def show_hull(cname, ccol):
    ccoords = coords[names==cname]

    hull = ConvexHull(ccoords)

    xs = ccoords.ix[:,0]
    ys = ccoords.ix[:,1]
    zs = ccoords.ix[:,2]
    #ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c=ccol, marker='o')

    for simplex in hull.simplices:
        s = ccoords.irow(simplex)
        #print s
        sx = list(s.ix[:,0])
        sy = list(s.ix[:,1])
        sz = list(s.ix[:,2])
        ax.plot(sx, sy, sz, ccol, alpha=0.2)

    hulld = Delaunay(ccoords.irow(hull.vertices))
    hcol = ['grey' if x<0 else 'green' for x in hulld.find_simplex(coords)]
    hxs = coords.ix[:,0]
    hys = coords.ix[:,1]
    hzs = coords.ix[:,2]
    ax.scatter(hxs, hys, hzs, c=hcol, marker='o', alpha=0.2)
def zonotope_quadrature_rule(avmap, N, NX=10000):
    Description of zonotope_quadrature_rule

        NX: (default=10000)
    vert = avmap.domain.vertY
    W1 = avmap.domain.subspaces.W1    
    # number of dimensions
    m, n = W1.shape

    # points
    y = np.vstack((vert, maximin_design(vert, N)))
    T = Delaunay(y)
    c = []
    for t in T.simplices:
        c.append(np.mean(T.points[t], axis=0))
    points = np.array(c)

    # approximate weights
    Y_samples =, 1.0, size=(NX,m)), W1)
    I = T.find_simplex(Y_samples)
    weights = np.zeros((T.nsimplex, 1))
    for i in range(T.nsimplex):
        weights[i] = np.sum(I==i) / float(NX)
    return points.reshape((T.nsimplex,n)), weights.reshape((T.nsimplex,1))
Beispiel #3
    def _simplex_interp(self, teff, logg, fe, model_indecies):
        Perform barycentric interpolation on simplecies

            teff (float): effective temperature
            logg (float): surface gravity
            fe (float): metalicity
            model_indecies (array): models to use in the interpolation

            array: spectrum at teff, logg, fe


        ndim = 3
        model_table = np.array(self.model_table['teff logg fe'.split()])
        points = model_table[model_indecies]
        tri = Delaunay(points) # Delaunay triangulation
        p = np.array([teff, logg, fe]) # cartesian coordinates

        simplex = tri.find_simplex(p)
        r = tri.transform[simplex,ndim,:]
        Tinv = tri.transform[simplex,:ndim,:ndim]
        c = - r)
        c = np.hstack([c,1.0-c.sum()]) # barycentric coordinates

        # (3,many array)
        model_indecies_interp = model_indecies[tri.simplices[simplex]]
        model_spectra = self.model_spectra[model_indecies_interp,:]
        flux =,model_spectra)
        if simplex==-1:
            return np.ones_like(flux)
        return flux
    def __init__(self, target_image_dimensions, target_vertices=None):
        self.target_image_dimensions = target_image_dimensions
        # if target vertices are not set, assume we want to fill the entire targetImage
        if not target_vertices:
            rows, columns = target_image_dimensions[:2]
            self.target_vertices = np.array([[0, 0],
                                             [0, columns],
                                             [rows, 0],
                                             [rows, columns]])
            self.target_vertices = target_vertices

        r0, c0 = np.round(np.mean(self.target_vertices, axis=0)).astype(np.int32)
        self.target_vertices = np.array(sorted(self.target_vertices, key=lambda (r, c): np.arctan2(r0 - r, c0 - c)))
        # get barycentric coordinates and corresponding points in target (new) image
        nys = np.arange(self.target_image_dimensions[0])
        nxs = np.arange(self.target_image_dimensions[1])
        image_pixels = np.transpose([np.repeat(nys, len(nxs)), np.tile(nxs, len(nys))])

        triangles = Delaunay(self.target_vertices)
        memberships = triangles.find_simplex(image_pixels)  # returns the triangle that each pixel is a member of
        Ts = triangles.transform[memberships, :2]  # transformation matrices
        prs = image_pixels - triangles.transform[memberships, 2]  # intermediate transformation

        barycentric_coordinates = np.array([Ts[i].dot(pr) for i, pr in enumerate(prs)])
        barycentric_coordinates = np.hstack((barycentric_coordinates,
                                            1 - np.sum(barycentric_coordinates, axis=1, keepdims=True)))

        target_vertices_indices = triangles.simplices[memberships]

        self.targetRow = image_pixels[:, 0]
        self.targetCol = image_pixels[:, 1]
        self.barycentric = barycentric_coordinates
        self.indices = target_vertices_indices
    def draw_dimension(self, dimNumber):
        Method to draw the points on the axes using the current dimension number

        dim0 = self.combinations[self.dimNumber][0]
        dim1 = self.combinations[self.dimNumber][1][:,dim0][self.inCluster], self.points[:, dim1][self.inCluster], 'g.')
       [:, dim0][self.outsideCluster], self.points[:,dim1][self.outsideCluster], marker='.', color='0.8', linestyle='None')'Dimension {}'.format(dim0))'Dimension {}'.format(dim1))

        plt.title('press c to cut, < or > to switch dimensions')
        ''' Method to take the current points from mouse input, 
        convert them to a convex hull, and then update the inCluster and 
outsideCluster attributes based on the points that fall within the hull'''

        if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):

        self.inCluster = hull.find_simplex(points)>=0
	def triangulate(self, size):
		shape = self.mImg.shape
		spacing = max(shape) / size
		sigma = spacing / 4
		coords = self._get_distributed_points(spacing, sigma, include_corners = True)
		tri = Delaunay(coords)
		im_pts = self.get_xy_features()
		# pt_tri_membership becomes a map which is the same size as the
		# original image (first two dimensions only). each element contains
		# the triangle ID of that point in the source image
		pt_tri_membership = tri.find_simplex(im_pts.astype(dtype = np.double))
		pt_tri_membership.resize(shape[0], shape[1])
		num_tri = np.max(pt_tri_membership)

		tri_map = np.copy(self.mImg) 
		# replace elements of each triangle with the mean value of the color
		# channels from the original image
		for tri in range(num_tri + 1):
			this_tri = pt_tri_membership == tri
			if not np.any(this_tri):
			for col in range(shape[2]):
				tri_map[this_tri, col] = np.mean(self.mImg[this_tri, col])
		return tri_map
Beispiel #7
def inside_convex_poly(pts):
    """Returns a function that checks if inputs are inside the convex hull of polyhedron defined by pts

    Alternative method to check is to get faces of the convex hull, then check if each normal is pointed away from each point.
    As it turns out, this is vastly slower than using qhull's find_simplex, even though the simplex is not needed.
    tri = Delaunay(pts)
    return lambda x: tri.find_simplex(x) != -1
def chromaticity_diagram_visual(
        cmfs='CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer',
        transformation='CIE 1931',
    Creates a chromaticity diagram visual based on
    :class:`colour_analysis.visuals.Primitive` class.

    samples : int, optional
        Inner samples count used to construct the chromaticity diagram
    cmfs : unicode, optional
        Standard observer colour matching functions used for the chromaticity
        diagram boundaries.
    transformation : unicode, optional
        {'CIE 1931', 'CIE 1960 UCS', 'CIE 1976 UCS'}

        Chromaticity diagram transformation.
    parent : Node, optional
        Parent of the chromaticity diagram in the `SceneGraph`.

        Chromaticity diagram visual.

    cmfs = get_cmfs(cmfs)


    XYZ_to_ij = (
    ij_to_XYZ = (

    ij_c = XYZ_to_ij(cmfs.values, illuminant)

    triangulation = Delaunay(ij_c, qhull_options='QJ')
    samples = np.linspace(0, 1, samples)
    ii, jj = np.meshgrid(samples, samples)
    ij = tstack((ii, jj))
    ij = np.vstack((ij_c, ij[triangulation.find_simplex(ij) > 0]))

    ij_p = np.hstack((ij, np.full((ij.shape[0], 1), 0)))
    triangulation = Delaunay(ij, qhull_options='QJ')
    RGB = normalise(XYZ_to_sRGB(ij_to_XYZ(ij, illuminant), illuminant),

    diagram = Primitive(vertices=ij_p,

    return diagram
Beispiel #9
def interp_weights(xyz, uvw,d=3):

    tri = Delaunay(xyz)
    simplex = tri.find_simplex(uvw)
    vertices = np.take(tri.simplices, simplex, axis=0)
    temp = np.take(tri.transform, simplex, axis=0)
    delta = uvw - temp[:, d]
    bary = np.einsum('njk,nk->nj', temp[:, :d, :], delta)
    return vertices, np.hstack((bary, 1 - bary.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)))
def check_polygon_membership(cluster_boundary, points_to_check):
    cluster_boundary_points = [[x[0], x[1]] for x in cluster_boundary]
    hull = cluster_boundary_points
    if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
        hull = Delaunay(hull)
    gps_coords_to_check = [[x[0], x[1]] for x in points_to_check]
    point_in_cluster = []
    for coord in gps_coords_to_check:
        point_in_cluster.append(1 if hull.find_simplex(coord) >= 0 else 0)
    return point_in_cluster
Beispiel #11
 def inside_hull(self, labels):
     """This method checks whether a requested set of labels is inside the
     convex hull of the training data.  Returns a bool.  This method relies
     on Delauynay Triangulation and is thus exceedlingly slow for large
     L = flatten_struct(self.training_labels, use_labels=self.used_labels)
     l = flatten_struct(labels, use_labels=self.used_labels)
     hull = Delaunay(L.T)
     return hull.find_simplex(l.T) >= 0
    def cut_cluster(self, points, hull):
        ''' Method to take the current points from mouse input, 
        convert them to a convex hull, and then update the inCluster and 
outsideCluster attributes based on the points that fall within the hull'''

        if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):

        self.inCluster = hull.find_simplex(points)>=0
Beispiel #13
def in_hull(p, hull):
    Test if points in `p` are in `hull`

    `p` should be a `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions
    `hull` is either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the 
    coordinates of `M` points in `K`dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation
    will be computed
    if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
        hull = Delaunay(hull)

    return hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
Beispiel #14
def zonotope_quadrature_rule(avmap, N, NX=10000):
    """Quadrature rule on a zonotope.
    Quadrature when the dimension of the active subspace is greater than 1 and
    the simulation parameter space is bounded.

    avmap : ActiveVariableMap 
        a domains.ActiveVariableMap
    N : int 
        the number of quadrature nodes in the active variables
    NX : int, optional 
        the number of samples to use to estimate the quadrature weights (default

    Yp : ndarray
        quadrature nodes on the active variables
    Yw : ndarray 
        quadrature weights on the active variables

    See Also

    vert = avmap.domain.vertY
    W1 = avmap.domain.subspaces.W1

    # number of dimensions
    m, n = W1.shape

    # points
    y = np.vstack((vert, maximin_design(vert, N)))
    T = Delaunay(y)
    c = []
    for t in T.simplices:
        c.append(np.mean(T.points[t], axis=0))
    points = np.array(c)

    # approximate weights
    Y_samples =, 1.0, size=(NX,m)), W1)
    I = T.find_simplex(Y_samples)
    weights = np.zeros((T.nsimplex, 1))
    for i in range(T.nsimplex):
        weights[i] = np.sum(I==i) / float(NX)

    Yp, Yw = points.reshape((T.nsimplex,n)), weights.reshape((T.nsimplex,1))
    return Yp, Yw
Beispiel #15
def in_hull(p, hull):
    :param p: (N, K) test points
    :param hull: (M, K) M corners of a box
    :return (N) bool
        if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
            hull = Delaunay(hull)
        flag = hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
    except scipy.spatial.qhull.QhullError:
        print('Warning: not a hull %s' % str(hull))
        flag = np.zeros(p.shape[0], dtype=np.bool)

    return flag
Beispiel #16
    def in_hull(p, hull):
        Test if points in `p` are in `hull`

        `p` should be a `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions
        `hull` is either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the 
        coordinates of `M` points in `K`dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation
        will be computed
        It returns a boolean array where True values indicate points that lie in the given convex hull
        from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
        if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
            hull = Delaunay(hull)

        return hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
def in_hull(p, hull):
    Test if points in `p` are in `hull`

    `p` should be a `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions
    `hull` is either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the
    coordinates of `M` points in `K`dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation
    will be computed

    if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
        hull = Delaunay(hull)

    return hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
Beispiel #18
def inConvexHull(dictionary, mx, my):
    Check if (mx,my) point is in the data dictionary.

    import numpy
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

    pointlist = []
    for k in dictionary.keys():
        for ki in dictionary[k].keys():
            pointlist.append([k, ki])
    p = numpy.array(pointlist)
    dela = Delaunay(p)
    return dela.find_simplex((mx, my)) >= 0
Beispiel #19
    def remove_c3k_inside(self):
        """Returns a boolean array of same length as secondary describing
        whether that element of secondary is outside the hull formed by primary
        c3k = self.training_labels['miles_id'] == 'c3k'
        miles = ~c3k
        L = flatten_struct(self.training_labels[miles], use_labels=self.used_labels)
        l = flatten_struct(self.training_labels[c3k], use_labels=self.used_labels)
        hull = Delaunay(L.T)
        inside = hull.find_simplex(l.T) >= 0

        #inside = self.inside_hull(self.training_labels[c3k])
        bad = self.training_indices[c3k][inside]
        return bad
Beispiel #20
def test_find_nn_triangles_point():
    r"""Test find natural neighbors for a point function."""
    x = list(range(10))
    y = list(range(10))
    gx, gy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    pts = np.vstack([gx.ravel(), gy.ravel()]).T
    tri = Delaunay(pts)

    tri_match = tri.find_simplex([4.5, 4.5])

    truth = [62, 63]

    nn = find_nn_triangles_point(tri, tri_match, [4.5, 4.5])

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, nn)
Beispiel #21
def points_to_volume_3D(data3d, points):
    Not fixed yet. Should be better then slice version
    # hack move one point in next slice to make non planar object
    points[0, 2] += 1
    points[-1, 2] += -1

    hull = Delaunay(points)
    X, Y, Z = np.mgrid[:data3d.shape[0], :data3d.shape[1], :data3d.shape[2]]
    grid = np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel(), Z.ravel()]).T
    simplex = hull.find_simplex(grid)
    fill = grid[simplex >= 0, :]
    fill = (fill[:, 0], fill[:, 1], fill[:, 2])
    data3d[fill] = 1
Beispiel #22
def test_find_nn_triangles_point():
    r"""Test find natural neighbors for a point function."""
    x = list(range(10))
    y = list(range(10))
    gx, gy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    pts = np.vstack([gx.ravel(), gy.ravel()]).T
    tri = Delaunay(pts)

    tri_match = tri.find_simplex([4.5, 4.5])

    truth = [62, 63]

    nn = find_nn_triangles_point(tri, tri_match, [4.5, 4.5])

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, nn)
def in_convex_hull(p, hull):
    Test if points in `p` are in the convex hull
    :param: p: should be a `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions
             hull: either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the
             coordinates of `M` points in `K`dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation
             will be computed
    :return: boolean True or False, whether the point is in the convex hull

    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
    if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
        hull = Delaunay(hull)

    return hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
Beispiel #24
def recover_ASAP_weights_using_scipy_delaunay(Hull_vertices, data):
    ############## copy from (Gareth Rees)

    start = time.time()
    # Compute Delaunay triangulation of points.
    tri = Delaunay(Hull_vertices)

    end = time.time()

    print "delaunay time: ", end - start

    CHUNK_SIZE = 1000

    for i in range(len(data) / CHUNK_SIZE):
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print i

        end1 = time.time()

        targets = data[i * CHUNK_SIZE:(i + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE]

        # Find the tetrahedron containing each target (or -1 if not found)
        tetrahedra = tri.find_simplex(targets, tol=1e-6)
        #     print tetrahedra[tetrahedra==-1]

        # Affine transformation for tetrahedron containing each target
        X = tri.transform[tetrahedra, :data.shape[1]]

        # Offset of each target from the origin of its containing tetrahedron
        Y = targets - tri.transform[tetrahedra, data.shape[1]]

        # First three barycentric coordinates of each target in its tetrahedron.
        # The fourth coordinate would be 1 - b.sum(axis=1), but we don't need it.
        b = np.einsum('...jk,...k->...j', X, Y)
        barycoords = np.c_[b, 1 - b.sum(axis=1)]

        end2 = time.time()

        rows = np.repeat(
            np.arange(len(targets)).reshape((-1, 1)), len(tri.simplices[0]),
        cols = tri.simplices[tetrahedra].ravel()
        vals = barycoords.ravel()
        weights_list = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(
            (vals, (rows, cols)),
            shape=(len(targets), len(Hull_vertices))).tocsr()

        end3 = time.time()
Beispiel #25
    def generate_cache(self, minX, maxX, minY, maxY):
        points = numpy.array(
            [self.length_transform([s.x, s.y]) for s in self.sensors])
        tri = Delaunay(points)
        minX = self.floor(minX)
        maxX = self.floor(maxX)
        minY = self.floor(minY)
        maxY = self.floor(maxY)

        self.simplex_lookup = {}
        for x in numpy.mgrid[minX:maxX:self.grid_size()]:
            for y in numpy.mgrid[minY:maxY:self.grid_size()]:
                x = self.floor(x)
                y = self.floor(y)
                self.simplex_lookup[(x, y)] = tri.vertices[tri.find_simplex(
                    [x, y])]
Beispiel #26
 def feasible_illuminance(self, illuminance_transfer_matrix, num_points):
     from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
     max_illuminance = np.sum(illuminance_transfer_matrix, axis=1)
     illuminance_set = np.meshgrid(*[np.linspace(i, j, num_points) for i, j in zip(np.zeros((self.num_user, 1)), max_illuminance)])
     for i in range(self.num_user):
         illuminance_set[i] = illuminance_set[i].reshape((illuminance_set[i].size, 1))
     illuminance_set = np.hstack(illuminance_set)
     d = []
     for num in range(2 ** self.num_LED):
     d = np.array(d, dtype=float).T
     x =, d).T
     hull = Delaunay(x)
     in_hull = hull.find_simplex(illuminance_set) >= 0
     illuminance_set = illuminance_set[in_hull, :]
     return illuminance_set
Beispiel #27
def tri_add(ref, que, k):
    ref = ref.numpy()
    que = que.numpy()

    tri = Delaunay(ref)
    index_tri = tri.find_simplex(que)
    _three_point = ref[tri.simplices[index_tri]]

    reque = (que - tri.transform[index_tri][:, 2])
    renen = tri.transform[index_tri][:, :2]
    weight2 = np.matmul(renen, reque[:, :, np.newaxis]).squeeze()
    weight1 = 1 - weight2.sum(axis=-1)
    weight = np.concatenate([weight2, weight1[:, np.newaxis]], axis=-1)

    return torch.tensor(weight).float(), torch.tensor(
def in_hull(p, hull):
    Test if points in `p` are in `hull`

    `p` should be a `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions
    `hull` is either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the
    coordinates of `M` points in `K`dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation
    will be computed

    Courtesy Juh_ on StackOverFlow
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
    if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
        hull = Delaunay(hull)

    return hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
Beispiel #29
 def triangle_weights(self, knearest, **params):
     """Triangulate the k-nearest models, then use the barycenter of the
     enclosing simplex to interpolate.
     inparams = np.array([params[p] for p in self.stellar_pars])
     dtri = Delaunay(self.model_points[knearest, :])
     triangle_ind = dtri.find_simplex(inparams)
     inds = dtri.simplices[triangle_ind, :]
     transform = dtri.transform[triangle_ind, :, :]
     Tinv = transform[:self.ndim, :]
     x_r = inparams - transform[self.ndim, :]
     bary =, x_r)
     last = 1.0 - bary.sum()
     wghts = np.append(bary, last)
     oo = inds.argsort()
     return inds[oo], wghts[oo]
Beispiel #30
 def triangle_weights(self, knearest, **params):
     """Triangulate the k-nearest models, then use the barycenter of the
     enclosing simplex to interpolate.
     inparams = np.array([params[p] for p in self.stellar_pars])
     dtri = Delaunay(self.model_points[knearest, :])
     triangle_ind = dtri.find_simplex(inparams)
     inds = dtri.simplices[triangle_ind, :]
     transform = dtri.transform[triangle_ind, :, :]
     Tinv = transform[:self.ndim, :]
     x_r = inparams - transform[self.ndim, :]
     bary =, x_r)
     last = 1.0 - bary.sum()
     wghts = np.append(bary, last)
     oo = inds.argsort()
     return inds[oo], wghts[oo]
Beispiel #31
class DelaunayEnvironment(Environment):
    def __init__(self, points, area, labels):

        self.area = area
        self.area_hull = Delaunay(area)
        self.points = points
        self.regions = labels


    def add_symmetric(self):
        sym = []
        a = list(self.area)
        for u, v in zip(a, a[1:] + a[0:1]):
            d = (u - v)
            n = np.array([d[1], -d[0]])
            n = n / np.linalg.norm(n)
            sym += [p - 2 * n * (, p - u)) for p in self.points]
        self.points = np.array(list(self.points) + sym)

    def get_voronoi(self):
        vor = Voronoi(self.points)
        index_inside_vectrices = set([])
        for i, v in enumerate(vor.vertices):
            if self.in_area(v):
        elements = []
        for r in vor.regions:
            if r and set(r).issubset(index_inside_vectrices):

        index_inside_vectrices = list(index_inside_vectrices)
        reindex = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(index_inside_vectrices)}

        vectrices = [vor.vertices[n] for n in index_inside_vectrices]

        elements = [tuple([reindex[n] for n in e]) for e in elements]

        self.elements = elements
        self.vectrices = vectrices

    def in_area(self, p):
        return self.area_hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
Beispiel #32
    def DLN_swap(self, src_image, dst_image, plot=False):

        check, points, shapes = self.landmarks_detection(src_image, plot=False)
        if not check:
            return None, None
        src_box_coordinates, src_features, src_cropped = self.bounding_box(
            src_image, shapes[0])

        check, points, shapes = self.landmarks_detection(dst_image, plot=False)
        if not check:
            return None, None
        dst_box_coordinates, dst_features, dst_cropped = self.bounding_box(
            dst_image, shapes[0])

        triangles = Delaunay(dst_features)

        dst_box = self.get_box(dst_features)

        box_inices = triangles.find_simplex(dst_box)

        warped_image = np.zeros(
            (dst_cropped.shape[0], dst_cropped.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)

        for tri_index, tri in enumerate(triangles.simplices):
            tri_area = dst_box[box_inices == tri_index]
            x, y = tri_area.T

            barycentric = self.Barycentric(tri, tri_area, src_features,
            warped_image[y, x] = self.bilinear_interpolate(
                src_cropped, barycentric)

        if plot:
            self.save_image('warped', warped_image)

        blended_src_image = self.blending(dst_features, dst_cropped,

        des_swaped_image = self.replace(dst_image, dst_box_coordinates,

        if plot:
            # self.save_image('warped', warped_image)
            # self.save_image('blended', blended_src_image)
            self.save_image('tri_swaped_image', des_swaped_image)

        return True, des_swaped_image
Beispiel #33
class DelaunayEnvironment(Environment):
	def __init__(self,points,area,labels):
		self.area = area
		self.area_hull = Delaunay(area)
		self.points = points
		self.regions = labels


	def add_symmetric(self):
		sym = []
		a = list(self.area)
		for u,v in zip(a,a[1:]+a[0:1]):
			d = (u-v)
			n = np.array([d[1],-d[0]])
			n = n/np.linalg.norm(n)
			sym += [p-2*n*(,p-u)) for p in self.points]
		self.points = np.array(list(self.points) + sym)
	def get_voronoi(self):
		vor = Voronoi(self.points)
		index_inside_vectrices = set([])
		for i,v in enumerate(vor.vertices):
			if self.in_area(v):
		elements = []
		for r in vor.regions:
			if r and set(r).issubset(index_inside_vectrices):
		index_inside_vectrices = list(index_inside_vectrices)
		reindex = {n:i for i,n in enumerate(index_inside_vectrices)}

		vectrices = [vor.vertices[n] for n in index_inside_vectrices]
		elements = [tuple([reindex[n] for n in e]) for e in elements]

		self.elements = elements
		self.vectrices = vectrices

	def in_area(self,p):
		return self.area_hull.find_simplex(p)>=0
Beispiel #34
    def __call__(self, image):

        # make a von Neumann structring element to create the boundaries
        s = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]])
        b = np.squeeze(image.astype('bool'))
        b_erode_outline = np.logical_xor(
            binary_erosion(b, iterations=1, structure=s), b)

        # make the sentinels
        b_dilate = binary_dilation(b, iterations=3, structure=s)
        b_dilate_outline = np.logical_xor(
            binary_erosion(b_dilate, iterations=1, structure=s), b_dilate)

        # add a perimeter of ones to make sentinel points for the boundaries
        b_erode = np.logical_xor(b_erode_outline, b_dilate_outline)

        # pre weight the mask using only the region surrounding the cells
        mask = np.logical_xor(b, b_dilate)

        # assign xy points to the boundary pixels, then a Delaunay triangulation
        x, y = np.where(b_erode)
        points = np.column_stack((x, y))
        tri = Delaunay(points)
        self.tri = tri

        # find the pixels of the background
        free_space_x, free_space_y = np.where(np.logical_not(b))
        free_space = np.array(
            list(zip(free_space_x.tolist(), free_space_y.tolist())))

        # calculate the weight map
        simplices = tri.find_simplex(free_space)
        weight_map = np.zeros(image.shape)

        # mean?
        d = np.array(
            [np.max(self.edist(s, p)) for s, p in zip(simplices, free_space)])
        weight_map[free_space_x, free_space_y] = d.reshape((-1, ))

        mask = b.astype('float32')
        weight_map = gaussian_filter(weight_map, 1.)  #self.sigma)
        weight_map = self.w0 * (1. - mask) * np.exp(
            -(weight_map * weight_map) / (2. * self.sigma**2 + 1e-99))

        weight_map = weight_map + 1. + mask

        return weight_map
Beispiel #35
def is_within_mesh_volume(points, mesh, tolerance=None):
    Returns if given points are within given mesh volume using Delaunay

    points : array_like
        Points to check if they are within `mesh` volume.
    mesh : array_like
        Points of the volume used to generate the Delaunay triangulation.
    tolerance : numeric, optional
        Tolerance allowed in the inside-triangle check.

        Is within mesh volume.

    -   This definition requires *scipy* to be installed.

    >>> mesh = np.array([[-1.0, -1.0, 1.0],
    ...                  [1.0, -1.0, 1.0],
    ...                  [1.0, -1.0, -1.0],
    ...                  [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0],
    ...                  [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
    >>> is_within_mesh_volume(np.array([0.0005, 0.0031, 0.0010]), mesh)
    array(True, dtype=bool)
    >>> a = np.array([[0.0005, 0.0031, 0.0010],
    ...               [0.3205, 0.4131, 0.5100]])
    >>> is_within_mesh_volume(a, mesh)
    array([ True, False], dtype=bool)

    if is_scipy_installed(raise_exception=True):
        from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

        triangulation = Delaunay(mesh)

        simplex = triangulation.find_simplex(points, tol=tolerance)
        simplex = np.where(simplex >= 0, True, False)

        return simplex
Beispiel #36
def test_find_local_boundary():
    r"""Test find edges of natural neighbor triangle group function."""
    x = list(range(10))
    y = list(range(10))
    gx, gy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    pts = np.vstack([gx.ravel(), gy.ravel()]).T
    tri = Delaunay(pts)

    tri_match = tri.find_simplex([4.5, 4.5])

    nn = find_nn_triangles_point(tri, tri_match, [4.5, 4.5])

    edges = find_local_boundary(tri, nn)

    truth = {(45, 55), (44, 45), (55, 54), (54, 44)}

    assert truth == set(edges)
Beispiel #37
def test_find_local_boundary():
    r"""Test find edges of natural neighbor triangle group function."""
    x = list(range(10))
    y = list(range(10))
    gx, gy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    pts = np.vstack([gx.ravel(), gy.ravel()]).T
    tri = Delaunay(pts)

    tri_match = tri.find_simplex([4.5, 4.5])

    nn = find_nn_triangles_point(tri, tri_match, [4.5, 4.5])

    edges = find_local_boundary(tri, nn)

    truth = [(45, 55), (44, 45), (55, 54), (54, 44)]

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, edges)
class Hull(object):

    def __init__(self, points):
        self.hull = ConvexHull(points)
        self.delaunay = Delaunay(points.irow(self.hull.vertices))
        self.tris = [np.array([[x for x in self.hull.points[s[i]]] for i in range(3)]) for s in self.hull.simplices]

    def centroid(self):
        return self.delaunay.points.mean(0)

    def distance(self, xi):
        ds = [pointTriangleDistance(tri, xi)[0] for tri in self.tris]
        #return min(np.abs(self.delaunay.plane_distance(xi)))
        return min(ds)

    def contains(self, X):
        return self.delaunay.find_simplex(X)
Beispiel #39
    def remove_c3k_inside(self):
        """Returns a boolean array of same length as secondary describing
        whether that element of secondary is outside the hull formed by primary
        c3k = self.training_labels['miles_id'] == 'c3k'
        miles = ~c3k
        L = flatten_struct(self.training_labels[miles],
        l = flatten_struct(self.training_labels[c3k],
        hull = Delaunay(L.T)
        inside = hull.find_simplex(l.T) >= 0

        #inside = self.inside_hull(self.training_labels[c3k])
        bad = self.training_indices[c3k][inside]
        return bad
def Interpolate(paneldata, x, y):
	cord = np.array([x,y])
	n = len(paneldata)
	tri = Delaunay(paneldata)
	triangleindex = tri.find_simplex(cord)
	intercords = tri.simplices[triangleindex]
	index1 = np.empty(2)
	index2 = np.empty(2)
	index3 = np.empty(2)
	if triangleindex >= 0:
		index1[0] = intercords[0]
		index2[0] = intercords[1]
		index3[0] = intercords[2]
		x1 = tri.points[intercords[0]][0]
		y1 = tri.points[intercords[0]][1]
		x2 = tri.points[intercords[1]][0]
		y2 = tri.points[intercords[1]][1]
		x3 = tri.points[intercords[2]][0]
		y3 = tri.points[intercords[2]][1]
		index1[1] = ((y2 - y3) * (x - x3) + (x3 - x2) * (y - y3)) / ((y2 - y3) * (x1 - x3) + (x3 - x2) * (y1 - y3))
		index2[1] = ((y3 - y1) * (x - x3) + (x1 - x3) * (y - y3)) / ((y2 - y3) * (x1 - x3) + (x3 - x2) * (y1 - y3))
		index3[1] = 1 - index1[1] - index2[1]
		index1[0] = -1
		index1[1] = 10000000
		index2[0] = -1
		index2[1] = 10000000
		index3[0] = 1
		index3[1] = 0
		distance = np.empty(n)
		for i in range(n):
			distance[i] = np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(cord, paneldata[i]))
			if distance[i] < index1[1]:
				index2[0] = index1[0]
				index2[1] = index1[1]
				index1[0] = i
				index1[1] = distance[i]
			elif distance[i] < index2[1]:
				index2[0] = i
				index2[1] = distance[i]
		base = index1[1] + index2[1]
		index1[1] /= base
		index2[1] /= base
	ans = np.array([index1, index2, index3])        
	return ans
Beispiel #41
    def inhull(p, hull):
        Test if points in `p` are in `hull`

        `p` should be a `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions
        `hull` is either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the
        coordinates of `M` points in `K`dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation
        will be computed

        from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

        if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
            hull = Delaunay(hull)

        return hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
Beispiel #42
def project(points, query_points, skip_nan=True):
    Project query points in the (x,y)-plane onto a triangulation in (x, y, z).
    This triangulation is determined by the Delaunay triangulation in the (x, y)

        tri : Triangulation
        proj : Projection of query points onto the triangulation. Any points
            that fall outside the triangulation are set to Nan unless `skip_nan`
            is True.
        skip_nan : Remove nan-values from output.

    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
    import warnings

    deltri = Delaunay(points[:, 0:2])
    tris = deltri.find_simplex(query_points[:, 0:2])

    proj = np.zeros((query_points.shape[0], 3))
    tol = 1e-12
    for i, tri in enumerate(tris):
        # Skip query points outside domain
        if tri == -1:
            proj[i, :] = query_points[i, :]

        tripoints = points[deltri.simplices[tri, :], :]
        n = normal(tripoints)
        # Determine z-coordinate for query point (x,y), where z lies on the
        # triangle `tri`
        qp = query_points[i, :]
        tp = tripoints[0, :]
        proj[i, 0:2] = qp[0:2]
        if abs(n[2]) < tol:
            warnings.warn('Triangle is near orthogonal to projection plane')

        proj[i, 2] = -(n[0] * (qp[0] - tp[0]) + n[1] *
                       (qp[1] - tp[1])) / n[2] + tp[2]

    if skip_nan:
        proj = proj[~np.isnan(proj[:, 0]), :]

    return deltri.simplices.copy(), proj
Beispiel #43
class BarycentricInterp(object):
    Triangular barycentric interpolation class
    tri = None
    def __init__(self, xyin, xyout, **kwargs):
        # Triangulate the input 
        if self.tri is None:
            self.tri = Delaunay(xyin)

        self.weights, self.verts, self.simplex = self._calc_weights(xyout)
    def __call__(self, z, xyout=None, mask=False):
        Perform the interpolation
        if xyout is not None:
            self.weights, self.verts = self._calc_weights(xyout)
        zout = (z[self.verts]*self.weights).sum(axis=1)

        if mask:
            zout[self.simplex==-1] = np.nan

        return zout

    def _calc_weights(self, xyout):
        # Find the simplex (i.e. the cell or polygon number) where each point lies
        s = self.tri.find_simplex(xyout)
        # Compute the barycentric coordinates (these are the weights)
        X = self.tri.transform[s,:2]
        Y = xyout - self.tri.transform[s,2]
        b = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', X, Y)
        weights = np.c_[b, 1 - b.sum(axis=1)]
        # These are the vertices of the output points
        verts = self.tri.simplices[s]
        return weights, verts, s
Beispiel #44
    def determine_orbits_that_cross_cluster(self,

        # number of time steps that the simulation was run for
        if verbose:
            print('Determining crossing orbits')
        n_steps = self.particle_pos.shape[0]
        n_parti = self.particle_pos.shape[1]
        # analyse every step
        self.final_inside_hull = np.full((n_steps, n_parti), False)
        for i_s in range(n_steps):
            if method is 'shapely':
                # VERSION1: implementation using shapley - works only in 2D
                # create an convex hull out of cluster members positions
                points_obj = MultiPoint(self.cluster_memb_pos[
                    i_s, :, :].tolist())  # conversion to preserve z coordinate
                hull_obj = points_obj.convex_hull
                # investigate which points are in the hull
                inside_hull = [
                    for particle_coord in self.particle_pos[i_s, :, :]
                self.final_inside_hull[i_s, :] = np.array(inside_hull)
                # VERSION2: using scipy ConvexHull and Delaunay teseltation
                # determine convex hull vertices from members points
                idx_hull_vert = ConvexHull(
                    self.cluster_memb_pos[i_s, :, :]).vertices
                # create a Delaunay grid based on given points
                delanuay_surf = Delaunay(
                    self.cluster_memb_pos[i_s, :, :][idx_hull_vert])
                inside_hull = delanuay_surf.find_simplex(
                    self.particle_pos[i_s, :, :]) >= 0
                self.final_inside_hull[i_s, :] = np.array(inside_hull)
        if return_cluster_time:
            return np.sum(self.final_inside_hull, axis=0) * np.abs(
                self.step_years) / 1e6
            self.particle['time_in_cluster'] = np.sum(
                self.final_inside_hull, axis=0) * np.abs(self.step_years) / 1e6
Beispiel #45
  def contains(self, points):
    Check if all the XYZ points are inside the camera field of view

    points: array_like
      List of XYZ points

    all_inside: bool
      True if all the points are inside the FOV. False otherwise.
    hull = ConvexHull(self.corners)
    triangulation = Delaunay(self.corners[hull.vertices])
    all_inside = np.alltrue(triangulation.find_simplex(points)>=0)
    return all_inside
Beispiel #46
def is_within_3d_box(points, corners3d):
    Check whether a point is within bbox

        points:  (N, 3)
        corners3d: (M, 8, 3), corners of M bboxes.

        flag: (M, N), bool
    num_objects = len(corners3d)
    flag = []
    for i in range(num_objects):
        hull = Delaunay(corners3d[i])
        flag.append(hull.find_simplex(points) >= 0)
    flag = np.stack(flag, axis=0)
    return flag
Beispiel #47
    def in_table(self, varname, TinHP, Vf):
        Return whether the (TinHP, Vf) pair of values is inside or outside the
        performance data table of the heatpump for the specified varname.
        COP or CAP values evaluated outside the data table (extrapolation)
        must be used with care.
        # Based on this stackoverflow answer:

        y = self._hpdb[self.model][varname]
        indx = np.where(~np.isnan(y))[0]

        x1 = self._hpdb[self.model]['EWT'][indx]
        x2 = self._hpdb[self.model]['GPM'][indx]

        hull = Delaunay(np.vstack((x1, x2)).T)
        return bool(hull.find_simplex((TinHP, Vf)) >= 0)
    def in_hull(self, p, hull):
        Test if point `p` is in `hull`

        `p` should be a `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions
        `hull` is either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the
        coordinates of `M` points in `K`dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation
        will be computed
        q = np.array([p])

        if not isinstance(hull,Delaunay):
                hull = Delaunay(hull)
            except scipy.spatial.qhull.QhullError:
                return False

        return hull.find_simplex(q)>=0
Beispiel #49
def points_to_volume_slice(data3d, points, label):
    Only planar points can be used
    # hack move one point in next slice to make non planar object
    z = points[0, 2]
    points_sl = points[:, :2]

    hull = Delaunay(points_sl)
    X, Y = np.mgrid[:data3d.shape[0], :data3d.shape[1]]
    grid = np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]).T
    simplex = hull.find_simplex(grid)
    fill = grid[simplex >= 0, :]
    fill = (fill[:, 1], fill[:, 0])
    # contours = np.zeros(data3d.shape, np.int8)
    # contours[fill] = 1
    data_slice = data3d[:, :, z]
    data_slice[fill] = label
Beispiel #50
    def _outside_hull(points, hull):
        Returns boolean mask denoting which of <N> points lie outside the convex hull defined by <M> vertices.


            points (np.ndarray) - N x 2

            hull (np.ndarray) - M x 2


            outside (np.ndarray[bool]) - length N

        if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
            hull = Delaunay(hull)
        return hull.find_simplex(points) >= 0
Beispiel #51
def is_within_mesh_volume(points: ArrayLike,
                          mesh: ArrayLike,
                          tolerance: Optional[Floating] = None) -> NDArray:
    Return whether given points are within given mesh volume using Delaunay

        Points to check if they are within ``mesh`` volume.
        Points of the volume used to generate the Delaunay triangulation.
        Tolerance allowed in the inside-triangle check.

        Whether given points are within given mesh volume.

    >>> mesh = np.array(
    ...     [[-1.0, -1.0, 1.0],
    ...       [1.0, -1.0, 1.0],
    ...       [1.0, -1.0, -1.0],
    ...       [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0],
    ...       [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
    ... )
    >>> is_within_mesh_volume(np.array([0.0005, 0.0031, 0.0010]), mesh)
    array(True, dtype=bool)
    >>> a = np.array([[0.0005, 0.0031, 0.0010],
    ...               [0.3205, 0.4131, 0.5100]])
    >>> is_within_mesh_volume(a, mesh)
    array([ True, False], dtype=bool)

    triangulation = Delaunay(mesh)

    simplex = triangulation.find_simplex(points, tol=tolerance)
    simplex = np.where(simplex >= 0, True, False)

    return simplex
Beispiel #52
	def warp(self, im1_pts, im2_pts, tri):
		tri_index = tri.simplices
		tri_num = len(tri_index)
		ps_1 = np.zeros((self.img_height*self.img_width,3), np.float32)
		ps_2 = np.zeros((self.img_height*self.img_width,3), np.float32)
		for i in range(self.img_height):
			for j in range(self.img_width):
				ps_1[i*self.img_width+j][0] = j
				ps_1[i*self.img_width+j][1] = i
				ps_1[i*self.img_width+j][2] = 1
		row_ind = Delaunay.find_simplex(tri,ps_1[:,0:2])
		#transform matrix
		for i in range(tri_num):
			tf_1  = np.array([[im1_pts[tri_index[i][0]][0],im1_pts[tri_index[i][1]][0],im1_pts[tri_index[i][2]][0]],[im1_pts[tri_index[i][0]][1],im1_pts[tri_index[i][1]][1],im1_pts[tri_index[i][2]][1]],[1,1,1]])
			tf_2  = np.array([[im2_pts[tri_index[i][0]][0],im2_pts[tri_index[i][1]][0],im2_pts[tri_index[i][2]][0]],[im2_pts[tri_index[i][0]][1],im2_pts[tri_index[i][1]][1],im2_pts[tri_index[i][2]][1]],[1,1,1]])
			tf_warp =,np.linalg.pinv(tf_2))
			ps_2[row_ind==i,:] =[row_ind==i,:],np.transpose(tf_warp))
		self.mask_x = np.reshape(ps_2[:,0],(self.img_height,self.img_width))
		self.mask_y = np.reshape(ps_2[:,1],(self.img_height,self.img_width))
Beispiel #53
    def __init__(self, is_target, image_dimensions, vertices=None):

        self.image_dimensions = image_dimensions
        # if vertices are not set, assume we want to use the entire image
        if vertices is None:
            rows, columns = image_dimensions[:2]
            self.vertices = np.array([[0, 0],
                                      [0, columns - 1],
                                      [rows - 1, 0],
                                      [rows - 1, columns - 1]])
            self.vertices = vertices.reshape((-1, 2))

        r0, c0 = np.mean(self.vertices, axis=0).astype(np.int32)
        self.vertices = np.array(sorted(self.vertices, key=lambda (r, c): np.arctan2(r0 - r, c0 - c)))
        # get barycentric coordinates and corresponding points in target (new) image
        nys = np.arange(self.image_dimensions[0])
        nxs = np.arange(self.image_dimensions[1])
        image_pixels = np.transpose([np.repeat(nys, len(nxs)), np.tile(nxs, len(nys))])

        image_pixels = np.array(image_pixels)

        triangles = Delaunay(self.vertices)

        # code below is abbout 0.01 s
        memberships = triangles.find_simplex(image_pixels)  # returns the triangle that each pixel is a member of
        Ts = triangles.transform[memberships, :2]  # transformation matrices
        prs = image_pixels - triangles.transform[memberships, 2]  # intermediate transformation

        # code below is almost 1 s
        bl = Ts[:, 0, 0] * prs[:, 0] + Ts[:, 0, 1] * prs[:, 1]
        br = Ts[:, 1, 0] * prs[:, 0] + Ts[:, 1, 1] * prs[:, 1]
        barycentric_coordinates = np.hstack((bl.reshape((-1, 1)), br.reshape((-1, 1))))
        barycentric_coordinates = np.hstack((barycentric_coordinates,
                                            1 - np.sum(barycentric_coordinates, axis=1, keepdims=True)))

        target_vertices_indices = triangles.simplices[memberships]

        self.is_target = is_target
        self.rows = image_pixels[:, 0]
        self.cols = image_pixels[:, 1]
        self.barycentric = barycentric_coordinates
        self.indices = target_vertices_indices
Beispiel #54
def is_within_mesh_volume(points, mesh, tolerance=None):
    Returns if given points are within given mesh volume using Delaunay

    points : array_like
        Points to check if they are within ``mesh`` volume.
    mesh : array_like
        Points of the volume used to generate the Delaunay triangulation.
    tolerance : numeric, optional
        Tolerance allowed in the inside-triangle check.

        Is within mesh volume.

    >>> mesh = np.array(
    ...     [[-1.0, -1.0, 1.0],
    ...       [1.0, -1.0, 1.0],
    ...       [1.0, -1.0, -1.0],
    ...       [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0],
    ...       [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
    ... )
    >>> is_within_mesh_volume(np.array([0.0005, 0.0031, 0.0010]), mesh)
    array(True, dtype=bool)
    >>> a = np.array([[0.0005, 0.0031, 0.0010],
    ...               [0.3205, 0.4131, 0.5100]])
    >>> is_within_mesh_volume(a, mesh)
    array([ True, False], dtype=bool)

    triangulation = Delaunay(mesh)

    simplex = triangulation.find_simplex(points, tol=tolerance)
    simplex = np.where(simplex >= 0, True, False)

    return simplex
def interpolate_csv(lon_pts, lat_pts, bathymetry, filename):

    data = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',')

    print(lon_pts.size, lat_pts.size)

    xmax = np.amax(data[:, 0])
    xmin = np.amin(data[:, 0])
    ymax = np.amax(data[:, 1])
    ymin = np.amin(data[:, 1])
    print(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

    #lon_idx = np.where((lon_pts > xmin) & (lon_pts < xmax))
    #lat_idx = np.where((lat_pts > ymin) & (lat_pts < ymax))
    #idx = np.intersect1d(lon_idx, lat_idx)

    data_pts = np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1])).T
    #data_pts = np.vstack((data[:,1],data[:,0])).T
    hull = Delaunay(data_pts)

    mesh_pts = np.vstack((lon_pts, lat_pts)).T

    idx = np.where(hull.find_simplex(mesh_pts) >= 0)

    xpts = lon_pts[idx]
    ypts = lat_pts[idx]
    xy_pts = np.vstack((xpts, ypts)).T

    #bathy = interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator((data[:,0],data[:,1]),data[:,2])
    bathy = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator((data[:, 0], data[:, 1]), data[:,
    #bathy = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator((data[:,1],data[:,0]),data[:,2])
    bathy_int = bathy(xy_pts)
    bathymetry[idx] = bathy_int

    return bathymetry
Beispiel #56
class Triangulate(object):

    def fit(self, x, y):
        self.trainX = x
        self.trainy = y
        self.tri = Delaunay(x, furthest_site=False)

    def predict(self, x):
        simps = self.tri.find_simplex(x)
        y = np.zeros((len(simps),2))
        for i in range(len(simps)):
            s = simps[i]
            simp = self.tri.simplices[s]
            if s > -1:
                p = x.iloc[i, :]
                ap, bp, cp = tuple(tuple(self.trainX.iloc[j]) for j in simp)
                am, bm, cm = tuple(tuple(self.trainy.iloc[j]) for j in simp)
                mp = tuple(p)
                w = weights(ap, bp, cp, mp)
                y[i,:] = new_point((am, bm, cm), w)
        return y
def in_hull(points, hull):
  Test if points in `p` are in `hull`

  `p` should be a `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions
  `hull` is either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the
  coordinates of `M` points in `K`dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation
  will be computed
  # if not isinstance(hull,Delaunay):

  del points['flight_name']
  del points['output']
  del points['TEMPS']

  del hull['flight_name']
  del hull['output']
  del hull['TEMPS']

  hull = Delaunay(hull.as_matrix())

  return hull.find_simplex(points.as_matrix())>=0
Beispiel #58
    def cut_cluster(self, points, hull):
        ''' Method to take the current points from mouse input, 
        convert them to a convex hull, and then update the inCluster and 
        outsideCluster attributes based on the points that fall within 
        the hull'''

        #If the hull is not already a Delaunay instance, make it one
        if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):

        #Save the old cluster for undo

        #Find the ponts that are inside the hull
        inHull = hull.find_simplex(points)>=0

        #Only take the points that are inside the hull and the cluster
        #so we can cut from different angles and preserve old cuts
        newInsidePoints = self.inCluster & inHull
        self.inCluster = newInsidePoints
        self.outsideCluster = np.logical_not(self.inCluster)