Beispiel #1
def EMA(x, a, c, xa, xc, xsca, xscc, sigmaa, sigmac, b):
    #assume that xsca=xscc and sigmaa=sigmac

    sqrt2 = np.sqrt(2.)
    #print xa,xc,a,c,scdtm,fc
    #print (xsc - x[0]) / xa, (sigmaa ** 2) / 2. / (xa ** 2), (xsc - x[0]) / xc, (sigmac ** 2) / 2. / (xc ** 2)

    aexpterm = np.exp((xsca - x) / xa + (sigmaa**2) / 2. / (xa**2))
    aexpterm[np.isinf(aexpterm) == True] = 0.
    EMA1=0.5 * a * aexpterm \
         * serfc((xsca - x) / sqrt2 / sigmaa + sigmaa / sqrt2 / xa)

    if (np.absolute(a) < 1.e-20) | (np.absolute(sigmaa) < 1.e-20):
        EMA1[:] = 0.

    # in the case of gamma distribution
    if np.absolute(xa - xc) / xa < 1.e-10:
        tsterm = (x - xscc) / (sigmac**2) - 1. / xc
        erfterm = serf((sigmac**2 - xc * (x - xscc)) / sqrt2 / sigmac / xc)
        gausterm = np.exp(-1 * ((x - xscc)**2) / 2. / (sigmac**2))
        convterm = sigmac**2 / 2. * tsterm * np.exp(
            ((sigmac * tsterm)**2) /
            2.) * (1. - erfterm) + sigmac / sqrt2 / np.sqrt(np.pi)

        outEMA = EMA1 + convterm * gausterm * c / xc + b
               | np.isinf(outEMA)] = EMA1[np.isnan(outEMA)
                                          | np.isinf(outEMA)] + b
        return outEMA

    scdtm = c * xa / (xa - xc)
    bexpterm = np.exp((xscc - x) / xa + (sigmac**2) / 2. / (xa**2))
    bexpterm[np.isinf(bexpterm) == True] = 0.
    EMA2 = 0.5 * scdtm *bexpterm  \
           * serfc((xscc - x) / sqrt2 / sigmac + sigmac / sqrt2 / xa)
    cexpterm = np.exp((xscc - x) / xc + (sigmac**2) / 2. / (xc**2))
    cexpterm[np.isinf(cexpterm) == True] = 0.
    EMA3 = -0.5 * scdtm *cexpterm  \
           * serfc((xscc - x) / sqrt2 / sigmac + sigmac / sqrt2 / xc)
    if (np.absolute(scdtm) < 1.e-20) | (np.absolute(sigmac) < 1.e-20):
        EMA2[:] = 0.
        EMA3[:] = 0.

    return EMA1 + EMA2 + EMA3 + b
Beispiel #2
def EMALeft(x, a, xa, xsc, sigmaa):

    sqrt2 = np.sqrt(2.)

    #print xa,xc,a,c,scdtm,fc
    #print (xsc - x[0]) / xa, (sigmaa ** 2) / 2. / (xa ** 2), (xsc - x[0]) / xc, (sigmac ** 2) / 2. / (xc ** 2)

    return 0.5 * a* np.exp((xsc - x) / xa + (sigmaa ** 2) / 2. / (xa ** 2)) \
           * serfc((xsc - x) /sqrt2 / sigmaa + sigmaa /sqrt2 / xa)
Beispiel #3
def EMG2D(x, y, a, x0, ux, uy, sigma, b, eta):

    xp = x - ux
    yp = y - uy
    sqrt2 = np.sqrt(2.)

    sigmay = np.zeros(x.shape) + sigma
    sigmay = np.sqrt(sigma**2 + np.absolute(xp) * eta)

    yfactor = np.exp(-0.5 * (yp**2) / (sigmay**2)) / sigmay
    return a / 2 / np.sqrt(np.pi) / sqrt2 / x0 * np.exp(
        sigma**2 / 2. / (x0**2) - xp / x0) * serfc(
            (sigma / x0 - xp / sigma) / sqrt2) * yfactor + b
Beispiel #4
def EMARight(x, c, xa, xc, xsc, sigmac):

    sqrt2 = np.sqrt(2.)

    if (np.absolute(xc - xa) / xa < 0.0001):
        xt = 0.
        xt = 1. / (1. / xc - 1. / xa)

    scdtm = c * xt / xc

    #return \
    #0.5*scdtm* np.exp((xsc - x) / xa + (sigmaa ** 2) / 2. / (xa ** 2)) \
    #* erfc((xsc - x) /sqrt2 / sigmaa + sigmaa /sqrt2 / xa) \
    return -0.5 * scdtm * np.exp((xsc - x) / xc + (sigmac ** 2) / 2. / (xc ** 2))\
           * serfc((xsc - x) /sqrt2 / sigmac + sigmac /sqrt2 / xc)
Beispiel #5
def EMAMiddle(x, c, xa, xc, xsc, sigmac):

    sqrt2 = np.sqrt(2.)

    if (np.absolute(xc - xa) / xa < 0.0001):
        xt = 0.
        xt = 1. / (1. / xc - 1. / xa)

    scdtm = c * xt / xc

    # print xa,xc,a,c,scdtm,fc
    # print (xsc - x[0]) / xa, (sigmaa ** 2) / 2. / (xa ** 2), (xsc - x[0]) / xc, (sigmac ** 2) / 2. / (xc ** 2)

    return 0.5 * scdtm * np.exp((xsc - x) / xa + (sigmac ** 2) / 2. / (xa ** 2)) \
       * serfc((xsc - x) /sqrt2 / sigmac + sigmac /sqrt2 / xa)
Beispiel #6
def EMG(x, a, x0, xsc, sigma, b, **kwargs):

    sqrt2 = np.sqrt(2.)
    if 'Gaussian' in kwargs:
        return a / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / sigma * np.exp(-1 * (x**2) / 2 /
                                                       (sigma**2)) + b
    # else:
    #     efct=sigma**2/(x-xsc)/x0
    #     ld=a / (1 + efct) * np.exp(-1 * (x - xsc) / x0 * (1 - 0.5 * efct)) + b
    #     ld[x<=xsc]=b
    #     return ld

        expterm = np.exp((xsc - x) / x0 + (sigma**2) / 2. / (x0**2))
            np.isinf(expterm) ==
            True] = 0.  #since erfc function in large exp term is very small

        return 0.5 * a / x0 * expterm * serfc(
            (xsc - x) / sqrt2 / sigma + sigma / sqrt2 / x0) + b