number of repeated actions get_state_kwargs : dictionary get_state_kwargs = arguments for get_state Returns: total_step : int total_step = total of steps sampled in this batch finished_episode : int finished_episode = number of finished episodes in this batch trajectory_set : dictionary trajectory_set = a set of trajectories 'state' : numpy.ndarray 'state' = input states, shape [seq len * batch_size] + state_shape 'lstm_state_input' : dictionary 'lstm_state_input' = input batch of lstm state, when value_output, policy_output, policy_logits are not None, this item is ignored, indexed by name in self.lstm_layer() each element is (h0, c0) h0, c0 are numpy.ndarray shape of h0, c0 is (1, batch size, hidden size) 'action_index' : numpy.ndarray 'action_index' = selected action indicies, shape [seq len * batch_size] 'target_value' : numpy.ndarray 'target_value' = target values, shape [seq len * batch_size] 'advantage' : numpy.ndarray 'advantage' = advantage estimation, shape [seq len * batch_size] """ self.model.eval() if (get_state_kwargs is None): get_state_kwargs = {} n_chosen = len(env_id_chosen) env_set_chosen = [self.env_set[env_id] for env_id in env_id_chosen] if (self.model.contain_lstm()): trajectory_set = { 'lstm_state_input': self.get_lstm_state(env_id_chosen, True) } else: trajectory_set = {} state_batch = [] # [sequence size][batch size] + state_shape action_batch = [] # [sequence size][batch size] reward_list = [] # [sequence size][batch size] value_batch = [] # [sequence size][batch size] total_step = 0 finished_episode = 0 ep_done = False for i_step in range(schedule_local_time_step): state_input_step = np.stack( [env.get_state(**get_state_kwargs) for env in env_set_chosen], axis=0) if (self.model.contain_lstm()): lstm_state_input_step = self.get_lstm_state(env_id_chosen) else: lstm_state_input_step = None # sample action action_info = self.model.sample_action(state_input_step, lstm_state_input_step) state_batch.append(state_input_step) action_batch.append(action_info['action_index']) value_batch.append(action_info['state_value']) # update lstm state if necessary if (self.model.contain_lstm()): self.update_lstm_state(action_info['lstm_state_output'], env_id_chosen) # apply action reward_step = [] for i_chosen, env_chosen in enumerate(env_set_chosen): reward = env_chosen.apply_action( env_chosen.action_set()[action_info['action_index'] [i_chosen]], num_repeat) reward_step.append(reward) if (env_chosen.episode_end()): ep_done = True reward_list.append(np.array(reward_step)) total_step += n_chosen if (ep_done): break # compute target and advantage reward_list = np.stack(reward_list, axis=0) # [sequence size, batch size] value_batch = np.stack(value_batch, axis=0) # [sequence size, batch size] target_batch = [] # [batch size][sequence size] adv_batch = [] # [batch size][sequence size] for i_chosen, env_chosen in enumerate(env_set_chosen): id_chosen = env_id_chosen[i_chosen] if (env_chosen.episode_end()): bootstrap = 0 finished_episode += 1 env_chosen.new_episode() self.reset_lstm_state(id_chosen) else: if (self.model.contain_lstm()): bootstrap = self.model.sample_action( env_chosen.get_state(**get_state_kwargs), self.get_lstm_state(id_chosen))['state_value'] else: bootstrap = self.model.sample_action( env_chosen.get_state(**get_state_kwargs), None)['state_value'] reward_plus_bootstrap = np.concatenate( [reward_list[:, i_chosen], [bootstrap]], axis=0) target_value = lfilter([1], [1, -self.gamma], reward_plus_bootstrap[::-1])[::-1] target_value = target_value[:-1] target_batch.append(target_value) value_plus_bootstrap = np.concatenate( [value_batch[:, i_chosen], [bootstrap]], axis=0) td_error = reward_plus_bootstrap[:-1] +\ self.gamma * value_plus_bootstrap[1:] -\ value_plus_bootstrap[:-1] gae = lfilter([1], [1, -self.gamma * self.lambda_gae], td_error[::-1])[::-1] adv_batch.append(gae) target_batch = np.stack(target_batch, axis=1) # [sequence size, batch size] adv_batch = np.stack(adv_batch, axis=1) # [sequence size, batch size] # return state_batch = np.stack( state_batch, axis=0) # [sequence size, batch size] + state_shape trajectory_set['state'] = state_batch.reshape( [-1] + list(self.model.state_shape)) trajectory_set['action_index'] = np.concatenate(action_batch, axis=0) trajectory_set['target_value'] = target_batch.reshape(-1) trajectory_set['advantage'] = adv_batch.reshape(-1) return total_step, finished_episode, trajectory_set
def calcAllBranchMetrics(self, y, paths, pathmetrics, n): ''' Calculate branches leading to next symbol at index n. ''' if (y.ndim > 1): raise ValueError("Please flatten y before input.") # Path length pathlen = paths.shape[1] # Allocate branchmetrics branchmetrics = np.zeros(self.pretransitions.shape) shortbranchmetrics = np.zeros_like(branchmetrics) # Preallocate vectors guess = np.zeros(pathlen, dtype=paths.dtype) upguess = np.zeros(pathlen * self.up, dtype=paths.dtype) # Select the current symbol for p in np.arange(paths.shape[0]): # Select a valid pre-transition path for t in np.arange(len(self.pretransitions[p])): # if self.pretransitions[p,t] != 0: # DEBUG # continue if pathmetrics[self.pretransitions[p,t]] == np.inf: # print("Pretransition is inf, skipping!") branchmetrics[p,t] = np.inf shortbranchmetrics[p,t] = np.inf continue # print("Alphabet %d->%d at index %d" % (self.pretransitions[p,t],p,n)) # guess = np.copy(paths[self.pretransitions[p,t]]) # move this out of the loop without a copy, set values in here guess[:] = paths[self.pretransitions[p,t]] # like this guess[n] = self.alphabet[p] # print("Guess:") # print(guess) # KEEP IT SIMPLE FOR NOW, UPSAMPLE THE WHOLE PATH # upguess = np.zeros(pathlen * self.up, dtype=paths.dtype) # move this out of the loop and set values upguess[:] = 0 # zero out first upguess[::self.up] = guess # print(upguess[:n*self.up+1:self.up]) # assert(np.all(upguess[::self.up] == guess)) # Loop over all sources s = np.max([n*self.up - self.pulselen + 1,0]) x_all = np.zeros((self.L, self.pulselen), dtype=np.complex128) for i in np.arange(self.L): # # this is equivalent, as tested below upguesspad = np.pad(upguess[s:n*self.up+1], (0,self.pulselen-1)) # pad zeros to pulselen-1 xc = sps.lfilter(self.pulses[i], 1, upguesspad)[-self.pulselen:] # # original # xc2 = np.convolve(self.pulses[i], upguess[s:n*self.up+1])[-self.pulselen:] # if (not np.all(xc==xc2)): # print("What$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$") # xc = np.convolve(self.pulses[i], upguess[n*self.up-self.pulselen:n*self.up+1])[-self.pulselen:] # xcs = np.exp(1j*(-self.omegas[i]*np.arange(n*self.up,n*self.up+self.pulselen))) * xc xcs = self.omegavectors[i,n*self.up:n*self.up+self.pulselen] * xc x_all[i,:] = xcs summed = np.sum(x_all, axis=0) # print("Writing to branchmetrics[%d,%d]" % (p,t)) branchmetrics[p,t] = np.linalg.norm(y[self.up*n:self.up*n+self.pulselen] - summed)**2 shortbranchmetrics[p,t] = np.linalg.norm(y[self.up*n:self.up*(n+1)] - summed[:self.up])**2 # Complete return branchmetrics, shortbranchmetrics
def butter_bandpass_filter(self, data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5): b, a = self.butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order) y = signal.lfilter(b, a, data) return y
def build_test_data(sample_set=0, precision=None, f_start=100, f_stop=4e3, filt_Q=2, n_filt=20): """ Loads a test data set and returns results :param sample_set: index of sample set 0 : UrbanSound 1 : KitchenSound 2 : 15dB NOIZEUS 3 : 10dB NOIZEUS 4 : 5dB NOIZEUS 5 : 0dB NOIZEUS 6 : example :param precision: number of bits to show the input file as :param f_start: BPF start frequency :param f_stop: BPF stop frequency :param filt_Q: BPF Q (fc/bw) :param n_filt: number of BPF filters :returns: numpy arrays """ f_center = np.logspace(np.log10(f_start), np.log10(f_stop), n_filt) audio_data = np.zeros((0, n_filt)) audio_class = np.zeros((0, 1)) if sample_set == 0: data_dir = r'C:\Users\brady\GitHub\MinVAD\data\test\negative\urban_test' data_class = 0 elif sample_set == 1: data_dir = r'C:\Users\brady\GitHub\MinVAD\data\test\negative\kitchen_test' data_class = 0 elif sample_set == 2: data_dir = r'C:\Users\brady\GitHub\MinVAD\data\test\positive\15dB' data_class = 1 elif sample_set == 3: data_dir = r'C:\Users\brady\GitHub\MinVAD\data\test\positive\10dB' data_class = 1 elif sample_set == 4: data_dir = r'C:\Users\brady\GitHub\MinVAD\data\test\positive\5dB' data_class = 1 elif sample_set == 5: data_dir = r'C:\Users\brady\GitHub\MinVAD\data\test\positive\0dB' data_class = 1 elif sample_set == 6: data_dir = r'C:\Users\brady\GitHub\MinVAD\data\test\example' data_class = 0 else: return for fname in os.listdir(data_dir): # load a random positive sample file file = os.path.join(data_dir, fname) file, fs, data = fe.parse_file(file) if precision is not None: data = quantize(data, precision) # preload positive trained data classes file = ntpath.basename(file) if data_class and file.startswith('sp'): fpath = os.path.join(TRAIN_LABELS, file[0:4]) with open(fpath + '.csv', 'r') as f: classes_str = f.readline() classes = [int(c) for c in classes_str.split(',')] # this is inefficient but without knowing sampling rate # i'm not sure how to improve it # maybe make a list at the top with filt_bank_8k,16k,44,1k etc? # throw error if invalid? filt_bank = [ fe.createFilter(f_center[n], filt_Q, fs) for n in range(n_filt) ] # process a single frame frame_len = fe.getFrameSize(fs) for frame_cnt in range(int(len(data) / frame_len)): if frame_cnt * frame_len > len(data): end_pt = frame_cnt = len(data) else: end_pt = (frame_cnt + 1) * frame_len frame = data[frame_len * frame_cnt:end_pt] frame_avg = np.zeros((1, n_filt)) for i, bpf in enumerate(filt_bank): filt_frame = signal.lfilter(bpf[0], bpf[1], frame) frame_avg[0][i] = fe.calcFrameAvg(filt_frame) # add data features audio_data = np.append(audio_data, frame_avg, axis=0) # append data class if data_class: if file.startswith('sp'): audio_class = np.append(audio_class, classes[frame_cnt]) else: # this is ONLY VALID IF THE POSITIVE DATA IS NOISELESS audio_class = np.append(audio_class, fe.aboveFrameThreshold(frame)) else: audio_class = np.append(audio_class, 0) return audio_data, audio_class