Beispiel #1
def chi_norm(emg_data, params):
    emg_data = norm_emg(emg_data)
    emg_data = np.abs(emg_data)
    #emg_data = norm_emg(emg_data)
    for chnl in range(len(emg_data)):
        arg = params[chnl][:-2]
        loc = params[chnl][-2]
        scale = params[chnl][-1]
        a_max = chi.ppf(0.9999999999999999, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
        a_min = chi.ppf(0.00000000001, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
        transf = np.clip(emg_data[chnl, :], a_min=a_min, a_max=a_max)
        transf = chi.cdf(transf, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
        emg_data[chnl] = norm.ppf(transf)
    return emg_data
Beispiel #2
def wald_test(tau, Sigma, alpha=0.05, max_condition=1e-6, pval=False):
    Test based on the chi_d distribution.
    :param tau: observed test statistics (scaled with sqrt(n)
    :param Sigma: observed covariance matrix
    :param alpha: level of the test
    :param max_condition: determines at which threshold eigenvalues are considered as 0
    :param pval: if true, returns the conditional p value instead of the test result
    :return: level of the test
    # instead of regularizing we preprocess Sigma and tau to get rid of 0 eigenvalues
    tau, Sigma = preprocessing(tau, Sigma, max_condition=max_condition)
    d = len(tau)
    # compute matrix inverse
    Sigma_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sigma)

    # below quantity is asymptotically standard normal
    t_obs = np.sqrt(tau @ Sigma_inv @ tau)

    # compute the 1-alpha quantile of the chi distribution with d degrees of freedom
    threshold = chi.ppf(q=1-alpha, df=d)
    if not pval:
        if t_obs > threshold:
            return 1
            return 0
        # return p value
        return 1 - chi.cdf(x=t_obs, df=d)
def estimate_sigma(observed, df, upper_bound, factor=3, npts=50, nsample=2000):

    Produce an estimate of $\sigma$ from a constrained
    error sum of squares. The relevant distribution is a
    scaled $\chi^2$ restricted to $[0,U]$ where $U$ is `upper_bound`.


    observed : float
        The observed sum of squares.

    df : float
        Degrees of freedom of the sum of squares.

    upper_bound : float
        Upper limit of truncation interval.
    factor : float
        Range of candidate values is 
        [observed/factor, observed*factor]

    npts : int
        How many candidate values for interpolator.

    nsample : int
        How many samples for each expected value
        of the truncated sum of squares.


    sigma_hat : np.float
         Estimate of $\sigma$.

    values = np.linspace(1. / factor, factor, npts) * observed
    expected = 0 * values
    for i, value in enumerate(values):
        P_upper = chidist.cdf(upper_bound * np.sqrt(df) / value, df)
        U = np.random.sample(nsample)
        sample = chidist.ppf(P_upper * U, df) * value
        expected[i] = np.mean(sample**2)

        if expected[i] >= 1.1 * (observed**2 * df + observed**2 * df**(0.5)):

    interpolant = interp1d(values, expected + df**(0.5) * values**2)
    V = np.linspace(1. / factor, factor, 10 * npts) * observed
    # this solves for the solution to
    # expected(sigma) + sqrt(df) * sigma^2 = observed SS * (1 + sqrt(df))
    # the usual "MAP" estimator would have RHS just observed SS
    # but this factor seems to ``correct it''.
    # it is such that if there were no selection it would be
    # the usual unbiased estimate
    sigma_hat = np.min(
        V[interpolant(V) >= observed**2 * df + observed**2 * df**(0.5)])
    return sigma_hat
    def _quantile_notTruncated(self, q, tol=1.e-6):
        Compute the quantile for the non truncated distribution

        q : float
            quantile you want to compute. Between 0 and 1

        tol : float
            precision for the output

        x : float
            x such that P(X < x) = q

        scale = self._scale
        k = self._k
        dps = self._dps
        z_approx = scale * chi.ppf(q, k)
        epsilon = scale * 0.001
        lb = z_approx - epsilon
        ub = z_approx + epsilon

        f = lambda z: self._cdf_notTruncated(-np.inf, z, dps)

        z = find_root(f, q, lb, ub, tol)

        return z 
Beispiel #5
    def _quantile_notTruncated(self, q, tol=1.e-6):
        Compute the quantile for the non truncated distribution

        q : float
            quantile you want to compute. Between 0 and 1

        tol : float
            precision for the output

        x : float
            x such that P(X < x) = q

        scale = self._scale
        k = self._k
        dps = self._dps
        z_approx = scale * chi.ppf(q, k)
        epsilon = scale * 0.001
        lb = z_approx - epsilon
        ub = z_approx + epsilon

        f = lambda z: self._cdf_notTruncated(-np.inf, z, dps)

        z = find_root(f, q, lb, ub, tol)

        return z 
def estimate_sigma(observed, df, upper_bound, factor=3, npts=50, nsample=2000):

    Produce an estimate of $\sigma$ from a constrained
    error sum of squares. The relevant distribution is a
    scaled $\chi^2$ restricted to $[0,U]$ where $U$ is `upper_bound`.


    observed : float
        The observed sum of squares.

    df : float
        Degrees of freedom of the sum of squares.

    upper_bound : float
        Upper limit of truncation interval.
    factor : float
        Range of candidate values is 
        [observed/factor, observed*factor]

    npts : int
        How many candidate values for interpolator.

    nsample : int
        How many samples for each expected value
        of the truncated sum of squares.


    sigma_hat : np.float
         Estimate of $\sigma$.

    values = np.linspace(1./factor, factor, npts) * observed
    expected = 0 * values
    for i, value in enumerate(values):
        P_upper = chidist.cdf(upper_bound * np.sqrt(df) / value, df) 
        U = np.random.sample(nsample)
        sample = chidist.ppf(P_upper * U, df) * value
        expected[i] = np.mean(sample**2) 

        if expected[i] >= 1.1 * (observed**2 * df + observed**2 * df**(0.5)):

    interpolant = interp1d(values, expected + df**(0.5) * values**2)
    V = np.linspace(1./factor,factor,10*npts) * observed
    # this solves for the solution to 
    # expected(sigma) + sqrt(df) * sigma^2 = observed SS * (1 + sqrt(df))
    # the usual "MAP" estimator would have RHS just observed SS
    # but this factor seems to ``correct it''.
    # it is such that if there were no selection it would be 
    # the usual unbiased estimate
    sigma_hat = np.min(V[interpolant(V) >= observed**2 * df + observed**2 * df**(0.5)])
    return sigma_hat
def mean_min_dists(X, y):
    Calculate min distances used for original bolstering sig, 1-sigma.

    X -> nxD dataset
    y -> label
    output -> sig11(1xd), sig12(1x(D-d)), sig21(1xd), sig22(1x(D-d)), Four sigmas for two class, with in each class ONE sigma for first d features and the other for the rest of D-d features.

    from scipy.stats import chi
    ind1 = y == 0
    ind2 = y == 1
    X1 = X[ind1]
    X2 = X[ind2]
    n = X.shape[0]
    p = X.shape[1]
    n1 = X1.shape[0]
    n2 = X2.shape[0]
    tmp1 = np.zeros(n1)
    tmp2 = np.zeros(n2)
    for i in range(n1):
        dm = sys.float_info.max
        for j in range(i):
            e = X1[i] - X1[j]
            d =, e.T)
            if d < dm:
                dm = d
        for j in range(i + 1, n1):
            e = X1[i] - X1[j]
            d =, e.T)
            if d < dm:
                dm = d
        tmp1[i] = np.sqrt(dm)
    d1 = np.mean(tmp1)
    for i in range(n2):
        dm = sys.float_info.max
        for j in range(i):
            e = X2[i] - X2[j]
            d =, e.T)
            if d < dm:
                dm = d
        for j in range(i + 1, n2):
            e = X2[i] - X2[j]
            d =, e.T)
            if d < dm:
                dm = d
        tmp2[i] = np.sqrt(dm)
    d2 = np.mean(tmp2)
    cp = chi.ppf(PERCENTILE, p)
    sig1 = d1 * np.ones(p) / cp
    sig2 = d2 * np.ones(p) / cp
    return np.vstack((sig1, sig2))
Beispiel #8
    def test_chi(self):
        from scipy.stats import chi
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

        df = 78
        mean, var, skew, kurt = chi.stats(df, moments='mvsk')

        x = np.linspace(chi.ppf(0.01, df), chi.ppf(0.99, df), 100)
        ax.plot(x, chi.pdf(x, df), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='chi pdf')

        rv = chi(df)
        ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf')

        vals = chi.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], df)
        np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], chi.cdf(vals, df))

        r = chi.rvs(df, size=1000)

        ax.hist(r, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)
        ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
        self.assertEqual(str(ax), "AxesSubplot(0.125,0.11;0.775x0.77)")
Beispiel #9
def mvstdtprob(a, b, R, df, ieps=1e-5, quadkwds=None, mvstkwds=None):
    '''probability of rectangular area of standard t distribution

    assumes mean is zero and R is correlation matrix

    This function does not calculate the estimate of the combined error
    between the underlying multivariate normal probability calculations
    and the integration.

    kwds = dict(args=(a, b, R, df), epsabs=1e-4, epsrel=1e-2, limit=150)
    if not quadkwds is None:
    #print kwds
    res, err = integrate.quad(funbgh2, *chi.ppf([ieps, 1 - ieps], df), **kwds)
    prob = res * bghfactor(df)
    return prob
Beispiel #10
def mvstdtprob(a, b, R, df, ieps=1e-5, quadkwds=None, mvstkwds=None):
    Probability of rectangular area of standard t distribution

    assumes mean is zero and R is correlation matrix

    This function does not calculate the estimate of the combined error
    between the underlying multivariate normal probability calculations
    and the integration.
    kwds = dict(args=(a, b, R, df), epsabs=1e-4, epsrel=1e-2, limit=150)
    if quadkwds is not None:
    lower, upper = chi.ppf([ieps, 1 - ieps], df)
    res, err = integrate.quad(funbgh2, lower, upper, **kwds)
    prob = res * bghfactor(df)
    return prob
def min_dists_Dsigma(X, y):
    Calculate min distances used for new bolstering sig, D-sigma.

    X -> nxD dataset
    y -> label
    output -> sig1, sig2, for D directions of class 1 and 2.
    from scipy.stats import chi
    ind1 = y == 0
    ind2 = y == 1
    X1 = X[ind1]
    X2 = X[ind2]
    n = X.shape[0]
    D = X.shape[1]
    cp = chi.ppf(PERCENTILE, 1)  # degree of one, for every dimention
    sig1 = np.mean(abs(X1[1:] - X1[:-1]), axis=0) / cp
    sig2 = np.mean(abs(X2[1:] - X2[:-1]), axis=0) / cp
    return np.vstack((sig1, sig2))
Beispiel #12
def estimate_g(radii, data_dimensionality, cdf_extension, cdf_precision):
  Estimates the function g() which is used in a rescaling of the vectors

  radii : ndarray
      A 1d array with n elements where n is the number of samples in the dataset
      and each entry is the l2 norm of the representation for that sample
  data_dimensionality : int
      The dimensionality of the datapoints that the radii pertains to. Used to
      set the degrees of freedom on the chi distribution
  cdf_extension : float
      The amount by which to extend the support of the CDF as a fraction of the
      range of radii present in the provided samples
  cdf_precision : int
      The number of samples to devote to evaluating the CDF in the range between
      the maximum and minimum radii

  g_support : ndarray
      A 1d array giving the values of r (radius) at which g has been
  g : ndarray
      A 1d array giving the value of g for each value in the support
    g_support, cdf = estimate_radial_CDF(radii, cdf_extension, cdf_precision)
    # the l2 norm of a vector of n iid normal random variables is
    # a random variable distributed as a chi distribution with n degrees of freedom
    # we want it's inverse CDF, or percent point function
    # Because feeding the inverse CDF a value of 1.0 will produce inf, we'll just
    # hackily fix this, slightly lowering the top value of the cdf
    cdf[cdf == 1.0] = cdf[cdf == 1.0] - (1. / len(radii))
    g = chi.ppf(cdf, data_dimensionality)
    return g_support, g
Beispiel #13
# Chi2 это КСИ КВАДРАТ

#                  chi2                  P>chi2  df constraint
# Intercept     1.022117     0.31201739467110934              1
# sex          54.473978  1.5751991092226142e-13              1
# class_1      46.947935   7.289775024150576e-12              1
# class_2      33.212807   8.260467771755613e-09              1
# sex:class_1  21.853960  2.9420881191443115e-06              1
# sex:class_2  33.535868   6.996184344418819e-09              1

# В столбце сhi2 значение функции кси-квадрат а в P>chi2 критическое значение

# отношения правдоподобия
LR = 2 * (loglikelihood_logit_2 - loglikelihood_logit_1)
chi_crit = chi.ppf(0.95, 2)
    'статистика отношения правдоподобия {}, критическое знание chi^2(0.95,2) {}'
    .format(LR, chi_crit))

if chi_crit < LR:
        'Отвергаем гипотзу о H0:(b4=b5=0) на основание теста отношнения правдоподобия'
        'Принимаем гипотзу о H0:(b4=b5=0) на основание теста отношнения правдоподобия'

###############  Возможно, вклад пола в шансы выживания зависел от класса     #####################
def estimate_sigma(observed, truncated_df, lower_bound, upper_bound, untruncated_df=0, factor=3, npts=50, nsample=2000):

    Produce an estimate of $\sigma$ from a constrained
    error sum of squares. The relevant distribution is a
    scaled $\chi^2$ restricted to $[0,U]$ where $U$ is `upper_bound`.


    observed : float
        The observed sum of squares.

    truncated_df : float
        Degrees of freedom of the truncated $\chi^2$ in the sum of squares.
        The observed sum is assumed to be the sum
        of an independent untruncated $\chi^2$ and the truncated one.

    lower_bound : float
        Lower limit of truncation interval.
    upper_bound : float
        Upper limit of truncation interval.
    untruncated_df : float
        Degrees of freedom of the untruncated $\chi^2$ in the sum of squares.

    factor : float
        Range of candidate values is 
        [observed/factor, observed*factor]

    npts : int
        How many candidate values for interpolator.

    nsample : int
        How many samples for each expected value
        of the truncated sum of squares.


    sigma_hat : np.float
         Estimate of $\sigma$.

    if untruncated_df < 50:
        linear_term = truncated_df**(0.5)
        linear_term = 0

    total_df = untruncated_df + truncated_df

    values = np.linspace(1./factor, factor, npts) * observed
    expected = 0 * values
    for i, value in enumerate(values):
        P_upper = chidist.cdf(upper_bound * np.sqrt(truncated_df) / value, truncated_df) 
        P_lower = chidist.cdf(lower_bound * np.sqrt(truncated_df) / value, truncated_df) 
        U = np.random.sample(nsample)
        if untruncated_df > 0:
            sample = (chidist.ppf((P_upper - P_lower) * U + P_lower, truncated_df)**2 + chidist.rvs(untruncated_df, size=nsample)**2) * value**2
            sample = (chidist.ppf((P_upper - P_lower) * U + P_lower, truncated_df) * value)**2
        expected[i] = np.mean(sample) 

        if expected[i] >= 1.5 * (observed**2 * total_df + observed**2 * linear_term):

    interpolant = interp1d(values, expected + values**2 * linear_term)
    V = np.linspace(1./factor,factor,10*npts) * observed

    # this solves for the solution to 
    # expected(sigma) + sqrt(df) * sigma^2 = observed SS * (1 + sqrt(df))
    # the usual "MAP" estimator would have RHS just observed SS
    # but this factor seems to correct it.
    # it is such that if there were no selection it would be 
    # the usual unbiased estimate

        sigma_hat = np.min(V[interpolant(V) >= observed**2 * total_df + observed**2 * linear_term])
    except ValueError:
        # no solution, just return observed
        sigma_hat = observed
    return sigma_hat
Beispiel #15
significancia = 0.05
confianca = 1 - significancia
k = 2  # Número de eventos possíveis
graus_de_liberdade = k - 1

# Passo 1 - formulação das hipóteses H_0 e H_1
# H_0: F_{CARA} = F_{COROA}
# H_1: F_{CARA} \neq F_{COROA}

# Passo 2 - fixação da significância do teste (\alpha)

from scipy.stats import chi

# chi_{\alpha}^2

chi_2_alpha = chi.ppf(confianca, graus_de_liberdade)**2

# Passo 3 - cálculo da estatística-teste e verificação desse valor com as áreas de aceitação e rejeição do teste
# \chi^2 = \sum_{i=1}^{k}{\frac{(F_{i}^{Obs} - F_{i}^{Esp})^2}{F_{i}^{Esp}}}

chi_2 = 0
for i in range(k):
    chi_2 += (F_Observada[i] - F_Esperada[i])**2 / F_Esperada[i]


# Passo 4 - Aceitação ou rejeição da hipótese nula
# Critério do valor crítico
# Rejeitar H_0 se \chi_{teste}^2 > \chi_{\alpha}^2
Beispiel #16
def ost_test(tau,
    Runs the full test suggested in our paper.
    :param tau: observed statistic
    :param Sigma: covariance matrix
    :param alpha: level of test
    :param selection: continuous/discrete (discrete is not extensively tested)
    :param max_condition: at which condition number the covariance matrix is truncated.
    :param accuracy: threshold to determine whether an entry is zero
    :param constraints: if 'Sigma'  we work with the constraints (Sigma beta) >=0. If 'positive' we work with beta >= 0
    :param pval: if true, returns the conditional p value instead of the test result
    :return: 1 (reject), 0 (no reject)
    assert constraints == 'Sigma' or constraints == 'positive', 'Constraints are not implemented'
    # if the selection is discrete we dont want any transformations
    if selection == 'discrete':
        constraints = 'positive'

    # check if there are entries with 0 variance
    zeros = [i for i in range(len(tau)) if Sigma[i][i] < 1e-10]
    tau = np.delete(tau, zeros)
    Sigma = np.delete(Sigma, zeros, 0)
    Sigma = np.delete(Sigma, zeros, 1)

    if constraints == 'Sigma':
        # compute pseudoinverse to also handle singular covariances (see Appendix)
        r_cond = max_condition  # parameter which precision to use
        Sigma_inv = np.linalg.pinv(Sigma, rcond=r_cond, hermitian=True)

        # use Remark 1 to convert the problem
        tau = Sigma_inv @ tau
        Sigma = Sigma_inv

    # Apply Theorem 1 in the canonical form with beta>=0 constraints
    beta_star = optimization(tau=tau, Sigma=Sigma, selection=selection)

    # determine active set
    non_zero = [1 if beta_i > accuracy else 0 for beta_i in beta_star]

    projector = np.diag(non_zero)
    effective_sigma = projector @ Sigma @ projector

    # Use the rank of effective Sigma to determine how many degrees of freedom the covariance has after conditioning
    # for non-singular original covariance, this is the same number as the number of active dimensions |mathcal{U}|,
    # however, for singular cases using the rank is the right way to go.
    tol = max_condition * np.max(np.linalg.eigvalsh(Sigma))
    r = np.linalg.matrix_rank(effective_sigma, tol=tol, hermitian=True)
    # go back to notation used in the paper
    l = r
    if l > 1:
        test_statistic = beta_star @ tau / np.sqrt(
            beta_star @ Sigma @ beta_star)
        threshold = chi_stats.ppf(q=1 - alpha, df=l)
        vminus = truncation(beta_star=beta_star,
        threshold = truncated_gaussian(var=beta_star @ Sigma @ beta_star,
        test_statistic = beta_star @ tau
    if not pval:
        if test_statistic > threshold:
            # reject
            return 1
            # cannot reject
            return 0
    if pval:
        if l > 1:
            test_statistic = beta_star @ tau / np.sqrt(
                beta_star @ Sigma @ beta_star)
            pvalue = 1 - chi_stats.cdf(x=test_statistic, df=l)
            test_statistic = beta_star @ tau / np.sqrt(
                beta_star @ Sigma @ beta_star)
            vminus = truncation(beta_star=beta_star, tau=tau, Sigma=Sigma, accuracy=accuracy) / \
                     np.sqrt(beta_star @ Sigma @ beta_star)
            pvalue = 1 - (norm.cdf(x=test_statistic) -
                          norm.cdf(x=vminus)) / (1 - norm.cdf(x=vminus))
        return pvalue
Beispiel #17
def penconst_denoise(shape, scale, regularizer):
    """Computes a suggestion for the penalty constant of a denoising problem.

    Assume that we have noisy observations of an operator :math:`\mathcal{A}`:

    .. math:: \mathcal{Y} = \mathcal{A} + \mathcal{W},

    where :math:`\mathcal{W}` is Gaussian noise with scale :math:`\sigma`.

    To denoise this operator with the nuclear norm :math:`N` as a regularizer,
    we solve

    .. math::

        \operatorname{minimize}_\mathcal{X} \Vert \mathcal{X} - \mathcal{Y} \Vert^2_F +
                                    \lambda N(\mathcal{X}).

    The performance of the denoiser depends on the choice of :math:`\lambda >0`,
    and we choose

    .. math:: \lambda = \mathbb{E} N^*(\mathcal{W}),

    where :math:`N^*` is the dual of the nuclear norm :math:`N`.

    Note that this computation depends on the shape of :math:`\mathcal{A}`, the
    noise level :math:`\sigma`, and the choice of the nuclear norm :math:`N`.

    Not all choices of the nuclear norm :math:`N` lead to efficient computations
    of the dual norm :math:`N^*`. In cases where this computation is not
    feasible, we return a heuristic guess.

    shape : tuple
        The shape of the operator to denoise.
    scale : float
        The standard deviation of the random Gaussian noise (:math:`\sigma`).
    regularizer : Regularizer
        The regularizer used in the denoising problem (:math:`N`)

        The suggested penalty constant (:math:`\lambda`).

    from scipy.stats import chi, gumbel_r, norm

    def max_of_variates(n, ppf):
        return gumbel_r.mean(loc=ppf(1 - 1.0 / (n + 1)),
                             scale=(ppf(1 - 1.0 / (np.e * (n + 1))) -
                                    ppf(1 - 1.0 / (n + 1))))

    def max_of_gaussians(n):
        return max_of_variates(n, norm.ppf)

    # Warnings and errors
    def warn_guess():
        print('warning: guess penconst for {0}'.format(regularizer))

    def warn_default():
        print('warning: default penconst for {0}'.format(regularizer))
        return scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) + np.sqrt(rshape))

    def error_value():
        raise ValueError('Bad regularizer {0}'.format(regularizer))

    lshape = shape[0] * shape[1]  # total dimension of left factor
    rshape = shape[2] * shape[3]  # total dimension of right factor
    lrank = min(shape[0:2])
    rrank = min(shape[2:4])

    if isinstance(regularizer, NucNorm):
        lnorm = regularizer.lnorm
        rnorm = regularizer.rnorm
        # Choose appropriate penalty constant
        if lnorm is norm_l1:
            if rnorm is norm_l2:
                out = scale * max_of_variates(lshape,
                                              ppf=lambda q: chi.ppf(q, rshape))
            elif rnorm is norm_l1:
                # \ell_\infty norm of noise
                out = scale * max_of_gaussians(
                    2 *
                )  # doubling because we want max of folded Gaussians --- maybe use chi instead? slower and probably not much difference
            elif rnorm is norm_linf:
                # max of \ell_1 norms of rows of noise
                out = scale * np.mean([
                        for i in range(lshape)
                    ]) for j in range(1000)
            elif rnorm is norm_s1:
                # max of S_\infty norms of right factors
                out = scale * np.mean([
                                       ord=2) for j in range(lshape)
                    ]) for i in range(1000)
            elif rnorm is norm_sinf:
                # max of S_1 norms of right factors
                out = scale * np.mean([
                                       ord='nuc') for j in range(lshape)
                    ]) for i in range(1000)
                out = warn_default()
        elif lnorm is norm_l2:
            if rnorm is norm_l2:
                # S_\infty norm of noise
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) + np.sqrt(rshape))
            elif rnorm is norm_l1:
                # max of \ell_2 norm of columns of noise
                out = scale * max_of_variates(rshape,
                                              ppf=lambda q: chi.ppf(q, lshape))
            elif rnorm is norm_linf:
                # guess for \ell_2, \ell_infty
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) + np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(
                    rshape)  # SHAPE[2] correct?
            elif rnorm is norm_sinf:
                # guess for \ell_2, S_\infty
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) +
                               np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(rrank)
                out = warn_default()
        elif lnorm is norm_linf:
            if rnorm is norm_linf:
                # guess for \ell_\infty, \ell_\infty
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) + np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(
                    lshape * rshape)
            elif rnorm is norm_l1:
                # max of \ell_1 norm of columns of noise
                out = scale * np.mean([
                        for i in range(rshape)
                    ]) for j in range(1000)
            elif rnorm is norm_l2:
                # guess for \ell_\infty, \ell_2
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) +
                               np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(lshape)
            elif rnorm is norm_s1:
                # guess for \ell_\infty, S_1
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) +
                               np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(lshape)
            elif rnorm is norm_sinf:
                # guess for \ell_\infty, S_\infty
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) + np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(
                    lshape * rrank)
                out = warn_default()
        elif lnorm is norm_s1:
            if rnorm is norm_l1:
                # max of S_\infty norms of left factors
                out = scale * np.mean([
                                       ord=2) for j in range(rshape)
                    ]) for i in range(1000)
            elif rnorm is norm_linf:
                # guess for S_1, \ell_\infty
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) +
                               np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(rshape)
            elif rnorm is norm_sinf:
                # guess for S_1, S_\infty
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) +
                               np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(rrank)
                out = warn_default()
        elif lnorm is norm_sinf:
            if rnorm is norm_l1:
                # max of S_1 norms of left factors
                out = scale * np.mean([
                                       ord='nuc') for j in range(rshape)
                    ]) for i in range(1000)
            elif rnorm is norm_l2:
                # guess for S_\infty, \ell_2
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) +
                               np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(lrank)
            elif rnorm is norm_linf:
                # guess for S_\infty, \ell_\infty
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) + np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(
                    lrank * rshape)
            elif rnorm is norm_s1:
                # guess for S_\infty, S_1
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) +
                               np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(lrank)
            elif rnorm is norm_sinf:
                # guess for S_\infty, S_\infty
                out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) + np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(
                    lrank * rrank)
                out = warn_default()
            out = warn_default()
    elif isinstance(regularizer, VectorNorm) and regularizer.p == 'inf':
        out = scale * np.mean([
            for i in range(1000)
    elif isinstance(regularizer, MaxNorm):
        # guess for max-norm
        out = scale * (np.sqrt(lshape) + np.sqrt(rshape)) * np.sqrt(
            lshape * rshape)
        # otherwise, just use l2 \otimes l2
        out = warn_default()
    return out
from scipy.stats import chi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

# Calculate a few first moments:

df = 78
mean, var, skew, kurt = chi.stats(df, moments='mvsk')

# Display the probability density function (``pdf``):

x = np.linspace(chi.ppf(0.01, df), chi.ppf(0.99, df), 100)
ax.plot(x, chi.pdf(x, df), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='chi pdf')

# Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function)
# to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a "frozen"
# RV object holding the given parameters fixed.

# Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pdf``:

rv = chi(df)
ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf')

# Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``:

vals = chi.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], df)
np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], chi.cdf(vals, df))
# True

# Generate random numbers: