def give_page(self):
		#get product
		product_i = random.randint(0, len(productids)-1)
		product = productids[product_i]
		#get price
		prod_price_dist = beta.rvs(self.product_price_alpha[product_i], self.product_price_beta[product_i])*(prices/50.0)
		price_i = np.argmax(prod_price_dist)
		price = prices[price_i]
		#get header
		header_dist = beta.rvs(self.header_alpha, self.header_beta)
		header_i = np.argmax(header_dist)
		header = headers[header_i]
		#get adtype
		adtype_dist = beta.rvs(self.adtype_alpha, self.adtype_beta)
		adtype_i = np.argmax(adtype_dist)
		adtype = adtypes[adtype_i]
		#get color
		color_dist = beta.rvs(self.color_alpha, self.color_beta)
		color_i = np.argmax(color_dist)
		color = colors[color_i]

		return {'header': header, 'adtype': adtype, 'color': color, 'productid': product, 'price': price}, [header_i, adtype_i, color_i, product_i, price_i]
	def give_page(self):
		#get header
		header_dist = [beta.rvs(self.header_alpha[i], self.header_beta[i]) for i in range(len(headers))]
		header_i = header_dist.index(max(header_dist))
		header = headers[header_i]
		#get adtype
		adtype_dist = [beta.rvs(self.adtype_alpha[i], self.adtype_beta[i]) for i in range(len(adtypes))]
		adtype_i = adtype_dist.index(max(adtype_dist))
		adtype = adtypes[adtype_i]
		#get color
		color_dist = [beta.rvs(self.color_alpha[i], self.color_beta[i]) for i in range(len(colors))]
		color_i = color_dist.index(max(color_dist))
		color = colors[color_i]
		#get productid
		product_dist = [beta.rvs(self.product_alpha[i], self.product_beta[i]) for i in range(len(productids))]
		product_i = product_dist.index(max(product_dist))
		product = productids[product_i]

		#get price
		price_dist = [beta.rvs(self.price_alpha[i], self.price_beta[i]) for i in range(len(prices))]*(prices/50.0)
		price_i = np.argmax(price_dist)
		price = prices[price_i]		
		return {'header': header, 'adtype': adtype, 'color': color, 'productid': product, 'price': price}, [header_i, adtype_i, color_i, product_i, price_i]
	def give_page(self, context):
		product_alpha, product_beta, product_price_alpha, product_price_beta, header_alpha, header_beta, adtype_alpha, adtype_beta, color_alpha, color_beta = self.get_context_ab(context)
		header_dist = [beta.rvs(header_alpha[i], header_beta[i]) for i in range(len(headers))]
		header_i = header_dist.index(max(header_dist))
		header = headers[header_i]
		#get adtype
		adtype_dist = [beta.rvs(adtype_alpha[i], adtype_beta[i]) for i in range(len(adtypes))]
		adtype_i = adtype_dist.index(max(adtype_dist))
		adtype = adtypes[adtype_i]
		#get color
		color_dist = [beta.rvs(color_alpha[i], color_beta[i]) for i in range(len(colors))]
		color_i = color_dist.index(max(color_dist))
		color = colors[color_i]
		#get productid
		product_dist = [beta.rvs(product_alpha[i], product_beta[i]) for i in range(len(productids))]
		product_i = product_dist.index(max(product_dist))
		product = productids[product_i]

		#get price
		price_alpha = product_price_alpha[product_i]
		price_beta = product_price_beta[product_i]
		price_dist = [beta.rvs(price_alpha[i], price_beta[i]) for i in range(len(prices))]
		price_i = price_dist.index(max(price_dist))
		price = prices[price_i]		
		return {'header': header, 'adtype': adtype, 'color': color, 'productid': product, 'price': price}, [product_i, price_i, header_i, adtype_i, color_i]
def get_issue_lift(all_visits, top_issues, half_life=90, min_lift=1):
    get_issue_lift uses the bureau visit data and calculate the lift between issues
    i.e. if a client ask for help for issue A, is he more likely to ask for help for issue B in the future?
    mathematically it is defined as P(B|A)/P(B). If the lift is > 1 than A is a good indicator that of
    future need of B. The half_life allows for aging i.e. the importance of issue A as a predictor of B
    halves every x days.
    Return a dict  {(issue_A, issue_B):lift}
    number_of_clients = len(all_visits)
    # Remove "Other" from top_issues
    for i in xrange(len(top_issues)):
        if top_issues[i][0]=="Other":
            del top_issues[i]
    # Save time and only calculate for the top issues
    top_issue_set = frozenset(map(operator.itemgetter(0), top_issues))
    all_visits = filter_visits_by_issues(all_visits, top_issue_set)
    # Count the number of clients affected by each of the top issue
    issue_count = {issue:sum(any(issue in visit_issues for visit_issues in client_visits.itervalues())
                       for client_visits in all_visits.itervalues()) for issue in top_issue_set}
    # Iterate through the clients and find all A->B pairs and their ages
    # for each A->B pair only take the one that is closest together
    decay = 0.5**(1.0/half_life)
    lift_dict = defaultdict(float)
    for client_id, client_visits in all_visits.iteritems():
        number_of_visits = len(client_visits)
        visit_days = sorted(client_visits.keys())
        client_pairs = {}
        for i in xrange(number_of_visits):
            current_date = visit_days[i]
            current_issues = client_visits[current_date]
            for issue_A in current_issues:
                for future_date in visit_days[i+1:]:
                    gap = (future_date-current_date).days
                    future_issues = client_visits[future_date]
                    for issue_B in future_issues:
                        if issue_A!=issue_B:
                            client_pairs[(issue_A,issue_B)] = min(gap, client_pairs.get((issue_A,issue_B),1e100))
        # Turn the gaps into weights and add to the lift dict
        for pair,gap in client_pairs.iteritems():
            lift_dict[pair] += decay**gap
    # turn the appearance count into lifts
    for (issue_A,issue_B),count in lift_dict.iteritems():
        p_issues_A_B = beta.rvs(1+count,1+issue_count[issue_B]-count,size=10000)
        p_issue_A = beta.rvs(1+issue_count[issue_A], 1+number_of_clients-issue_count[issue_A],size=10000)
        lift_dict[(issue_A, issue_B)] = np.median((p_issues_A_B-p_issue_A)/p_issue_A)+1
    # Filter out the pairs below the threshold
    lift_dict = {pair:lift for pair,lift in lift_dict.iteritems() if lift>min_lift}
    return lift_dict
def sample_posteriors( dataA, dataB ):

	samplesA = beta.rvs( ALPHA_ + dataA['conversions'],
						 BETA_ + dataA['total'] - dataA['conversions'],
						 size = 1000)

	samplesB = beta.rvs( ALPHA_ + dataB['conversions'],
						 BETA_ + dataB['total'] - dataB['conversions'],
						 size = 1000)

	return samplesA, samplesB
Beispiel #6
def simulation(a, b, c, d, samples=100000, prob_diff=0.0, significance_level=0.95,
        ensure_convergence=False, ensure_samples=10000000, ensure_radius=0.005):
    """For what it's worth... Not as accurate or efficient as the integration,
    but still fun to play with"""

    difference = beta.rvs(a + 1, c + 1, size=samples) - beta.rvs(b + 1, d + 1, size=samples)
    successes = (difference > prob_diff).sum()

    result = successes / samples

    if ensure_convergence and abs(result - significance_level) < ensure_radius:
        result = test(a, b, c, d, samples=ensure_samples, prob_diff=prob_diff, ensure_convergence=False)

    return result
Beispiel #7
def parse_distribution(params, dist=False):
    distribName = params[0]
    params[1], params[2] = float(params[1]), float(params[2])
    if distribName == 'norm':
        if len(params)!=3:
            displaymessage("Normal distribution takes two parameters",end_execution=False)
        loc, scale = params[1], params[2]
        if dist:
            out = lambda x : norm.rvs(loc, scale)
            while (out<0):
                if loop_counter>100:
                    displaymessage("Distribution too far in the negative. Set to default 1.",end_execution=False)
    elif distribName == 'uniform':   #constant between loc and loc+scale
        if len(params)!=3:
            displaymessage("Uniform distribution takes two parameters",end_execution=False)
        loc, scale = params[1], params[2]
        if (loc+scale <= 0):
            displaymessage("Distribution lies entirely to the left of the y-axis. Changed to default value 1.",end_execution=False)
        elif loc<0:
            displaymessage("Uniform distribution takes negative values.",end_execution=False)
            loc = max(loc,0)
            if dist:
                out = lambda x : uniform.rvs(loc, scale)
                out = uniform.rvs(loc, scale)
    elif distribName == 'beta':
        if len(params)!=5:
            displaymessage("Normal distribution takes four parameters",end_execution=False)
        a, b, loc, scale = params[1], params[2], float(params[3]), float(params[4])
        if dist:
            out = lambda x : beta.rvs(a, b, loc, scale)
            out = beta.rvs(a, b, loc, scale)
    return out
Beispiel #8
def sample_dist_beta(nsample,
    Use beta distribution to add skew.

    window = up_cl - ll_cl
    sd_s = (window) / 2

    rate = (median - ll_cl) / window

    t = np.pi / 2

    a = np.sin(rate * t) * blur
    b = np.cos(rate * t) * blur

    f = beta.rvs(a, b, size=nsample)

    if not source:
        f = f * window + ll_cl

    if func:
        f = [func(x, *func_args) for x in f]

    return f
Beispiel #9
def _parse_random_params(prior_a, prior_c, prior_b, prior_d):
    """Interprets parameters as random variables of parameters.
        prior_a,prior_c,prior_b (tuple of floats): Parameters of Beta random variables.
        prior_d (tuple of floats): Parameters of Uniform random variable.
        (tuple (4) of floats): Parameters a,c,b,d.
    # random draws
    a = beta.rvs(*prior_a, size=1)[0]
    c = beta.rvs(*prior_c, size=1)[0]
    b = beta.rvs(*prior_b, size=1)[0]
    d = uniform.rvs(*prior_d, size=1)[0]
    # return parameters
    return a, c, b, d
def generate_samples(dist, curr_params, n):
    This method generates a sample from a given distribution with
    given parameters
    :param dist: str
        Type of distribution from which to draw a sample
    :param curr_params: tuple[float, float]
        Parameters for a distribution
    :param n: int
        Length of generated sample
    :return: tuple[float, float]
        A pair (quantile skewness, quantile kurtosis) which can be viewed
        as a point and act as a representation of the generated sample on a Pearson System
    if dist == 'beta':
        a, b = curr_params
        curr_sample = beta.rvs(a, b, size=n)
    elif dist == 'betaprime':
        a, b = curr_params
        curr_sample = betaprime.rvs(a, b, size=n)
        return (None, None)

    curr_e = [curr_sample[int(j * n)] for j in OCTILES]
    curr_s = (curr_e[5] - 2 * curr_e[3] + curr_e[1]) / (curr_e[5] - curr_e[1])
    curr_t = (curr_e[6] - curr_e[4] + curr_e[2] - curr_e[0]) / (curr_e[5] -

    return (curr_s, curr_t)
def FisherDistribution2(k, n, m, ele=0, azi=0):
    # m is the number of dimensions
    b = (-2 * k + np.sqrt(4 * k**2 + (m - 1)**2)) / (m - 1)
    x0 = (1 - b) / (1 + b)
    c = k * x0 + (m - 1) * np.log(1 - x0**2)
    numvec = 0
    cartesian_sample = np.zeros((n, m))
    while numvec < n:
        Z = beta.rvs((m - 1) / 2, (m - 1) / 2, size=1)
        U = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1)
        W = (1 - (1 + b) * Z) / (1 - (1 - b) * Z)
        if k * W + (m - 1) * np.log(1 - x0 * W) - c < np.log(U):
            theta = 2 * np.pi * np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1)[0]
            V = np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)])  # 2d vector
            X = np.concatenate((np.sqrt(1 - W**2) * V, W))
            cartesian_sample[numvec, :] = X
            numvec += 1  # count the free rows in cartesian, when fully filled - quit

    if ele == 0 and azi == 0:
        cartesian_sample = cartesian_sample.T
        transformed = Rz(azi, Ry(ele, cartesian_sample))
        cartesian_sample = transformed.T

    return cartesian_sample
Beispiel #12
def update_current_sample(n_clicks):

    # first sample from current posterior beta distribution
    p = beta.rvs(a, b, size=1)[0]
    print("Sample: " + str(p))

    return json.dumps({'sample':p})
Beispiel #13
def generate_dataset(num_points, true_k, dim=2, verbose=False):
    Generates num_points datapoints with true_k clusters
    :param num_points: Number of data points
    :param true_k: Number of clusters in the generated data
    :param dim: dimensionality of the data space
    :param verbose: print stuff
    :return: dataset in [num_points,dim]
    # Construct a dataset
    true_z = [i % true_k for i in range(num_points)]

    # I like to sample from the peaked beta distro to get more interpretable results. But feel free to sample
    # from the random uniform
    if False:
        probs_per_cluster = np.random.rand(dim, true_k)
        probs_per_cluster = beta.rvs(0.5, 0.5, size=(true_k, dim))
    if verbose:
        print('Probabilities for the generated data')
        for i, trueprobs in enumerate(probs_per_cluster):
            print('Cluster %3i with %s' %
                  (i, ' - '.join(['%5.1f' % prob for prob in trueprobs])))
        print('-' * 30)

    probs = probs_per_cluster[true_z, :]

    # Sample from the probabilities
    data = (probs > np.random.rand(num_points, dim)).astype(np.float32)
    return data
def plotter(being: str, name: str, axis, data: dict):
    # Color-blind friendly palette
    colors = {
        'forest': '#d7191c',
        'network': '#fdae61',
        'random': '#abd9e9',
        'humans': '#2c7bb6',

    # Beta Distribution generation from the measured predictive-quality
    ypred = beta.rvs(
        1 + data[f'total {name}'][0] * data[name][0],
        1 + data[f'total {name}'][0] * (1 - data[name][0]),

    # plot with Seaborn that binnarizes automatically
    sns.distplot(100 * ypred,

Beispiel #15
    def search(self, state, color, depth, subtree):
        path: if you choose 19 from enable=[13,19,20,21] (choose enable[1]) 
            and then opponent choose 32 from enable=[14,24,32,53], (enable[2])
            the path is [1,2]
        enable = reversi.getPossiblePoints(state, color)
        if depth == self.depth + 1:
            # no thinking (simulate)
            if len(enable) == 0:
                return self.simulate(state, 65, color)
            row, line = random.choice(enable)
            return self.simulate(state, row * 8 + line, color)

        if len(enable) == 0:
            return, color ^ 1, depth + 1, subtree)

        if len(subtree) == 0:
            # first visit
            subtree.extend([[0, 0, []] for _ in enable])

        wins = np.array([node[0] for node in subtree])
        loses = np.array([node[1] for node in subtree])
        values = beta.rvs(wins + 1, loses + 1)
        choice = values.argmax()
        row, line = enable[choice]
        reversi.putStone(state, row, line, color)
        r =, color ^ 1, depth + 1, subtree[choice][2])
        if r == color:
            subtree[choice][0] += 1
            subtree[choice][1] += 1
        return r
 def get_particle_from_state(self, state, obs):
     Returns a particle from this state, as well as the log_density of this particle
     sample_means = beta.rvs(state['successes'], state['failures'])
     log_density = np.sum(beta.logpdf(sample_means, state['successes'], state['failures']))
     return sample_means, log_density
Beispiel #17
    def lichess_computer(self, difficulty=10):
        url = '' + self._fen() + '&json=1'
        r = requests.get(url)

          moves = print_json(r.text)['moves']  #The moves are already ordered based on their score

          board_move = []

          for move in moves:

          if len(list(self._board.legal_moves)) == len(board_move):  #Quick way, the database has that position and any possible derivate one
              alpha = len(board_move)
              beta_v = 1
              pesos = []

              for i in range(alpha):
                  r = beta.rvs(alpha, beta_v, size=1)
                  beta_v += difficulty

              pesos = sorted(pesos, reverse=True)
              cum_pesos = np.cumsum(pesos)
              choice = random.choices(board_move, cum_weights=cum_pesos, k=1)[0]

              choice = self.temp_backup()

          choice = self.temp_backup()

        print(f'{choice} was moved.\n')
Beispiel #18
def blend(x, context, weights, respect_side=True, ab=0.8):

    if len(x) < 2:
        return x, context, weights

    # the leftover data point if exists is dismissed (it will come up in future epochs, batches are shuffled)
    if x.shape[0] % 2 > 0:
        x = x[:-1]
        context = context[:-1]
        weights = weights[:-1]

    if respect_side:
        side_idx = x[:, 0].sort()[1]
        x = x[side_idx]
        context = context[side_idx]
        weights = weights[side_idx]

    b = torch.tensor(beta.rvs(ab, ab, size=x.shape[0] // 2),
                     dtype=torch.float32).reshape(-1, 1)

    # blending pairs
    blended_x = b * x[::2] + (1 - b) * x[1::2]
    blended_c = b * context[::2] + (1 - b) * context[1::2]
    blended_w = b * weights[::2] + (1 - b) * weights[1::2]

    # the side of the blended data points is collapsed to the closest value
    blended_c[:, 0] = torch.where(b > 0.5, context[::2, 0].reshape(-1, 1),
                                  context[1::2, 0].reshape(-1, 1)).squeeze()

    return blended_x, blended_c, blended_w
Beispiel #19
    def _test_mu_y_and_cov_y(self):
        # NOTE: disable `skip_nullspace` for this test

        alpha = 40.0
        beta = 20.0
        ln_sigma_mu = np.log(0.1)
        ln_sigma_sigma = 0.0
        ln_amp_mu = np.log(0.2)
        ln_amp_sigma = 0.0
        self.set_hyperparams(alpha, beta, ln_sigma_mu, ln_sigma_sigma,
                             ln_amp_mu, ln_amp_sigma)

        x = -np.exp(ln_amp_mu)
        amp = x / (x - 1)
        sigma = np.exp(ln_sigma_mu)
        nsamples = 100000
        y = np.zeros((nsamples, (self.ydeg + 1)**2))
        for n in range(nsamples):
            lat = np.arccos(Beta.rvs(alpha, beta)) * 180.0 / np.pi
            lat *= 2.0 * (int(np.random.random() > 0.5) - 0.5)
            lon = 360.0 * np.random.random()
            y[n] = self.y([amp], [sigma], [lat], [lon])
        mu_y_num = np.mean(y, axis=0)
        cov_y_num = np.cov(y.T)

        # Compare
        assert np.allclose(mu_y_num, self.mu_y, atol=1e-3)
        assert np.allclose(cov_y_num, self.cov_y, atol=1e-3)
Beispiel #20
 def sample_one(self):
     xs = []
     for a, b in zip(self.alphas, self.betas):
         xs.append(beta.rvs(a, b, size=1)[0])
     this_choice = argmax(xs)
     logger.debug("a,b,[x_0,x_1,...], this_choice:", a, b, xs, this_choice)
     return this_choice
Beispiel #21
 def sample(self, X, n_samples=10):
     n_items, _ = X.shape
     betas = self.get_betas(X)
     samples = beta.rvs(a=betas[:, 1],
                        b=betas[:, 0],
                        size=(n_samples, n_items))
     return samples
Beispiel #22
 def evaluate(self, node_list):
     samples = [
         beta.rvs(a=node.win_count + 1,
                  b=node.visit_count - node.win_count + 1,
                  size=1)[0] for node in node_list
     return node_list[np.argmax(samples)]
Beispiel #23
    def generate_data(self, N):

        Generates labels associated with the features

        :param N: number of 1-D feature vector needed
        :return: N x 1 numpy array with feature vectors, N x 1 numpy array with labels

        # Generate features
        features = np.array(beta.rvs(a=self.alpha, b=self.beta, size=N))
        features.resize((N, 1))

        # Generate probabilities
        probability = self.label_function(features)

        # Generate noise to add to the probabilities
        random_noise = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=self.noise, size=features.shape[0])
        random_noise.resize((features.shape[0], 1))
        probability += random_noise
        probability[probability < 0] = 0
        probability[probability > 1] = 1

        # Generate labels with a bernouilli
        labels = np.array([np.random.binomial(n=1, p=probability[n:n+1]) for n in range(N)])
        labels.resize((N, 1))

        return features, labels
Beispiel #24
def simulate_stupidDPM(iter_num, M):
	# Generate mixture sample
	N = 1000
	mu = [0.0, 10.0, 3.0]

	components = np.random.choice(range(3), size = N, replace = True, p = [0.3, 0.5, 0.2])
	samples = [norm.rvs(size = 1, loc = mu[components[i]], scale = 1)[0] for i in range(N)]

	## Sample G from DP(M, G0)
	v = beta.rvs(a = 1.0, b = M, size = N)
	prob_vector = np.append(np.array(v[0]), v[1:] * np.cumprod(1.0 - v[:-1]))
	thetas = norm.rvs(size = N, loc = 1.0, scale = 1.0)

	### Initialize thetas
	thetas = np.random.choice(thetas, size = N, replace = True, p = prob_vector)

	### Start MCMC chain
	for i in xrange(iter_num):
		for j in xrange(N):
			theta_temp = np.append(thetas[:j], thetas[j+1:])
			p = np.append(norm.pdf(samples[j], loc = theta_temp, scale = 1.0), M * norm.pdf(samples[j], loc = 1.0, scale = np.sqrt(2.0)))
			p = p / sum(p)
			temp = np.random.choice(np.append(theta_temp, N), size = 1, replace = True, p = p)
			if (temp == N):
				thetas[j] = norm.rvs(size = 1, loc = 0.5 * (samples[j] + 1), scale = np.sqrt(0.5))
				thetas[j] = temp
	return {"thetas": thetas, "y": samples}
Beispiel #25
def get_iops(iops, duration):
    iops_vals = [-1]
    if iops['randvar'] == 'normal':
        assert ('mean' in iops.keys() and 'stddev' in iops.keys()), \
            "Error: invalid parameters for normal distribution!"
        while min(iops_vals) < 0:
            iops_vals = norm.rvs(size=duration, loc=iops['mean'], scale=iops['stddev']).astype(int).tolist()
    elif iops['randvar'] == 'uniform':
        assert ('min' in iops.keys() and 'max' in iops.keys()), \
            "Error: invalid parameters for uniform distribution!"
        while min(iops_vals) < 0:
            iops_vals = uniform.rvs(size=duration, loc=iops['min'],
    elif iops['randvar'] == 'poisson':
        assert ('mu' in iops.keys()), \
            "Error: invalid parameters for poisson distribution!"
        while min(iops_vals) < 0:
            iops_vals = poisson.rvs(size=duration, mu=iops['mu']).astype(int).tolist()
    elif iops['randvar'] == 'beta':
        assert ('alpha' in iops.keys() and 'beta' in iops.keys()
                and 'shift' in iops.keys() and 'scale' in iops.keys()), \
            "Error: invalid parameters for beta distribution!"
        while min(iops_vals) < 0:
            iops_vals = beta.rvs(size=duration, a=iops['alpha'], b=iops['beta'],
                                 loc=iops['shift'], scale=iops['scale']).astype(int).tolist()
        print("Error: invalid random distribution!")

    print('Min IOPS: ' + str(min(iops_vals)))
    print('Max IOPS: ' + str(max(iops_vals)))
    return iops_vals
Beispiel #26
 def thompson_sample(self, pred_ctr, k, max_pos, weight_type='propensity'):
     :param pred_ctr: list of predicted ctr
     :param k: position to explore.(count from 1)
     :param max_pos: explore candidate's maximum position.(count from 1)
     :param weight_type: 'propensity' or 'multinomial'. otherwise assign unit weight.
     :return: index of item to explore (index count from 0);
               index of bucket/arm (count from 0);
               the chosen arm's weight (propensity weight or multinomial weight.)
     assert 10 >= max_pos > k > 1
     active_arms = []
     for i, score in enumerate(pred_ctr[k - 1:max_pos]):
         assert 0 <= score <= 1
         temp = dict()
         temp['exp_idx'] = i + k - 1
         bucket_idx = int(score * self.bucket_size) % self.bucket_size
         temp['bucket_idx'] = bucket_idx
         temp['ts_score'] = beta.rvs(self.buckets[bucket_idx]['a'],
     arm_chosen = max(active_arms, key=lambda x: x['ts_score'])
     self.exp_times += 1
     self.exp_times_each[arm_chosen['bucket_idx']] += 1
     if weight_type == 'propensity':
         weight = 1.0 * self.exp_times / self.exp_times_each[
     elif weight_type == 'multinomial':
         weight = 1.0 * sum(
             pred_ctr[k - 1:max_pos]) / pred_ctr[arm_chosen['exp_idx']]
         weight = 1
     return arm_chosen['exp_idx'], arm_chosen['bucket_idx'], weight
Beispiel #27
 def bandit(self, stop_alpha=0.05, stop_value=0.95, iterat=1000):
     Run bandit
     Stop criterion: 
     1st Use Bayes' theorem to compute the probability that variation beats others, if 95% sure that a variation beats the others then "a winner has been found"
     2nd Potential value remaining in the experiment - the "value remaining" is the amount of increased conversion rate we could get by switching away from the current champion
     simul_m = np.zeros((10000,self.n_arm))
     stop_first = np.zeros((10000,1))
     while ((iterat!=None) and (iterat>=self.k) ):
         for i in range(10000):
             simul_m[i] = beta.rvs(1 + self.reward, 1 + 1*self.count - self.reward)
             stop_first[i] = np.argmax(simul_m[i])
         unique, counts = np.unique(stop_first, return_counts=True)
         arm_prob = np.array((unique, counts/10000.0),dtype='float64').T
         opt_arm = int(arm_prob[np.argmax(arm_prob[:,1], axis=0),0])
         stop_second = np.percentile((np.max(simul_m,axis=1) - simul_m[:,opt_arm])/ simul_m[:,opt_arm], stop_value*100)
         if np.max(arm_prob[:,1])>=(1-stop_alpha):
             opt_arm = arm_prob[np.argmax(arm_prob[:,1], axis=0),0]
             print('The winner has been found! The arm number {} has been found as optimal at the {} confidence level after {} page views.'.format(opt_arm,stop_alpha, self.k))
         elif arm_prob[np.argmax(arm_prob[:,1], axis=0),1]*0.01 >=stop_second:
             print('The winner has been found! The arm number {} has been found as optimal, as with {}% probability, the value remaining in the experiment is less than 1% possible improvement{}.'.format(opt_arm,stop_value*100,self.k))
         elif iterat==self.k:
             print('After {} iterations, the winning arm is number {}.'.format(iterat, opt_arm))    
Beispiel #28
def update_current_sample(n_clicks):

    # first sample from current posterior beta distribution
    p = beta.rvs(a, b, size=1)[0]
    print("Sample: " + str(p))

    return json.dumps({'sample': p})
Beispiel #29
def simulation(n_seeds, n_targets, n_signals):

    mixing_matrix = np.random.rand(n_seeds, n_signals)
    mixing_matrix = mixing_matrix / np.sum(mixing_matrix**2, axis=0)
    signals = np.zeros((n_signals, n_targets))

    #beta parameters from fit to real aptx data
    a = np.absolute(normal(0.25, 0.1, n_signals))
    b = np.absolute(normal(640, 550, n_signals))
    scale = np.absolute(normal(0.32, 0.26, n_signals))

    #generate signals with beta distributions
    for i in range(n_signals):
        signals[i, :] = beta.rvs(a[i],

    signals = np.exp(signals) - 1

    signals = signals / (np.amax(signals, axis=1, keepdims=True) + 0.001)

    return signals, mixing_matrix
Beispiel #30
def sample_lam(alpha, reformulate=False):
    """ Sample a lambda from symmetric beta distribution with given alpha

    :param alpha: Alpha value for beta distribution
    :param reformulate: If True, uses the reformulation of [1].
    if reformulate:
        lam = beta.rvs(
            alpha + 1, alpha
        )  # rvs(arg1,arg2,loc=期望, scale=标准差, size=生成随机数的个数) 从分布中生成指定个数的随机数
        lam = beta.rvs(
            alpha, alpha
        )  # rvs(arg1,arg2,loc=期望, scale=标准差, size=生成随机数的个数) 从分布中生成指定个数的随机数

    return lam
Beispiel #31
 def Prior_MCsim(self):
     print('Generate ' + str(self.size) + " samples for " + + ' distribution')
     if == 'Beta':
         return beta.rvs(a = self.par[0], b = self.par[1], size = self.size, random_state = self.random_state)
     else : 
         print("Not Available")
         return []
def switching_binomial_motion(N_trials, N_blocks, tau, seed, Jeffreys=True, N_layer=3):

    A 3-layered model for generating samples.

    about Jeffrey's prior: see


    if Jeffreys:
        from scipy.stats import beta

    trials = np.arange(N_trials)
    p = np.random.rand(N_trials, N_blocks, N_layer)
    for trial in trials:
        # drawing all switches
        p[trial, :, 2] = np.random.rand(1, N_blocks) < 1./tau
        if Jeffreys:
            p_random = beta.rvs(a=.5, b=.5, size=N_blocks)
            p_random = np.random.rand(1, N_blocks)
        # drawing all probability biases
        p[trial, :, 1] = (1 - p[trial, :, 2])*p[trial-1, :, 1] + p[trial, :, 2] * p_random
        # drawing all samples
        p[trial, :, 0] = p[trial, :, 1] > np.random.rand(1, N_blocks)

    return (trials, p)
Beispiel #33
def iterate(number_of_ones, alpha):
    ones = []  #count of x in every run
    runs = args.runs
    learning = args.learning
    for r in range(runs):
        if learning == "sample":
            language = beta.rvs(alpha + number_of_ones,
                                alpha + (10 - number_of_ones))  # sampling
        elif learning == "max":
            language = (alpha + number_of_ones - 1) / (alpha * 2 + 10 - 2
                                                       )  # maximising
        elif learning == "avg":
            language = (alpha + number_of_ones) / (alpha * 2 + 10)  # averaging
        data = [produce(language) for _ in range(10)]  #one list of 01s
        #print data
        count_of_ones = float(data.count(1))
        #if r < 10:
        #print number_of_ones
    #print "list of ones: ",ones[1:10]

    #dictionary with x_possible_values:freqs(x), ordered by n_of_x
    d = {}
    for c in ones:
        count = ones.count(c)
        d[c] = count
    #print "dictionary: ",d.items()[1:10]

    #get probabilities of proportion_of_ones as list of tuples (n,prob(n))
    prob = [(n, float(freq) / len(ones)) for n, freq in d.items()]
    return prob
def property_beta_distribution(n_props, beta_prop_1, beta_prop_2):
	# Samples from beta probability distribution
	# Output: matrix of probabilities (size n_props)

	property_probs = beta.rvs(beta_prop_1, beta_prop_2, size = n_props)
	probabilities = np.array(property_probs)
	probs_shape = probabilities.reshape(1, n_props)
	return probs_shape
def gene_beta_distribution(n_genes, beta_gene_1, beta_gene_2):
	# Samples from beta probability distribution
	# Output: matrix of probabilities (size n_genes)

	gene_probs = beta.rvs(beta_gene_1, beta_gene_2, size = n_genes)
	genes = np.array(gene_probs)
	properties_genes = genes.reshape(n_genes, 1)
	return properties_genes
Beispiel #36
 def reference_sim(self, A, classified,labels):
     num_centers = len(set(labels))
     small = .0000000000001
     ideal_A = np.zeros([A.shape[0],A.shape[1]])
     for i in range(0,len(labels)):
         for j in range(0,i+1):
             if labels[i] == labels[j]:
                 ideal_A[i,j] = 1
                 ideal_A[j,i] = 1         
     pred_pos = A[ideal_A ==1]
     pred_neg = A[ideal_A ==0]
     pos_a,pos_b,pos_loc, pos_scale=
     neg_a,neg_b,neg_loc, neg_scale=
     fits = []
     #Fit comparison iwth more than 1 clust
     for sim in range(0, 50):
         simulated_mat = np.ones([A.shape[0],A.shape[1]])
         for i in range(0,len(labels)):
             for j in range(0,i):
                 if ideal_A[i,j] ==0:
                     simulated_mat[i,j] = simulated_mat[j,i]= beta.rvs(max(neg_a,small), max(small,neg_b), loc=neg_loc,scale =neg_scale)
                     simulated_mat[i, j ] = simulated_mat[j, i ] = beta.rvs(max(pos_a,small), max(small,pos_b), loc=pos_loc,scale =pos_scale)
         self.one_clust_test = False
         whereAreNaNs = np.isnan(simulated_mat)
         simulated_mat[whereAreNaNs] = 0
         #print simulated_mat
     multi_fit = np.mean(fits)
     fits_one = []
     pos_a,pos_b,pos_loc, pos_scale=
     for sim in range(0, 50):
         simulated_mat = np.ones([A.shape[0],A.shape[1]])
         for i in range(0,len(labels)):
             for j in range(0,i):
                 simulated_mat[i,j] = simulated_mat[j,i]= beta.rvs(max(small,pos_a), max(small,pos_b), loc=pos_loc,scale =pos_scale)
         whereAreNaNs = np.isnan(simulated_mat)
         simulated_mat[whereAreNaNs] = 0
         e_vals, e_vecs  = np.linalg.eigh(simulated_mat)
         #2. Get Reverse Sorted Order  - largest to smallest
         e_order = np.argsort(e_vals)[::-1]
     one_fit = np.mean(fits_one)
     return multi_fit, one_fit
Beispiel #37
def ep2_rvs(mu, sigma, alpha, size=1):

    u = uniform.rvs(loc=0, scale=1, size=size)
    b = beta.rvs(1. / alpha, 1 - 1. / alpha, size=size)
    r = np.sign(uniform.rvs(loc=0, scale=1, size=size) - .5)
    z = r * (-alpha * b * np.log(u))**(1. / alpha)

    return z
def beta_proposal(current, var):
    alpha_beta_fwd = jmutils.beta_shape(current, var)
    proposed = beta.rvs(*alpha_beta_fwd)
    fwd_prob = beta.pdf(proposed, *alpha_beta_fwd)
    alpha_beta_back = jmutils.beta_shape(proposed, var)
    back_prob = beta.pdf(current, *alpha_beta_back)
    log_back_fwd = math.log(back_prob / fwd_prob)
    return proposed, log_back_fwd
Beispiel #39
    def __init__(self, n_arms, random_seed=None):
        if random_seed is not None:
        self.arm_probs = {}
        self.arm_features = []
        temp_val_list = []
        scaled_vals = []

        self.arm_probs = beta.rvs(1,1,size=n_arms)
		def sample_an_arm():
			max_sample = float('-inf')
			best_arm = None
			for arm in range(0, arm_num):
				r = beta.rvs(prior[arm][0], prior[arm][1])
				# print r
				if r > max_sample:
					max_sample = r
					best_arm = arm
			return best_arm
Beispiel #41
def get_pi(cl_ind, g_values, data):
    cl = [cl_ind*2, cl_ind*2+1]
    count_p, count_m = 0, 0
    for obj in cl:
        for g in g_values[obj][1]:
            if g == 1:
                count_p += 1
                count_m += 1
    pi_new = beta.rvs(count_p + gamma1, count_m + gamma2, size=1)[0]

    return pi_new
    def _make_data(self):
        self.Z = []
        self.counts = []
        for n in np.arange(1,self.n_peaks):
        #     List concatanation
            temp = np.array(self.counts + [self.hyper_pars.conc_par])
            temp = temp/temp.sum()
            prob = temp.cumsum()
            pos = np.nonzero(np.random.rand()<prob)[0][0]
            if pos >= len(self.counts):
                self.counts[pos] += 1

        self.Z = np.sort(self.Z)
        self.K = np.max(self.Z)
        self.intensities = []
        for n in np.arange(self.n_peaks):
        # self.corr_mat = np.zeros((self.n_peaks,self.n_peaks))
        self.corr_mat = lil_matrix((self.n_peaks,self.n_peaks),dtype=np.float64)
        for n in np.arange(self.n_peaks-1):
            this_cluster = self.Z[n]
            for m in np.arange(n+1,self.n_peaks):
                if self.Z[m] == this_cluster:
                    if np.random.rand() < self.hyper_pars.in_prob:
                        this_val = beta.rvs(self.hyper_pars.in_alpha,self.hyper_pars.in_beta)
                        this_val = 0
                    if np.random.rand() < self.hyper_pars.out_prob:
                        this_val = beta.rvs(self.hyper_pars.out_alpha,self.hyper_pars.out_beta)
                        this_val = 0
                if this_val >0:
                    self.corr_mat[n,m] = this_val
                    self.corr_mat[m,n] = this_val
def draw_from_beta_distributions(alphas, betas, possible_pages):

    max_id = 0
    for i in range(0, (alphas.size-1)):
        beta_outcome = float(beta.rvs(alphas[i], betas[i])*float(possible_pages[i]['price']/50))
        if  beta_outcome > max_:
            max_ = beta_outcome
            max_id = i
    return max_id
    def run_model(self, *args, **kwargs):
        groups = kwargs.get('groups', self.groups)
        samples = kwargs.get('samples', self.samples)
        df = kwargs.get('df', self.df)

        for group in groups:
            group_data = df[df[self.groupcol] == group]
            total = group_data[self.totalcol]
            successes = group_data[self.successcol]

            mc_data = beta.rvs(
                successes + self.alpha_, total - successes + self.beta_, size=samples)
            self.distributions[group] = mc_data
def beta_proposal_old(current, var):
    proposed = 0
    tries = 0
    while (proposed == 0) or (proposed == 1):
        proposed = beta.rvs(c * current, c * (1 - current))
        tries += 1
        if (tries > 1000):
            print("Sampler is jammed")
    fwd_prob = beta.pdf(proposed, c * current, c * (1 - current))
    back_prob = beta.pdf(current, c * proposed, c * (1 - proposed))
    log_back_fwd = math.log(back_prob / fwd_prob)
    return proposed, log_back_fwd
Beispiel #46
    def sample(self,m):

        Samples m samples from the current Kumaraswamy distribution.

        :param m: Number of samples to draw.
        :type m: int.
        :rtype: natter.DataModule.Data
        :returns:  A Data object containing the samples

        return Data(self.param['B']*beta.rvs(1,self.param['b'],size=m)**(1/self.param['a']),'%i samples from %s' % (m,
 def __call__(self, nvot, ncand, vType=DimVoter):
     """Tests? Making statistical tests that would pass reliably is
     a huge hassle. Sorry, maybe later.
     e = self.builtElectorate()
     e.dcs = [] #number of dimensions in each dc
     e.dimWeights = [] #raw importance of each dimension, regardless of dc
     clusterWeight = 1
     while clusterWeight > self.dccut:
         dimweight = clusterWeight
         dimnum = 0
         while dimweight > self.wccut:
             dimnum += 1
             dimweight *= beta.rvs(*self.wcdecay)
         clusterWeight *= beta.rvs(*self.dcdecay)
     e.numClusters = len(e.dcs)
     e.numSubclusters = [0] * e.numClusters
     e.chooseClusters(nvot + ncand, self.wcalpha, lambda:beta.rvs(*self.vccaring))
     return self.makeElectorate(e, nvot, ncand, vType)
def plot2(_list, chr_brps, centromere_brps, line_names=None):

    if not line_names:
        line_names = range(1, _list.shape[0]+1)

    inflated_table = np.vstack([inflate_tags(x[0, :], 25) for x in np.split(_list, _list.shape[0])])

    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4)

    ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[:-1, :])
    plt.imshow(inflated_table, interpolation='nearest', cmap='coolwarm')
    show_breakpoints([0] + chr_brps + [_list.shape[1]], 'k')
    show_breakpoints(list(set(centromere_brps) - set(chr_brps)), 'g')

    ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[-1, :], sharex=ax1)
    red_run = np.nanmean((_list > 0).astype(np.float), 0)
    blue_run = np.nanmean((_list < 0).astype(np.float), 0)

    stack = np.hstack((blue_run, red_run))
    mean = np.mean(stack)
    std = np.std(stack)
    _alpha = ((1 - mean)/std**2 - 1/mean)*mean**2
    _beta = _alpha*(1/mean-1)
    r = beta.rvs(_alpha, _beta, size=1000)
    _min, _max = beta.interval(0.95, _alpha, _beta)

    plt.plot(blue_run, 'b')
    plt.plot(red_run, 'r')
    plt.axhline(y=_min, color='g')
    plt.axhline(y=_max, color='g')
    show_breakpoints([0] + chr_brps + [_list.shape[1]], 'k')
    show_breakpoints(list(set(centromere_brps) - set(chr_brps)), 'g')

    chr_arm_locations, chr_arm_names = sf.align_chromosome_edges(chr_brps, centromere_brps)

    ax1.set_xticklabels(chr_arm_names, rotation='vertical')

    ax1.set_yticks(range(0, _list.shape[0]*25+1, 25))

    ax2.set_xticklabels(chr_arm_names, rotation='vertical')

    smooth_histogram(r, 'b')
    plt.axvline(x=_max, color='g')
    plt.axvline(x=_min, color='g')
Beispiel #49
def get_a(counts, s_ind):
    count_p, count_m = 0, 0
    for obj in counts.keys():
        sources = counts[obj][0]
        if s_ind not in sources:
        c_ind = sources.index(s_ind)
        c = counts[obj][1][c_ind]
        if c == 1:
            count_p += 1
            count_m += 1
    a_new = beta.rvs(count_p + alpha1, count_m + alpha2, size=1)[0]

    return a_new
Beispiel #50
 def guess_preferences(self):
     Input: no inputs
     Output: no outputs
     Notes: this function will take the updated score for each metric, compute a 
     beta distribution defined by the win/loss scores, sample from each distribution
     and return the metric that corresponds to the greatest probability. The winning
     metric is added to recommendation_history as the best guess of user preference.
     user_preference = None
     max_prob = 0
     for metric in self.metrics:
         self.params[metric] = (self.scores[metric] + 1, self.pairs_served - self.scores[metric] + 1)
         prob = beta.rvs(self.params[metric][0] + 1, self.params[metric][1] + 1) # sample form the dist for each metric
         if prob > max_prob:
             max_prob = prob
             user_preference = metric
     self.recommendation_history[self.pairs_served]['estimated_user_preference'] = user_preference
Beispiel #51
def beta_dist(N, Nx, a, b):
    N = int(N)
    xis = beta.rvs(a, b, size=N)
    xmin = 0.0
    xmax = 1.0
    # Create a grid of points and do initial evaluate of Qtrue
    xgrid = sp.linspace(xmin, xmax, Nx)
    Qtrue = beta.pdf(xgrid, a, b)
    # Remove indices where Qtrue blows up
    indices = (Qtrue > -sp.inf)*(Qtrue < sp.inf)
    Qtrue = Qtrue[indices]
    xgrid = xgrid[indices]
    # Return
    return [xis, xgrid, Qtrue]
def plot_results(B,pcF,a,b,loc,scale,numsamp,sampsize,curcolor,lstyle,ax):
    Bfit,pcFfit,RMSE,a,b,loc,scale=betadist_leastsquare_fitting(B,pcF,a,b, loc, scale)

    ax[0].plot(Bfit,pcFfit,ls=lstyle,color=curcolor, label=Lith_list[j])
    ax[0].legend(fontsize='x-small', loc='best')
    if Lith_list[j]=='UM':
        ax[0].grid(b=None, which='major', axis='x')

    #generate random variables from beta distribution
    ax[1].hist(betarvs, bins=np.linspace(0,5,1+int(5/0.05)),normed=True, histtype='step',lw=0.5,color=curcolor)
    ax[1].plot(Bfit, beta.pdf(Bfit,a,b,loc=loc,scale=scale),ls=lstyle,color=curcolor,lw=2)
    if Lith_list[j]=='UM':
        ax[1].grid(b=None, which='major', axis='x')

    for i in range(numsamp):
        #computing and appending sample mode

    if round(ksnorm_pval,3)>0.05:
        ax[2].hist(samp_modes, bins=np.linspace(0,5,1+int(5/0.05)),normed=True, histtype='step',lw=0.5,color=curcolor)
                   '-',c=curcolor, lw=2)
        if Lith_list[j]=='UM':
            ax[2].grid(b=None, which='major', axis='x')

    return a,b, round(beta_mode,3),round(ksnorm_pval,3), samp_modes
Beispiel #53
def get_a(data, s, counts):
    count_p = 0
    count_m = 0
    obj_index_list = data.keys()
    for obj_index in obj_index_list:
        obj_data = data[obj_index]
        sources = obj_data[0]
        if s not in sources:
        obj_counts = counts[obj_index][1]
        s_index = sources.index(s)
        c = obj_counts[s_index]
        if c == 1:
            count_p += 1
            count_m += 1
    a_new = beta.rvs(count_p + alpha1, count_m + alpha2, size=1)[0]

    return a_new
		def sample_an_arm():
			max_sample = float('-inf')
			best_arm = None
			mature_ones = []
			for arm in range(0, arm_num):
				if win[arm] >= 10 and prior[arm][0] < prior[arm][1]:
				if win[arm] >= 10 and prior[arm][0] > prior[arm][1]:
				r = beta.rvs(prior[arm][0], prior[arm][1])
				# print r
				if r > max_sample:
					max_sample = r
					best_arm = arm
			if len(mature_ones) > 0:
				return find_best_one(mature_ones)
			if best_arm is not None:
				return best_arm
				return find_best_one(range(bandit.arm_num()))