Beispiel #1
 def createRickerPeak(self, sizey, sizex):
     ricker_x = ricker(self.size_patch[1], self.output_sigma_factor * sizey / self.padding)
     ricker_y = ricker(self.size_patch[0], self.output_sigma_factor * sizex / self.padding)
     ry = np.ones([1, len(ricker_y)]) * ricker_y
     rx = np.ones([1, len(ricker_x)]) * ricker_x
     ricker_peak = np.transpose(ry) * rx
     return fftd(ricker_peak)
Beispiel #2
 def createRickerMask(self):
     ricker_x = ricker(self.size_patch[1], self.sigma * self.size_patch[1] / self.padding)
     ricker_y = ricker(self.size_patch[0], self.sigma * self.size_patch[0] / self.padding)
     ry = np.ones([1, len(ricker_y)]) * ricker_y
     rx = np.ones([1, len(ricker_x)]) * ricker_x
     self.targetMask = np.transpose(ry) * rx
     self.targetMask = self.targetMask.astype(np.float32)
Beispiel #3
def translated_ricker_wavelet(times, scale, t):
    wavelet = sig.ricker(len(times), scale)
    dt = times[0] - times[1]
    zero_index = times.size / 2
    center_index = np.where(np.abs(times - t) < 1.0e-9)[0][0]
    shift = center_index - zero_index
    return np.roll(wavelet, shift)
Beispiel #4
    def convolve_with_wavelet(self):
        from scipy.signal import ricker, convolve, hilbert

        self.gwin = ricker(500, 21)
        self.seis = convolve(self.seis, self.gwin, 'same')

        return self
 def test_draw_wavelet_ricker(self):
     width = .5
     points = int(10*width)
     w = sig.ricker(points, width)
     # plt.plot(np.linspace(0., 1., points) * width, w, 'r-')
     plt.plot(w, 'r-')
Beispiel #6
def create_seismogram(rays, observe, dt, tracelen):
    seismogram = Seismogram()
    times = [dt * i for i in range(tracelen)]

    for j, rec in enumerate(observe.receivers):
        offset = rec.x
        # rays_ = [r for r in np.nditer(rays) if abs(r.x_finish - offset) <= 0.2]
        rays_ = [
            rr for r in rays.values() for rr in r
            if abs(rr.x_finish - offset) <= 0.001
        trace_i = np.zeros(len(times))

        for ray in rays_:
            # ampl_curve = [r for r in reflections if float(r.boundary_z) == float(ray.reflection_z)][0]
            # r_coeff = ampl_curve.get_amplitude_by_offset(offset)
            r_coeff = ray.calculate_dynamic_factor()

            reflection_index = int(ray.time / dt)

            if reflection_index < len(trace_i):
                trace_i[reflection_index] = r_coeff.real

        signal = ricker(50, 7)
        signal /= max(abs(signal))

        trace_values = np.convolve(trace_i, signal)[0:len(times)].real

        seismogram.add_trace(Trace(trace_values, dt, offset))

    return seismogram
Beispiel #7
 def create_seismic_trace(self, reflection=None, data_all=None):
     """Returns an array that contains the seismic trace based on the input data.
         reflection: array, list of reflection coefficient values
         data: array of seismic trace values
     if data_all == None and reflection != None:
         points = len(reflection)
         width = points / 100
         density = []
         velocity = []
         for i in range(len(data_all)):
             for j in range(len(data_all[i])):
         impedance = np.array(velocity) * np.array(density)
         reflection = [0]
         for i in range(1, len(impedance)):
             reflection.append((impedance[i] - impedance[i - 1]) /
                               (impedance[i] + impedance[i - 1]))
         points = len(reflection)
         width = points / 100
     wavelet = signal.ricker(points, width)
     data = signal.convolve(reflection, wavelet, mode="same")
     return data
Beispiel #8
def f():
    window_type = display['window_type']
    window_size = int(display['size'])
    p = float(display['param'])

    window = np.zeros(window_size)

    if window_type == 'square':
        window = np.ones(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'exponential':
        window = np.exp(np.arange(window_size) * p)
    elif window_type == 'hanning':
        window = np.hanning(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'blackman':
        window = np.blackman(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'ricker':
        window = ricker(window_size, p)
    elif window_type == 'gaussian':
        window = gaussian(window_size, p)
    elif window_type == 'barthann':
        window = barthann(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'flattop':
        window = flattop(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'cosine':
        window = cosine(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'triangle':
        window = triang(window_size)

    return window
def compute_whole_sgy_file():
    seismic_sgy = ""
    with, 'r') as f:
        trace = f.trace[500]

    widths = numpy.arange(1, 11, 0.1)
    Wf = []
    for w in widths:
        w = ricker(50, w)
        F = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(256))
        W = fft.fftshift(fft.fft(numpy.real(w), 256))

    p_trace = numpy.zeros(250)
    p_trace[0:len(trace)] = trace
    # cwt_tf = cwt(trace, ricker, numpy.arange(1, 11, 0.1))

    volume =
    cwt_cube = numpy.zeros((*volume.shape, len(Wf)))
    shape = cwt_cube.shape

    for i in range(0, shape[0]):
        for x in range(0, shape[1]):
            trace = numpy.squeeze(volume[i, x, :])
            c = cwt(trace, ricker, widths)
            cwt_cube[i, x, :, :] = numpy.fliplr(c).T

    return cwt_cube, volume
Beispiel #10
def draw_wavelet_ricker():
    width = 100.
    points = int(10*width)
    w = sig.ricker(points, width)
    plt.plot(w, 'k-', )
Beispiel #11
    def run(self, timeserieData, longitude=None, latitude=None):
        lista1 = []

        points = len(timeserieData)
        width = 40
        ricker = signal.ricker(points, width)

        return ricker
def hat(y,a,b):
    peaky = []
    vec2 = signal.ricker(20, 4)
    for j in range(a,b):
        yii = y[j:j+20]
        yiii = yii * vec2
    return peaky
Beispiel #13
 def calculator1d(a):
     nnan = ~np.isnan(a)
     a = a[nnan]
     if self.wavelet == 'ricker':
         wavelet = signal.ricker(min(10 * self.width, len(a)),
         raise NotImplementedError()
     return signal.convolve(a, wavelet, mode='same')
 def test_draw_strengths(self):
     ecg = self.ecg_mouse()
     y = ecg.getLowFreq()
     scale = 0.0015 * ecg.getDataFrequency()
     wt = WP.get_WT(y, scale)
     wt = clc.normalize(wt, 'median_abs')
     mm = WP.get_mm_array(wt)
     mm = WP.filter_mm_array(mm, wt)
     WP.draw_MM_strengths(mm, y, wt, wavelet=100*sig.ricker(scale*10, scale), diffs=True)
def sample():
    x = np.arange(100)
    points = 100
    a = 4
    vec2 = signal.ricker(points,a)
    print vec2
    print vec2.shape
Beispiel #16
def get_scalogram(data, **kwargs):
    if 'wavelet' in kwargs:
        wavelet = kwargs['wavelet']
        wavelet = signal.ricker()
    if 'levels' in kwargs:
        levels = kwargs['levels']
        levels = np.arange(1, 11)
    return signal.cwt(data, wavelet, levels)
def wavelet_ricker_series():
    n_lines = 15
    n_points = 100
    max_offset = 800

    hue = np.random.choice(['blue', 'purple', 'red'])
    luminosity = None
    rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor()
    background_color = np.array(
            hue=hue, luminosity=luminosity, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256.
    plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = background_color[0]
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_lines, sharex=True, frameon=True)
    offset = 1
    rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor()
    value = 1.0

    for ax in axes:
        for _ in range(5):
            x_offset = np.random.uniform(0, max_offset)
            a = np.random.uniform(1, 5)
            n_points /= 2.
            color_rgb = np.array(
                                    format_='Array_rgb')) / 256.
            color_rgb = color_rgb[0]
            color_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(color_rgb)
            color_hsv[2] *= 0.4 + 0.6 * x_offset / max_offset
            color_rgb = color.hsv2rgb(color_hsv)

            n_points = 500
            sample_frac = 0.1
            mode = np.random.uniform(0, n_points)
            x = np.random.triangular(0,
                                     size=int(n_points * sample_frac))
            x = [int(i) for i in x]
            y = signal.ricker(int(n_points), 25)
            y = y[x]

            ax.scatter(x_offset + np.array(x),
                       90 * y,
            # ax.set_aspect(2)
            offset += 3
            # ax.set_xlim(0, 500)
    # fig.set_figwidth(4)
Beispiel #18
def synth(**kwargs):
    """return ricker wavelet synthetic data"""

    # defaults
    if 'pol' not in kwargs: kwargs['pol'] = 0.
    if 'delta' not in kwargs: kwargs['delta'] = 1.
    if 'split' not in kwargs: kwargs['split'] = []
    if 'noise' not in kwargs: kwargs['noise'] = 0.001
    if 'nsamps' not in kwargs: kwargs['nsamps'] = 1001
    if 'width' not in kwargs: kwargs['width'] = 32
    if 'noisewidth' not in kwargs: kwargs['noisewidth'] = kwargs['width'] / 4

    # initiate data with clean ricker wavelet
    nsamps = int(kwargs['nsamps'])
    x = signal.ricker(nsamps, kwargs['width'])
    y = np.zeros(nsamps)

    # rotate to polarisation
    # negative because we are doing the active rotation of data, whereas
    # core.rotate does the passive transormation of the co-ordinate system
    x, y = core.rotate(x, y, -kwargs['pol'])

    if isinstance(kwargs['split'], tuple):
        fast, lag = kwargs['split']
        # add any splitting -- lag samples must be even
        slag = core.time2samps(lag, kwargs['delta'], mode='even')
        x, y = core.split(x, y, fast, slag)
    elif isinstance(split, list):
        for parms in kwargs['split']:
            fast, lag = parms
            # add any splitting -- lag samples must be even
            slag = core.time2samps(lag, kwargs['delta'], mode='even')
            x, y = core.split(x, y, fast, slag)

    # add noise - do this last to avoid splitting the noise
    x = x + core.noise(x.size, kwargs['noise'], int(kwargs['noisewidth']))
    y = y + core.noise(x.size, kwargs['noise'], int(kwargs['noisewidth']))
    z = core.noise(x.size, kwargs['noise'], int(kwargs['noisewidth']))

    if 'ray' in kwargs:
        if not isinstance(kwargs['ray'], tuple):
            raise Exception('ray must be a tuple (azi,inc)')
        if len(kwargs['ray']) != 2:
            raise Exception('ray must be length 2 (azi,inc)')
        az, inc = math.radians(kwargs['ray'][0]), math.radians(
        sinc, cinc = math.sin(inc), math.cos(inc)
        saz, caz = math.sin(az), math.cos(az)
        rot = np.array([[-cinc * caz, saz, sinc * caz],
                        [-cinc * saz, -caz, sinc * saz], [sinc, 0, cinc]])
        xyz =, np.vstack((x, y, z)))
        x, y, z = xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]

    return x, y, z
 def test_fft_wavelet_ricker(self):
     width = 1.
     points = int(10*width)
     w = sig.ricker(points, width)
     fft, f = get_fft(w, 1000)
     max_fq = np.argmax(fft)'Peak frequency = %f', f[max_fq])
     __, p = plt.subplots(2)
     p[0].plot(w, 'r-')
     p[1].plot(f, fft, 'g-')
Beispiel #20
    def _sync_impulse_transform(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        len_sync = 80
        alpha = np.random.uniform(1.0, 7.0)
        sync_impulse = ricker(len_sync, alpha)

        trace_with_sync = np.zeros(self.height_model - len_sync + 1)
        trace_with_sync[np.random.randint(0, np.ceil(self.height_model * 0.5))] = \
            np.random.uniform(-0.6, -0.3) if np.random.random() > 0.5 else np.random.uniform(0.3, 0.6)

        trace_with_sync = (np.convolve(trace_with_sync, sync_impulse))[:, np.newaxis]
        return data + trace_with_sync
Beispiel #21
def generate_trace(reflection_event_times=(20, 1400, 2400), reflection_event_amplitude=(6.0, -12.0, 8.0),
                   nmo_velocity=(1.6, 2.0, 2.4), wavelet_lenght=50, wavelet_width=5, **kwargs):
    """Generates a seismic trace with Ricker impulse using reflectivity parameters and trace's headers.

    reflection_event_time : 1d np.ndarray, defaults to (20, 1400, 2400)
        Zero-offset times of reflection events measured in ms.
    reflection_event_amplitude : 1d np.ndarray, defaults to (6.0, -12.0, 8.0)
        Amplitudes of reflection events.
    nmo_velocity : 1d np.ndarray, defaults to (1.6, 2.0, 2.4)
        NMO velocities for the reflection events, m/ms.
    wavelet_lenght : int, defaults to 50
        Overall lenght of the vector with Ricker wavelet. Equivalent of `points` parameter of `scipy.signal.ricker`.
    wavelet_width : int, defaults to 5
         Width parameter of the wavelet itself. Equivalent of `a` parameter of `scipy.signal.ricker`.
    kwargs : dict
        Dict with trace header values. This function uses TRACE_SAMPLE_COUNT, TRACE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL and

    trace : 1d-ndarray
        Generated seismic trace.

    n_samples = kwargs.get('TRACE_SAMPLE_COUNT')
    sample_rate = kwargs.get('TRACE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL')
    offset = kwargs.get('offset')
    sample_rate = sample_rate / 1000 # cast sample rate (dt) from microsec to millisec
    times = np.array(reflection_event_times) / sample_rate # cast to samples
    reflections = np.array(reflection_event_amplitude)
    velocities = np.array(nmo_velocity)
    equal_lengths = (len(times) == len(reflections) == len(velocities))
    if not equal_lengths:
        raise ValueError("'reflection_event_times', 'reflection_event_amplitude' and 'nmo_velocity' should have equal lengths")

    # Inversed normal moveout
    shifted_times = ((times**2 + offset**2 / (velocities * sample_rate)**2)**0.5).astype(int)
    ref_series = np.zeros(max(n_samples, max(shifted_times)) + 1)

    # Tweak reflection event amplitudes to make Survey and Gathers statistics differ
    reflections = np.random.normal(reflections, np.abs(reflections) / 5)

    ref_series[shifted_times] = reflections
    ref_series[min(shifted_times):] += np.random.normal(1, 0.5, size=len(ref_series)-min(shifted_times))

    # Generate "seismic" signal by convolving reflectivity series with the "impulse" wavelet
    trace = np.convolve(ref_series, signal.ricker(wavelet_lenght, wavelet_width), mode='same')[:n_samples]
    trace = trace.astype(np.float32)

    return trace
def make_random_signal(nsamp):
    """Make a single trace with random reflectivity

    A random reflectivity trace is convolved with a zero phase ricker wavelet
        nsamp: the number of samples in the output trace
        A 1D array with the signal
    ref = np.random.rand(nsamp)*2-1
    wav = sig.ricker(80,5)
    filtered = np.convolve(ref, wav,'same')
    return filtered
Beispiel #23
def ricker_center_freq(dt):
    # Get the frequency spectrum of the Ricker wavelet
    # with width 1 in units of samples
    wavelet = sig.ricker(1e3,
                         1)  # arbitrary num. of points, not too big or small
    frequency_spectrum = np.fft.fft(wavelet)[:int(round(wavelet.size / 2))]
    spectrum_magnitude = np.sqrt(
        np.real(frequency_spectrum)**2 + np.imag(frequency_spectrum)**2)
    frequencies = np.fft.fftfreq(frequency_spectrum.size*2, d=1)\
    # Empirically, fc/fp = 1.186; where fp is the peak FFT frequency and
    # fc is the desired center frequency.
    #   - Divide by the sample width to get units of Hz
    return 1.186 * frequencies[np.argmax(spectrum_magnitude)] / dt
def clip_to_linear(data, threshold=1.0, kernel_width=0.1, ends_clipped=0.05):
    Takes the second derivative of the data with a ricker wavelet.
    Data is clipped to the linear portion (2nd derivative ~ 0)


    data : numpy.ndarray
        x and y data.
    threshold : float, optional
        Acceptable value of the second derivative to be called linear.
    kernel_width : float, optional
        Kernel width set to this percentage of the data length
    ends_clipped : float, optional
        Percentage of data to clip off at the ends. End points have residual
        effects from the convolution.

    data_clipped : numpy.ndarray
        Linear portion of the data set returned.

    from scipy.signal import ricker

    y = data[1, :]
    x = data[0, :]

    num_pts = len(y)

    kernel = ricker(num_pts, num_pts * kernel_width)

    sec_deriv = np.convolve(y, kernel, mode="same")

    # Ends go back to being ~ linear, so clip them off
    if ends_clipped > 0.0:
        clipped_pts = int(num_pts * ends_clipped)

        sec_deriv = sec_deriv[clipped_pts: num_pts - clipped_pts]
        y = y[clipped_pts: num_pts - clipped_pts]
        x = x[clipped_pts: num_pts - clipped_pts]

    linear_pts = np.abs(sec_deriv) < threshold

    data_clipped = np.empty((2, len(y[linear_pts])))
    data_clipped[:, :] = x[linear_pts], y[linear_pts]

    return data_clipped
    def _mwi(self):
        功能:利用ricker小波(Mexican hat)对滤波后的信号进行滑动波积分(mwi),并

        b = signal.ricker(self.qrs_width, 4)
        self.sig_i = signal.filtfilt(b, [1], self.sig_f, axis=0)**2

        # 保存mwi增益,因为采用的是零相漂滤波器(前后双向滤波器)所以增益*2
        # 并保存从原始信号到滑动积分信号的全部增益
        self.mwi_gain = get_filter_gain(
            b, [1], np.mean([self.fc_low, self.fc_high]), self.fs) * 2
        self.transform_gain = self.filter_gain * self.mwi_gain
        self.peak_inds_i = find_local_peaks(self.sig_i, radius=self.qrs_radius)
        self.n_peaks_i = len(self.peak_inds_i)
def make_delayed_signal_pair(nsamp, delay):
    """Make a pair of identical traces with specified delay

    A random reflectivity trace is convolved with a zero phase ricker wavelet
    and the created trace and a delayed version are returned
        nsamp: the number of samples in the output trace
        delay: the number of samples to delay the second trace
        Two 1D arrays with the undelayed and delayed signal
    ref = np.random.rand(nsamp+abs(delay))*2-1
    wav = sig.ricker(80,5)
    filtered = np.convolve(ref, wav,'same')
    if delay < 0 :
        return filtered[0:nsamp], filtered[-delay:nsamp-delay]
        return filtered[delay:nsamp+delay], filtered[0:nsamp]
def peak_finder_pro(measurement):
    E0 = measurement.energy_cal[0]
    slope = measurement.energy_cal[1]
    energy_axis =
    energy_axis = energy_axis.astype(float)
    energy_axis[:] = [E0 + slope * x for x in range(len(]

    """energy_spectra is the spectra that will be loaded and analyzed"""

    fwhm_list = []
    for i in energy_axis:
        fwhm = 0.05 * energy_axis[i] ** 0.5
        fwhm_list = fwhm_list.append(fwhm)

    counts =

    peaks_found = []
    start = 0
    end = start + 50
    for energy in energy_axis:
        E_start = energy_axis[start]
        E_end = energy_axis[end]
        energy_range = range(E_start, E_end)
        count_total = 0
        for i in energy_range:
            count_total = count_total + counts[energy_range[i]]
        avg_range = count_total/len(energy_range)
        avg_ends = (counts[start] + counts[end]) / 2
        threshold = 1.1 * avg_ends
        if avg_range > threshold:
            energy_average = start + 25
            avg_fwhm = fwhm_list[energy_average]
            width_parameter = avg_fwhm * 3
            wavelet = signal.ricker(width_parameter, avg_fwhm)
            counts_range = range(counts[E_start], counts[E_end])
            wave_transform = signal.cwt(counts_range, wavelet, width_parameter)
            peak_finder = signal.find_peaks_cwt(wave_transform, counts_range)
            next_range = peak_finder + 0.5 * avg_fwhm
            start = next_range
            start += 1
        return peaks_found
Beispiel #28
    def _mwi(self):
        Apply moving wave integration with a ricker (Mexican hat) wavelet onto
        the filtered signal, and save the square of the integrated signal.

        The width of the hat is equal to the qrs width

        Also find all local peaks in the mwi signal.
        b = signal.ricker(self.qrs_width, 4)
        self.sig_i = signal.filtfilt(b, [1], self.sig_f, axis=0) ** 2

        # Save the mwi gain  (x2 due to double filtering) and the total gain
        # from raw to mwi
        self.mwi_gain = get_filter_gain(b, [1],
                         np.mean([self.fc_low, self.fc_high]), self.fs) * 2
        self.transform_gain = self.filter_gain * self.mwi_gain
        self.peak_inds_i = find_local_peaks(self.sig_i, radius=self.qrs_radius)
        self.n_peaks_i = len(self.peak_inds_i)
Beispiel #29
def createCubedGaussianWhiteNoiseConvolvedWithRickerWavelet(
        num_signal, num_sample, num_point_ricker_wavelet,
    gaussian_white_noise = np.random.randn(num_signal, num_sample)
    cubed_noise_by_signal_sample = np.power(gaussian_white_noise, 3)
                                 num_sample * 0 // 10:num_sample * 1 // 10] = 0
    #cubed_noise_by_signal_sample *= np.random.poisson(100./num_sample, (num_signal, num_sample))
    #cubed_noise_by_signal_sample = np.random.poisson(1, (num_signal, num_sample))
    ricker_wavelet = signal.ricker(num_point_ricker_wavelet,
    output_sample_length = num_sample
    output_by_signal_sample = np.zeros((num_signal, output_sample_length))
    for idx_signal in range(num_signal):
        output_by_signal_sample[idx_signal, :] = np.convolve(
            cubed_noise_by_signal_sample[idx_signal, :], ricker_wavelet,
        #output_by_signal_sample[idx_signal,17] = 1e-15

    return output_by_signal_sample
Beispiel #30
    def make_synthetic(self, ricker_width=5, ricker_points=50):
        """ Generate and store 2d or 3d synthetic seismic. Synthetic seismic generation relies
        on generated velocity and density models. Hence, can be run only after `generate_velocities`,
        `generate_velocity_model` and `generate_density_model` methods.

        ricker_width : float
            Width of the ricker-wave - `a`-parameter of `scipy.signal.ricker`.
        ricker_points : int
            Number of points in the ricker-wave - `points`-parameter of `scipy.signal.ricker`.
        wavelet = ricker(ricker_points, ricker_width)

        # Colvolve reflection coefficients with wavelet to obtain synthetic
        # NOTE: convolution is performed only along depth-axis, hence additional axes in kernel
        kernel = wavelet.reshape((1, ) * (self.velocity_model.ndim - 1) +
                                 (-1, ))
        self.synthetic = convolve(self.reflectivity_coefficients,
        return self
Beispiel #31
def synth(**kwargs):
    """return ricker wavelet synthetic data"""
    # defaults    
    if 'pol' not in kwargs: kwargs['pol'] = 0.
    if 'delta' not in kwargs: kwargs['delta'] = 1.
    if 'split' not in kwargs: kwargs['split'] = []
    if 'noise' not in kwargs: kwargs['noise'] = 0.001
    if 'nsamps' not in kwargs: kwargs['nsamps'] = 1001
    if 'width' not in kwargs: kwargs['width'] = 32
    if 'noisewidth' not in kwargs: kwargs['noisewidth'] = kwargs['width']/4

    # initiate data with clean ricker wavelet
    nsamps = int(kwargs['nsamps'])  
    x = signal.ricker(nsamps, kwargs['width'])
    y = np.zeros(nsamps)
    # rotate to polarisation 
    # negative because we are doing the active rotation of data, whereas
    # core.rotate does the passive transormation of the co-ordinate system
    x,y = rotate(x, y, -kwargs['pol'])

    if isinstance(kwargs['split'], tuple):
        fast, lag = kwargs['split']
        # add any splitting -- lag samples must be even
        slag = time2samps(lag, kwargs['delta'], mode='even')
        x,y = split(x, y, fast, slag)
    elif isinstance(kwargs['split'], list):        
        for parms in kwargs['split']:
            fast, lag = parms
            # add any splitting -- lag samples must be even
            slag = time2samps(lag, kwargs['delta'], mode='even')
            x,y = split(x, y, fast, slag)
    # add noise - do this last to avoid splitting the noise
    x = x + noise(x.size, kwargs['noise'], int(kwargs['noisewidth']))    
    y = y + noise(x.size, kwargs['noise'], int(kwargs['noisewidth']))

    return x,y
Beispiel #32
def createCubedGaussianWhiteNoiseConvolvedWithRickerWavelet(
    gaussian_white_noise = np.random.randn(num_signal,num_sample)
    cubed_noise_by_signal_sample = np.power(gaussian_white_noise, 3)
    cubed_noise_by_signal_sample[:, num_sample * 0 // 10: num_sample*1//10] = 0
    #cubed_noise_by_signal_sample *= np.random.poisson(100./num_sample, (num_signal, num_sample))
    #cubed_noise_by_signal_sample = np.random.poisson(1, (num_signal, num_sample))
    ricker_wavelet = signal.ricker(num_point_ricker_wavelet, 
    output_sample_length = num_sample 
    output_by_signal_sample = np.zeros((num_signal,output_sample_length))
    for idx_signal in range(num_signal):
        output_by_signal_sample[idx_signal,:] = np.convolve(
        #output_by_signal_sample[idx_signal,17] = 1e-15
    return output_by_signal_sample
Beispiel #33
    def _mwi(self):
        Apply moving wave integration (mwi) with a ricker (Mexican hat)
        wavelet onto the filtered signal, and save the square of the
        integrated signal.

        The width of the hat is equal to the qrs width

        After integration, find all local peaks in the mwi signal.
        wavelet_filter = signal.ricker(self.qrs_width, 4)

        self.sig_i = signal.filtfilt(wavelet_filter, [1], self.sig_f,
                                     axis=0) ** 2

        # Save the mwi gain (x2 due to double filtering) and the total
        # gain from raw to mwi
        self.mwi_gain = get_filter_gain(wavelet_filter, [1],
                         np.mean([self.fc_low, self.fc_high]), self.fs) * 2
        self.transform_gain = self.filter_gain * self.mwi_gain
        self.peak_inds_i = find_local_peaks(self.sig_i, radius=self.qrs_radius)
        self.n_peaks_i = len(self.peak_inds_i)
Beispiel #34
    def get_wavelet_decomposition(self,
                                  widths=range(1, 14, 3),
        """ Cached wavelet transform calculation followed by dimensionaluty reduction via PCA.

        widths : list of numbers
            Widths of wavelets to calculate decomposition for.
        window : int
            Width of amplitudes slice to calculate wavelet transform on.
        amplitudes = self.load_attribute('amplitudes', window=window)
        result_shape = *amplitudes.shape[:2], len(widths)
        result = np.empty(result_shape, dtype=np.float32)
        for idx, width in enumerate(widths):
            wavelet = ricker(window, width).reshape(1, 1, -1)
            result[:, :, idx] = convolve(amplitudes, wavelet,
                                         mode='constant')[:, :, window // 2]

        return result
Beispiel #35
    def gen_spike_templates(numSpks,
        numSpks: # of Spikes, muWidth: mean width of spike, sigmaWidth: stdev of spike width, muFac: mean width fator, 
        sigmaFac: stdev of spike factor, muVert: mean vertical scaling factor, sigmaVert: stdev of vertical scaling factor
        from scipy import signal

        waveforms = []

        for i in range(numSpks):
            width = sigmaWidth * np.random.randn() + muWidth
            factor = (np.abs(sigmaFac * np.random.randn() + muFac)) * width
            polarity = np.random.choice([1, -1], 1)[0]
            vertical = sigmaVert * np.random.randn() + muVert
            # Add a linear equations on top | super impose multiple rickers
            waveforms.append(polarity * signal.ricker(width, factor) *
        return np.asarray(waveforms, dtype=object)
Beispiel #36
 def cpu_version(self, num_samps, a):
     return signal.ricker(num_samps, a)
Beispiel #37
def showSplash(a,dir_path,widfac,highfac,fontfac):
    Creates the splash screen shown when starting GPRPy GUI for 
    common-offset profiles.
        snakeGPR = gp.gprpyProfile(filename)
        rick = signal.ricker(150, 4.0)
        x = np.linspace(0,85,100)
        y = rick[50:150]*25000
    # Snake body
    # Snake head
    Path = mpath.Path
    path_data = [
        (Path.MOVETO, [xshift,headval]),
        (Path.CURVE3, [-20+xshift,0]),
        (Path.LINETO, [xshift,-headval]),
        (Path.CURVE3, [10+xshift,0]),
        (Path.LINETO, [xshift,headval]),
        (Path.CLOSEPOLY, [xshift,headval])]
    codes, verts = zip(*path_data)
    path = mpath.Path(verts, codes)
    patch = mpatches.PathPatch(path)
    # Eyes
    eye1 = mpatches.Ellipse([-2,1000], 3, 1000)
    eye2 = mpatches.Ellipse([-2,-1000], 3, 1000)
    # Tongue
    x, y = np.array([[-10, -13, -15], [0.0, 0.0, 600]])
    line1 = mlines.Line2D(x, y, lw=2*widfac, color='black')
    x, y = np.array([[-10, -13, -15], [0.0, 0.0, -600]])
    line2 = mlines.Line2D(x, y, lw=2*widfac, color='black')
    # Axis setup
    # Text
    font = {'family': 'DejaVu Sans',
        'color':  'black',
        'weight': 'bold',
        'style': 'italic',
        'size': 60*fontfac
        #'size': 45.6
#    a.text(35,-10000,'GPRPy',fontdict=font)

    fontver = {'family': 'DejaVu Sans',
        'color':  'black',
        'style': 'italic',
        'size': 13.5*fontfac
        #'size': 45.6
    a.text(50,-12000,'Version 1.0.9',fontdict=fontver)

    # add UA logo
    ua = im.imread(filename1)
    #yanchor = -24500
    #yheight = 10000*0.9
    yanchor = -24000
    yheight = 10000*0.8
    xanchor = -20
    figsize = a.figure.get_size_inches()
    figratio = figsize[0]/figsize[1]
    ratio = a.get_data_ratio()*figratio
    xwidth = yheight/ratio
    a.imshow(ua, aspect='auto', extent=(xanchor, xanchor+xwidth,
                                        yanchor, yanchor+yheight),

    # # add UA words
    # filename1=os.path.join(dir_path,'toolbox','splashdat',
    #                         'UA-StackedNameplate.png')
    # ua = im.imread(filename1)
    # #yanchor = -24500
    # #yheight = 10000*0.9
    # yanchor = -24000
    # yheight = 10000*0.4
    # xanchor = -10
    # figsize = a.figure.get_size_inches()
    # figratio = figsize[0]/figsize[1]
    # ratio = a.get_data_ratio()*figratio
    # xwidth = 5*yheight/ratio
    # a.imshow(ua, aspect='auto', extent=(xanchor, xanchor+xwidth,
    #                                     yanchor, yanchor+yheight),
    #          interpolation='spline36')
    # Add NSF logo
    nsf = im.imread(filename2)
    yanchor = -25000
    yheight = 10000
    xanchor = -5
    figsize = a.figure.get_size_inches()
    figratio = figsize[0]/figsize[1]
    ratio = a.get_data_ratio()*figratio
    xwidth = yheight/ratio
    a.imshow(nsf, aspect='auto', extent=(xanchor, xanchor+xwidth,
                                         yanchor, yanchor+yheight),
    font2 = {'family': 'DejaVu Sans',
             'color':  'black',
             'size': 13.5*fontfac}
			 #'size': 10.26}

    # Add name/email
    font3 = {'family': 'DejaVu Sans',
             'color':  'gray',
             'size': 13.5*fontfac}
			 #'size' : 10.26}
    a.text(70,-22000,'Alain Plattner',fontdict=font3)
Beispiel #38
    def _learn_init_params(self, n_calib_beats=8):
        Find a number of consecutive beats and use them to initialize:
        - recent qrs amplitude
        - recent noise amplitude
        - recent rr interval
        - qrs detection threshold

        The learning works as follows:
        - Find all local maxima (largest sample within `qrs_radius`
          samples) of the filtered signal.
        - Inspect the local maxima until `n_calib_beats` beats are
          - Calculate the cross-correlation between a ricker wavelet of
            length `qrs_width`, and the filtered signal segment centered
            around the local maximum.
          - If the cross-correlation exceeds 0.6, classify it as a beat.
        - Use the beats to initialize the previously described
        - If the system fails to find enough beats, the default
          parameters will be used instead. See the docstring of
          `XQRS._set_default_init_params` for detauls.

        n_calib_beats : int, optional
            Number of calibration beats to detect for learning

        if self.verbose:
            print('Learning initial signal parameters...')

        last_qrs_ind = -self.rr_max
        qrs_inds = []
        qrs_amps = []
        noise_amps = []

        ricker_wavelet = signal.ricker(self.qrs_radius * 2, 4).reshape(-1,1)

        # Find the local peaks of the signal.
        peak_inds_f = find_local_peaks(self.sig_f, self.qrs_radius)

        peak_inds_f_r = np.where(peak_inds_f > self.qrs_width)[0]
        peak_inds_f_l = np.where(peak_inds_f <= self.sig_len - self.qrs_width)[0]

        # Skip if no peaks in range
        if (not peak_inds_f.size or not peak_inds_f_r.size
                                 or not peak_inds_f_l.size):
            if self.verbose:
                print('Failed to find %d beats during learning.'
                      % n_calib_beats)

        # Go through the peaks and find qrs peaks and noise peaks.
        # only inspect peaks with at least qrs_radius around either side
        for peak_num in range(peak_inds_f_r[0], peak_inds_f_l[0]):
            i = peak_inds_f[peak_num]
            # Calculate cross-correlation between the filtered signal
            # segment and a ricker wavelet

            # Question: should the signal be squared? Case for inverse qrs
            # complexes
            sig_segment = normalize((self.sig_f[i - self.qrs_radius:
                                                i + self.qrs_radius]).reshape(-1, 1), axis=0)

            xcorr = np.correlate(sig_segment[:, 0], ricker_wavelet[:,0])

            # Classify as qrs if xcorr is large enough
            if xcorr > 0.6 and i-last_qrs_ind > self.rr_min:
                last_qrs_ind = i

            if len(qrs_inds) == n_calib_beats:

        # Found enough calibration beats to initialize parameters
        if len(qrs_inds) == n_calib_beats:

            if self.verbose:
                print('Found %d beats during learning.' % n_calib_beats
                      + ' Initializing using learned parameters')

            # QRS amplitude is most important.
            qrs_amp = np.mean(qrs_amps)

            # Set noise amplitude if found
            if noise_amps:
                noise_amp = np.mean(noise_amps)
                # Set default of 1/10 of qrs amplitude
                noise_amp = qrs_amp / 10

            # Get rr intervals of consecutive beats, if any.
            rr_intervals = np.diff(qrs_inds)
            rr_intervals = rr_intervals[rr_intervals < self.rr_max]
            if rr_intervals.any():
                rr_recent = np.mean(rr_intervals)
                rr_recent = self.rr_init

            # If an early qrs was detected, set last_qrs_ind so that it can be
            # picked up.
            last_qrs_ind = min(0, qrs_inds[0] - self.rr_min - 1)


        # Failed to find enough calibration beats. Use default values.
            if self.verbose:
                print('Failed to find %d beats during learning.'
                      % n_calib_beats)

Beispiel #39
# just for fun: The spike at 0 is caused by 
# a nonzero mean of the random phase signal
Q_nonzero_mean = Q + 1.
Q_nonzero_mean[0] = 0.0
plt.xlabel("Time sample nr.")
plt.legend(["Random phase signal with nonzero mean",
           "Random phase signal with zero mean"])

# here is a simple time domain signal "Green fct"
# to use for convolution
s = np.zeros(2001)
s[1500: 1600] = ricker(100, a=20.)
plt.title("Input \"Greens function\"")

# if we perform convolution in freq. domain:
S = np.fft.rfft(s)
plt.plot(np.fft.irfft(Q * S, n=2001))

# and convolution of the same signals,
# but with an algorithm that does it right, 
# starting from time domain signals:
q = np.fft.irfft(Q, n=2001)
plt.plot(fftconvolve(s, q, mode="full"), '--')

# then we see that the signals are identical from the start
twti = np.cumsum(ds/vmodel, axis=0)*2  # calculate irregular sampled twt times
twt = np.arange(0, np.max(twti)+0.10, dt)  # new twt times re-sampled to 4 ms
dnx = int(nx/disc)
twtvmodel = np.zeros((len(twt), dnx))  # velocity model in time and discretized
for i in xrange(0, nx, disc):  # set the time re-sample velocity model
    twtvmodel[:, int(i/disc)] = np.interp(twt, twti[:, i], vmodel[:, i])
zimp = np.ones(twtvmodel.shape)*1000.*twtvmodel  # create impedance z = rho*v
rc = (zimp[1:]-zimp[:-1])/(zimp[1:]+zimp[:-1]) # calculate reflection coefs
fig = mpl.figure(figsize=(11, 7))  # plottings
mpl.subplots_adjust(right=0.98, left=0.11, hspace=0.4, top=0.93, bottom=0.13)
mpl.subplot2grid((3, 4), (0, 0), colspan=4)  # plot rc model
mpl.title("Zero-offset section reflection coefficients",
          fontsize=13, family='sans-serif', weight='bold')
rcs = utils.matrix2stream(rc.transpose(), header={'delta': dt})
mpl.seismic_wiggle(rcs, normalize=True, scale=1.5, ranges=[0, nx])  # rc model
wavelet = signal.ricker(255, 1/(2*f*dt))  # create wavelet
samples = signal.filtfilt(wavelet, np.ones(len(wavelet)),
                          rc, axis=0, padlen=len(twt)-2)  # convolve rc*wavelet
mpl.ylabel('twt (s)')
mpl.subplot2grid((3, 4), (1, 0), colspan=4)  # plot zero-offset traces
traces = utils.matrix2stream(samples.transpose(), header={'delta': dt}) 
mpl.seismic_image(traces,, aspect='auto', ranges=[0, nx])
mpl.seismic_wiggle(traces, ranges=[0, nx], normalize=True)
mpl.ylabel('twt (s)')
mpl.title("Zero-offset section amplitude",
          fontsize=13, family='sans-serif', weight='bold')
ax = mpl.subplot2grid((3, 4), (2, 0), colspan=4)  # plot vmodel
mpl.imshow(vmodel, extent=[0, nx, nz*ds, 0],
 , aspect='auto', origin='upper')
mpl.ylabel('depth (m)')
Beispiel #41
    def _learn_init_params(self, n_calib_beats=8):
        Find a number of consecutive beats and use them to initialize:
        - recent qrs amplitude
        - recent noise amplitude
        - recent rr interval
        - qrs detection threshold

        The learning works as follows:
        - Find all local maxima (largest sample within `qrs_radius`
          samples) of the filtered signal.
        - Inspect the local maxima until `n_calib_beats` beats are
          - Calculate the cross-correlation between a ricker wavelet of
            length `qrs_width`, and the filtered signal segment centered
            around the local maximum.
          - If the cross-correlation exceeds 0.6, classify it as a beat.
        - Use the beats to initialize the previously described
        - If the system fails to find enough beats, the default
          parameters will be used instead. See the docstring of
          `XQRS._set_default_init_params` for detauls.

        n_calib_beats : int, optional
            Number of calibration beats to detect for learning

        if self.verbose:
            print('Learning initial signal parameters...')

        last_qrs_ind = -self.rr_max
        qrs_inds = []
        qrs_amps = []
        noise_amps = []

        ricker_wavelet = signal.ricker(self.qrs_radius * 2, 4).reshape(-1,1)

        # Find the local peaks of the signal.
        peak_inds_f = find_local_peaks(self.sig_f, self.qrs_radius)

        # Peak numbers at least qrs_width away from signal boundaries
        peak_nums_r = np.where(peak_inds_f > self.qrs_width)[0]
        peak_nums_l = np.where(peak_inds_f <= self.sig_len - self.qrs_width)[0]

        # Skip if no peaks in range
        if (not peak_inds_f.size or not peak_nums_r.size
                                 or not peak_nums_l.size):
            if self.verbose:
                print('Failed to find %d beats during learning.'
                      % n_calib_beats)

        # Go through the peaks and find qrs peaks and noise peaks.
        # only inspect peaks with at least qrs_radius around either side
        for peak_num in range(peak_nums_r[0], peak_nums_l[-1]):
            i = peak_inds_f[peak_num]
            # Calculate cross-correlation between the filtered signal
            # segment and a ricker wavelet

            # Question: should the signal be squared? Case for inverse qrs
            # complexes
            sig_segment = normalize((self.sig_f[i - self.qrs_radius:
                                                i + self.qrs_radius]).reshape(-1, 1), axis=0)

            xcorr = np.correlate(sig_segment[:, 0], ricker_wavelet[:,0])

            # Classify as qrs if xcorr is large enough
            if xcorr > 0.6 and i-last_qrs_ind > self.rr_min:
                last_qrs_ind = i

            if len(qrs_inds) == n_calib_beats:

        # Found enough calibration beats to initialize parameters
        if len(qrs_inds) == n_calib_beats:

            if self.verbose:
                print('Found %d beats during learning.' % n_calib_beats
                      + ' Initializing using learned parameters')

            # QRS amplitude is most important.
            qrs_amp = np.mean(qrs_amps)

            # Set noise amplitude if found
            if noise_amps:
                noise_amp = np.mean(noise_amps)
                # Set default of 1/10 of qrs amplitude
                noise_amp = qrs_amp / 10

            # Get rr intervals of consecutive beats, if any.
            rr_intervals = np.diff(qrs_inds)
            rr_intervals = rr_intervals[rr_intervals < self.rr_max]
            if rr_intervals.any():
                rr_recent = np.mean(rr_intervals)
                rr_recent = self.rr_init

            # If an early qrs was detected, set last_qrs_ind so that it can be
            # picked up.
            last_qrs_ind = min(0, qrs_inds[0] - self.rr_min - 1)

            self.learned_init_params = True

        # Failed to find enough calibration beats. Use default values.
            if self.verbose:
                print('Failed to find %d beats during learning.'
                      % n_calib_beats)

Beispiel #42
            max_index_i = i
            max_index_j = j
print "max_index_j (position, x-axis): ", max_index_j, " position: ",t[max_index_j]         
print "max_index_i (scale, y-axis): ", max_index_i, " scale: ",widths[max_index_i]

# Plot the signal
# Also plot the wavelet with the overall best match with the signal
a = widths[max_index_i]
tt_half = t[max_index_j]/2.0
ttmax = 1.5*t[max_index_j]
ttmin = 0.5*t[max_index_j]
tstep = (ttmax-ttmin)/(20.0*a)
twavelet = np.arange(ttmin,ttmax,tstep)
Ft = signal.ricker(len(twavelet),a)

f1 = plt.figure()
ax1 = f1.add_subplot(111)

# Plot C(a,b)

# setup scaling on colormap
# It's important to get the extent correct because that will
# determine whether the scaling is correct (ie, aligned with the center of 
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

points = 100
a = 4.0
vec2 = signal.ricker(points, a)
# 100
        for j in range(0, n):
            c[i] += x[i - j] * y[j]

    return c

# +
# Cell 2 - creating signals
npts = 4096  # number of samples (initial: 4096)
dt = 0.025  # sample rate (initial: 0.025)
t = np.linspace(0, npts * dt, npts)  # time axis for plotting

box = np.zeros(npts)  # boxcar function
for i in range(400, 600):
    box[i] = 1.
rk = signal.ricker(
    npts, 20.0)  # Rieker wavelet, 2nd number = width of wavelet (intial: 20.0)
cosine = np.cos(t / 2)  # cosine wavelet
print('number of samples of input signals:', npts)

# plot
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 3
xmax = 104  # max. value for x-axis to zoom into (initial: 104)
plt.plot(t, box, 'b')
plt.ylim(0, 1.2)
plt.xlim(0, xmax)
plt.xlabel('time [s]')

Beispiel #45
def mexh(pts, scale):
    """Compute a 2d Mexican Hat wavelet 'kernel'"""
    mexican_hat_1d = ricker(pts, scale)
    mexican_hat_2d = np.outer(mexican_hat_1d, mexican_hat_1d)
    return mexican_hat_2d