Beispiel #1
def test_minimum_spanning_tree():

    for N in (5, 10, 15, 20):
        # Create a graph as above where every edge is >= 3 except at
        # most N that are 2.
        graph = 3 + np.random.random((N, N))
        ind = np.random.randint(N, size=(2, N * N / 2))
        graph[ind[0], ind[1]] = 2
        csgraph = csr_matrix(graph)

        # We thus expect at most N+1 in the spanning tree.        
        mintree = minimum_spanning_tree(csgraph)
        assert_(mintree.nnz < N)
        # Now set the sub diagonal to 1, to create a known spanning tree.
        idx = np.arange(N-1)
        graph[idx,idx+1] = 1
        csgraph = csr_matrix(graph)
        mintree = minimum_spanning_tree(csgraph)
        # We expect to see this pattern in the spanning tree and otherwise
        # have this zero.
        expected = np.zeros((N,N))
        expected[idx,idx+1] = 1
        npt.assert_array_equal(mintree.todense(), expected, 'Incorrect spanning tree found.')
def test_minimum_spanning_tree():

    # Create a graph with two connected components.
    graph = [[0,1,0,0,0],
    graph = np.asarray(graph)
    # Create the expected spanning tree.
    expected = [[0,1,0,0,0],
    expected = np.asarray(expected)
    # Ensure minimum spanning tree code gives this expected output.
    csgraph = csr_matrix(graph)
    mintree = minimum_spanning_tree(csgraph)
    npt.assert_array_equal(mintree.todense(), expected,
        'Incorrect spanning tree found.')
    # Ensure that the original graph was not modified.
    npt.assert_array_equal(csgraph.todense(), graph,
        'Original graph was modified.')
    # Now let the algorithm modify the csgraph in place.
    mintree = minimum_spanning_tree(csgraph, overwrite=True)
    npt.assert_array_equal(mintree.todense(), expected,
        'Graph was not properly modified to contain MST.')
    for N in (5, 10, 15, 20):
        # Create a random graph.
        graph = 3 + np.random.random((N, N))
        csgraph = csr_matrix(graph)

        # The spanning tree has at most N - 1 edges.        
        mintree = minimum_spanning_tree(csgraph)
        assert_(mintree.nnz < N)
        # Set the sub diagonal to 1 to create a known spanning tree.
        idx = np.arange(N-1)
        graph[idx,idx+1] = 1
        csgraph = csr_matrix(graph)
        mintree = minimum_spanning_tree(csgraph)
        # We expect to see this pattern in the spanning tree and otherwise
        # have this zero.
        expected = np.zeros((N, N))
        expected[idx, idx+1] = 1
        npt.assert_array_equal(mintree.todense(), expected,
            'Incorrect spanning tree found.')
Beispiel #3
    def getSimMSTs(self, inverse=True, plotGraph=True, root="UNK"):
        rootId1 = self.emb1.d[root]
        rootId2 = self.emb2.d[root]
        if inverse == True:
            d = -1
            d = 1
        g1 = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(d*self.s1))
        g2 = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(d*self.s2))

        a1 = g1.toarray()
        a2 = g2.toarray()

        if plotGraph==True:
            t1 = Graph()
            t2 = Graph()
            t3 = Graph()
            t1.vs["color"] = "white"
            t2.vs["color"] = "white"
            t3.vs["color"] = "white"
            t1.vs["label"] = [w for w,i in sorted(self.emb1.d.items(), key=itemgetter(1))]
            t2.vs["label"] = [w for w,i in sorted(self.emb2.d.items(), key=itemgetter(1))]
            t3.vs["label"] = t1.vs["label"]
            for i in xrange(a1.shape[0]):
                for j in xrange(a1.shape[1]):
                    if a1[i,j] != 0:
                        t1.add_edge(i,j, weight=a1[i,j], color="blue")
                        t3.add_edge(i,j, weight=a1[i,j], color="blue")
            for i in xrange(a2.shape[0]):
                for j in xrange(a2.shape[1]):
                    if a2[i,j] != 0:
                        t2.add_edge(i,j, weight=a2[i,j], color="red")
                        if t3.are_connected(i,j): #edge in both MSTs
                  [i,j]["color"] = "black"
                            t3.add_edge(i,j, weight=a1[i,j], color="red")
            layout1 = t1.layout_reingold_tilford(mode="in", root=rootId1)
            layout2 = t2.layout_reingold_tilford(mode="in", root=rootId2)
            layout3 = t3.layout_reingold_tilford(mode="in", root=rootId1)
            graphs = [Graph.GRG(10, 0.4) for _ in xrange(5)]
            figure = Plot(bbox=(0,0,2000,1000))
            figure.add(t1, layout=layout1, margin=100, bbox=(0,0,1000,1000))
            figure.add(t2, layout=layout2, margin=100, bbox=(1000,0,2000,1000))
            plotname1 = "plots/"+NAME+".mst_trees.png"
            plotname3 = "plots/"+NAME+".merged_mst.png"
            plot(t3, plotname3 , layout=layout3, bbox=(1000,1000), margin=100)
            print("\tSaved MST plots in '%s', '%s'" % (plotname1, plotname3))

        return t1,t2,t3
Beispiel #4
def disjoint_mst(X, num_spanning_trees=3, metric='euclidean'):
  '''Builds a graph as the union of several spanning trees,
  each time removing any edges present in previously-built trees.
  Reference:, page 9.'''
  D = _pdist(X, metric)
  mst = minimum_spanning_tree(D)
  W = mst.copy()
  for i in range(1, num_spanning_trees):
    ii,jj = mst.nonzero()
    D[ii,jj] = np.inf
    D[jj,ii] = np.inf
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(D)
    W = W + mst
  # MSTs are all one-sided, so we symmetrize here
  return Graph.from_adj_matrix(W + W.T)
Beispiel #5
    def find_mst_bridge(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'distMat'):

        # MST bridges with breadth_first_order
        distMatMst = csg.minimum_spanning_tree(self.distMat)
        succs, preds = csg.breadth_first_order(distMatMst, i_start=self.labelRef-1, directed=False)

        # save to self.bridges
        self.bridges = []
        for i in range(1, succs.size):
            n0 = preds[succs[i]] + 1
            n1 = succs[i] + 1
            # read conn
            nn = sorted([str(n0), str(n1)])
            conn = self.connDict['{}{}'.format(nn[0], nn[1])]
            y0, x0 = conn[str(n0)]
            y1, x1 = conn[str(n1)]
            # save bdg
            bridge = dict()
            bridge['x0'] = x0
            bridge['y0'] = y0
            bridge['x1'] = x1
            bridge['y1'] = y1
            bridge['label0'] = n0
            bridge['label1'] = n1
        self.num_bridge = len(self.bridges)
Beispiel #6
 def minimum_spanning_subtree(self):
   '''Returns the (undirected) minimum spanning tree subgraph.'''
   dist = self.matrix(dense=True, copy=True)
   dist[dist==0] = np.inf
   np.fill_diagonal(dist, 0)
   mst = ssc.minimum_spanning_tree(dist)
   return self.__class__.from_adj_matrix(mst + mst.T)
def examinalyze(smat):
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(smat)
    connections = np.where(mst.toarray())
    lines = [(coords[ii], coords[jj]) for ii,jj in zip(*connections)]
    plotlines = [((a.ra.deg, b.ra.deg), (a.dec.deg, b.dec.deg)) for a,b in lines]
    xx,yy = np.array(list(zip(*plotlines)))

    lines2 = [(coords[ll], coords[rr]) for ll,rr in edges]
    plotlines2 = [((a.ra.deg, b.ra.deg), (a.dec.deg, b.dec.deg)) for a,b in lines2]
    xx2,yy2 = np.array(list(zip(*plotlines2)))

    import pylab as pl
    pl.plot(coords.ra.deg, coords.dec.deg, '*')
    pl.plot(xx.T, yy.T, color='b', alpha=0.5, linewidth=2)
    pl.plot(xx2.T, yy2.T, color='r', alpha=0.5, linewidth=2)

    inds = np.where(np.tril(smat, -1))
    mps = smat[inds].mean()
    mbl = mst[mst.nonzero()].mean()
    print("Mean branch length: {0} arcsec {1}".format(mbl*3600,
    print("Mean point separation: {0} arcsec {1}".format(mps*3600,
    print("Q parameter: {0}".format(mbl/mps))
Beispiel #8
    def join_clusters(self):

        # Generate an empty, N x N sparse graph
        node_count = len(self.clusters)
        dense = np.zeros((node_count, node_count), dtype=float)

        expand = {}

        cluster_pairs = itertools.combinations(self.clusters, 2)
        for cluster_pair in cluster_pairs:
            weights, segs = self.compute_edge_weights(*cluster_pair)
            c1_index = self.clusters.index(cluster_pair[0])
            c2_index = self.clusters.index(cluster_pair[1])

            dense[c1_index, c2_index] = weights[0]
            dense[c2_index, c1_index] = weights[1]

            expand[(c1_index, c2_index)] = segs[1]
            expand[(c2_index, c1_index)] = segs[0]

        sparse = sp.csgraph_from_dense(dense)
        mst = sp.minimum_spanning_tree(sparse)

        edges = mst.nonzero()
        edges = zip(edges[0], edges[1])
        for edge in edges:
            cluster = self.clusters[edge[0]]
Beispiel #9
def test_is_forest():
    # generate chain
    chain = np.c_[np.arange(1, 10), np.arange(9)]
    assert_true(is_forest(chain, len(chain) + 1))
    # generate circle
    circle = np.vstack([chain, [9, 0]])
    assert_false(is_forest(circle, len(chain) + 1))

    # union of two disjoint chains
    two_chains = np.vstack([chain, chain + 10])
    assert_true(is_forest(two_chains, 20))

    # union of chain and circle
    disco_graph = np.vstack([chain, circle + 10])

    # generate random fully connected graph
    graph = np.random.uniform(size=(10, 10))
    edges = np.c_[graph.nonzero()]

        from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree

        tree = minimum_spanning_tree(sparse.csr_matrix(graph))
        tree_edges = np.c_[tree.nonzero()]
        assert_true(is_forest(tree_edges, 10))
    except ImportError:
Beispiel #10
def learnStructure(dataP, dataS, Pp, Ps, TAN= True):
    tempMatrix = [[0 for i in range(len(dataP))] for j in range(len(dataP))]
    for i in range(len(dataP)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(dataP)):
            temp = 0.0
            if np.corrcoef(dataP[i], dataP[j])[0][1] != 1.0:
                temp += Pp * math.log(1-((np.corrcoef(dataP[i], dataP[j])[0][1])**2))
            if np.corrcoef(dataS[i], dataS[j])[0][1] != 1.0:
                temp += Ps * math.log(1-((np.corrcoef(dataS[i], dataS[j])[0][1])**2))
            temp *= (0.5)
            tempMatrix[i][j] = temp
            #tempMatrix[j][i] = temp
    MaxG = nx.DiGraph()
    if TAN:
        G = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(tempMatrix)))
        adjList = G.adj
        i = 0
        notReturnable = {}
        MaxG = getDirectedTree(adjList, notReturnable, MaxG, i)
        G = nx.Graph(np.asmatrix(tempMatrix))
        adjList = sorted([(u,v,d['weight']) for (u,v,d) in G.edges(data=True)], key=lambda x:x[2])
        i = 2
        MaxG = getDirectedGraph(adjList, MaxG, i)
    return MaxG
Beispiel #11
 def _generateFeedback(self, **kwargs):
     distances = utils.pairwise(self.representatives, self.distance, self.symmetric_distance)
     mst = csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(distances)
     distances = csgraph.shortest_path(mst,method="D", directed=False)
     super(MinimumSpanningTreeFeedback, self). generateFeedback(distances, **kwargs)
Beispiel #12
def split_dist_matrix(dist_matrix, overwrite=False):
    # Create the minimum spanning tree.
    # `overwrite=True` will make changes in place, which is more efficient.
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(dist_matrix), overwrite=overwrite)
    mst = mst.toarray()

    # Get the index of the maximum value.
    # `argmax` returns the index of the _flattened_ array;
    # `unravel_index` converts it back.
    idx = np.unravel_index(mst.argmax(), mst.shape)

    # Clear out the maximum value to split the tree.
    mst[idx] = 0

    # Label connected components.
    num_graphs, labels = connected_components(mst, directed=False)

    # We should have two trees.
    assert(num_graphs == 2)

    # Use indices as node ids and group them according to their graph.
    results = [[] for i in range(max(labels) + 1)]
    for idx, label in enumerate(labels):

    return results
Beispiel #13
def _randomly_divide_connected_graph(adj, n_regions):
    Divide the provided connected graph into `n_regions` regions.

    adj : :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`
        Adjacency matrix.
    n_regions : int
        The desired number of clusters. Must be > 0 and <= number of nodes.

    labels : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Each element (an integer in {0, ..., `n_regions` - 1}) specifies the
        region an area (defined by the index in the array) belongs to.

    >>> from scipy.sparse import diags
    >>> n_nodes = 10
    >>> adj_diagonal = [1] * (n_nodes-1)
    >>> # 10x10 adjacency matrix representing the path 0-1-2-...-9-10
    >>> adj = diags([adj_diagonal, adj_diagonal], offsets=[-1, 1])
    >>> n_regions_desired = 4
    >>> labels = _randomly_divide_connected_graph(adj, n_regions_desired)
    >>> n_regions_obtained = len(set(labels))
    >>> n_regions_desired == n_regions_obtained
    if not n_regions > 0:
        msg = "n_regions is {} but must be positive.".format(n_regions)
        raise ValueError(msg)
    n_areas = adj.shape[0]
    if not n_regions <= n_areas:
        msg = "n_regions is {} but must less than or equal to " + \
              "the number of nodes which is {}".format(n_regions, n_areas)
        raise ValueError(msg)
    mst = csg.minimum_spanning_tree(adj)
    for _ in range(n_regions - 1):
        # try different links to cut and pick the one leading to the most
        # balanced solution
        best_link = None
        max_region_size = float("inf")
        for __ in range(5):
            mst_copy = mst.copy()
            nonzero_i, nonzero_j = mst_copy.nonzero()
            random_position = random.randrange(len(nonzero_i))
            i, j = nonzero_i[random_position], nonzero_j[random_position]
            mst_copy[i, j] = 0
            labels = csg.connected_components(mst_copy, directed=False)[1]
            max_size = max(np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)[1])
            if max_size < max_region_size:
                best_link = (i, j)
                max_region_size = max_size
        mst[best_link[0], best_link[1]] = 0
    return csg.connected_components(mst)[1]
    def minimal_spanning_tree(self):
        Create a minimal spanning tree using the distance correction method given.

        You can explore different distance corrections in topslam.pseudo_time.distances.
        if getattr(self, '_mst', None) is None:
            self._mst = minimum_spanning_tree(self.manifold_corrected_distance_matrix)
        return self._mst
Beispiel #15
    def compute_mst(self, indexes=None):
        Compute the MST over the segments

        adj_matrix = self._compute_adjacency_matrix(indexes)
        tree = sp.minimum_spanning_tree(adj_matrix)
        return tree
Beispiel #16
def extract_manifold_distances_mst(D):
    Return the distances along a minimal spanning tree for the given
    distances D (Using dijkstra). It also returns the mst itself.

    returns [distances along mst, mst]
    # First do the minimal spanning tree distances
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(D)
    return dijkstra(mst, directed=False, return_predecessors=False), mst
Beispiel #17
def chow_liu_tree(y_):
    n_labels = y_.shape[1]
    mi = np.zeros((n_labels, n_labels))
    for i in range(n_labels):
        for j in range(n_labels):
            mi[i, j] = mutual_info_score(y_[:, i], y_[:, j])
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(-mi))
    edges = np.vstack(mst.nonzero()).T
    return edges
def spanning_tree_length(X):
    """Compute the length of the euclidean MST of X.

    X: ndarray, shape=[n_samples, n_features]
    if X.shape[0] < 2:
        return 0
    return minimum_spanning_tree(euclidean_distances(X)).sum()
Beispiel #19
    def _Minimum_SPTree_log_probs(self, log_probs, log_c_probs):
        """ the tree is represented as a sequence of parents"""
        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(self.MI))
        dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)
        self.df_order = dfs_tree[0]
        self.tree = self.create_tree(dfs_tree)

        # computing the factored representation
        self.log_factors = np.zeros((self.n_features, 2, 2))
        self.log_factors = compute_log_factors(self.tree, self.n_features, log_probs, log_c_probs, self.log_factors)
Beispiel #20
    def runNetView(self, tree=True, start=10, stop=40, step=10, algorithm='auto'):

        print(get_time() + "\t" + "Minimum Spanning Tree = " + str(tree).upper())
        print(get_time() + "\t" + "Nearest Neighbour = " + algorithm.upper())
        print(get_time() + "\t" + "k = " + str(start) + " - " + str(stop) + ' (by ' + str(step) + ')')
        print(get_time() + "\t" + "---------------------------------") += 1
        matrix =

        if tree:
            mst = csg.minimum_spanning_tree(matrix)
            mst = mst.toarray()
  ['mst_' + str(] = mst
            mst = mst + mst.T
            mst = None

        pool = mp.Pool()
        networks = [pool.apply_async(netview, args=(matrix, k, mst, algorithm, tree,), callback=netview_callback)
                    for k in range(start, stop+1, step)]

        for item in networks:
            result = item.get()
            edges_array = result[1]
            edges = result[1].tolist()
            mst_edges = result[4].tolist()

  ['netview_k' + str(result[0]) + '_' + str(] = result[1:]

            filename = + '_netview_k'  + str(result[0]) +\
                       "_" + str( + '.edges'

            out = open(filename, "w")
            for i in range(len(edges)):
                out.write(str([edges[i][0]]) + "\t" + str([edges[i][1]]) +
                          "\t" + str(matrix[edges[i][0], edges[i][1]]))
                if tree:
                    if edges[i] in mst_edges:
                        out.write('\t' + 'red\n')
                        out.write('\t' + 'grey\n')

            if not tree:
                singletons = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(, edges_array.flatten()).tolist()
                if singletons:
                    for node in singletons:
                        out.write(str(node) + '\n')
def get_mst(adj_mat):
	X = csr_matrix(adj_mat)
	# print adj_mat
	Tcsr = minimum_spanning_tree(X)
	mst = Tcsr.toarray().astype(int)
	weights = []
	for row in mst:
		for value in row[np.nonzero(row)]:
	# print weights
	return mst, weights
Beispiel #22
def perturbed_mst(X, num_perturbations=20, metric='euclidean', jitter=None):
  '''Builds a graph as the union of several MSTs on perturbed data.
  Reference:, page 8
  jitter refers to the scale of the gaussian noise added for each perturbation.
  When jitter is None, it defaults to the 5th percentile interpoint distance.
  Note that metric cannot be 'precomputed', as multiple MSTs are computed.'''
  D = pairwise_distances(X, metric=metric)
  if jitter is None:
    jitter = np.percentile(D[D>0], 5)
  W = minimum_spanning_tree(D)
  W = W + W.T[:] = 1.0  # binarize
  for i in range(num_perturbations):
    pX = X + np.random.normal(scale=jitter, size=X.shape)
    pW = minimum_spanning_tree(pairwise_distances(pX, metric=metric))
    pW = pW + pW.T[:] = 1.0
    W = W + pW
  # final graph is the average over all pertubed MSTs + the original /= (num_perturbations + 1.0)
  return Graph.from_adj_matrix(W)
Beispiel #23
def intra_encounter_matching():
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csgraph
    qreq_, cm_list = testdata_workflow()
    # qaids = [cm.qaid for cm in cm_list]
    # top_aids = [cm.get_top_aids(5) for cm in cm_list]
    aid_pairs = np.array([(cm.qaid, daid)
                          for cm in cm_list for daid in cm.get_top_aids(5)])
    top_scores = ut.flatten([cm.get_top_scores(5) for cm in cm_list])

    N = aid_pairs.max() + 1
    mat = coo_matrix((top_scores, aid_pairs.T), shape=(N, N))
    tree = csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(mat)  # NOQA
    import plottool as pt
    dense = mat.todense()
    pt.imshow(dense / dense.max() * 255)

    # baseline jobid
    import opengm
    numVar = 10
    unaries = np.ones([numVar, 3], dtype=opengm.value_type)
    gm =, dtype=opengm.label_type) * 3)
    unary_fids = gm.addFunctions(unaries)
    gm.addFactors(unary_fids, np.arange(numVar))
    infParam = opengm.InfParam(
    inf = opengm.inference.Multicut(gm, parameter=infParam)
    visitor = inf.verboseVisitor(printNth=1, multiline=False)
    arg = inf.arg()

    # gridVariableIndices = opengm.secondOrderGridVis(img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
    # fid = gm.addFunction(regularizer)
    # gm.addFactors(fid, gridVariableIndices)
    # regularizer = opengm.pottsFunction([3, 3], 0.0, beta)
    # gridVariableIndices = opengm.secondOrderGridVis(img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
    # fid = gm.addFunction(regularizer)
    # gm.addFactors(fid, gridVariableIndices)

    unaries = np.random.rand(10, 10, 2)
    potts = opengm.PottsFunction([2, 2], 0.0, 0.4)
    gm = opengm.grid2d2Order(unaries=unaries, regularizer=potts)

    inf = opengm.inference.GraphCut(gm)
    arg = inf.arg()  # NOQA
Beispiel #24
def make_random_trees(n_samples=50, n_nodes=100, n_states=7, n_features=10):
    crf = GraphCRF(inference_method='max-product', n_states=n_states,
    weights = np.random.randn(crf.size_joint_feature)
    X, y = [], []
    for i in range(n_samples):
        distances = np.random.randn(n_nodes, n_nodes)
        features = np.random.randn(n_nodes, n_features)
        tree = minimum_spanning_tree(sparse.csr_matrix(distances))
        edges = np.c_[tree.nonzero()]
        X.append((features, edges))
        y.append(crf.inference(X[-1], weights))

    return X, y, weights
Beispiel #25
 def cf(self):
     # Create a minimum spanning Tree of Graph G
     Tcsr = minimum_spanning_tree(self.adjMatrix)
     MSTedges = []
     degreeDict = dict(
         zip(self.nodeDict.keys(), [0] * len(self.nodeDict.keys())))
     Z = Tcsr.toarray().astype(float)
     for i in range(len(Z)):
         array = np.nonzero(Z[i])[0]
         for index in array:
             if index.size != 0:
                 degreeDict[i] += 1
                 degreeDict[index] += 1
                 tuplex = (i, index)
     # STEP 2: Isolate the vertices of the MST with odd degree
     OddVerts = [x for x in degreeDict.keys() if degreeDict[x] % 2 != 0]
     # STEP 3: Only Consider the values in OddVerts and form a min-weight perfect matching
     H = nx.Graph()
     for i in range(len(OddVerts)):
         for j in range(len(OddVerts)):
             if i != j:
     minWeight = list(naa.max_weight_matching(H, maxcardinality=True))
     uniqueMW = []
     # Prune out redundant Tuples
     for edge in minWeight:
         if edge not in uniqueMW and (edge[1], edge[0]) not in uniqueMW:
     unionMW_MST = MSTedges[:]
     for tup in uniqueMW:
         # Only add first index since both edges are returned for instance: (0,1) & (1,0) are returned
         degreeDict[tup[0]] += 1
         degreeDict[tup[1]] += 1
     # Retrieve the Eulerian Circuit
     eulerianCircuit = self.eulerianTour(unionMW_MST, self.nodeDict)
     shortCut = []
     unvisitedPath = []
     totalPath = [i for sub in eulerianCircuit for i in sub]
     for node in totalPath:
         if node not in unvisitedPath:
     return [MSTedges, minWeight, eulerianCircuit, self.pathEdges(shortCut)]
Beispiel #26
def intra_encounter_matching():
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csgraph
    qreq_, cm_list = testdata_workflow()
    # qaids = [cm.qaid for cm in cm_list]
    # top_aids = [cm.get_top_aids(5) for cm in cm_list]
    aid_pairs = np.array([(cm.qaid, daid) for cm in cm_list
                          for daid in cm.get_top_aids(5)])
    top_scores = ut.flatten([cm.get_top_scores(5) for cm in cm_list])

    N = aid_pairs.max() + 1
    mat = coo_matrix((top_scores, aid_pairs.T), shape=(N, N))
    tree = csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(mat)  # NOQA
    import plottool as pt
    dense = mat.todense()
    pt.imshow(dense / dense.max() * 255)

    # baseline jobid
    import opengm
    numVar = 10
    unaries = np.ones([numVar, 3], dtype=opengm.value_type)
    gm =, dtype=opengm.label_type) * 3)
    unary_fids = gm.addFunctions(unaries)
    gm.addFactors(unary_fids, np.arange(numVar))
    infParam = opengm.InfParam(workflow=ut.ensure_ascii('(IC)(TTC-I,CC-I)'), )
    inf = opengm.inference.Multicut(gm, parameter=infParam)
    visitor = inf.verboseVisitor(printNth=1, multiline=False)
    arg = inf.arg()

    # gridVariableIndices = opengm.secondOrderGridVis(img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
    # fid = gm.addFunction(regularizer)
    # gm.addFactors(fid, gridVariableIndices)
    # regularizer = opengm.pottsFunction([3, 3], 0.0, beta)
    # gridVariableIndices = opengm.secondOrderGridVis(img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
    # fid = gm.addFunction(regularizer)
    # gm.addFactors(fid, gridVariableIndices)

    unaries = np.random.rand(10, 10, 2)
    potts = opengm.PottsFunction([2, 2], 0.0, 0.4)
    gm = opengm.grid2d2Order(unaries=unaries, regularizer=potts)

    inf = opengm.inference.GraphCut(gm)
    arg = inf.arg()  # NOQA
def RegularControl(network,numNodes):
	matrix = [[0 for x in range(numNodes)] for x in range(numNodes)]

	for col in range(0,numNodes):
		for row in range(0,col+1):
			matrix[row][col] = network[row][col]

	minTree = minimum_spanning_tree(matrix).toarray().astype(int)
	minPower = np.amax(minTree)
	transfers = []

	for col in range(0,numNodes):
		for row in range(col+1, numNodes):
			matrix[row][col] = network[col][row]

			if network[row][col] != 0:
				if network[row][col] == 1:
					transfers.append([row, col])
					transfers.append([col, row])

	noise = []
	for row in transfers:
		if matrix[row[0]][row[1]] <= minPower:
			if row[1] not in noise:
			path = GeneratePaths(matrix, minPower, row[0], row[1], numNodes)
			for x in range (1, len(path)):
				if path[x] not in noise:

	for row in transfers:
		noiseDist = []
		for node in noise:
			if node == row[1]:

		if sum(noiseDist) == 0:
			totalNoise = 1
			totalNoise = 1/sum(noiseDist)

		if totalNoise < 1:
			return -1

	return 1
Beispiel #28
    def get_mst_sequence(self):
        """Finds the minimum spanning tree sequence for the low-confidence
        voxels in the patch around the seed. The dimensions of the patch are
        defined by the patch length parameter."""

        iflat = self.intensity.ravel()

        #fill the weight matrix for the MST
        n = np.shape(self.lcvp)[0]  #the number of lcv in the patch
        weightm = np.zeros((n, n))
        for wx in range(0, n):
            for wy in range(wx, n):
                if self.lcvp[wx] in self.neighbors_small[self.lcvp[wy]]:
                    weightm[wx][wy] = abs(
                        iflat[self.lcvp[wx]] -
                        iflat[self.lcvp[wy]])  #intensity gradient
                    xcoord = np.asarray(
                        np.unravel_index(self.lcvp[wx], self.labels.shape))
                    ycoord = np.asarray(
                        np.unravel_index(self.lcvp[wy], self.labels.shape))
                    weightm[wx][wy] = 100 * np.linalg.norm(
                        xcoord - ycoord)  #proportional to the norm

        mst = csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(weightm).toarray()  #get the MST

        #find the MST sequence
        self.seq = [np.argwhere(self.lcvp == self.seeds[0])[0][0]]
        edges = np.argwhere(mst).tolist()  #edges of the MST

        while edges:
            mincost = np.amax(mst) + 1
            for e in edges:
                if (e[0] in self.seq
                        or e[1] in self.seq) and mst[e[0]][e[1]] < mincost:
                    mincost = mst[e[0]][e[1]]
                    nextedge = e  #find the edge with minimum cost

            if nextedge[0] in self.seq:
            else:  #if nextedge[1] in self.seq


        self.seq = [self.lcvp[i]
                    for i in self.seq]  #get the ordered list of lcv

        del self.seeds[0]
Beispiel #29
def _single_linkage_tree(connectivity, n_samples, n_nodes, n_clusters,
                         n_connected_components, return_distance):
    Perform single linkage clustering on sparse data via the minimum
    spanning tree from scipy.sparse.csgraph, then using union-find to label.
    The parent array is then generated by walking through the tree.
    from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree

    # explicitly cast connectivity to ensure safety
    connectivity = connectivity.astype('float64',

    # Ensure zero distances aren't ignored by setting them to "epsilon"
    epsilon_value = np.finfo([ == 0] = epsilon_value

    # Use scipy.sparse.csgraph to generate a minimum spanning tree
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(connectivity.tocsr())

    # Convert the graph to scipy.cluster.hierarchy array format
    mst = mst.tocoo()

    # Undo the epsilon values[ == epsilon_value] = 0

    mst_array = np.vstack([mst.row, mst.col,]).T

    # Sort edges of the min_spanning_tree by weight
    mst_array = mst_array[np.argsort(mst_array.T[2]), :]

    # Convert edge list into standard hierarchical clustering format
    single_linkage_tree = _hierarchical._single_linkage_label(mst_array)
    children_ = single_linkage_tree[:, :2].astype(

    # Compute parents
    parent = np.arange(n_nodes, dtype=np.intp)
    for i, (left, right) in enumerate(children_, n_samples):
        if n_clusters is not None and i >= n_nodes:
        if left < n_nodes:
            parent[left] = i
        if right < n_nodes:
            parent[right] = i

    if return_distance:
        distances = single_linkage_tree[:, 2]
        return children_, n_connected_components, n_samples, parent, distances
    return children_, n_connected_components, n_samples, parent
def streaming_spanning_tree_v1(streaming_generator, return_img=False):
    Function that implement our first streaming version of minimum spanning tree

    streaming_generator: generator
        Generator of the streaming
        At each iteration it should yield:
            - the ith block of the image
            - the graph associated to the ith block of image
            - the root id of the graph
            - the ids of the vertices in the common border with the graph in the next iteration

    return_img: bool (default False)
        If true the method yields also ith image int the generator otherwise no.
    old_e = None
    old_root = None
    old_front = None
    for img, graph, root, front in streaming_generator:
        t = minimum_spanning_tree(graph)

        if old_e is None:  # first iteration
            old_e = get_half_cycle(t, root, front)
            t = t - old_e
            old_root = root
            old_front = front

            if return_img:
                yield t, old_e, img
                yield t, old_e

            # we assume that the size of the graph increases during the iterations
            old_e = resize_graph(old_e, graph.shape)
            t, e = _update_minimum_spanning_tree(t, old_e, old_front, old_root,
                                                 front, root)

            # updating variables for next iteration
            old_e = e
            old_front = front
            old_root = root

            if return_img:
                yield t, old_e, img
                yield t, e
Beispiel #31
def _single_linkage_tree(connectivity, n_samples, n_nodes, n_clusters,
                         n_connected_components, return_distance):
    Perform single linkage clustering on sparse data via the minimum
    spanning tree from scipy.sparse.csgraph, then using union-find to label.
    The parent array is then generated by walking through the tree.
    from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree

    # explicitly cast connectivity to ensure safety
    connectivity = connectivity.astype('float64',

    # Ensure zero distances aren't ignored by setting them to "epsilon"
    epsilon_value = np.finfo([ == 0] = epsilon_value

    # Use scipy.sparse.csgraph to generate a minimum spanning tree
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(connectivity.tocsr())

    # Convert the graph to scipy.cluster.hierarchy array format
    mst = mst.tocoo()

    # Undo the epsilon values[ == epsilon_value] = 0

    mst_array = np.vstack([mst.row, mst.col,]).T

    # Sort edges of the min_spanning_tree by weight
    mst_array = mst_array[np.argsort(mst_array.T[2]), :]

    # Convert edge list into standard hierarchical clustering format
    single_linkage_tree = _hierarchical._single_linkage_label(mst_array)
    children_ = single_linkage_tree[:, :2].astype(

    # Compute parents
    parent = np.arange(n_nodes, dtype=np.intp)
    for i, (left, right) in enumerate(children_, n_samples):
        if n_clusters is not None and i >= n_nodes:
        if left < n_nodes:
            parent[left] = i
        if right < n_nodes:
            parent[right] = i

    if return_distance:
        distances = single_linkage_tree[:, 2]
        return children_, n_connected_components, n_samples, parent, distances
    return children_, n_connected_components, n_samples, parent
def mkNN(X, k, measure='euclidean'):
    Construct mutual_kNN for large scale dataset

    If j is one of i's closest neighbors and i is also one of j's closest members,
    the edge will appear once with (i,j) where i < j.

    X : [n_samples, n_dim] array
    k : int
      number of neighbors for each sample in X
    from scipy.spatial import distance
    from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, triu, find
    from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree

    samples = X.shape[0]
    batchsize = 10000
    b = np.arange(k+1)
    b = tuple(b[1:].ravel())


    # This loop speeds up the computation by operating in batches
    # This can be parallelized to further utilize CPU/GPU resource
    for x in np.arange(0, samples, batchsize):
        start = x
        end = min(x+batchsize,samples)

        w = distance.cdist(X[start:end], X, measure)

        y = np.argpartition(w, b, axis=1)

        z[start:end,:] = y[:, 1:k + 1]
        weigh[start:end,:] = np.reshape(w[tuple(np.repeat(np.arange(end-start), k)), tuple(y[:, 1:k+1].ravel())], (end-start, k))

    ind = np.repeat(np.arange(samples), k)

    P = csr_matrix((np.ones((samples*k)), (ind.ravel(), z.ravel())), shape=(samples,samples))
    Q = csr_matrix((weigh.ravel(), (ind.ravel(), z.ravel())), shape=(samples,samples))

    Tcsr = minimum_spanning_tree(Q)
    P = P.minimum(P.transpose()) + Tcsr.maximum(Tcsr.transpose())
    P = triu(P, k=1)

    return np.asarray(find(P)).T
Beispiel #33
    def train_weighted(self, weights, data):
        # weights is a np vector assigning weights to every data-vector in data
        N = data.shape[0]
        alpha = max(np.sum(weights), 1)
        alpha /= N        
        pairwise_counts = utils.compute_pairwise_counts_weighted(data, weights) + alpha
        self.prob_pair = utils.normalize2D(pairwise_counts)
        single_counts = utils.compute_single_counts_weighted(data, weights) + 2 * alpha
        self.prob_sing = utils.normalize1D(single_counts)

        adjmat = utils.compute_adjmatrix(self.prob_pair, self.prob_sing) 
        adjmat *= -1.0 # making negative for MST calc
        adjmat[adjmat == 0.0] = 1e-10       
        mstree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(adjmat))
        self.node_order, self.parent = depth_first_order(mstree, 0, directed=False)
Beispiel #34
def build_graph(X, graph_type='knn-mst', n_neighbors=5, mst_weight=1):

    if graph_type == 'complete':
        d = pdist(X)
        A = squareform(d)

    elif graph_type == 'knn':
        A = kneighbors_graph(X, n_neighbors, 'distance').toarray()
        A = (A + A.T) / 2

    elif graph_type == 'knn-mst':
        A = kneighbors_graph(X, n_neighbors, 'distance').toarray()
        A = (A + A.T) / 2
        D = squareform(pdist(X))
        MST = minimum_spanning_tree(D).toarray()
        MST = (MST + MST.T) / 2
        A = np.maximum(A, MST * mst_weight)

    elif graph_type == 'mst':
        D = squareform(pdist(X))
        A = minimum_spanning_tree(D).toarray()
        A = A + A.T

    return A
Beispiel #35
 def _build_mst(self, config, fully_matrix):
     mst_file_name = os.path.join(self.outdir_tsp_mst,
                                  config["name"] + ".txt")
     with open(mst_file_name, "w") as outfile:
         # header : node_count edge_count
         outfile.write("%d %d" %
                       (config["node_count"], config["node_count"] - 1))
         # build mst
         tcsr_arr = minimum_spanning_tree(
         # contents : start_node end_node weight
         for row_idx, row in enumerate(tcsr_arr):
             for col_idx, item in enumerate(row):
                 if item:
                     outfile.write("\n%d %d %d" % (row_idx, col_idx, item))
Beispiel #36
def mst(points):
    p1 = points[0]
    n = len(points)
    dist_matrix = csr_matrix((n,n),dtype=np.float)
    for i in range(n-1):
        for j in range(i,n):
            dist_matrix[i,j] = dist(points[i],points[j])
    Tcsr = minimum_spanning_tree(dist_matrix)
    val = np.max(Tcsr.toarray())
    return val
def get_tree(A):
    for i in range(0,n):
        for j in range(Aindptr[i],Aindptr[i+1]):

    return T
def make_random_trees(n_samples=50, n_nodes=100, n_states=7, n_features=10):
    crf = GraphCRF(inference_method='max-product',
    weights = np.random.randn(crf.size_joint_feature)
    X, y = [], []
    for i in range(n_samples):
        distances = np.random.randn(n_nodes, n_nodes)
        features = np.random.randn(n_nodes, n_features)
        tree = minimum_spanning_tree(sparse.csr_matrix(distances))
        edges = np.c_[tree.nonzero()]
        X.append((features, edges))
        y.append(crf.inference(X[-1], weights))

    return X, y, weights
Beispiel #39
 def _get_connectivities_tree_v1_0(self, inter_es):
     inverse_inter_es = inter_es.copy() = 1. /
     connectivities_tree = minimum_spanning_tree(inverse_inter_es)
     connectivities_tree_indices = [
         for i in range(connectivities_tree.shape[0])
     connectivities_tree = sp.sparse.lil_matrix(inter_es.shape, dtype=float)
     for i, neighbors in enumerate(connectivities_tree_indices):
         if len(neighbors) > 0:
                                 neighbors] = self.connectivities[i,
     return connectivities_tree.tocsr()
 def mutual_reach_dist_MST(self, X):
     dists = pairwise_distances(X, X, metric=self.metric)
     mutual_reachaility = np.empty((dists.shape))
     graph = np.empty(dists.shape)
     for rownum in np.arange(0, dists.shape[0]):
         row = dists[rownum, :]
         i_core = np.empty(dists.shape[0])
         j_core = self.core_distances_.ravel()
         npmut = np.vstack((row, i_core, j_core))
         r = np.amax(npmut, axis=0)
         graph[rownum, :] = r
     mst_ = minimum_spanning_tree(graph).toarray()
     mst = mst_ + np.transpose(mst_)
     return mst
def test_min_distance_speed():
    test_logger.critical('\n' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + '\n')
    x_list, y_list = read_data()
    start = time.time()
    my_dist = MST.minimum_distance(x_list, y_list)
    finished = time.time()

    assert finished - start < 10
    points = MST.convert_to_np_points(x_list, y_list)
    dist = MST.calculate_distances(points)
    dist = csr_matrix(np.triu(dist))

    Tcsr = minimum_spanning_tree(dist)
    assert my_dist == pytest.approx(Tcsr.toarray().sum())
    test_logger.critical('\n' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + '\n')
Beispiel #42
    def calculate_max_spanning_tree_genotype(self):
        Compute the genotype of the maximum spanning tree of the instance.

        max_spanning_tree = minimum_spanning_tree(
            self.fast_fit * -1).toarray().astype( < 0

        max_spanning_tree += max_spanning_tree.transpose()

        first_index = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(max_spanning_tree),

        return self.calculate_genotype_from_start_node(first_index[0],
    def get_parse_layout(self,adj_matrix,dict_mapping_Symbol_index,index_to_symbol,rel_classifier_obj):
        The function returns a dictionary of relation corresponding to two symbols, which is later used for writing it to a lg files.

        for i in xrange(mst.shape[0]):
            if arr.shape[0]==0:
                for k in xrange(len(eye_obj.symbol_list)):

                for j in xrange(arr.shape[0]):
                    for l in xrange(len(other_obj.symbol_list)):
                    if label[0] not in dict_map_rel_to_syms:
                        dict_map_rel_to_syms[label[0]] = []
                        dict_map_rel_to_syms[label[0]].append((eye_obj,other_obj) )           
        return dict_map_rel_to_syms,
Beispiel #44
def foodHeuristic(state, problem):
    Your heuristic for the FoodSearchProblem goes here.

    This heuristic must be consistent to ensure correctness.  First, try to come up
    with an admissible heuristic; almost all admissible heuristics will be consistent
    as well.

    If using A* ever finds a solution that is worse uniform cost search finds,
    your heuristic is *not* consistent, and probably not admissible!  On the other hand,
    inadmissible or inconsistent heuristics may find optimal solutions, so be careful.

    The state is a tuple ( pacmanPosition, foodGrid ) where foodGrid is a
    Grid (see of either True or False. You can call foodGrid.asList()
    to get a list of food coordinates instead.

    If you want access to info like walls, capsules, etc., you can query the problem.
    For example, problem.walls gives you a Grid of where the walls are.

    If you want to *store* information to be reused in other calls to the heuristic,
    there is a dictionary called problem.heuristicInfo that you can use. For example,
    if you only want to count the walls once and store that value, try:
      problem.heuristicInfo['wallCount'] = problem.walls.count()
    Subsequent calls to this heuristic can access problem.heuristicInfo['wallCount']
    def euclideanDistance(xy1,xy2):
        The Euclidean distance between two points xy1 and xy2 in R^2
        return ( (xy1[0] - xy2[0]) ** 2 + (xy1[1] - xy2[1]) ** 2 ) ** 0.5

    def make_graph(posList):
        Build an undirected graph over the set of coordinates contained
        in posList.
        distMatrix = [[0 for i in range(len(posList))] for j in range(len(posList))]
        for i in range(len(posList)):
            for j in range(i, len(posList)):
                distMatrix[i][j] = euclideanDistance(posList[i], posList[j])
        return csr_matrix(distMatrix)

    position, foodGrid = state
    positions = foodGrid.asList() + [position]

    # Return the cost of the minimum spanning tree
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(make_graph(positions)).toarray().astype(float)
    return mst.sum()
def _update_minimum_spanning_tree(t_new,
    """Function that compute the nth iteration of minimum spanning tree algorithm for images
    t_new: csr_matrix
        MST of the newly arrived graph
    e_old: csr_matrix
        Edges in the old tree that are supposed to form cycles

    front_old: ndarray
        Frontier of the newly arrived graph with the old graph

    root_old: int
        id of the node used as root in the previous iteration

    front_new: ndarray
        Frontier of the newly arrived graph with further graph

    root_new: int
        ID of the node that we are going to use as root in this iteration

    # find edges that form cycles in the fusion between the fusion of two mst
    e_new = get_half_cycle(t_new, root_old, front_old)

    # removing from new_t the edges that form cycles
    t_new = t_new - e_new

    # the cycles the merged graph are defined by the maximum between e_old and e_new
    e_in_cycles = merge_graphs([e_old, e_new])

    # computing the mst we remove all the cycles in e_in_cycles
    mst_e_in_cycles = minimum_spanning_tree(e_in_cycles)

    t_n = t_new + mst_e_in_cycles

    if front_new is not None:
        # computing edges in cycles for the next iteration
        e_n = get_half_cycle(t_n, root_new, front_new)

        return t_n - e_n, e_n
    # we always return two elements
    return t_n, None
    def eval_node_probs(self):
        """Update probability density estimates.
        # Create mutual info matrix
        mutual_info = np.zeros([self.length, self.length])
        for i in range(self.length - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, self.length):
                # DEBUGGING CODE
                    mutual_info[i, j] = -1 * mutual_info_score(
                        self.keep_sample[:, i], self.keep_sample[:, j])
                except ValueError:
                    print(f'self.keep_sample[:, i] = {self.keep_sample[:, i]}')
                    print(f'self.keep_sample[:, j] = {self.keep_sample[:, j]}')
                    raise Exception("Caught value error")

        # Find minimum spanning tree of mutual info matrix
        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(mutual_info))

        # Convert minimum spanning tree to depth first tree with node 0 as root
        dft = depth_first_tree(csr_matrix(mst.toarray()), 0, directed=False)
        dft = np.round(dft.toarray(), 10)

        # Determine parent of each node
        parent = np.argmin(dft[:, 1:], axis=0)

        # Get probs
        probs = np.zeros([self.length, self.max_val, self.max_val])

        probs[0, :] = np.histogram(self.keep_sample[:, 0],
                                   np.arange(self.max_val + 1),

        for i in range(1, self.length):
            for j in range(self.max_val):
                subset = self.keep_sample[np.where(
                    self.keep_sample[:, parent[i - 1]] == j)[0]]

                if not len(subset):
                    probs[i, j] = 1 / self.max_val
                    probs[i, j] = np.histogram(subset[:, i],
                                               np.arange(self.max_val + 1),

        # Update probs and parent
        self.node_probs = probs
        self.parent_nodes = parent
    def minimumSpanningTree(self, vectors):
        #input shape: nxdim
        #output: nxn numpy array with the minimum spanning tree
        #sparse upper matrix-all nonzero entries represent edges in the MST

        #creates a graph with the distances to all of the vectors
        distances, pairs = self.distance_function(vectors)
        distances[distances == 0] = 10**-38
        graph = self.construct_graph(len(vectors), distances, pairs)

        #uses the scipy csr_matrix and minimum_spanning_tree commands to create the tree
        graph = csr_matrix(graph)
        Tcsr = minimum_spanning_tree(graph)
        Tcsr = Tcsr.toarray()

        return (Tcsr)
def MST(dis, Q_index):
    dis = dis[:, Q_index]
    d = csr_matrix(dis.astype('float'))
    Tcsr = minimum_spanning_tree(d)
    del d
    mpn = Tcsr.toarray().astype(float)
    del Tcsr
    mpn[mpn != 0] = 1
    n = dis.shape[0]

    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if mpn[i, j] != 0:
                mpn[j, i] = 1

    return mpn
Beispiel #49
 def learnStructure(self, dataset):
     self.nvariables = dataset.shape[1]
     self.xycounts = Util.compute_xycounts(dataset) + 1 # laplace correction
     self.xcounts = Util.compute_xcounts(dataset) + 2 # laplace correction
     self.xyprob = Util.normalize2d(self.xycounts)
     self.xprob = Util.normalize1d(self.xcounts)
     # compute mutual information score for all pairs of variables
     # weights are multiplied by -1.0 because we compute the minimum spanning tree
     edgemat = Util.compute_edge_weights(self.xycounts, self.xcounts) * (-1.0)
     edgemat[edgemat == 0.0] = 1e-20  # sha1225  # to avoid tree not connected
     # compute the minimum spanning tree
     Tree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(edgemat))
     # Convert the spanning tree to a Bayesian network
     self.topo_order, self.parents = depth_first_order(Tree, 0, directed=False)
     #self.Tree = Tree   
Beispiel #50
 def calculateMSTUpperBound(self):
     mst = minimum_spanning_tree(self.adjMatrix)
     MSTedges = []
     Z = mst.toarray().astype(float)
     for i in range(len(Z)):
         array = np.nonzero(Z[i])[0]
         for index in array:
             tuplex = (i, index)
     cost = 0
     for edge in MSTedges:
         checkEdge = edge
         if (checkEdge not in self.edgeDict):
             checkEdge = (edge[1], edge[0])
         cost += self.edgeDict[checkEdge]
     return 2 * cost
Beispiel #51
def mst_edges(V, k):
    Construct the approximate minimum spanning tree from vectors V
    :param: V: 2D array, sequence of vectors
    :param: k: int the number of neighbor to consider for each vector
    :return: V ndarray of edges forming the MST

    # k = len(X)-1 gives the exact MST
    k = min(len(V) - 1, k)
    # generate a sparse graph using the k nearest neighbors of each point
    G = kneighbors_graph(V, n_neighbors=k, mode='distance')

    # Compute the minimum spanning tree of this graph
    full_tree = minimum_spanning_tree(G, overwrite=True)
    return np.array(full_tree.nonzero()).T
Beispiel #52
def sync_perm_mat(match_perms_all, match_cost, n_atoms):

    tree = minimum_spanning_tree(match_cost, overwrite=True)

    perms = np.arange(n_atoms, dtype=int)[None, :]
    rows, cols = tree.nonzero()
    for com in zip(rows, cols):
        perm = match_perms_all.get(com)
        if perm is not None:
            perms = np.vstack((perms, perm))
    perms = np.unique(perms, axis=0)
        disp_str='Multi-partite matching (permutation synchronization)')

    return perms
Beispiel #53
Datei: Projekt: jeanpm/pof
    def __init__(self, N):
        self.N = N
        MAX_DIST = 50
        distance = np.random.random_integers(0, MAX_DIST,size=(N,N))
        self.distance = (distance + distance.T)/2
#        self.distance = distance - np.diag(distance.diagonal())
        self.ub = N*N * np.max(distance)

        # Calls the initializer (constructor) of the class 'search_space'
        self.search_space = EdgeSpace(self.N)
        self.sol = minimum_spanning_tree(self.distance)
        self.adjmat = self.sol.toarray().astype(int)
        self.ref = np.sum(self.adjmat)
Beispiel #54
 def learnStructure_prob(self, p_xy, p_x):
     self.nvariables = p_x.shape[0]
     self.xyprob = p_xy
     self.xprob = p_x
     # compute mutual information score for all pairs of variables
     # weights are multiplied by -1.0 because we compute the minimum spanning tree
     edgemat = Util.compute_MI_prob(self.xyprob, self.xprob) * (-1.0)
     edgemat[edgemat ==
             0.0] = 1e-20  # sha1225  # to avoid tree not connected
     # compute the minimum spanning tree
     Tree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(edgemat))
     # Convert the spanning tree to a Bayesian network
     self.topo_order, self.parents = depth_first_order(Tree,
Beispiel #55
def chowliu_tree(pdata):
    generate chow-liu tree.

        pdata (1darray): empirical distribution in dataset

        list: entangle pairs.
    X = mutual_information(pdata)
    Tcsr = -minimum_spanning_tree(-X)
    Tcoo = Tcsr.tocoo()
    pairs = list(zip(Tcoo.row, Tcoo.col))
    print('Chow-Liu tree pairs = %s' % pairs)
    return pairs
Beispiel #56
def calculate_MST(Xpred, Xtruth):
    Function to calculate the MST for both Xpred and Xtruth under using the segmentation of 0.01

    MST_list = np.zeros([2, 4])
    X_list = [Xpred, Xtruth]
    for cnt, X in enumerate(X_list):
        for i in range(4):
            points = X[:, i:i + 5:4]
            distance_matrix_points = distance_matrix(points, points, p=2)
            csr_mat = csr_matrix(distance_matrix_points)
            Tree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_mat)
            MST_list[cnt, i] = np.sum(Tree.toarray().astype(float))
    X_MST = np.mean(MST_list, axis=1)
    return X_MST[0], X_MST[1]
Beispiel #57
def _mutual_reach_dist_MST(dist_tree):
    Computes minimum spanning tree of the mutual reach distance complete graph

        dist_tree (np.ndarray): array of dimensions (n_samples, n_samples)
            Graph of all pair-wise mutual reachability distances
            between points.

    Returns: minimum_spanning_tree (np.ndarray)
        array of dimensions (n_samples, n_samples)
        minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise mutual reachability
            distances between points.
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(dist_tree).toarray()
    return mst + np.transpose(mst)
Beispiel #58
    def __init__(self, r, make_com=True):
        Subroutine: build Euclidean minimum spanning tree from points
        r[:,:]: float
            array of point positions [n_points:n_dim]
        make_com: boolean
            also generate complete graph (may be very large)

        # Calculate Delaunay triangulation
        print("Generating Delaunay triangulation.")
        self.r = r
        self.del_tri = Delaunay(self.r)

        # Convert Delaunay triangulation to matrix graph format
        print("Converting triangulation to sparse matrix format.")
        self.tri = lil_matrix((r.shape[0], r.shape[0]), dtype=r.dtype)
        indices = self.del_tri.vertex_neighbor_vertices[0]
        indptr = self.del_tri.vertex_neighbor_vertices[1]

        # loop over all points
        for i in range(self.r.shape[0]):
            # loop over all neighbours of each point
            for j in indptr[indices[i]:indices[i + 1]]:
                # only populate upper portion of del_tri
                if j > i:
                    # calculate edge weight of graph
                    l = np.linalg.norm(self.r[i, :] - self.r[j, :])
                    self.tri[i, j] = l

        # convert to csr format
        self.tri = self.tri.tocsr()

        # Calculate minimum spanning tree
        print("Generating minimum spanning tree.")
        self.mst = minimum_spanning_tree(self.tri)

        if make_com:
            distances = squareform(pdist(r))
   = csr_matrix(distances)

        print("All graphs generated.")
Beispiel #59
def mst(adjMat):
    Find the minimum spanning tree of a graph defined by adjacency matrix.

    `adjMat` : scipy sparse matrix
        adjacency matrix of a graph

    `adjMat_of_mst` : scipy sparse matrix 
        adjacency matrix of minimum spanning tree of the graph

    adjMat_of_mst = minimum_spanning_tree(adjMat)
    return adjMat_of_mst
Beispiel #60
def reduce_coordination(target, z):
    Deletes throats on network to match specified average coordination number

    target : GenericNetwork
        The network whose throats are to be trimmed
    z : scalar
        The desired average coordination number.  It is not possible to specify
        the distribution of the coordination, only the mean value.

    trim : ndarray
        A boolean array with ``True`` values indicating which pores to trim
        (using ``op.topotools.trim``) to obtain the desired average
        coordination number.

    This method first finds the minimum spanning tree of the network using
    random weights on each throat, then assures that these throats are *not*
    deleted, in order to maintain network connectivity.  The list of throats
    to trim is generated randomly from the throats *not* on the spanning tree.

    network = target
    # Find minimum spanning tree using random weights
    am = network.create_adjacency_matrix(weights=np.random.rand(network.Nt),
    mst = csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(am, overwrite=True)
    mst = mst.tocoo()

    # Label throats on spanning tree to avoid deleting them
    Ts = network.find_connecting_throat(mst.row, mst.col)
    Ts = np.hstack(Ts)
    network['throat.mst'] = False
    network['throat.mst'][Ts] = True

    # Trim throats not on the spanning tree to acheive desired coordination
    Ts = np.random.permutation(network.throats('mst', mode='nor'))
    del network['throat.mst']
    Ts = Ts[:int(network.Nt - network.Np*(z/2))]
    Ts = network.to_mask(throats=Ts)
    return Ts