Beispiel #1
def nb_ll(data, P, R):
    Returns the negative binomial log-likelihood of the data.

        data (array): genes x cells
        P (array): NB success probability param - genes x clusters
        R (array): NB stopping param - genes x clusters

        cells x clusters array of log-likelihoods
    # TODO: include factorial...
    #data = data + eps
    genes, cells = data.shape
    clusters = P.shape[1]
    lls = np.zeros((cells, clusters))
    for c in range(clusters):
        P_c = P[:, c].reshape((genes, 1))
        R_c = R[:, c].reshape((genes, 1))
        # don't need constant factors...
        ll = gammaln(R_c + data) - gammaln(R_c)  #- gammaln(data + 1)
        ll += data * np.log(P_c) + xlog1py(R_c, -P_c)
        #new_ll = np.sum(nbinom.logpmf(data, R_c, P_c), 0)
        lls[:, c] = ll.sum(0)
    return lls
Beispiel #2
def pdf(pX, pR, pP):
    PDF for a continuous generalization of NB distribution

    gamma_part = gammaln(pR + pX) - gammaln(pX + 1) - gammaln(pR)
    return np.exp(gamma_part + (pR * np.log(pP)) + special.xlog1py(pX, -pP))
def obj_u(u,
    U = u.reshape(-1, V.shape[1])
    M =
    m = M[omega]
    # LL = np.sum(n_pos * (m - np.log(1 + np.exp(m))) - n_neg * np.log(1 + np.exp(m)))
    LL = np.sum(n_pos * m / sigma - xlog1py(n_pos + n_neg, np.exp(m / sigma)))

    if not UV:
        M_sq = np.square(M / alpha)
        if np.any(M_sq > 1.0):
            reg = -np.inf
            reg = reg_wt * np.sum(np.log1p(-M_sq))
        U_sq = np.square(U / alpha)
        V_sq = np.square(V / alpha)
        if np.any(U_sq > 1.0) or np.any(V_sq > 1.0):
            reg = -np.inf
            reg = reg_wt * (np.sum(np.log1p(-U_sq)) + np.sum(np.log1p(-V_sq)))

    if verbose:
        print('LL = {}, reg = {}'.format(LL, reg))
    return -(LL + reg)
Beispiel #4
def gen(x, y, name):
    """Generate fixture data and writes them to file.

    # Arguments

    * `x`: first parameter
    * `y`: second parameter
    * `name::str`: output filename

    # Examples

    ``` python
    python> x = random(500) * 5.0
    python> y = random(500) * 5.0
    python> gen(x, y, './data.json')
    out = xlog1py(x, y)

    # Store data to be written to file as a dictionary:
    data = {"x": x.tolist(), "y": y.tolist(), "expected": out.tolist()}

    # Based on the script directory, create an output filepath:
    filepath = os.path.join(DIR, name)

    # Write the data to the output filepath as JSON:
    with open(filepath, "w") as outfile:
        json.dump(data, outfile)
def objective_func(beta, X, Y):
    Definition:     objective_func trains the multiclass logistic regression 
        Params:     beta is the weight that paramatrized the linear functions in order to map X to Y.
                    X is the features used to train the softmax function
                    Y is the classes used to train the softmax function
        Return:     returns the cross entropy loss function 
    numRows = X.shape[0]
    cost = 0.0

    for i in range(numRows):
        xi = X[i, :]
        yi = Y[i]

        #       p = sigmoid(,beta))
        #       cost += yi*(np.log(p)) + ((1 - yi)*(np.log(1-p)))

        #       The expit function, also known as the logistic sigmoid function,
        #       is defined as expit(x) = 1/(1+exp(-x)). It is the inverse of the logit function.
        #       *** This avoids the issues of overflow that is display as Nan for the cost function

        p = expit(, beta))
        cost += yi * (np.log(p)) + xlog1py(1 - yi, p)

    return -cost
Beispiel #6
def cdf(x, probs):
    # do not evaluate close to 0.5
    tentative_cdf = sp_special.xlogy(x, probs) + sp_special.xlog1py(
        1 - x, -probs)
    tentative_cdf = (np.expm1(tentative_cdf) + probs) / (2 * probs - 1.)
    correct_above = np.where(x > 1., 1., tentative_cdf)
    return np.where(x < 0, 0., correct_above)
Beispiel #7
def beta_logpdf(x, a, b, loc=0, scale=1):
    x = (x - loc) / scale
    z = special.xlog1py(b - 1.0, -x) + special.xlogy(a - 1.0, x)
    z -= special.betaln(a, b)
    z -= np.log(scale)
    z = np.where((x < 0) | (x > 1), -np.inf, z)
    if z.ndim == 0:
        return z[()]
    return z
Beispiel #8
    def _real_pdf(self, arm, theta):
        p = 0
        for pos in range(self.n_positions):
            pos_prob = self.position_probabilities[pos]
            a = self.S_kl[arm, pos]
            b = self.N_kl[arm, pos] - self.S_kl[arm, pos]
            p += sc.xlog1py(b, -theta * pos_prob) + sc.xlogy(a, theta)
            p -= sc.betaln(a, b)
            p += a * np.log(pos_prob)

        return np.exp(p)
Beispiel #9
def dbin_llf(r, p, n):
    binomial distribution

    r ~ binomial(p, n); r = 0, ..., n


        P(r; p, n) = \frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!} p^r (1-p)^{n-r}

    return binomln(n, r) + xlogy(r, p) + xlog1py(n - r, -p)
Beispiel #10
    def log_pmf(self, *X):
        # check array for numpy structure
        X = check_array(X, reduce_args=True, ensure_1d=True)

        # Floor values of X
        X = np.floor(X)

        # Expand all components of log-pmf
        out = (
            sc.gammaln(self.n_trials + 1)
            - (sc.gammaln(X + 1) + sc.gammaln(self.n_trials - X + 1))
            + sc.xlogy(X, self.bias)
            + sc.xlog1py(self.n_trials - X, -self.bias)
        return out
Beispiel #11
    def VerifyPdfWithNumpy(self, pspherical, atol=1e-4):
        """Verifies log_prob evaluations with numpy/scipy.

    Both uniform random points and sampled points are evaluated.

      pspherical: A `tfp.distributions.PowerSpherical` instance.
      atol: Absolute difference tolerable.
        dim = tf.compat.dimension_value(pspherical.event_shape[-1])
        nsamples = 10
        # Sample some random points uniformly over the hypersphere using numpy.
        sample_shape = [nsamples] + tensorshape_util.as_list(
            pspherical.batch_shape) + [dim]
        uniforms = np.random.randn(*sample_shape)
        uniforms /= np.linalg.norm(uniforms, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        uniforms = uniforms.astype(dtype_util.as_numpy_dtype(pspherical.dtype))
        # Concatenate in some sampled points from the distribution under test.
        pspherical_samples = pspherical.sample(sample_shape=[nsamples],
        samples = tf.concat([uniforms, pspherical_samples], axis=0)
        samples = tf.debugging.check_numerics(samples, 'samples')
        samples = self.evaluate(samples)
        log_prob = pspherical.log_prob(samples)
        log_prob = self.evaluate(log_prob)

        # Check that the log_prob is not nan or +inf. It can be -inf since
        # if we sample a direction diametrically opposite to the mean direction,
        # we'll get an inner product of -1.
        conc = self.evaluate(pspherical.concentration)
        mean_dir = self.evaluate(pspherical.mean_direction)
        alpha = (dim - 1.) / 2. + conc
        beta = (dim - 1.) / 2.

        expected = (
            sp_special.xlog1py(conc, np.sum(samples * mean_dir, axis=-1)) -
            (alpha + beta) * np.log(2.) - beta * np.log(np.pi) -
            sp_special.gammaln(alpha) + sp_special.gammaln(alpha + beta))
        self.assertAllClose(expected, log_prob, atol=atol)
 def _logpmf(self, x, n, p):
     k = floor(x)
     combiln = (gamln(n+1) - (gamln(k+1) + gamln(n-k+1)))
     return combiln + special.xlogy(k, p) + special.xlog1py(n-k, -p)
 def _logpmf(self, k, p):
     return special.xlog1py(k - 1, -p) + log(p)
 def _logpmf(self, x, n, p):
     coeff = gamln(n+x) - gamln(x+1) - gamln(n)
     return coeff + n*log(p) + special.xlog1py(x, -p)
def test_xlog1py(x, y, jit_fn):
    fn = xlog1py if not jit_fn else jit(xlog1py)
    assert_allclose(fn(x, y), osp_special.xlog1py(x, y))
Beispiel #16
 def f(t, y):
     return -np.sum(xlogy(t, y) + xlog1py(1 - t, -y)) / t.shape[-1]
Beispiel #17
def h(p):
    p = p.cpu().numpy()
    return -(sc.xlogy(p, p) + sc.xlog1py(1 - p, -p))
Beispiel #18
def dnegbin_llf(x, p, r):
    """negative binomial(x; p, r); x=0,1,2,..."""
    return binomln(x + r - 1, x) + xlogy(r, p) + xlog1py(x, -p)
 def _logpmf(self, k, p):
     return special.xlog1py(k - 1, -p) + log(p)
Beispiel #20
def binary_entropy(probs):
    probs = probs.copy()
    probs[probs < 0] = 0
    probs[probs > 1] = 1
    return special.entr(probs) - special.xlog1py(1 - probs, -probs)
Beispiel #21
def dgeom_llf(x, p):
    """geometric(x; p); x=1,2,3,..."""
    return xlog1py(x - 1, -p) + log(p)
Beispiel #22
 def binary_entropy(self, x):
     # mutual information support function
     return -(sc.xlogy(x, x) + sc.xlog1py(1 - x, -x)) / np.log(2)
Beispiel #23
    def compute_conservativity(self, q_true):
        Computes the degrees of conservativity for quantifiers (represented as
        binary strings).

        q_true : array-like[int]
            The quantifier's bitstring.

        dict of (string : float)
            Mapping sending conservativity type to corresponding degree of
            conservativity of the quantifier's bitstring.
        rv_preimage, rv_probs = self.precomputed[

        conservativities = {}

        if all(q_true) or not any(q_true):
            for cons_type in rv_preimage:
                conservativities[cons_type] = 1.0
            # Probability that the quantifier is true
            p_q_true = sum(q_true) / len(q_true)

            # Entropy of the quantifier's truth-value r.v.
            # xlog1py takes care of zero probabilities. Abs is taken to account
            # for negative zero
            H_q_true = abs(
                (entr(p_q_true) - xlog1py(1 - p_q_true, -p_q_true)) /

            for cons_type in rv_preimage:
                # Compute the conditional entropy of the truth-value r.v.
                # conditioned on the conservativity r.v.
                H_cond = 0

                # For every value the conservativity r.v. takes:
                for cons_tuple in rv_probs[cons_type]:
                    # Probability of the value cons_tuple being output by the
                    # conservativity r.v.
                    p = rv_probs[cons_type][cons_tuple]
                    q_cond_conserv_indices = rv_preimage[cons_type][cons_tuple]

                    # Condition original quantifier string on the output of the
                    # r.v.
                    q_cond_vals = bitarray(len(q_cond_conserv_indices))

                    for new_i, original_i in enumerate(q_cond_conserv_indices):
                        q_cond_vals[new_i] = q_true[original_i]

                    # Probability of the quantifier being true conditioned on the
                    # given output of the conservativity r.v.
                    p_q_cond_vals = sum(q_cond_vals) / len(q_cond_vals)

                    H_cond += abs(p * (entr(p_q_cond_vals) - xlog1py(
                        1 - p_q_cond_vals, -p_q_cond_vals) / np.log(2)))

                conservativities[cons_type] = 1 - (H_cond / H_q_true)

        return conservativities
Beispiel #24
 def logpdf_beta(x, a, b):
     # log of the pdf for beta distribution (taken from scipy.stats.beta)
     lPx = special.xlog1py(b - 1.0, -x) + special.xlogy(a - 1.0, x)
     lPx -= special.betaln(a, b)
     return lPx
Beispiel #25
    def compute_monotonicity(self, q_true):
        Computes each of the four types of degrees of monotonicity for quantifiers
        (represented as binary strings).

        q_true : array-like[int]
            The quantifier's bitstring.

        dict (string : float)
            Dict contains the four degrees of monotonicity, indexed
            by the monotonicity type name.
        corresp_models = self.precomputed[MeasureCalculator.MONOTONICITY]

        monotonicities = {}

        if all(q_true) or not any(q_true):
            for mon_type in corresp_models:
                monotonicities[mon_type] = 1.0
            p_q_true = sum(q_true) / len(q_true)

            # Entropy of the quantifier's truth-value r.v.
            # xlog1py takes care of zero probabilities. Abs is taken to account
            # for negative zero
            H_q_true = abs(
                (entr(p_q_true) - xlog1py(1 - p_q_true, -p_q_true)) /

            for mon_type in corresp_models:
                # Build truth-value string for the monotonicity r.v. (w.r.t.
                # mon_type)
                q_true_mon = q_true.copy()

                for i in range(len(q_true_mon)):
                    if not q_true_mon[i]:
                        corresp_indices = corresp_models[mon_type][i]
                        for j in corresp_indices:
                            if q_true_mon[j]:
                                q_true_mon[i] = 1

                # Probability that the monotonicity r.v. is true
                p_q_true_mon = sum(q_true_mon) / len(q_true_mon)

                # Condition original truth-value r.v. on the monotonicity r.v.
                q_true_cond_mon = [
                    q_true[i] for i in range(len(q_true)) if q_true_mon[i]

                if len(q_true_cond_mon) == 0:
                    H_q_true_cond_mon = 0
                    q_true_cond_mon = bitarray(q_true_cond_mon)

                    # Probability of original truth-value r.v. being true
                    # conditioned on the monotonicity r.v. being true
                    p_q_true_cond_mon = sum(q_true_cond_mon) / len(

                    H_q_true_cond_mon = abs(
                        p_q_true_mon *
                        (entr(p_q_true_cond_mon) -
                         xlog1py(1 - p_q_true_cond_mon, -p_q_true_cond_mon)) /

                monotonicities[mon_type] = 1 - (H_q_true_cond_mon / H_q_true)

        return monotonicities
def binary_entropy(x):
    return -(sc.xlogy(x, x) + sc.xlog1py(1 - x, -x))/np.log(2)
 def _logpmf(self, x, n, p):
     coeff = gamln(n + x) - gamln(x + 1) - gamln(n)
     return coeff + n * log(p) + special.xlog1py(x, -p)
Beispiel #28
def dbeta_llf(x, alpha, beta):
    """beta(x; alpha, beta); x in (0,1)"""
    return gammaln(alpha+beta)-gammaln(alpha)-gammaln(beta) \
           + xlogy(alpha-1, x) + xlog1py(beta-1, -x)
 def _logpmf(self, x, n, p):
     k = floor(x)
     combiln = (gamln(n + 1) - (gamln(k + 1) + gamln(n - k + 1)))
     return combiln + special.xlogy(k, p) + special.xlog1py(n - k, -p)
Beispiel #30
def h(p):
    return -(sc.xlogy(p, p) + sc.xlog1py(1 - p, -p))